He Told Me Not To Do This!

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today I'm hanging out with my only cool kid friend in the world hi but see this is what makes her a good cool kid like she was born a cool kid like there's just no way she's not gonna be one but she she's not a try-hard cool kid dude those are the worst types of people ones that try to be cool she just B's herself in some house shoes they clean in this school she has her own YouTube channel dude she's grinding on ASMR baby so I promised her I'd help her make an ASMR video my prank channel gon ASMR what's doing onion yes would you bite one Shrek she broke my heart in high school hooked up with my best friend how bad does that get celibate no yeah she sold it to celibacy for life can we not do veggies oh my god is this the dick emoji we need to get one of these dude go long oh yeah such a nice woman nice to meet you on bail let's get some weird let's get weird with it violin along yes bro alright you pass attorney yeah you pass it on me do you know where I could get stuff for like ASMR we're already in trouble the old showed shopping cart oh my god do you know what we should do for a video you walk them through the daily life of a cool kid alright so instead of saying okay what would you say as a clue kid you know by chance know where some good stuff for like ASMR is to do raw eggs flip these down he'll know if you do it you'll slurp it down why are you walking like that oh my god no way it says 69 holy [ __ ] out of all numbers this [ __ ] has never seen Shrek Pirates of the Caribbean or what's the other one Star Wars dude the [ __ ] trifecta yes these the big penis ones big Dada his Fun Factory the very first one to ever see a Vanitas video that wasn't in bonitos that's so weird then she didn't even [ __ ] watch Mego recently yes we where we were acquaintances hum god yeah ha it's funny cuz she actually talks like that no okay you told me I'm not allowed to scream oh and before you guys think I'm calling her a Jew that's her name they always think I'm like Jew I want to go all out dude we're not gonna half-ass your the [ __ ] ask my girl none of this is on my list what's on your nose hello bubbly is for Froyo sea grapes what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] I've never heard I can't believe you didn't watch me okay if you were a vlogger I would watch you even if we weren't talking you said you liked him now well change I got no time for these hoes I'm just doing the cringe it s my videos tic TOCs number one ask mars not cringey at all so if i made a full ass my video you don't think my fans really what the [ __ ] are you doing like it some people like that not my what if it blows the [ __ ] up it's like my most viewed video this is not illegal are we committing a felony on camera I don't have my license I suck at driving actually don't suck I'm gonna prove it okay Mike here oh it was a joke it was a joke yes it was I swear hold it hold it I won't break your car you don't break my [ __ ] camera fast bill stop that's not [ __ ] funny he's on me I'm not bad right you thought I was like incapable of driving man look at me go look at me [ __ ] good yeah [ __ ] it's like the nacho-cheese screaming okay hey let's settle the debate right now whose lips are bigger your you just [ __ ] stretch you know to time so I'm excited ether shears how much all right P Noah so technically that blew up off of a smart video because that's what I was doing in the video what our bro did where the [ __ ] do we tell everyone to meet I thought of this idea he actually thought of it fans giving have all the fans over of course I [ __ ] play in the last minute like last night and I hope he will bring food dude [ __ ] it we got [ __ ] brownies all right where do we tell people to meet how big is wills park when I Drive by wills Park this is not what I see dude are we at wealth Park dude I don't know wills Park was 69 [ __ ] feet long 69 thousand million feet long dude where are we dude where do we go over yonder oh hey you here for the Meetup I thought you we just keep walking like will gather do when I I used to work at a camp that's how I met CBS and he was a [ __ ] camper bro we had a child freshman year and he's supported it look at him now alright let's [ __ ] feast boys let's do this I'll put you my story yeah dude do you think I can't that's all every everyone join in hands together turn alright together don't [ __ ] touch my hands all right three to turn it right yeah dude I was kind of worried that a fans gonna like put laxatives in some [ __ ] yeah CMOS takes the first bite the king the King takes the first bite of the fist you try you try you try I bet it does it do what's your name what's a name Connor Connor Connor Connor did I have fan meetups and all my family are sucking on pickles and oh that was close dude I was close who wants to drink [Applause] the champion let's go there's no anyone ever tell you look like Jacob satorious yeah I mean that's a compliment he's a [ __ ] but he [ __ ] [ __ ] anyway all-star who knows how to play the recorder so enjoy get someone's ready huh my fans don't shotgun beers they shotgun green bean juice you chuck it god I'm ruining I'm getting the nice merch available available via comm dirty [Applause] [Applause] I pulled the sea bass face I appreciate it of course keep grinding this that we could break this vape on three and I want to shine one two three look they're making Mesa high all right I love you better save this for a girl you love a girl that won't cheat on you a girl that will treat you right yeah when you're married even better why did I get a nine one one call that show went on to the playground kicking kids out oh we weren't kicking kids out we were just playing there we have a table of food and we were just all eating together celebrating Thanksgiving and then we went to the park to have a jolly good time at the park you can join us Aaron's invited school projects [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Baylen Levine
Views: 1,554,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baylen levine, baylen, baylen levine vlogs, benitez, asmr, grocery store vlog, asmr eating, loud eating, thanksgiving, ok boomer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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