He-Man Official | He-Man Spring Compilation | Full HD Episodes | Cartoons for Kids

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[Applause] and the masters of the universe i am adam prince of eternia and defender of the secrets of castle gracegum this is cringer my fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day i held aloft my magic sword and said by the power of grayskull [Music] [Applause] [Music] cringer became the mighty battle cat and i became he-man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the sorceress together we defend castle grey skull from the evil forces of skeletor [Music] we came as quickly as we could duncan what's this all about but i have news wonderful exciting news you're aware of the space probe that we launched last year to explore the solar system well i'm afraid we've succeeded far beyond our wildest imaginings what is it duncan i have made contact with an alien being come with me your majesty may i introduce you to ohm i'm home you are randor ruler of your planet you can speak to home with this your majesty yes i am king randor the leader of my people that is good uh who what are you where do you come from i am old i am of a race much older than yours a race that has long since shed the fragile shell of a physical body we are older than many planets and our origin stretches to a time that would hold no meaning for you we are born in the fiery valley of stars and pass away into the frozen black holes at the end of the universe we travel between the stars of our galaxy i am on a mission examining other intelligent life on my voyage through the galaxy we share [Music] i was traveling through your solar system when i encountered your probe and spoke to one you call man at arms i wish to visit your world my intentions are peaceful my desire is to briefly observe your people it would be my great pleasure to welcome you to our world home home could well prove far more powerful than we eternians and the situation could be dangerous of course duncan there are always great risks in the pursuit of knowledge but there are risks that must be taken uh how soon will you arrive immediately if you like you'll travel quickly at the speed of light i see well perhaps you could travel a little slower and we'll prepare for your visit later this evening as you wish duncan could you give um the coordinates to the palace and prepare a landing site for him certainly your majesty i go to prepare for your visit my new friend [Music] it is congrats skeletor i have raised an army of goblin warriors from the land of myrrh and this army of yours general tataran it is a strong one it is a mighty army it had better be atenia is not easily conquered i've been set back too many times in my efforts to overrun it tell me about this army of yours it is a multi-attack force composed of laser arm airships jet pack paratroopers thunder lizard cavalry robot salt walkers and 500 goblin infantry troops wonderful soon i will imprison king rendor and his royal family and the payment each soldier will receive 10 000 gold pieces half in advance and half on the fall of eternia and you tataran will rule as governor of eternia in my name the fact is made when shall we attack great skeletor tonight is the night of the new moon it will be dark very dark we will fly to eternia and attack tonight [Music] thank you for transforming yourself to he-man adam we have no idea about ohm's reason for visiting us i want to be prepared for anything i had to convince the king it would be a good idea to have he-man on hand look to the skies it's him it's arm he's here [Music] i am all i come in peace we greet you great arm we welcome you to attorney and we are glad you come in peace we have much to learn from each other i see that one of no rank is different who is the little creature i have to be one of the greatest magicians in the land of trial i see how fascinating tell me about this troll [Music] by the grace of eternia google go gone where are you [Music] how sweet it is to see the pitiful villagers scramble from our path like frightened rodents yes we will trim them from their homes they will feed the palace for protection creating great confusion and the ancient ones stored their secrets in the castle grey skull the sorceress is the guardian we're under attack this can only be the work of skeletor you must excuse me great arm i must attend to my people gods gods the ramparts [Music] [Applause] let them in put them in [Music] [Music] you have done well tataran the palace is surrounded it will so many hours general tracker what is that why some new weapon of the pathetic italians it matters not [Music] drive them from the palace my friends but don't harm them the goblin warriors about innocent ponds in skeletal's game [Music] oh [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] our robot walkers will star in the palace [Laughter] [Music] we've got to stop those robots before they reach the palace yes father i know what to do [Music] that's one less robot [Music] nice drawing [Music] you taught me well father looks like we've got company [Music] [Music] i gotta do what i can to help out i sure hope my magic works this time [Music] what do you know my magic worked stop stop do you hear me stop [Music] [Music] this is not good i cannot allow this to take place it is wasteful it is wrong there will be too much needless suffering instead of all this fighting i will select one single warrior from each side the most powerful and representative warrior the winner will decide the conflict and i will decide the fate of the losing side i have spoken [Music] these will be the champions [Music] [Applause] [Music] so even it's just you and me it's not too late to call this off skeletor [Music] very clever you muscle-bound boron perhaps this will amuse you [Music] you're strong here's something even stronger a mystic taste that even you can't break out of you haven't invented the trap yet that can hold me skeletor [Music] very impressive he-man so you like to play games do you he-man here's a little game i call powerball if they touch you it's going to be most unpleasant [Music] you leap like a swamp papa he-man but you can't avoid them forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's next skeletor oh he-man how you vex me [Music] uh [Music] i'm through toying with you he-man [Music] i've fought your snakes before skeletor [Music] you'll have to do better than that and so i shall here's a little trick i've been saving up just for you amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] so my unwitting servant perhaps what you'll need is a little more power [Applause] attack he-man you filthy beast [Applause] dim-witted animal must i give you even more power [Music] stupid creature after him [Music] not beast you fool skeletor stop you're enraging him no i've used up all my power creating this hideous beast [Music] [Applause] [Music] enough [Music] you who are called he-man why did you not allow your enemy to be destroyed even though skeletor is my enemy i couldn't allow him to perish i believe in the sanctity of all life even skeletors even skeletors so be it the decision is made [Music] skeletor take your army and leave bye enough leave now [Music] all memory of tonight's events have been erased from their minds you are a young race but you have proven yourself worthy you have something more powerful than mighty warriors or destructive weapons you have compassion you know that there is something more important than strength it has many names some call it love [Music] you have done well this night my friends and thanks once again to he-man i think we've all learned something this evening perhaps dear husband we've learned nothing less than a better way to live well worked out pretty good but it's too bad arm didn't give me a crack at skeletor i would have given skeletor the fight of his life [Music] oh [Laughter] [Music] what are you up to i'd call that something oh that well it was supposed to be a surprise this had better be good orko oh it's for tila i'm working on a capture beam you fire it and raise reach out to grab and hold a prisoner it's like throwing larry very interesting except that this is explosive and this is very dangerous unless you know how to handle it oh orco you know your magic is not always reliable that's not true oh does it always do what you want it to yes always well not always and you know what kind of trouble that gets you into especially if you keep fooling around with things you've been told to leave alone you are not to touch this do you understand yes sir it was a good idea father yes it was thank you orco the idea was a wonderful gift adam your parents are waiting to see us and i have to check with the palace guard see you later coming marco uh i'll just clean up in here orco do not play with any of the things in that cabinet you don't know how to handle them and they can be dangerous yes sir i know or anything else in here either i mean that yes sir i don't want him playing in there i've changed some of the solutions around in my supplies and they're not all marked well you've warned him so i'm sure he'll be all right what are you doing not to touch that i've decided to do something else i'm gonna make you brave [Music] this and some of this and no more scaredy cat [Music] oh magic red oh magic blue make cringers [Music] [Applause] [Music] the workshop [Music] orco what did you do as if i didn't know i uh well i i used some of the powders in the lab i was only trying to make cringer a little braver like when he's battle cat i hate you i don't know why you're so angry man at arms all i did was i gave you a warning for your own safety and you ignored it listen carefully arco it all goes back to a time before you came here when adam first found cringer in the hills of eternia i had just made a new device and adam had offered to test it here's the new animal caller i made up adam it imitates all the sounds of the animals you're likely to see on your camping trip oh thanks man at arms [Music] i'll see you in a few days [Music] [Applause] [Music] mount teller mid-morning spotted one spine deer a young buck general area of forest glade [Music] well that call works [Music] oh sabre cat [Music] and he looks hungry the only thing a sabre cat is afraid of is amanda core maybe i can scare it off with a mandicore call [Music] thank goodness this works [Music] well look at you fella where's your mother you've been hurt let's see what we can do to fix you up that might make you feel better but you don't look too good fella i think i better take you back to where you can be properly treated he's very badly hurt adam i don't know if i can save him well you have to try he lost his mother somehow he got terribly hurt out there alone if i hadn't come a long way don't worry adam i'll do my best it took quite a while but with my help in adam's love and care the kit gradually got well hey i think you'll be all right i think so too mostly thanks to you [Music] company [Music] what a scaredy cat look at him shake [Music] him alone he's not even a real pet adam he's just a cringer cringer creature i don't care i like him [Music] it's all right you're a great pet but i must admit cringer is a good name for you you're afraid of your own shadow [Music] hello sorceress hello adam hello cringer stop trembling the sorceress is our friend adam do not be impatient with your pet really embarrasses me sometimes in spite of that you will find he will be very important to you in the future you may call him gringer but he is not entirely what he seems to you just now i don't understand you win well i grew up and so did cringer but he never seemed to change he was still afraid of his own shadow and he still stuck to adam like a bird everywhere adam went cringer followed except for when i became he-man to make that change i had to be alone so i always made sure cringer wasn't around when i did but i don't see what that has to do with me not listening to man at arm's warning you will things began to change when an archaeological party discovered something strange in the tikkan jungle we found several strange buildings in the jungle your majesties our initial readings indicate they are over 100 centuries old if that is correct these buildings may be a link to eternia's earliest history we must send out a full archaeological party at once i suggest we appoint man at arms to leave it he is the most skilled person in internet deciphering ancient writings we can start at once your majesty [Music] well let's see i'll need these boots and this and this you'll need this of course no one said anything about cringer coming along but cringer had other ideas [Music] cringer get out of there [Laughter] still can't get rid of that scaredy cat can you adam oh he's hopeless i suppose he'll find some way to follow me no matter what i do is there any way to take him mad at arms well i don't suppose it would do any harm but you'll have to watch him and don't let him get into any trouble don't worry trouble is the last thing cringer looks for i'll take care of him move over cringer i'm flying with you [Music] there's something very strange about the main building man at arms what's that everywhere else in the jungle there's life birds animals insects around that building there's nothing just the vines that grow over it it's eerie here at night these are the writings i made copies of well let's take a look i've never seen anything like them they look a little like ancient pearlite i'll need an exact copy of this to compare to my research cubes they'll be here for hours come on let's look around a little on our own all right look it's some kind of door yeah it's been walled over hmm some of these inscriptions look the same as the first ones they found we should tell father about this [Music] man at arms we found some kind of door further along the wall here it could be important it's getting dark we should get back to camp it can wait until morning after all it's it's waited for centuries there's always so cautious well it's not dark yet we can still take a short look at the door hey i think i found a crack [Music] oh come on cringer it was only a little dust that's been sealed up too long i think that's enough for tonight adam we'd need heavier equipment to get through that door anyway that's the truth let's get back to camp and get some sleep come on cringer [Music] i'd warned adam and tila of possible danger but like you they wouldn't listen gee what happened then pay attention and i'll tell you [Music] hmm definitely some similarities to ancient pearlite they look the same no adam they look almost the same in pellite that symbol stands for evil the other one probably means the same evil i think yes yes i think it could be warning or beware it's right up here not much further [Music] gee adam i thought you said there was only a little crack in the door it was just a small crack yesterday well maybe maybe there was an earthquake i think we would have noticed that ram man anything could have caused that widening in the crack pressure from inside settling of the structure but uh let's see what we can find inside bring up the tools we're going in i don't like this tila we didn't widen the crack like that father knows what he's doing don't worry [Music] [Music] oh no the seals are broken the gauge is loose i must help them [Music] my freeze ray will stop it cold doesn't have any effect get out of here hurry [Music] set for maximum stun our combined it didn't work come on let's get out of here [Music] no you don't [Music] by the power of gray skull [Applause] [Music] easy cringer it's me adam [Music] you may call impringer but he is not entirely what he seems to you just now well you're certainly not a cringer anymore all right big cat let's go [Applause] [Music] your strength can force it back you cannot harm it or defeat it but you can help me lock it up again oh a direct attack will not do it you must be clever he-man use battle cat he's your partner force the gage back to its prison right so it's battle cat is it let's go scatter don't bunch up it'll trap us that way spread out [Music] amen yeah but what's that i don't know but i'm glad it's on our side [Music] [Applause] the creature must be imprisoned in the structure again he-man and battle cat will force it there if they can you must be ready to trap it inside the explosives are in the arms chest we have to set them at the door the beast came from if he-man can get the beast inside we'll slam the door let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's it battle cat that case explosive powers that pack make sure the fuses and charges are all there now battlecap this way that's right confuse him [Music] my turn [Music] tila put another pod up there over the opening when we blow this up i want that whole top slab to come down yes father [Music] back down here if it sees you we won't have much time now run for that door [Music] they could be trapped in there give them some time to get out i can't wait very much longer come on he-man where are they i can't let it get out again i have to lock it in and he-man too [Music] are you all right just a few scratches thanks to my new friend here where did he come from you'd be surprised no you'd really be surprised [Music] so you see orko if adam and tila had listened to my warning the gadge would never have gotten loose and i would never have but the battle cat i'm glad you did old buddy without battle cat he-man would be a lonely fella oh gosh i guess i'm stuck with [Music] in today's adventure orco was warned not to play with certain bottles well orco didn't listen and he nearly caused a lot of trouble there may be containers like this one in your home this symbol is a warning of poison say that looks like skeletor and just like skeletor it's bad news it can make you very sick so if you see this picture on a bottle or box it means i'm dangerous don't touch me be a safe person not a sorry one [Music] how nice of you to respond so quickly to my call it's hard to say no to one of your invitations he was real happy to come here let's get this straight i didn't come because that walking can opener made me i came because i heard that you had a plan to defeat he-man such plans i find very interesting i want to see that do quarter defeated just as much as you do well then i have just the plan for you prep the general and i have important business to discuss oh yes master it has nothing to do with you oh yes master trap jaw right here master get out of here right master right [Music] not too bright is he as you can see general when i require intelligent assistance i have to look somewhere besides snake mountain that's why i called on you you mean for my brains that and because you are heartless when i said heartless i meant just that as you are a goblin i understand you do not have a heart that's true we don't need them then you do not have a heart beat right of course not but i don't understand why do you ask these questions i thought you had a plan to defeat he-man i do but this time we're not going to defeat he-man we're not no this time he-man is going to defeat himself [Music] [Applause] it doesn't look good your majesty sensors report that skeletor is building a huge structure on the other side of the planet exactly where is this structure whatever it is located on the crystal sea your majesty near the small village of zack i've been there before a charming peaceful little place skeletor is forcing all the villagers to work for him well we'll have to put a stop to that still the situation worries me it's not like skeletor to be so obvious in his actions it's as though he wants us to investigate but what reason could he have for that uh i i don't know duncan why don't you fly out to zach and take a look for yourself right away your majesty [Music] a dimensional gate but it's so huge what's skeletor up to now that right side doesn't seem safe to me the supports are weak this looks like trouble i'd better change by the power of [Music] [Applause] that right-hand side is will be trapped beautifully the slightest push will cause it to collapse are you ready tataran let me test the force field is it working give it a try it turn it off for a minute now to change you into your disguise how do i look perfect perfect get ready now here comes he-man skeletor why are you forcing honest men and women to do your dirty work you should be ashamed of yourself honest men do an honest day's work or i destroy their village why you your structure is not safe someone may be injured that's your opinion tin hat now go away i have things to do well if you want my opinion this thing is almost as silly looking as skeletor himself well who asked you you little vermin that was a big mistake skeletor not as big as the mistake you're about to make he-man [Music] that's what you think skeletor if i can't go around i'll come through no [Music] no what a mess i guess skeletor [Music] oh no [Music] stand aside [Music] my plan is working perfectly now i must make my change [Music] there is no heartbeat he's dead he was my brother you killed him he man you killed him [Music] we have to go after him he needs to be alone for a while we better go back to the palace and report you go he-man needs me [Music] it was an accident he-man an accident you can't blame yourself the thing wasn't safe it fell apart it doesn't matter arco the point is i acted without thinking and a man died [Music] orco when i first became he-man i swore to uphold that which was right and to protect the innocent accident or not today i broke that promise i'll be fine now run along there's something i have to do i hope you'll be okay oh my gosh i'd better hurry back or man in arms will take off without me everyone's gone catherine you can get up now he-man was completely fooled i'll say he really believes i'm dead here yes i doubt if he-man will give us any more trouble now we can rebuild that gate and this time for real a trick it was all a trick what a spy i'll take care of him hey let me out you evil creeps today i broke a promise and proved myself unworthy the great power that was given me and if i am unworthy i can no longer permit myself to be he-man let the power return [Music] i brought the wind raider adam let's go home [Applause] better make yourself comfortable you worthless wizard because you're going to be here for a very long time [Laughter] this prison has been magic proof none of your pitiful little spells will work on it now if you will excuse me the general and i have plans to make for the conquest of eternia [Applause] what is it now duncan skelotor again i'm afraid so your majesty this time however he's not bothering to hide behind a force field he has rebuilt the dimensional gate that he-man had the uh the accident with your majesty the gate is a very large one big enough to bring an army through you mean the goblins i'm afraid so your majesty if that gate is completed eternia is doomed we must destroy that gate that won't be easy sir skeletor has it heavily guarded then we must call once again upon eternia's champion the mighty he-man oh no uh no i'm i'm afraid that he-man is is uh no longer available your majesty uh i see i'm sorry to hear that i gather he's still upset over the accident you told me about however there is no time for questions we must act and act quickly duncan if the full strength of the royal guard were to attack that gate skeletor has placed a large number of ray cannons around the dimensional gate the guard can't get close enough without risking many many lives then what choice do we have there is one slim chance your majesty a single soldier might be able to sneak past skeletor's guards on foot the soldier would be carrying this a mesotronic bomb exactly if the soldier could get close enough this bomb would disintegrate the entire dimensional gate there is no time to lose i am going goodbye your majesty adam but but no taylor no goodbye father i love you [Applause] duncan what are her chances not good at not good at all but she's the only hope we have now [Music] can't use my magic on this self i have to tell me man that skeletor tricked him wait a minute maybe i can't use my magic on this place but i can still use it on me myself [Music] on a dangerous mission and only he-man could save her now but no i can never become he-man again i misused the power and a man died no ever again never again adam adam marco of course it's me oh sorry adam what are you doing you have to become he-man i've given up being he-man orco after what happened in the village it was a trick a dirty rotten trick the villager and his brother were tataran and skeletor in disguise what orco are you sure yes i am adam you uh he man didn't hurt anyone it was all the trick oh no oh this is terrible terrible i thought you'd be happy to hear this i am but you don't understand because he-man wasn't around tila just went off on a dangerous mission well let's go get her pull the old magic sword in that's the problem orco i don't have the sword i threw it into the bottomless abyss [Music] what are you going to do now there's only one thing i can do what's that get it back [Music] ah the winds they're tremendous i can't i can't control [Music] [Applause] [Music] a goblin ship the gate must be working that makes sense that's where all these goblins came from skeletor must be up there right next to the gate maybe i can get these goblins to take me there at least i hope so because here goes nothing [Music] hey who is it what shall we do with her skeletor that's right boys take me to skeletor and the gate [Music] i don't know if this is really bottomless but it sure does go down a long way [Music] i'm stuck i can't get away there it is there's my sword [Music] by the power of grace god [Applause] [Music] there that should hold you long enough for me to get out of here now for skeletor and his dimensional gate and tila [Music] well well well what have we here a spy mighty skeletor we found her sneaking around at camp so we brought her you excellent you may release her well captain tila this is a surprise have you come to surrender to the forces of skeletor no skeletor i came to bring you this a mesotronic bomb that's right and you have five minutes to get you and your evil cohorts out of here before i push the button you wouldn't dare and no magic evil face or i press the button now she means it come on men let's get out of here no you can't come back here you have four minutes left skeletor i don't need four minutes to defeat you and now my dear captain once and for all well looks like i got here just in time i'd have thought that my little trick would have made you go away permanently but no matter i'll take care of you now what's that the mesotronic bomb your ray must have damaged the timer it's going to go off it should be quite a blast i'll leave you two to enjoy the fireworks [Music] what are we going to do only one thing we can do run for it [Music] [Music] no sign of the goblins with the gate gun they must have returned to their own dimension right tila taylor taylor [Music] oh no tila oh tila oh i must bump my head taylor you're all right why are you mad i didn't know you cared i was worried i'm fine let's go home um amen yes tila you can put me down now if you don't feel up to walking i could carry you back it's no trouble you know he-man i'm fine trust me i trust you but to be on the safe side maybe i should carry you part of the way what good will carrying me part of the way do i don't know i just thought [Music] well met at arms hasn't come out of his laboratory for days working on his new invention must be something really special just can't stand the suspense huh of course i can doesn't bother me at all i'm glad to hear it arco [Music] arms is it finished [Music] see for yourself wow it's a horse his name is stridor he has terrific strength and a computer system that can detect trouble quickly the perfect companion for he-man i don't understand strider is only supposed to do that to warn us of some danger but there's no danger here [Music] it's heading straight for the palace we've got to stop it quick everyone scatter [Music] by the power of grey skull [Music] [Music] here they come let's see falling rocks so hard and hot turn into uh they're turned into a [Music] hey how about that i'm a [Music] what was all that about i don't know i've never seen anything like it before i have you must come to castle grayskull immediately i will explain then all right one more thing what i will tell you must remain absolutely secret so you must come alone the sorceress says i must come alone but hmm a robot like stridor might come in handy well then take him he-man with my best wishes and good luck thank you for coming amen the one responsible for the wheel of fire was called morgoth the terrible was he a sorcerer yes once a very long time ago he sought to rule eternium and the universe itself he sought more power than any mortal should he became a giant immortal with terrible powers [Music] just in time the ancients cast him into a prison zone a dimension from which there would so what's our first step we must journey to dark mountain for that i must call up the crystal of alana which will allow me to use my powers and maintain my true form outside castle grayskull [Music] and now we must go to prepare for the coming of mogoth not much left how long will we have to wait until dawn we must keep watch tonight just in case but morgoth is set in his ways he will come at dawn the last time we fought i was still new to the secrets of grayskull still learning this time he will find me a more experienced adversary you mean you weren't always the sorceress no amen here let me show you perhaps it will help us to pass the time more quickly [Music] my name then was tila na our village of noella was quiet peaceful but it would not remain that way long for we did not know that morgoth had broken through in secret determined to conquer eternia but this time he would have helped he betrayed our planet to an invading army then terrorizing hundreds of worlds [Music] commence firing in less than an hour we were all taken prisoner to await whatever the advance force might decide to do with us and eternia i say we notify the rest of the fleet now in vain now in force do you now i must remind you that i summon this scouting party and what i say go what are you doing in there trust me you don't want to know any more bright ideas good now perhaps we can discuss this more reasonably listen to those three this is how they treat their own kind we're lost no there is a way there is the castle huh is that the best you can do tell me of the castle well no one has been inside but it is said that when the evil times come and a fighter for good is needed the castle of grayskull will open its great drawbridge well i suspect the evil times have arrived so where can i find this castle you speak of how did it go in barren places find ye hope where no water springs no plant grows no wind blows find all you need sounds like the wasteland that night with the old man's help i escaped from our captors [Music] hey the prisoners escape me [Music] quick we've got to go after her no you fool if we do the rest will escape too let the wasteland have her we can find out where she went from the others besides she is one woman alone she can do nothing to harm us and that was their greatest mistake though by morning i might have believed them help us someone my village someone you who seek help enter but know you this if you enter the walls of gospel free school you may never again be the same as you are now hello is is anyone here i am here [Music] i am kodak the sorceress keeper of the secrets of castle grayskull and i have been watching you for some time now what has brought you here at lust my village is under attack by invaders if they are not stopped all of attorney may fall to them i offer you a bargain i will give you all the power you need to help yourself and your people [Music] i accept wait not so fast you have not yet heard the rest of the bargain i have been keeper of castle grace girl for a long time my time here is nearly through but i cannot leave without first finding someone to take my place i offer that position to you it will not be an easy task dilena you will fight many battles see great sadness and great joy as keeper of castle grayskull you must fight a constant war against evil and comfort those in need and you will never be mortal again finally you must preserve and protect to the souls of power until the day comes when they may be claimed i know your heart i know that you are worthy but the decision is yours i accept it then by the power of grayskull let it be done enter if the castle accepts you you will emerge changed [Music] how do i turn back what do i do concentrate think change that's it i'm i'm different as i told you from this day on you shall ever be the sorceress [Applause] for the last time old man where is the girl we know you helped her escape now tell us where is she no you you vouchers do what you want to me but i will not lift a finger to help you very well then perhaps you need some encouragement let's give the old pool an example of what we have in mind that falcon a good place to start show him what we can do yes captain [Music] hey that's not supposed to [Music] happen invaders i am ordering you off the free planet eternia you have no place here we'll see how bravely you talk when our troops arrive in force [Music] the communicator has been destroyed then we'll make our report in person you've got to stop them hurry don't worry they're not going anywhere at least not where they think they're going [Music] but turn around too late where did they go far away by the time they find their way home and report we'll be ready for them but are you ready for me you are no match for my magic perhaps not but you have to be here to use it no no time to think back back to your prison zone back [Music] you you did it thank you no we did it thanks to you and your stories now i must go goodbye and good luck when i returned to the castle kodak uncle was gone and that is how i came to be the sorceress of castle grayscore and it was a lucky day for us all sorceress we've needed you more than i can ever tell you and i think we're about to need you again [Music] [Music] destroy it and he cannot come through then let's do it not this time sorceress how about a little lightning to keep you busy here let me no amen i'll be all right the gym destroy the gem force field i can't get through fools did you really think you could stop morgoth no living creature can pass the barrier i have put around the gem no one [Music] get through what what are you doing impossible no living thing can penetrate that barrier but strider is not alive he's a robot [Music] [Music] a little further strider come on you can do it [Music] [Music] that's it morgoth everything has its fracture point and i've just reached mine [Music] and you've just reached yours oh you can't i was so close [Music] and don't come back [Music] [Applause] amen are you all right i'm a little weak but i'm all right what about stridor we have to get him back to the laboratory men at arms can fix him up if we get there in time but how i can fly back myself but stridor carried me here it's only fair that i return the favor can you manage him all the way back to the palace shouldn't you rest first no time and after what strider just did i'd carry him to the other side of the planet if i had to [Music] well duncan will strider be all right i think he'll be just fine now am i glad to hear that we've been through quite a lot the two of us i wonder what he thinks of it all one way to find out this new electro thought monitor i've developed should show us exactly what's on stridor's mind open fields streams forests hills what does it mean free free free what does a machine know about freedom i believe he is more than a machine now man at arms he may have been a robot when he went against walk off but he is a living creature now then he must be set free it's wrong to keep anything that longs to walk free besides i have a hunch that if we ever need him again he'll be there [Music] now i too must be going he-man the crystal that allows me to maintain my form outside castle greyscalp is wearing off before you go sorceress i want to thank you for all that you've done not just today but for all of those years you patiently waited protecting castle grayskull it has been the highest honor he-man and it has been and always will be a joy for me to call you my friend [Music] she's a very special person he-man yes duncan she is she's very special indeed today we learned about the importance of taking the responsibility to care about our fellow man if you have a friend who needs help who's having a difficult time do whatever you can to help them out because as you saw in today's episode no matter how big the problem one person or one living creature can make a big difference see you next time i sure hope this won't take long to fix it's hot out here i could use my magic no orko that won't be necessary it's just a loose belt and we're almost finished okay [Music] but what's it could have been a magician if no one ever wants you to use your magic a magician did i hear someone say he's a magician yeah me but who are you permit me to introduce myself i am carthos and i too as a magician until even lynn's wicked spell changed me into this but if you're a magician maybe you can help change me back orca what's going on well i finally found someone who really appreciates good magic [Music] at last i'm free tila look isn't that the evil wizard catholics with orko you're right let's go thank you arco your magic is excellent but i wonder if mine still works only one way to find out puerto look out the most excellent suggestion little one well well it looks like i do still have the tuck a bitty that miserable witch evil in isn't here so i could deal with her as well you know that's not a bad idea [Music] this is carpools katos i thought i turned him into a sand slug that's exactly why i call gelato i would like to propose a deal you give me evil in and i will give you four i repeat four and their enemies are trained skeletor you're not going to listen to him are you my dear how could i trade my trusted right hand of evil for them then what would you say if i threw in he-man as well at snake mountain we don't listen to fools we may be able to turn this to our advantage when you've got he-man we'll talk we shall talk indeed skeletor i know these ones are protected by he-man if they're in danger he will come immediately my magic will overcome he-man's strength and then evil in will be mine [Applause] what are we doing out here it must have been kathos's magic well then use yours and get us back to dry land ocean ocean change your motion to see no more back to shore sorry guys i guess kathleen's magic is just too strong don't worry i'll swim and get help adam it's too far [Applause] well i think i've gone far enough tila won't suspect still no sign of he-man maybe a giant wave will speed him up still no sign of help in that case maybe we should just wave goodbye oh no a tidal wave there's no time to lose by the power of grey skull [Music] now get ready for the thrill of your lives i knew it he-man will soon be in my grasp [Music] is it over yet sure is old cat cavos i don't know what you're up to but you better cut it out or i'll turn you back into a sand slug admirable courage little one but i don't think you'll have the chance [Applause] and now for my prize catch what's happening i'm oh i'm getting weak and i'm about to get my revenge on evil in i knew you were too strong for my freeze magic but this helmet will keep you weak as a baby until skeletor arrives where's skeletor i have he-man and you know my price i will give him to you in exchange quiet you fool before i turn you back into the slug you are forgive evil in bad manners tacos you have done well we'll be there to make the exchange what are you talking about i'm down we must play along with his little game if we are to get he-man as always but skeletor what is this it's all part of the game evil all part of the game trust me [Music] excellent and so it is time to summon my own floating palace for its latest guest [Music] our palace flies again the master must be returning [Music] skeletor approaches is carrying things too far i'm sorry evil but capturing he-man is more important than the personal comfort of those who serve me you you're selling me out of this swag flattery will get you nowhere my dear now come along to capture he-man i'd sell out anyone [Music] thank you for everything skeletor and i do mean everything when we're enemies but we're also each other's only hope use your magic to free me and my friends and i promise i'll rescue you from catholics nice try he-man but from now on you're mine amen's right he may be my enemy but at least he will keep his word [Music] nice work evil it's great to be back in action because now i can run and hide wait you've got to help me with the man sorry skeletor but he's your problem now so take him with my compliments [Music] don't worry evil lim i'll be back he-man look out you won't escape me now [Music] [Music] hey you too i've got a present for you oh no you don't [Music] hey what's going on i'm too weak to move this boulder [Music] [Applause] okay you little magician now you're really going to get it [Music] all right tila go for it sure [Music] it's just a little something i picked up in warrior training school wow it looks like he-man's picking up a big something as well skeletor your road time got stuck in the sand so i'm giving it back to you [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] cringer where have you been i thought i'd only get in the way it is over isn't it no we still have to rescue evil limb what i gave her my word you're right carlos probably dreamed up a horrible revenge for getting turned into a giant slug but how are we i mean how are you gonna get up to that floating palace well there's always a portable sky sled or two stored in the attack track [Music] with the extra altitude this cliff gives us we should be able to make it but battle cat couldn't fly a sky sled [Music] you're right fringer we'll meet you back at the palace a one on the ground that is a relief well good luck everyone thanks old pal we're gonna need it [Music] if you try to rescue evil in you will be a sorry man a very sorry man [Music] there it is catholics fooling palace we're almost there and that's as close as you're going to get [Music] i never thought i'd be saying this but i hope he-man proves you wrong once he frees me kathos i hate to disappoint you evil but he man's rescue mission has just been cancelled due to stormy weather hey where did this come from it's not like any normal storm i've ever seen yikes just sorted out [Music] guys [Music] phew why are we late to be able to float again that thunderstorm was a doozy why thank you arco and if you like my storm you'll love my palace [Music] we should have known it wasn't gonna get any easier i think i like the storm better things are looking up to me [Music] let's go [Music] but there's nowhere to go too then we'll just have to make a way [Music] oh boy we're safe but where are we going to find evil in i'm afraid you won't i've waited too long for my revenge to let you spoil it now taylor you and orca look for evil in while i keep catholes busy you'll have to catch me first that is unless i catch you [Music] oh dear look in well it's about time get me out of here hey what's going on well so much for surprise get them okay my magic powers did you do your stuff i said powers not flowers [Music] [Applause] who cares as long as it worked exactly and if this force field didn't block my own magic i'd have gotten rid of the fools now if you don't mind the keys over there you really think we should lynn kept her part of the bargain by freeing e-man guess now we've got to keep ours all right but i wish he-man were here you disappoint me he-man you were so easy to stop and after i've heard so much about your great strength [Music] i could say the same about your wisdom catas a great wizard but you aren't smart enough to realize that revenge is a game that no one wins you're wrong amen my revenge over evil in is going to be a complete triumph but come join me maybe you can change my mind hey [Applause] oh dear i really must have that floor fixed i think i know where i'm going but i wish i were wrong [Music] the fourth screen is deactivated now he-man's promise has been kept and if i were you i'd leave this floating palace at once never catholics wanted his revenge now i want mine when i'm done with him catholics will wish he were a sand slug again you two have served your purpose out of my way doesn't look like this gate's gonna hold much longer but with a little luck it won't have to [Music] glad that's over now to find evil lynn take that you miserable worm and nuts stop stop and i think i found her stop i'm just getting warmed up just remember you did turn me into a sand slug i had good reason to want revenge and you kept me cooped up in a cage like somebody's pet flugel mouse so now it's my turn we freed evil in just like you said but she doesn't seem very grateful grateful you may have saved kathos but you won't save the floating palace [Music] oh no she's heading for the control room of the palace [Music] now god those floating fellas will be totally out of control [Music] who knows maybe revenge isn't such a great idea after all she did it he man she did it actually wrecked the control system of my palace we are doomed i'll tell you what catholics i'll save your palace if you swear off evil forget about revenge forever forever i promise it's a deal you'd better hurry or it's going to be too late [Music] jack what have you done with our sky sleds come come out take you to them [Music] brace yourselves everyone [Music] he did it he saved my palace well of course he did we're talking about my buddy [Music] the controls of my palace have been repaired and i must thank you for saving it and me amen you'll thank me best by keeping a promise to use your magic for good instead of evil and forget about revenge no need to worry amen i've learned my lesson revenge is something only a fool could waste time on i am through with it now that makes good sense what's more i've thought of a wonderful way to use my magic for good really what is it oh no not again oops that's not what i had in mind look now that's more like it from now on i'm going to fly over all eternity and anytime a farmer needs rain for his crops catholics instant weather service will be there well the next time marco needs watering we'll be sure to let you know today we learn there's no such thing as getting even even if someone does something to you and you get back at him and he gets back at you and you get back at him and he gets back at you and you get back at him again and he so you see it never stops no one is really getting even at all the best thing to do is talk it over and start fresh now you were going to say something see you next time [Music] i think i see jono's land shuttle coming it'll be nice having children at the palace yes it will well count me out children are too rough now cringer i'm glad jono and chad are going to pay us a visit so you be nice and make them feel welcome i'll try but it won't be easy [Music] welcome hi everybody hop out chad see you later where's he going what about the awards ceremony he'll be there don't worry jono's not gonna miss the ceremony not when he's getting the boy of the year award meanwhile how about a fast tour of the palace all [Music] get right monster away from me [Music] you can come down now cringer i can't you you know i'm afraid of heights [Music] there is nothing to fear dear boy you are in safe hands i'm not scared it's just that you do want the flower do you not oh yes sir please then do as i say you are the leader the other boys and girls will follow you i want to meet them tonight every one of them am i understood yes sir i'll take care of it sir i thought you would and now then your flower thank you now run along to your awards ceremonies i'll be watching you don't forget i'll always be watching you and so my dear subjects none can equal the value of our young italians for they are our most precious gift i don't see my brother don't worry i'm sure jonna will be here any minute i'm gonna look for him [Music] uh there's the place [Music] hey perfect landing i think i'll take a shortcut our young people are the hope for the future of eternia [Music] indeed they are randor indeed they are and with the help of the young people the future of eternia [Music] will soon be mine you gonna do that by making those youngsters so in need of my flowers that they'll do anything i tell them anything oh like they'll be your army exactly then it will be bye-bye randor and i count marzo will be the king of eternia and i get to be like man at arms right one sniff of my eternia flower fool and you'll be man on his face like that prize boy of the year and now on with the ceremonies did you find jono no but i did see his shuttle parked out back [Music] somebody get that boy [Music] sheila look out [Applause] hang on [Music] i'll get something to reach him [Music] by the power of grayskull [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's gonna fall hang on [Music] now he's brought he-man into the picture i'll have to act fast [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what made you pull such an awful stunt i don't understand i was just having fun jono every young person on eternia looks up to you you were chosen boy of the year and you ruined it for yourself and everybody and i just want to know why i don't want to talk about it okay all right jonah if that's the way you feel perhaps you'll want to talk to me later [Music] [Music] hey jono that was some stunt you pulled today wow uh we'll talk about that later morton there's gonna be a meeting at the meadows tonight i want you to be there what's so far away what's the meeting for it's a surprise but you've got to come all right see you there adam i've been looking for you what is it it's jono i'm so worried he's like a different person yeah i know have you ever seen a flower like this i found it in jono's shuttle a black flower no never no orco what's wrong this flower is very dangerous you've seen one like it before yes at home on trauma they call it the black nightmare if you sniff it they can do in what way well it makes some people laugh or cry or see things that aren't there others get sick or try to do the tightest things you mean like climb the side of a high building yeah so that's what made the change in jono but there's no such flower on eternia i try either they were destroyed years ago then where did jono get it i think we'd better find out quickly i'll call my uncle montauk on trella maybe he knows something meanwhile i'm gonna talk to jono i'll go with you but nobody's supposed to go in man at arm's laboratory what were you doing there some other time chad i'm busy [Music] don't leave so soon i insist you stay [Music] well he isn't here adam this is strange chad and burbee are never apart hey here's something stranger [Music] i found out about the flower uncle my dork said count marzo owned a flower farm on trella he developed the black nightmare count marzo i don't know what his game is this time but i bet he's taking jono and chad let's find him [Music] i'm picking up something behind us it's moving in fast drat the wind raider can you go faster oh you left my stomach back at the power [Music] you're getting closer just as i planned it [Music] i've lost them well maybe they've landed let's take a look [Music] now try my magic force field on for size prince adam [Music] marzo's throwing a force field around us [Music] we're trapped [Music] nothing works on this force field how about if i try some magic please don't could you conjure up some food that i can oh it's raw no problem fire fire burns so bright cook up cringes food just right whoops or co please be more careful look the force field is gone orko you did it write that magic spell down for future reference now let's go get count marzo you mean i i i don't get fed is this not a perfect setting for the first meeting of count marzo's young army every young person on eternia will come to meet you here tonight and you're going to introduce them to me and the eternia flower don't do it jono you want me to take him away count hey you leave my brother alone of course of course here young man this is for you it smells wonderful chad don't do that wow hey what's happening i feel like flying whoa you gave him a flower he's just a little kid and he's getting on my nerves he could use a long rest now i feel tired oh so tired chad chad this is all my fault i'm so sorry enough of this sickening slap your friends are arriving take this speaker unit and welcome them sure oh welcome my friends never mind i'll do the talking welcome young citizens of eternia welcome one and all hey this is jono speaking turn back there is danger turn back go home and send help young fool wrong count marzo i was a fool i just got smart we'll see how smart you are call out the wolf bats to keep him company then let's get out of here [Music] enough come on before all of eternia comes looking for me looks like they already have the wind raider come on let's get out of here please please wake up adam tila help tila orco after the count i'll help jono and chad [Music] by the power of gray skull [Music] [Applause] let's get those wolf bats [Music] so [Music] we're going to play a game let's hold tails and form a circle [Music] [Music] if we can get back to the castle [Music] how how is he i think you'll be all right my head hurts or go look it's human you better get both boys to the medical center that's a good idea well i must go now there you are come on let's get the count into the wind raider and get out of here too late they disappeared [Music] wherever they went we'll find them [Music] the person you are seeking lives on the planet eronia it is small but very hazardous there are dangerous animals quicksand we must go there sorcerers i thought that would be the case adam [Music] so i have prepared a dimensional gate for you [Music] i was so close that fool boy but i won't let my beautiful eternia flower go to waste i am not through yet intruder on the south perimeter intruder intruder there it is very inviting well we weren't invited well then let's go home i can't get anything on this screen but if anyone is out there my iron wall will stop them [Music] adam by the power of grayskull [Music] [Applause] bye [Applause] [Music] are you all right yeah thanks to you now let's pay a visit to the count what is that well that isn't the flower man hey man [Applause] intruder in the castle intruder in the castle now you tell me [Music] down for the count and then he-man destroyed all of the black flowers and took count marzo and chamira to a prison planet it was all my fault i'm sorry i thought i was such a big guy but i was just a big fool i was a fool to try the flower and i acted like a fool after i tried it if you learned that jono it was worth all the trouble yes it was but i'm glad it's over we could use a little peace and quiet [Music] [Laughter] [Music] do you know someone who uses drugs the way jono used that flower drugs can be dangerous because of the effect they can have on the mind and body the price one pays for the feeling a drug gives can be a loss of control hurting someone you love or something much worse people often get sick playing with drugs some even die never take drugs from other people even if a close friend says it's all right check with someone who really loves you see you next time [Music] hours of darkness hear me break open the [Music] of destruction has been imprisoned for centuries you promised to find the weak point in the crystal and free him the magic of the elders is too strong only something with their power will free him i know just such a thing skeletor then get it i'm glad you could make it to this celebration of ours he man i wouldn't miss it stratus it's only once a year you take out the staff given to your people by the elders just what does that staff do stratos this [Music] defenses [Music] nice [Music] know how to work a photon cannon tila i'm a fast learner father [Music] got to stop those heat rays [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey man are you all right just must my hair [Music] torque soldiers fall back we have captured this map that will free [Music] delorah i promise you i'll bring stratos back stratos is my brother he-man i'm going with you very well [Music] so tell me king of the birdman how do i use this staff i'll never tell you oh you will you will [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this is malcrum [Music] with him the dogs were invincible so the elders used their magic to imprison him deep in the caves in which the dogs live caves i don't like the sound of that the staff of avion can free malcrum and malcrum has the power to destroy grayskull then we'd better start moving there's something even worse do we really have to know about it once the staff is used for evil it must be used quickly to undo that evil or it will explode and take half of it earlier with it couldn't we be on the other half [Music] the torgs live somewhere in these caves [Music] they're not the only things [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] this way [Music] the tarts [Music] time for a fight greetings skeletor a friend of yours is waiting for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] but all [Music] don't get too rough until we know which one is the real stratos [Music] [Music] okay [Music] we are not your enemies fight the evil spell that's been placed on you [Music] [Music] [Music] no [Music] that's the real stratos my will is returned and yours is gone [Applause] [Music] show me the weak point here it is what [Music] we have some unfinished business skeletor true he-man and now is the time to finish it [Music] say hello to molcrum [Applause] [Music] [Music] now vanquish my enemies [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and that takes care of them now malcrum and i will take care of grayskull god this stuff well vaughn when i get back i plan to learn more of its secrets malcrump [Music] first we'll put this stuff in the vault after that you can come back here and patch that hole in the wall [Music] trapped skeletor certainly got the upper hand this time not for long [Music] maybe there's a quicker way [Music] men at arms i'll need your help at grayskull the rest of you get that staff before it explodes [Music] maybe this will stop him [Music] so [Music] [Music] bridge [Music] is strong but not strong enough [Music] [Music] oh well skeletor it's two against one think so [Music] but not very well after them [Music] not so fast give me that stuff i'll give you this instead higher things ever easy i'll hold them off [Music] [Music] i have a feeling this wasn't a good idea i don't make it unless i drop the battle away [Music] hey [Music] man needs my help [Music] are you hurt i'm all right [Music] he'll use all his power [Music] [Music] we've got to help stratos i think i know how look [Music] get clear [Music] [Music] are you all right fine but there's no time to lose the staff of avion is going to explode get this staff to he-man before it's too late [Music] [Music] keep this up [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen [Music] staff it's going to explode [Applause] [Music] remember [Music] back to your prison [Music] yeah and the staff is back to normal oh that was a close one hey man hell i'm weakly [Applause] skeletal is lowering [Music] [Laughter] [Music] is mine [Music] [Applause] [Music] anytime you like now to begin the festival let's hope there aren't any more interruptions [Applause] [Music] boy the fruit on that tree looks good enough to eat doesn't it that's like a lot of things you might find around your house or in your neighborhood but looks can fool you sometimes things that look or smell good can make you very sick remember never taste or eat anything if you're not sure what it is the best thing to do is ask a grown-up who knows remember it's better to be safe than sorry till next time [Music] hang on tight candle squid don't worry can do i'll save you just haul me in [Music] candy [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm doing my best what about me [Music] [Applause] well it's about time nice work laura squinch if i weren't so little i could have done it all by myself [Music] now what was that squinch are you crazy no i'm not crazy but i'm gonna clear this tree away all by myself the wind must have blown away his brains squinch you're a widget you aren't he-man yeah well uh if i were as big as he-man i'd be a hero too [Music] well until that happens we better send for the real thing hey look the widget signal flare [Music] i guess we won't be going to the palace after all it looks like our little friends need help by the power of gray skull [Music] come on arko let's go [Applause] [Music] hey squinch we came to help you take care of this fallen tree great glad to see you yeah well until that tree gets moved we won't be able to get out our gate [Music] well i'll see what i can do be careful squinch i'll need some room yeah he's doing it he needs really something he sure is huh wow if i were as big as he-man i could do that too i don't even think my magic can help you with that magic hey i wonder [Music] i got it [Music] maybe arco's magic couldn't make me big but i know someone whose magic could [Music] [Applause] and what have we here i call him sneaking for one so little he has a lot of courage or not much sense even i know better than to ask skeletor for favors silence you too now what is it that you want uh well uh would you would you please uh use your magic and make me big and what's in it for me well i i i can give you these it's all i've got but they're yours so not only do you trespass in my domain but you insult me as well beastman take him to the dungeons [Music] skeletor wait the widget could be of use to us [Music] this is a present for he-man perhaps you wouldn't mind giving it to him for me uh you mean you mean i don't have to go to the dungeon of course not skeletor was just making a joke no only he-man must open this and i promise you you'll like what's inside well uh if you promise i really promise i don't know what lies you've heard about me but i've always admired he-man and once you do this for me i'll grant you your wish of course if you prefer the dungeon oh no no no i'm i'm i'm on my way remember it's a surprise so don't tell anyone who it's from it's a deal oh boy [Music] and he-man will be mine [Music] is really gonna be happy to get this i better signal him right away and then evil in will make me as big as he is [Music] there's the signal my plan worked skeletor and he-man will soon be mine [Music] well cringer it looks like the widgets need he-man again [Music] afraid not old pal [Music] you never know what kind of trouble our little friends may have gotten themselves into by the power of grey skull [Music] [Music] amen [Music] what's got into him this afternoon he didn't even want to talk to he-man and now what's up squinch uh well uh it was sort of uh a mistake but uh as long as you're here i've got something for you what is it uh well uh why don't you open it first yes open it man what's going on it's magic and it's not good magic either but evil lynn told me you'd like the surprise evil lynn gave this to you that's right he-man the little fool fell right into my trap nice did you and battle cat and in 30 seconds you will be ours i can't hear what you're saying but i know it's not good [Music] it's the magic we've got to fight them off while we're still awake what have i done you're no match for me he-man as long as i'm awake i am skeletor you shouldn't do that to a living tree amen i just can't stay awake [Music] that'll cut [Music] hey man [Music] thank you little one for your help in making he-man our prisoner [Music] keep your promise to make me big and i'll take on all of you single-handed not a chance little one and now that your protector is gone eternia will soon be mine [Music] the sleep magic will be wearing off soon oh where are we in snake mountain as my prisoners beastman activate the laser cage [Music] hold on let me try quick increase the power to the blunder of your little friend squidge you will remain our prisoners while i pay king randor a visit and relieve him of his crown we've got to get out and stop them i wish you the best of luck he-man because you're going to need it [Music] you gotta do something skeletors got he-man now what's all this it was like we said [Music] oh that made him fall asleep and skeletor took them away and it's it's all my fault what i i wanted to be big so i could be a hero like he-man and evil lynn said she'd help me if i gave he-man a magic box well how could you do that squid all her magic is evil she said he'd like it evil lynn would say anything to get the best of he-man but i'm afraid you were too blinded by your own selfishness to see oh squinch you made a mistake but we still love you i sure did but if i were big i could go rescue hey man oh what's so bad about being small i'm going to rescue he-man just the way i am than i am too taylor you'd better go along to help these little giants well the guards and i get ready for a visit from skeletor here it is the royal palace of eternia yes and though soon it will be mine i discovered the secret entrance to snake mountain long ago it should lead us directly to the dungeons and he-man [Music] oh no welcome little one my magic crystal told me to expect visitors did it also tell you that he-man will soon be free [Laughter] he and his cat are behind that wall even if i weren't here you'd never be able to free him [Music] [Laughter] [Music] they're too strong for us [Music] very true [Music] what should i do with this one you heard what the lady said beastman come on duncan let's get the blast from my freeze ray should keep you both out of my way until i've crowned myself king of eternia that will never happen we're just gonna rescue him and then you'll be sorry [Music] this small one is amusing but now it's time for me to take my rightful throne [Music] hell squinch you wanted me to use my magic on you uh actually i uh i've kind of changed my mind [Music] sorry little one but it's too late for that [Music] it's too small for us to get through but you'll fit and then you can rescue hey-man not a chance squinch you wanted to be big well here's your wish oh no my one chance to save he-man and now i'm too big to do it orco use your magic and make me small sure things [Music] oh boy you did it oh no you [Music] don't man great work squinch now over there the switch turn it off got it [Music] now you'll truly feel my wrath now we've got to help tila and orco [Music] amen i'll simply open a space portal and join skeletor at the royal palace [Music] stop her battle cat come on everyone my magic will lead us right to the palace [Music] it's time for you to bow before your true master never arco where have you let us [Music] to the royal palace just like i said i would anyway it was evil lynn space portal not mine well at least it got us here now let's find skeletor unnecessary he-man because we've already found you [Music] how nice to see you [Music] what do you think great tayla now we're really cooking [Music] i just know you'll want to be part of this flower old boy [Music] because all we need is some water [Music] looking loaf of instant bread ever seen you'll pay for this he-man so you keep telling me skeletor but when are you going to learn that evil never really can win [Music] you really did rescue he-man yeah and it was all because i was little too maybe i'm not the wrong size after all that's right squinch it's not how big your body is that counts but how big you are inside and by those standards you're a real giant [Music] you're not a giant orgo you're just a big clown [Music] in today's story he-man said what is important is what you're like inside it's not really important whether you're big or small or taller shorter fatter skinny in other words what's important is being the best person you can be you know something i bet there are a lot of people out there right now who'd like to be just like you good for you you said [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] they've seen if the man us at the palace we'll draw him out for sure it's try clubs and trap by the power of gray sky [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right but hang on tight [Applause] if we can just get his engine we can force him to land [Music] [Music] you can see everything try claps except what's right in front of you [Music] [Applause] hold it unless you want me to use this freeze ray you'll come quietly [Music] after all this trouble skeletal's plan had better [Music] here's where i give you the hook trap jaw [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here i am hero come and get me here i'll go easy on you amen your sword against my energy hawk whatever you say metal mouth [Music] what is this [Music] i'll go after him he let him go i have what i came for at long last my revenge against he-ran will be complete skeletor i should have known your mistake will cost you dearly old enemy i'm about to redetermine you of your hated presence forever you'll feel nothing he-man but you will no longer be a problem to me by the powers of darkness evil and fear i command he-man's memory to now disappear oh no now prove that skeletor is clever sweep he-man inside you and hold him forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] where did he go to the crossroads of all universes where he is destined to spend the rest of his days wandering an alien world not knowing who he is or where he came from and now skeletor stay right where you are let me take care of them oh no you don't we've done what we came to do let's go [Music] skeletor evil in hey hey what about me [Music] i don't get any smart ideas about biting through the bars because they're electrically charged that takes care of trap jaw and triclops but what about he-man i'm going with orko and the others to speak to the sorceress but frankly skeletor's spell might even be beyond her powers [Music] it is a most difficult problem my friends with all the vast number of worlds that make up the universe finding the one he-man landed on would be virtually impossible there must be something we can do well there is one being i know who observes all that happens in the cosmos only he could point the way to he-man now zodak rider of the cosmic space ways appear for us we need you [Music] my thanks for coming so quickly with the fate of eternia's champion at stake i could do no less oh gee mr zodak sir could you really bring back him in though i observe all that happens in the cosmos orco i cannot use my powers to change things i can however give you this the wand will work with your magic and will guide you i can tell you no more than that you mean we have to depend on oracle's magic oh we're doomed orco cringer and ram man must make the journey you will be needed here man at arms i understand now hurry my friends i sense he-man is in great danger [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] where am i what am i doing with this great don't run away what are you creatures stop what are you doing you must be one of plunder's evil goons well i know how to deal with you monster [Music] i went easy on you this time but if i ever see you harming another schmidt of it but i've never seen those creatures before i i don't even know where i am and i suppose you're not one of plunder's henchthugs hmm no i i i don't know who i am you remind me of someone someone i knew back on now that you mention it you do look like a stranger to these parts why don't you come with me and we'll see if we can figure out where you belong yes [Music] so that whiney do-gooder gleedle has found herself a new friend he's a powerful looking brute whatever he is oh such a creature might be a great use to me me plunder the spoiler [Music] no i'm not going oh come on you big fready cat but i hate going through the time corridor it's he-man's only chance my friends good luck remember little one he-man will not know you when you find him tell him to talk of home and perhaps it will help him remember talk of home i got it i think well i get travel sick when i time travel farewell my friends hey this is fun oh let me out i wanna go home relax crunchy we probably won't need anything more dangerous than a rabbit i hope [Music] this is the only way to fly [Music] i think i'm getting travel sick look guys sodax one is glowing we must be close to heavy hang on wow [Music] i thought we cats always landed on our feet we're here wherever here is hey guys look at that swell back scratches someone lost that's no back scratcher it's he-man's sword can you follow his scent well i have a little coal but i'll give it a try [Music] [Applause] do you live here yes this planet is called tradus my name is gleedle i look after the animals that live here what's left of them anyway what happened once trains was a beautiful green world but that was before plunder took over [Music] he used his evil machines to cut down the forests and spoil the rivers with their homes and water gone the animals had to move on [Music] some of the animals died out completely thanks to plunder's destruction these pictures are all that's left of them this one reminds me of of [Music] blunder's [Music] how did i do that [Music] sleep smooth [Music] still know how to sign a he-man this planet is so dirty i can hardly smell anything we've just gotta find him [Music] no it's a it's a monster i don't think this friendly pooch would hurt anyone in fact maybe you could ask him if he's seen he-man cringer girl oh smile [Music] he says his mistress and he men were taken away by a giant robot [Music] rise and shine time to give up greetings stranger i am plunder the rightful ruler of trainers the rightful destroyer you mean oh since you don't like what i've done to the outside gleedle you'll be happy to know i've got a lovely spot picked out for you in my dungeon you don't have to share gliddles fate stranger how how would you like to help me become the richest man in the universe what do you mean in this container is the life force of this planet using my evil powers i've turned it into a magic liquid which i can sell for millions even billions [Music] [Laughter] you destroy a whole world just for wealth and treasures i do anything for that [Music] he says he-man is inside that frightening place well what are we waiting for let's knock him out of there no ram man we've gotta play it smart sneak up on him and take him by surprise [Music] [Applause] well stranger what is your answer going to be i could use those muscles of yours i may not remember where i came from or even what my name is but i know what you're doing to this world is wrong then you and gleedle can both stay in my dungeon forever [Music] what's happening amen look it's us he man my robot guards will take care of you intruders can't you remember anything do i know you zodak said i should talk of home and your memory might come back but i i can't remember where my home is [Music] i'll take care of these guys [Music] speak of home speak of course where else would you be more at home than castle grace go quick follow me [Music] now hold the sword up and say by the power of grayskull by the power of grace god [Music] now let's go to work we need your help so [Music] those aliens are turning my robots to junk but they won't get my magic liquid [Music] if i can't get rich from my magic liquid then nobody will have it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] time to get off this joy ride [Applause] [Music] thanks to you he-man our world is pure and clean again and once plunder's evil factory is destroyed your planet should be totally back to normal as a matter of fact i have an unwilling volunteer working on that right now [Music] that reminds me we have a score to settle with an old friend named skeletor back on our world is the time corridor ready for eternia orco oh set where's man i'll say one thing for these guys they sure know how to have fun come on friends let's go home [Music] [Music] in today's story he-man came to the aid of a planet whose natural resources were being wasted unfortunately this same waste is happening now and not on a distant planet but right here on earth we must respect the plants and animals before they disappear as some species already have there's beauty all around us protect it before it's too late [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'd say your new training equipment is a success duncan what's left of it you mean we can pick up the pieces later right now prince adam is going to be late for dinner unless i hurry and i'll see you there [Music] good evening ladies and lords i hope there'll be a full house tonight but no matter or go the great we'll entertain you all with a dazzling display of amazing magic hey that's not supposed to happen it'd really be amazing if he ever learns how to work that silly wand father i heard that man in arms you better have some respect for my magic or i'll i'll oh just watch this [Music] and now the tricky part i must have absolute silence i must concentrate concentrate [Music] bravo greetings mother father sorry i'm late perfect timing as usual prince adam sorry orco you could at least make an effort to get here on time sorry tila but you know how time flies when you're uh having fun that's the trouble you're always having fun really son such conduct is not worthy of a future king i think adam inherited from me what we earthlings call a sense of humor well he'll need more than that if he wants to rule someday i'll be ready father but not for a long long time i hope oh very well son on with the magic orco now you're talking your majesty behold demon dust the very thing that conjure up a fearful creature from beyond lucky for us the biggest thing he's ever conjured up was a rabbit now by the powers of wizard and elf i command you demon show yourself look the spell is working it that is no demon you can say that again forgive my sudden arrival your highnesses i am majestra a traveling magician i have come hoping to entertain you all with my wondrous illusions welcome majestra i'm sure we'd all love to see your illusions however we already have a court magician but father i don't think orco would mind sharing the stage with one is talented and as fair as magestra what my thanks little one here for you proceed majestra let us have music then harmonies pleasing to kingly ears [Music] big deal and now your majesties the most mystifying spell of all behold the cabinet of wonders to all outside appearances an ordinary box but inside just what is inside see for yourself sir very well now what spirits of magic from far and near make his majesty disappear what evil wizardry is this but wait your king is unharmed here he is [Music] that's some trick [Music] well magic has certainly sharpened your appetite your highness hmm oh well done majestra yes very entertaining i invite you to stay with us a while longer my dear you're too kind sire come i'll have the god show you to your room nicely done fool you nearly ruined everything you worry too much no one suspects us there's something funny going on here and i'm gonna find out what it is [Music] rise your highness and greet your guests oh well last thing i remember i was in the banquet hall what it's impossible it's me you're no simple magician who are you i see the time for deception has ended evil in beast man your fiends dare to come to palace eternia itself i dare anything your highness now that i wield the shaping stuff this legendary wand can transform any matter in the universe but the shaping stuff is just a myth a fairy tale it was just a myth until beastman and i found it in a hidden cave near the crystal sea soon i will hand it over to my master skeletor but first i decided to test the wand here on you let you who were once king of eternia now be king of goats [Music] now with you posing is the real king beastman skeletor will rule eternia through you [Laughter] get him we can't let him tell the others stop him i'm trying but he jumps around like a blasted cricket ah then i cricket he shot me prince adam prince adam that takes care of him [Music] the old skeletor the shaping staff as i promised well done now we begin phase two tomorrow beastman and i in disguise will lead the forces of eternia to grayskull there i will hand over the shaping staff to you and then then we shall defeat the forces of eternia in one fell swoop [Laughter] you be careful now you must make prince adam believe that you are his father you worry too much you sent for us sire yes adam i've been speaking with majester about the old castle in the forest it's time we made greyskull a part of our kingdom but why father what use could grayskull be to us if you've no taste for conquest you can stay behind men at arms ready the troops we march tomorrow yes sire but why this sudden interest in the castle i mean surely there are more important you're a fine one to talk of importance adam you with your lazy ways come majestro we have much to do it's not like my father'd ever consider attacking grayskull he's always been a man of peace maybe i can reason with him in the morning he's getting suspicious leave him to me after tonight we won't have to worry about prince adam [Music] who's there adam are you asleep yet cringer what do you want at this time of night [Music] it does get rather drafty sleeping outside you know to do to say nothing of um scary huh all right come on in old cat [Music] if he's a fake where's my father in the dungeon don't worry orco we'll help you and rescue my father let's go cringer oh do we have to do you want me to go alone you sure you want me to answer that by the power of grayskull [Music] i hate this part [Music] good evening prince hey man evil lin and beast man so adam's fears were right yes my enemy but you'll not stop us my sword can deflect magical bolts evil in or didn't you know that this man help me father that noise i know it came from adam's room [Music] i can't see [Music] hey man evil in [Music] get back before she reaches that staff i already have it fool ah i can see again and though you can deflect the staff's magic your friends cannot [Music] will remain a little frog forever and now for you first free tila from your spell no she will join the others then my menagerie don't you recognize them he-man it's a former king of eternia and his court clown release them you evil witch or i'll you'll do nothing except change there a handsome golden present for skeletor gotcha you two are not worth bothering about to grace go [Music] i will make another he-man an evil one called faker i have done it a perfect likeness of he-man sometimes my power even amazes me faker you must get the sorceress to leave grayskull outside the castle her magic is weaker and i can overpower her in this dim light she'll think you're a human call her faker yes master sorceress sorceress please hear me he-man what brings you here at this hour i've been hurt there's something wrong your voice sounds different that's because i was ambushed by skeletor i i can't think clearly stay there i'll come to you [Music] where are you right here sorceress eva lynn you should not have left your castle here my power is as strong as yours now that you're here perhaps you'd like a taste of the shaping stuff remain rooted to that spot forever sorceress as a harmless tree [Music] very good evil in i could have taken care of her myself of course but this fate is more fitting soon man at arms will lead his troops here to rescue he-man and his friends let them come i'll face them with the combined powers of the shaping staff and castle grey scowl sorceress even in this transformed state i can still sense your thoughts use your magic to break the spell i can't even power too strong can't resist you've got to try for all our sakes yes must try must break the spell [Music] quick skeleton the wand we don't need a wand not with faker here [Music] you forget amen i have your power too let's see how well you can use that power [Music] how do you like that hero i don't like it faker and i like you even less [Music] it's a long way down he-man need a hand in this case a leg will do just fine wait stop [Music] [Applause] with this staff i can rescue faker from the bottomless gorge but first you and i have some unfinished business hmm [Music] have a nice trip down men at arms i must break his foot meddler you'll pay for that [Music] oh no you don't sorry skeletor the only way to break your evil spell is like this thanks he-man come on let's get out of here no the staff is still strong enough to stop them fools with one wave of this wand i'll turn you all into that'll teach you to fool around with magic yes you are once i've restored evil linen faker i'll be back to have vengeance so [Music] well it's good to be back on the throne it's good to have you back father it's good to have you back little buddy thanks cringe you know i don't think i'd like to be a cricket but i sure wish i knew how to do that trick adam it's too bad you weren't around we certainly could have used some help thank goodness he-man showed up funny he's always there when we need him well i hope i can meet him someday i'd really like to thank him for helping us out and for bringing my father back thank you son and now i think we all deserve some fun orco let's have some magic your wish is my command now for my first trick for my first trick i'm gonna disappear [Laughter] [Music] it's a day story you saw what happened when a stranger came to the palace she turned out to be evil and dangerous of course turning people into animals is only make-believe but there is nothing they believe about how dangerous some strangers can be in real life never accept any food or toys or money from a stranger don't even talk to them and no matter what a stranger may say never go away with them terrible things have happened to some kids who did it's my thing is to just walk away or in my case just float away [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Masters of the Universe: He-Man & She-Ra
Views: 125,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: He Man, Animation, Greyskull, heman, cartoon, he-man, retro, retro cartoons, masters of the universe, he man theme, cartoons for kids, he man full episodes, he man, Heman, He-man, He man full episodes, he man english episodes, he man heyheyheyhey, he man what's going on, cartoons for children, kids cartoons, he man episodes, kids animated movies, She-Ra, he man film, he man full movie, he man full episodes in english, he man masters of the universe 1987 full movie
Id: jUi9M4Sn4Ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 11sec (11951 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2019
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