Destiny Conference 2021: Pastor Duane Sheriff - Day 3, Session 2

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so so hey ladies and gentlemen we'll be giving away a car in five seconds so if you guys whoever gets into the seat we will be giving that away okay so i have a saying that i usually say to the students when they're buying food and everything and they need to get somewhere or get back into class i say you can swallow now you can chew later that's what we had to do in the military when we were in the military it's like there's no time to chew you just grab whatever you had and run or put it under your hat or whatever that's what we used to have to do man this is good i just want to say do you guys love this country you know i i love america you know i was a full-on south african until i traveled and came to america the first time and when i came to america the first time i was like man i love this country and ever since i came here the first time i did whatever i could to get back into the country and i want to tell you guys we don't realize or americans don't realize how much the world follows america and the reason why i say that i come from i come from a third world country and i could see how people were following america and i am a firm believer if we do and stand up for what is right and what is godly the world will follow so that's just mark's opinion but i don't want to do that andrew i'm going to give this to you sir thank you very much i think a better way instead of giving away a car is tell that if you aren't in here we're going to give your car away that would motivate people to come back in i tell you it's been a great conference this is the last opportunity we're going to give you to give i know that there may be some people here that haven't been here so the ushers can pass out the offering envelopes and i just want to take a couple of scriptures here second corinthians chapter eight and chapter nine this is the most information about giving in one spot in the scripture two chapters devoted totally to the subject of giving and there's a lot of powerful things but in verse 9 it says second corinthians chapter eight verse nine for you know the grace of our lord jesus christ that though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor that you through his poverty might be made rich now this is a amazing amazing scripture it says that jesus became poor for us so that we through him could become rich it didn't say so that we through him could survive and barely get by but be rich and did you know that this is just so obvious what it's saying that many people especially uh denominational folks they say well this is talking about rich emotionally rich in uh joy and peace and relationships and i believe it would include those things but again i point out that every verse in second corinthians chapter eight and chapter nine is talking about money every one of them for you to take that verse out of its context and just say that this is applying to emotional things and not to money is dishonest to scripture and i've often said this if you take a scripture out of its context if you take the text out of context all you have left is a con so to be honest this has to be talking about money jesus became poor of course everything the entire universe he created it's his but he gave up all of that and became like we were and lived in relative poverty uh he wasn't totally poor the way that religion paints him because he had a treasure how many of you have a treasurer you have to have some money to have a treasure so he had a treasurer and peter daniels figured out that the gold frankincense and myrrh that were brought to him at his birth was a fortune and god didn't ask joseph and mary to raise his child at their expense he paid his own way he had these wise men bring money and so jesus had money when he says that the foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests it wasn't because jesus couldn't have had a place it was because he was an itinerant he just chose not to do it but he wasn't broke in that sense but relative to the glory that he had man he became a pauper and he did it for us so that we can prosper and if you put all of this in its context it goes on in the second chapter and talks about if you sow a little you get a little you sow a lot you get a lot that god delights in the prosperity of his servant he delights in prospering you it's his will that all grace abound towards you he gives seed to the sower there's just so many things and i want to encourage you that god wants to bless you financially you need to get beyond to where you're struggling to meet your needs and you get to thinking about other people and start having an abundance so that you can abound unto every good work god wants that for you and so as you give today just remember that and so with that in mind believing the promises that when you give it's going to be given back to you and i tell you god wants to prosper you more than you want to prosper amen so father we love you and we thank you for these truths thank you for jesus giving up all of the riches in the glory of heaven and becoming like us so that we could become like him father we thank you for that and i'm asking for people in here today who have not got a revelation of of your prosperity they don't understand that this is a part of your atonement that this is what you came to do that they would open up and let you be magnified by prospering them father we thank you and i believe that you're touching hearts as we give today we believe that it's coming back unto every person who gives good measure pressed down shaken together and running over in the name of jesus amen praise god you can receive the offering again i think this has just been an awesome conference thank you so much for coming and being a part of it we've enjoyed having you here and we hope it's not your last time for those of you watching by live stream i'm sure it's been good by live stream but it'd probably be better if you were here so next time you come and join us we would love to have you here and again i want to thank dwayne and sue what a blessing these two are man i just love them and god is using them in a big way and so uh when you leave this conference make sure that you go check out their website and get their materials he's got tens of thousands of our who knows how much material but anyway he's got a lot more good it's hard for us to pick and choose what we're going to share in a conference like this so there's a lot more if you've been blessed you can get even more blessed if you'll go and take advantage of his stuff and have you got any materials left do you know just a few all right so let's welcome back pastor dwayne's sheriff as he comes to give us the word thank you so much love you brother i love you too hallelujah man what what an awesome time uh i want to jump right in but i do need to at least explain better together better together this this is literally 35 years of teaching on the foundational truths for a healthy marriage and i did a lot of conferences early in the ministry on marriage and then i i've counseled untold numbers of people we can't figure out how many over the years but i've literally walked over 300 people through an affair and you just learn some things if you're paying attention if you're awake you're just going to figure some things out well okay that sounds pretty common etc etc i got to a place in my counseling where people would come to my office for marital marriage counseling and i would just set them down and i would say let me tell you what's wrong with your marriage and i would just give them like seven things these these are the seven things you're struggling with and they thought i was a prophet i was like wow so i had their attention after that i was able to help them the bottom line is these seven anchor lines are common in all of our marriages and if we will secure these basic seven anchor lines we cannot only have a healthy marriage we can be happily married and so we began to put these in a book form a pamphlet form for pre-marital counseling we started a lot of life groups where at the end of each chapter there is questions that you can ask in a small group setting to help help people understand it one of the chapters that i love the most is on forgiveness and repentance and over the years i just discovered christians at large do not know what forgiveness is and they're confused and they don't understand how simple forgiveness is because they think it's they think it's forgetting i was taught literally from a pulpit you haven't forgiven till you forget i'm not being mean but i think that's one of the cruelest things you could say to somebody there are some things that have happened to us you may not forget or have amnesia you you don't go through a divorce and and ten years later somebody say uh well i heard you were married this is your second marriage i was i forgot uh it things have happened to us a lot of people are locked into unforgiveness and it's deadly because they they don't know the difference between forgiveness and trust they were molested how do you forgive someone that molested you and many of us have been taught you haven't forgiven till you trust so i deal with all these issues and simplify how easy it is to forgive and walk in forgiveness in your marriage so again in this book out of the seven there's six i basically just highlight them and then do the workbook the seventh one has to do with children and there was no way i could deal with that in one chapter so another book is on that actually we have an encyclopedia on teenagers alone so anyway i'd like to sew this one uh find somebody that's about to be divorced oh don't keep it matt you know we don't pray before we minister to be religious at least i don't and my assignment to end this conference i need to pray father i just thank you for your goodness in my life i thank you for andrew and jamie and what a blessing they are to us and our family lord and to the to the school just to the world what a gift what an amazing little book you put in them and you're unlocking to this day lord it's it's just overwhelming the kindness that has been given in this particular conference and sue and i are for eternally grateful in jesus name amen and amen well let's let me do something i've never done i'm going to make my notes available there'll be a text that they'll put up later because i've just not been able to cover all my notes and i think the notes would actually actually help people at least people who really learn that way and so that'll be available but after what i'm about to do we it would be criminal not to give you these notes because i'm not going to be able to cover them because andrew preached my message now what is amazing to me is i getting ready for this conference i'm not exaggerating there could have been easily 50 different things i could have touched on that are near and dear to my heart that i know will make a difference and tie it into destiny and for us not to communicate before and and what are you gonna share on and okay then i'll i'll share on none of that happens we both knew uh that we were gonna minister on destiny but i'm telling you standing here right now i have never been more excited about dependency on the holy spirit and what i need to say as right now let me just read my six points i'm just going to read them real quick and then i'm going to gonna act like i know what i'm doing i'm going to go to exodus chapter 2 verses 1 through 15 and i'm going to share on six obstacles that moses faced in fulfilling god's destiny for his life and i'm going to take you through exodus chapter 2 verses 1 through 15 and i'm going to explain to you or i was that the whole story is not here this gives you a template and how that this man faced obstacles that were threats to his destiny and without god this couldn't have happened it was supernatural his life was supernatural and i was going to give you six things verses one through 15 that he had he had to overcome he had to overcome his life being threatened at a very early age the devil the devil sees many times god's plan in our life before we see god's plan in our life so i was going to talk about how he had to overcome the threat of death early like you're going to have to overcome the threat immediately of every vision that has been resurrected every hope every dream that's been resurrected there's going to be an immediate threat to get you to abort that vision abort that dream abort that hope that you have that is your destiny this is amazing number two number two moses was raised in an ungodly home but he still fulfilled god's will for his life think about that he's raised in an ungodly atmosphere and yet he heard god it came into his heart he didn't make this up he didn't just decide you know this isn't right this is injustice and i'm going to do something about it now we know he went about it wrong i'll i'll probably get a little bit to that but the bottom line is it came into his heart and he was able to fulfill god's plan for his life regardless of the culture or atmosphere he was raised in we are living in challenging times and a culture that is filled with hatred it's filled with death it's filled with darkness and many people are going to be intimidated by the culture and not fulfill god's will for their life but we're praying for those people that they will not use the culture that they've been raised in as an excuse to not fulfill god's will number three moses experienced failure did anybody get anything out of that message if you think you're going to make it through and fulfill all of god's will for your life without having some failures along the way and learning how to overcome them then you won't fulfill god's will for your life number four i put four and five together thinking i would have an opportunity to preach this and save a little time moses faced and had to overcome rejection rejected by his own some of the greatest setbacks you'll have in a vision is the people you think that see the vision just like you see it and it's the opposite you'll be rejected for your vision and then he had to overcome fear i had acts chapter 7. it's in my notes i'll send them to you absolutely free how that in exodus it appears he left in fear and it leaves the impression that he lived 40 years in the desert afraid and nothing could be further from the truth stephen gives us the account in acts chapter 7 and hebrews chapter 11 verse 27 talks about when you put all those together that he overcame that fear he did have fear and you will face fear but you have to overcome that fear and how did he do it by faith well how did he do that faith is focused in looking unto jesus the author and finisher now of your faith and you're going to face these things and he faced them had some really good things number six and i was begging god at least let me have the last scripture i'm not asking for a lot this guy's unreal he's he's he's breaking the bread of life i'm sitting there in my chair saying just save me some crumbs so i'll give it to you in case i don't get there but ii corinthians chapter 12 verses 9 through 10 the apostle paul had to come to a place truly in his life and even during his ministry we think these guys just arrived one day that's it they're in the middle now of the perfect will of god and they don't have struggles they don't they don't wrestle with their flesh anymore they don't and and the apostle paul just came to a place that he literally had to learn that it's in my weakness that the power of christ dwells upon me and if you don't learn that lesson of grace if you don't learn that lesson of this battle between your spirit and your flesh and you try to accomplish the will of god you try to fulfill the will of god with the arm of the flesh it's going to lead to not only defeat but depression at times discouragement and it could it could knock you out of the race in fulfilling and fulfilling god's god's will for your life so let's at least try to go to exodus two and we'll look at five verses i can accomplish that exodus chapter 2 verse 1 and a man of the house of levi went and took as his wife a daughter of the levi of levi so the woman conceived and bear a son and when she saw that he was a beautiful child she hit him three months i remember years ago god taught me some lessons out of moses's life and i was still in an immature immature process even even in the ministry as a pastor because i was in the ministry so early but i'd read something like that and i'd think well are they just killing all the ugly babies well this one's beautiful we'll save this one well have you ever met somebody that shows you a picture of their children and said look at my ugly baby all babies are beautiful evidently this beauty has something to do with just physical apparent appearance she saw the call of god on this child she saw this child is special and hid the child but when she could no longer hide him she took an ark of a bull rush or bull rushes for for him dabbed it with asphalt and pitch and put the child in it and laid it in the reeds by the rivers bank and his sister stood afar off to know what would be done to him so the first thing we see in moses's life is a threat on his life we we are living in prophetic times right now and pharaoh is threatened by the the growth and the multiplying of the hebrews and what does he do he starts killing the babies he starts killing specifically the male babies i'm telling you the authorities of this world and the spiritual darkness of this world are intimidated by male authority by male authority and a deliverer was among them and pharaoh again senses some things up knows something's up kills all the babies same thing happened when jesus came when jesus came to this earth can i get a witness he was the deliverer capital capital the deliverer and and what happens spirits of darkness get riled up and what do they do they start killing the babies i believe there's a deliverer among us and i believe it's a different kind of deliverer among us i believe god's got a plan i believe god is i believe that god is raising up an army his body in this hour as a deliverer and it's no accident that the babies have been killed like the babies have been killed and are being killed this generation is a generation of great darkness and god is raising up a deliverer to shine in the midst of all of this darkness and so pharaoh now is threatening the life of the baby now while your physical life and my physical life may not be be under threat i guarantee you if you have a vision from god i guarantee you if you have a dream that god gives you there will be dream killers sent into your life and they will come immediately there will be vision assassins sent into your life and they will come immediately there will be hope steelers and snatchers that will be supernaturally sent to you to kill your dreams to stop you from engaging in everything we've taught you to to hinder you see god's will is progressive in our lives it is absolutely progressive and it's a process and it could not be articulated any better than in the last message even in personal experience on how you can be called in ministry and and i believe the places and divine appointments i've had in ministry was god's good and acceptable and perfect will for me at that moment in that time but it wasn't the end it wasn't where god has me to go but i needed to be there to be developed i needed to be there for this process to take place of of denying self you cannot and i don't why would i do that hallelujah jesus you you have to have a revelation like like i did get in may of 1980 of the death of the old man a death not a dying of the old man a death of the old men on the other hand jesus said matthew chapter 16. i think it's verse 24 if you're going to be my disciple and what we're teaching you is how to be a disciple and fulfill all god's will see converts do not feel all god's and fulfill god's all fulfill all god's will disciples fulfill all god's will well jesus said you can't be my disciple if you're going to follow me and you're going to be my disciple you must take up your cross take up your cross deny self and now follow me there is a denying of self that is being a living sacrifice meaning your flesh meaning your your dreams meaning your wants your will and learning how to take up your cross now i was taught hurry help help me jesus i was taught that each one of you had a different cross and you got to take up your cross and this guy's cross was cancer and this guy's cross uh was poverty and you just got to take up your cross and this guy's cross was his wife and you got well we'll leave that alone we had all these different crosses and what god showed me and the taking up of my cross is understanding that i was at the cross in him when he died i have to take up my cross meaning if i don't see my identification with the cross and the death and the finished work of jesus then i can't i can't launch into my little book and all these things and will that god has for my life so my cross is his cross i don't have a special cross i don't have a unique cross that i get to carry i was crucified with christ i died with christ i was buried with christ i was raised with christ i was seated with i have to see my identification and now because i died to my old life i died to that old nature i died to the old man now because of the new man on the inside of me because of the cross i can daily deny self and if you don't learn to do that you're not going to fulfill all god's will for your life i get this vision in may of 1980 i'm transitioning from a junior in college to a senior i'm eternally grateful in my own way to god my carnal way to god that i get to go to college have some hope of a future i'm not serving god at the time as i've already told you and so i have this vision and it just overwhelms me now i didn't know anybody i bet i went 25 years before i met anybody that had an experience like i had experienced it was just nobody understood it it was odd and it affected me in such an odd way i can't say i had three months i think it's three months that andrew had what he calls waves of god's love if you've heard his testimony i got that part right i think but i think he went three months and he was just dysfunctional if you talk to to elizabeth she went what two years two years after her encounter with god just in an alternative world and that's what happened to me is i may not be able to say it and didn't experience to the level andrew did or especially is elizabeth i don't think any of us can identify with elizabeth if you can identify with elizabeth it's because you don't know her that'll hit you later i mean she's just awesome in her testimony and what god did to her but i can tell you this from may of 1980 i lived in an alternative world universe an alternative universe in the sense of i couldn't think about nothing but god i couldn't think about nothing but his will i couldn't think about nothing but why did you show me this and what does this mean and i knew intuitively i don't understand how i knew but i knew that i can't live the rest of my life off of this vision it drove me into the word of god i had to get in the word of god and i got in the word of god 24 7. there wasn't a moment i wasn't trying to read the scriptures praying the scriptures searching out what i saw i had never been taught in church what i saw i saw the gospel amen are on me that was the gospel i saw and i hadn't been taught identification with christ i hadn't been taught the power see we don't even understand at large the power of the cross there's power to the cross and i experienced it and so it drove me into the word of god and that's when i discovered all the identification scriptures and how i was there and et cetera et cetera i'm embarrassed to say publicly i've never said this publicly i have this experience i go through the summer sue was the one that that that god used to witness to me it was in her apartment that i have this open vision the next day i'm so so changed supernaturally so different i lose every one of my friends within a week they can't identify and i can't identify with nothing that they're doing and where they're they're going and so i lose all of my friends i have no family they think i've lost my mind all i had was sue and so six months later i married her it's not quite what happened there but i'm in a hurry so i go back to school and i have no heart for school here's the part i i i've never said publicly i don't remember in my senior year attending one class i don't even remember i it's scary it it if i let it it could really i have absolutely no memory of going to one class in my senior year i had no heart for tennis all of a sudden i'm playing because and feeling guilty because i'm on scholarship i'm number one on the team i've got to play my heart's not in it before that open vision i would play tennis and i would see that guy across the net totally different i would have just thoughts of i'm i'm gonna whip you like a two-year-old at kmart you are going to be so disappointed what'd i say just keep going i'll put a whooping on you and that's all i could think of was beating him now i'm looking at this guy across the net and in college you call your own lines i hate giving these illustrations because people who don't even know anything about tennis can't even understand it but they're serving at that level we're serving over 100 miles an hour that ball is coming at you over 100 miles an hour in a little square and i call his serve in or out and at that level all of us are fixing to go professional at that level and so i mean it's a dog fight for every point and an argument at every point and i just started giving points away it's not worth it to me for you to go to hell over my call so i'm giving points away so now i'm losing matches i shouldn't have lost coach is just irritated with me he's pulling the hair out of my legs i can't explain that it sounds kinky but i'm missing my classes i go out after after whatever classes were and many times i was just in the woods waiting for tennis practice praying reading my bible seeking god i'm having all these supernatural experiences i'm seeing miracles everywhere i go i'm leading people to christ never had led anybody to christ leading people to christ i'm still teaching tennis to bring in a little bit of money and i'm getting all my students saved and and witnessing to them and so everything's about jesus and and getting people saved and so now i'm out in the woods i'm praying i'm i'm reading my bible and out of the woods comes six or seven i haven't told this in so long i have to have to revisit it but it's six or seven huge black snakes i'm sitting on the on the hood of my car and i'm in an alter al alternative universe i'm just loving on jesus i'm just experiencing god it's just a beautiful place and i look up off of the hood of my my worn out toyota pickup truck and here comes this big black snake out of the woods comes right up to the front of my truck and raises his head up and looks at me and i'm thinking okay so i try to wipe it out i'll go back to reading my bible i look back up here comes another one out of the woods goes right straight up my truck picks its head up to shorten this story six or seven came out of the woods and surrounded my truck i missed tennis practice i don't know what time i got home that night because all i could think of is i'm gonna get this resolved before dark or i'll die on this hood because i'm not getting off this hood in the dark i got six or seven snakes around my car and god speaks to me of all things out of the book of job and gives me a revelation i wrote pages and pages and pages of a revelation of job and what he went through and why he went through the things he went through it was so overwhelming i i i can't explain that i felt like i was supernaturally writing my notes with the holy spirit speaking to me and finally it was getting close to dark i remember that and i'm not gonna i'm not gonna be on this hood all night and i began to rebuking those snakes and commanding those snakes to leave and it was so cool i'm standing on the hood of my pickup truck in the name of jesus you leaf and each snake left as i commanded them to leave till all six or seven are gone that's supernatural there is nothing natural about that story and i could give you story after story by by i was only three weeks away from graduating from my senior year in college and god is calling me to the ministry he's unlocking my book that i didn't even know i had on the inside of me of my calling and and ministry and and and i just can't go to class i can't i would never count counsel anybody to do what i did i was three weeks away from graduating in my senior year of college and i just couldn't do it anymore i walked away from it sue quit her job i knew i was supposed to get get trained in ministry we pack up everything we own in the back of a little old pickup red toyota truck and leave florida had a hole in the bottom it was a standard those old standards and that was my air conditioner was the hole in the bottom of the truck there's wind blowing up just it was awesome i had applied for college and and for training and met with my pastor i just started going to to to another church and i have this encounter with a a prophet colonel holt i imagine he's with the lord now this was 40 years ago and he had to be 120 130 years old you know how you are when you're 20 everybody's old old he starts prophesying over me at church and one of the things he said is you and your voice will be known around the world amen and i'm sitting there in my worn out tennis shoes thinking has this guy ever heard me speak it's exploding on the inside of me so i go to my pastor again i apply for a bible school in oklahoma and god speaks to me and it was so clear i'm not saying it was audible i've got a teaching on divine guidance that teaches you how to discern the voice of god and people don't recognize the voice of god god is speaking to all of us i'm convinced of it we're just not tuned in we don't know what his voice is or what it sounds like it was though so clear it it almost sounded audible to me it probably wasn't audible but it was go to bible school and i was so yielded that again i quit again three weeks from graduation i've got to go and i got to go now he said go and it's now so i sent my application ahead of me knowing i've heard god we quit school she quits her job we pack everything up like i said i show up on the campus of the college and i go in and you got to remember i'm in an alternate alter an al alternative universe i'm hearing god every day i'm seeing miracles every day for a solid year true prosperity of god's voice and his working in me and flowing through me and revelation going off and so i know i'm accepted so i go in we don't have a house yet we haven't met anybody yet we drove straight to the school i walk in i look over the at the at the receptionist i said look my name is dwayne sheriff and i've put my application in and i need you to know i'm here and i don't have an address yet so don't send it to florida uh i'm here and she she lit up and she went you're dwayne sheriff i said yeah i'm dwayne sheriff she says the dean has your application on his desk and i'm sure we'd like to talk to you we got to remember now i've had such an experience in god and i'm having this one year alternative universe experience so supernatural everything's supernatural my heart was so sensitive that you could just say it you need to know that before i finish this story i'm all excited sue's out in the car and i'm thinking i wish sue could be here for this this is incredible they've got my my application all ready and everything dean wants to talk to me god you're just good to me so i'm in this alternative universe thanking god god you're so good to me you have just supernaturally led me you told me to come you said now they got my application on that god you're just great this is how life is supposed to be here comes this bear looking of a man around the corner he looked like the terminator i mean it and he looks at me and says are you dwyane sheriff i said yes sir i am he throws my application down in front of me and points his finger just just a mean now i didn't know until 25 years later what had happened that day and i wish i had time to tell you because i certainly didn't know the day it happened he goes is that your signature i said well yes sir that is my signature he said is that your answer to that question i said yes sir that is my answer to that question by now i'm thinking where is this going he looks right at me and says mr sheriff it appears we have caught you in a ball face lie now i know it's boldface don't write me where i'm from it's ball face and where he was from it was ball face and where i came up and where i'm from if you tell a ball face lie you're going straight to hell do not pass go do not collect two hundred dollars and my heart was crushed and and my my eyes teared up and i said there's a mistake here something is wrong this is a true story he said is that your we went through the whole thing again and i said yes sir to every one of them and he says well you're denied and i i i was just stunned and i said wait a minute there's a mistake here i promise there's a mistake here there's no way i could lie on this application and i'm not lying to you now i'm telling you there's a mistake and he says well i don't see the mistake you're you're denied and i i begin to cry i'm embarrassed to admit that but i just began to cry i could cry right now thinking about it but i began to cry and i said look is there anything i can do god spoke to me and told me to come here and he said well you could write a letter trying to explain it but it won't do you any good and walked off well we went and got us a place we i'm just devastated and you talk about a hit with my appointment with destiny that i can't imagine what would have happened had i not overcome it had i not endured it i sat down to write a letter explaining the misunderstanding because i even created the misunderstanding because of my integrity i even over explained things to be pure and to be honest that literally got misunderstood and so i'm trying to write this letter and i'm crying so hard i'm just ruining the page and i got to throw that page away on and on and i could go and then i kept thinking why turn it in thank god for a man named daryl morgan a former former youth pastor encouraged me you have to write this letter and you have to send it god told you to come god is going to supernaturally open the door i wrote the letter dean brings me in and says you're the first person and he looks me in the eye says you're the first person to ever be rejected from this school and that's going to be accepted but he looked at me and he said don't you make any mistakes i've got my eyes on you i didn't speak to anybody for the first year the fear of god paralyzed me for a whole year and all i did was look forward i go to my first class guess who the professor is dean moffatt you're a blessing brother by the way let me just encourage you mark bottom line is that was an appointment with destiny what if i wouldn't have overcome what if i would have let a misunderstanding kill my dream kill my vision kill my hope he brings me in two years later i'm in school for a year paralyzed with the fear of god he's one of my first professors through that year i i go to healing school every day i go to class for four to five hours every day i spend six to eight hours every day searching out everything that was said at school and some of the things they said was in the bible amen i'll let that go i checked everything out i was consumed with the word of god they had healing school i was at healing school i go to the bathroom to go to the bathroom and i run into a man named harold horton who was a methodist preacher and he was dying of cancer and i just loved on him and prayed for him in the bathroom and he looks at me and he says young man would you consider coming to my church sunday our people would just be so excited to see a young person that loves jesus and it's on fire for jesus and just come and share i said sure i'll come come and share i remember the message i remember the text i remember all i said what what an awesome awesome thing god blesses it i run into him in healing school the next week and he says hey i've got two churches would you consider coming and helping me when i don't feel well and if i feel well i'll i'll i'll preach at the big one and then and then you could just go ahead and take the the little one for me uh would you consider doing that i said sure i'll help you i'm talking about process i'm talking about god developing you i'm talking about god fulfilling all his will and at that place in that time god has supernaturally opened doors for me so i go and i go to the little church and that's the church that has three beautiful godly gorgeous elderly woman women in it three people and one of the reasons i know how to connect to a crowd is if you've only got three you stand right in front of them and you make sure they get it and if they don't get it you circle the wagon again and so i learned how to communicate how to connect dots how to get you to at least nod your head and act spiritual amen process process i wind up in another methodist church when i graduate and i'm never i never was never have been a methodist i could go on and go on and each time and each process there was a threat to my vision and a supernatural attack if you don't learn how to overcome these things saints then then you're not going to fulfill and i'm saying this on purpose over and over again david was a man after god's own heart who would fulfill all his will many people fulfill some of god's will but they don't know how to overcome it goes on to talk about moses and i can tell story after story of destiny of god supernaturally leading you of god supernaturally that's why you need to live and be present in the now and celebrating the life of christ because god is going to put people in your path he's going to put you across people's path for a divine appointment that'll that'll alter your life forever and the life of other people moses had to overcome rejection we we heard that it came into his heart that he was the deliverer and he went out to do it in his own mind strength and power i don't know if there's anybody else i wrestled with the 430 years that israel was in bondage when god had prophesied they would be in bondage 400 years and how do you reconcile that we heard it reconciled and i knew in my heart i had it reconciled you can be 10 years premature and cost other people years of what god had for them but you don't hear anybody else preaching that and sharing that but that's how important it is that you not only learn what is god's will for my life but how do i do this he thought everybody else knew he was the deliverer too it came into his heart that he was the delivered and acts tells us he supposed everybody else knew it but they didn't know it listen they rejected him his own people that he was called to deliver rejected him that's why 40 years later he still had it on his mind god's telling him go back and he's saying they won't listen some of the biggest setbacks in fulfilling all god's will for your life will be rejection from your own john chapter 1 verse 11 says jesus came to his own and they rejected him amen y'all are looking at me like you haven't been rejected you're rejecting me right now you're sowing a bad seed we all experienced rejection he didn't fit he ever felt like he don't fit he wasn't hebrew enough evidently to be among the hebrews and he wasn't egyptian enough anymore to be among the egyptians i have felt that way in ministry until recently i'm being accepted now something's something's up i'm being accepted now and it's hard to deal with i'm used to being rejected i was rejected by mainstream denomination because the faith and then those of faith rejected me immediately because of my revelation of grace i was in a meeting one time and a guy prophesied over me said you're like moses at first i thought thank you jesus okay moses i love moses you're like moses you don't fit anywhere it was like two meetings in a row terrible prophecies the second meeting guy starts prophesying over me you're john the baptist you're the spirit of john the baptist and i'm thinking lord can i keep my head not all prophecy excites you y'all aren't getting this and i'm thank god running out of time not every time you hear god does it necessarily at first excite you because you know the process you've been through the process you know what it takes to get from from point a to b and you learned a lot but now you're still in process and you still got flesh and you still got self-centeredness you still got these things that you even despise you fail like moses failed and i have met more people that are missing their divine appointment with destiny over the guilt and condemnation of failing than almost anything you can name and i would have fallen into that trap had i not gotten help had i not understood how god's not condemning me how he loves me unconditionally how that in my failures he doesn't beat me while i'm down he doesn't condemn me he picks me up proverbs 24 16 a just man falls down seven times and then i love it it says he gets back up again and i'm thinking well duh if he fell seven times he got back up that'll hit you later too how many people fall though like moses fell and because they didn't pursue god still they stayed down maybe not here but i guarantee you there are people watching right now they failed they did what moses did that we were taught in the previous message and so i won't go into detail over it but he tried to deliver he tried to fulfill god's word after the flesh he tried to fulfill god's word in his own strength his own might his own power listen his own way you have to learn to pray what jesus prayed that i mentioned in a previous message not my will be done but thine be done you have to learn and discipline yourself to deny self take up your cross and follow him now and many people many people believe they can go through this and not fail i'm amazed at how few ministers will get up and just say i failed i'll be honest when i first came here and first was invited i didn't know andrew like i know him now and i was excited and thankful to god i wanted to meet him all those kind of things and i had been compared to him so many for years for years and so i was i was excited about all of that but i didn't i didn't know his teaching very well i didn't know how he approaches things and in the circles that i had been exposed to and struggled with preachers just aren't honest they're just not authentic they they won't admit mistakes they won't anyway i need to let that go it was just so refreshing the first time i heard him stand up and talk about how he messed up and i thought i'm really not alone it's okay to be a pastor and say i missed it it actually brings comfort to people when you're honest and say look i have failed i missed it now follow me as i follow the lord get back up i had to get back up because i felt such guilt and condemnation and and i disappointed the lord so bad well i could share some things the lord has said to me that in this setting it would be the safest to share it in most settings i can't share it how that i have just absolutely failed and god was so pleased with me that i stepped out like what we were taught i couldn't imagine that the first time the lord said it's okay it's okay get back up i'm with you we'll get it fixed learn from it grow from it develop let the process take place let me prune you don't run from me run to me all of these things at large are not even taught in our churches and yet moses failed miserably and look at what god did with his life david how can the new testament of all things god's right god writes the bible through people but god's writing the holy spirit's writing that david i pick david a man after my own heart who will fulfill all my will and there's no parentheses of course he's going to kill somebody lusting after another man's wife and he's going to have an affair and adultery and she's going to get pregnant and then worse than that that led to the killing of her but god's writing man that's david i love david david's just a man after my own heart he he's going to fulfill all my will in other words god knew all of that but david got back up david repented when he was confronted by nathan he repented in sackcloth and ashes and god can take the ashes of our life and truly bring beauty out of him if we'll give it to him he'll teach you he'll groom you he'll discipline you he'll purge you even in your mistakes many times it's not our successes that we learn the most from success can be dangerous if you if you get over into that it's my success my hand my power gave me this wealth etc etc failure is amazing but getting back up is such a process of purging your conscience from that dead work see i've got such a sensitive conscience when i would mess up it it would just devastate me because it wasn't even messing up that condemned me the most it's that i know better now i know since you've known better you've never messed up and you've never lied just endure three more minutes go to second corinthians he experienced rejection you're going to experience that got to overcome it you can only overcome it the fear of man all this fear fear of failure fear of faces the fear of man is a snare fear of foes paul talks about in corinthians 16 this open door that set before me and unlike most christians paul says there's this effectual open door there's this exciting door that's opening most christians will stop right there and say praise god hallelujah god's opened the door for me i knew my day was coming this is awesome hallelujah and then and then paul says and behind that door are many foes amen it's like we just think okay i heard god this is his will i've obeyed and now everything's just going to be awesome everything is awesome in many ways and it will be joy unspeakable and full of glory in your obedience to god but if you think you're not going to have obstacles you're deceived because as soon as you step out some of you gonna leave here see this is forget the clock you're going to leave here so excited because god's already showed me what was going to happen in this meeting and and it wasn't that i had great faith because i began to watch it and believe for sure he's going to do it i could see visions and dreams raised from the dead i could see hope raised from the dead i'm telling you the holy spirit has breathed on people this has been a an amazing conference in what god is doing in people's hearts and lives and many of you are going to leave here you can be so excited about the will of god now and following it and pursuing it and you are going to get hit with a demonic slap well i'm not going to confess that i just confessed it for you you don't have to confess it that was good it's like we don't even understand a confession of faith a confession of faith is not a denial of opposition there's a difference jesus didn't say see that there mountain say it ain't there no he said you see that mountain you see that obstacle you see that fear of failure you see that fear of faces what people think if you obey god you see that fear of foes you see that fear of fences that stand between you and all your excuses for not obeying god speak to it in the name of the holy child jesus command it to be removed command the snakes that will come out of the woods and try to circle you and intimidate you and keep you locked on top of a truck that's amazing to me every now and then i'll think about it and think of well i guess i would have died if i'd just stayed right there on that truck forever there had to be a point where i had to take what god was showing me in job an authority job didn't have it was amazing i wish i could tell that whole story and communicate it better but you're going to have to exercise your authority and not waver on what god did in your heart this week amen no matter what comes against you you're going to have to stand now i said i was going to close it doesn't fit but i'm going to make it fit second corinthians chapter 12. this is encouraging to me well i wish i had time to set this up i think i taught on this in the healing university on what paul's thorn was it blesses people so much when you just show them biblically what was his thorn and the bottom line is it was persecution it was affliction it was the devil stirring up people against him it was all this opposition that that just he would have a meeting and instead of them taking up an offering like you did for me they would take up stones and kill him he didn't get to exit out the side door they had to put him in a basket after a meeting on let him down over the wall it was just opposition upon opposition a thorn in his in his flesh and yet he seeks god about it and what god told him to me is amazing again i know some of you have faced some horrible things trying to follow god but again have you been stoned and left for dead some of you are looking at me like yeah in the 60s i was stoned one time and left for bed [Applause] i'm talking about stoned rocks i've had some terrible things happen to me and it's like the holy spirit always encourages me with what the early church and the apostle paul and many others went through to fulfill god's will if god's will was was easy to fulfill more people would be fulfilling it so listen to this he says and lest i should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations verse 7 a thorn in the flesh was given to me a messenger of satan to buffet me lest i be exalted above measure i don't even know how we can miss that i've been taught so many squirrelly things out of that that god did this to him to keep him humble it's a messenger sent from satan bible are we not reading now look at this and this is what's awesome to me and then he says concerning this thing i pleaded king james says i beseech the lord three times that it might depart from me and he said to me look at this my grace is sufficient for you for my strength is made perfect in weakness now i've missed this i had missed this for years first of all i'm excited that he goes to the lord the first time and seeks for an answer and and deliverance from it and evidently evidently he didn't overcome it because he had to come back a second time and evidently he didn't get it the second time because he had to come back a third time y'all don't appreciate that i like the way y'all respond to him when he says a deep heavy revvy that was good i used to think i'll just have to go to god one time about this and i'm gonna stand just in faith and that's it i don't care anything else about it not realizing this whole thing goes back to primary purpose relationship with god fellowship with god relationship with god fellowship with god jesus i need to talk to you about this i'm struggling with this jesus i i believe you've given me the victory uh but i need a little help here and it's okay to be real with jesus it's okay to be honest that look you got to help me here these people are coming against me and and i've got this revelation of grace but i want the ground to open up and swallow them lessons from moses and i know this isn't right i need some help now watch this he besought the lord three times and it didn't say god gave him three different answers he besought the lord three times so the first time he goes to the lord i preach i i share i get beat i get imprisoned falsely i get stoned and left for dead i get entire cities rise up and i need some help here my grace is sufficient for my strength is made perfect in weakness that's great god i like that now what about what i'm going through so i go a while longer then i come back and say hey i got this thorn and i need some help my grace is sufficient for my strength my power is made perfect in weakness i get it i'm excited about that now what about what i'm going through you've done it god has given us answers god is telling us and it's like we dismiss it instead of listening and processing by the third time he comes to the lord the lord says i've not changed my mind my grace is sufficient my strength is made perfect in wait in your human weakness paul don't you realize at your weakest when you have nothing of self left that's when my power just explodes in you there's reasons why these miracles are happening there's reasons why all these signs and wonders are being worked through you there's reasons why i've given you all these revelations and these revelations are exalting you and the devil is all upset about it so he he's seeing that people are seeing the power of god through you so he's also seeing and stirring up people to attack you and to beat you and to wrong you because that'll cause people to look at well paul's got this great power i want that great power i want to see miracles i want to see signs and wonders but then they would also see the suffering that came with it and satan was using it to keep people from following god to keep people from pressing into the things of god and finally it hit him god's grace is sufficient this isn't happening by any ounce of human ability any ounce of human strength any ounce of human wisdom that the weak look at what he says next therefore most gladly i will rather boast in my infirmities that the power of christ may rest upon me therefore i take pleasure in infirmities many have interpreted that as sickness a sickness can be an infirmity but if you'll just look it up in any concordance it's weakness it's weakness in reproaches in needs in persecutions in distresses for christ's sake for when i am weak then am i strong let every attack every assault on god's destiny for your life let every one of them draw you push you drive you into your primary purpose knowing god relationship with god fellowship with god suffering even in the sufferings of christ paul came to a point where he says man i want to know you in the power of your resurrection and in the fellowship of your sufferings any suffering you're going through because of your vision and your love for jesus is the sufferings of jesus you're suffering the same sufferings he suffered and god is going to give you the same power when you just come totally to the end of yourself make yourself a living sacrifice unto god totally yielded that god the harder the devil hits the higher i'm gonna soar in my vision and in my dreams amen amen you've got the purpose there father in the name of the holy child jesus i thank you that you have stretched forth your hand that you have touched every heart thousands of people are being touched through the live feed they're coming to a resolve to know god they're coming to a place of surrender and of becoming a living sacrifice and lord their minds are being renewed in the process and you're pruning us and purging us and teaching us through the lessons of moses on how to be totally dependent upon you it is not by strength it is not by power but by god's spirit that these things will be fulfilled in our lives thank you that little books are unlocking within the sound of my voice and thank you that resolve is coming to commit unto death to the will of god thank you for this awesome opportunity to get to share not only with my friend but with these precious precious brothers and sisters in jesus name i give you thanks amen and amen hallelujah give the lord praise if you got anything as we're dismissed i'm sure there'll be people to pray for you if you need anything but i want to end with you will leave here and i pray the love of the father the grace of our lord jesus christ the fellowship of the holy spirit be with you and upon you and you respond in jesus name amen and amen i love you dearly god bless you amen that's powerful i tell you god has been with us during this meeting there's been some awesome things happen i tell you i duane i've never heard anybody else teach the exact same stuff that i believe like on paul's thought of the flesh next time i get a revelation i'm going to call dwayne up and say what do i believe about this it's nearly scary how we are so much alike on things jamie when he was reading that scripture about that to keep him from being exalted above measure there was given to him a thorn in the flesh jamie leaned over and said that's because he didn't have a wife wife will keep you humble that's for sure i tell you we love you all thank you so much for coming and being a part of this i would like to ask our prayer ministers if they'd come up here and if there's anything else that we can share and help you uh don't leave without it these people are awesome people and we see a lot of miracles happen through them and so we want to encourage you to do that and also please get the uh recordings of this because i think that this is a life changer and you need to go over it you don't get everything in one time i can promise you that i listen to things over and over and over and over so please take advantage of that thank you all for coming remember we got materials out there and i think the cafe will be open do you have anything else you guys want to share i'll let mark come up and and close us out thank you all god bless you we love you it's been awesome thank you i think andrew just gave all my announcements guys the destiny dvd is available for you guys go and get that like andrew said please listen to it again and again we've got a few events coming up in october we have the minister's conference which is the 4th to the 8th of october yeah at keras we have the women's arise october 28 till the 30th so please come to it ladies please it's awesome i hear a lot of good things from there um heart of christmas performance that's going to be you guys got a glimpse of what they do in the heart of christmas so please that's going to happen the 10th of december to the 12th of december so please put that on your calendar and if you guys want to find out about any more events go to forward slash events and you can get more details there with that being said please go get the destiny um please take all your stuff with you otherwise you can buy it back from me in a week or two um it will be on facebook marketplace um i'm just kidding guys um please guys if you still need prayer for anything please come forward our prayer ministers are here for you guys be safe drive safe and please use both exits lanes out of the building and out of the premises thank you guys [Music]
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 1,488
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: AE22M0jQsbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 23sec (4463 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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