"BEWARE The Scarecrow of Highway 50" Creepypasta

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I was driving through Kansas on my way home after visiting my parents my father had recently come down with a bad case of the flu I know what you're thinking who gets the flu in the middle of spring but I guess he was overworking himself and caught a bug earlier this week my mother told me it was nothing serious but I had some vacation days saved up and I haven't seen my parents for quite some time my parents live in st. Louis while I had moved to Colorado for work and a girl we have been talking for quite some time and towards the end of last year I moved down there to live with her driving through Kansas isn't bad there isn't a whole lot to look at I've done the drive quite a few times between moving my things and visiting my parents I'd gotten used to the trip I don't mind the long drive yeah some idiot drivers can be a pain but I just like to put on an audiobook or some good music and enjoy the ride anyways last week my mother called me and told me about my dad I asked my girlfriend if she wanted to make the trip with me but unfortunately she couldn't get any time off work whatsoever I told her it was fine as I packed my bag and prepared for the trip the drive out to my parents took me through Kansas City on highway 70 it was all clear skies and sunshine the entire way I made it there and spent the weekend with my parents my father who is probably the most stubborn man on the planet was outside doing yard work when I arrived we ended up not doing much the whole weekend I fixed to my mother's PC for the 12th time and then my dad and I watched sports while he rested although it was uneventful it was still a nice break from the monotony of my everyday life Monday came around and after saying my goodbyes I was back on the road about a third of the way through my trip my GPS told me about a severe traffic accident on the main interstate I sighed as I glanced down at the little map a large chunk of the highway was completely red and my GPS mentioned an increased arrival time of 4 hours it then asked me if I'd like to reroute and I accepted the new trip would redirect me through highway 50 instead of the interstate it was a bit out of the way but the arrival time would only be increased by 30 minutes or so once I manage to navigate my way onto highway 50 I noticed quite a few other cars had the same idea the road was mildly congested but after around 20 minutes of driving it began to clear up this struck me as odd as there hadn't been any turn offs for the cars to get off the highway yet slowly but surely the traffic was dissipating after an hour of driving on this road I glanced out of my window and I could see a tall wooden cross in the middle of a field attached to the cross was a scarecrow I chuckled to myself as I had never seen a real scarecrow outside of Halloween decorations before around a minute or two later I passed by a highway marker that had a large number 50 on it I watched the Scarecrow fade into my rearview and I continued driving another hour passed by and I glanced over to the right once again there was another scarecrow fastened to a large wooden cross in the middle of a field I looked at it closely it seemed almost identical to the one I had previously seen whoever owned these fields must have a serious bird problem I thought then a minute or two later I saw that same highway marker on the side of the road I rubbed my eyes in disbelief this was the most intense deja vu I had ever experienced I shook it off and drove a little bit faster another hour and the same sight appeared on the horizon I stared wide-eyed as I approached it this wasn't just a random case of deja vu anymore there was something obviously wrong as I drove by I couldn't be certain but it looked like the Scarecrow was closer to the road I sped past it quickly and the sign as well I was growing more and more concerned while I drove I grabbed my phone and called my girlfriend though whenever I would try to call I would just get a busy tone I had full bars but it was like something was blocking my calls I tried the police next but the result was the same after my failed attempts to contact anyone I could already see a growing in the distance the Scarecrow it was much closer to the road this time I checked my mirrors to make sure there were no other cars around me even though there hadn't been for a few hours now I pulled my car into the far left lane and continued driving it I could see the Scarecrow much more clearly as I drove by its face was a patchwork mess of cloth and leather it had some type of cowl wrapped around its head its clothing was tattered and looked like it was wearing a cloak of some kind that swayed silently in the wind as I passed by it I could have sworn it lifted its head to look at me I floored the gas pedal and flew by it I was freaking out by this point and only make matters worse the Sun was on a collision course with the horizon by the time I saw the Scarecrow again the Sun had vanished and was replaced by the distant stars I thought it was weird that time outside was still going on yet I was stuck in this loop I noticed that my fuel gauge hadn't changed at all since I got on this road either the wooden cross was rapidly approaching as I maintain my speed but something was different about it this time the Scarecrow was missing I scanned around the edges of the road for it but the lack of light made it difficult to see I was on edge I was borderline panicking I had been driving on the same road for hours and hours with no end in sight I passed by the highway marker yet again and still there was no sign of the Scarecrow I considered stopping but quickly pushed that thought out of my head after the thought left in my mind I was mentally preparing myself for yet another trip past the Scarecrow then I saw it the wooden cross it was no longer on the side of the road but it was now standing directly in the centre of it I slowed my car down to a crawl as I approached I wanted to blow right past it but I didn't want to risk an accident as I got closer my car began to make strange noises something under the hood was banging together it sounded like a bucket being thrown against a wall my car died right in front of the looming wooden cross yet there was still no sign of the Scarecrow I looked around and double-checked that my doors were locked then I heard something ominous there was a tapping on the roof of my car I could feel a bead of sweat run down from my temple as I white-knuckled my steering wheel a shadow out of the corner of my eye drew my attention fingers crawling down my window appeared from above I leaned away from my window as much as I could the cloth face slowly started to appear on the other side of the glass fog spread across my window every time that it breathed it then began tapping on the glass I wasn't sure what to do I was basically trapped within my own car it began to drag its sharp nails along the glass the screech they made bored a hole into my eardrums I attempted to restart my car but it just made an endless squeal then the Scarecrow reared back its arm and slammed it into my window I could hear the glass creak underneath the force it pulled back again and the second time the window began to fracture I was starting to hyperventilate I wanted to believe this wasn't really happening I was a nobody nothing weird or strange ever happens to me it's hand shattered through the glass tiny shards sprayed all around me but before I could even process that it's a hand to grab me by my shirt and tried to pull me out of the car I fought against it as hard as I could but its grasp didn't let up it dragged me halfway out of my car I reached for my keys one last time I knew it was hopeless but I didn't have much else I twisted the key in my car roared to life I hit the gas with my toes and my car squealed past the wooden cross there was a light thud on my roof as the Scarecrow's grip loosened and I pulled myself back into my car as I passed by the highway marker the Sun began to rise around 15 minutes later I found myself pulling into a town this was the first new thing I had experienced since driving on this road I quickly pulled into a gas station and called my girlfriend when I did she sounded frantic asking where I was I told her that I got held up and that I was on my way she said she was about to send out a search party I managed a laugh even though my hands were still shaking the rest of the trip was uneventful I made it home safely and aside from a mild case of PTSD I was fine I don't know where that scarecrow came from or why it targeted me but I think I'm pretty lucky to be alive don't take highway 50 if you can avoid it I don't want any of you to end up in a similar situation or worse [Music]
Channel: CreepyPastaJr
Views: 114,289
Rating: 4.9033928 out of 5
Keywords: creepy, creepy pasta, creepy stories, creepy story, creepypasta, creepypastajr, creepypastajr., fear, horror, horror story, nightmare, real creepy stories, scary, scary stories, scary story, storytelling, true scary stories, true scary story, Creepy Scarecrow, Scary Scarecrow stories, creepy scarecrow stories, scarecrow
Id: jSY5v4cok1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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