"He Saw My Future and its Not Good" Creepypasta

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my life is the definition of boring truth be told this was never where I wanted my life to end up when I was a kid I remember looking up at the starry night sky and dreaming of becoming an astronaut even as a child I wanted to go to outer space and achieve greatness that ended up not panning out obviously with each passing year new fads and desires began to sweep past me one year I wanted to be a major league baseball player but I failed to make the team the next I wanted to be a world-famous rock star I even asked my mother to buy me a guitar for my birthday she bought it and I played the thing only a handful of times once high school rolled around I thought this would be it this would be where my life would become great I'd finally find my calling so to speak and the rest would be history sadly that didn't happen either I struggled my way through high school and just barely passed most of my classes I always thought it would be fine I still had time I could still do amazing things with my life even if I never achieve greatness I could travel the world I could fall in love I could go to college and get a degree in a fascinating field though none of those things came to pass before I could attempt to do any of those things my mother got sick shortly after I graduated high school she was unable to hold a job and pay her bills so I decided to put my life on hold to help her out while I didn't have a whole lot of skills I was somewhat good with computers and the job I ended up finding a trained monkey could do with their eyes closed I'm not trying to discredit the job in any way or make myself sound much more astounding than I truly am but if you did my job for a day you'd understand I got a job working for a large corporation and for eight hours a day I sit in a cramped cubicle looking at one number and typing it into a small little box that's it I to be sent a list of numbers during my shift then spend the entire day entering them one at a time like I said trained monkey yes the job was tedious and boring but work was work not to mention the pay wasn't too bad either it ended up being enough to help me cover the bills while my mom recovered now I should say that I don't blame my mother in the slightest for affecting my life in that way she has done nothing but support me in whatever I wanted to do and I just thought this was my opportunity to repay her so I did eventually she got better and started working again however by that point in my life I had received a few pay raises during my time there and had grown accustomed to working at this job this ended up allowing me a bit of freedom as I was able to move out of my mother's house and find a place all on my own to say that was a major highlight of my life would be an understatement I had found a small single bedroom apartment in the suburbs the unit itself wasn't great though it wasn't terrible either it had everything I needed a bedroom bathroom and a small kitchen the only drawback was the location it was quite a distance from my work so I had to take the bus to work every morning but aside from that it was fine not long after I had moved into my apartment I had fallen into an endless routine it seemed I would wake up every morning bright and early shower brush my teeth make some coffee then casually walk towards the end of my complex to the bus stop I'd board and ride the bus for around 20 minutes depending on traffic the bus would stop about a half mile away from my work and I disembark into the bustling morning sidewalk I'd stroll to my office building wave at the receptionist enter the elevator sit down at my cubicle and begin my shift that has been my life for the past five years then about a month ago something changed in my routine I was leaving for work like I normally do and when I exited the bus to walk the remaining distance to my office I saw someone standing near one of the buildings ahead of me he appeared to be a homeless person now I've seen homeless people during my commute before but this man seemed different as I walked closer to him he seemed to be talking to himself or if he was talking to other people nobody seemed to pay him any mind he was gesturing towards people as they passed by him and he'd say a few words then turned to the next person I quickly found myself growing ever closer to this odd man and when I was within 10 feet of him he ceased his gesturing his head slowly turned in my direction the way he moved to look at me didn't seem right like he was in slow motion almost his eyes are locked with mine and I could tell right off the bat that this man was blind his white glassy eyes locked with mine as I approached I averted my gaze and quickly shuffled by him though as I did I could still feel his eyes burning holes into the side of my head after passing by and getting a few feet away I glanced back at him and he was once again gesturing and talking at people during my entire shift I thought about that strange man and how when I walked by him it seemed like he and I were the only two people on the planet after work I worried that I would run into him once again on my way home but as I walked to the bus stop he was nowhere to be found until the next day when I was making my commute I saw him once again just the same as before as I grew closer to him he halted his over-exaggerated gesturing to stare at me each time this happened I'd feel uneasiness build within me until I passed by even though I wanted my life to be exciting this wasn't what I had in mind a couple weeks passed by and I tried not to think about him I even tried walking to work on the other side of the street one day and as I did I glanced over and saw him standing there on the other side staring at me this random occurrence was slowly taking its toll on my mind and I could feel myself building to a breaking point I decided that if I saw this man staring at me again I was going to say something to him then a little over a week ago I saw him in the same spot he always stood I was walking towards him mentally preparing myself to give him a piece of my mind when he stopped gesturing earlier than usual and turned towards me our eyes locked through the crowd and I watched him lift his arm away from his body and a point towards a random pedestrian it my eyes drifted over and I saw a businessman looking at his phone not paying attention he bumped into a person in front of him and his foot slipped off the curb causing him to tumble into the street the squealing of tires and the screams of onlookers were the only things I heard I didn't even need to see it to know what happened regardless I couldn't stop staring at the blind man as he slowly lowered his arm police arrived on scene within minutes I regained my composure and quickly rushed past the blind man so I could get to work I spent a half hour in the office bathroom just trying to stop my hands from shaking I tried to convince myself that it was just a freak accident a coincidence and focused on my work so I didn't have to think about the events of that morning then three days ago as I was walking to work he stood there just like always as I was about to pass by him and continue walking something compelled me to stop I stopped walking mere inches from the man and turned to him the crowd was rapidly walking around us as if we weren't even there I looked to the man and asked him why are you staring at me he was silent for a few moments his vacant eyes almost looking right through me he lifted a whether to finger and motion for me to come closer to him I looked around cautiously and took a step towards him with the raspy voice he said I was curious curious I asked my eyes can't see much but I can see the end he said I returned a confused look and he continued everyone has a fate you saw the man who fell that was his fate the blind man said then why do you keep staring at me every day I questioned I have watched many people I have seen many fates but yours yours is the darkest I have ever seen in my entire life his voice seemed to trail off at the end I could feel my heartbeat starting to hasten as I was beginning to process his words just as I was about to ask him what my fate was or when it was even going to happen a woman bumped into me as she walked in front of me just as I recovered my balance I looked up and the blind man who was mere inches in front of my face was gone I've been sitting at home for the past three days too scared to even leave my bedroom I have no idea of what the man said to me was the truth or not but I can't help but believe him there's so much I wish I would have done more with my life I wish I would have chased my dreams any of them from the very start now I doubt any of them will come true it might already be too late for me I have no way of knowing but you you all still have your lives ahead of you so go out there and follow your dreams live your lives before it's too late before you end up just like me [Music]
Channel: CreepyPastaJr
Views: 34,278
Rating: 4.7876329 out of 5
Keywords: creepy, creepy pasta, creepy stories, creepy story, creepypasta, creepypastajr, creepypastajr., fear, horror, horror story, nightmare, real creepy stories, scary, scary stories, scary story, storytelling, true scary stories, true scary story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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