"He That Hath An Ear" C. M. Becton BOTT 1990

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if there's anybody in this United Pentecostal church that I have faith in and I feel like that I can trust it's Cleveland Becton he has a proven ministry appreciate and love him very much I want him to come and just open his heart and we're going to open our minds our hearts to receive god bless you brother back Oh and you may be seated I said on the edge my bed this morning about 12:30 setting my little travel alarm or what I intended to be a six o'clock waking up but long before six o'clock it was about 3:30 I was wide awake I felt like I was having a heart attack but I knew it wasn't and I quickly got out of the bed I wasn't I wasn't afraid but the Lord was heavy in the room and as I knelt in that room for the next two and a half hours intermittently between things that I would say he would say loudly loudly oh I know it wasn't an audible voice but it was so strong in the room that it seemed like he that happened here let him hear what the spirit and then I prayed some more and again he got half an arrow its thundered let him hear then again he lay here and he that has an ear Thunder over and over he that hath an ear let him hear let him hear what the Spirit has to say an intertwined intertwined in those thunderous words that I was hearing were these words if any man hear my voice God is if any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in I turned to the Living Bible which I know is not a complete translation but it reads on this wise look I have been standing at the door and I am constantly knocking constantly if anyone hears me calling him not called not past tense calling him constant and opens the door I will come in and fellowship with him and out of those words was the essence of constantly knocking constantly calling If any man have an ear a man they have seminars on what they call a sensory adaptation you can actually hear a sound so many times that your ear adapts to it and while you hear you don't hear we have a large grandfather's clock and I keep it round I'm the professional one it never runs down I see to it but that means that every quarter hour it chimes and on every hour it rains the amount of hours sometimes if chimes 12 and that's a long time but I have actually been in the room with it and never heard it parents have you ever said to your child are you listening do you hear me do you hear me they were hearing but they had sensory adaptation they had heard the voice so many times that they were not actually hearing it there are some of you who sleep so sound and I am so Indian because I am the lightest sleeper you can sleep through a tremendous bonging of an alarm clock and never know that it alarmed sensory adaptation our first church that we pastored our low parsonage was right along by the side of a railroad track and those trains in those days rumbled through thunderously and I got to where I could sleep through it sensory adaptation and when I was away from it I couldn't sleep if Jesus is constantly knocking and constantly sticking whose fault is it if we don't hear have we heard it so long that I hear our soul has so adapted to the sound of his voice that we don't really hear anymore it's not a matter of whether he is speaking or not he is speaking the scripture said if any man hear my voice hear my voice how hear his voice I've heard it oh yeah and as great a miracle as the healings that were performed here today by the mighty hand of God there are those in this meeting that need direction there are those that would give anything in the world if they could hear the voice of the Lord and you came hearing he's constantly speaking I have heard the audible voice of the Lord more than just what I told you about this morning I have actually heard him call my name and I'm not going into details of that every major move in my life has been by an oral force of the Lord praise God praise God hallelujah you had come too late to tell me after having 50 years of the Baptist of the Holy Ghost that the Lord doesn't speak today you see I was raised during the times when we sang such songs like uh and he walks with me and he talks with me hey yay I was raised on those kinds of songs and you're not going to tell me that I don't walk with him or you don't walk with him and then he doesn't talk I come to The Garden alone while the dew is still on the roses and the voice I hear falling on my ear pain brandy speaks with me buddy talks Oh Oh I Stane just another moment with me I know my time is very limited but I was also raised in the era of that old song you don't hear any more centrist never busy you can talk to Jesus Oh you telephone array you need to rest tonight right now pick it up on the first ring bill my god the pie you know now God does not always speak audibly I know that there is a hearing that's beyond the defined audible range Paul said I have not seen nor ear heard but but he's revealed it unto us by spirit and then Paul described an experience saying he was caught up into paradise and heard unspeakable words David said one time unless the Lord did not have my soul had almost dwelt in silence soul hearing that's the thing a man there are things to hear that the natural ear cannot hear a man praise God now our mental fixation says sound but the soul doesn't have to have the audible sound some of the most powerful words of God were silent in the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand and wrote over against the plastic plaster of the wall of the king's palace and this is what happened the Kings countenance changed his thoughts were troubled the joints of his loins were loosed and his knees smoked one against the other then the woman taken in the act of sin but Jesus stooped it with his finger wrote on the ground as though he heard them not and when he wrote the second time making no sound being convicted of their own conscience they went out one by one the planets are orbiting the sun is shining in the world is rotating at 66,000 miles per hour and you know sound be still and know that I'm God that's what we need there's something truly impressive in silence in fact the confusion of noises in this noise rack world calls it more real lack of hearing then does the silence we need to cry out for our own spiritual benefit be quiet be quiet be still as well as those who came for healing for your body I know there are those who came for direction this is the type of meeting where you come when you don't know which way to go and I'm sure that if I had you to stand this brother Billy cold dead this afternoon those with healing needs have you to stand those who have need of hearing the voice of the Lord that would be equally as many a man praise God must we be at the mercies of the noise of this world the noise that drowns out the steel for voice we today hears so much so many voices that we do not hear what we need to hear and we have sensory adaptation we hear but we don't hear our attention is so absorbed in and by so many attractions tragic is the word for Eli the Lord called Samuel three times before Eli the priest a man that was acquainted with all the rituals and all the customs in the temple worship three times before Eli the priest recognized what was happening after the third time he recognized that it was God that was speaking and it was the fourth time that God spoke and sad Neal answered Oh young ministers we who are older I want to tell you that the voice of the Lord is very definite hallelujah and when Samuel said speak Lord for thy servant heareth II the Lord said to Samuel behold I will do a thing in Israel both the ears of everyone that heareth it shall tingle and the next morning Eli had to ask Samuel what is the thing that the Lord had said unto thee but Elias failure to hear started before samuel was born hannah was in bitterness of soul and played unto the lord and web store and as she prayed he line marked her mouth he only saw her lips move but her voice was not heard Eli thought she was drunk no my lord I am a woman not a sorrowful spirit his psyche failed before his hearing when he couldn't tell the difference between a praying woman and a drunken high God hey God doesn't always speak in an earthquake of wind or in a crackling fire Elijah sometimes it's a still small voice constantly noting constantly calling you know this study has been one of the greatest faith builders to me that that I've ever encountered you know we know what faith is substance of things hoped for evidence of things not seen we know that we must have faith gotta have it he that cometh to God must believe that is without faith it is impossible to please God we know what it is and we know that we have to have it how can we get it I've got to know if I come to God with any problem any need I must believe without faith it is impossible to please God I must find out how to get this faith and I found it there is one scripture that tells you how to get it so then faith cometh by hearing then faith cometh by hearing maybe we're missing out on faith because we don't hear or we're hearing so many other sounds that we came here but faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God now I'm going to be quick to say that I know initially this is referring to the preaching of the word because the fourteenth verse asked how can they hear without a preacher but now let me proceed since you know that I know that preaching does produce me but if faith cometh by hearing I must know every avenue of hearing that I can get I believe I found it crazy I'm out on the sea some of you're with me and there's a storm my god we're headed for the rocks nothing absolutely nothing we can do I remember hey somebody preached one time that Hall was in a ship faith cometh by hearing but not really the way you think it does I cannot just draw on a message that I heard months ago and say this is my source of faith what I must get out of that message is this what happened to Paul how could he be so confident where did you get that confidence Paul there stood by me this night an angel saying I believe that it shall be even as it was told to me now I'm not going to gain faith by an incident that happened 2,000 years ago in a similar circumstance but where my faith comes is on this was I have heard the message about Paul and the angel a son pal has got to believe that in my 20th century experience an angel can't stand for me Halon one can come to me hey man and as that angel spoke to Paul and said fear not the voice of the Lord however can say to me because I grew faith from the fact that he did it for Paul and he's no respecter of persons it's possible that in my dilemma that God can speak to me and say fear not please God hmm hmm are you listening to me do you hear me I want you to hear more than just me right now walking up and down these aisles in and out between these pews is the master of every situation young man you've come with a need you're at the crossroads in your life a man you need to hear the voice of God you've come too late to tell me your man too late many of you have heard that I played for the Stamps Quartet I taught in their schools I have to my credit to outstanding pupils amen Joan Ewing and Mickey man yeah they took lessons from me I was well on my way yeah thousand students enrolled in Dallas Texas the year I talked with LD Hufstedler and mrs. Frank's Tamsin Harvey Shelton and burn weights Couchman a man and Joan Ewing was about nine years of age she was one of my pupils I said in Frank stamps office and he outlined a career for me and you've heard me tell it I'm just I didn't intend to tell it again then I'll travel on with LD Hufstedler to a place here in Louisiana Monroe Louisiana yeah that's when the theatre's tenure was a little girl she came she didn't take from me but she came to the school and I was set for that career I wanted hit more than anything a man I was popular I'd walk down that aisle and I'd hear the oohs and the ahhs you know back then that style of playing was the end style my daughter and my children that are here you know they're urging me make a record make a record make a record and the reason my daughter said she didn't intend for me to and she didn't mean it like it sound but your plans go now to stop but I walked out of that studio room one evening after teaching all day long octave Court tenth court I'll roll that ten court harpy as I walked out of that quarter behind me the voice said Cleveland does loud all of them I turned I didn't see anybody I went back in that studio room and fell down to the side of that piano I'm telling you you've come too late to tell me because that day when God said Cleveland I've tried to be sensitive every sense because I fell down by the side of that piano bench and I raised my hands with tears rolling down my cheeks and I said God this is not what you want for me I turned away there's nothing wrong with a musical career thank God for the good musicians but it wasn't for me now if I never play another note I do but if I never play another note it was that day that God turned me around and now pretty pretty patty there is a place in the secret place of God that you can hear I'm not talking about something fantastic far-fetched or way out I heard I believe God can speak to you or me in any time of need not levy speaking to you right now hmm whole missionaries evangelists foreign missionaries Acts the 18th chapter I went to car in inspect the Lord to Paul in the night be not afraid but speaking holding out that peace for I am with thee and no man shall said only to hurt thee for I have much people in the city and he continued there a year and six months God what faith why could he continue their year in six months because every man that came to him with a spear to thrust him through he knew God wasn't going to let it happen a man no man shall set only to her faith it can happen again hey don't give up so easily let that ear hear what God's gonna do for you before you up and leave so quickly he stayed a long time after that and nobody set on him to hurt him nobody could hurt him because faith cometh by hearing and Paul heard Semyon Aged was revealed unto him by the Holy Ghost that he should not see death not going to do I'm sure in his age condition there were days that he was sick unto death he thought if I'm not going to die this is pretty nigh unto it but he knew he wasn't going to die the day dawn when the Spirit directed him to the temple Mary and Joseph came in with that child and he went and took it out of their arms and he looked up and said let us sow thy servant depart in peace according to thy word court hey he hadn't heard anybody preach but he had the word let us now the servant depart in peace according to thy word faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word by the word of the word problems needs back at home burdens I'd like to help you tonight like to find you maybe in the scripture you that are here a long ways from home you're here from everywhere John tells us about a certain nobleman his son was dying at the point of death he heard that Jesus was in a distant place how could I go and leave my boy it's dying he's at the point of death he had to walk all night long to Galilee and when he got there he fell down before Jesus come down here my child does go that way my son Lillith remember he had journeyed up a whole night to get there no phones to call and see how he was no telegrams no fax machines a man believed the word that Jesus is spoken and he went his way an overnight journey and as he was now going down his servants met him and told him saying thy son liveth then he inquired of them the hour when he began to amend and they said unto him yesterday that's reached my note was an overnight journey yesterday at the seventh hour the fever left him so the father knew that it was at the same hour in the which Jesus said unto him in the which Jesus said unto Him thy son liveth what problems have you left at home in this vast congregation I'm sure you came you came with many burdens there could be a still small voice to swiss / in your ear right now everything's all right everything's alright and when you get home and they tell you that everything was alright and everything was fixed you could say well win-win did it change it changed last night about 12 minutes to 8:00 and you will know that it was the time that God said unto you everything's all right I am sure that we're missing out on so many things that God wants to tell us and wants to show us because we think that we hear but we don't hear we have not gotten down to the real place that we are sensitive to hear his voice the voice speaks constantly if any man hear my voice is that not enough proof that he's speaking if any man hear my voice If any man hear my voice he that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit says If any man hear my voice Beethoven that noted pianist and composer in his lifetime became actually totally death death he couldn't hear us saying a thing but he continued writing and composing and the only way he could do that was it he would take a stick and put it between his teeth clenched his teeth on one end of that stick and put the other end on the sounding board of the piano and through that clinch stick between his teeth he could hear and continue to compose some of his greatest works after he lost his natural hearing I would be as content tonight to put a stick in between my teeth and put it hard against the battlements of glory and of heaven now because I'm deaf to hear hear hear I don't believe we have to wander aimlessly I don't believe we have to go about in a maze and a fog there is a way there is a way hallelujah there is a way there's a path he's got a path that the birds have not seen the vultures have not seen a man and if anybody could see past its those birds up in the air that's looking down they bird's-eye view they could see a path in the woods but the scripture said they haven't seen it alliance well nor a fierce lion even those that wonder in the jungles in between the trees have not come upon it that's the path that's the path that's the path that I'm looking for and I believe that in sensitiveness to the voice of the Lord I can find it if the flowers can't find it if the lines and the lines web straight pilots buried apart what about the photographer a young girl AHA and the songwriter said it he was a steal small voice saying to me closer closer come closer to me you know whisper tone never leaves me alone closer closer it's there the purpose of this meeting tonight of every service throughout this day and over a day and still small voice a man have you heard him or have you ruled it out closer come closer come closer closer never leaves me alone it stalks my trail every day every day many nights I cannot sleep because of it closer grow closer come along closer battling against the things of the flesh because we cannot do the things that the flesh begs us to do the voices closer closer closer come closer - they have more will be given but the others do not have that which they have will be taken away to them in here more will be given sweet peace sweet peace he whispers peace in the storm and a further word I would say unto thee that that you have thought and planned to do is not my will you will err exceedingly and you know who it is that I am speaking to if you do what you have thought to do it will wreck your entire life and touch the members of your own family you are in my hand now stay there and I will give you direction you will not walk in the darkness of uncertainty I the Lord God will lead you give yourself to me right now right now and my voice will whisper in your ear that that I intend for your ear alone to hear Robert Atticus he that hath an ear he that hath an ear he that hath an ear let him hear
Channel: Because of the Times
Views: 16,930
Rating: 4.8558559 out of 5
Keywords: Because of the Times, BOTT, C. M. Becton
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 11sec (2411 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2015
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