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a testimony let's put our hands together please clap your hands for Jesus keep clapping let's welcome money praise the Lord god is good Sandman and magellanic sonic Imelda gotcha so I'm just standing Lapham de guerre no just to encourage each one of you a command gotcha soo we would see as you continue with ministry it's very very important to read read and read I'm laughing at emphasized again Johnny but it's important to read read and read and it's important to listen listen and listen then I got enemy ta Infante is alive but through the poops and listening to the tapes my life have been shaped my ministry has been shaped I am content where I am I know that poetry has called me because I've been reading I've been listening I've been submitting because I've been reading words boom target was up metre boom toga boba content boom kah garroted the court who has called you remaining an original not a fake and now in God what would say a servant is a somebody to mentor you I am Who I am today because I've been reading I'm here just to emphasize that pozzolanic Nega lay- L open you can Shepherd other people if you don't want God to Shepherd you through others so God has raised on Vannelli oompah sharpie a leader to Shepherd us and I am encouraging each one of you AB Menza Baska bussaco Evan Lainey singin' on whether you are called a reverend ap shop man of the hour whatever they say unreadable busi day read read and read and don't just buy the books and be proud rebel to you for the collection that won't help you open the book read not once not twice but read soak yourself in the books we are sit about the Ransom of uni attributes in whoopee but I am surviving because I read we are here today to declare ago today is life every lamp elugu if you will read the word read the books listen to the tape fight hallelujah we am time such as who I am ready to fight I'm ready to press on I'm ready to be measured I am ready to submit now I ban Chado in Jesus Christ name [Applause] please let's clap our hands for Reverend Darcy limini Wow is it a blessing the ministry of Bishop David Mills has affected many ministers all over the world and it's a blessing to hear such testimonies and we also have with us Reverend dr. Absalom limini who also is here to also tell us how the Ministry of Bishop daiquan Mills has affected his ministry and his church let's welcome Reverend doctor to also come may agree to be leaders ministers and brothers and sisters in the name of the Lord I'm so delighted for this opportunity it is a rare opportunity indeed but more than the delight I'm very much excited and humbled that we as a country and as a nation and as ministers of the gospel in Roseland could have this rare opportunity and the yah is too small for us to have this rare opportunity I know you and understand why I say this I'm preamble in this for a few seconds because you understand I will start by saying Bishop death you came with a minister that I'll call corrective ministry and you understand what I'm saying corrective ministry in a number of areas the train was going off track number of Korea's our people will say not only was your ministry correct even so as I'm coming to my self-corrective in Swaziland but our use your terms again it was therapeutic abhorrent from your medical terms it was a therapeutic ministry if you look at this people here they are healed I'm saying they're healed this has been very very therapeutic very therapeutic and I'm going back to say it was very directive we started selling your books evangelist in our book shop some years back when I lay hand on one of the books I said wow there are such a lighthouse today who write with simplicity and is very profound when I say profound there was depth in that simplicity sometimes we are complicated and too complex for the ordinary people to understand us we were selling books and passionately written by an African person we still have such people in Africa who can write is so simple yet so profound allow me to say Bishop not only with simplicity and profoundness and substance under both books and substance but these materials are so practical that they are usable anywhere you please thank you [Applause] they are usable anyway your location is not affected go to Big Bend accountant on dosa go anywhere be in town or out of town its substance that is usable and practical and I'm saying it's practical material that is full of the world women talk about books we are talk about books that are full of the word and substance yet a very simple the other aspect which I've just said is the practicality of what is contained like like we have been hearing some books and they tell me about steps and the principles and a lot of principle then you can even apply order to find they are not applicable in our context we have somebody from our own soil we're speaking from experience and from all these other things put them on paper and then made us to understand this one great thing after day which has come along with this you have at a distance been able to leave your finger prints because what you write come from your fingers your fingerprints are all over even in lands and countries that we have never been and that is the grace of God that can be upon a person who can impact people at a distance there was an incorporation in our structures in the church which I had to put into place structurally because I'd read some of your material on pastoral and leadership kind of material and then we had to incorporate today and there's a lot then we have just done I'm truly this year they don't understand I'm sure as I stand here by members who say wow you were using this can to pull it us I combatted in the chair or what happens when you don't eyes I became a great man in my own church I and those who are counting the offering we're smiling all the way all the way because that matter nobody didn't eyes even those were not trading they went to the church to ask for their account of the church what is the current account risen being your material is very simple usable practical flexible and I have to end up by saying thank you for instilling two African brothers and sisters the culture wait wait wait it won't be enough it won't be enough wait thank you for instilling your brothers and sisters the culture of reading serious problem the culture of not reading sometimes we talk too much about the unrelenting sometimes we just not even there because we afraid of reading we don't like to read the more you read the more the anointing the more you read the more you stop yourself in the world and the plate of the anointing I just want to say thank you so much I am I don't want to talk about there other people out there but I will say for the Church of Scotland watch the space correction has been made correction has been made the redirection has been given inspiration has taken place and we are going to see verticality of ministries and I want to say thank you one last thing as I step down Bishop death it was an honour for me to see you only this year when we met insurance via the ISIS conference and I have to say this because I know it from experience greatest man of God are the simplest people on earth I've said to the team I think I said - he - you led here and two others I said here is a man who is not humble but is ash a wood that has been bent until it is an identifiable entity issues with humility but let him stand in front of you he tells the sharpest knife to cut you all over your body and that what we experienced when we were in insurance back when we met I met him for the first time helping interacted with him in the books and I want to thank God that you have proved what it means to be a servant of God a servant of God in humility we have embedded us and I want to offend God in fact I went with my team there and this year or next year I think so it'll still stands and next year expect I don't know what we are going to do because if you see all these people are going to say wait all these people here they'll be going to Soweto because of one thing that you say don't be afraid to be a follower and to emulate somebody impacts your life Nina sabi who lands Ella listen Neil Innes say so today a fake but a person who lens is wanting to copy there's wanting to emulate we are using this polite way to in english emulate follow the good example of so that's what we are trying to be saying to everybody I want to thank God for the impact that your Minister said in my life especially on the right and my wife when I buy books is too much I had to convert to my garage it doubted the right into a study from corner to corner books all over boobs all of Anam built another one and done doors and this is for books just books books books books praise God may God bless all of you tear people here let's read let's read the material is the directors puzzle god bless you thank you sir hallelujah clap your hands for such a wonderful testimony I'm sure there are many more testimonies but God is still going to use you anyway amen and make sure you are at ISI so where to next January God is going to bless you are you ready to receive the servant of God this morning please let's welcome Ida to prepare our hearts to be blessed today [Music] looking for someone that I can send someone to sacrifice his life his dreams his goals for a man hello is it me you're looking for I'm the one you've been speaking to I'm the one you gave those dreams to we never went away I will follow you my love ah they'll be no more holding back it's time for me to say [Music] looking for a map that I can use after you came for some wonderful things [Music] to go [Music] in this lost time here [Music] was a time I run away from you know I did not want to hear about the call like tuna [Music] hello you're looking for [Music] I accept the corner block I will go as far as you sentence me to the end of the world [Music] they'll be no holding back there was no one else to work [Music] [Music] I will go as far as you send me to me [Music] there's no one else to burn [Music] Oh [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] let us pray father thanks a million for this opportunity we are grateful that we are here and we are receiving guidance and direction for our ministries thanks for calling us thanks for sending us we know there is such a need in this wicked lost and dying world we thank you for the opportunity just lift your hand and ask God to give you wisdom ibises what wisdom is this which is given by such mighty works of rocks by his hands father we give you thanks we give you praise in Jesus name Amen you may be seated what a blessing we thank God for all of you pastors and are these wonderful testimonies and for this beautiful church we are blessed to be here also thank you now this morning I want to share with you continue sharing with you about church planting I was sharing with you about church planting yesterday and I feel like continuing about church planting now church planting is possible only with a certain kind of mind Amen right and that mind must be in a minister I with me to do well you have to think a certain way right how many know what is the meaning of knowledge knowledge is like facts and information that you have and wisdom is how you apply the knowledge that you have or the experience that you have are you with me so most African leaders have the same knowledge as their counterparts in Europe and America most most African leaders have the same knowledge when I say leaders like political leaders and so on have you people traveled a lot in Africa well there's a lot of poverty and underdevelopment but most of the leaders in the countries most of them have the same knowledge do you understand like of course there are some who don't have the knowledge they are like ignoramuses who have become like the head of this head of state but most of them are knowledgeable I with me but how they apply the knowledge they have and how they use the knowledge is what we call wisdom not it's not my definition of wisdom it's not even the Bible definition of wisdom is the English definition of wisdom is how knowledge is applied or how your experiences are applied or how what you have come to know is applied you see so many times you see that the the white man has applied the knowledge that he has and created a certain world which many of us wants to travel to when live there I with me so it is important for us to know how to apply the knowledge that we have right let's take the Bible what do you use the Bible for people use the Bible to end slave to make to start slavery did you see that so even I am told that in Mozambique they when they took over they stopped churches from the little one churches and all that because they said that the Bible they had used the Bible to make black people into slaves so that's what I'm talking about like you have knowledge okay how use it that's your wisdom okay now most of the time or many times knowledge is not used properly and because it's not used properly you look as though you don't know anything but actually you know a lot but it's how you use it okay so if I take my country Ghana for example you know I've lived in Ghana all my life I've never lived anywhere else I've ever went to school anywhere else right all my life is gonna so if I take my country for instance we have had presidents who went to Oxford University presidents who went to Harvard presidents who have very highly educated people even our first president I coming from I think he went to Oxford yeah something like that I don't know who's pulling women but I think doctors not this $200 doctor the real doctor real PhD one you know you can't become a doctor with a $200 in hundred dollars you can get it PhD on the internet beginning just add it to your name but they're real doctors of whatever learning but how to make the country into a wealthy country do you see and how to apply it in the circumstances that they find themselves that's where it scrambles because it is interesting that next door in South Africa with Roslin is within South Africa you see that the country looks like Europe the first time I came to South Africa I was just a year or two just after apartheid - pastor Moses Moses oh no in Soweto it was the first international pastor frame I've had and I've been issued we have been friends since then you know what I could my first impression when I landed on the Epirus up is this Amsterdam that was my first impression drivin out is this Africa look I will invite you to healing Jesus crusade in other parts of Africa for you to see yeah you know what you don't travel your knowledge is even less how much more something to apply you get what I'm saying xenophobia is both out of ignorance and narrow mindedness yes it's a combination of the two and then a combination of engrave and ungratefulness because anyway but I think I should say that you take Thabo Mbeki and others they were living in Ghana in school in Ghana we gave them accommodation school scholarships he lived in where I where I went to church that was where he was living President Mugabe Navas they were all in Ghana that's how come he had a Kenyan wife so we have the struggle mainly supported even our passport used to say valid for all countries except South Africa he said we don't accept a white man's appetite we don't accept that thing it's wrong and a lot of pressure for years so it's it's both a combination of not knowing what hasn't happened before you know and then also narrow mindedness not knowing that it's very important for people who are not from your country to be in your country too but you wouldn't know you watch and see pray that it doesn't continue and about was a hill that repair good with evil evil shall never depart from his house when you repay somebody's good to you evil evil will never depart from your house so these are dangerous things you get it how did we get into that anyway we are talking about wisdom so how you apply the Bible it's your wisdom you see we are all reading the Bible how you take the Bible and use it or maybe I may go to Korea or I'm you may travel somewhere you may see something how you apply what you've seen that's with your wisdom so that's what Jesus was said about Jesus what wisdom is this what wisdom is this which is given to him that such mighty works are not your wisdom the proofs of your wisdom are the mighty works and your proof the proof of how you think is way so this building for instance is the proof of how somebody thinks and the absence of it is also the proof of how somebody thinks so what we are stabbing and as pastors are we are sharing about about what do you call it a pass I believe you were speaking about this book tithing well you mention he didn't actually mention it yeah this this is the only book that I had a dream or a vision my dream they are almost the same but they are not the same some people don't respect dreams that's why sometimes when you have a dream you say you had a vision because they don't know that the dream is powerful a dream so it's not a vision but you must remember that Joseph he had a dream that is how come he didn't suck his wife Mary and always dreams no visions Joseph had only dreams and through that he obeyed the voice of God and Jesus was born anyway this book is the only book that I had dream I woke up in the morning and God had shown me in a dream that spoken to me Claire write a book on tithing and I said Wow Riley I preached about tithing but write a book this book if you have pasta will change the income of your church and those who count the money will be smiling you will smile because this is the master wisdom key for finances for a change but you see people don't understand it and your understanding determines your fruitfulness or how much something benefits you that is why the Bible says I saw I went out to sow and this one fellow had ground fell on this block and then they understand that it not and the devil comes and steals the way then he says that and it fell on good ground and he understand ethics and understanding something is the key for it to bring forth fruit thirty fold 64 and 104 that is why we are sharing what we are sharing because it is the key to understanding tightness not just bring 10% there is so much more is one of my big books and when you look at it and you begin to understand it then you see what a great revelation is this particular wisdom book amen so you know I'm saying this to say that let us decide to expose ourselves like believe that knowledge is a key jesus said to the Pharisees you've taken away the key of knowledge the key of knowledge the key is a key to a dog is it not true is it not true you have taken away the key of knowledge so knowledge is a key wisdom will make you do mighty works mighty works and understanding is a key to fruitfulness so wisdom knowledge understanding yeah interrelated things are you though you are going home look at--look 1152 in your Bible What did he say welcome to you lawyers for you I've taken away the key the key of knowledge not just knowledge decay of knowledge knowledge is a key you tainted not in yourselves and then that we're entering you hindered you hit them by taking away the key of knowledge knowledge is a key to the dog that you are trying to enter to the realms and the higher levels for your ministry knowledge that is why every single one of these books has a great importance for to you because the knowledge about sacrifice you see people don't realize now just when we show you just knowing many people don't what is what is what is losing and suffering and sacrificing what is it oh it just being sad not been happy it's not just not being happy it is part of the calling of God is a mystery jesus said anyone if anyone comes after me and does not take up his cross and follow me he cannot be my disciple you cannot follow Christ properly without suffering because the church has thrown this key away and all we are teaching is how to make it how to accomplish how to have a happy marriage how to have success without limits how to have abundance forever breakthrough without sweat how to break forth into your year of prosperity that is why no one will ever be a missionary you will not send somebody somewhere because the president said what did you say I should go do you have poor towns and villages in Swaziland name one from two one or two for me Roma Hacha and I send you to Loma Hacha and you say me to Loomis Asha how can I break forth into my prosperity by going to mobile - how can I have success without limits when I lead Manzini so it has brought a terrible Baroness to descend on the church yes and has left all those areas for other religions to take over what you see the other religion they lack poor places they start from the porn they come toward the city that's the Australia we don't wait because of this type of preaching with throws away and throws one of the basic fundamentals of Christianity out of the church leaves us without power what does the Bible say thank you what does the Bible say he says the preaching of the Cross is the properties unto them that perish it is foolishness first Corinthians chapter 1 verse 18 you can read attend to it and you know those of you who write not but you can also just get the book have you seen it the preaching of the Cross is to them that perish foolishness but to also save it is power that's what gives power it's sound foolish for me to leave my medical profession as a medical doctor and I'm going to be a pastor to PDT capital s is it not true yes if I was not to do that then more than a thousand churches would not exist today yes power it gives power sacrificing it is our calling no one can serve God without losing something Philippians 1:29 for unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ not only to believe on him but also to suffer for his sake it's Christianity this is basic Christianity so you see this is knowledge so you I may teach you about loyalty but you need to know about sacrifice that's a sin knowledge is a sin so that's why I recommend to you go to the bank as soon as we close and get a loan and mortgage to buy these books get a mortgage to get knowledge instead of a car or sell your kind come and buy this because you see you will not know that in every area when I start teaching nobody I can go on and on and we never finish yesterday I did only one chapter and it pains me I'm trying to do more things but I'm not able to go because everything is more too much sufferings sacrificed that's what brings power that's what brings the power every religion that introduces sacrifices becomes powerful look at our brothers who have introduced suicide bombing and killing of themselves for what they believe they go on television and they say there is nothing for us to do there's nothing in this world give up yourself die for the cause what do they say I saw I saw a guy went on video talking talking to the other members of his terrorist group and he was saying that they are not going to send anybody again to England or to America to do the terrorist activities but they have homegrown people they they said I'm speaking to you people that we are not sending anybody again those of you there in England those of you then England go to this more bomb the people they go to the areas where the Jews are bombed them as well and in concluding he said to them that hastened to heaven hurry up and come - and get to heaven they tied us that Colin deserve is a history to have him bond these made people and Harry Harry your steps into heaven and they are not the fastest-growing religion because they believe in dying for what they are doing we believe in living have you not noticed every day a good life is a good life good living your best life today your best life tomorrow your better life everything is life better life what are you yes you see it is is it God is not against it but it is something so dangerous to be to bring the spirit of happiness good happy living type of Christianity to replace the cross of Jesus Christ yes most modern churches don't have crosses anymore you see most modern churches don't have crosses crosses but the course is very important I don't know if this church has a cross there's one where this crosses has a bark used to be in the front yeah there is a reason for the cross but gradually is moving outside no even sign of the cross no poor suffering power it says the preaching of the Cross is foolishness we agree but to us so without this cross thing and the sacrifice element there will be no power so when you realize that you have to lose something don't stay back run to it run to it and accept that this is part of Christianity it's the greatest mistake to throw out the cross when you read this book if you have time you read it you will understand I'll tell you there is a book called the final quest by Rick Joyner please write his name down and write to your brother in America too please send you this book if you don't have a chance Rosanna the final quest read it at the end of this book he has a vision and he meets Apostle Paul and when he meets Paul he asks Paul Paul do you have anything to tell us the church for said I have no anything to tell but then he kept pressing and Paul said ok I have one thing to tell you how many would like to know what Paul has to tell us today Paul who wrote half of the new testimony six of you want to know so six of you see me after church I'll tell you what Paul said how many of you want to know what Paul said Paul said when we look at you the church from heaven we don't understand what you are saying what you are talking about he said when we left two things have changed quickly in the church the ministry and the message has changed so he asked what do you mean by the ministry and the message has changed he said when we were on earth the ministry and the message was one of sacrifice it was when I read that book that that was a reading is very important when I read the book that the word sacrifice jumped to me and I realized sacrifice then I started to study it and I realized yes without realize if sacrifice is no more a message in the church it's replaced with the message of happiness and you see I don't want to say when I say every day a good life good living your better life today I know that these are Joel Osteen and Joyce Maher and so on these are the main things that they say so I don't want it to be like I'm criticizing their message or anything like that it's not that is not the case because it's a good thing to have a good life and a better life and all that but it's not only their message is a general message in the house of God about just having a good life in this world I don't want to criticize whatever but that type of message when it's the main message and it's for everything replaces the cross and they need to sorry and you can't even sacrifice well you want to sacrifice you look so stupid go to Africa Oh America yes who Americans would have come to Africa they would be coming on mission still they will be ready to die I once met an American pastor called I forgot his name and he told me some years ago I came to Ghana in 1960 6062 I think was ec2 whatever he said you know when I came I came because my friend was a missionary in Ghana 1962 my friend was a missionary in Ghana and his son had died in a terrible accident on Christmas Day there was no electricity and they were putting on a generator and it caught fire and the fire came on him on his son who was a missionary in the northern part of Ghana remember those are days without telephone email twitter facebook Instagram what's up text messages nothing he have come to Ghana and not just to Accra to the northern part of Ghana he said when we were driving to the north we get to a place where the tree has fallen over the road the small road that is there and we get out and we wet on the trend cut the tree to make a way then we continue all the way to the north and he said his friend was there as a missionary to gamma in the north of Ghana an American yes this is the sacrifice that brought Christianity all over the world including Swaziland I am sure you had white people that were here who were missionaries I am sure I don't know anybody that I am hundred percent sure they were here where they not here here now that the gospel has been given to us we are taking sacrifice and says sacrifice out of the church is good life now I see you in your Mercedes friends receive it now three people are receiving a BMW now take it one check it to take it 317 people are going to America this year in July take it one two three four five six seventeen receive occurs say Amen you are the less top seven bank managers of Mozilla in this room right now receiving hey you will soon be recognized by His Majesty you watch and see five of you will be recognized very soon by His Majesty take it one take it - take it three take it four take it back yes is it true it's not true that is how we are all our preaching it has replaced take up your cross and as we please take up your cross and follow me give up your life give up your dreams give up your dreams give up your life give up everything and only follow the master give up everything that you have everything that you are doing and follow Jesus do what he says go and live in a village where I live in the town go to the ends of the earth and preach the gospel where is that where is it no it's not singing take up your cross follow Jesus take up your cross every day don't be I said to say that you counts the cost take up your cross follow here [Music] what are you do for your key for you [Music] [Music] what do you do [Music] oh Jesus why don't you take up your bro [Music] say that No take up your prize [Music] take up your cars [Music] [Music] take your cross and follow him yes yes that is why power has gone out of Christianity and all the American Christians are doing is to fight gay marriage and gay marriage and abortion that's what Christianity means in America to be against gay marriage and against abortion that's all that they do yes being against gay marriage and being against abortion is not Christianity is not a definition of Christianity go into all the world and preach the gospel yes when people are saved well where the tree dies their leaves will fall off you can't stand shouting at leaves Sartain are the leaves to come to come down no the leaves must be honored when they leave the tree is dead their lives will come down by themselves hallelujah [Applause] I'm saying this that this is part of the wisdom of God and how Christians apply this you know yes whatever if you think if you think that if you think white people are ever going to come back to Africa to come and preach here you are talking it's not our 10-1 here to rise up and take up the cross so if you are thinking some white man is going to come and die in a village in Swaziland to build a church there and to do the work of God there then you don't know you don't know what where we are now we are past that stage now that gospel is in your hand mr. pastor man yes mr. pastor man you are not a big man you the boss you have to rise up and go out and send people let me tell you if your check doesn't send missionaries your church is barren I don't care if you are the biggest pastor in Swaziland if your check doesn't send missionaries and can't send people and give birth to more churches your church is barren according to the definition of barrenness barren is that you can't give death not to a dog you don't be giving birth to dogs no you give back to something like yourself so a church gives back to another Church you are barren you are barren and unique healing you need to run from Berenice as you run from a rattlesnake now another very important piece of knowledge which which for me I'll say since I became a Christian the act of hearing is perhaps the most important thing for a believer how much more a pastor but I liked it from Kenneth Hagin because Kenneth Hagin kept on saying when I was listening to his message I still do listen to his message he used to say the most important thing for a minister is his ability to follow the holy spirit like to hear from God and to follow nothing it's the more he said it is the thing that distinguishes ministers let's look at Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 1 I'm talking about wisdom knowledge and understanding and I'm sharing with you about different aspects of wisdom knowledge and understanding Deuteronomy chapter 28 and verse number what 1 Deuteronomy Deuteronomy Deuteronomy 28 verse 1 what does it say it shall come to pass that if thou shalt hearken diligently to the voice of the LORD thy God to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day now the LORD thy God will demote him and finish you off and rubbish you it says if thou shalt hearken diligently to what - the voice everybody say the voice the art of hearing the voice the voice you must be able to detect that God is speaking to you if you can't do that then you are a minister I don't know what hope you have what hope does a cow in Manzini do you have cows in Manzini a cow which says he's going to Johannesburg from here what hope does he have from here to Johannesburg without a guide I'm asking you what is going to happen to a cow it says I'm going to Johannesburg from here is there any hope for such a cow what's going to happen to him as he starts going was the way hey you think he's going to get to go back you too there is no hope for you because you are sheep you are a couple before the Lord it is the Holy Spirit who is going to relate you in your ministry and your calling and if you disconnect from that leaving what hope do you have out of you in this ministry and in your colleague because the way to hear him guiding you is the most important ability for a person and a minute apart from being saved so much people ask me so what do you think I'm also the act of hearing I'm having this crusade what God told me have to say it and he told me to pray for the sick pray what I said pray I pray and pray for them later on so demonstrate that's why I pray for them all the time yeah it's a great thing and as they yes I've gone back and see why why why especially when I went to Muslim nations there's they have already be a holy they don't need any holy book they already have their Savior they don't need any Savior but they need healing so I came with a healing Jesus is healing that's one they want the healing yes and without healing so when the Holy Spirit did he meet healing one day I was in a trattoria with a small group of maybe 20 people and I prayed the Lord said to me pray for the sick today those were the beginning times where I was going trying to learn how to pray for the sick and I and I said Lord there are only 20 20 people here what I pray for their sick today I'm going to be disgrace I've already preached a nice ceremony and go to be disgrace in this small group and then I had the Holy Spirit say to me if you don't pray for the sick I'll kill you immediately I said put your head wherever your sickness is right now in the name of Jesus Christ receive your healing very fast was my fastest miracle service ever I was amazed there was a young man I think we were 20 25 people there is no for your ministry unless you develop the art of hearing Wow the art of hearing make sure you get your copy losing and suck it don't be afraid of this book don't be afraid anymore this book will help you to have power don't be afraid of this book and I dare you take this book and preach it in your church yeah don't be afraid don't think it's going to give you less whatever you see when you lose your life you gain it pass up the life I now live is I'm crucified with Christ never nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ liveth in me and the life I knew left I live by the faith of the Son of God who gave himself for me you see so when you give your life to Him you are still alive you die but you get a new life and that life is a better life look at me here I have a different life I was I'm supposed to be a doctor in the hospital someone by now I'll be on ward rounds yes what do you have today yes all right Oh young lady let's have a look let's have a look all right okay oh you'll be all right listen give her some injection send a drip and what the house well the young man house officers set up a perimeter all right x-rays oh I dunno CT stuff that's me as from Google water that's me with my wife caught with my clinic with my stethoscope I being a Glen Glen a next patient next which is coming all right doctor good morning us agree more dr. Mills oh how are you my dear obviously for some time let's have a look quickly all right oh this is nothing I work also job the life I now live nevertheless I live the life I now look at me preaching on preaching I'm stationed in a different companies different [Applause] nevertheless pilot nevertheless nevertheless miss in spite of this I live in spite of the fact that I was crucified I didn't die I'm still alive and the life I now live my old life would have been covered in green doing surgery with my mouth covered we will be deep in surgery doctor my assistants good great that's the finish employed nevertheless nevertheless nevertheless nevertheless I live I live I live I live don't be afraid of the cross it is for your goods it is a good thing it's a mysterious thing is the mystery of his will yes life I now live I live by the faith of the Son of God yes my old life would never have given me even what I have I know what I'm saying so please the wisdom of God tithing is your key to prosperity amen okay now our next subject is church planting now preaching teaching and planting of churches Matthew main very fine I'm on chapter six of the book church planting preaching teaching and healing are the key activities that give rise to the formation of churches Jesus Christ understood that his father had chosen these little understood methods to establish the church hallelujah this is the method that we use to build churches amen preaching teaching and healing through the Ministry of Jesus millions of churches have sprung up virtually everywhere in the world this is the mysterious hand of God and the mysterious method amen I'm just reading my book to you for those of you who will not read I'm reading to you it's like bedtime stories okay reading to you chapter six Matthew 9:36 Jesus went about all the cities and villages teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom healing every sickness and every disease among the people the use of much money administrative techniques handing out of gifts building of schools and hospitals has never do the same results that three and a half years of Jesus ministry date shall I say it again using much money administrative techniques handing out gifts to poor people building schools hospitals has not produced the same result that Jesus produced with three years of preaching teaching and healing true or not true what did Jesus do Matthew 9 Jesus went about all the cities and villages teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease among the people amen now the mystery of preaching the mystery of preaching hallelujah the mystery of preaching the mystery of teaching and the mystery of healing the sick these are mysteries that God has chosen you see if I came into this country as the topmost surgeon hat surgeon in America with a special contribution to the medical future of this nation I may be welcome with the greatest honor an honest that is possible do you see yes but if I come in as a teacher or a preacher I may not I don't know I may not be honored with the greatest honor because it's like you are just coming to and go I just come here to teach and go away so you I mean you're yes we thank you for coming it's not the greatest thing that can be done you see but you see the Bible says that God has chosen has chosen that by the foolishness of preaching man should be saved it is like something mysterious that God selected like how is he going to save people okay this is the way I'm going to save people I'm going to say people by preaching the gospel hallelujah and the Bible says that it is enough for the disciple that he should be as his master the greatest delusion all right is to think that any of us can do something better than Jesus if I came into this nation to plant 25 doubles to provide water for communities I may be recognized as one of the greatest visitors to this nation and given some of the highest illness Wow ladies and gentlemen you must believe in this humble and foolish in coats method of Jesus Christ is it pastors themselves don't believe in preaching and teaching they don't even believe and know that power it has that is why you may not have know the power of this the Makani you may not know the father he has yes make sure you get one today's the last day preaching it is powerful through preaching people are saved and changed and anointed preaching power to do what I'm doing if I was not anointed I cannot do what I'm doing power has come into my life to preaching I exposed myself to preaching I didn't know what I was doing though it's like it's like if you watch pornography do people watch pornography in this country question time the people watch pornography in this country okay now if you expose yourself to pornography a lot of pornography or pornography you you may not know what it is doing to you you may not know the effect it is having on you but maybe at that point you may find the effect that it has had on job on your life because it has a certain effect which after some time you discover something that has happened to you that's also the mystery of pornography this mysterious but it has a certain effect it's like listening to tapes and messages you will not know that it is having on you has a certain effect it changes you some years ago I was in a hospital waking up in my final year and I was listening to message by Kenneth Hagin that night the Holy Spirit that night the Holy Spirit had a great plan for me that I didn't know and that wonderful plan was to that wonderful plan was to anoint me yes but you see I had just developed the habit of listening to preaching it was like something that I wasn't listening to it like I am listening to him in here some I had grown used to enjoying the atmosphere of preaching in whatever I'm doing like now when I when I when I'm in my room I can put on music and put on preaching so our be nurse at an atmosphere it's like I'm in church so sometimes you are listening sometimes you are not and I was listening I fell asleep sometimes I leave a limit or just play play all night long and as I was listening to this message and I was praying I got down on my knees and when I got down on my knees when I got down on my knees to pray I fell asleep and when I fell asleep I woke up at about 3 a.m. 2 a.m. and that tape was downward wettest - this guy in the brown said it was a tape recorder at the corner there and the tip was playing auto-reverse I didn't have one it was my friend's beloved's tip recorder she lent it to me just cool when we finish it comes back when it finishes that's why I like to go never goes off suddenly in the middle of the night something jumped out of the tape and entered my belly yeah 1988 and then I had a voice and the voice said from today you can teach in 1988 1988 and today 27 27 years later and teaching and 13-year writing books with 10 million books out there the ones that we know about is the power of God and the power of preaching listening to preaching so that is why all these are available we make them available is the best get back and give to you as a pastor you'll be surprised the effect that it has on you God has chosen preaching as a method to spiritually change people I don't know why how many argue with me that I would look less powerful coming as though I'm a preacher than maybe I'm a top neurosurgeon from the United States from Memphis United States coming with a special medical institution that I'm coming to establish and give one or two lectures in your medical to your medical field here how many feel that one looks more powerful looks I'm not saying it is more powerful I'm saying how many I do that it looks more powerful how many I mean our data on the outside it may receive more honor than so it's just a preacher preaching his things and selling his books that God has chosen preaching yes so you must believe in preaching as a very powerful thing that God is using Amen now listen to this if God were to become a man if God were to become a bird what would he do let us give God nine suggestions number one if God was to become a man why doesn't he set up several large instances in Africa what do you think it would be good the biggest University of Swaziland University of Zulu Lund University of swati's hey another thing that God could do if he was to become a man is a God could build the biggest and best hospitals you see when you are a pasta and you are a minister better accept the ways of God than your own logic if we were to use our logic so I want to do a very great thing I will build Hospital I read you know draw and you know this a footballer drug back yes I saw on the news he was building some hospitals in Cote d'Ivoire is it true yes because when a man wants to do good these are the things to do you build hospitals you build universities yes these are the good things to do another things God could provide potable water for thousands of villages villages in Swahili will have running water with pressure when you put it off would it not be a great thing and many of you if you were if you were to be God this is what you make me have done another thing that God could use could here establish the largest hydroelectric dam to provide electricity for the whole of Swaziland do you have a hydroelectric dam in Swaziland yes is it very powerful is it big small very small so where do you get electricity from South Africa they also don't have electricity so if God was to become a man isn't it he would come and establish hydroelectric dams all over so that there will be electricity in the whole world isn't it God in Corpus will become a man he was set up relief centers refugee places for children if God was to become a man maybe he would build orphanages if God were to become a man he would set up great businesses pasta you know I want to set up this business you know to help the work of God you know I want to you know this southern face you see today is a day of technology so we are going to set up some IT business and mobile mobile phone technology will do certain high high-tech high-tech facilities to establish the the the the business environment of Swaziland compared with South Africa economic structures yes if God would he become a man if God were to become a man this what he would do isn't it he will set up businesses it got her to become a man he would build schools everywhere school from the top end of cefazolin if God were to become a man he would join the political parties to fight for democracy isn't it okay enough of theories but God did become a man God did become a man and when he became a man what did he do what did he do when he became a man what did he do what did he do did he do any of these things did he do any of this you see you can expect that well if God comes a man and coming to help mankind like he would do the maximum good that can be done in the world everybody say the word maximum good maximum good so what is the maximum good that God did when he did become a man let this mind be in you which was also in Christ who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation and took upon himself the form of a servant and was made in the likeness of men and being found in the fashion as a man he gets found in fashion as a man let us now see he became the first customer he had bought himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the cross God did become a man and wherefore God has highly exalted him for doing the greatest good that he could do and when he became a man what did he do he went around preaching teaching and healing in every city in every village in every town that is what he did and today's fastest when God gives you a big church he gives you money he gives you the ability to be on television what do they do what kind of wisdom have they taken back the wisdom of this world to set up businesses schools universities hospitals everything but preaching so as you see adjusted its resources and diverted into social work well as the actual wealth of preaching which no one has been commissioned to do except us is set aside in the name of doing good works school water electricity businesses all kinds of things you don't have such as this rezulin if you understand wherever you look very quiet like you don't really understand what I'm talking about I'm saying something America is not preaching from America you don't understand American preacher God showed me he said now I have given you a platform because I stand on a big platform I should I should preach about Jesus I should preach about the cross I sheep it about the blood I shouldn't change it into something socio-economic or any of these fancy things that have come I should accept that my wisdom can never be greater than the wisdom of God how can I become wiser than the creator of heaven and earth who sent his son into this world three and a half years of ministry what did he do hey think about yourself mr. pastor man sure now we're doing business instead of is it if you are even doing the business on the side or it's like it's not even challenging but it's like they have become the main imposters are boldly talking about their business and politics and other physical politics you're watchin see you will grind your teeth with tools and you will see that the polity that you have done has been the most greatest mistake to replace Christianity and preaching with politics if you like moderated Ireland watchin see ya i sat with a president once for my president and he how he was because the root of the problem in our world is what I was preaching about yesterday is the devil who is present amen we can safely conclude hallelujah that the most important and highest form of assistance that can be given to any community on this earth must be pretty teaching and healing hallelujah hallelujah that is the wisdom of God that is the wisdom of God and 1st Corinthians 1:21 says for after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not god hallelujah so in the wisdom of God it pleased God that by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe this is the wisdom of God and that is why all of us must embrace the greatness of preaching but today a lot of passes no one yes even your sons to be preachers they want their children to be we have corporate offices in Johannesburg and here and there and they want their children to move into other things into law maybe send this that was a you know not I don't you know preaching is not you know we did it because we didn't go to school and so you my son you are going to be in you know go hey I want you to go to America go to the United States go back oh there go there you know big this great thing but preaching to you my son you are going to be how do you go to the states and when you have a better life you know do better than I did go go go to England you know how about you go to Belgium I want you to be in Paris I want you to be in France I want you to go higher we have a pretty honest wasallam syllogism for people would be better your life is gonna be better than my life shame on you you call yourself a reverend minister you call yourself a pastor a minister of this wisdom God has given us to go out into the world and preach you are ashamed of the web that God has given to you you're ashamed of the wisdom of God you have lowered the wisdom of God and replace it with the wisdom of this world I pray for my children out I have four children our children for I prefer them all the time if they only said the Lord how prefer I prefer if God would touch their hearts to serve him never we're keeping for a day in the secular world only to work for God I'll prefer I prefer it's my god yes is the highest job some of you see because maybe you are also educated you you look at it and you say hey what'd it sound to be PhD and master's degree and this and this and manner you are so impressed by people with book big words with big words impressive yeah I just came from our Boston Massachusetts I was giving a lecture hemodynamics orthopedic treatment I gave three lectures to seven groups of students this is so now I was preaching about Jesus is greater than all those big words rasmusson [Applause] Wow why is preaching the most powerful wisdom number one because it attacks the root of all our problems and the root is same the root of everything is same yes some people who are sick I tell you you don't have any idea that since they've committed that it must be the punishment that they must receive that's why when Jesus to some people wasn't you you say your sins are forgiven a lot of things come because of saying that's all your sins are forgiven it's not even pursue your sins are forgiven and that's why when they saw a man who was blind they asked Jesus who sinned is it this man or his mother is father what what where is this thing coming from because dad even though with all our science we and all the knowledge we have today in this world they know they knew even better than we know that the problem of man is coming from the same of Muslim wickedness you look at this people doing xenophobic attacks you mid-summer loss what is your name when he measures his name and say you are not from here then you tie him and petrol on him he hasn't done anything to you you put petrol on him and you live because of his name not the people that are doing that you see the purpose is a cash causeless shall not come like there must be a reason for a case casters working in places she would not understand why I discuss here like this why is this case here all the problems we have in this world are coming from the sense that we are we are full of same and bridget is clean the problem of the roots regime is taking the think up way it starts from so later you may see somebody who has killed someone you just you just come you take his things and you just kill him you put them tires around the peasants he's sitting down to death from his goal he was taking him and taunting him and you bend him you obey him and your family and your relatives and your children and do you think that it is just really passing by oh look they spent eight hours in the school and kill hundreds of people and continue well God has set laws in the other whatsoever month what is a repeat dear friends same is the real reason for all these things that we are seeing email and preaching tackles the root that's why God once preaches to go out there and preach the Word of God is the highest kind of work that a person can do number two preaching releases the power of God for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believed to the Jew first and also to the Greek he sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions hallelujah preaching is powerful amen that's why God wants us to go out and start churches with people preaching nothing could change you your mother couldn't control you how many of you relied on your mother when you were having sex your mother didn't even know that you raised your hand raise your hand if it is true you see the righteous people in this section they don't want to read it you want to raise one your mother didn't even know what you were doing huh you didn't hear what I said I said that your mother could not even control you your sins when you were committing fornication for the first time second time in a hundred times your mother didn't even know what you were doing is it not true your father used to correct you stop it come here don't do this was she able to control you was he able to control nobody could change you if it the police could not change you could not correct your behavior stealing everything and they change you prison Kubota people go to prison they come back yes but what could changing what has brought you here now what has brought you here now what has been able to change you what has been able to change you what has been able to do what your mother couldn't do your father couldn't do police couldn't do prison could into government couldn't do nothing to change you only Jesus and the power of preaching and the power of the word of God has been able to change you you see you as a pastor you must understand the greatness of the work you are doing but it is a very great thing to be a preacher and the preaching is a very powerful thing [Applause] that's what police can do it that's what mothers cannot do it does what fathers cannot do it does what reason cannot do it does what government can do how many I'm gonna keep on preaching keep reaching keep reaching keep teaching become like your savior become like your Savior become like your Saviour we must raise up more preachers [Applause] I'm a three preaching gives hope hope to people many people are hopeless Romans 15 best for whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope amen I mean I thank God for you your country many countries things are not going well many many many countries things are not going well yes people come to church depressed when they come to church and they hear the word of God the spirit of the people has lifted up people don't understand why do people go to church when you see the poor country is difficult people go to church what and they give offerings and establish like I don't manage they think I go to this church why are you giving money because there's no hope in this world you people I tell you you don't know in Ghana we were the first we are the first African country to be independent to be liberated freedom we have had everything before we have had a revolution before we had housecleaning political housecleaning do you know political house claiming huh Oh and left tenant in the army a flight lieutenant in the army rose up and arrested all the former presidents it's a hard firm it's like arresting your king he arrested a king the former King the fur market three of them come to prison then he arrested the minister of Road Minister of this Minister of Health Minister of Communications of all everybody arrested every member of Parliament's they gave them a report to police station then he took their presidents on television and asked them and he did it for six months then he handed over power he said where is the money the money for this country hey where is the money of this country they asked them they say we don't know we don't know where the money is they say you will know you find out that you know and is his he sent a young 29 years old 29 years old grows up and and you allow them to be on television and explain to the nation NASCAR television in he put them in white shirts and white shirt with short sleeves and white president is like taking these majestic white shirt and shake where is the money and when they finished they took them we have a beach a firing range and line them up into the two of them took the two former president white soft and white they prayed with them everything took them to God the next two then there was a former president Hugh had written a letter that this young boy is very dangerous eliminated when he got when they've got the letter saying you say I'm dangerous come it was they also put him there he was off then they took Minister of Road Minister of this minister of that Minister where is the money where is the money oh yeah we have had six months because it was called house cleaning of the house then they took them to a church Anglican Church trade with them after that we have had a revolution do you know revolution then after that we have democracy and we have had colonization then we have what else have we had could eat ass when they overthrow you you wake up in the morning you put on the radio you hear [Music] [Music] it means there's a coup it means a soldier has overthrown the king we have been we have not become rich or different or whatever we have had election voting changing government everything yes but you see that the people don't understand why do people come to the church because in the church we are giving hope in a hopeless world they are giving Pope in a worthless world it's hopeless it's hopeless and you watch the world is about to become more difficult that is why I don't believe in giving myself to politics but those who did all these things they are disappointed because it hasn't brought any change if anything is now west stand to your feet everybody say I'm going to be a preacher Wow lift your hands and ask God to anoint you to teach to preach [Music] train leaves behind three Lord I might be allowed me to preach to teach like Jesus my Savior I don't belong I don't belong anoint me as you pray believe any faculty as fresh oil [Music] I'm gonna bring home a suit Rick's acetic acid minister yes lift your hands and receive that oil see the anointing to reach God bless you you may be seated now those outside I see a lot of people outside is there something especial service outside you can all come in their space upstairs all right now teaching everybody say preaching I'm teaching teaching is very important Jesus went about preaching and teaching the difference between preaching and teaching that preaching is more inspirational and teaching is more logical but also very anointing do you know that when I'm having Crusades do you know that when I'm on the stage I'm actually teaching and gospel cruises I actually teach the gospel my preaching is actually teaching at Crusades actually teach so many pastors realize that they don't know how to explain the gospel how many pastors realize that you don't know how to explain the gospel yes so you see that that is actually teaching so teaching is talk necessarily boring and so it was all a teacher me I'm a boring teacher you had a boring teacher a teacher is not boring it's if you're a school teacher you are boring but if you are anointed you are not boring hallelujah a schoolteacher is boring but an anointed teacher Jesus was a teacher they called him rabbi he was a teacher so teaching is not boring teaching is powerful yes and I enjoyed teaching about Christ more than anything else yes the preaching and the teaching of the gospel so teaching is more explaining and sometimes we have people who preach they don't really explain but it's also powerful that it's just because of the spirit so that people who come preach so well that you don't understand anything they really say but you are just blessed still yes just happy to be there because it's the spirit to understand what I'm saying don't really care what you are saying but you are blessed there's a lot of that in the church hallelujah are you still around are you still here alright now why is teaching very powerful number one because teaching is bringing light thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my word to my to my path amen so people who go into churches and you have a powerful teacher a write of the word of God you have light coming into the person's life now anything that is from darkness is forced to disappear when the light comes darkness disappears have you ever seen light and darkness having an argument about who is going to stay in the room have you ever had light and darkness having an argument I came here first you go you stay as I can tell as soon as light comes les disappears hallelujah so the teaching of the word brings light and all that patches and that zones of your life are forced to disappear and that is a very great blessing yes many years ago when I was in the medical school we were invaded by some rats in our hostel do you have rats in Swaziland okay and one day I went out and when I came back to my room I didn't know that the rats were there and the rats also were not sure who was coming so when I opened the door to my room I put on the light as soon as I put on the light the whole room was filled with lights the rats were exposed they started to run three of them big ones it was the light that they didn't want as soon as the light comes on that demons in your life are going to run away in the name of Jesus that is why churches which don't even pray for deliverance and the pasta teaches the word the rats just run away by the teaching so you see the church gets bigger without even praying for deliverance or whatever the light keeps coming and as the light keeps coming the demos [Music] and the darkness goes away the darkness leaves that's why teaching is powerful you let me tell you I'll tell you something you know if you like let your church members listen to messages not even you listening to messages let your church members listen to messages you will see that they become easier to pastor yeah you know my posture here Bishop Richard stand up you know he he is the first pastor I sent to start a church in in London more than 20 years ago he's a bishop there in the UK he's got hundreds of churches and when he went there you know had different pastors in different places but one day he developed a strategy because he used to listen to my preaching on tape then one day he had an idea he said you know let me let them members also listen to the tapes so he started to give the tape to the members is he cousin are you listen to the temple is a powerful revelation I'm going to preach it I said oh let them also listen to it so when he shared the messages and the people started listening that church changed so much in fact it is almost like demons and evil spirits were forced to live and that the church in London became different from all the other churches we had oh yeah by that particular secret which he did and in fact from our church in London so many missionaries have been sent out to Jamaica to Australia to India to I mean the church has been sending missionaries is like it became a different Church because of the exposure and now through technology we have a music or podcasts i we have podcast so all my members are making Oh church members you can listen to the podcast when I podcast dankey what knows whatever podcast you can get it on your phone I use my phone as a speaker I use my phone as a slough speaker to listen to messages yeah you just have your phone you put it on very loud it's following you everywhere and you listen damn my best change it's like the rats go so what the people can be a more fun because they'd had another person even rebuked in there so what your system is like this an additional something it makes it easier for you yes so true podcast more people are listening to the messages oh yes oh yes oh yes can you imagine pastoring somebody who is filled with great strong Devils even one and some of the members have thousands of men Devils the man who was in the synagogue higher and had an evil spirit and he was in church you see them with a bad face looking at you never say Amen never write note never accept never flow never smile there are some people when they are in church you have if they are sitting on this side you have to preach mostly on this side let me go to this side where there you'll be discouraged there are some faces when you see you you can't preach again so you must learn this great key of teaching it's very tough how to build churches how to establish people is by teaching let light and darkness was that going out do you know why you know there are some churches right I don't know where the Baptist's or that some judges they don't have like deliverance like casting out of Devils people screaming rolling hey they have some of the greatest churches with lot of stable members and you ask yourself but I didn't see any screaming and casting out of Devils I didn't see people rolling you don't have to see screaming and rolling if the guy is giving the wealth and the light is coming the darkness and the Devils they are always doesn't seem to do much it's just a teacher you even criticized as a teacher just a teacher just a teacher is that what you said just a teacher is just a teacher is that what you said just a teacher oh yes oh yes even as I'm teaching demons imposters are going out of pasta [Applause] number two the Word of God is a sword in action it's a sword the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God again the sword is attacking is attacking the enemy as I teach negatives what does the Bible say casting down imaginations look let me give you a formula look let me give you is personal between me and you okay don't tell anybody I told you don't tell anybody I told you I consider from today that a thought is a demon like when you say a demon has come into somebody consider from today when you say the demon is coming to somebody's a thought has come into the person just equate the two as the same thought and a demon yes or even a thought in the holy spirit if it's a bad thought is a demon if it's a good thought is a holy spirit why because the Bible says casting down imaginations not casting down Devils casting down imaginations to send down imaginations imaginations imaginations you cast them down and every thought every thought that exalts itself against the knowledge of God testing that there are not casting out Devils or custom imaginations and thoughts that is why this order what the word of the word is come is like a sword dealing with thoughts that's what these books they are my greatest warfare books that's why they are so popular this one on loyalty this one's the loyalty because it's like I'm you know America so that they can describe things in the way he said you know that book that book a loyalty on disloyalty you know it deals with every demonic thought that a leader could have that's he said it deals with every demonic thought that a leader could have that book Delilah he said we look for that book everywhere anybody who start having branches those kind of things you you you you like this book but it deals with the thoughts because look when you have an assistant is taught to have thoughts automatically the most commands it only showed another what way is he going again now where is he going he's traveling to America again mm-hmm what kinds that what kind people visit you in your house they start looking at the things in your house hey where did he get the money to buy this whose money is it a it's possibly the offering is the offering thoughts yes a lot of demonic false demonic thoughts so teaching is the salt so it cuts out those thoughts don't think that way don't think that way don't criticize don't criticize me I've come to have a crusade in your country don't sit in your room and speak against me lesser guests come over you and I read a miriam Mehmed spoke against Moses and she developed nay proceed you will get HIV you get cancer you will die of tuberculosis you will die suddenly because it is a death killer criticizing anointing that you don't understand there are learn to shut up teach the people teach it your church will become calm teach your sons they'll be afraid to attack their father Absalom not this pastor absolute the one in the Bible is Salam is the one is known for the one who attacked his father there's nobody in the world or in the paper to attack his father Dan Absalon he took on his own father I said kill him tonight he cannot vice I said let us rise and quaint kill David such a small name to be when I met a pastor gone Absalom I say what a name never seen anybody it means father of peace but sometimes you see a name can be given a meaning by somebody like you take the name Judas it's a very good name but after what you does did have not even though I'm a pastor met anybody who has named his child Judah's because of what you just did to the name yes but it's a good name or many people called Judas but after that it has come to mean something yes so people don't use that name even Hitler Adolphe Hitler a lot of a lot of people were called Hitler and then they had to change the name it was like an unacceptable name in the world to be called Hitler some well Hitler or John Hitler no work so if you have an Absalom somebody who can take his father the one who laid hands on him trained you and appointed you as a pastor you are and you are become Lucifer you are raising up as our Lara listen correction upward it's rebellion always when we are correcting up you can't correct what is up leave that one to God leave that one to go go to correct the app you are a ship before correction upwards is rebellion you can't correct upwards because the app is always ranked anyway look which of us are perfect which of us sitting here is not doing something wrong stana beef Europe the one who is perfect Willa please done I said stand up perfect you lost and I want to see the perfect one it didn't come to church so if you are correcting upwards you will always have something to correct you will always have something to teach me to do better but is it your place to correct me is it your place to correct your posture who leads who the shepherd leads the ship or the ship he rebukes the shepherd ha we should have gone left that's not a way to treat your wife that's not a way to treat your husband hey there are people like that and you see in your country people rise up to overthrow their king rise up against the Queen of England rise up against postures rise up against Authority you have all these kind of people they rise up against ancient authorities that have been set very dangerous you see what Princess Diana did rose up against the established royal family she was up to disgrace them and embarrassed and culture Marie have been a cup and boyfriend's here intend to make a mess of this whole thing he such a small thing what for those who rise up against ancient established authorities so that's the teaching you see it is his sword its cuts those things bounce yeah it cuts those things up that's already keep teaching keep preaching how many are going to keep on teaching and preaching and finally the teaching of the word is the planting of see the sower soweth the word mac 4:14 the sower soweth the wet the wet so I saw at the word the planting seed and you know why we are not having missionaries evangelists and people to go out to plant that is because we are not so in such words if you saw such words people will go into all the world and preach the gospel many are called if you invite me to come to your church to preach on a Sunday more on a Sunday and I've never been to your church before this is what our preaching if I don't know you and I'm pitching to Christians always all my life I preach that God has called you many are called and you must work for God I didn't know that it's pastor job which I've just stand up he's the one who pointed that out to me he said you always preach about this and he said it it's always powerful when you start and you go on that plane it's powerful yes and I didn't even know that one day I went to preach in that church TL Osborn you know TL Osborn some of you know him he was preaching that next service I was preaching before and the pastor said after I preached he said that says his calling no what is he talking outside oh he always encourages people to work for God that is calling to challenge people to work for God in America I didn't know that because sometimes you don't even know your own calling but I realized that my calling is to challenge people to work for God yes and you can see I'm challenging you pastors and leaders what am i challenging you to be rich isn't it I'm challenging you to whack many up this is a very important book if you like this book if you read this program like you are likely to use it in your church you know Bishop Moses ona was telling me sorry I used your book many are called iced I read it to the people preach it Bishop Oliver my friend he kept to my chest and held my own book and preached it to us he had the book and pressure I want to preach from this product he did it in London - yeah he said it's one of the most wonderful book this one it talks about the type of people who are called your type failures what people people reject that nobody likes you look but all through the back all of them were called are like that yeah they are like me never called never chosen no one ever make you a leader never appointed as a class captain teach are nothing it gives hope to people to work for God amen keep preaching it plans if you plant this seed in the hearts of people you will get many missionaries oh yeah you have people to send people to go this church redeemed Church of God who is a passenger on a suppressor god bless you sir they have an aim to have a church within every 5 minutes 5 kilometers and they have an aim to have a church at every light pole electricity pool by electricity pole and an aim to take so many thousands of people to heaven when you read it you see why there is one here you understand why there is one here and in every developed country within five kilometers is it five kilometres from whatever you must have every five kilometer there must be one of this jesh redeemed Church you see and they encourage many people even lay men lay people to work for God in fact they are there they are there they are general Amasya when he he saw this book church planting he made a pastime introducing by for all their pastors but when he - he said to me it was very expensive for me to buy for the whole the pastors as an a pastor a lay pastor you see now this was a lay pastor can do that la posada he is not paid by the church look at look at what he has done god bless you sir what about you what about you you've left it for Islam you've left all those places you should fall to religions don't be angry when you read the news and you see the things that are happening those places the Christians applying the creases when the north of Africa and I started quarreling and big money Ximena and so this the Christianity stop spreading so that was it so that's why the Christian we got to not African stopped and they stopped and then this whole thing started it's always from our failure so this book I'm everybody makes sure if you don't buy any book make sure you buy this book and read it and use it and teach it and tell you are you see that you are called it's not few who are called it is mainly one called maybe maybe even me I mean why would you think I was never made a class captain Oh an assistant class captain or even the one who wipes the blackboard why do you think if you don't want you don't want to know isn't it maybe there's nothing attractive about me to make me a leader or any leadership qualities or any characteristic of leadership or anything people have been so surprised that I'm doing the work of God hey and people will come and tell you I saw a vision Jesus appeared to me one pastor he said he was dead Jesus came to him in the hospital and Jesus pulled a chair and sat by him and said I've come to talk to you about your ministry hey when I add I said Lord where will you come to my room also and pull a chair give me one more chair give me one more chair that can sit down okay you're coming hey how many of you like Jesus to come and pull a chance I want to talk to you about your ministry but you're calling and it's up with him for two hours when I read these toys and I hear then it it worried me that I called so that's what made me study the call and I realized many people were calling different ways it is only one or two people who have a supernatural fantastic spectacular way of being called but most of us quiet your belief your conviction encouragement you see all the ways of being called on this book all the ways of being called all the ways you can be called is in this book many a call that the book has faces of people everybody's face including your face there's a space here that's one space I left for your face uh-huh can you see this one your face here your face here I left one space for you your face is going to be there as well hallelujah hey one day a brother came to stay in my house he he he was coming for a crusade and the crusade was for three days after three days he went back to the town after some months he came to me again and he said I want to tell you something I said what is it he says something happened to me when I came to your house I said what he said on the second day I was in the room you know my house was upstairs and downstairs so he was upstairs just next to my room he said the door opened and Jesus walked into the room I said what he said Jesus walked into the room and Jesus said to me stretch out your hand and he stretched out his hand and put a gift something any chance that I've given you a new gift when I have it I was shocked and I pretended that I was very happy about what he was telling me because my only problem with Jesus on this issue is that if you are coming to somebody's house and the house owner is in the house there how can you see a visitor and leave the owner of the house out of this blessing [Applause] well when it is something I have been praying for for a long time hey but I just encourage myself with the scripture blessed is he who has not seen and yet believe keep outreaching hallelujah keep teaching keep doing the work of God whether you have a vision or you don't have a vision many are called many are called it is likely that you are called you can do the work of God [Music] and came to me the other day as we walked along the way she said I've got something to say and she told me you're the Saviour he came he died to set us free from a life of sin and shame I gave my life to him that day that's the reason I can tell you tell you to keep reaching keep teaching tell me what about the saviors for all that's what friends are keep praying keep sharing share the love of Jesus to us all that's what friends are for and I never thought I'd be this way since he came into my life I have never been the same what a difference Jesus makes Jesus Christ it's the way the truth the light and there is no other name by which we can be saved will you keep your light to Jesus keep reaching keep teaching everyone must know our Savior [Music] what friends are keep breaking come on Richie van that's for friends up keep preaching don't stop teach and share the love of Jesus too [Music] stop keep reaching everyone that's why you're my friend keep reaching keep teaching for you and for me that's why you keep praying don't stop that's what friends are [Music] how many are gonna keep preaching now in in conclusion I just want to share something a little about loyalty Amen hallelujah are you tired of listening to preaching slack keep on preaching the more I preach the more I'm planting seeds every minute I preach gives me a reward in heaven every many you may not know every minute of preaching has some equivalent reward yeah more preaching it is what God has chosen to save the world amen now to build the church you must be good at defending the church anyone who is not good at defending the church is not a good posture okay you are not a good pastor a pasta is trained to but we give to wolves you must be kind you are nice and good person as a pastor but when it comes to whoops that's why we must see a change in your attitude don't come with any ethics and rules and protocols when there is war there are no ethics and rules and whatever all those that is when killing is legitimate in what it is right if you don't kill a guy you go to prison why didn't you shoot why didn't you go to prison when there's no war it is you know thought about that isn't it so if you don't know how to fight for your church and for the church you don't understand what you are doing everything you are building that devil is ready to destroy that is why you see a church very strong today and tomorrow dwindling that is why you can have a very annoying Ted flow here or somewhere and at a point you go and if everything is dead ten thousand people have become 200 because there is a constant fight to destroy whatever you are doing that is why the Bible tells us to be vigilant sober vigilant your adversary why because you have to think of the enemy now there are seven enemies who particularly well-noted and in war those of you who have ever studied war why something that is taught you know one of the greatest principles of war is know your enemy and know yourself and in a thousand battles you will never be in danger know your enemy know yourself and that is why and in a hundred battles you will never be in danger soon - Chinese philosopher yeah that is why Swaziland has been photographed extensively by satellites that the details of the maps the ripest the mountains of Swaziland in America more than in Swaziland details quiz they have details even rooms where people stay unknown this where the king is this is his room this is what you use for this is like that they have everything how do you think they were able to shoot Gaddafi in his bathroom in his bathroom we have structured a room from the sky yes because knowing your enemy knowing where he is and what is he doing is very very important when they went to catch Osama bin Laden then there they are their spy was living in Pakistan in the town they have been watching that house for a long time oh yes and did you see Osama bin Laden was not using a telephone nobody in their system used attempt only one person user photos are they even coating and when they landed they came in the diet they have built the same house they knew where this doors he had this doors here this is where the doors they knew the rooms and they have rehearsed with a house they have built the house the same house because you are coming at 3:00 a.m. in the night with helicopters and when you get there you must know where to go and who is where yes otherwise you I'm she don't know what's gonna happen to you so when they came them so to prepare they prepared the same house and with rooms and unfortunately unfortunately something went wrong one of the things that went wrong was one of the helicopters project you know how it crashed in today yeah but one of the things that affected the mission was that where they was at all they had brought that door and it was no more a door so where they thought they were going to go to it was not a door it was blocked or they have to they knew in detail before you find you must know where is he which is room is he and all the things that go with it are you there you are not there in the church what is the enemy is those who are ignorant uneducated people are the most dangerous people when it comes to sometimes Authority they don't understand Authority so sometimes you see that strikes and overthrowing governments and you see when you come in you have an ancient institution like yes an ancient institution like the the royal family of England and I'm sure their alpha me of this country as well it's an ancient institution but there are people out of the ignorant they may not know its importance if it has any importance that we didn't know so there are a lot of people for instance in England who I Cannes the Queen they want no more Queen but they don't know that even the Queen brings so much money to the country by people coming to see you see you wouldn't know because you don't know everything ignorance is a dangerous thing and when ignorant peoples that have power you'll be surprised are you though you are going home it's easy to try with the white people and their appetite but go to South Africa and see you can sing when you come into power it is not the same as singing songs and a lot hora it's different from being leader and leading the people and making the country prosper and making people have you can tell even one when you come into the palace how to make that people prosper in the country stable is different from chanting so also I ignorant of the most dangerous people even in this posture today he come tomorrow says he's going to Singapore the next is going to what is he doing I know Abraham I know all his messages I had one person say I know all my process messages I know all his messages people call my wife they call my wife and say so since your husband's husband doesn't work anymore may well have a suppressor they look is it you don't wake my pastor so I don't wake I don't work yeah he we sleep I say we sleep from Sunday to Sunday we sleep we wake up Sunday morning come and preach that's what they think we are doing sleeping it's I may be doing more good for Swaziland than a doctor a new research but if you are ignorant you do not know that I'm doing something good here a what I'm saying did you stabilize ignorant people to kill so ignorance is a very dangerous day in a water hole hora hora hora we are going to over to something now when you are a patron it can you lead it those who leave you as the second I'm talking about know your enemy and know yourself and in a hundred battles you will never be in danger those who leave you watch out for those who leave churches hey they can spoil a check more than anybody else these people so I wrote a book for them I wrote a book for each of the enemies do you have that it was not somebody who being a church then he will leave the church and West at another church near the church with a similar name like if the churches in the church's lighthouse it will be called candle house you know it's like something here you get it and it's like all the people have to come and you see a lot of people will start going to that side do you have such things in Swaziland yeah and it breaks the church so those who live you very dangerous people and so you must know how to deal with that yes you have to deal with them the best where is the best place to kill cobras you know where to kill cobras in the egg in the egg you kill it in the egg before it comes out the best place to kill a Cobra is in the egg before it reaches our purpose in your churches are dying from today and when you teach this you see I don't have the time or the opportunity but if I did if I teach you on this one to bring light why God allows people to leave demons that operate in those who live in rebellion oh yes most people who live up as particular demon usually greed money there's always a money element somewhere you check it out you see there's some funny something selfishness wickedness and gratefulness people sometimes you see that they are ungrateful all that has been done for them they don't remember anything and wickedness when they are living if they are living this church let's say I'm a member and I decided to live the last thing they do go and read Ezekiel 34 it is there the last thing they do they go to the puppets the church and we zip bye so now everybody who comes to the church smells something is wrong the church yeah there is something wrong in the church and they pollute you see they don't physically you remain but spiritual and the trees and rumors and things that they say so that everybody who comes that to say I hear this I have your head have you heard about this I hear that this move new road and this is happening I heard about this very wicked me while you were in the church for five years drinking from the water that came from this pulpit you enjoyed it you drank it you are blessed by it and the way you can say thank you is to urinate on it and put one [Applause] Ezekiel 34 says is it right for you a ship to drink the waters and pollute it with your legs Ezekiel 34 says is it right for you or sheep to eat on the floor and to plop down the rest so that when others are coming to eat you have to pause the rest you have drank from this chest for years now you are just [Music] people who come to the test confused now they are confused as to whether is a bad man or even a devil is in that in the pasta place on your stories hey wicked people you see you cannot easily prosper yes what what am i man sues you repeat you repeat it's only ignorant people who follow Absalom no no not our pastor you are making my preaching difficult 200 men followed Absalom in the innocence of their minds only because they didn't know much but when you teach this thing in the church when somebody gets up and starts saying people will stop him and say listen listen if you want to leave just go don't go we are not interested in what you are saying out out you must know how to defend your church if you allow these people to roam freely and even to come back you shouldn't even let them come back to your church when they said they are coming to see you [Music] sometimes they come back you know sometimes are you poo-pooed and there's some left it didn't come out that captain just equip up and they shaky the rest of the church and they go this is the topic those who leave you and you'll find a preaching preaching about these things in a Makana ion you see a lot of things in him then those who pretend hey Judas was a top pretender you never know that he is going to leave oh he was he was moving he was a tragic tough guy so the day of his leaving nobody knew but through this book if if you read this book loyalty and disloyalty if you read it you will see 39 signs of this loyalty and all these books show you the science oh yeah most of the people who left me I knew they were going to leave you feel if any have taken me by surprise but I could see it you can see if you if you study you know you said this man he's going to leave the church yeah this one is going to leave this one is going to do this this one is going to be like that because when you are anointed and you have the wisdom of God you'll be like Jesus and you know Judas you even say what you are doing going to it quickly I know I know you I know your mind is know your heart is not with me yeah but if you don't know the science of this layout they will take you by surprise and you'll be shot yeah one posture he said to me I don't believe in this teaching about loyalty he said to me lay out is not something you teach it is something you command by your lifestyle of loyalty you command it and people are loyal but he received the biggest surprise of his life his right-hand man to whom he has built the church left him when I saw him again he told me you know that your book loyalty he said to me is one of the most important books this is the one who said you don't have to write about it - very he told me I always have five copies in my back anywhere I'm traveling he told me look I played your preaching in my church he told me look not that I have your book I Sunday morning I put your message on and I press play no nobody's done preaching or do not to you for the church to hear yes and he said one pastor was being rebellious his wife was it is I read the signs I saw his wife was sitting in the front I said hey knocked out of the check walk to the he told me I'm now what I got you that's the guy who said I don't have to teach about it you see when you have the shock of your life and you realize that things are not as innocent as they look then you better rise up and be very strong to fight this thing you will build and do take you will build and they would take to build and you scatter and you have to always be broken one day I was preaching about layers somebody asked number okay I look hungry so you okay your health is good it's enough eating teaching to fight yes I have over 1,000 churches different please it's a chance Rosalynn you've seen our building on the on the road there yeah you can't joke with this disloyalty if you joke with it you are joking with you better stop building you will put blocks you can sleep when you come all the blocks are gone you start again you go up high when you go turn around when you come they've taken hundred you go so you go up like this so you see that you should have had fifty thousand members but you only have two hundred because of disloyalty those who pretend this month marks the beginning of the end of disloyalty in your life Wow and those who are dangerous sons Sons what is the son Absalom was a son very dangerous man very dangerous when Absalom was born David really loved him David would hold him like that he'll sing when Absalom who grew up he hated his power is to navigate Scott you see my father is a old can't you see is INTs I can't you see and that's how some pastors you grew up in the church you were nobody pastor saw you called you trained you appointed you introduce you to a son or a daughter then as you grew you start to look at your father with different eyes so this man is not anointed this man is like this this man is like this this man is like this and Absalom arose up this whole book is about Absalom almost he rose up to fight his own father if the pastor of this church this is a redeemed change if the pastor of this church were to rise and spit just a word against Reverend attaboy I would have nothing to do with him yes oh we must Chapel is that witnessed any witness where are you winners no winners pastor here yes rise up and speak a word against Bishop oedipal I was in Ghana one day witness pastor came to me they came same things they brought leaflets they have printed about Bishop oedipal I said his bad guys are crazy his bad man his days his days printed and distributed in the city as this pastor who has been sent as a missionary pasta has been sent to being dad as Sam you have made a pasta or 10 made a bishop look at what you are doing these things I am written about you may think that I'm hungry that is why I'm right is not under his thought kanga is what we have seen it before he's defending the church is to be in a church called victory church some years ago and there was an assistant pastor he was a very nice picture he used to preach a little I don't know I did I didn't notice that but when I went somebody told me so when that system pass up which is very nice it's nicer than even the senior pastor so when the assistant pastor started preaching I think he got a feeling that he was very popular Hey so one day he printed the bad things about the senior pastor got a plastic travel and allowed him to preach so he when people would come to him as oh but very powerful is this wonderful he protected came to check mm dog if you come in his chest he's wearing shoes and alligator shoes he's wearing this his eyes this money this problem he shared it in that in the church my friend was one of the ashes he told me he said we carried we carried him out of the church we carried him out of the church never stopped here and he went 200 meters down a stutterer Church thinking that all the members of the victory Church were going to come to his church and they didn't come they didn't come shame on you shame shame you see the devil doesn't like this kind of preaching because you see when you behave like that in swaziland immediately you say but this is what they were talking about that's the same thing you are doing it now I'm keeping on preaching dangerous never attacked never joined anyone to dishonor your father do I care person when you do that yes those who forget some of you wanted to be doctors some of you wanted to be lawyers but you could not be isn't it why was it because when you went to the exam you couldn't remember when they asked what is the longest river in Africa you said Mississippi which is not in Africa it is in America when you went as it was that tallest mountain in the world you said Kilimanjaro when you ask what are the enzymes in the mouth you said acid you couldn't remember anything so not remembering causes you to fail shall I say it again not remembering makes you fail you don't go high because you can't remember anything in the exam room and in life and ministry when you don't remember who has helped you who has ministered to you you will fail Judas failed because he forgot how Jesus had raised him from the dead Judas forgot how Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead you should be afraid of somebody who can't go to a cemetery and dig out dig out their dead body after 3-4 days and raise the dead you should be afraid of the person don't you think you should be a bit scared this person is a not abnormal man is a supernatural man people forget you forget that's what I was telling you South Africa be forgotten already they forgotten those who forgets not that some people were educated but the past president was educated in Canada assessing Daniel and Nigerians and st. they up coming for your job you forgotten about Hitler that is exactly what happened the Jews have no country they were mixed up in the whole world and Hitler came and said why is it that four thousand of the five thousand lawyers in in Berlin Jews why why I'm for that they are taking our jobs the Jews have taken our jobs they are taking our money all these business look at other shops they have a celebration in Israel called cristão not next in German is night crystal is glass it's called crystal not be celebrated every year they went from all the shops where for Jews they went from in the group just as do a dream it's a traffic I broke it's called crystal that was the beginning of the major persecution of Jews and as it continued in the end they killed six million human beings as they became more policy this is like perceivers if you know history's it is the beginning I said become more powerful and so round them up round them up then they came to what they call the final solution final solution was that we found a way to kill a lot of them in one go because you know what you see the killing is brutal so they noticed that the soldiers didn't even like keep shooting the masses but then a time came when I said we found a solution gas they brought them into room and they had this special gas they put on everybody everybody every premiere female take your jewelry put it here they cut the hair everything then he closed the doors and they put a gun spirito and they closed it for 10 minutes 15 minutes when they open it that the Jews had become a mountain from here apparently there's more oxygen absolutely climbed each other until they form a mountain of human naked human beings they killed 10,000 a day from everywhere they collected sir you are taking our business you are taking our work you are taking out this you know the same thing they're doing there same same same you don't read history and they killed the French Jews kept them only got your name what is your name go ahead your name is what some 20 hear the name Joe Joey Judah this Israel this Abraham Moses Jacob Yacouba this that's all by your name Mahmoud I was telling me in there man this topic what is your name your full name nation your lips missing lousy they must come out what's your name when the measure said it was South Africa upper all of them were South Africans do a pastors were preparing for the crusade machine unit same also forget something - see who - the same the same church so I know what his work this guy's one usual you ought to see you you and then this guy and this girl should see come Nadia to finish just for your name they killed nine hundred nine hundred thousand people in three months when the thing became powerful the government imported classes machetes catalyst and shared it to the Hutus everybody come forward and then the house on the head like this Messiah I've watched the film I saw the people sorry human beings you gotta watch out my friend be careful about forgetting I have come to stand yet to do a crusade sharing books with our come to preach discounted thing given to you three things blessing you recharge your room you stand you said those those whatever is this speaking face this man days be careful be careful that's why anybody who rises up in a church is tasked to say those nigerians those commands those South Africans those Swaziland those people those customers you start that you are bringing something that we don't have because as I'm speaking I don't know where you are from I'm speaking to you as Christians I'm not speaking to you as anything so how do you change it into groups Wow and finally those who accuse you accusations they are deadly and dangerous things yes many pastors cannot do well because of accusations never allow yourself to be employed to accuse anybody because you cannot be disloyal if somebody doesn't like your king if somebody doesn't like your king the only way it can work is to accuse the king you get what I'm saying it cannot work without do you need to accuse you need to accuse of something without accusing what are you saying so anyone who want to fight in the church you he has to accuse about something you have to get something to say without accusations you are ok so Satan is called accuser it is his name and it is his most to me to me it is his most powerful I don't know whether it is most powerful but it is like it is what ended the ministry of Jesus he took him on as a tempter as an opposer as an adversary but when we took on the gap of the accuser everything changed that was what brought a ministry to the end so when seta was to bring your ministry to an end he raises up an accuser and he employs somebody to accuse will accept the employment how many will accept employment as accusers who are the people who are employed as accusers who are those who are employed as accuses many times women are used as accusers then said his wife unto Him thus now still retained by integrity cascode and dye job reacted instantly and rebuked his wife he said you speak as one of the foolish women speaks shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity in all this job did not sin Moses you would have thought that Moses would enjoy a smooth ride as he led the people of God with many miracles but Miriam his sister was not impressed Bible says Miriam and Aaron speak against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman he had married for he had married an Ethiopian woman be careful of what you say about men of gods marriages don't talk when you see they are getting divorced don't say anything or any problem is happening to them just be quiet and pray for your own marriage amen [Applause] David won great victories but his wife was not impressed then David returned to bless his household but Macau came out to meet David and said how glorious was the king of Israel today who uncovered himself today in the eyes of the handmaids of his sevens as one of the vain fellows she's calling her husband a vain fellow because of his dancing style as one of the vain fellows shamelessly and copper F himself that was the end of Macau that that was the end of whom stand up everybody stand up and that would have been the end of that would have been the end of many ministers wives if they were to practice the same practices of David he said you are finished go out go walk out people are mad me David for my songs and my great ministry you are despising me in the house hey you have such this is Rosalyn Alijah I'll show you men in the Bible who are taken on by women Jezebel his wife said to him do you now reign over Israel arise and eat bread let your heart be Jaffa I will give you the vineyard of naboth the jezreelite she manipulated a harp from behind the scenes and Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah saying so let the God do to me and more so if I don't make your life miserable by tomorrow seven stages into becoming a Jezebel you see a Jezebel woman is an Eliminator have you watched the film terminator this film is called eliminator when you become a woman Jezebel you can also have a man Jezebel when you become a woman as a spirit when you become a Jezebel you eliminate people now I don't like this person that's why a lot of people don't like women bosses yes hey when they are premenstrual tension comes them say hey my menstrual period is coming I can't stand nonsense today you see people don't like bitching about such things but I don't mind yeah a lot of ladies that go through mood changes twenty-eight days they said that attitude is changing to be sane things this one why do you talk to her I don't like it you are too soft when you're speaking of voice changes hey why are you smiling you always talking to this one after church a lot of pastors have been forced to eliminate the most important people in their ministry through the manipulation of a Jezebel spirit I visited a church where the pasta had a wife with that spirit he allowed his wife to do what she was doing until he lost his entire ministry yes when she first came into the ministry and married him she eliminated the fire leader then she eliminated some of the choristers she even went as far as to eliminate the pastor's daughter yes the pastor's daughter had to leave the church you see the way you see that their film Eliminator has started it is not even by the person sane but by the overall outcome that the people have been eliminated when I visited the church even the daughter was not in the church so many people had been driven out of the church including the man's or daughter from his first marriage before his wife died and he married this one yeah you wouldn't know that it's very powerful and a lot of people a lot of husband are too soft to even control such a thing Oh husband love your wife so this husband love your wife husband love in the name of husband love your wife the church is sport Jezebel was an Eliminator she eliminated Naboth they you are finished one pastor said to me he said if I follow my wife I will sack everybody she wants me to sack these persons want me to sack this peasant want me to start this person yes one day I met her I met a man of God and he was working with an elderly lady he was working with an elderly woman like when I see an elderly woman the woman is older yes older than him and older than all of them like she was like a a grandmother a great-grandmother and he went for a crusade and that elderly lady was one of the people that was working he told me look my wife has called me today today to tell me that that only after you the grandmother grandmother he said she said I've told you it's called eliminator she want that woman to be cut of the scene I remember another pasta the wife now did not want one of his assistants to work with him a man she started to bring up the question of homosexuality sometimes accuse of women and this one accuse of men I don't want this guy watch out for people with eliminated spirit this is a Jezebel these are women that have insisted in the Bible just the per said leave it to me I will this guy will not be here he will not be in this church again and you see leaders have let people go just because of this pressure and now your ministry is boring the best is gone a stages to becoming a Jezebel stage one number one flashes of annoyance when you see some people I'm talking about how you can become a Jezebel as a woman when you see somebody you don't like this stage to where you don't want the presence of certain women certain people it's like wow I'm not so comfortable I'm not coming for that meeting because I don't and this person will be this person will be there stage 3 when the lady has nothing positive to say about another person like if this person oh this was a very good single no comment it's like you don't say anything but I don't also say anything positive stage 4 you start to see negative things all the we have was not is not a good esta oh this one doesn't know how to dress Stage five clashes confrontations and explained confrontations and perils in the church one pastor said to me with everybody in the church yes my wife has had inflict she come double issue with this group issue with this person issue with this person while over this it struck me when I went to that chest I was worn out weights your wife I don't see your wife around said over here no comment no comments there are issues everywhere you see that person is gone around and this big complete quarrel watch out for stuck you have married a Jesse bear jessabelle you have to know how to control him this is a pastors conference is not a prosperity conference keep reaching Stage six hatred and elimination hatred and elimination eliminate circuitry she's too pretty you should get an ugly one you should get up ugly one she's too pretty I like this pretty one what posture he changed his secretaries five times and then he brought everyone that's a stage of elimination stage seven is the stage of delusions when you allow it to go they go bonkers example you started saying Z homosexual is he's interested in this is one lady one the pasta he told me is it not I'm not stories I had all what I had with my ears pastor said there's a pastor friend a very great man of God he said I had a maid in the house who used to come and help to look after that you because my wife was not looking after the children there are some woman just dressing but looking after children no cooking no house help no you see how beautiful but that is it just dressing and you know you cannot invest you cannot eat egg there's nothing to the process an empty shell he said every time many times I would give my maid this was in America I'll give her $20 just so it's like a tip $20 $20 $20 then the woman grew Wow she said you have been paying her to have sex with her he said the woman that my maid is very fat she's around shall be wonderful mother for my children and he said I've been giving her $20 to sleep with him is the stage of madness and if you have pastimes are not strong you'll be controlled every day come here go here hey you want to have sex there are some wife I have had at least two pastors who have told me the same thing they want to sleep with their wives and just one person said to me just at the point is a moment of you know going to have sit the wife said stop wait please stop look none of the things I'm telling you is a joke everything is real I cannot I'm not here to chew I'm not talking then she pulled a checkbook sign-sign money cash before you go in you sign get fee is a gate fee transfer fastest wives not women housewife pastor's wife not prisoners we have pastors wives you have such things in Swaziland I think so you think so but the rest of them it's not happiness versus they to happen Jezebel's and transfer um listen uh my last my last point let me finish this one then I'm going to read you a letter from a pasta to his wife then we'll be closed the next woman in my story is Herod's wife yes he was alone in the prison cell when he had the sound of marching and they came for him he screamed hmm alone you see man of God you are in your bedroom you are in your house no one sees no one hears what they see is what you come and dress nicely in the front they look so beautiful holy one pastor said I've not had sex for two years no sex for two years I should stop reaching a stop [Applause] two years how Lot's wife took up John the Baptist in the secret dungeon they put his head down then picked off facilities they saw the head of the same that Isis others are doing it that's how this Jesse bellick did they take you on in private no one can see even when you tell the story you can't even believe like it is not even possible I think this beautiful lady she changed she's so sweet she look so delicious are you sure Master are you sure that's why they do it in secret a John the Baptist his ministry ended through this woman here she was the one who hated him eliminate this man must not preach in this town he's shut up in the control tower one lady she's zipped up her vagina she closed it on vacation and she threatened the husband that said to me she said she told me oh my fornicate you are the one who lose your ministry often against your ministry is on vacation no son live is closed down for repairs fornicate and they know that you are you have nowhere else to go there's no other place to go and they've closed it you cannot beat them you cannot touch them see them walking in the house with trousers jeans well secured padlocks but you see can only happen to pass this this cannot happen to unbelievers and cannot happening to Christians who are not serious it's only pastors who can explain why because the pasta cannot beat his wife cannot divorce cannot sleep with somebody else and the woman knows that he cannot do anything he's powerless so this is not it is not preaching outreach in the church the church I will say something different but for pastors that's what I'm talking about I'm talking about pastors not church not this is not the church this door for the child is not for the general public for the general public is the other way around the women are suffering in the [Applause] but when UI pasta it's like me am I going to do I don't want to be boss by the grace of God till I die never ought to sleep with another woman I've never slept with any other woman apart from my wife God should help me and they know that this is our aim it's closed down for repairs to the next year should I keep on preaching [Applause] those who accuse him now one of the great test man of God ever John Wesley the father of the Methodist Church he was a pastor one day he wrote a private letter to his wife who was tormenting him in the house John Wesley give me one Freddy give me a chair he wrote a letter to his wife it was a private letter but somebody found a letter when he died and that's our come I got the letter so I put a letter in my book dear Molly his wife was called Molly I will tell you simply and plainly the things which I disliked this is the book I'm I'm reading it from this book those who are kissing generally I'm telling you simply and plainly that things which I dislike if you remove them well if not I am but where I was cannot go anywhere this is the point if you remove them good but if you don't remove them this is John Wesley he wrote his letter in points number one I dislike your showing any one of my letters and private papers without my leaf this never did any good yet [Music] it only sharpens and embittered your own spirit and the same effect it naturally has on others can you know monitors please and the same effect it naturally has another semi to have upon me but by the grace of God I don't think of it it can't do no good because he was she was showing his letters that he wrote to some of the church members that he was in love with this girl Sarah Crosby and other girls they look at the letter that John Wesley Pastor John Wesley's write into these ladies so he should take the letters and go and show to people it can never bring me nearer to you though it may drive me further off and should you do as you often threaten me than the matter is over I know what I have to do in all this you are fighting against yourself you are frustrating your own purpose if you want me to love you you just take the wrong way no one was ever forced to love another it cannot be love can only be won by softness foul means avail nothing but you say I have tried fair means and they did not succeed if they do not man well then you only have to say this evil is of the Lord I am clay in his hand number two I dislike not having the command of my own house and not being at liberty to invite even my nearest relative so much as to drink a dish of tea without you disobliging them you cannot bring people this one is eliminated this one is not acceptable this person is not acceptable here nama train I dislike being myself a prisoner in my own house some wives are prison officers I dislike being a prisoner in my own house having my chamber door being watched continually so that no person can go in or out but us but except such persons as have your good leave only who you accept should come to me number 4 I dislike being but a prisoner at large when I go abroad in as much as you are highly disgusted if I don't give you an account of every place I go to and every person with whom I confess I must account for every moment of my time if it was this issued I've taken the phone to check all the text messages and everything that you have done this is John Wesley Sneijder he's got my letter John Wesley's letter it's a voiceless letter the Methodist Church founder I don't know if there's any Methodist pastor here is that matter this year who is Methodist where are you yes is your church your pasta your father this is his letter okay listen number five I dislike not being safe in my own house yes my house is not my castle I cannot even call my study even my bureau my own they are liable to be plundered every day you say I plunder you of nothing but papers I'm not sure of that how is it possible I should I miss money too and he that was still a pin was still a pound but where is so as tall as papers I his treasure my journal in particular but I only took such papers as related to Sarah Ryan and Sarah cross we see these are the two girls he was being accused of Sarah Ryan and Sarah cross that is not true what about mr. Lundy's letter besides you have taking parts of my journal which relate to neither one or the other she was taking part of his journal number six I dislike your treatment of my sevens though they are not even mine sevens you do all that you do in life to make their lives a burden to them you browbeat you harass you read them like dogs make them afraid to speak to me you treat them with such haughtiness stannis sourness salinas ill Nature has never known in any house of mine for near a dozen years you forget even good breeding and you such cost language as befits none but a fishwife this is a posture it will be a pasta without power who bother to write this letter somebody also my friend just lead yes Namah 7 I dislike your talking against me behind my back in that every day and almost every hour of the day making my faults the standing topic of your conversation my faults number 8 I dislike your slandering me live to my chat things which you know a force such a that I beat you you said I beat you which you told James beggars that I wrote to Kingswood with Sarah Ryan you talked about I went somewhere with this era in which you told Sarah Rigby that I enquired you when we were first married never to sit in my present without my leave what you told me Cicely mrs. fry and several others and stuck to it before my face is it is a personal letter it was not intended to be public but now that is over 150 200 years ago later you see that even English is different I dislike you number 9 a letter would point when your letter has to be in point and you see that you have reached around I dislike your common custom of saying things that are not true to instance only in two or three particulars you told Mr Island mr. vasila learn Spanish in a fortnight you told mrs. fry that mrs. Allison was the offer us to my intrigue in Georgia you told mrs. listen you never said any such thing you never charged her with it you also told them that I had laid a plot to save you as Susannah was served by the two elders it's their own problem there's open now madam I dislike your extreme immeasurable bitterness to all who endeavour to defend my character anybody who says anything good about John Wesley the wife hates the person such as my brother Charles Wesley Joseph Jones Clayton caffeine break it out into foul and mother unmanly language such as ought not to be filed a gentle woman's lips if she even did not believe one word of the Bible now Molly what would anyone advise you to that has real consent for your happiness number one this is now his advice to his wife number one to show read and touch my letters no more if you do not restore them to their proper owner don't touch my lettuce with three leaves to invite anyone that I please to allow me my Liberty they will come to me let him come without hindrance Wow how many are surprised at John Wesley's letter to his wife yes number five to show me that you will not take my papers or anything of mine without my consent to treat all the seven number six where you are whether you like them or not with Kate see and humanity and to speak to them as well as others with good nature and good manners number seven to speak evil not to speak evil of me behind my back number eight never to accuse me falsely and I'm a mind to be extremely cautious of saying anything that is not strictly true both as to the matter and the nature and finally number ten to avoid all bitterness of expression till you can avoid all bitterness of spirit these are the advices which are now give you in the fear of God and in tender love to your soul now can I give you a stronger proof that I am your affectionate husband John Wesley [Applause] well there are many things in the ministry these are some of the internal battles those who are cues you lift your hand and ask God never to be employed who are those who are employed in accusations one of them is the what do you call it women but you never be employed by the devil in Jesus name lift your hand and thank God for his word today everybody stand in please everybody standing [Music] [Music] hallelujah thank you Lord for your blessing today in the name of Jesus guide us let us do your will perfectly in Jesus name Amen god bless you you may be seated
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 498
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Dag Heward-Mills, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, Healing Jesus Campaign, Healing Jesus Crusade, Salvation, Miracles, Healing, Evangelism, Gospel preaching, Evangelist Dag, Work of ministry, PASTOR’S CONFERENCE, MANZINI, SWAZILAND, THE MIND OF A CHURCH PLANTER, 2015
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 235min 58sec (14158 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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