He-Man Official | 1 HOUR COMPILATION! | He-Man Full Episodes

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] that should do it well let's try it out gringer can we borrow that rango berry [Music] now don't talk with your mouth full cringer you like i was saying if you really need it thanks buddy [Music] hey it works not perfectly the duplicates are only half the original size no complaints here what are you doing here i was lonely at the palace without you guys i thought i'd pay a visit [Music] what's going on mosh man this is supposed to be a secret test i was inspired i came out here for a nap i'll go find another spot now even when he's not trying to be moss man's a spy being able to change into any plant can sure be handy see what are you guys doing out here with that thing mad at arms new duplicating machine just made me an extra dessert oh that's not so hard i can make a lot more if that's what you want oh oh single double magic desserts turn this berry into more yummy desserts [Music] sorry well as long as you're here arko you can help us collect the tools [Music] orco well at least it worked [Applause] this better be worth it whiplash see for yourself skeletor [Music] wonderful with that machine i could duplicate anything there would be no limit to my power that's enough experimenting for today let's head back home i must have that machine [Music] it was a productive morning and we'll be back at the palace in time to greet our royal spray visitors will jam the wind raiders engines they'll have to land and then the duplicating machine will be mine [Music] strange the wind raiders seem to be losing power [Music] they're headed for the swamp we'll meet them there hold on we're coming in for an unexpected landing [Music] is it over we're safe cringer on second side we've landed in the tar swamp and we're sinking oh no by the power of gray skull [Music] amen [Music] throw me that rope [Music] it seems this is stickier than i thought how about some help cat [Music] engines are jammed i can't get them going i've got an idea they must have landed near here hurry hurry the undercarriage cable is released man and we're all set hold tight because we're going on a little ride i'll give the engines another try engines are working [Music] nice going whiplash they've gotten away while we're stuck in this vile swamp uh gee how'd that happen your situation is indeed a desperate one joba yes it is what's the commotion mechanic [Music] it's prince adam sire sorry my father another jova jeter and jade this is our son prince adam our royal visitors were just telling us of their problem you see many wild animals roam our forests in order to gather food without being caught by these animals our people must become invisible how do you do that [Music] to become invisible we must have a bite but the supply of bambite has been mysteriously disappearing this is our very last piece and it has very little power left which means that unless we can find more there there's no future for our people we'll all starve come with me i have an idea that just might help [Music] now there's no guarantee this will work but if your duplicating machine can make some [Music] our trusty heat gun cuts through anything even your palace floor randor ah i see jova is also here the same job who refused to help me steal the diamond of lock me big bum bites do you [Music] cringer wake up we're needed i know what that means by the power of skull [Music] [Music] skeletor took the duplicating machine come on cat for the attack track [Music] attack track are we still on skeletor's trail of course we are looks like skeletors set up a few laser mines in our honor this field's probably full of them no problem [Music] i can see where they are from here [Music] careful there's one up ahead near your right attack track i've already noted that mine had adjusted you can rest your neck won't be too long before we're out of this obstacle course there's another laser mine ahead go to your left attack track i'm afraid we're stuck you are new here aren't you [Music] finally our chance to test the machine it may not be long before eternia has a new king [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you know what you must do off to the palace of randolph it will soon be mine all mine here comes king skeleton [Music] well no sign of skeletor seems we've lost his trail amen here what is it moss man you better get back here right away we're in big trouble what's wrong can't talk now hurry please hurry uh hey man what do we do now only one thing to do macanak return to the palace [Music] not much longer the palace is just ahead what is it cat big trouble you mean a lot of little troubles skeletor has used the duplicating machine to duplicate himself well one thing's for certain with those kind of odds we won't be able to get into the palace through the front door rainbow tunnel what's the rainbow tunnel it's a secret passageway the king built for adam and tilo when there were children let's go [Music] the opening to the tunnel is somewhere around here [Music] and we're going [Music] all right skeletor i've had enough of your games come on out [Music] and evil is our name by your listening displeasure we call it the sonic [Music] looks like you missed one me [Music] hey we knew you'd come skeletor and his skeletoids have taken over the entire palace my duplicating machine caused this disaster you must find it the moment it's destroyed the skeletoids will evaporate but first we have to think of a way to leave here the skeletoids already know about the rainbow tunnel so that's out [Music] no way out here either i'll show you how to leave there's just enough power left in the bam bite for jova to make you and battlecat invisible at least long enough to get out of the palace but it's your last piece without it you and your people may starve no matter you and your people are our friends it's dangerous please be careful careful say this fanbite really works now for a little arco magic to help you get past the guards [Music] hey you fellas want to see something neat oh single double magic desserts turn this berry into more yummy desserts [Music] right here amen oh dear where's skeleton back at snake mountain making more replacements well now we know where to find the duplicating machine look they've got cyclone too oh oh no the band bites powers get weak we've become invisible i see what you mean and i'm afraid they see two cyclone do your stuff you got it you guys get clear i'll take care of these squirts [Music] [Applause] [Music] there that should keep them busy enough for us to get to snake mountain without any more interruptions [Music] [Music] see here the planet eternia is becoming mine all mine [Laughter] skeletal skeletons but no matter they will witness my final assault on eternia as my captives of course of course all right where is he-man and his mangy friends this is gonna be fun ready aim [Music] watch out oh dear don't worry jova if those duplicates are anything like skeletor you can bet they're greedy and selfish i think i may be able to use that fact to our advantage let's just play along with them for now welcome he-man to the new palace of eternia easy cat you look frightened jova you have good cause to me i don't forget those who refuse to help me but you wanted us to steal the diamond or rock mead for you skeletor oh my people never steal silence soon to be prisoner all right skeletor enough of your threats why are you keeping us here i want you to witness the effects of my genius firsthand tonight once i duplicate an army of my cohorts i will be the ruler of all eternia you will be you confuse me skeletor i thought they were to be the rulers aren't you going to reward them for doing your dirty work yeah what do you mean you will be the ruler of eternia i want to be the ruler no it is i who should rule i've done more than you i am the most evil i deserve to control eternia i got more than you two now's my chance to destroy the duplicating machine [Music] this mega steel gate is impenetrable he-man you'll never get to my machine stop him you're not as smart or as strong as you thank me man feeling a bit weak our power drain ray takes all your strength away give him another ray of weakness [Music] ready boys ready [Music] are you all right yes jova my energy's been restored and i think so has yours [Music] [Applause] bambi oh dear it's really bamboo so skeletor was hoarding the bambite has revenge against you for not helping him i think skeletor had a taste of his own medicine when he had to face himself literally well i've learned something too a duplicating machine is far too dangerous to have around i agree who needs a duplicator when you got me jingle double triple let it be right please turn into lots of precious fanbites [Music] sorry today we discovered that getting what you want isn't always a good thing when we like something particularly something sweet it's easy to want more and more but nearly every time if you have too much of something no matter how much you want it you'll find that it uh disagrees with you so next time you see some candy remember you can have too much of a good thing except me of course right man of arms we'll uh talk about it later see you next time [Music] well looks like the widgets are about ready to celebrate the completion of a new reactor [Music] to celebrate well when king randor turns it on tomorrow it will give eternia safe power for lights cooking food food now i have something to celebrate here here here i am mel prague worker of mysteries dealer in harmless tricks and games gather around guess which sphere contains the apple and it's yours that's easy so it looks my lady but i am so sure you'll get it wrong then i'll make it more interesting for you an apple and a diamond wow games are easy but a diamond ladies and gentlemen you will have to work for [Music] i think it's the left one what do you think arco oh no it's the one on the right i understand these magic tricks all right then right it is [Music] i guess this was the last one your turn smudge it's the better one [Music] congratulations young sir you have a keen eye of course he does that's why smudge is chief guard at the corodite reactor is that some oh no the emergency signal hello alert pine shaft number three has collapsed rockfall in line number three well that's where we get coradite from come on father the widgets may need help we better tag along just in case he-man is needed [Music] wait smudge give me a chance to win my diamondback i'll bet this diamond that you cannot pick the right sphere again but there's trouble i have to uh listen would you really bet this big diamond against this small one that's the deal [Applause] [Music] timber bugs they're eating away at the support beams one must have collapsed and caused that rock slide then hadn't we better get out of here oh you're right taylor these other beams could go at any minute father you all right i i think so we're trapped well it could be worse at least we're not hurt i think it's about to get worse the explosion is broken through to an underground river we're going to have to climb [Music] we can't climb any further and the water is still rising what can we do hope for a miracle [Music] adam and duncan must be trapped on the other side we have to get him out of there fast by the power of grayskull [Music] [Music] stand back orco [Applause] amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you all right that was kind of exciting thank you ah thank goodness we got to you in time our problems aren't over yet what is it father look that underground river must have contained selenium it caused a chemical reaction in this coradite what does that mean duncan it means that all the coradite in this section is now unstable and if we use it in the reactor it could cause a terrible explosion then we must make sure this chordate is dumped someplace safe so it can never harm anyone oh i agree but first we'll have to replace the rotten timbers to avoid more rock slides we should be able to move the coradite by tomorrow morning i'll tell the widgets right away [Music] ah the left one you've won every time i have nothing left except my win rate [Music] you can have everything i've won in exchange for that quick raider the win raider is worth more than that but there is something that i would better you could bet some of the cordite that you've got i couldn't do that it's not mine just a small amount you widgets have so much of it but someone would notice i get into terrible trouble i need the cordite to power some medical equipment i'm experimenting with why you'd be helping to save lives save lives well i guess all right it's for a good cause besides i haven't lost yet i'm bound to win right now let's get to it [Music] and this is the choreographer use in the reactor when the king starts it up let me help not so fast you haven't won yet and i'm going to make sure you don't as you wish all right i'll bet my winnings plus this against your wingreader that i can pick the right sphere one more time done that's much faster than the other times and now my little friend which do you choose the right way no no no the middle one [Music] oh bad luck smudge well i have to go now no no wait wait you you you can't take the curly knife it's not mine you should have thought about that before oh it wasn't bad that the spheres move too fast there's no law says you have to win every time or that it'll be easy oh please i'll i'll do anything just just just give me the corridor nonsense all you have to do is replace this with some cordite from the mines why i won't tell anyone i guess i could do that trust me smudge everything will be fine [Music] now bragg was right i'll just put this in the reactor to replace the coronite i lost [Music] no one will ever know and everything will be all right who goes there easy smudge it's just me [Music] tila asked me to check to see if everything was all right here you can never be too careful if some of this courade got into the wrong hands the whole of eternia would be in danger [Music] oh no what is it something's bothering you tell me smudge oh amen i've done a terrible thing i gambled some of the quarantine with melbran and i lost you lost you mean mel bragg has some coradoite yes i'm so ashamed we'll decide what to do about you later you were right to tell me that now we must get that chorodite back there's no telling what mel bragg might do with it this choroidate detector should lead us right to melbrag i think i see him well he doesn't seem to be hiding let's go talk to him [Music] we better be careful smudge he's tricky greetings my friends what can i do for you we've come for the coradite melbrag hey i want it fair and square it's mine now then we'll buy it from you skeletor will beat any price you name skeletor he can never be allowed to have coradite so come and take it [Music] first the cordite now he-man himself [Music] these bars are pure energy my strength can't budge them so let's see if we can't short-circuit mel bragg's plans there that seems to have hit the spot now let's find mel bragg ah that must be skeletor's man now [Music] you are melbourne yes who are you i am called spike or greatest or evil warriors servant to skeletor you have brought me corydia it's here and i have something else skeletor might wish to buy namely he-man amen you think spike is a fool a puny man like you could ever capture a he-man well he did try he man time for you to be going spy core [Music] mill brags escaping he won't get far come on [Music] we're ready to go chief out of my way he-man's coming here this ray is our only hope surrender mel bragg it's all over i wouldn't bet on that he-man it's weakening me i can hardly stand i used some of the chordite i got from that silly widget to power this ray even you can't stand up to it i'll save you let me go let me go and who's gonna save you shrimp hey you caused me a lot of trouble here man but that's over soon you'll be in the hands of skeletor and i will be a rich man now brad you're a really bad person i am aren't i i must contact skeletor and tell him what's happened watch he-man in that widget uh chief suppose he-man strength returns well just give him another blast of the court outrage all right you two sit down don't try anything funny it's no use i'm i'm still too weak from the choroid ray oh this is all my fault giving mill brag cora was the stupidest thing i've ever done by the way smudge where did you get the coradite from from the bin in the reactor room you know the one the king will use to start up the reactor but i i checked that bin none of the coradite was missing i took some coronite from the vine and put it in the bin to cover up the mine oh no what's wrong boy that coradite was unstable when the king dumps that bin in the reactor it could cause an explosion a very big one oh no we we've got to do something i i've got an idea do you think you can keep the guards busy for a few minutes leave it to me hey what are you two whispering about oh we were just saying how slow and foolish you two are why you little hey come back here [Music] gotcha oh no you don't [Music] come down from there i like it up here but i'll send you down something to snack on [Music] [Applause] [Music] keep shaking we almost got it [Music] excuse me but i believe these belong to you and thanks oh no hey why'd you yeah [Music] jump smudge be right there you've got your strengths back yes thanks to you bellbreck melbrack he-man's loops [Music] bundlers fools now i'll have to use the chordite ray on him again [Music] he man mel frank's going for the rain i've had enough of that thing [Music] now where do we do chief what any evil genius would do run for it he's getting away again we'll have to deal with him later right now we've got to get back and stop the king from loading the reactor i don't believe that son of mine he knows how important this ceremony is well i'm sure he'll be here smudge is missing too i wonder if anything is wrong well we can't keep everyone waiting we'll just have to start without adam [Music] citizens of eternia we have long awaited this great day thanks to the scientific genius of man at arms and the hard work of the widgets this new corodite reactor will provide power for many years to come and now it gives me great pleasure to throw the switch that will start the reactor everything ready duncan yes i am well here we go [Music] the reactor has been loaded and everything seems to be going smoothly [Music] and he's sure in a hurry [Music] i hope we're in time amen is something wrong your majesty you must not switch on the reactor too late man don't you hear it the reactor's already on what's this all about the reactor seems to be working just [Music] oh there's only one chance man at arms clear everyone off the reactor [Music] three [Music] [Music] what's he-man trying to do i don't believe it but he's lifting the whole reactor this is going to take everything i've got [Music] by the ancients he-man has sent the entire reactor into space terrific [Music] blast that he-man he ruined my whole deal but at least we got away safely uh you wouldn't want to bet on that would you melt rack to the escape pod quickly [Music] wow i wonder what happened to bill bragg oh i'm sure he's floating around somewhere [Music] hey wake up [Music] hello everyone did i miss anything exciting not a thing cringer no not a thing [Music] you know a big part of growing up is learning to respect other people's property when smudge lost all his money gambling he gambled with someone else's property and that's when things went from bad to worse if you want to use something that belongs to someone else ask their permission well if you don't you may get more than you bargained for right arco right you are [Music] how nice of you to respond so quickly to my call it's hard to say no to one of your invitations skeletor he was real happy to come here let's get this straight i didn't come because that walking can opener made me i came because i heard that you had a plan to defeat e-man such plans i find very interesting i want to see that do good uh defeated just as much as you do well then i have just the plan for you prep job oh yeah yes master trap jaw the general and i have important business to discuss oh yes master it has nothing to do with you oh yes master trap jaw right here master get out of here right master right [Music] not too bright is he as you can see general when i require intelligent assistance i have to look somewhere besides snake mountain that's why i called on you you mean for my brains that and because you are heartless when i said heartless i meant just that as you are a goblin i understand you do not have a heart that's true we don't need them then you do not have a heart beat right of course not but i don't understand why do you ask these questions i thought you had a plan to defeat he-man i do but this time we're not going to defeat e-man we're not no this time he-man is going to defeat himself [Music] [Applause] it doesn't look good your majesty sensors report that skeletor is building a huge structure on the other side of the planet exactly where is this structure whatever it is located on the crystal sea your majesty near the small village of zack i've been there before a charming peaceful little place skeletor is forcing all the villagers to work for him well we'll have to put a stop to that still the situation worries me it's not like skeletor to be so obvious in his actions it's as though he wants us to investigate but what reason could he have for that uh i i don't know duncan why don't you fly out to zack and take a look for yourself right away your majesty [Music] ah i've never seen anything like it what do you suppose it is a dimensional gate but it's so huge what's skeletor up to now that right side doesn't seem safe to me the supports are weak this looks like trouble i'd better change by the power of gray skull [Music] [Applause] [Music] excellent excellent that right-hand side is booby-trapped beautifully the slightest push will cause it to collapse are you ready tataran let me test the force field is it working give it a try excellent turn it off for a minute now to change you into your disguise how do i look perfect perfect get ready now here comes he-man skeletor why are you forcing honest men and women to do your dirty work you should be ashamed of yourself honest men do an honest day's work or i destroy their village why you your structure is not safe someone may be injured that's your opinion tin hat now go away i have things to do well if you want my opinion this thing is almost as silly looking as skeletor himself well who asked you you little vermin that was a big mistake skeletor not as big as the mistake you're about to make he-man two one two two [Music] that's what you think skeletor if i can't go around i'll come through no [Music] oh no there was someone in there what a mess i guess skeletor help us and there's someone under here oh no [Music] stand aside [Music] all right done my plan is working perfectly now i must make my change [Music] there is no heartbeat he's dead he was my brother you killed him he man you killed him [Music] we had to go after him he needs to be alone for a while we better go back to the palace and report you go he-man needs me [Music] it was an accident he-man an accident you can't blame yourself the thing wasn't safe it fell apart it doesn't matter arko the point is i acted without thinking and a man died but but he man orco when i first became he-man i swore to uphold that which was right and to protect the innocent accident or not today i broke that promise i'll be fine orca now run along there's something i have to do i hope you'll be okay oh my gosh i better hurry back or man in arms will take off without me [Music] everyone's gone catherine you can get up now he-man was completely full i'll say he really believes i'm dead here yes i doubt if he-man will give us any more trouble now we can rebuild that gate and this time for real a trick it was all a trick what a spy i'll take care of him hey let me ask you evil creep [Music] today i broke a promise and proved myself unworthy the great power that was given me and if i am unworthy i can no longer permit myself to be he-man let the power [Music] return [Music] i brought the wind raider adam let's go home [Applause] better make yourself comfortable you worthless wizard because you're going to be here for a very long time [Laughter] door now closed with me inside open now and open wide fully orco this prison has been magic proof none of your pitiful little spells will work on it now if you will excuse me the general and i have plans to make for the conquest of eternia [Applause] what is it now duncan skeletor again i'm afraid so your majesty this time however he's not bothering to hide behind a force field he has rebuilt the dimensional gate that he-man had the uh the accident with your majesty the gate is a very large one big enough to bring an army through you mean the goblins i'm afraid so your majesty if that gate is completed eternia is doomed we must destroy that gate that won't be easy sir skeletor has it heavily guarded then we must call once again upon eternia's champion the mighty he-man oh no uh no i'm i'm afraid that he-man is is no longer available your majesty uh i see i'm sorry to hear that i gather he's still upset over the accident you told me about however there is no time for questions we must act and act quickly duncan if the full strength of the royal god were to attack that gate skeletor has placed a large number of ray cannons around the dimensional gate the guard can't get close enough without risking many many lives then what choice do we have there is one slim chance your majesty a single soldier might be able to sneak past skeletor's guards on foot the soldier would be carrying this a mesotronic bomb exactly if the soldier could get close enough this bomb would disintegrate the entire dimensional gate there is no time to lose i am going goodbye your majesty adam but but no taylor no goodbye father i i love you [Music] [Applause] duncan what are her chances not good at him not good at all but she's the only hope we have now [Music] wall of hiding solid stone please open up let me go home i guess skeletor was right i can't use my magic on this self i have to tell me man that skeletor tricked him wait a minute maybe i can't use my magic on this place but i can still use it on me myself i knew i think of something taylor's gone off on a dangerous mission and only he-man could save her now but no i can never become he-man again i misused the power and a man died no ever again never again adam adam marco of course it's me oh sorry adam what are you doing you have to become he-man i've given up being he-man orco after what happened in the village it was a trick a dirty rotten trick the villager and his brother were cataran and skeletor in disguise what orco are you sure yes i am adam you uh he man didn't hurt anyone it was all a trick oh no oh this is terrible terrible i thought you'd be happy to hear this i am but you don't understand because he-man wasn't around tila just went off on a dangerous mission well let's go get her pull the old magic sword and that's the problem orco i don't have the sword i threw it into the bottomless abyss [Music] oh sorry i mean what are you gonna do now there's only one thing i can do what's that get it back [Music] [Music] the winds they're tremendous i can't i can't control [Music] [Applause] [Music] a goblin ship the gate must be working that makes sense that's where all these goblins came from skeletor must be up there right next to the gate maybe i can get these goblins to take me there at least i hope so because here goes nothing [Music] that's right boys take me to skeletor and the gate [Music] i don't know if this is really bottomless but it sure does go down a long way [Music] i'm stuck i can't get away there it is there's my [Music] there i got sword by the power of grace [Applause] [Music] there that should hold you long enough for me to get out of here now for skeletor and his dimensional gate and tila [Music] well well well what have we here a spy mighty skeletor we found a sneaking around at camp so we brought in you excellent you may release her well captain tila this is a surprise have you come to surrender to the forces of skeletor no skeletor i came to bring you this a mesotronic bomb that's right and you have five minutes to get you and your evil cohorts out of here before i push the button you wouldn't dare and no magic evil face or i press the button now she means it come on men let's get out of here no you can't come back here you have four minutes left skeletor i don't need four minutes to defeat you and now my dear captain once and for all well looks like i got here just in time i'd have thought that my little trick would have made you go away permanently but no matter i'll take care of you now what's that the mesotronic bomb your ray must have damaged the timer it's going to go off it should be quite a blast i'll leave you two to enjoy the fireworks what are we going to do only one thing we can do run for it [Music] shhh [Music] no sign of the goblins with the gate gun they must have returned to their own dimension right tila tayla tayla [Music] oh no tila oh tila oh i must bump my head tila you're all right why are you mad i didn't know you cared i was worried i'm fine let's go home um amen yes tila you can put me down now if you don't feel up to walking i can carry you back it's no trouble you know he-man i'm fine trust me i trust you but to be on the safe side maybe i should carry you part of the way what good will carrying me part of the way do i don't know i just thought [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Masters of the Universe: He-Man & She-Ra
Views: 473,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: He Man, Animation, Greyskull, heman, cartoon, he-man, retro, retro cartoons, masters of the universe, he man theme, cartoons for kids, he man full episodes, he man, Heman, He-man, He man full episodes, he man english episodes, he man heyheyheyhey, he man what's going on, cartoons for children, kids cartoons, he man episodes, kids animated movies, She-Ra, he man film, he man full movie, he man full episodes in english, he man masters of the universe 1987 full movie
Id: 7UqGP8i8bcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 24sec (3564 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2017
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