Healing is Here 2018: Day 3, Session 9 ​- ​Randy Clark

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good evening everyone praise the Lord we are in a packed house tonight so if you've got an empty seat next to you would you raise your hand we're gonna get as many people in here as we can and as we are filling in this auditorium with every single space we want to absolutely welcome all of you who are joining us on the internet from wherever you're joining us from all around the world we are so grateful to be able to join together tonight in this wonderful gathering called Healing is here 2018 Reverend Randy Clark is in the house tonight it's gonna be an awesome night more importantly Jesus is in the house tonight and we're gonna celebrate him so those of you here in the auditorium stand and greet someone that you didn't come with and again meet a new friend what a great week it's been and we've been so grateful for all that God has been doing God is always amazing if we'll just let him be amazing in our lives amen those who be joining us on the internet man I tell you what it's been just like an amazing week already it's like a beehive of Holy Ghost activity people are being healed people are getting up out of wheelchairs being delivered of all kinds of infirmities it's been amazing to watch God be God hallelujah praise You Jesus anybody ready to jump into some worship tonight all right come on guys let's do it [Music] heaven and the world was boy - you four [Music] Brown you out [Applause] Syd [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] dad I'll shout your place [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] come on let's give the loan a shout out finger of our praise tada hallelujah come on put us together [Music] [Music] my body is the temple of the holy God my body is the temple of the holy God it's your Hall the top file my body is the cover of all body or father is inside [Music] [Music] you got game now write down in Jesus body [Music] the horrid Oh [Music] greater live it is tighty [Music] over spread of the Miami why better than my harkensee [Music] aha [Music] the day [Music] ooh [Music] [Music] [Music] a little inside me [Music] so let's go my tummy [Music] better than my hull can see [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] separately tonight sickness and disease you cannot stay in my body my body God's temple I'm living for the glory of God now give somebody a hug [Applause] [Music] lower so grateful for what you've done thank you Jesus [Music] let's pour out a worship to him let's give him all I have inside thank you Lord you are here yes you are moving in I worship you I worship you you are here [Music] working I worship you hi words come on and sing it you are [Music] I was [Music] work I worship you hey wait make appear is he lying in the darkness that is who you that's who you are here we go [Music] you [Music] you are [Music] [Music] how [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you can don't answer [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you are here you're touching every line I worship you worship you you are here your every need I worship you I worship you hallelujah he is away maker he is away maker doesn't matter what it looks like ah cuz it can look bleak sometime but you have to know that you know that you know that you know that you know in your knower that he is meeting every need is that not what His Word says that's right oh it doesn't matter doesn't matter what it looks like he's making away doesn't matter what it feels like he has made our way doesn't matter how dark the applause he is made no way he's a promise keeper he's a promise keeper that's right she's got a hold of that thing she's got a hold of it he is a promise keeper and I just want to encourage you to know that it doesn't matter doesn't matter what it looks like he's already made to way hallelujah hallelujah [Music] Jesus thank you lord you made a way you made a way Lord take you Jesus thank you Jesus you need away [Music] your hands on someone next to you right now he's made away we're celebrating it in this place I'm just beginning to release the life of Christ from within you into their bodies into their lives speak words of life and blessing [Music] those of you on the Internet come on [Music] Healing is it yesterday healing is here now faith is Oh [Music] he lays here [Music] Healing is here Healing is here and I receive it yes we do law Healing is here we'll give you all the glory Master Yi is here Great Physician Healing is here and I believe it yes I do I reach my [Music] where I love to my my here I trust you [Music] freedom is here is here whom the Sun sets free is free indeed freedom [Music] and I see [Music] this here [Music] [Applause] [Music] we believe I wish my [Music] [Applause] I will too [Music] are they spa [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] sickness can't stay any longer my less declare your love love it casting out fear I love you you are the god [Music] and it is your will come on the two boys was declared sis [Music] [Music] so I reach my hands to with my where how comes from I look to you my rock my healer I trust in you I recently [Applause] [Applause] [Music] first day I trust in you - are you Jesus [Music] nobody like here Lord God we trust you [Music] - trust you Jesus [Music] molitor's lift our hands all over this place sale all we trust you we bless you you are healer Lord we say yes to You Lord God we love you Lord God [Music] around the way but no longer Jesus it all belongs to you anyway you know you know you're not on the door of my heart [Music] I'll answer you [Music] Wow with you Jesus [Music] you Jesus yes make me [Music] you [Music] man awaiting a battery [Music] afraid we say [Music] [Music] holy spirit so everything you wanna do through me you have my permission now pay for it up and it's yours so you need me you need me [Music] singing [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a right [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] when I ran away it was so dark sure I was there with me Jesus you never left me you never forsake my life you have a plan how you can turn your callings are without depends lon so no matter where I bear you you still have that same purpose for me Lord so I made up my mind yes Oh made up my mind I've got no more excuses so we open the door and we live you will sing it with me I made up my mind you're excused [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] peered up my mind Afghan I've got no more excuses no hope open the door and I'll hit you him me the my man made up my mind I've got no more excuses so open the door and I'll let you into my heart Jesus everything you did on the tree babe [Music] he the prosperity joy and the peace that passes all understanding I let you hear me [Music] Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] would you take someone's hand father we just agree right now in Jesus name that there are no more excuses father we agree right now that we're standing not alone but we're standing together we're better together you've never designed for us to be off somewhere by ourselves but gathering together as believers who believe let me give you all the glory tonight thank you for what you've already done Lord God the victory that you've accomplished in Jesus the finished work that you've given us partnership in thank you lord thank you that there's no sickness and disease that's even close to be as great as your name you are the one Lord exalted above every name we exalt you long we exalt your love come on if you have a prayer language tonight let's just begin to corporately pray that out just for a minute or two as we give glory as we give thanks to the one whose triumph on our behalf Lord we give you glowy Lord we give you brain cooldown analyze support of us [Music] I made up my mind no more excuses [Music] every area every area [Music] no more excuses yeah you know the haricot swear to God just say no more visitation this is about habitation hallelujah well give at least 50 people a hug before you see you tonight [Music] okay maybe one or two but tell somebody you love them give him a hug [Music] well today we went out and get some Street ministry and another fellow friend of Mines we both got the word rocks we're doing a treasure hunt for the Lord and right over here is a rock climbing place so we got to pray for a young man in there for his mom who the hospital she's been in pain dishing out an injury we got to pray for that she has a situation in her family life and she said God sent you to me not I said yes hands up we prayed for her for wisdom and for her little three beagles the grand [Music] just reminded her she's not the mom she did say she knew too we're ready to go super scared but then Andrey says if we want to be a Waterwalker we can got to step out of the boat just do it be a Waterwalker and try this because you're gonna be so happy and I'm just so happy yeah if we would understand what it means to be seated with him in heavenly places there is no disease that should be living in your body why because he sat down and you sat down and all authority has been given to you and all you have to do is speak the word and you don't have to wait to see what happens you already know what's going to happen because you know you have the uniform you know you have the badge and the guns coming out chronic fatigue fibromyalgia tennis elbow for five years plantar fasciitis from working so much and standing in one place doing what I did in the medical field I'm completely healed God completely from the top of my head to the soles of my feet and inwardly I'm restful now daddy God has got the victory for you but he's also he sent you the one in you to lead you to that victory he's giving you the word and the Spirit God is a good God and he does answer prayers he's amazing and are you gonna do is reach out forever I push back sit now today and I got what I came for [Music] praise the Lord praise the Lord first things first I did not know that Audrey was going to fall she had me come over here and she said look at her and then she turned around and the Holy Spirit told me trust fall I said what up and I caught her thank you Jesus better hear the Holy Spirit woo so Barry had an awesome awesome message last night was ever yes yes Authority right now we respect authority so in respect of Authority it rhymes with schmeyer sh marshall i'm gonna read this official message anyone without a physical chair we ask that you move to the exits and into the overflow we will have people coming around to guide you and this includes anyone along the walls the fireplace and sitting on the floor can I give you a word of encouragement okay I know a bit of things that are gonna happen the Lord is going to call the things that you need okay so if you're in the overflow you will be called and you'll come okay so don't worry you're not gonna lose anything but we certainly don't want the schmeyer sh marshall to intervene on our behalf so if you could please respect the authority that is above us we would greatly appreciate it we really appreciate your grace you guys have been so wonderful in in being here we really appreciate all the grace that you guys have given us and we thank you so much for for just being graceful uh-huh that's hard to say I hate being the bad guy thank you hey does anybody have any questions I have answers there right here it's called did God do this to me I would love to give you about give you some answers Jim will you go give this to give serves or someone who needs answers when you have answers from the Lord and you have answers on Scripture and things like that it makes you more receptive to hear then you can hear the Holy Spirit and follow his instruction if we can get some of these hookups out of the way that would be wonderful right I do have a gift for someone else as well this is a free online course to Kharis Bible College now-now-now what you have to do is you have to fill it out and then you have to bring it down to the Charis booth to my buddy clay now my buddy clay has a miracle to share with you today and it's not just his life because his life is definitely a miracle but we're gonna bring him up in a moment Jim oh here you are Jim will you give this to somebody who needs a free online course you will fill that out and bring it down to the Charis booth yeah praise the Lord don't forget we're also gonna be giving away a $500 caris tuition to anybody who sends an email to info at Karis Bible College at org that's for everybody online hi hello and then if you filled out the Kara's card and you've taken it to the Kara's booth you're automatically entered so be looking forward to that we're gonna give that away on Friday which is tomorrow yeah now if you could do me one more favor I tell you I in the years that I've been here one of the things that is most impressive to me is not only the character and integrity but the ability to be so selfless and give this platform in this stage to anybody who's anointed by God to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and that takes true humility and that really is a servant after God's own heart so if you will do me a favor and welcome that servant who is the president and founder of Karis Bible College and Andrew Wommack ministries mr. Andrew Wommack praise God thank you very much and we have had an awesome day matter of fact it's been an awesome three days I had a number of my staff come up and say that this is the best conference they've ever been to so something I've learned you've heard me say this before and that is that God never serves dessert first that means we got something better to come amen and I really believe that tonight is gonna be awesome so praise God hey man I would like to invite clay Caldwell to come up where is clay here he is and clay is one of the miracles here when he came to school he was what I would it be accurate to say you were a drug addict or you just had a drug problem just a train wreck he had a lot of things a lot of things going on and sick and God healed and man God has transformed his life he got his wife here yes and you married up brother she's awesome Jesus but anyway clay now works with us and he he conducted the meeting about CBC this afternoon I wanted me to give you a testimony about that and also I think you've got a student that's gonna thank you Andrew hey friends I'm clay I'm the recruiting manager here at Karis Baba college and yes God did heal me from Crohn's disease if you all know what that is it's kind of like it's have having ulcers in your intestines there's not a cure for it on this planet outside of Jesus and I didn't get it overnight but I came to Karras and all through my first year I was getting teaching after teaching Barre Andrew it was just like I kept hearing these messages about healing like you've been getting all week and something started sticking and then I started speaking instead of my Crohn's I said you don't belong in my body anymore it's not mine I don't take ownership of you get out of my body and somewhere at the end of first year I don't really remember the day but I was healed and and praise Jesus so who is it the Charis interest meeting today yeah we had the biggest record in the history of me running care centers meetings we had over 300 people today now typically what I do when we plan for the Charis interest meeting I plan about 125 to 150 gift bags but I think everybody that was there today got a gift bag so loaves & Fishes miracle kind of happened today amen so again we're gonna be at the Charis both answering questions tomorrow for those of you that picked up an application going to fill that out and at this time I'd like to introduce Mike come on up Mike he has got just a just a crazy awesome testimony of how God called him here and I just don't know if I've heard like the faith it's like God told him to come and he came out and I'm gonna let you finish okay so my name is Mike and I come straight out of Compton I lived there all my life and it's a pretty rough neighborhood and I got started getting addicted to drugs and I was so into it that I lost like about a hundred pounds I was lost like about 50% of my body weight I mean I had all these warts and sores all over my face I was sitting seeing my body deteriorate right before me and I didn't know God at that time I wasn't walking with God so and I really put my foot down I tried to stop on my own I try to just you know I tried rehab but everything was in vain so and then everybody would tell me to get in the word to get in the word and at that time I didn't know much about the word and I was like I need some serious help here I need some real help what is the book gonna do for me but I had no hope in anything else you know and I just you know started getting in the word I was in the word day-and-night meditating in the world and then like a year later after being in the word day and night I came across brother Andrews teachings and TBN and I came across so I started going to his website and downloading all the teachings and I came across spirit soul and body and when I started hearing spirit soul and body I mean being in the word day and night there started beating explosions inside of my heart you know it's like the spirit started quickening it to me it's like when I was young my parents came and said that we were going to Disneyland there was no physical evidence that I was going to Disneyland the only thing I had to go with were words that was my proof that was my evidence but the relationship that I had build with my parents the bond I knew they loved me I knew they were for me that allowed me to effortlessly receive their words and there was an explosion I remember as a young child that fate that I had in my parents words I mean it came with strength that came with the excitement there was joy inside me I was jumping up and down the sofas running around hugging my parents saying thank you very much you know and that's how it was when I started hearing I'll just revelation that God gave him spirit soul and body there was a explosion inside of me there was a strength I started lifting up my hands and praising God thank you Father God that is done now I didn't believe because the symptoms were gone it wasn't because things were getting better it was because the Word of God said that I was healed that I was delivered that he was for me that I was his child and that was always awesome I mean it's awesome when we choose to believe the word you know the word gave me both is the word gave me encouragement you know I was fully persuaded and that was the power of the gospel you know I didn't do anything I and not only that but that experience allowing me to just pack up my bags I was delighting myself in the Lord and there was this desire to come out here to Cara's Bible College so you know in the Word of God says that he lives and abides with me to take me from glory to glory and I was fully persuaded assured I had this confidence that the Lord was gonna provide for me so you know there was no fear no stress no anxiety I wasn't agitated I was excited I was joyful and I just said Lord we're going to Bible College and my understanding my understanding says you can't do it because of my drug addiction I had in work for a couple years my understanding my circumstances you know it said you can't go you don't have a vehicle you don't have any money you've never been out there you don't know anybody out there you never lived in the snow you don't have money for tuition you don't have money for tuition but the Word of God said that I'm not an orphan that he lives with me that he's for me so you know so I made a decision through through all that experience I packed my bags I checked the bus schedule the heading serves a bus stop and sometimes I think bad wow that's so powerful the power of the gospel to just pack my bags to start heading towards the bus with no fear with no worry fully assured that's the power of the gospel before I got there I was blessed for $400 in the bus station $60 the first day I get out get out here I'm walking with joy with excitement and somebody comes and tapping my shoulders I turn around and they say here this is yours they put $1,000 in my hands appear twenties and they just walk away I'm so overwhelmed I'm on my knees thanking God the first two days I got out here people I've never known I mean they just gave me over two thousand dollars tuition they came along it was two days after the deadline and if I didn't have a relationship with God if I didn't know he loved me you know faith for me began first of all knowing God's will for me and you know if two days after the deadline I was still in peace still focused on Jesus Christ and then the Lord put someone in my pad they paved my full year's tuition I've been blessed so I'm here to testify that God is faithful I'm here to testify and exalt the name of Jesus Christ glory be to God it's all by God's grace is by the power of the gospel god bless you have a birthday getting awesome right yes tomorrow every student that comes to Karis Bobble college is a walking story of God's awesomeness his goodness his provision I could keep going but I'm going to turn it back over to you Andrew thank you so how many people did you sign up today I'm not sure there are so many people we just spurred how many people signed up for Bible College today could I see you hands those are hands praise the Lord how many of you were supposed to sign up today and didn't do it there you go look there's more hands you know people constantly say well man I want to come but I'm just not sure would you please pray with me and you know I've just gotten to where I tell people look it's not the devil that's leading you to come sit under the Word of God four hours a day five days a week for two or three years and it's not your flesh the Bible says he gives us the desires of our heart so if you have a desire it's God and you know not everybody is able to come here I believe more are able to come than what you think just like we heard the testimony man don't let anything stand in your way but you can take it online you can take it by correspondence you can we have 70 more more than 70 locations around the world we also have a hybrid class where you can either come to nights a week are one or two Saturdays of every month we have people that come from Louisiana and from California to this place twice a month and take our Saturday courses we are taking all your excuses away but really it that's right no more excuses we just sang about that didn't we wasn't that great don't you love Trey when he said they keep saying he's like Joe Cocker I never heard Joe Cocker I don't I don't know who that is but I love that whatever that is his tray in here here you come up here Trey come here you know I was talking with Randy earlier and I don't know your whole testimony I gave him just a tiny bit and he told me he says this means even more knowing where you came from what God done in your life oh goodness man well in the beginning at about 11 I was accidentally sent to a Baptist Church camp so I received the Lord at that point but being in a like a dead Methodist Church and there was no discipleship and so for about twenty four years I walked away from the Lord during that time I went to school I studied music I didn't quite finish but I got enough hours for like three bachelor's degrees anyway I got asked to go out on the road and play trumpet and so that was my main instrument I play a study jazz and so I spent the better part of a decade on the road playing music and I was definitely not following the Lord I was off in the world and partaking of what the world has a lot of drugs a lot of alcohol and due to some some personal decisions all of that kind of fell apart and I ended up my musical career kind of went down a tube so at that point I was just looking for money so still not following the Lord headed out to Colorado and out here in Colorado I was a prominent member of the horticultural community and to be quite honest with you I mean for those of you that aren't from Colorado that grew marijuana amen so that's right and I mean I was pretty good at it and and made making lots of money but to be quite honest with you after I got out here I immediately got a job working in a hobby gardening store and I was making a delivery down saat to the south store it was in Lakewood and I was going down to South Denver and there was a there was a grace FM station on it was a Calvary Chapel station and they were preaching the word and something just lit up inside of me and I know it wasn't one of those heathens that I was working with because because it was a store full of heathens but basically that day I just was like man you know this is what I've been missing in my life and that afternoon I got in my car and I stuck that same station and just to and from work I was driving about 45 minutes and so I just started listening to the word because it was mostly word they don't play a lot of music on those stations and man just one thing led to another I started reading my Bible at night and it took about two years but I finally found a church that was teaching solid teaching and my pastor Lee Eddie kind of brought me into to understanding the word and rightly dividing the word and man I was getting acupuncture at that point for my back and the lady that was giving me acupuncture one day asked me she's like well do you have any you know spiritual or religious beliefs and and I thought well this lady's in acupuncture she's probably some crazy Buddhist or Hindu or something and but now I said no Jesus Christ is my Savior and she just lit up dude and she started counseling me in anyway I started getting words from the Lord needles you know we would talk but one day I brought I started getting words from the Lord the Holy Spirit started speaking to me and I kept coming to her and telling her what these words were and one day I was like I came in and I was like you know we're supposed to pray with Thanksgiving like it's already been done and she goes man that sounds like this Bible College they're teaching down there in Colorado Springs and I was like really that's awesome and so I started checking out the worship because that's where I am music you know I've been leading worship in the church I was at and the first thing I took thought was Daniel Amstutz in the in the in the worship team here and I was like this is pretty awesome and so I started tuning in regularly listening to the worship and to be quite honest I still had never heard you speak but well that's fine I never heard you sing Amen praise God so praise God so one day I'm watching Karis worship and the Lord's like sell your house moved to Woodland Park you're going to Bible College it sounds like college lord I was like I thought I was done with school and then I started checking you out and it was like right on you know right in luck it was it was you know honestly I had a really good pastor where I came from it was it was a Foursquare Church but everything you were speaking was just it was life and it was it was grace and it was Jesus and so I had no trouble nine days later when he told me cut off your business and and everything just you're depending on me now so that that day I made a decision and it was all my life that's where everything ended and in June I guess it was it be two years ago this June we moved over here so God has taken me from being completely lost in the dark giving me a light and given me a choice and that was the thing and that's what took the two years of praying God give me something it took me two years but finally when my heart changed and I was able to submit that last bit of stronghold that I had in my life he gave me direction and this is where I ended up so you sing like you really mean it when you see there's joy and everything it's the joy I think my anointing is the joy yes sir praise God I tell you what I can listen to you all day long praise God that's awesome you know we got a lot of things to do tonight but I just feel like there's people here that you are being ministered to you are sin trays life and all of these things happening you're seeing it you desire it you longed for it that's the reason you came to this conference and we've already seen great things happen but I'll tell you four days is not enough and you you need to live this you know the Bible says that the but just will live by faith they don't vacation there they don't spend weekends there this is where they live and in our world today it's hard sometimes to find a place where you really are saturated and in the presence of God and I'm just saying by the Spirit of the Lord that there's some of you that are desiring change in your life and you God is touching you but it's just like getting on steroids when you come to Karis Bible College and it will transform your life and so I want to encourage you if the Lord is speaking to you if you have the desire the devil didn't put the desire in your heart you need to follow through and you just need to take a step and you know I tell people all of the time that if you add some motion to your boat then God can turn it and he can do something but if you're sitting still you can flip a rudder 360 degrees and you'll never get any direction you got to move if you have a desire take a step just do something we have people that put down a registration fee did you know it's good for life if it takes you 30 years to get here your registration fees still good but that's a step of faith that you've taken when you do that we've had I don't know hundreds of people that once you do that all of a sudden things just start falling in line so man we'd love to have you be a part of this let's turn over to second Samuel chapter 24 I'm gonna receive an offering tonight give you an opportunity to give and you know this is an important part of a service sometimes people think that we do this just for ourselves if I had a billion dollars billions probably a billion dollars I could use that but if I had multiple billions that I couldn't use you know what I'd still do this and encourage you to give because this is how God blesses you it's how you get involved and so this is an important part of the service I'm ministered in Yucaipa California one time and I'm ministered on finances and then I received an offering and gave the offering to the pastor so people wouldn't think I was doing it for myself and as I was sitting down and they were passing the plates the Lord just spoke to me and says watch what happens because people finally got hold of the truth on giving I preached an hour and a half on giving we saw to deaf people healed and then people started running for the front we saw people getting born again baptized in the Holy Ghost and just a powerful manifestation of God's power by preaching on finances there are some of you that came here looking for a miracle and yet you aren't gonna step out and trust God with your finances I tell you what don't look over here in second Samuel look over in proverbs chapter 11 I believe it is or no it's proverbs three three I'll find this proverbs chapter 3 says my son forget not my law but let thy heart keep my Commandments for length of days and long life and peace shall they add to the let not mercy and truth forsake thee bind them about that neck write them upon the table of thine heart you know how you write something on your heart over in the Book of Psalms I forget I think it's anyway I'd have to look it up but it says my tongue is the pen of a ready writer you know how you write something on your start saying it start speaking it out and you'll write it on your heart and it says write these things upon thine heart so shalt thou find favour and good understanding in the sight of God and men trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths be not wise in thine own eyes fear the Lord and depart from evil you know all of those verses are awesome and we've heard this taught on and I'm sure many of you have heard people make many points from this but just keep reading look at the context it says it shall be health to thy navel and narrow morrow to thy bones honor the Lord with thy substance and with the first fruits of all thine increase so shall thy barns be filled with plenty and thy presses shall burst out with new wine you know we sometimes separate these things but they're together it's not a separate thought for you to give it means that you aren't leaning unto your own understanding none of us in the natural realm would take what we've got and give it away because all of us would could use more all of us could use more money everybody could use something more and if you are trying to get over there and you aren't there yet and you take a portion of what you've got and give it away you're moving away from your goal instead of towards it the only reason to give is because you believe the promises of God that when you give it's given back unto you that God will multiply your seed song it's a step of faith it's trusting God so when we talk about trusting God you need to trust God in your finances and it says honor the Lord with your firstfruits honor the Lord with thy substance and with the firstfruits of thine increase did you know if you aren't giving you aren't honoring the Lord and I know that there's people who would take issue with that and say oh yes I do honor the Lord but I just can't give well you can whitewash it any way you want to but you don't really honor the Lord you aren't really trusting Lord because he's promised that he would multiply what you give and you're saying God I can't trust you you aren't honoring him for you to say that I'm I can't honor him I can't trust him in this area but I'm gonna trust him with healing doesn't work that way healing is much more important than money money can't buy healing and you need to start trusting him in this area with your firstfruits not your leftover fruits not what you know is extra fruits and this is how a lot of people are I've had many people come to me and say man I want to get I would give if I had anything everybody's got money it's just the fact that you use it for your own things first and you give only what's left over that is not honoring God I'm not saying these things to condemn you but I'm saying that if you really are looking for God to move in your life tonight you have to trust him with that which is least before you trust him with greater things in trusting him in the area of finances is the least use of your faith that you can have so I want to encourage you tonight this is a part of the service if you want to open up your heart as Trey was singing and let him in did you know part of it is God I'm gonna start honoring you I'm gonna act like your words true I'm gonna act like you are faithful and your promises will come to pass and I'm taking a step of faith so tonight as you give in the offering I want you to give and the scripture I was gonna turn over and read in 2nd Samuel is where David was gonna offer an offering and the man who owned the threshing floor says here take the oxen and take the yoke take everything I'll give it to you and David said I will not offer to God that which costs me nothing and that is a great attitude a lot of people only want to give God what you could give and if he doesn't come through and if the word doesn't work you could live without it that's not good you need to give until it takes a miracle and it means you have to trust God and that's for your benefit so tonight as we give I want you to believe God and look at this as a seed we're opening up our hearts and we're saying God I'm not just saying this in Word I'm gonna express it in my actions I'm gonna give and I'm gonna honor you with my first fruits I'm gonna give you the first things not the leftovers amen so father we love you and we thank you Father for your promises thank you for these words and father we want to trust you in every area of our life not just an area of need but father we want to honor you and our finances so I ask you to speak to people I ask you to touch people and cause them to take a step of faith tonight the father go beyond themselves to go beyond what is convenient or what they can give without costing them anything and father I pray that people would give in a way that they have to trust you and as they do father I speak in the name of the Lord that you are gonna bless this back to them 100 times in this life and we agree and receive that in the name of Jesus amen amen you can receive the offering praise God and it's been an awesome week it's been awesome awesome awesome you know I told to Audrey this but I'd like to say it in front of all of y'all I just love Audrey she was awesome what is she good today I told her I'm glad you are my sister you know it's like having a family and and we're all different and stuff and yet it's wonderful to have all of us together if everybody was like me it would be really boring the number one comment I get is I saw you on television for years and it was so boring I just passed you up where's Julian Hartman right here that's what she said on her testimony that have you seen Julian's testimony how many of you have seen Julian's testimony and in that awesome and Julian's said I was so boring but she was so desperate I guess that she who is willing to listen to some boring but man praise God for all the different people and you know we've got Randy Clark with us tonight and man I'm excited about having him come and minister to us and you know this is the very first time I've met him I've spent some time this afternoon visiting with him and of course he's got a great resume and he's got quite a reputation God used him supernaturally in the Toronto revival and and just so many things I've shared just a little bit this afternoon with him and man he's ministering all over the world making a huge impact but you know your rep your reputation is your value in the eyes of men and there's people that have a reputation that doesn't mean anything to God but I've visited with Randy this afternoon not tell you what this guy loves the Lord and he's got a heart for God and he's not self promoting he's humble he's ministered to all of our staff that know him and I tell you Randy that speaks more to me than any reputation you could ever have I really bear witness that he's a great brother in the Lord and I think that he's gonna add a lot to what we're doing here this week so let's welcome Randy Clark as he comes to minister to us tonight amen thank you I apologize for juggling things around but I forgot to charge my iPhone and I felt like God gave me some four o'clock this morning some words of knowledge for people and I've written them down and just just while ago just a few several minutes ago all of a sudden my phone went dead otherwise Oh at least need it for the word of knowledge I don't know if I need it for the message but I need them for the words of knowledge because I didn't remember everything that God had put in my heart Andrew thank you for having me I like you I I can't say I love all the brothers but I can't say that I like them all but I not only love you I like you I there's a lot that and you do in your heart by really yeah I want you to know these invitations you're not just going to go one way I look forward to the time you stand on my platform and share having said that I also need to say I think we've got everybody you're already selected for next year because we're usually here out but the next year after that we are going to have you common and and and speak Wow before I get started I I've written about 40 books and I only have two left that's with me and but I do want to encourage you you can go to and I'd prefer if you did this you can go to our web page global awakening calm and go to the bookstore and you can there just search for my name and all the product I have is available if if you want and a kindle version of my books we don't have that you can go to Amazon and almost everything I have that's the major books not the smaller books is like 80 to 100 pages put the ones it's like 200 or more you can get them Kindle there we just don't have but two with me left and they are the last two I witness to miracles the first half of this book is just some of the greatest miracles I may mention one or two of them tonight that I have seen personally and a few of my best friends have shared some of the greatest miracles that I listed them in the subtitles watching the gospel come to life now I put that on there because with with many of these stories there's a footnote if you go to the footnote it'll tell you where on the internet you'll find that video to watch the story I just told you about from the person that it just had just happened to I just think that's such so exciting to watch the person the other thing I wanted to share if we find out some healing for whatever reason either they moved in the doubt or whatever moved into a family everybody was saying you're not gonna stay healed and we've seen people buy into that and then looser healing we don't keep those up on the on the web we find one of the videos I will show probably tomorrow the last video was a guy who had MS and couldn't move a finger his last stages of MS unable to move anything below his neck and in the video even though we've cut it down you see the process he's going through in that one night of prayer and end up with him walking out of the wheelchair and walking of you know about 40 feet actually walked home but when we found out that six months later he got something else and didn't maintain his healing we we cut that video even though it's a very exciting video when it happened we cut it out because we felt like it was disingenuous or somehow I wasn't really honest to to give a test when it's a wonderful testimony but it didn't stay so we cut it out so we try to be as honest as we can with what we know and many of the places we go we go to many many times and some of these stories we have been able to check them out for 15 almost 20 years matter of fact some of those videos some of the stories you don't hear till later a few months ago or several months ago I was in Kentucky and this man came who was of Abdus and he sat down with me said I need to tell you my testimony I said okay and I said I he said I went up to hear you preach I didn't know who you were but a friend of mine asked me to go and I got him I said good that's wonderful thank you lord he says yeah I got healed of ALS I said what you mean Lou Gehrig's disease yeah I said well why didn't you tell me as 20 years ago at that meeting I remember that meeting is where a guy got healed of cancer there's on in hospice and he had pancreatic cancer in just a few weeks at most to live he was healed it would really encourage me know as a matter of fact I'd said ALS is still my Goliath schizophrenia used to be my Goliath because I'd seen a lot of emotional healing mental healings and physical healings but I've never seen schizophrenia get healed now we have two one it was the demonic issue in the family through the mother and the other we don't know what it was God just healed her but it had nothing to do with deliverance two different healings both with schizophrenia but what I've never seen was ALS till just few months ago Skye said 20 years ago I went to this meeting you prayed for me and I felt like he's kind of funny he said I didn't fall down everybody all my left on my right they're all falling down I didn't fall down on how Baptists and and I didn't even really believe in healing but when I found out I had to ALS I I told my wife I it's just her she's only wanting what I said you know they told me I need to make my bucket list and whatever I'm gonna do I need to do it in the next six months because after that I won't feel like doing it even if I've got to find this I won't feel like it and whatever I'm gonna do and even do in the next six months he said you know honey what I want to do now he's Baptist he said I want to speak in tongues and and I want to go to a healing meeting they he didn't tell anybody and about a week later friend called him up and said hey would you want to go up to Louisville - this was that time his largest assembly God Church in the state and then he said yeah and then he said well let me ask you a question is this going to be a healing meeting and the guy sheepishly said yeah it's a healing meeting yeah I want to go so I'm sitting there and we've been getting ready to have time for prayer and calling people forward my neighbor friend looked at me said well are you gonna go up and I said I I looked at my friend and I said well here I am set in the healing meeting with an invitation to receive prayer for healing and I got a ALS and I would not be pretty stupid if I didn't go up it came up and and he was healed he's not the only person with ALS I prayed for he's the only one I prayed for that I know was healed others like you know like him I didn't know he was healed because he didn't people aren't really good at letting you know they got healed they may let their pastor know and may let their friends know but you know they don't often let you know and I just want to say please let me know I love stories so anyway the first half of this book deals with a lot of really great stories in the second half deals of how did the church lose its faith for healing and how did the pastor it's you know how the churches particularly in America and Europe how did they lose expectation and what we're all the contributing factors and what is God doing in these last hundred years to reverse that and bring it back are you one in the book are you on and healed or what you oh my gosh I just remembered somebody gave me a bunch of clausal and I had them with me and I was holding them did you get him back oh thank god that just made me relay that come on now there you go you're welcome all right the only other one I got to talk about this is on the spiritual gifts handbook it's written by myself and the leading Catholic scholar Roman Catholic scholar who reports directly to the Pope and who's recognized as the leading Catholic theologian who teaches as a seminary and we wrote this together with the purpose we wanted this issue of Holy Spirit and the gifts not to be a Protestant Catholic thing and we found out that the major views within Protestant reject it excited about it kinda in the middle is the same thing in the Catholic Church and we found so much we had in common and it's really richer than it would have been if I'd written it by myself because she really is she's actually the editor of a whole new commentary on the New Testament in which she wrote Hebrews in the Gospel of Mark commentaries but she has such a knowledge of church history you see for us we go back to 1517 but I I discovered that Jesus had a church from the day of Pentecost it didn't start in 1517 and I like to know all that he's been doing and some people all that doesn't count that's not in our history that's before 1517 the Holy Spirit was working before 1517 and I just really want people to know that there is a revival in the world and I believe the revival the last days is gonna be so big that it's gonna take all the church to hold the harvest if we think of the church buildings being barns every barn is going to be needed so you want this okay you're ready there you go enjoy all right how many of you have never heard me in person preach wait a minute let's do that what do you think come up here with your camera I got it I'd they want on this okay we're gonna do that again how many of you have never heard me preach in person lift up your hand wait a minute you got that Wow I got to do it the other way now I'm gonna see if there's 10 percent of you that may have it how many of you have heard me preach in person okay all right all right well all I gotta say is some of you are going to really like me and some of you are gonna really like my wife because when we first got married you know preachers are very insecure people and we fish for compliments but we try to do it in such a way no one knows that you know that we're really fishing because that looks like we're so unhealthy that we fish for compliments and and so on the way home after we were first married I asked knife what do you think of the sermon today huh and my wife's lowest score on a temporal analysis and gifts spiritual gifts test her the lowest score is mercy so what did you think of the message today hun she said what was your point I said what do you mean was my point she said all you did tell stories I I said honey the stories were the points if you get the story you got the point who can remember a point without a story you tell me a point without a story I won't remember it by the time I get to the car she that's you I'm me I need a point Randy I need you to tell me what you're gonna tell me then tell me what you told me is gonna tell me and when you have told me what you told me is going to tell me then tell me what you told me [Applause] and that's actually good homiletics I thought she was weird then I found out that half of you are like her and because of that I will try to do a little better at trying to give you a point I want to talk to you tonight on the about healing and some of you'd like to know I'd like to understand why he did that and why he's doing these things I don't have it but there's a book called help me I went blank is the healing breakthrough and the second half of that book I talk about the the rationality the logic the reason behind what I do now I know I have an accent and I I know that I say we was too much and I know I'd never write that but I grew up with such a poor area that when I went to high school the way I got through grammar was whatever sounds right is wrong do not put down what you think sounds right because you'll miss it most of the time because that you know people sometimes think I'm pretty dumb one person came up to him I have hadn't watched more I have had several people company said they found out I had an education they said you know Randy you hide your education very well [Applause] so I want to talk to you about healing and I'm going to ask you to do some things I'll try to explain what I'm going to ask you to do I want to do everything I can to help build your a measure of faith and I want to hopefully be able to see and understand what God is doing in our myths to help you to see it understand it and take you beyond your major faith into a gift of faith the gift of faith I believe when you're moving by a gift of faith whatever you say happens it doesn't matter if the person has any faith or not it's your faith it's God's faith that he's giving you in that moment to say you're moving by a gift of faith and they say something's gonna happen it doesn't happen then you don't blame the other person because then you'd be involving their faith the gift of faith works differently I thank God for faith I think faith is the most important thing to healing I think faith as Jesus spoke to the woman your faith has made you whole it's true but it's not the full truth you know I'll get to that explain it later because I think that it was true her faith healed her but that wasn't the fullness of truth the fullness of truth was Jesus power that he thought go out of his body that she felt come into hers is what healed her but that power is accessed by her faith so there's a connection I believe that when you're in that moment of the gift of faith it's for that moment and you walk away in a different context that faith for that moment is no longer there it must be seized upon the good news is I know that in this place I'm probably in one of the most fertile grounds of people who have faith and I usually get to speak that's encouraging to me but what's even better is that I think that I have I have faith myself and I have faith that you have faith but I believe tonight God's gonna do something to take us into the certainty of a gift of faith and there'll be people healed by their major faith and Paul talks about to the Romans in 12 what if you're gonna prophesy prophesy according into the maze of your faith and he talks about other gifts of the Spirit moving in by the measure of your faith and and there's definitely that's important the atmosphere of faith more takes place there than anywhere else I think the second most important thing to healing after faith is compassion is filling God's love for people and being led by that love and who has drawn us to so if I ask the question how many of you believe that healings for today almost a hundred percent probably a hundred percent if you're gonna raise your hands and I'll raise my hand - I believe that healing is for today I believe it's God's will to heal there's no contradiction what you've heard and what I'm saying what I'm saying is not agreeing with it's God's will to heal I believe but there's a difference between saying I believe it's God's will to heal and even if I'd ask how many of you believe it's God's will to heal you you've probably almost everybody's gonna raise your hand and if I said how many of you believe it's God's will to heal you tonight not with theological I believe that but within your heart you have a strong expectation not only is it God's will to heal and God's will to heal me but I have a strong expectation that it's God's will to heal me tonight and that's different than believing I believe it's God's will to heal and I believe it's God's will to heal me I believe that I'm going to step into my healing I believe that there I'm going to experience healing I just don't know when that's a manifest and what I'm hoping to do is to take us beyond our major faith beyond my major faith and by looking at the ways of God and at Jesus that trust and faith that in this service tonight I have a high expectation that God will be faithful and he will do things that will cause some people tonight to come into a gift of faith that they literally have no doubt because when you are operating not in your major faith but the gift of faith in that moment there is no doubt and that's important and I and and the burden and the onus of this is not going to be on you there's not gonna be on me my job is to try to do the best job I can of teaching the Word of God and the ways of God that we might learn the timing of God and the will of God for certain things in this meeting and when we see those things happen it actually will create a greater atmosphere faith and our measure of faith also comes up and we can get to a point that we have seen God do so much that all of a sudden where we didn't come expecting tonight would be the night but what be takes us there does that make sense this is not something you and I can make it happen so what he does but it's important to we understand his ways I want you to think you know I don't have to ask you to think differently as much as some crowds I speak to there are some crowds I speak to that I really need to ask them to start thinking differently changing the way you think is the meaning of a Greek word Metanoia in which means is translated often repent and our first text tonight is Matthew chapter 4 and verse 17 in a sense from that time Jesus began to preach saying repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand now another way of saying that Jesus began to preach change the way you're thinking for or because the kingdom of heaven is at hand you've heard the prophets talk about the kingdom of heaven you've heard about the the new covenant that's coming in me I am initiating I am coming to establish the new covenant and in me there is an end break of the kingdom of God's power the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of God Luke will say kingdom of God Matthew begin as you doesn't like to use the word guy he'll say kingdom of heaven but it means the same thing and in that kingdom it usurps all the laws of our nature does it break them well you could say it does I'd prefer to say that for example I know that metal doesn't fly you take a lump of metal hold it up let it go it's gonna follow the ground metal doesn't fly and yet there are these airplanes they fly and they weigh more than that lump of metal the law of gravity get broken by the law of aerodynamics or did it get superseded I believe that there are laws of nature and there are laws of God that we haven't yet discovered for example I don't know why in a lot of the time when people are healed they they feel heat in their body I don't understand it I didn't I hope one day science may discover what God is doing there I don't know why sometimes there are things that happen and I can't explain them but I don't think that God has a lawless universe I think he it is run by his sin and sustained by his presence and run by his laws but we haven't discovered him all yet did you know that there were germs before we had a microscope and did you know there was radiation before we had a Geiger counter we need to back up and be more humble in our understanding that God is the ground of everything he sustains everything everything he he's the guy who created it all and as it says in the greeting for us sinners he came to save us and I don't even understand all but I've spent forty some years in ministry since 1970 forty eight years of ministry trying to learn more about what he came for and I think every understanding of the atonement Jesus death on the cross it's not that they compete but they complement each other and I think we still don't understand all what he's done for us you know change the way you think because the kingdom of heaven is at hand means this all things really are possible to him who believes nothing is impossible for God change the way you think it deals also with expectation I was a pastor for 14 years had seen five people get healed in 14 years as a Baptist pastor I believed in healing I've been healing I've been healed myself had made your healing in my life that's why I believe in him we probably pursued healing I've knocked on heaven's door and make a good part of a song but anyway I knocked on heaven's door for 25 years after I was called to preach before I really begin to see a major breakthrough and for 14 years I was shocked if anybody got healed in church then for 10 more years I was surprised if somebody got healed but not shocked but starting in 1994 that all changed and by not in January 95 we had a breakthrough I saw more people get healed in January 95 than the first 24 years put together that God's sovereignty change see if we blame God most of time for what we don't see that's all he wanted to do we we we the the lack of what we see we blame God for it that's just wanted to do well my question was well why did I almost never see any healing and now I'm not surprised if I see a healing in a meeting I'm shocked if we don't see a healing in every meeting that we pray and preach the gospel it it went from shocked if it happened just shocked if it doesn't there was a change of thinking and part of the change of thinking is understanding the Word of God better take off the glasses the cessationism that the God ceased doing that gifts of healing and miracles died the last apostle or the canonization scripture and begin to let the scripture speak for itself we plug our ears to the voices of the liberal theologians who taught us that you know nothing supernatural ever happens or ever happened and we begin to experience you see young men and women who as I did go to school and go to college or seminary and are taught and set under these men and women who got all these degrees and I'm not against degrees I have a my own doctorate but I know this the education can never take the place of anointing and education could never be a substitute for the Holy Spirit and some of my greatest heroes have less than a high school education and some of my greatest heroes have PhDs and a lot and so I'm not against education but I am against allowing liberal education which most Americans set under that or cessationism probably 80% in her churches and they're taught you week after week after week God didn't heal oh isn't it wonderful jesus healed the blind we don't we doesn't do that anymore but heals those who are blind spiritually isn't all God doesn't heal the Deaf anymore but he opens our ears to hear the gospel oh God doesn't heal the anymore but he heals the brokenhearted and and so we are we're called spiritualizing or D mythologizing Senate that doesn't happen it just has a theology that all goes out Windom when you see God open the blind eye God doesn't multiply food he just the cycles knew Jesus was compassionate they went out ahead of time and they they bought a bunch of food and they found the cave and they put it in there and they were ready these are actually answers that some people have written in commentaries liberals but when you've seen your food multiply you don't need that anymore and when then one of the things I want to talk about is to you kind of a privileged breed so to speak in this way you've already come pass cessationism you believe that what God did he's continuing to do you already don't believe in the liberal theology that doesn't believe in the miraculous you believe which means you've also got to see more than most people see and here's a little story this story has a point do you remember when Jesus multiplied the bread and the fish he did it twice and then he got his disciple in the boat and they're concerned that they don't have any bread and Jesus rebukes them because they're concerned they don't have any bread and he actually holds them responsible to a level of understanding and faith they should have because of what they've seen he says well why are you saying you don't have any bread don't you remember when he had the fourth doesn't between multiplied the bread and the lows yeah and and we just come away from we just did it for five thousand people why are you guys saying you don't have any bread it's like he sent you saw me multiply bread therefore you don't have the right to be in fear concerned you don't have bread on this boat I'm holding you to a higher standard of expectation what I can do because of the privilege of what you've seen so jesus healed all who came to him for prayer has this been spoken I've already today but but in Nazareth for the had so little faith you didn't do any mighty deeds there except healed a few because of their unbelief I do not sense I'm in a Nazareth tonight I'm in Capernaum so but it is important not only to establish what is God's general will to do but the timing because sometimes if we're focused I know I'm believing and I'm going to be healed I need to help that person switch their thought from I know I'm going to be healed which is till future during women I'm expecting it for you now so therefore I want you to pay attention to your body now I don't want you to think about anything and you don't even have to pray right now you don't have to say anything right now I'll just be you know give me a little grace okay I don't mean to be mean but it's harder for me in my experience it's harder to see people get healed if I'm in a Pentecostal church and I'm praying for my little dot beside a little dilemma another I'm saying would you just shut up and I've seen Bill Johnson actually touched her lips or if you look at your will did your wheel because your will is just shut up or what about believe it and sometimes I said you're saying it is it's gonna come I need you to believe it for now I need you to believe it for right now right now during this prayer I want you to so expect God's gonna heal you I want you to pay attention to your body and I want you to tell me the moment you begin to feel your pain improving lessening or heat or energy or movement try to do something you couldn't do because sometimes you don't know you're healed and you don't even experience healing and tell you how until you do an act of faith when it comes to people in the hill with mental everybody I've never seen anybody get healed until they tried to do what they couldn't now could God yes God can do anything he wants God is God I'm just telling you about some of the things that I've seen so I'm gonna make a declaration I believe the Word of God teaches it's God's will to heal I believe and I expect that God is going to heal tonight I'm not being presumptuous you see I have seen him multiply the so to speak the four thousand the the bread for the four thousand and the fish I've seen him do it for the five thousand in a sense of I've been in meetings or thousands of meetings where I've seen God heal and I started taking note I don't know why but I have this tendency there's things that I didn't just notice a lot of things and I wasn't doing it on purpose but I just started noting every years ago about twenty years ago I started noting if we have a thousand people in the meeting and for this has been going on for about four years if we had a thousand people in media as a general meeting we'd have thirty get healed which is three percent and we'd have thirty get saved and we'd have thirty could get delivered so when we're doing a wasn't a teaching school for healing it's just a general meeting and I watched that for several years and then I and I I just said well God why is this happening this way but it seems to be consistent so my faith level was for three percent because I was seeing it and I just okay I believe God's gonna do that then I went to build onsens Church and had a thousand people there and I'm thinking okay see 30 people get healed that's what we usually see but that's at the end of the night and usually it's 50 percent before the laying on of hands at the end and 50 percent with the laying on of hands 50 percent from the platform 50 percent from the people laying the hands on that's what we'd see so 30 that's 15 and 15 so we gave some words of knowledge and I prayed and counted the people is healed and it was 25 it should've been 15 to be normal we're already ahead of normal I was excited and and at the end of we had another 20 be way ahead and in that meeting I heard the Holy Spirit with an impression speak this to me I'm not done and I want to heal more than you're expecting but you're limiting me by your expectation and if you stop right now and go on to something else you'll not see what I want to do because I'm going to work with you and then this thought came I want you to pray like Abraham did for Sodom and Gomorrah but instead of going down 50 40 30 20 10 I want you to go up I want you to ask me for more healings according to the measure not the gift the measure of your faith I'd never I thought wonder if that's God and this is what I found out if you wonder if it's God you'll never know unless you step out and have enough faith to at least say it you say well what if it doesn't happen we you'll be embarrassed but also found court found out according to the second Corinthians chapter 4 verse 13 david's reigns and having some problems they said paul's writing about david quoting from david as it is written we believed therefore we have spoken and in that same spirit of faith we too believe and therefore we speak and i saw that the Lord was saying it's one thing to say you believe something but you don't believe it if you won't even say it and when you have enough faith that you will say and I become accountable for what you're believing God's saying in your stepping out of the boat onto the water now and I begin to understand that now I'm gonna need your help tonight and I believe we can see a huge breakthrough in healing if we can just get our minds wrapped around second Corinthians chapter 1 about 18 through 20 and Paul's trying to explain to the Corinthians where I had not get to cook not to come to them like he told me was and they're they're accusing him you know that he's wishy-washy and and so he says and in Jesus Christ it's not the promises of God or not yes and no he's saying even though I couldn't keep my promise to you I wanted to I wanted to but it didn't work out but in Jesus Christ the promise of God they're not yes or no they're yes and then he says this and so through him the Amen is spoken by us to the glory of God now when I was reading John 1:17 it's the Cana of Galilee and it says in Cana Galilee he performed his first miracle where he turned the water into wine and Heath us revealed God's glory of the glory of God James on translation all of a sudden I saw that the miracles whether they're healing miracles or any kind of miracles bring glory to God and then I saw that Paul would use glory power synonymously so both John the Apostle and Paul the Apostle will use the term glory in connection to demonstration of God's power now back to 1st Corinthians 8:1 it 18 second Corinthians 1:18 and so verse 20 and so the Amen is spoken by us to the glory of God why because through Jesus we understand his promises the in him are not yes and no they are yes and so through him they a man which means we agree so be it let it be all those things is spoken by us a plural not a singular to the glory of God why is this important we North Americans we citizens of the United States are probably the most focused of any culture on individualism everything's individual my relation of God me get into heaven and we have one of the lowest views or what Louis understanding of the Scriptures actually written to the community of believers to the family of God so how's this work in church and why can why can this revelation take us to greater miracles than we see now because often we're here and we're listening I'm listening for me I'm not listening for you I need my need to be met I want a word for me I want there to be a word of knowledge for me and I'm gonna stay in tents and man if there's a word of knowledge to me I'm gonna grab a hold of that and I'm gonna say to a man to it I'm gonna believe for my healing but if it's not for me I'm gonna sit back and I'm not involved that's our individualism but seeing as the body of Christ is we love each other we're brothers and sisters and according to that verse that's the plural not a singular so if someone unless there's a really good word for somebody a word of knowledge for him I want to add my faith to that I want to be like the four friends brought the the crippled to Jesus took off the roof and we're laying them down Jesus seeing their faith says them my son your sins forgiven then said which see you say your son's sins forgiven a rise toke take up your pallet and walk so that you may know the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins I get up walk and the guy walked seeing their faith I believe there is a corporate level of faith as well as an individual level individual levels of faith can take us to one level and corporate levels were together believing for each other which can take us into even greater signs and wonders now so based upon that scripture I believe therefore I've spoken I wanted to say something that night when I'm with Bill I said I think I just heard the Lord say this the only way we're going to know it is to go for it we had 25 yield normally we have 30 I said oh I mean we're gonna ask for all right we're gonna ask God God we asked you for 50 so we gave some words knowledge and prayed again and counted and we had 57 healings wow that's almost double what we normally have this is a breakthrough and remember according to your faith I want to do more than you think according ask me for more according to your faith so I said okay let's ask him for 75 we prayed count it again now we have a total of exactly 75 we went for one more time because this takes time prayed again asked him for a hundred counted 137 healings in that meeting which before we would have been usually seen 30 that's more than four times what we normally saw did God's sovereignty change or did our my understanding of God's willingness to heal change and did I act on it and was I able to convince the people to agree and believe with me now here's what happened after that we never went back to 3% again it was always now a new minimum 10% and so the first time I I spoken in Brazil to the larger crowds in arena covered arena had 8,000 people in it I never spoke to that many people before at that time and I'm thinking it now for almost two three years we always see at least 10% get healed so I asked the guys how many people will does this place eat they said 8,000 so I got up the very first thing to say I just want to declare to you I believe with all my heart that before this night is over we will have 800 healings and you could actually hear the gasp ha and I realized by that response they weren't expecting that and I'm thinking they think that was faith that wasn't faith that's just an understanding of his faithfulness up to this point we always see at least 10% if we have a better atmosphere where there's more people believing and have understanding we see more so I just want to say there there's about 1,500 people here I'm believing before the nights over we'll have at least 300 20% 300 healings now if I say that then I just can't walk off from here not be held accountable and because I'm doing this because I will count tonight and we're gonna try to get rough estimates mean hit everybody right won't be a hundred percent accurate because it's hard to tell but we need your cooperation I'm going to ask you to do several things number one is if you get healed at any time in the service you don't have to wait for a prayer I give you permission to get healed before there's prayer prayer is not what heals you though it may help your faith your faith is what heals you but it's God's power that's coming in response to that faith and sometimes he will just sovereignly we were in a big Baptist Church in Brazil and I was talking about this and a woman stood up in the middle of my talk I hadn't even got started going really for healing and stood up and did this that was a sign you know I'm at least 80% better and when she did that all of a sudden it switched everything in that meeting and before I could say another thing over there over there over there we had about eight more people got healed and I don't think any of those people would have come into enough faith to have been healed if that woman hadn't been willing to stand up in front of all of her baptist friends and wave her hands like this eh I'm 80% better some of us think well I'll wait till I've checked it out for three or four weeks I don't want to you know no it's about what you're at tonight her willingness to Humble herself step out and acknowledge what God had done for her shifted the atmosphere in that church right then so I want you to know you don't have to wait to hands laid on you you don't have to wait for words of knowledge there will be times that people are going to be healed sometimes like gods are singing a song and I'll heal a bunch of people if it's the Lord and we do it it happens so first of all please cooperate because I'm gonna ask you to do some things you can think of why is he ask us to do that so here we go second scripture Exodus 33 in the first part the middle up toward the front of the he says Moses says if I found favor in your sight it's translated two ways teach me your ways or show me your ways that I may know you if I found favor in your sight he's saying teach me your ways that I may know you this is the context God said I'm not gonna go up with you any more because of the you know stuff that's going on in the camp and all I'm just gonna send my angel Moses doesn't think now no I don't want to go no we want you to go with us but he also says I want you to teach me your ways that I may know you in the latter part of the same chapter he asked another another he makes another request he says this now show me your glory seeing his glory has also seen his power Jesus prayed that we would be fruitful in the John 15 the fruit he speaks of is not the fruit of Galatians 5 Galatians 5 love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control is the fruit of character it's the fruit of being but John 15 he talks a lot about fruit 14 and 15 and even 16 and this fruit is all about doing not being and if we don't understand we're putting this fruit that Jesus speaks about he said I have prayed for you that you'd be fruitful and it had fruit that would remain and that by the fruit that we produce by the deeds that are done in his name we bring glory to the Father and we also bring glory to the son it is not selfish to want to see the supernatural power of God it's it's concern for the glory of God because the number one when I did a word study on number one way God glorifies his name in the Bible's through what he does and the testimony what he does therefore listen close have you ever heard it said for a preacher teacher don't touch the glory we're not supposed to touch the glory what does it mean touch the glory take credit for what God did that's the speaker it's not good we don't want I don't want to be a speaker takes credit for what God's glory for what God did and touches glory you don't want me to do that do you I don't want to do that okay do you know if God hears you and you don't testify to it tonight in this service because you're afraid you've just touched his glory because this testimony that you didn't give would have added to his glory and it would have also increased the atmosphere of more faith in the room I'm doing everything I can to build and increase your major faith and also give you understand the ways of God because then the understanding the ways of God then we understand the will of God and when we understand the of God revealing the will of God it helps us with the timing of God and now we move from I know it's God's will to heal I know it's God's will to heal me and we move to I believe it's God's will to heal me tonight because of these situations and God in this what he has done has taken me to this place where I know I'm gonna be healed does that make sense so it's important you have a part to play as I have a part to play and we want to give God the glory in first John chapter 5 verse 14 and 15 our third text and there's the point is knowing the will of God is huge in knowing that were praying and going to receive what we're asking so here's the verse and two verses and this is the confidence that we have toward him that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us and if we know that he hears us we in whatever we ask we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him t-there is according to his will not about if it's your will to heal in general is it God's will to heal no is it about is it your will to heal me tonight that takes us to another level of faith when God releases these powers and we begin to see some of the miracles you can actually feel the atmosphere changing in the room and other people begin to get caught up in the the the water level of faith in the in the congregation and more starts happening words of knowledge is one of the ways God one of the ways of God that he ryu uses to reveal his will and his timing but once they have started like priming the pump in the old days we had pour water in to get the pump Prime once it's prime then the water starts flowing sometimes God knows need to prime the pump tonight I'm gonna do some things by my grace and for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear and they discern what I'm doing it's going to take them and annoying what I want to do tonight and it's going to create in them faith and it's God's gift that he created in you but as he does that and things start happening there's others just watching it's all of a sudden others start getting healed because the atmosphere of faith became so strong that others said what he's done for that man he'd do for me and we see this breakthrough of healing come so tonight I believe that there are two things that I think I have a gift of faith for because I've seen God do it so many times and later I'm going to pray for these things I'll tell you what they are I don't have I don't have a gift of faith for God to heal common colds I touched the truth I don't but I do have faith for God to heal people who are in severe pain chronic pain or they've lost range of motion because they had a surgery with titanium and metal and different parts put in their body whether it's Rooney replacement hip replacement shoulder replacement and they cannot move I have faith that there will be people get healed of that tonight and that started nine years ago in Loveland Colorado when I first saw it happen and it was 50% of the 47 people had it 23 were healed later on I learned out of in America that about 50% or all those once it's gonna be able to tell you if they were healed or not because in America 50% of the back surgeries and these surgeries often end up or do end up about 50% so successful you don't have chronic pain and you don't have lost range of motion it's for the other 50% who would know they were healed so I didn't know that yet but 23 out of 47 you know that's pretty close fifty percent which would have been a hundred percent of the people who had known they were healed and from that point on to this point we've seen well over 5,000 people healed of chronic pain and loss of range of motion from surgically implanted materials that's the only thing I had that I believe I don't have to have a word of knowledge for that I'll just I'm just gonna go for that in at least if I'm at one time in each church I go to I'm just real quick how many of you do have a problem with pain chronic pain loss range of motion doing just surgically implanted materials lift up your hands and I want to see them is it's quite a few so we're gonna go and there's going to be quite a few you guys get healed actually I studied it for a year and I know we can't put things like this but I I just you know I saw that in the normal service in the United States at 38 percent of the people who had the problem were healed in a year of study were actually kept records did you know if you have chronic back back and see failed back surgery FBS failed back surgery court in medical records if you have a second surgeon you get 10% better that's pretty good if you have a second surgery and get 20% better that's really good we didn't even count them if they weren't 80% better no he went 10 and 20 and it's a lot cheaper lot less painful but I tell you I have never seen anybody get healed of this that said I'm just gonna sit here passively and wait till God does it to me every time on this issue on the metal it didn't happened if people started trying to do what they couldn't do it did not happen until they tried I want a standpoint most time it's quick within just a few minutes but we were just Baptist Church and he did narrow and this guy's a deacon he's got 16 screws and four rods in his back from severe scoliosis and he can't get his arms past here and he tried for those several minutes but he realizes now it's kind of becoming distracting so he goes outside the building and for the next 15 minutes he keeps trying to lift those arms not 15 times for the next 15 minutes he had already tried two or three minutes he's trying and then he comes back in like this in another Church a man had a pin broken right here and I saw I understand anybody said about Paul seemed faith in the man I understood I could see it he would not quit it hurt he had a collarbone broke up in in there and you could see it and you could I could see the like the pin sticking out there and it's hurting him that he would not quit he would not quit he's standing in the very back and you could see he was I am NOT I'm going to continue and he got here sometimes I'm in a place and I see all right try it guys got a shoulder problem didn't work quits we were in a african-american church in Ohio and there's a soldier retired 28 years Master Sergeant 20 years in the military in the Afghanistan and all and he's later I found out figured it out that he had fibromyalgia do who I mean only that but due to chronic what's the word PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder and because of it he also had metal plates put in his shoulder and he couldn't do push-ups and he'd never been in a meeting where I had spoken and had never been in a meeting where they actually talked about words of knowledge like this and I later in a testimony I had given several words of knowledge and he had five of them five of those words of knowledge he had but he said I was skeptical I didn't believe and I was not going to raise my hand to say that's me I wasn't going to stand up to say that's me but did God get mad at him no he said then all of a sudden my biggest problem is shoulder this tremendous heat came into it now there's been five words and I was he has and then God even though he's still he said I was skeptical had this heat and he said you said try to do something you can't do well I can't do push-ups so he got out of his seat and he demonstrated he got out of the seat went down like that and did ten push-ups like this and quit and he said I couldn't do that he's I had fibromyalgia sometimes I'd be at night all night God you got to do something for he got to help me God have mercy on me and God does this kill him me he gets healed later we found out we need to go for PTSD and now we got one of my sisters got several hundred people particularly in the military even Forte's asked him to come in for the healing of the body that's related to the to the soul God wants to do more than we think I just want to encourage you the second thing I want to pray for tonight and some of it can be later when we're laying on her hands I want to do the metal from the platform but other what I'm willing to do you can come up and pray for you last December I was asked by the pastor of a large church in Brasilia will you pray for this pastor it's a woman pastor her pastor's wife it was she has psoriatic arthritis well I didn't know what sort of car thrice was and I actually want to go down and hear this other preacher preach I wanted to go down didn't want to stay but I always I'm here to serve the pastor so I said yeah I'll pray and there's another woman up there with us and another one so I started telling you know you may feel something and if you do want you to tell me I don't want you to pray when I'm praying for you don't want you to confess anything I don't want you to do anything I really do want you to expect your own get healed and I need you to be focused on your body because I believe you could be healed right now and if you begin since some happen I want you to interrupt me and tell me it's not an interruption it actually helps me you're being like the announcer two-way baseball game and later on when you come up tonight if you begin to feel something tell the person's print it will encourage their faith let me put it this way everything I know about healing there's a parallel in evangelism if I'm sharing the gospel to somebody and they start crying I get encouraged if I'm sharing the gospel somebody's lost and they start crying tears I know how to read that as a way of God I know how to interpret that I know the Holy Spirit's convict them and my expectation this guy are just gals give out to give their life to the Lord Rises I start out yeah God can same Jesus died for everybody Jesus died for all Jesus died did anybody could be saved but but I don't know exactly when that's gonna happen I'm gonna share with this person but when I see them begin to come under conviction and I know that those tears mean God's tear it's just not me sharing God's here my faith Rises I don't stop sharing the gospel I answer all their questions I I know God's I want to work with God and in the same way in healing there's others there are signs like that when you begin to feel for example if you feel the pain moving not like you know one one day it's here next day so I don't mean that I mean while the persons praying for you if you're paying moves and leaves and go somewhere else it's almost certainly an afflicting spirit I'm not talking about being demonized I'm just talking about a attack in your flesh and when it moves or they start praying and it gets worse before I understood this is a way of God I had to go in the hospital pray for something and they said hey how you feeling I feel worse I said I knew it didn't have any faith I knew it wasn't anointed I need to quit praying for the sick I pray and they get worse later I understood yeah it's getting worse because that demons hanging on that afflicting spirit does not want to leave and instead if I would have known what was going on and just used my authority and stayed in the battle and commit I would have won and now I do I got this thing you spot him you got him on the other hand if you're praying for somebody and you see their face all crunked crunch up the forehead go like that you know you just prayed something that maybe rooted in the soul that's affecting their body you try to remember that you say and there's times that God in your in the in the midst of things will remind you of something that that's the cause of this and you go after the the cause I'm Aaron's praying for a blind woman's you've been blinded and this night we had six people get healed of blindness in this meeting I only pray for one of them and I pray for this one and she's been blind for over seven years or something like that and I I pray them doing everything I know how to pray I'm speaking to the condition by the way you know there's not one petitionary prayer in the New Testament with somebody's praying for a healing there's never you won't find one where there's a petition god I ask you to every prayer that's recorded about healing is a commanding prayer where you use your authority in Christ Jesus seated in the heavenly places I command in Jesus name for this pain to leave everyone everyone's like that now my petitionary prayers before I get started kind of getting ready to start I the Lord would you show me what's going on here lord I ask you to come send help Lord I need your strength I can't do this you're the one that does it and I bet I never pray that out loud it's underneath my breath because I don't think that builds faith Lord I don't know what to pray here I don't pray that God I underneath my breath Lord show me what's going on it's kind of like but when in the secret place you really get insight from God then you come out and you speak in the authority of God and make commands commanding prayers see more than petitionary prayers there's a time for petition there's a time for commanding so anyway this situation is when there someone is praying for you and you begin to feel hot or you feel energy or if you got an infection you feel cold or you feel German or weak or just say I feel this tremendous peace just came on me tell because that would encourage the persons praying for you will try to connect you with a person who has a word for you later in his service and they'll have more faith because God gave them the word for you and it will encourage their faith don't know even they say it this is the other thing when a word is said when a word of knowledge is given if you have it you need to stand up immediately don't wait to the end of the service why I was an o mark over there with o mark up at Aryan in Guatemala City and I'd never seen this happen never seen anybody Minister this way I've learned a lot from Wimber and the Argentine Carlos and akan dia and I mean Oh mark uh Patera and Omar said Randy you got to understand the dynamics the spiritual dynamics in a crowd if I give ten words of knowledge and nobody stands up they begin to think I am NOT hearing God and the faith in the room goes down on the other hand and I could have been right there all day Aldous didn't want to stand up that's why certain cultures it's much harder to see healing in other cultures and the cultures where the people will not respond is harder that's why I need your help it's see I asked him well why do you say if you're 80% wave your hand like this he said Randy because I'm going to inspect after praying within a minute and there will be God is healing quite a few people and there will be some that will be 100 percent just very quick but there'll be a lot more that's not yet a hundred percent but there have a major degree of healing and we would know that because here's what happens Randy if you say when you're healed weigh both hands over your head there'll be people who are 80 85 90 95 98 percent better but because they're not a hundred percent yet they won't do this because they think that's not totally honest I've got a little bit left so lure it down to where it's still high percent of healing so that we are now testifying to what God is in the process of doing and when the people see the numbers of people but God is touching in such a powerful way so much improved knowing that this is not the end some of them will before they get out of the building be a hundred percent right we had something wave their hands like let's have some of them coming before they get together test where now it's a hundred percent so that's why I do that I learn of what helps the people know what God is doing now one of the things that hurts faith is when you see is hype and what's hype hype is when you say God's doing something we're really not I've been in meetings they got height this is the greatest meeting I've ever been God is doing suicide my daughter dealt daughter with me one time I will lean over and look down I said weird must be in different means and he just kept going on about how this powerful meeting and I said to my daughter this is what you call high if we hype our meanings enough we become like Chicken Little and nobody's gonna believe us when we say the sky is falling because we have lost integrity on the other hand and that's what preachers can do and teachers can do hype a meaning but there's another thing that hurts faith and the atmosphere faith and what is that it's not saying God's doing something when he's not it's not admitting he is doing something when he is now who can knew that the crowd there are certain places that people they clear word for them and they never would come up until the meeting was over and indicate one of my associates that I had that I just didn't want to draw attention to me you're not drawing attention to you you're taking attention away from God it's your very pride that told you in your seat and humility was I'm willing to stand up even though I'm uncomfortable it takes the humble person to cooperate with God so I need you not the I don't want any false testimonies we don't want you to say I'm healed now I know that you already are all healed I already know that I made a mistake one of the first times I went to where to Faith Church and West Virginia dear friend of mine I forgot where I was at and I said how many of you need to be healed tonight and nobody raised their hand and it took me off-guard I said well my goodness I've never been in such a healthy place in my life and and then I realized oh wait wait wait you know where you're at so I just changed the question how many of you know that you were already healed when Jesus died for you at the cross and he bore your sickness and your disease and his body but you need that man the manifestation of you're already have healing hasn't happened yet and you need a manifestation of your healing then I had a whole bunch of people stand up so I don't want to here's where I'm going I don't want you to do this as a confession of possession and by the way in defense of this confession possession and this it doesn't come as many people have said from new age and you thought that's a lie historically inaccurate it comes from the holiness Methodists who got their salvation by faith and understood that we got we were saved by faith and we stood on that faith and we we confessed that faith and we entered into justification and they said and that's the way we can be sanctified I want to lay my altars not it's not my life that's gonna sanctify the older but it's the older it's gonna sink to find my life and so I'm gonna lay my life 100% consecrated to God right now and I am going to confess that that I am sanctified and I'm confessing my possession until the manifestation and a lot of evangelicals are really hard on you guys but this is the same thing the four spiritual laws of Bill bride it's the truth that we confess and it's not the feelings that's the caboose the truth is the engine the confession comes and then the reality of the sense of the feeling it's the same so they've said if this is the way we were justified it just took another few years later if that's the way we were justified by confess our faith in the truth and that's the way we entered into our short way to sanctification the Bible also says that he bore sickness in our diseases so we are going to confess our healing until we enter into possession of the healing I believe that I believe that's powerful but what I don't want to do tonight is confuse the faith confession with this what I want to count is we've laid hold of it with the manifestation that my procession came in a manifestation tonight so do this because the manifestation came does that make sense all right so I I began to learn I hadn't seen hardly I hadn't seen a lot of people get healed first fourteen years I said then we begin to see more people get healed then I learned from Wilbur about words of knowledge but then I want learn from Oh mark of a tear about helping the crowd to understand their role and and how they helped create faith and how they can hinder faith and getting them to be honest and understanding it is important if you have what they call out you need to stand up here's another reason why it's important but feedback glue if you want your church people to grow in the revelatory gift of word of knowledge they need to know if they're right or if they're wrong and so you have stand up immediately before we get to the next person or they'll think they missed it and they will be confused because they didn't really miss that you just did one stand up and that hurts the growth of the church we have to understand this is why this did you just get here to something what you get here thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord so the home I want to give you an exam example of you get hits I'll ask it here why'd you get healed up just very quick what he didn't get healed of some but what is same words of knowledge okay I want you to write that up and send it to me because I'm I want to be able to remember it and and I need to be able to hear it more than once Randy at global awakening calm did you yeah good right right here mm-hmm all right just real quick I'm not gonna pray I just want you to check that out if you have either of those conditions stand up put your hand if it's at your stomach put your hand there and just wait like a minute if it's in your sciatic just begin to try to do something that you can't as an act of faith and then we'll pick up and continue but I want out I just believe you can be healed right now without without a prayer because he said that's what he wants to do you know that's understanding the ways of God there's a connection and some people did you just get healed no there's not time for word or knowledge yet how we're gonna give them later hang on to it okay we got these two out I just want to start anybody get healed of one of those to the side nerve or the problem in the ulcerative or of something in the stomach way both ends if you work three over here here's one for sciatic nerve for you sciatic nerve how many of you were healed of sciatica nerve two three four five six seven eight anybody get healed of this part you get here with siding nine thank you yeah I got that thank you let us know if you were in pain the pain starts leaving or maybe it's already gone okay no pain great thank you Lord so it's like 11:00 Corner Sadek all right 12 see the word release faith look what's happening where no one's praying sometimes we think our prayers is what heals something but our prayers often help focus faith but some people don't need it especially once they know that's what God wants do and I got it so how many more will over here there's another in this 13 if you want to go for if you got faith to go for left get it 14 15 16 17 18 think you got now I wanted just for the rest tonight this means I'm getting better this is I'm at least 80% better and we want to count then 18 19 thank you God thank you lord okay oh all right I mean it give you an illustration of a word of knowledge in the scripture it's not a word of knowledge but it's an illustration of a word of knowledge mark chapter 10 Jesus is coming by blind bartimaeus cries out Jesus son of David have mercy on me many times even one of his disciples went over to him and said be still we got too many Christians going to others crying out for Jesus to come to them tell them to be still I'm standing I'm believing Allah don't don't go don't get your hopes up we got too many of those kinds of disciples what we need is this other decide BC Jesus didn't send that guy Jesus sent the next guy Jesus doesn't go to bind bartemaeus Jesus speaks a word to a disciple would you say that with me to a disciple what are we he speaks to a disciple he gives disciple a word for blind Bartimaeus so he goes over to blind Bartimaeus and he says to him this is where I get my biblical passage for asking you to stand he says on your feet be encouraged why four words he is calling you now blind Bartimaeus have been calling out to Jesus but now he hears something different Jesus is now calling you he stands up takes off this social takes out his social bill Social Security disability card and tears it up and throws it to the ground in the form of a special robe they've been given to him by the synagogue that identifies him as a true handicapped person that needs you to give your arms to him as that's the way they handled disability in that day he had this identification for words he is calling you he takes them off that quote and his source form of support and throws it to the ground breaking his identity with it and goes with this man to Jesus and gets healed I believe you can be crying out in desperation but when you hear that confirmation from him it can take desperation and hope and turn desperation and hope into faith what's the difference between hope and faith hope is always about the future faith is I believe it's right now so when somebody gives a word of knowledge and you have that take it understand the ways of God it's his ways and it's my will to heal you in this service tonight but it has to have a man from you but he can also get it from the person that's praying I learned about words a knowledge from John Wimber when I went down to Oh mark up with a marker better to pointed Cyrus and I have a translator and Omar's not there and I'm going through it into Spanish and Victor Lorenzo's my translators a father son of the father the Baptist denomination of Argentina and and I'm telling listen if you're healed at least 80% I want you to wave your hands like this and and don't do this cuz you're believing for once you do it cause it's happened it's manifested I want you and I want you to stand up as soon as the word is given if you get the feeling better put your hand up if it increases wave one hand but once you cross 80% wave both hands like that and the other one just got healed thank you God another but just got healed over there thank you God two hands is the sign of a percent or more not one don't want to miss count there's another one over there three keep track for me there all right so I'm I'm used to give me words of knowledge and I'm used to praying and so I gave words of knowledge and a bunch of people stood up at twenty five percent of the people they stood up doing this I told Victor tell him don't do that tell him not to do that cuz they're believing for it tell him to do that because they're healed eighty percent at least so they don't understand I did that three times and three times the fourth of the people stood up doing this effort and I said they still don't get it and finally said Randy's fake get it you're the one who doesn't get it and I want to tell you this changed my life there are certain points I can tell you that meeting changed my life I had never never never from 1970 to 1996 seen that happen anywhere and most of my meetings had been the United States now I'm saying people get healed before I pray matter of fact he said rather you you have got in the box you don't understand these people have been trained they know better than probably any Church in the world what words of knowledge are in the connection between the word of knowledge the will of God and once you know the will of God you know you're gonna be heard and what you're asking and you're gonna get what you're at they understand it and for at least 1/4 them that's all they needed they get healed just by the word of knowledge in before there's a prayer you got God in the box you don't expect him to move till you pray I went to 6 cities and 21 days many churches all of them with his churches I saw it happened every time I came back to United States I had never seen it happen the United States something happened to me I'd seen the my bread multiplied the 4,000 to 5,000 now I know I can't go back to where I was I'm now held accountable to another level so I told another when healed right here thank you Jesus thank you Jesus so I told I told the church eyes that what had just happened just what I told you and I said do you believe God here's another one right here think you got in another one right there thank you lord thank you lord I said do you believe that cancer is stronger in America than Argentina said no do you believe disease is different here than they're the same No do you believe God is stronger in argentina than america they said no best and then the only difference I've seen between what I have seen in Argentina and what I've seen in America is what you're expecting and I was expecting and I want you to know I'm expecting God to be able to heal you before I pray and whether or not it happens now is whether or not you believe you really do believe you can be healed before there's a prayer just by word of knowledge that was 1996 almost 100% of the time in America all over the world we see people get healed before there's a prayer but before never what change the sovereignty of God the will of God no what changed my expectations and the expectations of the people that I was teaching see I I believe not only then the importance of the healing evangelists I believe that you can have a healing evangelists come into your church and you may have healings but that has to be backed up by good pastor teacher teaching about the ways of God teaching about the Word of God teaching so that the people come into understanding and when the people come into understanding you will have more healing so I want to show you a video I got to skip some stuff oh by the way one thing I don't want is get don't let merun Paul said we three we see in there first Corinthians 13 we see through a glass darkly now we know in part so we see through a glass darkly we see in part we know in part and sometimes we get a lot of it right and miss a little by interpretation there's revelation interpretation application and revelatory things so I was in Birmingham years ago Jack Taylor is with me and I I at that time like felt 90% of my words of knowledge I would actually feel the pain and I was wanting to grow and grow into impressions as well and so I felt this pain in the back of my back down low and I just kind of counted it up in the natural and I said well that's about the third lumbar vertebra so I said somebody's here you got a problem in your third lumbar vertebra what I said it I had this impression it's a man and when I said and I believe it's a man you're you're here you're a man you got a problem with third lumbar vertebra and then I had a mental picture just split-second of somebody tripping over a green hose garden hose so I added that word and you got hurt tripping for a green garden hose now this was a pretty much baptist community they weren't used to a lot of this and so they're a little bit skeptical anyway and it was the strongest word i had all night other words people stood up for they got healed but this was the strongest one the clearest one and nobody ever stood up finally so I don't understand I'd really complain on why I feel like this really I'm hearing from God and finally this guy stood in the back and he said well I was about to stand up I'm not used to this I've really embarrassed but when when you said green garden hose I knew it wasn't me I work at the airport my I have a third lumbar vertebra that's damaged and I got hurt when I tripped over a green Aeronautical holes so what do we learn from that we're trying to hear and see and if we get a lot of it right and this a little well word that doesn't mean it's not you if you think that could be you should just go for it because we may miss a part of it and sometimes we'll get two words together and we don't know if they go together or if they're two separate words and so we might miss communicate that so give us a little grace don't be legalistic approach it with grace and and I was in San Diego and I got this word and I'm looking at you I get left and right backwards because my ride is actually your left now cuz you're facing me and I get that I confuse that all the time so I'm in San Diego and I get this pain in my right shoulder and I said somebody has a is an elector I said somebody has a pain in their left shoulder and this woman stands up and she she starts you see faith on her and she's starting to be healed and she's getting better she's crying and then somebody said did you say left shoulder I said yeah I said left shoulder he said well why are you holding your right one I said oh I'm sorry it's the right shoulder and I saw that woman that was crying because she was getting healed lose her faith because that wasn't the word for her and I looked at her said listen you responded in faith it was wrong word but your faith was healing you and you can get that healing right now even though I missed it that's my fault you were being healed you can go ahead and take it and she did she got healed so you'll need to try things all right I want to show you two videos and then we're going to pray with words of knowledge first video let me see what you want to just this from Bethel compilation the crowbar now words of knowledge you're gonna see words of knowledge there I gave a word of knowledge by the way you don't have to be sure I told the Lord that night as a French Church I said lord I think I'm missing I'm missing and people are not getting healed because I'm so afraid I'll miss I play it too safe and I think that for years I've missed so tonight since I'm in my really good friends church and they know we've been here before I'm whatever comes into my head another healing right wait wait improvement amen so another healing here another healing there where we have 27 we haven't even got to there's going to be about I believe there's probably been about 50 people get healed just watching this video 50 conditions so anyway so I said Lord I'll say whatever comes from you any impression so I got 17 staples I got a maritime accident really laughed at that because then I was an Albuquerque New Mexico middle of the desert I heard the word artisan my husband heard artisan Artesia artisan art and I wasn't sure and the last time I was almost sure it's wrong and it was just a simple word crowbar so I gave all the words I knew was got from experience you know the ones I felt and stuff and I say these that I thought was pretty sure it may not be God and one of us sure wasn't God and here's the thing you can be honest I was just honest with said guys I'm not sure if these are God or not no way I'm gonna in order to give him seven things staple somebody says I got I had surgery 17 staples got complications maritime accident passionate I went to the East Coast got hurt on a boat I'm still having complications I don't know if it's Artesia or artisan I'm an artist and I live in a town near here called Artesia which I've never heard of and the one that blew me away I said listen I'm almost certain this is not God and I know it's a negative confession but was also an honest confession and I'd rather be wrong having said that and said God just told me that he's gonna heal somebody for crowbar if they don't nobody's there everybody feels bad for you at least you've said it on my honest I you know where do I learn even if you're very humble and not sure and that's the only way we can learn step into new areas that we've never tried before because if we're wrong it doesn't feel as bad for anybody in that place so I said I'm almost certain this is not God crowbar and you'll see what happened let's let's play my name's Eli Eli yeah I say this what is positive as you watch this I believe it's going to create faith and the faith that it's creating is going to cause you to be healed and I want to show guys I don't show both videos back-to-back just soon as the other I'm not gonna pray until we're done with both of them the last one is one of the times we actually caught somebody being healed what was happening most of the time we got a hundred people you know who don't have one camera you don't you're not there to get it but we caught it with her and I just said you're gonna get healed some of you're gonna get healed watching we've showed a video of a lot of metal being healed she had metal in her leg and she said while I was watching the video I felt he coming to my leg but I didn't get healed 80% is like 25% but when she came up later that's the moment we began to pray God hit her and you'll see what happened here's what I found out I can show the same two videos but if I don't talk about guys you need to expect to get healed as you watch this almost nobody gets healed watching it but if I stop and say what I honestly expect because I've seen it you can be healed it will create faith you've got something similar and believe for your healing let it prophesy to you the testimony of Jesus the spirit of prophecy is invitation for repetition as soon as so we're going to see I'm going to ask everybody to stand check out something and then those of you that are healed everybody that's not even go ahead and be seated at the end I'll tell you what - alright let's go with it my name is Eli Eli yeah what was your problem a metal plate sticking out of my arm for years and in front of everyone like this forearm I've always been that I just swing down I don't go flat in an instant I watched it go flat I we were praying over her it disappeared the plates gone she [Applause] all this the screws that had come out were in my muscle they were embedding and so can I just I love to like a mound on her like oh it was gnarly yeah I would have thunk since like 2006 so for eight years or nine years yeah yeah plate coming out of her arm he's just had this huge plate coming out of her arm like a mound on her arm that was so visible and I watched it as we were praying instantly it was gone one other thing [Applause] in 2012 I got saved at the Healing Rooms in Santa Maria and I got healed of HIV and my heart valves got healed and I've got the proof the medical proof to prove it and so I didn't think God would do more for me and then they stood up and prayed for my arm and He healed me again so I had a disease in my ear and it's called colosseo Toma and it ate away all the ear bones in the eardrum in my left ear and I could only hear very loud noises like tractors and airplanes but I couldn't hear the TV and I couldn't talk on the phone and I couldn't hear my very quiet friend and this weekend I I think that just changed and I I think I can hear out of my ear just fine and I can hear little tiny noises like rubbing my fingers together in this ear and that is a total change completely so you said you had no EBO --nz no eardrum and you could only hear very loud sounds and now you're saying you can hear a gentle rub of your own fingers in the midst of a crowd is that right yeah in this noisy room I can hear my little fingers and I can hear my quiet friend just fine incredible praise God [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] it also affected my back [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] on it on a scale of 1 of 0 to 10 10 is excruciating what was the level of your pain before you got here can I say over ten yes a lot of times like I couldn't even make dinner for my husband or do anything with my grave that's what's happening level man [Music] [Applause] was one of the people that stood up when he said crowbar and everybody kind of giggled but uh I stood up because God had told me earlier when we were in praise and worship it's the crowbar you're still holding on to that a reason is is that I suffered domestic violence and I was beaten with a crowbar my neck was broken my jaw was broken I suffered loss of hearing and this year I couldn't hear at all I wear a hearing aid the associate pastor Ed's wife could attest they're my in-laws they're my brothers niece of their mind that I can't hear but we were praise the worship he said now I'm gonna wash you clean and I was there I was kind of embarrassed but I was just soaking it was just getting wet and I thought there take off my hearing aid or else oh I'm not gonna be able to hear it's all gonna work because they get wet they don't work so I took it off and then I was saying wait I could I could hear I don't know how good I could hear it but I've never heard you before preach even with a microphone without their hearing me and denied I didn't wear the hearing aid it went right into my Bible pocket and I haven't put it back on because there was the crowbar I got that leather piece me I broke my neck and my jaw and God healed me inside my heart because he said it's not the hearing that you want it's the healing inside that you want but i'ma give it to you anyway now the Lord had spoken to her and told her before is this correct before I gave the word crowbar he told you he was going to heal the crowbar issue for you tonight yes and then we get this word crowbar so thank you for coming and giving that testimony we and thank you too Lord yes motorcycle accident right here in front of the church five years ago you kept up the silly thing would be used it was much in the festival of pisco soybeans eight screws and two metal bars on his neck you chiku dodge grab a trapeze school and I couldn't do this [Music] [Applause] this guy ran excuse wickedness he's got eight screws and two metal bars and his headless froze and he had to turn this show to look chic and he had a lot of paint I said what are you taking strong medication said no I just took it like a man what the on the first day the sequence at recyclin ears right from the church four screws and two metal bars most of us with goodliness two months ago we think it takes there's some medication to go through the pain he said copy almost to the camp hurt to the comforter service tonight it was a sin theater face there and give her those totality couldn't stand the more I was almost leaving and then you prayed for me with metal of the body and the pain is gone [Music] [Applause] she had a lump twice the size of an olive on the back of her neck and she stood up she felt access in chuckle or a little stud illiteracy that electricity over her body develop is completely gone see here John there's no sign of any love it's gone and she's completely healed no pain she had this huge kidney stones as huge business dollars she was a terrible painter in the service and she said Randy was saying believe in miracles believe in miracles she felt she needed to go to the bathroom she went into the restroom and she said she didn't even have time to go to the toilet the stones just went through and she passed all the kid nostalgic huge ones muscles no present impossible cheap ass net repulsive a person after a mate who at their age doesn't mean so you must he's hearing 100% in both ears the only way you could hear a little bit was with the who of the hearing aids but she he said I said but did Yuri cook well how how much percent he said I think everything because it should be such a long time that I don't hear but I think is everything because I'm here talking to you I have known your aids and I'm listening you perfectly three years ago he lost most of it and the doctor said my case is irreversible there is no way to heal this magic wants to sing what I believe in Jesus Christ I did him I didn't believe in what they said I'm gonna stick you more than you like I believe that he would do this miracle for me one time on another that magical didn't know everything because I know his time is not my time but I believe tonight I'm tired he said Kenny do you realize this I'm talking to you both and I'm not wearing the hearing aids feel anything or they just all of a sudden everybody's up there you said I couldn't I can't explain you because it's like I I went out I went somewhere else and I still come back I'm still coming back so I can't really explain it what happened but I'm still digesting what happened we have a Rosana here yeah after 20 years she loved 20 years ago she lost his eye and Jesus is she can see his car here skarner she totally lost it it was a scar tissue and and now I'll be behind the scenes that he is you can see the Pope you'll be informed in the back of the white and the end they call it was really white before but now I can see the caller for me the Pope he has been formed and you want hallelujah and she's in the I was much smaller than I was very small it wasn't for in his something way back in the back and she had a glass eye over it to make it stick out look normal she had this she had this instead of an eye there and now he doesn't need it see this is this was in the socket hook house how far back it went goes way back and this was covering it yeah and now look at that I mean well done justice to fazenda Malaga this woman has from the knee down to hear a bar and 12 screws she's passed the walk of crutches all the time she's getting healed right now you're watching she could not bend hurt me when she came here something's bending her and she's not doing it it's like there's a power bending her like this and she could not Bend that knee three years agos and then five months she's not been able to walk without crutches not been able to bend her knee I wasn't able to really understand what's happening I couldn't bend my knees it's raining but he's a good heart I knew today was gonna be my day that he walk without crutches she couldn't bend her knee now watch how little movement she has and we're gonna cut out have cut out about 40 minutes of Prayer I'll tell you where we cut it see how little movement she has now we just cut out 40 minutes of Prayer to run anymore I wanna run I want to run I want to run [Applause] I'm so full of joy I'm so full of joy I was afraid to run because I could I couldn't hurt run after the surgery I had I know today wasn't gonna be my day I couldn't do this you said that if you don't get it the doctor said you're not gonna be healed you're gonna have to amputate your leg if you sue if nothing changes [Applause] I couldn't stand on him on the other leg because I had no strength on this one I couldn't never do this maverick crutches Nevermore home without crutches amen when we first started praying he's like instantly within five seconds power hits her leg and her leg starts shaking like that and I've said that Danny go get John go get John this is about to happen I want him to catch this one it was amazing and you just saw all that she could do and she's so excited she's gonna walk home tonight without crutches I would like everybody to stand I'd like everybody to stand and there's already some people indicating so we're gonna I want you to try I want you to take one minute and do to one of two things if you have a muscular skeletal think try to do what you can if it's like your ear snap your fingers by your ears you know if it's a nice thing to test what you can't if it's a long organ brain some organ thing put your hand where you need to heal and leave it there for that minute and just notice if there's things change now I know there's gonna be more happening what we're gonna see because a lot of you have a condition that prove you've been healed because you don't have any pain you have to have a test and I don't want you to wave your hands that you're healed first I'll give you a chance but I want to make a distinction Windows who can prove and know and those who believe they've been healed because they actually like the woman issue blood felt that power that virtue come into her and God's giving you a sign and you believe you've been healed but you'll have to get a test to prove it we'll give you a chance in a moment to wave your hands so alright check it out movement let's see the movement if you need to he said I got I'd have to run we'll get out and run I'd have to lay down to get out and lay down I'll have to need and get out find a place kneel knee try to do what you cannot do and just don't try it once or twice I want you to try for one minute one minute we have a guy in Maryland he could only more reason shoulder like this he had a whole world artificial shoulder he got a new shoulder got full range of motion and then he got all right everybody that's at least 80% now listen I want you to wave your hands but it's since you watched the video we don't account you twice since the video was playing or has played now you're at least 80% better because we don't account what the other 27 we already had I don't want you for one minute because it takes a while to count now everybody's at least 80% better wave as high as you can wave your hands like this and keep them waiting for one minute keep them waiting there's another just gonna beat them way then keep them waving keep them waving thank you God thank you lord keep waving because more this is why it's so hard people then okay now I am and then we miss some of them that way alright keep waving you tell me when you guys have can't quit are you still counting come keep waiting okay alright 13 you got 13 14 now 14 and that guy did he have dude you got his now fit another one so a total of four the night back over there's another when another two now all right so we're at 77 and and if it goes normal we need to be at a hundred and fifty before the hands start being laid on so now you may lower your hands if you're not 80% but you are better gods touching you you're in the process of being healed but you're not at least 80% would you just lift up one hand lift it high now I want to pray for you god I thank you for what you're doing and I bless them we want you to receive glory we bless them we speak healing in Jesus name to their bodies we agree with what you're doing we command pain to leave God we command pain to leave restoration of function to be restored in Jesus name let your healing virtue of just flow through their body in the name of Jesus all pain go God we come against any spirit of affliction that would try to touch the flesh in Jesus name we command you to leave in Jesus name God for conditions that's rooted in the soul we pray Lord you bring healing to the soul that manifest in the body in Jesus name now check them out again those of you who raised one end or anybody else that just got more healing if you weren't at least 80% while ago but now you are waived both hands over your head keep waving for a moment wave hi thank you Lord there's several more people being healed keep waving keep waving thank you God thank you God thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you God thank you lord thank you God thank you God [Music] thank you we're now at 114 K I want to pray how many of you two questions number one you're being healed but you're not eighty percent yet but it's still increasing raise your hand wave it [Applause] alright second question how many of you there was nothing in the video that you had anything similar to but you came here tonight with need of healing and believed tonight was gonna be your night you just thought tonight's gonna be my night all right I want to pray for all of you who've got your hands up begin to move whatever it is if it's muscular-skeletal put your hand where you need the healing now here's what I found sometimes God will even use your own hands to allow and cause you to be aware there there's something happening why would we think it would be odd that there could be a manifestation of healing when in Scripture you see sometimes there was and sometimes there weren't it's about 60 40 60 percent of the time we see people you know if they felt something 40 percent they felt absolutely nothing and they wouldn't know they were healed because they felt nothing until they tried to do what they couldn't found they could okay we're gonna pray one more time oh wait wait for three I need to ask this how many who was healed of a mental issue 80% or more put up your hand and wave them I wanna see how many mental issues were healed okay you got one two three four five six seven you got one back here all right total I think of about eight you got the one two nine that lady there both hands this means better this means at least 80% something I think it's nine or ten all right just very briefly just if you could yell it to me numbers of screws or numbers of bars and pain level ten is excruciating give me drugs zero is nothing just two screws one bar and an eight now zero I just got like one at a time and I'd like to get like four I know there's ten but we don't have time for them huh yes that guy back there thirty two screws thirty two screws in your body and how long had you been in pain first surgery at 32 he's 48 20 years I'll trust you 20 years of pain ended tonight how much pain is it all gone all gone wait right come on up here and one or two more you have really bad pain for a long time come on up here just come up come up here when they get you yeah come up here in the light let's drink I do want to take a look yeah I want to take a picture to you and get the pic camera what happened here just degenerative disc disease and then I kept having operations and operations and the screws kept breaking so he had 32 screws and what two at least two bars probably a lot more than that did you not may ask your question when did you realize you were healed when you tried to do something you couldn't or did you feel anything or not [Music] you couldn't do yeah did you feeling heat or cold or wind or energy or did it happen when you tried [Applause] yeah yeah right all right thank you what's your name bill and you are you from around here you came from Savannah Georgia will you you got your healing thank you God thank you God just real quick Randy I've got nine screws in my back and I've got two titanium rods and my right hip is completely rebuilt with cement and what happened cancer no what happened I agreed several months ago Andrew prayed for me yesterday I've read several months ago no matter what I was given all credits the Lord if he took me home tonight I'm still go crazy so I was not worried about any pain whatsoever everything's great I feel great you feel great I feel great what were you encouraged him you saw I was totally but I've seen it before Oh I was totally encouraged good good and here don't have any pain now there's a lot better 80% or more my friend I'm so good you're so good you don't have any right between you and Andrew I'm so good it's well yeah Andrew Knauer donkeys Jesus one riding on us all right oh okay come here late we need a lady four screws and two rods hey man thank you lord thank you lord another what happened um Jim pray for me earlier and I stood in agreement with him I have at least 16 screws and a bar and my neck and the bolts in the back and I wasn't able to turn my head or look down and columns how long's it been since you could do that five years five years since the surgery I've had three surgeons resources Wow and now you can yep thank you Jesus thank you Jesus all right [Music] hi hi I had a car accident aged 17 and I had this metal plate with four nails most of my life I'm ceased to get 62 now 10 years ago I still having osteoarthritis I used to run marathons in class and I couldn't run anymore but I feel much better now last few years spend your time to even get in my duner also painting my toenails without even knowing that you were gonna be here just came to feel maybe and pray for me or something where did you come from Chile but you came all the way from Dallas yeah all right did you feel anything or did you try I don't know it's much better it's just it's been like a pressure yeah like something will grab me yeah and and I couldn't move I couldn't even give my my leg up yeah it was like something was holding me back and now it's gone and now it's just yes almost gone yes I think he's gone you're welcome thank the Lord I didn't have much to do with it all right we need that s okay it's also being videoed I mean sent out on the I know it's been overflow room we want you to start waving your hands he might over counting yes okay you're in the overflow room you've been healed of anything tonight wait both hands over your head if you got healed of more than one thing hold one hand up like that if it's three things whatever in the overflow room and just begin to let it you got a healing raise both hands and if you're watching on satellite or Internet and you got healed let them know about it send a message we need to know you give and give him glory you got heal to tonight yes wait wait let's get a microphone I had a par hold it I had a partial knee replacement back in 14 and end up having five surgeries fell have a metal rod for my leg and my hip and God has healed me I can do this [Applause] amen it's getting better amen thank you lord oh all right is that somebody got here healed on the telephone watching live and she's letting you know she got healed [Music]
Channel: Charis Bible College
Views: 13,341
Rating: 4.7748919 out of 5
Keywords: Healing is Here - Evening - Aug 16 2018
Id: dpr4xYDgAmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 18sec (11958 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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