Healing Is Here 2020: Day 3, Morning Session

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[Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody [Music] everybody [Music] everybody everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody good morning everybody welcome to day three of healing is here conference are you guys being so encouraged and blessed yeah we want to welcome every single person watching us live stream this morning i hope you're just ready to worship god and the victory that christ won for us this morning wherever you are because he is worthy to be praised amen [Music] amen with weapons unseen and your enemies crash to their knees as we rise up in worship and when trials unleash like [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your name is silence [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh the name of jesus oh jesus your name isn't shaken [Music] oh jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] is is [Music] oh jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] his name is unfailing [Music] shaken so the victory is ours because he won it all your name is [Music] your name isn't shaking [Music] jesus we won't be shaken we won't be moved because our trust [Applause] can we just lift up a shot of praise in this place [Music] god you're worthy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the victory is yours [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the victory [Music] rising [Music] shaken oh thank you father thank you father that when everything else around is shaking you stay the same the same yesterday today and forever the same god who split the sea the same god with daniel and the lion's den the same god [Music] doing miracles doing good and healing all [Music] thank you father you make a home for the lonely [Music] ship [Music] what [Music] and i know your goodness is always coming for me [Music] oh jesus you're the healer oh jesus you're the healer [Music] your love is the revival fire sets me free [Music] you lift my head up you restore my souls [Music] and make them more thank you jesus oh jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] today [Music] oh jesus [Music] [Music] you are oh jesus you're my healer your love you've is me free oh jesus you're my healer [Music] thank you father that every person right here right now can receive from you for your power is present to heal [Music] right here right now your healing anointing is flowing moving healing doing [Music] because of your love for us lord you loved us so much that you gave jesus you gave it all for our healing oh jesus you're my healer oh jesus you're my healer [Music] your love is you set me free jesus you're my healer [Music] yeah just receive right there where you are mending broken hearts healing broken minds bodies he's the great physician he sees right inside of you where every doctor couldn't figure it out can't understand it has done every test has asked every question the great physician sees all and right now he's breathing his life into your mortal body the quickening power of the holy spirit [Music] so turn your eyes upon jesus look for in his wand faith and the things of earth will grow strange in the light of his glory and grace your eyes upon jesus just look at him and look full in his wonderful [Music] and the things of earth will grow strangely in the light of his glory and grace upon jesus we look full in your wonderful faith they grow strange of his glory and grace in the light of his glory thank you for your grace in the light of his glory and grace [Music] oh we love you lord we love you thank you for your love this morning in jesus name why don't you greet someone around you this morning tell them they're valued and loved and i believe we have a video for you jesus had to minister to somebody twice once james says pray one for another the effectual fervent prayer elijah went and prayed until he saw the beginnings of the answer satan is the oppressor but there are times when satan doesn't let go immediately apparently that's the conclusion i'm coming to there are times when there are what for whatever reason and i don't know all the reasons but there are times when he simply doesn't let go immediately and if he would let go the all of the all of the fruit of his presence would be gone and i think we've gotten very addicted to the microwave miracle which when that happens praise god but when it doesn't happen we get discouraged and james is saying the effectual fervent prayer avails much and i'm wondering god are there things that i'm wondering about and i'm doubting and i'm having my my faith tested in some areas is it simply because i'm not sticking with it in prayer not begging but requiring that which has already been promised requiring that it be done in my case or in someone else's case is there something we're missing because we don't hang in there in ephesians chapter 6 it says to lift up the shield of faith with which we shall quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one but then it goes on to say having done all stand marin ham was only nine years old when mysterious symptoms plagued her body and mind until she was no longer able to walk as a little girl she would spend the next several years in and out of hospitals and rehab centers until she was finally diagnosed with late-stage lyme disease which most people never recover from we went through like intense physical therapy they were saying they were trying to desensitize my nerve endings so that they wouldn't be so sensitive for pain and so they would like wrap my feet super tight with wraps and stand me up on this table that they had me strapped to and all these things and it was miserable it was so difficult to watch i you know i would have changed places with her in a moment to not see her suffer our last appointment the doctor kind of had this look on his face i don't really think there's anything more i could do for you and i just turned to my mom and i'm like mom i just want to go to colorado lynnae booked a cabin and of all places woodland park where their receptionist would venture to tell them about healing school happening right down the road at keras bible college he started sharing that god wants you well and that jesus provided it for you this was just so exciting to hear this for the first time in my life and all of a sudden i'm sitting there and just this like boneless rose up on the inside of me i don't know how to explain it but just this prompting like stand up and walk and i hear her just saying mom mom and i turned back and then i realized she was standing and in that moment the ability to feel where my body was came back the ability to know how to move my feet instantly came back and i just started walking and i didn't pass out i didn't have a seizure it was just this feeling of absolute freedom just who the sun sets free is free indeed and man that was just it was incredible to watch marin's full healing journey click on the link below [Music] man that's powerful hey man you need to watch that whole healing journey if you haven't seen it and even though she stood up you know in those pictures right there uh she wasn't instantly set free just as barry was talking about in the beginning and i forget the exact length of time but it was a month or or a little more and she was just studying the word getting built up and then all of a sudden she stood up and took a step and was totally free and then every symptom came back but she wasn't going back and she took another step and within just minutes she was totally free today marin is totally healthy and whole and working in a ministry isn't that awesome so anyway god is good man it has been a great healing is here conference we're just now at the halfway mark through this and we've had great things happen i am so blessed every person who has ministered has just been powerful if you are just joining us on live stream for the first time i encourage you to go back and look at the previous times it has been powerful every person has offered something unique and i believe that all of us together are making an impact that no one person could have made on their own so it has been a powerful time and i just want to say to all of you that are here nikki's leaving right after kerry is ministering today and so if you're going to say hi to nikki those of you that are here you got to do it pretty quickly amen uh man she set the stage nicky is kind of the one that got it all started what a blessing nicky weller has been to all of us so it has just been a wonderful wonderful time i want to give you an opportunity again to give right before i do that let me ask matt would you he's doing something right now but matt would you come up here and make this announcement we're going to give away our second media pack tonight and i want you to encourage the people how they enter into this and become a part of this yes so on your social media platform instagram facebook whatever i don't want to age you out by saying certain names right hashtag healing is here but post a picture of yourself watching live stream online um i guess live stream online makes sense right but post a picture of yourself and possibly if you have a bible study show the picture of the bible study but hashtag healing is here with a picture of yourself watching this live stream so that you can participate and we're watching all these things we're documenting like how many people are watching and and we'll get that and then that way you can be entered into the contest so like i said if you can just flood your social media if all every one of you that's watching you'll see a movement happen online and that's what we want we want a movement for jesus right so hashtag healing is here and then also mention karis bible college you can tag us in your comments or in your post you can tag karis bible college you can actually tag any location that we have but this is the one in the woodland park campus so if you tag us be sure to tag the one here in woodland park because then we'll definitely see it thank you very much it's like he's speaking a different language man when you say tag somebody i'm thinking of a game you run and say tag you're it i don't know what tagging a person means i have a facebook account but i've never been on it i have people that work for me that do it i've never been on facebook i don't even know what that means thank you jesus showing my age let me share with you a scripture out of ephesians chapter four and this will be like speaking a different language to some of you you know if it's in the bible i know it but man if it's on facebook i don't have a clue so let me share this with you out of ephesians chapter four this is radical to most people if you would really consider what this is saying ephesians chapter 4 and in verse 28 it says let him that stole steal no more but rather let him labor working with his hands the thing which is good that he may have to give to him that needeth that verse is pregnant with a lot of things i hadn't got time to share it all with you but let me just point out a couple of things it says first of all let him that stole still no more but rather let him labor in other words it's contrasting these two did you know if you aren't working and generating money you have to have something to live and it's like stealing now that's not to say that every person who gets welfare or something like that is stealing but i'm saying an able-bodied person who could work and do things and yet is just living off the government is stealing i'm not going gonna make a i could preach on this a long time but you know uh jamie and i just recently watched this movie cinderella man i don't know if any of you ever saw that but it was about a fighter who during the depression uh he broke his hand and because that he couldn't fight and he went to nothing he had to beg he actually went and got government hell and it just humiliated him but his children were going to be taken away because he couldn't fight his children in any way long story but he recovered and they wanted him to do this fight just to stand in because the person who was going to be in this bout against the world heavyweight champion couldn't make it and he fought just because it was going to get him some money and he wound up winning long story but he became the world heavyweight boxing champion and when he began to prosper he went back to the very place where he got that money and he gave back the welfare money that he had taken because he did not want to be a taker he wanted to be a giver did you know back in the 20s 30s 40s that was the attitude of people but today we have entire uh peoples that are second and third generation welfare and they think that everybody owes them something you know the black lives matter man i better i better not go down this trail but anyway this princess colors one of the three ladies who started black lives matter i've read what they are demanding not requesting or their ideology this is what they demand and they demand that every black person be given a living income just free as reparations for the slavery that america had you know back a hundred and something years ago that is evil that is wrong i could preach on that for a long time but if you're going to do reparations how about the 625 000 white people who died and gave their lives to give freedom to the slaves in the civil war anyway don't don't live off of other people if you're just a taker you're stealing god says work with your hands and look at this here's the point i was wanting to get to all that other stuff was free it says labor with your hands the thing which is good and here's the reason that you work is that you may have to give to him that needs did you know most people think the reason i work is to pay my rent to put food on the table to put gas in my car to pay all of these things to take care of me and then if they have something left over they'll give to the lord i've had thousands of people thousands this is not an exaggeration come and say i i want to give i would give if i had anything but then they talk about all of their needs most people believe the reason you work is to take care of yourself and then if you had extra you would be glad to share but you are going to take care of yourself first this and there's other scriptures matthew chapter 6 verse 33 says seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and then these things talking about what you eat where you sleep what you're clothed with these things will be added unto you and so this verse is saying something that's just like a foreign language like some people talking about the all of the social media stuff is to me it's a foreign language to most people that you would sit there and you would work to be a blessing so that you could have to give to him that needs instead of to take care of yourself first and most people said but if i did that i'd have nothing that would be true if there wasn't a god who said when you put first the kingdom of god i will take care of what you eat and what you where you sleep and what you're clothed with did you know you can actually get to a place where if you put god's kingdom first and instead of taking care of your needs and if there's something left over you will share the very first thing you do is you give if you get a dollar you designate a minimum of that 10 cents or more to god every penny you ever get it is always god first if you would live that way god would supernaturally take care of you you would get to where you don't even think about yourself you think about god how could i be a blessing to other people how can i help other people that is radical you know i haven't done this perfectly i'm certainly not trying to present that but from the very beginning we gave away things and i mean we gave away things when we didn't have it and we gave anyway and we've now given we quit counting at hundreds of millions of cds books dvds and things like this and this isn't even including our website that we have close to a million free downloads per month we give give give give give i have given away hundreds of millions of free material and you know what i can't out-give god god is taking care of me during this virus thing we have not laid off a single person we haven't quit giving we have done all of these things and our income is up 10 over what it was i'm telling you you may sit there and disagree with me and say i don't believe this well don't wake me up because this is the way i'm living praise god and it'll work for you so father i just pray for every person here in this room and also those who are watching and i ask that you would instill this heart in them that they don't just take they it's not about themselves they want to be a giver it's more blessed to give than receive and that father they would live to give that they would work so that they could be a blessing put your kingdom first and i believe as people do that that father you will multiply this back to them and that all of their needs will be taken care of as a byproduct and we agree and receive that in jesus name amen if you're giving you can give by text and we have text to give i believe on the screen you can also go to awmi.net slash donate and you can give that way or you can call our number 719-635-1111 and i encourage you to be a part of helping get the gospel out that's what god has blessed us for so he can establish his kingdom here on this earth amen praise god awesome so this morning we are going to have carrie pickett come and minister to us mike and carrie come up here carrie mikey going to come up with her is she ministering how are you doing this all right they minister together sometimes and anyway carrie she came to us when she was just uh you were still a teenager actually i think i got to know kerry when i would go to her church in kit carson and lawson perdue was her pastor and so i've known her since she was like 10 years old and carrie has always wanted to be a missionary she came straight out of high school here to karis she graduated and went to russia and this is back when we weren't supporting people she went there on her own you were 20 what 21 21 went to russia single by herself and went over there and started ministering stayed in russia for 16 years found her husband mike in russia he's he's an american but he was over there on a mission deal and uh anyway they've been together and you've been back here for five years years and boy mike and kerry are vice presidents of our ministry they are just awesome god is using them in powerful ways and so man i love mike and kerry they are blessings so they're going to be sharing with you she's going to share and you will be blessed amen well good morning everyone i am excited about this morning and uh i believe you know what i i want to kind of do a shout out a testimony um so the one of the first days i had written my mom and i said hey are you on and so this morning my mom wrote me and said her legs who she's been she's having some problems with her legs the last two days she's been walking without any pain doing everything that she couldn't do before so i'm really excited because this has blessed my family already so hi mom and uh so i'm i'm just excited what god is doing but lord we just thank you for the word that you have for us this morning father i thank you for the things that have already been planted inside of our hearts father i just thank you that your word is true it is alive it is real and it works and so father i just thank you that as as we're being encouraged as we're being strengthened as we're being challenged father god i thank you that you are in the midst of our hearts saying that's true that's real this is for you and so father i thank you that as we're listening father and whether we're going through any sickness or not or whether we are father i thank you that you are our anchor and for those who are not having any sickness right now you are having seeds planted in your heart and so father i thank you that these seeds are becoming weapons of warfare so that they can serve and bless lives around them and those who are are standing for healing right now father i thank you we are anchored to your word lord we love you and we thank you for this morning in jesus name amen so um i'm gonna there's a little water here i'm going to uh i'm going to share a word today that i just i believe is going to encourage a lot of people and because what happens especially when you're hearing the word is sometimes we can listen to the word just as a spectator oh that's great that's nice that's good to know right but when we participate in the word of god when we're participating say how does that apply to me and just as i was praying i think it was about a week and a half or maybe almost two weeks that andrew had asked if i would share i've been praying about the word lord what do you want to say because i feel like you know that there's so many great teachers and i knew we were going to have all the healing uh journey people come up and they were going to be able to be such an example and just share because sometimes you can look at you know andrew and we can look at barry and we can look at greg and say well of course it works for them you know they've they've used this word for like a hundred years it works for them combined combined okay and and so of course it works for them but i'm just i don't know so much and i don't well you know my situation we always have an excuse but it's what i love about this healing journey um this healing is here is that uh we have everyday normal people walking through a journey that have come out and now standing up and ministering and so i'm really really excited about this and so anyway i've been praying for the last couple weeks lord what word would you like to give and so i feel like there is a group that has watched and i'm sorry i asked for kleenex today and they brought up a whole bunch of kleenex they must know that i'm a crier anyway i'm a crier if you cry i cry if you say we're going to cry i'll cry just sort of thought of crying so you know watch out hallmark commercials i'm like isn't that awesome my kids are like mom it's okay nobody died so anyway so this is gonna be real it's gonna be raw so um i feel like there's a group of people that have gone through a journey and they have golly lord and there is some disappointment in their hearts and there's this where they have said okay you know the next doctor's appointment or the next time we go back or boy by this time in the month we're it's gonna be done and what happens is you're applying and you're talking and you're doing the word and then something happens where it doesn't happen in our plan in our time right and we're like lord what happened and so i want to speak to this today because it's still true it's still real it's still god amen but what we do is we'll have these expectations and the enemy man he's right there to try to steal not just steal your healing but steal your expectation and he's he's not just after your body i'll just tell you guys this he's not after your body he's after your faith that's what he's after he's not after just the disease and he's not just to steal kill and destroy that he's after your faith he's after your family he's after the call of god on your life and that's what makes the battle even more important that's what makes it even more important to stand in your relationship with god because it's bigger than just your body amen and so what happens though is sometimes we'll have these expectations and when then something didn't happen right um the enemy's after your faith the reason i'm crying geez thank you lord we're 14 minutes into this anyway you have 35 minutes left of this amen the reason i'm crying is we just lost a baby i was at five months and this is about two weeks ago probably about three or four days after andrew had asked me to minister and so this is our fourth that we lost and it was interesting because the day i started bleeding was right after mike and i we were at the lodge and we were recording and filming for relationship university which is going to be awesome by the way just a teaser out there and we were recording for relationship university and his second to last lesson of the series of of this three-part 48 lesson series andrew mike and i and uh daniel and daniel bennett and greg and and we just have some amazing teachers be a part of relationship university so i'm really excited but in that last one we talked about how do you minister to those who've gone through a miscarriage have gone through a divorce have lost a spouse or have been sexually abused and we talked about how do you minister because these are all relationships right how do you minister to that group of people well number one you have to be whole you have to be healed in that area and so we're sitting there about four and a half months pregnant and we're testifying that god has healed us has healed us of miscarriages healed we're pregnant and then right after we got home i started bleeding and it was like the enemy came immediately to steal that word and we just stood there and said no this is not going to happen and i'll just tell you guys this that i am so thankful and when i'm up here to testify today it's the power of your relationship with god and just because i'm crying doesn't mean i've lost anything amen praise god i'm just a tender soul okay is that what happens is that you have to have your relationship with god so no matter what battle you go through you know that god is good no matter what the enemy tries to lie to you in the moments you know god is good because again and that's like i told mike and we're fine we know we have babies in heaven man we are populating heaven as i am stealing from the devil souls here i'm also sending souls there right we're populating heaven and so we we are good we have faith it's just you get tender right and so praise god we're good and and we've grieved and we're we're happy and we're joyful and we have hope for the future and we're either going to have another one or we're going to adopt or you know we feel like there's a one more picket in our picket fence that's supposed to be there right okay so we have two beautiful children we have a ten-year-old daughter and a seven-year-old son and so it's just awesome so we love being parents and so what happens is that you know you have to no matter what battle is go back to your relationship with god because even after i just felt like and i'll just tell you right now i want to identify even i i mean i have a great relationship with god i have been a believer for ever since i was six years old and i've been spirit filled since i was seven i knew i wanted to be a missionary by the time i was ten i was preaching in church by the time i was 14 i was on the mission field by the time i was 19 or by 21 and and and lived on the mission field so i mean i just love the lord man he is the rock of my salvation he has been my husband for years i always joke about my first husband and my second husband my second husband is mike and my first husband is the lord right and so i've just i have this great relationship with god but it's been something that i've built and relationship and intimacy with god has been something that i've built and i want to tell you right now that is the most important thing and yes do we want to see healing absolutely is it part of everything god has for us absolutely and have we seen miracles boy we've seen miracles signs and wonders all over the world as we have ministers i have ministered for women that were right in the middle of a miscarriage and they got healed right so no matter what the enemy tries to do i know god is true and i know god is real and i'm gonna kick the devil in the hiney for the rest of my life amen and so you got to get an attitude now you can't touch me and you may try but what does it do when you have a relationship with god it only serves to strengthen because you know who you run back to and i feel like there's people watching that they have set these expectations and they put these things out there and then when it didn't happen the way they expected there's lies that begin to come and what i want to identify is i want to identify those lies this morning because sometimes we don't even realize their lives because we just people will say well that's just a natural part of grieving or that's just you know you just shouldn't and you have well-meaning friends and family be like well it wasn't really realistic for you to start you know to be healed by this time it was really realistic for you to start walking sooner than the doctor said or you know you have all these people will tell you that your expectations and your faith are unrealistic right and so what we don't realize is while we hear all these voices telling us certain things we don't realize are actually lies of the enemy right and some of the lies of the enemy that come when you feel like something didn't happen the way you wanted it to happen right is there comes this lie that's like well why didn't it work right why didn't it work but here's the thing the word does work and how what what i or you didn't see in that moment has nothing to do with god amen and some do okay lord thank you for showing me thank you for teaching me how to go deeper and how to dive deeper hallelujah and that it does work the word does work and so the enemy will try to do this whole the word doesn't work and you know i've it's been interesting because i've been hearing stories recently of just a number of believers that i've known i've ministered with been on the mission field with even that have begun to um start getting into new age and they started getting into like meditation and and and you know all the all this eastern religion and and then you start to see that there's many ways to god and there's many ways and i'm thinking what happened lord and i've just really been praying for them and saying what what has gone on and the lord says well they got disappointed and audrey mack years ago in healing is here talked about a message that boy the lord really brought back to me this last couple weeks about making sure that we don't get disappointed in god because again that's what the enemies after he's after your relationship with god to get you to doubt that god is good and that god's word is true right and so when when you have when you feel like you've failed you can lay in that failure and say why didn't it work what's happening god why didn't you why didn't you and that's exactly what the enemy wants is to get us to not to look at god as the enemy versus god as a friend right and so in the middle of disappointment we have to learn to stand up and run to him you have to learn in the middle of something that you didn't see or you didn't and maybe it's not even for your body maybe you were praying for someone else i was talking to a friend of mine just you know how she had to fight disappointment because the person she was praying for believing for died and so in that moment she's like okay well then healing must not be real no it is real and that's what again that's what the enemies after he's not just after the healing he's after your faith and so you have to say you know what i'm holding on to my faith no matter what i and in fact i'm going to become stronger in my faith hallelujah and so in the middle of any in the middle of any disappointment that's the enemy is after the image of god the nature of god in your heart and your mind that you could see god as he's a distant and he's far and and i just really felt as i was praying as i was praying in the spirit last night and this morning i just really felt like there's people and even during worship i got a picture of there's there's people watching and they're kind of watching like this okay all right well all right god whatever will you see if you can do it and there's this attitude of like well i'm offended at you god and if you're really real well then you better show up right versus this expectation that no matter what has happened in the past god my expectation is for today and it's with faith and it's with hope and that was really awesome because you know when i was talking to my mom when my mom sent the text this morning which was just awesome it was such a great encouragement this morning you know it's she said all i had was an expectation and see that's the thing is that's what's so beautiful about our relationship and intimacy with god and and our relationship with the word of god it keeps our expectations it keeps this confidence right and one of the scriptures i want to go to this morning is actually some revelation that god was given me right in the middle of the miscarriage just like i was writing today's message right in the middle of it and i was getting all these verses and all these promises of god right in the middle of this you know where the the enemy's trying to attack and the lord is just ministering to my heart and we were i was listening to a worship song i'm not going to cry anymore i was listening to this worship song and it was like we raise a hallelujah do you know that song we raise a hallelujah in the middle of the mystery and i was sitting there and i was worshiping and i was raising a hallelujah right i don't care what i see what i feel what past experiences i have had that are trying to tell me well this is this is the reality right um i'm sitting here thinking and i was like lord i praise god that i can raise a hallelujah and it's not a mystery see what happens is so many times people will be like well we just don't know what god's going to do and well it worked one time it didn't work and it's just a great mystery let me tell you i want to tell you right now that the word of god has revealed god's heart to us we don't have to worry what's going to happen is it going to work for me is it not going to work for me is it true for them but not true for me you don't have to have this like well it's just a mystery and i just got to kind of blindly go out there no god has revealed his mystery to us isn't that awesome and i love in this verse in ephesians chapter 1 verse 7. ephesians chapter 1 verse 7 and as i'm sitting there praising the lord saying god lord i thank you that it's not a mystery i know what you've done i know who you are and i know what you can do right in ephesians chapter 1 verse 7 it says this it says in him we have redemption through his blood i mean and i love these verses probably you know i always tell people when i break in a bible a new bible i always break it in with ephesians if you're going to break in a bible i break it in with ephesians i go to it and i study and i dive into ephesians right and i love this i love this chapter because you can just take these verses and you can see all the depths of everything that he's done for us but it says this in him we have redemption through his blood excuse me the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace which he made to abound towards us in all wisdom and prudence having made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure which he purposed in himself and i just sat there and i meditated on this and and i've i've taught this verse so many other times before but boy just minister to my heart because he's made known to us the mystery of his will and that includes everything of salvation that includes healing guys that is part of what god has revealed to you and said it belongs to you it's not a secret it belongs to you now the enemy's trying to keep it as a secret keep it as something that oh well it's distant it's far it's you know only for certain people no he's revealed the mystery of his will to you and i this is my heart for you this is what i died to give you this is what i did on the cross for you it is finished amen hallelujah and i'm standing up here today as a healed woman not just in my body not just in my womb but in my heart hallelujah that is so important because sometimes people can be healed in one area of their life and not have healing in many other areas of their life and god the mystery of his will is that we are whole before him that is in relationship with god right that we can stand before him healed and whole emotionally amen we're healed and hold there's no gaps that the devil can continue to lie to me on or you want hallelujah see that's so much part of this healing process in this journey it's not just getting our body healed and saying okay thank you jesus and we still go off and live our own life it's that he's healed us where we have now this faith and this expectation and we're able to stand in that healing right because we know that again even in disappointments or failures or anything of the past god's also healed those lies that's awesome so it goes on to say this and and i want to read this out of the message bible uh in verses in the same verses it says it says this about this these verses i love it says he thought of everything we could possibly need letting us in on the plans he took such delight in making he set it all out before us in christ a long range plant in which everything would be brought together and summed up in him everything in deepest heaven everything on planet earth i love that it's like listen everything that he took such great delight in he said i'm going to reveal it to you this is what i love about relationship and intimacy with god and as i've been listening this is the theme honestly of this conference yes healing is the fruit of it but the root of this conference is intimacy with god that is that is what healing is here is about it's about relationship with god it's about relationship with the word of god it's about learning how to anchor your emotions and your expectations and your dreams and your disappointments anchor everything to your relationship with god and say i give it to you lord because what a relationship with god does is it keeps us grounded when there's a whole bunch of storms going on around you and i don't care what gets torn on the boat on top boy i'm anchored to jesus down below right and so and i remember in this all at you know like i think the next day you know mike and i were talking i said you know what i said no matter what has happened i want and and again in my flesh i wanted a testimony over this right but i have a testimony in spite of this amen that is what's so powerful that is what takes you through anything that you go through and i'm telling you guys right now there's some people that are there's like i'm not standing for healing i mean i'm standing for my marriage or i'm standing for my children or i'm standing for my business or i'm standing just for just to have joy again either way you're gonna have you you have a testimony why because that testimony always comes back to your relationship with god and so when we leave here and anybody that's watching this is what we get to the privilege of being you know when i think about that versus we've been entrusted with the gospel i always looked at that verse as a missionary i always looked at that verse as the privilege of a call to declare and teach the word of god we've been entrusted with the gospel message and i always looked at that verse as just a responsibility as well i've been entrusted with this good news so i need to make sure that i know it and communicate it well and i deliver it well and i was on the mission field i've been entrusted with the gospel but the thing that's so powerful about that verse is that you've been entrusted with the gospel to have relationship with it he said i've given you the gospel i've handed it to you now take it and build intimacy with me now take it and run to me and learn to get strong in your heart hide the word of god inside of you so that you know your god so no matter what's happening you can stand up and say god i know you and i know you're good and you're always good and you're always true and you're always real amen and you can stand up and you can say that because you know your god you know one of the things i love in jeremiah chapter 9 verses 23 and 24. this is a a verse that i have loved for years but it says let's not and talks about let that the wise man boast in his wisdom let not the strong man boast in his strength let not the rich man boast in his riches but let he who boasts boasts in this that he knows and understands me declares the lord man that that becomes our boast if i stop if i don't look down to my bible i won't drip so i'm trying to quote that's my goal today no dripping i did that one time i was teaching in bible school and the enemy was trying to attack me with a cold that day and uh and i was like no i'm healed and whole and by the end of the service i was completely healed but i had a stuffy nose and so i was shutting it off and i would blow my nose and then i would shut it turn it back on and i forgot i thought i shut it off and i blew my nose you know one of those yucky ones to the whole student body like 300 students and i just was like i'm so sorry [Applause] so my goal is not to drip today okay so but you know i love this verse because it talks about it talks about you that you know and you understand your boast is this that i know my god right and and no matter any attack that's coming against your life in whatever sphere it is because you may have victory in one area and he tries to attack you in another area but you know what i love that even though the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy god has given us life abundant amen an abundant life is your heritage an abundant life is the umbrella that you live under and you declare your victory from no no no no attacks may come but this is the abundant life that i live in it was awesome we just got in a random conversation with my kids last night we're laying i'm laying in the bed in the middle of them and we're praying and we're saying we're talking like what are you grateful for today and they're each saying what they're grateful for and and so then we were praying and then um all of a sudden and it's just it's amazing how kids will just come up with these random conversations mom are demons real i'm like oh it's 9 30 we're gonna have this conversation and so you know we're talking about yes there are demons are real and this and that i said but it's just it's because we're always talking about how you have victory over the enemy he has no authority he has no power you just tell the devil to go and and my son really man he really gets a hold of that when we start talking about rebuking the devil he's like yeah we rebuke the devil and and i said it was the same and i said it's the same way with demons no matter because and it was interesting because one of my uh daughter's friends was over the other day and they said my mom come here and my daughter said um you need to hear this story and it was uh it was this story that they her friend started telling about i saw a ghost and i was like really well tell me about this she said well we were playing this game where we invite ghosts to come and play with us and we clap our hands and then they clap back and then we run to find them and stuff like that and all this kind of sitting around i'm like i'm just listening and listening i said well did you see it she said yeah we saw it and it stood there for me and i said were you scared and stuff like that so then i started explaining i said you know that wasn't a ghost i said what you guys are doing is you're opening a door and you're inviting demons and both the girls were like oh you're right mom we didn't even realize it and luckily my daughter hadn't played it but i was definitely coaching in that moment because you will never play that again [Applause] but and so just talking about so then this whole dynamic of demons and ghosts and stuff they've been talking about and so we just spent this you know evening last night just laying in the bed talking about the authority that you have and that you can rebuke i said no man i said whether you see something or don't if yes if you guys ever see something you just look at it and say you go in the name of jesus and i said you just say the name of jesus because it has no power and you don't let fear and so i was just coaching them right and saying you have why because of the spirit of god inside of you why because you're a child of god and why because you have the blood of jesus on you why because he's given you a sword of the word of god we're just talking about this stuff and i love it because my son man he was really good he's like yeah mom when i when i if i ever see a demon what should i say and i'm like well what do you think you should say and he's like can i say whatever i want i said say whatever you want he said you idiot and i'm thinking so our kids aren't allowed to say idiot morons stupid you know imbecile all that kind of stuff unless they're talking to the devil and he's just like and so i'm just like kind of chuckling i'm like yeah good that's a good one he's you idiot who do you think you are you're stupid why are you and you're just like declaring this and i was like you go man and you have to have this and that's what that's what makes us look at the enemy and be like who do you think you are because what happens is in relationship with god it gives you an attitude it gives you an at not just authority but an attitude behind that authority no no no no no you can't touch this no you can't steal this you can't have my family you can't have my marriage you can't have my finances who do you think you are i know my god and see what's so powerful about the closer you get into knowing who god is in your life the more aggressive you're able to see and speak to the enemy excuse me i know no i know my god versus the enemy bringing doubt and say well maybe god's not pleased with you well maybe you know you deserve this or well you know maybe you don't have enough faith you know what i have the faith of jesus christ and it can be as small as an itty-bitty mustard seed and it's gonna change the world amen so when the enemy tells you you don't have enough faith right in the natural maybe no but in the spirit i have everything i need to rebuke the enemy you have everything you need to rebuke the enemy praise god it goes on to say this in in colossians chapter 1 verse 26 it says the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations but now has been revealed to his saints again there's this mystery that has been revealed and who is the mystery that was jesus christ it goes on to say to to them god will to make known what are the riches of his glory in this mystery among the gentiles which is christ in you the hope of glory you know so many times we talk about christ in us the hope of glory but going back and saying what now you have the riches of his glory in you and you have been you've been invited in to know everything of christ see when we look at the old covenant when we look at the old testament you know it was constantly prophesying of what of jesus coming right and that was awesome but they people didn't really understand all the dynamics of what this looked like but when jesus came it says the mystery has been revealed this is how god's going to redeem his people this is what you've been given now this is salvation for you and now all the riches of that salvation belong to you and i and so what i'm going to encourage you is that you know so many times the enemy will get us busy and get us distracted even in your relationship with god and i want to encourage you that yesterday's revelation is powerful guys it's awesome it's a foundation it's real and it's true but do not live off of just yesterday's revelations and i know again i'm speaking to everyone here and you're here and you're listening and you're hungry and you're writing notes and you're you're tuning in from wherever you're at you're hungry but don't just be like okay well when sunday happens that's it we stop learning about healing we stop learning about relationship with god relationship with god has to be a daily activity so when anything comes against you it doesn't throw you to the side of the wall right like oh my gosh i wasn't expecting no you you've already prepared your heart with the word of god to be able to stand up and say no i recognize that's the enemy that's a lie that's disappointment that's that's an attack against my family or my finances and i recognize and i discern it immediately that's the power of relationship with god so we live in this constant place of victory because we're able to stand in that relationship with god and that's why it's so important that our time in the word is daily and i'm not coming up to you and and putting law on you because it was really interesting because as i was teaching intimacy with god and i was teaching a love of god here in bible school you know people will come to me and be like well you know i'm just getting free from religion i'm getting free from you know if you don't read you don't pray you don't do you don't give god's gonna not heal you serve you bless you listen to you kind of thing there just getting free from that religion right and here they're coming to bible school and i'm encouraging get in the word and they're saying well you're putting me under law no i'm not man that you get in the word that's what sets you free right getting into the word doesn't put you into law having the discipline to seek the lord with all your heart you will find him right and so there's this dynamic whatever battle you're going through and i loved what barry was sharing here at the beginning and i thought it was funny because you know barry always speaks before me usually in a conference and he always preaches at least half of my lesson so when they started the video and he started saying i'm like barry you're not even here and you're stealing my message come on man right but it just means that god's trying to tell us something right but you know we got to get in to the word and and when we get into the word that's what changes our prayers because we've talked about that we've talked about relationship with god we've talked about being in the word we talk we've talked about how our prayers begin to change and you've heard so many beautiful testimonies of how our prayers begin to change because now we're making declarations they're not just well i think i'm supposed to say this and i think i'm supposed to believe this and i think this is what i should know but instead it becomes something that absolutely is the anchor of your heart it absolutely with confidence and this is what i love i was reading these verses last night and even as i was as the lord was giving them to me just quickly just gave me all of these verses they were ministering to me number one praise god but it's this dynamic of especially those that are watching that have been going through this kind of roller coaster and you you're almost ready to just say well you know what it's just not working okay god well thank you very much and i really feel like there's there's people that were ready to say well it's just it doesn't work it's not for me and you are ready to close the door to what god's wanting to do and i'll say for those watching do not close the door because this isn't just about your healing it's about the call of god on your life you know i was i was talking to a friend last night and and i was sharing i said you know the enemy and i was thinking about this because i've looked at mike and i's life i've looked at all the journeys that god has taken us through all of the places we've busted down the doors of of of hell and and started saying no the kingdom of god is going to live here i mean doing all the stuff we did with the drug rehab centers in russia and the villages and and going into places where they were just so adamant against the grace of god and just loving on them and loving on them and loving on them until they saw and they wanted and they were set free with the love of god and now those pastors and those ministers are are the grace preachers of russia right and so i've just seen all of the stuff that just when the battle comes man you just rise up in your relationship with god and be like all right this is gonna be awesome of what god is going to do and you have to be it's this dynamic of the confidence that you know what your god is able to do as i was talking to my friend last night i know there are battles ahead why because i live in this world does that mean i'm afraid of any battle absolutely not why because you know that god is before you and who can be against you if god is for you who can be against you i know there's going to be new things that the enemy tries to throw whether it's bible school stuff whether it's ministry stuff but you know what i've already seen the victory in those things why because of relationship with god so you can walk around not being afraid to live in this world in fact you say you know you start rubbing your hands and say this is going to be awesome boy god's going to do some amazing things and you're not inviting you're not expecting the devil you just know that you're a threat to him hallelujah are you a threat to the enemy are you a threat to the enemy hallelujah we'll get your relationship with god strong so any attack that comes you can say wait a minute no i have abundant life in this i have a testimony in this and i'm going to declare all through this battle as you walk through it as you're gathering up people alongside of you and taking them to heaven with you hallelujah you're not in a battle curled up saying where is god no you know god's before you you know he's he's your shield and your buckler your strong tower the foundation and his banner over you is love you're completely surrounded by god and oh by the way god in you the hope of glory in you outside of you your shield your buckler your strong tower amen so you can start living this life of victory because it's not just about this battle it's about all the other battles that the enemy wants to bring to you and declare right now hey by the way because you lost this you're going to lose everything else that's what the enemy is trying to say to so many people and i really felt this this morning i was like the lord said listen people are trying to give up on certain battles right now and so that when something else comes they just automatically accept it well i've got a headache and i couldn't get healed of a headache so then when i get a back pain well then automatically well then i'll just accept the back pain and when the back pain comes you know and then you know i start getting older and my bladder starts stops working why i use bladder i don't know but anyway it's just the picnicking when everything stops working well you just accept it right and then you know and then you know yeah when my kids went off the rails and they're going off into drugs well yeah you know just kids these days and you just start accepting those things and that's why this this right now for such a time as this god is speaking to you he's calling you saying listen i want to strengthen your heart i want to ground you in the word i'm going to have vic you're going to have victory in this so that any other attack comes you look at and say excuse me what no i'm not accepting that i have bladder control amen no my no my kids will not be in drugs no i will not lose my job no i will not lose my marriage already because this is what i love about testimony and this is what i love about the faithfulness of god god you've been so faithful to me and you look back and you see all the faithfulness of god how many of you can declare the faithfulness of god in your life he's been so faithful that's what you look back on the enemy wants you to look back on disappointment and god's saying no you look back on faithfulness no god you've been faithful here and you've been faithful here and you've been faithful here so god you're going to be faithful there and you're going to be faithful there and you're going to be faithful way over there that's what relationship with god does that's what getting into the word of god does it prepares you for anything the enemy tries to bring you able to recognize discern rebuke it and declare the faithfulness of your god say no way i am confident of this in this verse in philippians chapter 1 verse 6 man i love this verse because it keeps me in a constant state of humility to be taught by the lord i don't care what i've known what i've seen where i've gone where i've been what god has done what i can preach from what i can declare i have to keep this in my heart that being confident of this very thing that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it till the day of jesus christ there is this constant move of this being confident that no matter what god is at work within your heart he's teaching he's revealing he's healing he's setting free hallelujah and that confidence setting you up so when the enemy tries to whisper lies to you you're like no no i have a confidence in christ it's the same thing as faith no i have faith in the lord but so what the enemy will do is say well you know your faith doesn't work but your faith does work why because you can be confident that you know your god you can say i put my trust in the word of god it goes on to say this and i love this verse as well in proverbs chapter 3 verse 26 it says this it says for the lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught you said you know what god is my confidence i am confident in him that he which started something's going to finish it i am confident that his word works i am confident and you have to declare that when your heart tries to tell you something different you need to stand up and declare to the enemy no i am confident in my god no i trust the word no you know what i believe god is true i know my god and i believe there's people right now that you have to you're going to have to hear yourself say this it's like i almost see you standing up and saying you know what right now i'm declaring this and i don't know how many and i'm a big declarer man i walk around and i declare things and and you know in the house especially the house is quiet especially when i drive man i just i love the declaration declaration time of this of my car god you are good you are true you are real kids you know what i don't just preach to others i preach to me and sometimes you have to preach to your heart rejoice oh my soul and again i say rejoice stop it stop doubting and because you can recognize the doubts and you can just be like oh yeah yeah that's the enemy and rebuke it sometimes we recognize oh well that's just a lie well then declare truth right after you hear that lie [Music] that's what it says we fight the good fight no wait a minute i know true so i'm not gonna just lay over and just you know have a little pity party i'm gonna stand up and i'm going to declare the word of god right he's my confidence god you are my confidence that's what we have to do and so i feel like there's people that have said you know the students hold it's kind of like well i just don't want to get hurt and what happens is when we get disappointed it becomes pride and pride is because we're trying to avoid being hurt i don't want to be hurt again i don't want to put expectations out there i don't want to put faith out there and think because what if it doesn't happen i just don't want the hurt of it and that's again that's a lie of the enemy just saying well you know you just don't want to be hurt again so just fold your arms to protect your heart from god but god is not our enemy god is your friend god is your savior god is your father god is your healer god is your marriage counselor god is the father of your children amen god is the provider of your finances and so we have to look to him and say i'm not i'm not going to hold back but boy when if the enemy tries to disappoint me and lie to me about you god that's when i run harder i press in deeper right i jump on your lap consistently it says this in psalms 138 i'm going to finish with this verse in psalms 138 verse 3 it says in the day when i cried out you answered me and made me bold with strength in my soul that is the power of the word that he strengthens you and when i look at soul i'm looking at my mind my will my emotions right because that's what the enemy will say i'll try to put more emphasis on your flesh than who you are in the spirit in that moment say you know what i have strengthened my soul my mind my thoughts my emotions man i'm anchoring those things to the word of god right and so when you i just want to pray for those and i just feel like you know there's again you've been disappointed you've put some things out there and now you've kind of done this to god and i'm saying boy take down your hands run to the father he wants to heal your expectations he wants to heal disappointments he wants to heal hurts so you can be revived again in your confidence so you can be revived against i trust in the lord with all of my heart and i don't lean on my own understanding in fact there's a lot of things in my understanding i'm still growing in you're still growing them and you're still growing in amen that's the power that's just the beauty of the word that no matter what you think you know there's more to know isn't that awesome and it's this call to intimacy and i'm excited that this conference has had a heartbeat of intimacy with god in it i'm excited about this conference having where we're running and we're pointing everyone to the word of god and that you put your trust in that no matter what your body is telling you no matter what you have chosen to believe something bigger and more real than anything you see or feel or is declared to you from outside sources amen amen father we love you and lord i thank you that you are our confidence and that lord you love us so much and that your word is true and so right now we say enemy you cannot have our bodies you cannot have our health but you cannot have our faith and you cannot have any any future situation because you're trying to steal our confidence now so we're not accepting what you're doing to us now and we're not going to accept what you do to us later because we have the strength of the word of god as a shield and a buckler and father we just thank you right now for anyone who has had disappointment has anybody who's had truly been in a battle and feel like they failed and feel like something didn't happen or didn't work right now i speak to every heart and father i just thank you you are healing that right now in their hearts and that they can say you know what god you are for me not against me and any barriers they set up to protect their heart that lord they just take those down and they run to you boldly right now so father i just thank you that disappointment or what the enemy is declaring to them as their failures of faith no they run to you and they run to your word and they run to the faith of you and the confidence of you being in them right now father and so if i i just thank you that their hearts being healed right now that they are they are are running to you not distance with their arm crossed wondering what you're going to do so father i just thank you for this and we just declare that even from this time there are miracles happening in people's bodies right now in the name of jesus because they've taken their arms down and they said lord i give you all me i trust you once again father i come to you i run to you once again there's healing happening in marriages right now in jesus name there's healings happening in families right now in jesus name because you are giving the disappointments you are giving these lies the enemy's been telling you you have seen them as lies and you're saying no in the name of jesus i declare truth right now so father we just thank you for the miracles that are happening in people's hearts and bodies and finances and lives in this very moment we rejoice in this oh god lord we love you and we thank you for today in jesus name amen awesome i love this lady i love you and you're seeing uh your testimony of living testimony she's still walking through it not very many people would have come up and administered in a situation like this we told her she didn't have to she wanted to it shows a lot of maturity and i tell you god is speaking to people you know every person is going to fight disappointments and and you're seeing mike and kerry walk through this and i don't emphasize my disappointments much because i don't focus on them but did you know what every one of us deals with this i remember being with oral roberts just about i think it was four months before he died and i was privileged to go to his home and there was about uh i think 15 or 20 ministers that went into his home and he ministered to us and we got to ask him questions and he prayed for us and one of the questions that was asked him was you know have you ever faced disappointment or and man he gave a lot of things but one of the things he talked about was that it hurt him when he prayed for people and didn't see them healed and they died and so the follow-up question was how did you deal with that and he says i actually came close to quitting the ministry thinking that if i couldn't see every person healed that i just quit the ministry and the lord spoke to him and he says but if you only saw one person healed that's one person that wouldn't have been healed and he says you have to just get to where you focus on the ones that receive and and forget the others it's not that you aren't compassionate but we don't understand everything and you i actually came to this place that i've said this before that if i pray for a person and if you fall over dead i'm going to step over you and say next and that sounds callous but you cannot let disappointment stop you because every one of us have had them and you just have to continue and at that same meeting jamie and i asked oral roberts to pray for us that we would see more healings and i believe that daniel amstets and healing school is an answer to that prayer and we see many many healings now through other people but anyway when i asked him i said we we see a lot of people heal we've seen people raised from the dead but i want to see more people heal he says it won't work for you and i said why is that he says because you're a pastor i said i'm not a pastor i'm a traveling minister and he says oh then it'll work for you and he went ahead and prayed for us and did you know lots of people don't understand that but i knew exactly what he's talking about you know what that is pastors have the same people and if you pray for them somebody isn't going to manifest healing and most pastors to cope with that will back off of believing that it's god's will and they will try and compensate and they will back off of preaching the word but if you're a traveling minister you can come in and preach the word and pray for everybody and leave and you don't have to deal with the consequences that's what he was talking about and that's sad to say but most people can't handle disappointment they will back up i know i'm taking time i shouldn't do this but i've just got to do this that one of the very first people in our church in segaville texas was a couple that had lived in nicaragua for many years they were americans but they lived there and anyway she was a petite woman and she had a child and actually didn't make it to the hospital delivered in a taxi on the way to the hospital and because of it this child had all kinds of brain damage i've been criticized for saying this but this is what they called it they the child was and they called it i guess that's not politically correct but i don't know what else to call it anyway this child was four years old and one of the problems that they had was at this child they said if it ever gets cold it'll die because it had no immune system and so anyway the uh they were a member of our church and this child got a cold they pray they called me we drove up to where they were and i was holding this child and praying for this four-year-old boy and i was praying in tongues man we prayed for seven hours and i prayed in tongues and they had been in nicaragua and they i didn't know spanish but they said i was saying things like get up run jump and i was i was speaking spanish speaking in tongues and i didn't know what i was saying anyway this child died in my arms and when this child died we stayed there for two hours praying for this child to be raised up and it wasn't raised up and finally they called the police and the police came and the only reason we weren't arrested because we hadn't called the doctors and taken the child to the hospital they had a written thing that if this child ever gets a cold there is nothing that they can do for it because it had no immune system and so anyway they let us off the hook and i was so tempted to tell that family well you know maybe this wasn't god's will maybe this child was never going to have a quality life and so you know i thought of all of these things just trying to comfort them and yet i knew that that wasn't what the word said and so i told him i said look i don't know what the problem is i said it's not god god's not the problem it's either me it's you it's both of us it's something we don't know but god did not kill your child this is not god's will and they asked me to do the funeral and it was one of the hardest things i ever did and man it was bad and did you know anyway long story but the lord showed this woman what the problem was she fixed it they told her never have any more children because she was just so small they said you'd have to take a c-section and even then the chances of it living would be very small when her kids graduated from college she sent me each one their college graduation thing saying thank you for telling me the truth she had four children that graduated from college and she sent me their graduation pictures and anyway my point is that i still don't understand i don't know why everything but look at all of these healing journeys that if i would have gotten discouraged and said well i don't know why it didn't work so i just back off and quit saying it we had a lot of people sitting right here in this room that would be dead today i'm telling you you can get so far into god you don't know how to find your way out you can get so focused on the truth that it's truth whether i see it or understand it i was in vietnam and you know what people around me died i didn't look at them as somehow weak or failure we were in a war and satan's fighting and he's been at this for thousands of years amen i don't understand everything and i i'm not going to tell you all of the things in my life but i'm dealing with things right now that should be different and yet they aren't and you know what i just have to keep going and i don't let what i don't know keep me from doing what i do know amen so anyway i'm going to refrain from preaching i just nearly did but that's powerful thank you kerry for being transparent and sharing with us that's awesome those of you watching if you need someone you know jesus is right there with you the holy spirit is there but if you need jesus with some skin on call our number amen 719-635-1111 somebody be glad to pray with you all right so we got some uh great testimonies coming up we're a little bit overtime we do need to take a break so that they can reset uh the stage for the people coming up so let's make it as quick as we can say five minutes or so for those of you watching on live stream there will be some videos it'll be playing but we'll be back in about five minutes i was blind but now i see [Music] this is to be [Music] on your is my dad was paid [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is your grace [Applause] amazing you bring me your grace has rescued me amazing unfailing you bring me [Music] [Applause] [Music] you bring me to my knees [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so matt are we ready to start okay i think we're ready to get started here uh welcome back uh we still have people visiting here in the auditorium but we're gonna go ahead and get started just to try and catch up it was my fault i'm the one that talked long i did it in the offering and then i said something after kerry so all the blame comes on me but we are going to try and get going a little bit earlier so that we can uh catch back up with our schedule we've got people zooming in from other places even other countries in the next hour or two and it's going to be powerful so let's watch this little introduction video about [Music] audrey upon delivery the nurse was having a hard time keeping her pink and um so she was calling for the people out of nicu to come and to help and to take her back to find out why she couldn't keep her pink because she kept blowing up [Music] the doctor pulled me into a room a really highly respected doctor he handed me a book and he points out hypoplastic left heart syndrome he said the heart did not develop we run echograms we only see a very small left side of her heart which means that she's not getting the fresh blood pumped out on top of that we cannot locate the major arteries going in and out of the lungs to our heart we believe when we do locate them they're going to be in the wrong place is why we can't find them now they started had started a chemical injection to dilate everything around her heart to keep what flow she had going going and he looked at me and he says you need to go get her mother to say goodbye and i knew what he was saying [Music] the nurse and my husband came and got me out of the bed there at the hospital to take me down to the icu unit to see her there was such an anger that rose up inside of me because i knew this wasn't of god [Music] and i remember getting down there and seeing her and she was just a grayish white color and she was she's still and she had all these wires coming in and out of her ladies and gentlemen please welcome to the stage audrey scott with jamie and tom scott [Music] hey man man isn't this great so this is audrey right here how old now 13 years old i tell you what i have watched their testimony many times in it i have never seen it that it didn't bring tears to my eyes i mean this is you are a walking miracle audrey yes so we are so privileged to have her on the stage of course she doesn't remember any of this and so i've talked to her a little bit this week and i don't know you know how much she can share but just seeing you up here and healthy and she plays soccer and excuse me volleyball well it had a ball in it that's right but anyway to see her athletic and everything it's it's just a tremendous testimony so tom and jamie uh we need you to share about what happened here and and this miracle that jesus did for you i don't apologize i call it soccer all the time and she corrects me so and she spends more time walking on her hands than she does her feet sometimes really oh gosh she's real athletic we in the video we mentioned and i i haven't seen that video in so long and it tears me up to watch it so i have to be just turn my head away from it and you remember those emotions oh gosh it's real close to your heart even after this time and i remember when she was young in the video we saw the video and audrey is crying i go it's okay the baby lives it's you yeah but wow what a journey the journey started for me in 2002 and what i like about all of the the people that have gotten up to share um what really spoke to me last night was when al got up and said you nee you really need to learn about jesus and who he is for you and what he's accomplished for you why you're well amen because when you have a foundation to draw from when situations like this come up you know where to run to and you know problem that most people don't really seek the lord and then when tragedy hits it's panic it's like the parable that jesus gave about building your house uh you know on the rock but you have to do it while the sun's out you can't do it in the midst of the storm you aren't always going to win right so when that diagnosis came after i i'd had her that day and and the doctor came in and he started relaying all of this information to me there was such an anger i mean and i was just like no nine months i've gone nine months nothing was ever wrong nobody said that there was a problem and i went in fully expecting to have a healthy baby girl and then they come back and said oh no she doesn't part of her heart's not there she's got a rib missing and i'm just like no this is not of god and she had some arteries missing they could not find the arteries and it goes to her lungs and we went from a celebration of a new birth a beautiful baby girl to we've got a big problem in a short period of time and going back to what jamie said it starts before i listen to the testimonies here and we we hear years of sickness or problems and god taken so long seeing it taking so long for the to see god's miracle manifest we saw it in three days we didn't have all of this time for the enemy to throw doubt and fear at us and it goes back to what he said last night and what you just said you don't build a house in the rain and when jamie had our william she decided this would be a stay-at-home mom and she started getting into the word then because we had i wouldn't say casual christians but we it wasn't our hearts desire but it became her harsh desire and then she started said you've got to listen to this guy and i thought oh no who's your mom got you listening to now so how how did you contact our ministry was it through tv or well how i found out about you was through my mom um and uh because we had gone to visit we were living on the coast and parents lived about four hours away and i remember one weekend we had gone home and my mother was just oh my gosh she was so excited you know god healed her of breast cancer and so appraisal she she was she was a mentor and she's just like you've got to hear this guy and she said he he makes the word of god so simple to understand she says you can just grab a hold of it and i was just like okay mother because you know i had seen different stages of my mother's life growing up and i'm just like you know what is she into now um and i you know i did grow up in church but then there came a point in my own life there was a lot of unanswered questions in in my life and uh so in 2002 is when i had my son and uh i couldn't find you on tv anywhere couldn't didn't hear you on the radio she had she was watching you on tv and so she says well he's got a website so i got on your website and the book the true nature of god just really you're talking about well is god schizophrenic and i'm like hey yeah is he because you go into churches and you hear one thing and then you may go into another church and you hear another thing and you're like well who is god is he like this does he cause problems in your life to get you to turn to him and and you're sitting here but why would you want it why would you want to serve a god like that and so um in 2002 after i'd had my son i was a stay-at-home mom and so one morning i picked up the book had the book for a couple of months before i ever actually started reading the book but i just came to a place and i said something's gotta something's gotta change in my life and uh so i started reading that book i'm a crier too carrie and all the questions that i had you just i mean it was right there in black and white and you backed it up with the scripture and just brought the scripture alive to me and i was just like this is my god he loves me amen he loves me and so my growth started then when i found out how much he loved me and cared for me and how he sent his son and his son accomplished everything at the cross for me and so i i thought wow this is great this is great so how long from when you started getting into the word and getting that revelation to when you had this problem with five years well now see this is another great point and this has been part of nearly everybody's testimony is that you may have only had a three-day fight but it's like a woman giving birth you say how long did it take you to give birth and they'll say oh three hours or five hours no it was nine months and five hours and that's the way it is it takes a while to develop our relationships right get this strength in you that you all had it does she had i i said you've changed and that's a good thing at the time it wasn't really a good thing in my heart because of my uh background and my uh the baptist uh uh walking in that teaching so i pushed back my flesh was she she wasn't the woman you married she wasn't oh my she started putting your recordings in my vehicle listen to these on the way to work and on the way home and my flesh would push back but my spirit would jump when i heard those words and it's close to me because that was where that's where i started seeing god for who he is and not the religion and i had a whole lot of religion i had to put aside and i still fight it today it never goes away it's in there and but what made it from gray on god wants you well it went to black and white in john 10 10. what what does the enemy do and that's my measuring stick for anything that comes against us now what is it what is it is it killing stealing or destroying it can't be from god it cannot be from god and i wasn't where jaime was at the time audrey was born but i'd had enough of the word in me to realize that i could actually speak death over her yeah and when the doctors started giving me all of this information i shielded jamie's ears from a lot of it i didn't go back and go well this is what the doctor said i i decided to just not tell her a lot of the stuff the doctors said and because i knew that speaking death and when the we went from beautiful baby girl she's turning blue we've got to get her to nicu race down the hall the the doctor called me and then he gave me the first doctor gave me his diagnosis it's a hypoplastic left heart syndrome he also said she had a rib missing and we can't find the major arteries going in and out of our lungs he's painting this terrible picture and he said typically when we suspect a heart defect we immediately count ribs and there's one missing and we want to take her over to uab which is the heart specialist in birmingham they are known all over the world i presume to being a heart specialist and actually one of the doctors there on staff was the one who wrote the book on on child heart defects so he gives me this terrible story of audrey and he says we're preparing her to take her over to uab go get her mother and bring her down here to say goodbye and it hit me he meant the big goodbye and in that time they were coming to get me but my i was grounded in the word i knew this was not of god so my mind never even went there i just knew i was going to go see my child and i was going to lay hands on my child and i was going to pray over and uh you know i had certain people around me in agreement praying with me um my pastor of my church my my mother was there of course and uh and when i went and i saw her i prayed over then there was such a peace of god that just came over me and uh and i re uh i just remember that and he's like you watch me work and i said hallelujah praise god i'm on watch she said take me back to my room i'm ready to go and on the way back we never shared this to later uh and i don't even know if it was when they recorded the video but when i'm pushing her down the hall i felt the spirit holy spirit say watch me work go he said the same thing to her amen but we and at that point my confidence started growing and at that point it was a roller coaster i take her to a room i race across town to uab to meet the ambulance and i'm waiting i meet with our pastor we pray i get call back to this surgeon the heart doctor he sets me in this dungeon of a room a lot of books around a long table it's just he and i and he starts he pulls this book up this is uh heart effects the beginning of the book are the minor cases the back of the book or the worst and at this point i'm not real sure where audrey's going to fall and it it mattered of course he goes to the last page of the book he goes here's where she is i thought wow good bedside manner take me right there worst case worst case scenario and he's he tells me we can we're going to have surgery we're going to build we'll build up half of her her left side of her heart hadn't developed we're going to build it her life quality we can't say but it's going to be a series of operations and all while he's saying that where fear would have come over me a peace came over and i looked at him and said you're going to miss it on this one and he looked at me and just kind of chuckled because i it wasn't really a chuckle it was just a smile and and i can imagine he has to deal with parents that are in denial from all ranges of emotion from anger to denial to fear to crying and he looked at me goes well i'm i know what i'm doing and this is where we are and and inside of me i wasn't saying god you've got to do something you've got to do it now but i felt it it'd be god you got to do something before he puts a knife in her you've got to do something because i'm believing you for this and if he gets ahead of you it's going to be a mess just more for you to fix so that was my mindset and then when i but it was a i can't explain the piece and remember i'm not where she was but i knew enough through reading the word and letting the word become life instead of a story or an example or this is what happened back then it started becoming alive and thanks to your teaching and thank you for your teaching or we wouldn't be seeing her right here because we would not have got a hold of that truth we would have been hung up on religion well god took her and he needed her in heaven how ridiculous is that but i knew at that point i could not speak death because that stuck with me you can speak life or death with your tongue and i i just had to zip my lip and i didn't share a lot with her because i didn't want that doubt in her mind and it started breaking her she had a confidence she had such a confidence and a friend of ours came to visit while she was in the hospital and everyone had this terrible news and the doctor was trying to feed her all kind of medication god carried her through that she took nothing i bet the doctors probably thought well you've lost it they did that was a nut yes even her friends who believed like her thought she was a little bit nutty did you ever have any fear through this thing or no i had no fear at all because when people would come in to see me or whatever uh you know i've had several say there was such a peace and a calmness in the room and it was it was god because he had showed me he says you watch me work so i was sitting back waiting and i had already in my mind i had her pictured you know she was in my house in the power of imagination yeah explain that because if you see the video it shows uh jamie sitting there and she had a vision of rocking audrey and on my front porch rocking her in my rocking chair holding her in my arms and she was healthy vibrant baby and i could see her running through the house you know the blonde hair and he had just given me and this this is her this is your child she's going home with you and i did i started asking the doctors you know when is she coming home and and when i would ask them that they would just look at me like their eyes would get this big and they're like got it yet you ever see a dog turn their head and lift their ears that was the doctors when she says when's she coming home because in my mind god's showing me my child you know i had her on a tuesday i'm thinking by saturday we'll be at home you know i know they have all their little procedures that they've got to go through and test and everything but i'm like she's coming home with me and uh and so yeah i would tell people when they come in i'm like i see my daughter at the house everything's gonna be okay it's gonna work out and they're just like where is this confidence and i'm like my god he's gonna take care of this amen i'm putting my trust in him that's supernatural it is it is a supernatural way you would have responded if you didn't know the lord no if i had not known the lord or had the foundation i would have probably been like a lot of people i would have broke down i would have been overwhelmed crying and just going oh my gosh what you know what is going on and i had to make a conscious decision at that point either god this is real or it's not i believe you or i don't and that decision was when the peace came over me now is the time now is the time he puts you in a position and i know this is not about our life leading up to this but god performed several miracles to deliver us from where we were on the coast to where we were in birmingham and put me within three miles of a word of faith church and took i had two or three businesses i was always working she had been praying that god would put me in a position where i'd have to work all the time i didn't know this till later and so guys wives are pretty powerful aren't we yeah she's pretty good that's awesome but that decision when that decision came that's when the peace of god came and i can't tell you a lot about those three days because it was up and down and i think god just says well you need to remember that remember when i held her i remember that i remember that morning so jamie you called into our uh prayer line during that time but yeah because there there are there were times when i'd be end up in because i was at one hospital she was at another so he was having to go back and forth so there were times i was by myself just having quiet time had a book had the word you know praise god and then the holy spirit just said you know they've ministered to you you've been fed here call into the helpline and i'm thinking i'm gonna call i'll get somebody else in agreement with me because the word says we're two or more in agreement it's done it's a done deal and that's where i was it was done so i did i called in and i spoke to a lady by the name of diane she was one of the prayer ministers here and oh my word she just i mean i had peace but that peace because she was praying over her her heart and i found out later that there were things in a similar situation that she was dealing with herself and she had a daughter named joy that i don't remember what it was but i think it was something like cerebral palsy and so she had dealt with a lot of these things and here's another example of what kerry was talking about that diane herself had faced disappointment but kept standing on the word and because of it was able to minister to you and she she prayed she prayed with me and i was just i was thanking god you thank god that there are people out there that can of like faith that can be in unity and prayer with you and uh so i got off the phone with her i i called her she was born tuesday i think i called into the ministry on wednesday well then thursday morning um is when uh i got up that morning and i wanted to call and speak to the night nurse the overnight because she had 24 7 care she had a whole team with her at the other hospital so i thought well i'm gonna call and talk with the night nurse before they change shifts just to see how everything went and that was the morning that that that thursday morning i called and got her on the phone and went through all the the stuff where you have to verify that you are the mother and she got on the phone and she just started i asked her i said this is audrey's mother i'm calling to check how did she do last night well then she just started giggling and and she said oh she did fantastic wonderful and i said really and she said yeah she said that they came in and did a uh an echogram on her late in the evening wednesday evening and she said they saw her heart praise god and i was just like and i said they s they what now repeat yourself and she said oh they saw her heart and she says we've started backing off things and uh this morning and um there's just a whole lot more to it she said the nurse practitioner's looking at her and they said that the only surgery that she might have to have is there's probably a little crinkle in her aorta now and i'm thinking well they didn't even see an aorta and now there's a crinkle in our aorta and i'm thinking if he's gonna create her heart there's not gonna be a crinkle in her aorta so anyway i get off the phone and i turn and i look at my husband and i said her heart is there and i just started praising god i was speaking and praying in tongues just rejoicing and thanking god for coming through on on his in his his his promise of his word and about that time when her doctor walked my ob doctor came in and he little of that in the middle of all of that and he was really going do i need to prescribe you some valium are you really is everything okay he was scared he didn't know what was going on and i'm like no i just need you to release me so i can get across the street to see my daughter i said the sooner the better and he was probably thinking yeah the sooner the better let's get her out of here that's awesome audrey i know you don't remember any of this but how does this affect you to be people talking about the miracle that jesus did for you you don't know you just never have nothing she talks all the time i don't know what's wrong with her right now well how do you say something that's awesome god loves you god's got a great purpose for you he does he does um she's a very tried to wipe you out and god wouldn't let him no and there's a purpose she's a very vibrant young lady i'm very thankful that she is growing up knowing who god is for her and not having to unlearn things like i did um we uh i was sharing with you this year she's been she's always playing sports running a lot of energy and we had to go have a physical done this year for her to play volleyball and um and uh and she's on the sports medicine team at school so we go to just somewhere to get the physical done because you have to have that paperwork done so we get there and we're sitting in there the nurse practitioner comes in starts doing all of the tests or you know checking her signs her vital signs and stuff and she keeps going back and forth listening to her heart and listening to the back and she looks at me and she goes do you know that she has a heart murmur i said no she don't and she goes a lot well let me just listen one more time so she's listening and she keeps listening and she says i know what i hear and she has a heart murmur and i said she says no one's ever told you she has a heart murmur i said let me just share something with you about this child so i started sharing the testimony with her and she was just like well that's great and everything but i can't clear her so she's going to have to go see a cardiologist or you'll have to go back to her regular pediatrician if he knows anything about it and i'm like oh he knows the whole story with this child i said but she doesn't have a heart murmur and so when we leave there and we get in the car she looks at me and she's a little angry and she goes i don't have a heart murmur mama and i said i know you don't i know you don't but you know what we'll have to go we're going to have to go over this hurdle we'll just go ahead and we'll we immediately turned around called the pediatric clinic where her doctor was and got another appointment we went didn't even see her pediatrician it was someone else in the clinic because he was booked well this lady comes in she really don't know anything about her she checks her out she goes oh well she's good to play volleyball have fun this year and never said anything about a heart murmur amen sorry i tell you what the devil will try and come back and hit you where you've had a weakness exactly and so he just tried to see if you would accept it years later so the in this roller coaster ride that we were in the the three days the fifth day i think or was the seventh day the first week she had seen this pediatrician for the first time dr wally and he was really on he's trying to explain what has happened and he's just kid gloving it and i said it's okay she had a miracle healing you don't have to give me these ten dollar medical terms and he just kind of relaxed and said well let me show you where it took place and he he has a paper stacked this thick and he says i want you to hold on to this give it to her when she becomes i don't know a heart cardiologist and tell her to share this with her fellow students but he dials down to here's one uh is it an echogram card what cardiogram whatever that test they do and then the next one a few hours later it went from negative to here's her whole heart amen and he says so you can zero it into this time and all of a sudden the spirit said ask about the rib i had forgot about the rib and i said could you count her ribs and he gives me that look yeah sure and he's got her on her back and he counts and he rolls her over on her stomach and he counts again he says this child has all of her ribs amen isn't that god's calling card awesome you know we're we're over time here but uh i remember the video you talked about holding audrey in your rocking chair on your porch and singing jesus love me and that that was the vision that kept you going and it ended with you holding her singing jesus love me and yes and to see it go from a vision to reality it's awesome wonderful that that power of imagination i mean the spirit gives you the holy spirit that lives on the inside of you gives that to you to be used for good and uh and so when you when i saw that teaching and it it brought me back because that's what he had given me he had given me that vision and that imagination of of her being in the house and and i just held on to that well i know that god's touched people who are watching this so again would you just pray quickly for somebody who has been encouraged and maybe they're facing some impossible situation and just pray and minister to them what god has shared with you dear father we just come to you right now and lift up the people that are listening uh today dear father if just let them feel your love right now knowing that you love them that you want to take care of this for them and give them a peace right now that whatever they're going through that you're there for them you're taking care of it right now in the name of jesus your healing power is flowing through the bodies of those that may have some type of sickness on them dear father but prepare hearts right now dear father for things to come in the future that people will have that firm foundation to draw upon of who you are for them that you love them and that you're going to carry them through no matter what don't let them look at the situation and the circumstances in the natural realm because when you get caught up in that that's just the enemy trying to come against you but let them draw on that firm foundation of your word that's inside of them right now in jesus name we thank you father we give you all honor and glory for the testimonies and the healings that are going to take place during this conference and we we give you honor and glory in jesus name amen well audrey we are so thrilled that you're alive amen you are a blessing and if you ever want to come to charis bible college we'll give you a scholarship how's that amen let's praise god for all of this family god bless you love you thank you thanks tom god bless you brother amen isn't that awesome you know i think one of the things in heaven that's going to be such a blessing is that we'll get to hear everything the total story but we will we'll get to know what would have been if jesus hadn't have intervened and right now we can only imagine what their life might have been like if jesus hadn't of intervened but praise god for jesus what a blessing well we've got a blessing coming up with dave and vanya i think they're in texas zooming in but we've got a little introduction video we're going to play for them and then we'll be right with them [Music] i just started getting fat but only in one area i thought she looked like she was four months pregnant being a neonatal nurse for all these years i know what pregnant women look like so there was a problem they did a sonogram and she had this large water blister wrapped around one of her ovaries i just went to the follow-up alone and he sat next to me and he said you have cancer and he goes i'm so sorry i had all these pills that i was supposed to take and i was up to 70 pills a day i said well it's no big deal you made me smart god i'm gonna get out of this on my own she was so regimented about every supplement ever you know doing so many detox sessions a day that the therapy the solution just consumed everything that she did my body was like overcome with parasites my doctors like are you doing everything in the protocol just right and i'm like i am doing everything textbook perfect what we were seeing we weren't winning it had been all these months and i had never asked the lord one thing about i just was like oh you've made me smart you've given me all these great experiences you just built this this great house for me and it wasn't his building at all it was mine and it was on fire ladies and gentlemen please welcome via live stream vanya curry amen praise god dave and vanya it's great to see you praise god you're you're live yeah you're live streaming from where in texas isn't it um deep south texas yeah mckinley deep south deep south yeah we touched the mexico border wow i tell you vanya you've been such a blessing i remember the first time i ever met you you came to one of the god with us performances i think it was the one in colorado springs at the pax peak center and uh you drove up for that and and meant you and i guess you were still in the middle of your healing when we first met weren't you yes so the you gave a little bit of information here but because you had had a nurse background and felt like god made you smart you were going to beat this on your own how did that work it didn't work very good i wasn't smart enough i needed i needed god's help i needed to find i needed to find wisdom so how extreme was this from the what i remember in your video i mean you were extreme in the way that you were trying to deal with this through diet well um ovarian cancer is one of the deadlier cancers among women and because it's silent they usually don't catch it in time and so um you know the fact that we caught it um i felt oh you know this is great we we caught it in time and we did a surgery and um they came back and told us that that we probably maybe 99 sure that we got everything so i just went on my merry little way i just did life just not really worried and then we came back in and um he goes um you they did a sonogram because they would do sonograms every time we went in and he he said you uh it's on your it's on the other side now this uh this tumor growth and um he's like i'm so sorry and i was i didn't even have anybody go to the appointment with me because i was just so confident we were kind of past this and so i didn't feel like i needed help or anything but oh man um i fell apart i'm a crier too you've been watching all day yeah i know it's very good and you know what this is one of the things with every single person that we've been talking to when you go back and talk about this it seems like that that that emotion of what you were going through it comes back yeah it tries tries to connect you so dave what was your impression of all of this of course you were right there through the whole thing what was going on right right i we would go well we went into the you know these sonograms and you know the doctor was just convinced that he had got it it was all gone we didn't need to worry about anything and that's like what she said and then she came back later and they put the sonogram up there and and even oh there it is right there on your other ovary yeah if you were my mom i'd we'd pull that right out of there i'm not old enough to be his mom but he just you were my mom or sister so how did you respond vanya you said that uh i guess fear hit you when that happened um well that was just i didn't have anything i just did i was gonna do this diet plan um it was a natural protocol that david had done when he um had a lung tumor and um so we'd already been through cancer so i thought man why did why didn't you give hitler you know i like these conversations i would have with god is what you know why didn't hitler have ovarian cancer obviously he's not a woman but i mean yeah um that was that was my thought just like that's something you would have do done to your worst enemy yeah yeah i didn't understand i love i love god and um i did i didn't understand that he loved me too well she's so good i mean when they the doctors they had the natural doctors had given like you know these supplements and regimes that she had and she did everything every little if she had to do it three times a day she detoxified the day she had to take all these vitamins she took all these vitamins and uh i mean i probably would have cut some corners but she did the whole thing it consumed her life we were homeschooling our children and she just never had time for the kids her mom had to come over and homeschool the kids because i was out working so how many hours a day did it take just to go through all of this protocol that you had it's it's a whole like um four inch manual of um you know you can't do this you can't um can't have any of these chemicals in your house you can't um you can't use these um soaps and shampoos you um your body is already overloaded with toxicity you um you have to do everything you can to lessen your your burdens well you're juicing every hour throughout the entire day so if you're not juicing you're washing vegetables or you're prepping for the next juicer how did that how did that work did it help you did you get any better not really every time that they did test on me they'd be like are you doing everything are you following the rules and oh i'd get so frustrated because i'd be like yes of course i'm following the rules i'm doing everything i'm supposed to do and um it just wasn't working out and so you were trying to further detox we heard about bentonite clay oh she's on her bath the bathroom floor and she that's she ran across nikki osinski's uh testimony and she goes i found it dave i found it i said what i yeah so that's how you connected with our ministry was you were searching and ran across nikki's testimony i the doctor said if you don't um get your liver numbers better i think we might have to send you back to the regular oncologist so i really didn't want that i i just really didn't want to do that so um he's um i looked up he said well look up try bentonite clay um maybe you can you can take baths with that you can eat it you can you can do all this clay yeah it goes to your system holds up mercy there's some things worse than dying it's yeah it sounds like that regimen you were on was terrible so yeah they wanted me to bathe with it brush my teeth with it you know just do everything with this clay so i'm looking at bentonite clay and in the search engine i'm supposed to hit on this one um physician's name and um instead i because i'm laying on the floor i hit the wrong button and it was nikki ochinski's testimony wow that's like god do you want me yeah that's the love of god amen nikki says this all the time she says god doesn't meet you um where you're supposed to be he meets you where you are yes thank you so she watched testimony after testimony after testimony and got a hold of elizabeth's uh god with us and we kept watching that and watching that we're like we gotta go to colorado well and the sad thing is that daniel and we went we got to colorado early so that we could see um healing school and um creflo dollar was there and he he has a healing testimony of cancer and um he got up there with a hundred dollar bill in one hand and like um 520s in the other hand and he out of the crowd shows my two children two of my three of my children and he said come up here and and he had them stand on each side of him and he says how do you how do you get healing and he says i'm going to demonstrate it it's yours you take it and so he was he goes it's here um it's right here it's already printed it's already done it's right here what do you do and the kids are like oh no if we get this wrong mom's going to be mad at us so they they didn't want to touch it and then all then finally he just looks at abby my youngest and he says well girl go ahead and take it and so she um she takes the money and he goes and he goes and that's what i'm talking about and then they got all charged up by um krupp lowen but um that's that's what we have learned how to do take it yeah that's awesome and you had a supernatural connection with the muran's the lord ministered to you through that video on god with us and and i don't know how much of this you want to share but you even had a ring that had a um what's the story there i forgot i can't tell it you tell the connection with the murans okay well um mrs muran um wrote this amazing um uh musical guide with us and um we i saw it uh i saw nicki in october and on the your december show that i had i just started watching everything that you were doing i just um became a fanatic and um because i wanted what i wanted when he had but god already had it for me he didn't i didn't have to go after what nikki had i i he wanted he wanted to me to know that i was loved and that he had my healing for me and just like he has it for everyone that's listening so he um we got to see the um the god with us production and on live on your um on your your tv show and um as i watched it i kept going back over the songs um because i would i spent hours in therapy um on electrical therapy and then this kind of therapy and that kind of therapy and it was just just endless therapy and i was alone and that these were the teachings that were with me that they were always with me i had so much hope when i was i was a hope junkie i i needed to be plugged in all the time and still do i still do i still do i love being plugged into that and the music um the the story of ruth was my first connection um and the holy spirit who i haven't had i hadn't had a lot of um contact with i didn't grow up knowing or being taught about him so um my first connection to that was really with this ministry and um mrs miran is really very um holy spirit absolutely that's her best friend and she she teaches anybody who's anywhere near her how to develop that relationship and and um she certainly did that for me and so i just started um realizing that holy spirit was showing me that you know i know you by name and i have redeemed you just like i redeemed ruth i've called you by name and i put you in a family so then you get further down the video and you get to where jairus is desperately trying to find healing for his little girl and um the hem of his garment oh my goodness we used to listen to that over and over and over again and um jamie my wife was the one that was singing that play yes you'll love it yes i love it and at that at the end um it's like big stage you know every character singing um and it's just such a such a grand moment and the only video that i had at the time that we kept listening to over and over in loops was of you from the tv show so it would cut back into your interview and you'd go man wasn't that powerful so the first time we went to how does everybody make fun of the way i thought my kids loved it that became a meme at our house man that's powerful yeah in fact we were all we went to pikes peak and um to see the production there and the kids were all sitting in a row and we we started calling pike's peak and um they go we don't lady we don't have this even on our calendar yet it's coming but we don't we can't sell you tickets yet and so i just kept calling until and he goes you're the first person i'm selling tickets to yeah that's awesome so how long ago was this that you were actually uh dealing with the cancer how long has it been since you were healed um well i've i received my healing um jesus healed me two thousand years ago and i received my healing in um 2007 when you point blank to me and you said are you healed and your surgery may 2016 yes i am 2017. it was yeah 20 oh did i say 2016. i you know something i just live well lived my life i i didn't do a chronological thing but thank you jesus it was 2017 in april when you um but we've grown since then and so you know kids kids always have issues and we're able to pray for them my daughter just recently had a planter's wart on her foot we thought it was we thought glass it was glass so we went to the doctor and the doctor wanted to cut her foot open and he had a schedule he's like we need you to go to surgery and my daughter just you know she just melted into tears you know no i don't want to go to surgery and it's covered and i don't want to be around in all these places no and i'm like oh you know um don't worry about it we're not going to go to surgery we're not going to have any of those things happen to us so we were patient we waited a little while and i realized no this isn't something our food it's it's a little bit i kept asking the doctor give us i mean kept asking the holy spirit can you give us wisdom and how to deal with this and and he's such a good father and such you know he's a faithful friend the holy spirit um he he uh reminded me of a doctor that our kids had their physicals with so i'm like okay i don't know how he can help it um i'll you know because she suggested it i'll i'll go so i took my little girl to the um to this doctor and he says you know this isn't glass in her foot this is simple you know we just um we're going to just use this and that and and we'll be done with this in no time so you know my son um he so about a year and then so my son about a year ago they went into the dentist and they looked inside his mouth and he had eight cavities and the dentist actually showed mine he goes i'm not trying to like but he really does have eight cavities and you need help they got in the car and yeah and i looked at bryce and i'm like bryce that's a lie that's periodontal disease and jesus put disease under our feet we're going to come back in six months and it's going to be a different i mean six weeks i'm sorry six weeks in it's going to be a different story and so we went home and i took away all his sugar and you know i told him you we're gonna see a different story we went back in six weeks and um i took him to a different dentist and the um the dentist says mom he's good he just needs to floss and i i was like that's a miracle right there so i took my i took my um if you've seen my wall i mean on the in the kitchen and i put that one on the wall because you need to remind yourself of what god has done it's it's what it's what we remember and it's what we put in the forefront of our hearts every day that's what's um that's what is going to lead us to victory and you know one of the things that you all are saying that is uh carrie talked about this this morning and every person that's given a testimony it really was about a personal relationship with the lord and vanya you fell in love with the lord and i've got to know you just a little bit because every time we have a musical here vanya is here i mean she comes she volunteers she works non-stop at these things and you just love the lord and that's that's even a greater results than the physical healing that you got miss elizabeth asked me she says um how you're um you know i told her from a surgical nurse um stance doing a musical is like doing um a triple a and a triple a is um like the most catastrophic you know like it comes in an emergency and they have they only have a few minutes to save the person's life and so i told her doing a production is like doing a triple a you know you just everybody has to be on point and everybody's just gotta run and and do what they need to do and it's it is it's thrilling to be a part of something that is saving lives and bringing people into the kingdom of heaven because people find hope in those musicals and i know i was one that's it so vania there's i'm sure people watching this that have tried everything in the natural whether it's medicine or these protocols and what did you call it some kind of clay that you're supposed to eat brush with that's man so anyway that's desperate and if people are watching this and now they're feeling like i need to refocus i need to start looking to the lord and letting god be my healer i would like you just to minister to them pray with them and encourage those people with the same things that god has done in your life one practical thing that i can say is that the healing university yes which is something that we started here in our community we have we have it at the library that is so amazing and it's not just you know them going through the archives and putting together some messages that they had they specifically got together and came up with this amazing um amazing collection of just teachings and we have just really had such a great time teaching that or you know facilitating that that is one thing that i i just want to tell you that you um the other thing is that um just resources get um there's there's healing journeys today which is so powerful it's a lot of these speakers that you're hearing and and they get on live every day and they encourage people in the word and um if i could tell you one thing like andrew's asking me to tell you one thing i will give you the um an example that um a volleyball example from raquel hudson um she says if you're in volleyball um you don't grab the ball you um you set the ball and um she said you've got to step um when when things come at you when worries and concerns and these cares start coming at you don't grab it don't hold on to it set it get it away from you you know after she said that i started thinking about that and um we set the ball jesus comes in and does that super spike that's great yeah he does the spike i mean we and we we don't have to do the work we just have to set it that's it that's great so jesus has already done everything but we can't take these problems and embrace them and make them myers don't ever say my cancer my whatever it's the devil and you push it away and jesus will spike the ball every time man we're so glad you are alive onion dave i'm glad that you still got your wife and your kids have their mom and dad praise god for jesus thank god for jesus burying our sickness and disease and so we pray for all of you watching this right now you know we've got people standing by their phones 719-635-1111 those people would love to pray with you help you and if you've been looking to these other things you know i'm not against doctors but i think that sometimes people's faith is in the doctors and the medicine are the treatments instead of in god and you have to be focused on god whether you go through the doctor or whatever jesus is the source of your healing and so if we can help you call that number 719-635-1111 and people will pray with you god bless you dave and vania thank you for being with us we love y'all isn't that great man praise god for jesus you know i had a very good friend that uh had cancer he was a lady and we prayed with her and anyway she wound up dying from that cancer and of course you don't always know why something didn't work out the way you were believing she was a believer strong believer and confessing the word but in hindsight looking back i think one of the things that happened was she was so committed to her diet and exercise and she was fighting it in the natural and stuff and i think that's kind of where her faith was and and some things you just can't deal with in the natural you need a supernatural uh ability to be able to overcome it so anyway praise god for vanya she's a blessing she's awesome all right we got another great testimony coming up and so let's run that little intro here on i think it's nicole as the next one up let's watch this [Music] after we had our three children i started having flashbacks of sexual abuse having stepped parents that i didn't feel really liked me as a kid was very difficult and the only way to cope was to drink alcohol [Music] i became so dependent on it i was going through alcohol withdrawal and shaking i had tremors i relapsed after relapse on alcohol coming from not really understanding what was going on not really knowing what to do trying to protect the best i could her and the kids and myself [Music] i would carry razor blades and pills in my purse just in case i wanted to commit suicide somewhere i would drive far away so that i wouldn't run into anybody and i would write goodbye letters [Music] i felt so much shame and guilt of just being a mentally ill mother with addictions because i wanted my kids to have a better life than i had i took a butcher knife in the kitchen and just started cutting my legs and started cutting my body and i ended up being admitted to the psych ward for the first time at that moment [Music] ladies and gentlemen please welcome to the stage nicole marva praise god have a seat here man what a great testimony yours is a little bit different than a lot of these others because it wasn't so much physical although i'm not denying the physical you were tormented emotionally and i mean it manifested itself in alcoholism uh cutting you were in and out of mental hospitals you dealt with shame uh i mean i've you've written a book right yes and i've read that and i mean when you read her book it's nearly like you feel what you were feeling you were very articulate in sharing this and man what a great miracle god did for you tell us about it god is so good amen well i have um just a lot of compassion for people that go through you know trauma and sexual abuse and and things in their childhood because they didn't ask to grow up in that environment but for you know a lot of us we didn't have a choice so um but hurting people hurt others my parents didn't know their identity you know and so but i also want to say that god didn't cause it or he didn't allow it there is free will there's an enemy and god is good all the time amen so i so when you grow up in that atmosphere you start developing these mindsets or heart beliefs of there's something wrong with me you know i don't measure up you know i'm defective and so when you have these labels that you carry proverbs 23 7 says as a man thinks in his heart so is he so you start living out what you believe in your heart but i didn't have anyone teach me how to deal with negative thoughts and negative emotions and so as a child to cope i started self injuring how old were you when you started um i think i was about eight or nine years old i can't remember exactly but also part of self-injuring is severe self-hatred and you feel like you have to punish yourself what do you mean by self-injury well as a child as a young child i would bang my head against cement walls walls in the house i'd pick myself with safety pins pull my hair punch myself pinch myself and one time i did find a razor blade and i had cut myself and and so that had started but at age 15 is when i found alcohol and i became a binge drinking alcoholic and what yes and what it did was it numbed that emotional pain that i was feeling because um you know i i re research shows i just read this actually a few weeks ago we can go like two weeks without eating three minutes without breathing or something like that but we can't even go three seconds without thinking and so you know when your mind is constantly tormented with those thoughts i only knew how i started trying to escape because i couldn't tell anyone what i was going through you know i i can't even understand why a person would cut themselves prick themselves except in your book you said something about that the physical pain was less than the middle pain yes what happens is you almost i preferred the physical pain over the emotional pain i was feeling kind of took your mind off of the emotional stuff story you were feeling this physical right and later on well i i ended up getting married and having with wonderful husband claude from france he's watching right now um we were like you speak good english because they didn't put subtitles up there when he was speaking in the healing journey he loves that but anyway he is a wonderful man and he was a gift from god and he showed me the love of christ through this but we had three beautiful children but i had nev and i and i became a believer at age ten my um you know verbally and physically abusive stepfather led me to christ thank you jesus he works all things together for the good but i did not know jesus i did not know what belonged to me and so we were going to church and things but i started having flashbacks of sexual abuse you know when my daughter was the age i was and when when it was happening and i started numbing again with alcohol and then i eventually switched to and this is you know the reader's digest version there's so much more detail and hold on to hope but then i started hearing those voices you know really especially being a mother hearing those voices telling me i was a horrible mother and i was defective and just worthless just all these voices and so um i took a razor blade and just or a butcher knife and started cutting my legs and ended up in the psych ward and just i became addicted to cutting other parts of my body and it progressed to actually burning myself as well and so you know now if i accidentally burn myself with a curling iron i'm like i can't believe that i did that to myself have been demonic i mean i know it was emotional and stuff but i don't even think a natural normal person would do self-injury like that without the devil just praying on well exactly i mean you know that the demoniac in the bible he was cutting himself that's true you know and then um he got all those demons cast out and they went into the the pigs and the pigs drowned and i love what bill johnson said that that's where deviled ham came from but anyway i always say that even i like i like to add humor um but you know so um and then he was you know sound mind and they they were afraid they didn't know what to do but yes it was definitely demonic and i will fast forward to what happened was so much happened i'll just say you know hospitalization suicide attempts overdoses of pills so the diagnosis was what all did you have i was diagnosed with bipolar disorder ptsd anxiety disorder borderline personality disorder impulse control disorder i was a self-injurer and alcoholic and developed a binge eating disorder and that became my new identity and in a way i was happy because they could actually label something that was wrong but i so when you believe that something is your identity and they told me you're going to be up and down for the rest of your life you'll be in and out of psych wards you know we'll try to manage you with medications i was put on antidepressants antipsychotics add meds anti-anxiety just you name it and so when you feel like something they tell you you are going to be up and down so if that's a part of you you can't stand against it and you can't fight it because you believe that's normal for you nearly gave you an excuse to be that way because that's who you were okay i i you know those suicidal voices well it must be the bipolar disorder and one in five commit suicide and it might be me i didn't know and so um so just a lot of things take took place i felt so much guilt and condemnation that my kids would wake up one morning and find out their mom was in the psych ward and there was one time when i had gone to the psych ward for a couple of weeks and then i had gone to an inpatient self-injury program for 30 days and then i had to go to a halfway house and just my husband came to visit me with the kids one day and my three-year-old son was saying mom are you still sick and so i also want to say that you know when people are diagnosed with a severe mental illness people get afraid of them people were afraid of me now if they if you say you were diagnosed with cancer a lot of times people have compassion and so i felt kind of like an outcast like you know so much shame and guilt and so being in the mental hospital it just was a lot to carry so i really did think at one point my kids would be better off without me and that was a lie from the pit of hell and i'm just going to jump ahead and tell tell you god heals families amen amen god heals families so jump forward to after years of torment i met a couple of women that shared the truth with me and we're talking about you know knowing jesus and intimacy with jesus and i saw something in them they knew jesus and so i trusted them because i had a problem trusting people and one of them was a psychiatric nurse it was a recruit it was a christian recovery program and i trusted her because she was a psychiatric nurse and i just we were emailing and i said to her you know i've been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and i listed all the diagnoses and i was expecting her to come back and say oh you know yeah i know um they're incurable you know i'll pray for you and she wrote back and she said with god all things are possible and she said the enemy is trying to steal kill and destroy your life and there was just that that moment that you know i i look back at it that i just realized you know healing was for me and and and so i was mad because i had realized the enemy was stealing and killing and destroying my life and i tried everything the world had to offer to just get a few months of peace they were just teaching you how to cope the thought that you could be free was freedom exactly exactly and so i started filling myself with the word of god and books on authority and you know i had to unlearn some things and i had to replace those lies with truth but how many of you know we have a good father that helps us in our journey and so i would start journaling and hearing god speak his love to me and i just felt i mean i was so excited that i did not have to live with bipolar disorder for the rest of my life and just knew and my label has switched and this is 14 years ago 14 years none of those labels i never spoke them over my life ever since that moment i am child of god amen that is my label identity yes so i switched identity and and just really started um growing in in in the word of god what does god say about me and learn that i'm a righteous healed loved forgiven accepted child of god and i'm not going back [Laughter] and so what has happened 14 years ago is when you begin the process how long did it take i guess you're still growing but i mean how long before you still growing and renewing my mind but i ended up going to karis bible college yay um you know i think it was five or six years into my healing and just received a deeper foundation in the word of god that just helped me to even receive more peace and just experience that that love of god and you know when you grow up feeling you know unsafe i mean that that's really how i felt i was unsafe knowing that i'm in christ now in christ as the safest place we could ever be so as a born-again believer we are always safe in him and that is that is huge and so there are sometimes moments of things that come up that will try and trigger some of that old thinking and i remind myself of the truth i'm safe i'm loved i'm accepted i'll say a scripture but i do want to say one thing because i do believe this is going to help people that are either struggling with mental illness or they have loved ones that struggle is that when you are used to that culture trauma that's that's really what i call it the the culture trauma that you grow up in because that's all you know um it's and and by the way that's a confident expectation of bad that's really what i developed and so when you start when getting that revelation about healing and when i realized i was a child of god there are moments where your brain your flesh whatever it is will rebel and say wait a minute i don't recognize peace i'm not used to living in peace i am going to go back to fear and chaos and anxiety and so the father would show me this you know through some of these years after getting that revelation where i thought wait a minute here that's what's going on and he would tell me you can live in peace i am your peace and so that happens that's awesome and so you're an example of the truth setting you free you just didn't know the truth that's right and as you renewed your mind to who you are and what jesus did you've been delivered of all of this so how's this affected your family you said god had healed your family how's that yes it they i mean my okay so about six months later i knew that it i could go off my all of my medication which i did because i didn't even if i was on the meds i knew i was healed i knew i was healed so um november 2nd of this year will be 14 years off all medication awesome um thank you jesus because i was in the shower and i heard heard the lord um but my husband he i was afraid to tell him at first that i had gone off the meds but he was seeing the difference and the way that he knew that healing had taken place is that i could fall asleep at night and i had peace and so it had been a journey opened our eyes up to you know the true nature of god and i started teaching some of these truths to my kids early on and they're in their own journey you know we're all in our own journey um but we are we're a very close family and i'm just i'm so grateful to you so you've written a book about this tell about the book how people could get it okay it's uh hold on to hope is really my story and there are a lot more details in it and but it will show people that are struggling that you know i've been through it and so there's a certain trust level but it's helping you know pastors it's helping counselors it's helping different people and i and they can get it on amazon or nicolemarbach.com but i have also written two books since hold on to love about the love of god because that has been my journey of discovering the love of god and i'm still on that and my last one is hold on to truth the journey from traumatized thinking journey from traumatized thinking to triumphant believing that is really geared specifically towards helping people that have gone through trauma to identify those lies why they come in sometimes when we understand why those lies come in we can give ourselves grace oh wait a minute that's coming in because you know that was my whole childhood but then go back to the truth in the word of god and said that's not my reality anymore so i that book is like a bible study format and i just really want to help people that have gone through this so you're now helping a lot of other people you are a minister not only writing books but you have a hope center tell them about what you're doing and you're a part of julianne's healing journeys today you need to we've mentioned that but you might give a little explanation um well about two and a half years ago we opened up the hope center in bolingbrook illinois and i kind of like that from hopelessness to the hope center thank you jesus that's who god is and we actually have a charis bible study there we're going to start we were going to start healing university in march but you know obviously we couldn't we are going to be starting that in september we have grace-based conferences where people just grow in their identity in christ and so i'm excited about that journey i also have a meeting specifically for women you know walking out of trauma and that i travel and speak which is such a joy to go and you know minister to people and i just my favorite message is how loved and cherished and treasured people are and i just want the whole world to know that and then the healing i encourage everyone if you can to just the healing journeys today youtube channel we're everyday people just sharing our journey and what has helped us to walk through these healings and you know we talk about different things and it's helping me to grow you know so as i receive from everybody and i prepare um but i will just say that i might the greatest healing in my life and um yeah yeah i'm trying not to cry but that's okay it's acceptable it seems to be the thing today is um coming to know god as my heavenly daddy my heavenly he was the wished forefather he's the only perfect parent by the way amen there are no perfect parents in here and you know even though he was a perfect parent his two kids rebelled so don't feel bad if your kids are bill so that has it it is that intimacy and just growing in relationship with him he makes me laugh constantly his sense of humor is hilarious and uh so you know nicole europe you're a trophy because you're the only one i know who testifies of being healed of bipolar ptsd these kind of things you know you hear testimonies about healing of cancer and everyone is important but man you're just unique i think you're giving hope to people that things that the doctors say are absolutely incurable you just have to cope you can testify that's not can i just share this and yes i will continue to do that and that's the thing i used to walk with my head down in shame all the time but now i hold my head up high speaking to people i've ministered in thailand and different places it's just been amazing just sharing the goodness of god but my psychiatrist i went to him six months later and i wanted him to document my healing by the way i have a stack full of records and some of them are in my book and you know he didn't he was a christian but he did not believe anybody could be healed of bipolar disorder so he asked me do you have this this this i said no i don't so i went back a year later he asked he didn't know what to do with me you know um and and he said do you have this do you have this i said no i'm healed jesus jesus healed me thank you jesus i went back two years later and he finally documented and he told me he felt like god put me in his life for a reason but i have it memorized he said even though bipolar disorder is a waxing and waning illness neither of these seems an adequate explanation of the patient's chronically uh recorded mood symptoms and it just ba i i'm i butchered that i'm sorry i thought i had it memorized but basically he wrote that there's no explanation for the what happened and that's jesus hallelujah man that is awesome praise god and i've gotten to know nicole just a little bit and uh man i tell you she's just full of the joy of the lord and you know they've got this hope center and the virus affected things i've asked her how that's affect her and you know this is an opportunity then in the past you might have gotten depressed and all kinds of things and she just deals with stuff and she's on top of it and you are just an awesome testimony of what jesus can do in a person's life thank you yeah and and i just want to say andrew i watch you every morning and i continue to grow and and and i just want to thank you for how you've impacted my life in kara's bible college and so many others but i do want to tell you that i watch you drinking a cup of coffee well god will forgive you that means you got great faith to be able to drink that deadly stuff so i know that you've encouraged a lot of people just look at the camera pray for them because man there's some people that say well god healed nikki and god healed this person and this person but bipolar or these emotional things this is just incurable you have you are a living testimony that that's not true okay all right so you want to be all right heavenly where do i look right here middle camera right there all right i want to make sure that i'm looking them in the eyes so but heavenly father i just thank you so much for sending jesus to set us completely free from everything that would come against us thank you jesus that by your stripes we are healed and we are whole and that's physical sickness emotional sickness it doesn't matter what it is so right now if you desire to be healed of any type of mental illness i just speak healing over you right now in jesus name healing of bipolar disorder healing of schizophrenia healing of trauma healing of broken hearts jesus came to heal broken hearts and jesus went through trauma to heal you of all trauma he went through trauma on the cross to heal you of all trauma and so i just speak healing over you from the top of your head to the soles of your feet all all brain chemicals normal in jesus name we just thank you i thank you father that people are getting a deeper revelation of you as their good father and just that deeper revelation that they are cherished and loved and accepted and and and hope is being restored right now which is what happened to me hope hope is being restored and jesus wants you to know there's more than hope there's victory in him amen in jesus name awesome awesome tell them one more time about how they could get your book or get in touch with you if they wanted you to come speak um my book hold on to hope and and the other ones that i listed are on amazon.com or you can get them at at nicolemarbach.com but if you order them today i cannot send them till next week um you're a one-woman ministry at the moment aren't you right pretty much right now except for the hope center so yeah that's awesome and if they wanted you to come speak how would they get you uh the same thing at nicolemarbach.com i have a contact form on there i have you know an itinerary of of where i will be um and just i'm i it's life isn't it i went from hating life to life is in a wonderful adventure with jesus awesome man it it's it's wonderful to know that god is using you to change other people's lives you were in this deep pit where it was just you were barely surviving yourself and now you're touching other people and helping them it doesn't get much better than that yeah corey ten boom says there's no pit so deep that god's love is not deep or still amen well you're a trophy of god's grace thank you nicole god bless you love you god bless you love you too isn't that great and again if you prayed with nicole or if she inspired you and if you've got hope coming into your life right now call that number 719-635-1111 there's people there that would love to pray with you and help you and i tell you there is no situation that is hopeless man god is a good god and so we've got one more couple that we are going to be sharing their testimony here before we end this morning so let's watch this little video before we introduce them i wasn't prepared for what i saw al had fallen approximately 35 feet from the top of the apex of a building he was working on and he'd fallen head first onto concrete his head was so swollen and misshapen he was almost unrecognizable his eye was so swollen and purple and black it looks if someone was taking a tennis ball and put it underneath his eyelid his fingers were twice their normal size they were so swollen his face was all bloated i mean he really did look terrific i looked at him once and i couldn't look back at him it was just horrible the doctor said he's got three embolisms it only took one to kill him but he had three and he said to me we don't think he would survive surgery and if he did he would have mental disabilities physical disabilities we have no idea what the contraindications will be and i had to say out loud to the brain surgeon god told me he will be all right so i want you to do the surgery that night the surgeon came and said they were very pleased al had survived the surgery against all the odds but i could see he was deteriorating and i went and i said to the nurse i don't want to be difficult i know you've got a lot on your plate but i'm insisting now that you get the surgeon back up i want the doctor back so the doctor came back in and he just took one look at all and said get him into the emergency unit again we're losing them [Music] ladies and gentlemen please welcome by a al and trina porter praise god al and trader great to see you praise the lord so where are you zooming in from tell us where you are we are in our living room uh in glasgow glasgow scotland scotland yes and i tell you i got to know al and trina they came to our grace and faith convention over in england a number of times and i was just visiting with them and they got to telling me this story about what happened to al and i was amazed and so we sent some of our crew over there to do this video and i tell you it is powerful and of course al was pretty much out of it because he was injured but trina stood for her husband and believed and i tell you what this woman is stronger than horseradish he's a blessing so tell us what god did for y'all give us your testimony it really started with a telephone call one monday morning and david who worked with al at the time just called to say al has fallen off a roof we're on our way to the hospital we'll see you there and that's all he told me and when i hung up the phone first quarter call is always the lord and i just thank the lord you know what's happening here and the lord just said he'll be okay nope fine you'll be okay job done so i got al's sister off we went to the hospital quite relaxed you know that's not a problem told sandra i'll gonna be fine god said are we okay when we arrived they put us into the family room which is never a good sign and i still thought you know it's going to be okay i thought you'd be sitting there a little bandage on his head you know a little bump and it'll all be good but as the morning wore on and the doctor came out and he said things were really serious and they had to put them into enforced coma to keep him still and i still thought you know this is no big deal so then eventually they said we could come in and see them and when we walked into the room there was probably i don't know about maybe eight or ten staff oh they're all looking really great and serious and al was just lying there absolutely smashed to smithereens his head was enormous a weird shape and his eye was huge and he was black literally black all down one side of his body his fingers were lacerated and bleeding and huge he was just an absolute mess and by this time our sister was starting to lose it she was getting really really scared and she was crying she was crushing their heads and i just thought i just looked at this man god you said it'd be okay this does not look okay and very clear i just heard the lord saying i don't change my mind and in that little fraction of a second i knew i had a decision to make i could stand with god trust god believe god or i could look at the circumstances and go right down emotionally and become an absolute wreck and believe what the doctors were telling me trina let me interrupt here for just a second how did you get to a place to where you could take what god said that he's going to be all right versus what you were saying seeing and what the doctors were saying this didn't just start that day god must have prepared you for this at that point i've been a christian for a long time and i have a very vivid imagination so i find it very easy to connect and talk to god and my secret place always is in my head so i can pray and talk to god anywhere anytime no matter what's going on no matter what the distractions are i'll talk to god and he he talks back to me it's something i probably developed without even thinking about it when i get saved i was told god speak to me and that was it and he did he does and so when i asked him that question that morning it was a simple answer and i thought he's never let me down before he doesn't change his mind i knew the promises of god and [Music] i chose to go with him rather than the brain surgeon you know you make it sound so simple and it is but at the same time most people don't have that relationship to where they just are in constant communication with the lord and that they can hear the lord's voice they're more impacted by what they see and other things so your testimony is tremendous but it really started a long time before your relationship with god that's what every one of these testimonies this week has been about is about the personal relationship with god's what made all of this possible it's like when you spend time with some someone the more time you spend together the better you get to know them you get to know the sound of their voice even if they call you on a telephone you'll recognize their voice it's because you have spent time talking with them spent time in their presence and that's all it is with god just read the words talk to him i know there's nothing that i can see that will disappoint or shock god i know there's nothing i can do to stop him from loving me so i can be totally honest and frank and even before i fell off the roof when my best friend was dying of cancer i just went to god and i just let rick i was not happy and we read in the scriptures where jesus said the things that he does we would do them also and greater than these so we're not seeing any of that nobody's doing it and anyone who did do it they're all dead and i was just not oh god i'm having none of it anymore if i can't have it all i'm having nothing and i was quite prepared to step back and say i've blown it for 20 odd years i believed this and it hasn't worked and at the time i thought god would have been really annoying i'll look back now and i know he'll laugh because he's not you can shut out some of the rubbish and i can put in the good stuff i can put in the truth and you'll see the paragon work in you through you and for you and so your friend have you watched any of our stuff this morning that we've been doing did you watch carrie talk about dealing with disappointment but anyway she was talking about this very thing and so you one of your best friends you were praying for her and she died of cancer but that actually motivated you to start getting into the word and find out why you weren't seeing the promises of god come to pass and that was a big part of you being able to stand forever absolutely and what i would say to people now is don't wait until you're in the middle of a trauma a tragedy or a desperate situation now is the time to get hold of the promises now's the time to get to know the word of god and then when circumstances are such you know the promises you know what they are and you make them your confession you make them your profession you speak out and you refuse anything this contrary to that stand in the word of god so when you had this word that al was going to be all right did everything just work out instantly or was it a process it was a process and when we were at the hospital the doctor said they're surprised he survived the fall because it was just so traumatic and they were surprised he was still breathing and they said they didn't have the facilities to handle serious brain injuries so they wanted to transfer them to another hospital which was fine but instead they were doubtfully survived the journey because they had three embolisms and the slightest movement at any time that could that could cause it to shift so to sign over a form saying it's okay you can go in the ambulance and they had to get a police escort because they had to go so slow because they had to avoid every bump in the road and get them there he survived that we got to the hospital the neurosurgeon came out he did all his various tests and he basically told me he's not going to last the night and he told me all these different facts and things about his condition but i knew i had to cancel out his negative words i know he didn't mean it but i let him see all of that and then i set him well you know god said he'll be all right so you'll be all right and i think they probably thought stupid woman she's in shock but i meant i mean every word of what i said that's awesome that's awesome and so uh finally they said that they would try the surgery but basically that he probably wouldn't make it through the surgery how did you respond to that the first surgery was four hours and they went and they did it and they were quite happy with his progress and then after a couple of days he began to deteriorate again because he still had the other two embolisms and for the last the eight-hour surgery they had to cut away the front of his brain to access the embolism that was there and they really didn't hold out a lot of hope for him and they said if he survived it and would be all these problems and enlisted all these terrible emotional mental and physical problems i would have and in my head i had this dreadful picture of al sitting in a strapped into chair and an absolute just like a vegetable and i knew i had to dismiss that thought from my head i said no that's not what god said god said he'll be all right and i had to conjure up the picture of him healthy strong and vital again and i said to the surgeon i want you to go in there and i want you to do the surgery and i promise you'll be the best days work you've ever done so so he went and i needed it and when he came out in the video what i'm trying to do is in the video when he came out what did you tell him yeah he was about four o'clock in the morning and we were all in the family room and then he came and he just leaned on the door with his little bottle of water now remembering perspiration on his top lippies still in his greens and he just looked at me with a little smile and i just said besties work you've ever done it's like that's awesome and within three weeks i was home so al uh we haven't heard from you yet so uh you had part of your brain cut away and stuff uh are you how are you i'm i'm absolutely wonderful never been better and i'm still i'm back at work i've been back at work we had a period of lockdown uh but i've been back at work for seven weeks and i'm still climbing up ladders and going upstairs and up top of roofs and whatnot so i'm absolutely fine so hopefully you aren't falling off roofs anymore no no no no no no no no one bet you ever use a safety harness or things like that oh yeah yeah definitely definitely once as and when it's needed yes things like that and tying tying ladders down etc but yeah i'm fine it took uh when i came home i was still i think um from all of the recovering from all the drugs that were flowing through my body so i was still a bit out of it and i used to my father at that time who my dad was 30 years older on me he was holding me up and walking me up and down the road outside we've got a lovely road outside with beautiful trees across the road so he was it was quite funny he was and holding my arms were walking up and down the road just to rehabilitate so that happened for you know maybe about a month or two months uh after i came out of hospital and and then after that i went back to work and i was fine and i've never looked back and that's 16 years now wow that's a praise the lord [Applause] good night so uh have you ever gone back to these doctors or the people who saw you in such bad shape what do they say do they recognize this as a miracle yeah well twofold on that one we went back to what used to be called the southern general hospital it's now it's got a fancy name it's called queen elizabeth university hospital that's where the main neurological top neurological ward in the whole of scotland is and trina promised that to the nurse who was doing a one-to-one with me she was a black lady so trina took me back so i was still quite woozy after this with the effects of the drugs we went back in and this lady came at me and i mean came at me and then hugged me and nearly squeezed the life out of me and i was over over the shoulder i was saying to trina who is this i don't know what this is i didn't know how she was but then when she told me and she was grateful that we came back because like you said they don't often get and then the other case was um after they're coming out and go through um you know what's it called physiotherapy and uh orthopedics and no not orthopedics another name but anyway it's all hand-eye coordination and making tea and toasty texture he burned it you've not even acknowledged we're here yet and then he said no i mean you should not be alive you you are a walking miracle praise the lord he said he said that to treat her three times i'm always amazed andrew that every time even when you play that little vt i i i'm pretty okay and then as soon as i hear it uh i just i i go to the wall emotionally yeah it really really affects me then but i seem to be okay encompass mentis but as soon as i i hear that it just affects me and mainly because of the goodness of god and knowing that i've been given another 16 years and who knows how longer thanks to my wife and god working through my wife and so i'm just so eternally grateful that's awesome so how has this affected your life did people uh like i've i've known some people that receive miracles and other people get mad at them because in a sense it condemns them like if you got well they could have gotten well did everybody rejoice at your healing or how how's it going yeah that's right we our attitude both our attitudes towards praying for people who are sick has been transformed and we know beyond any shadow of a doubt that god can heal everybody we don't just barge in you know we like trina said early on we asked god about it and then when we get the the red light we we then go for it and we we don't care who tries to stand in our way we will brush them aside you know reverently of course uh but we will brush them aside to pray for people that we believe god can heal but the the reverse of that is as she rightly said we we used to run in the old church we used to be in um we we ran um your your course with discipleship evangelism course and we were offering to pray for people and they looked at us as if we had horns and this is the pentecostal church they looked at us as if we had just come from another planet and they were they were quite abrupt and say no no no thank you i don't want to and then walked away from us which we don't understand and that is not awesome not all of them yeah that's a shame because man you'd think that everybody would be so happy about what god did for you but it in a sense condemns them and so they either have to reject you or they have to change and most people would just rather reject you it's a shame that's right yes we can pray for um we went to hospital for um a relative of trina's partner and we were in there and there was uh again it was would you believe it was the same ward same unit that i was in and we were praying for him and he had he's had recovery he was told also he was going to die he's alive today but unfortunately he does have some mental health issues uh it didn't go the the full distance but there's another gentleman there who who worked in the um the fun fair industry you know i don't know if it's the same in america they're called show people i don't know if you have that term i don't think so um but he he fell from a greater height than i did and smashed his skull to smithereens and trina and i got talking with his wife and similar to remembered the testimony of the mullins how when they were in in the hospital and if you remember he was talking to a lady and she had a similar problem and and mr mullen said if you pray this way your child will get healed and she done it and they did we did the same with this lady we spoke to her for her husband whose head was in virtually in pieces and we told her how to pray and he's alive and well and walking today utterly miraculous so this is exciting to me about what jesus did for you personally yes but the fact that it just keeps going and going and other people's lives are being changed that's really the only way that we could ever really repay the lord is just to share these truths with other people and see their life changed we have a boldness andrew as well now i believe whereas before we would be if maybe and we would allow i'm not so sure now we are 100 percent sure that god heals and it's it's as we we are we are the blockage human beings are the blockage as you correctly say and rightly say when when you're speaking in the gospel truth you know it's it's unbelief it's doubt all of those things and many more that is the blockage to uh people being healed well you know there's a scripture in romans 5 that says that tribulation work with patience patience experience and experience hope and hope makes not a shame because the love of god shed abroad in our heart so it's one thing when you just believe god can heal but then when you put that faith to practice and it produces an experience it gives you a confidence level that it's hard for anybody to talk you out of because you've lived it that's awesome right so you got anything else to say trader you got a last word here before we pray for people just to say that god is faithful he's always faithful and he doesn't change his mind and he does keep his promises and it's just a case of in everyday life from the smallest things to the biggest things this is a small thing i used to work in a hotel and one of the guests asked me to iron his his new shirts um now i've been back 30 years and these shirts were like 100 pounds each they were very expensive and i ran the iron off his shirt a white shirt and it was 100 pounds excuse me 100 pounds doesn't talk about weight that's money over there that would be equal to about 150 dollars yeah now it would be classed as a designer shirt about 5000 or something like that but the iron had touched some of the ink on the the laundry book and as i ran up the shirt this huge blue ink scene ran up the front of this shirt and my first reaction is oh god and i mean i'm talking to the lord when i say that that's not just an expression oh god what did i do and into my head came milk so i ran upstairs got a glass of milk stuffed this shirt in it and within about half an hour all the ink bled out into the milk then we got the shirt washed took it back to the guy and he gave me 20 quid as a tip that's awesome little things god's interested in the little things in life as well as the big things and we need to bring him into everything bring him into everything and as you do that you hear his voice much easier and much clearer and one of the things in your video that i just love is when you said god you said it was going to be all right and he says yes and i haven't changed my mind and you know what all of the promises in god's word are yes and amen and he has not changed his mind he's the same today as he ever was amen so alistair and treaty y'all just pray for the people that are watching this i know that this is encouraged people and i want you to just take the faith that god has instilled in you that saw this miracle and you release it towards these people who are watching man [Music] father i thank you for everything that you have done for excuse me for trina and i i thank you for everything that we have learned from andrew and all of his ministry thank you for his faithfulness and for jaime's faithfulness we bless them right now in the name of jesus for everything that we have received we feel humble but we also feel grateful for everything that you have done for us we speak to every single disease upon every single person who is listening to this broadcast this mountain of disease in the name of jesus we command you to be lifted up and cast into the sea and to never return and go to the place that jesus has assigned for it yeah and we believe that people right now are being healed of all different forms of of illnesses and sicknesses especially epilepsy we command that to be lifted up amen and cast into the scene in jesus name trauma accident trauma we command you to go in the name of jesus all of these things must go and must bow the knee to the name of jesus christ and we speak that name with authority and power over every single sickness amen and we thank you that you have done it all in the mighty name of jesus amen amen amen praise jesus boy al and trina thank you so much for taking the time i know it's seven hours later over there and thank you for being a part of this and i know that god has touched people's lives you guys are just such a blessing we love you thank you praise god for having us it's always a privilege thank you very much indeed it was great seeing you andrew hope to see you again soon yes sir hey god bless you and for those of you watching again if you've been encouraged and just want somebody to agree with you or if you want to share a testimony about how al and trina or any of these testimonies have encouraged you i know that people are being healed please call that number 719-635-1111 and there's people that would love to talk to you take your testimony pray with you help you any way that we can and also uh today's thursday isn't it and so we're going to have healing school just win a meeting one o'clock daniel would you come up here real quickly and share with the people i think that you're going to have a panel with a lot of our people that have been ministering here what's happening yeah we are going to have a panel and it's going to be awesome several of the people who've been sharing are going to be part of the panel and one of the things that i think people really love about these panels is being able to q a so we're going to take questions and we're going to together corporately speak to those questions because you know god's word speaks to every question whatever the question is god is the answer and we find it in his word but hearing it through the journey and through the process of how people have received their healing really just like this andrew it gives such hope to people and it helps them to be able to connect if that works for them it can work for me amen so join us at one o'clock because of our quick change over we typically have worship for about a half an hour and we're not doing worship today because of our quick changeover so one o'clock we're going to jump right into the panel julianne will be with us and nikki who you just heard from mike mykesh is going to be with us as well as al and angie we'll all be a part of the panel today so it's nicole yes i said nikki nicole yeah nicole yeah thank you yeah so it's going to be powerful because each one of these people are going to speak from their own journey and then we're going to celebrate god's grace together as we q a amen amen so join us at one o'clock and then remember tonight at seven o'clock this is all mountain time and then tomorrow is going to be our last day we're going to have another hour's worth of ministry with dwayne's sheriff in the morning he is awesome you're going to love him and then we've got johann and brenda do you know how to say their last name or whatever he is awesome this man is fired up he was at our uk thing and we had over he gave his testimony and over a thousand people came forward to receive prayer we saw people born again they're awesome and uh i think mike hesh is gonna be up that morning and i forget who else uh the boobs are gonna be herman and raquel and then tomorrow night we're going to kind of do a uh everybody up here celebration just a celebration of all jesus has done so we've got great things if you've missed any of it go get the archives but it's it's been awesome so we'll see you at one o'clock for healing school god bless you dancing on every stronghold [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is [Music] you
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 19,493
Rating: 4.9235182 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 15sec (13335 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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