He-Man Official | 3 Hour Compilation | Full Episodes | Old Cartoons | Retro Bites

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[Applause] and the masters of the universe i am adam prince of eternia and defender of the secrets of castle greyskull this is cringer my fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day i held aloft my magic sword and said by the power of grayskull [Music] [Applause] [Music] cringer became the mighty battle cat and i became he-man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the sorceress together we defend castle grey skull from the evil forces of skeletor huh sure was good to see our friend garn again yes he's made great improvements in targa since he became king [Music] what's that let's find out a signal of some kind we'll zero in on [Music] that's it signal seems to be coming from that dune i'm not so sure that is a doom come on what's metal there's something hidden under the sand something big [Music] by the power of grey skull [Music] stand back [Music] it's a ship of some kind must have crashed here [Music] i don't think this came from anywhere on eternia it's badly damaged it must have duncan look out [Music] dick and [Music] looks like it's had enough it must have built itself a sleeping hole underneath that ship speaking of that ship let's take a look inside [Music] look there's the ship's pilot and the signal seems to be coming directly from him [Music] all right it's a robot and he seems to be in pretty bad shape i think we should take him back to my lab it's possible i might be able to repair him now our only problem is getting him running i've tried everything i could think of but nothing seems to work oh maybe we could just kick him that always gets father's sky chariot started just kidding duncan one moment please entrance to laboratory is restricted please state your name for identification [Music] i'm on a mission for the king so get out of her way entry of orco into lab is forbidden stop please or i will have to take appropriate measures [Music] as you wish [Music] what's that racket sounds like orco i'll go check it out okay metal puss you asked for it i wish you'd understand this is just my job [Music] make this junk pile set me [Music] help [Music] do you realize what you've done it wasn't my fault was that stupid robot i think you're parted [Music] he's active i don't believe it oracle must have jarred something that switched him on i did excuse me but could you define my present location i well you're on the uh planet of eternia your ship crashed here and we found you but who are you and where do you come from i am called roboto i am an explorer from the planet of robotica forgive me if i appear rude but i have never seen beings of your kite before may i scared you [Music] well i have no objection it won't hurt will it it is a quite harmless procedure i assure you [Music] totally organic no metal parts how strange the scan does indicate a high degree of intelligence well i'm flattered [Music] astounding i can make no sense of this being uh nobody can it's the way he is [Laughter] [Music] it's a pleasure to meet you roboto the feeling is mutual king radar uh your majesty roboto would like permission to explore our planet while our technos work on his ship granted i'll leave the arrangements to you duncan thank you sire yes thank you not at all it's not often we get a visitor from another world especially one as unique as you i have never thought of myself as unique on robotica there are over 5000 of my brothers and sisters well you're on eternia now and believe me here you're one of a kind one of a kind [Music] i think this roboto has some interesting possibilities [Music] you're sure you'll be comfortable here yes it almost reminds me of home we'll be by early tomorrow morning to start your tour of eternia i shall look forward to it good night mad at arms good night prince adam uh good night roboto i think i'll get myself a nice cup of hot oil [Music] [Music] hello are you a friend of mine at arms [Music] circuits disrupted [Music] well what do you think we should show rubato first well how about the ancient ruins i'm sure he and the zac dons would have a lot to talk about good idea adam look could roboto have done this oh no this wall was caved in from the outside [Music] i do not understand what it is you want from me why your power of course once i have finished reprogramming you your own personality will be gone and you will be my save forever my friends ben at arms and prince adam will never allow that by the time they find you it will be too late [Music] power amplifiers in place have you adjusted the radar scope to roboto's frequency yes then let's test it it's working we've got a signal let's get going [Music] it's done [Music] step forward my powerful [Music] now it's time for a real test the signal it started to move what's going north [Music] [Music] laboratory and soon secrets will belong to me all right roboto let's just see what you can do forward [Music] hey look you hulk holder with fire stop it let's get out of here [Music] [Music] incredible [Music] the signal stopped moving then roboto must be right below us i'm going to land what is this place station zeta it's one of our scientific research bases and someone has broken in roboto if roboto has become our enemy he won't be easy to deal with maybe you'd better change to he-man yeah good idea by the power of grayskull you villains you you won't get away with this take them away roboto their whining annoys me by the time they free themselves will be long gone help but let us go please [Applause] [Music] remote control this could be of use delightful listen it's coming from that door let's take a look [Music] it's modular looks like we were wrong about roboto come on let's give that villain module like a little surprise with this machine i can't go anywhere the only place you're going is the king's dungeon i'll fix you [Music] now what have you done with roboto you fiend here's my answer to you he-man [Music] you certainly got the drop on him roboto are we glad to see you are you all right auntie luck must have done something to him roboto listen don't worry we'll take you back to the palace and fix whatever modulus did come on [Music] it's no use of course not muscle brain my forcefield cage can hold anything my head oh [Music] wiping out his own personality [Music] if you dare hurt men at arms hurt him oh i wouldn't dream of it i'm just going to perform a little experiment on him experiment yes one i'm sure you will appreciate let me explain it to you i'm not interested no well that's too bad because i'm going to tell you anyway you see this device you're sitting here is transfer machine when i put this little head piece on you it will transfer your intelligence into my extra hand no you can't oh yes i can just watch [Music] roboto listen to me you've got to help man at armstrong man at arms repaired you he made you well again now you've got to help him you've got to fight modulux reprogramming he is trying to make you as evil as he is well here we go roberto please stop modulus before it's too late [Music] i cannot allow any harm to man at arms good work roboto i don't believe it the stupid robot has destroyed my brain transfer please surrender immediately our roboto [Music] must reach man have to disrupt force field [Music] it can't be [Music] are you all right duncan yes thanks to roboto let's see how he is [Music] we've got to get him back to my lab quickly [Music] his circuits were very badly damaged he was such a nice robot bye bye thank you bridger father you did it madden arms is a genius i feel better than other day i was first constructed this calls for a celebration why not make it a birthday celebration after all this is a kind of second birthday for roboto that's an excellent idea marlena [Music] birthday i do not understand when a human is born we call that day his birthday smart you might say it's the same as being constructed uh uh i see hey that kind of makes man in arms or plato's father what well you have to admit there is a family resemblance well now that you mention it orco i do believe you're right [Music] it's too bad but sometimes people think that doing the right thing is just too much trouble when a friend is in trouble there isn't time to wonder whether you should or shouldn't help you just do it and sometimes the one you have will turn around and help you remember every time you help someone the good comes back to you sometimes in ways you don't even know about but it does another thing there's nothing in the world quite like the feeling that comes from knowing you've done something good for someone else we'll see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and the masters of the universe i am adam prince of eternia and defender of the secrets of castle grace gum this is cringer my fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day i held aloft my magic sword and said by the power of [Music] [Applause] [Music] cringer became the mighty battle cat and i became he-man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the sorceress together we defend castle grey skull from the evil forces of skeletor do you think it'll take much longer man at arms no that should do it it's a long trip to dark smoke but the wind raiders as ready as she'll ever be great i can hardly wait to see granomir again this should be a pretty special trip yes the anniversary of the treaty between dragons and humans to be invited to represent eternians everywhere it's a high honor it's too bad we couldn't bring orko along he really wanted to come running ascent for he-man and man-at-arms and that's who he's going to get maybe orco can talk to grenomier some other time i don't want to talk to grandma i just want to see him i'll just sneak in here and hide nobody'll ever know i was along for the ride well if grandma's expecting he-man [Music] something wrong adam i thought i heard something it must have been my imagination by the power of gray skull [Music] anytime you're ready duncan by the way what were the terms of the treaty between dragons and humans that the dragons would withdraw from the rest of the world that the dragons could do whatever they want and that humans are to leave them alone doesn't sound like much of a bargain have you ever tried to bargain with a dragon [Applause] [Music] oh do not presume to bargain with me targon you will regret it targon does not like to be told what to do not even by you morningstar i don't care if targon does not like my plan then targon can leave but when i rule eternia targon will find his life very very unhappy very well morningstar i will do what you say for now excellent once you give me the ice crystal i will put out the magic fire from which our beloved leader granomia draws his powers then i shall take over and lead a war against the people of eternia and me what of me we will find some small role for you in ruling eternia perhaps you will govern eternals itself now the ice crystal how do i know i can trust you with it you don't but you have no choice take it then excellent and now to test it just to be sure now now not on me and now to pay a visit to granobi [Music] perfect and once and for all [Music] who dares who dares to invade my home put out my fire and steal my magic [Music] humans oh great what i saw them granomir with my own eyes well he-man we're nearly there dark smoke should be coming into view any time now great if i know grandma he's probably got quite a welcoming party for us [Music] humans coming this way humans how fortunate for me and how unfortunate for them there you see i was right humans get them but those who stole the magic flame of granomir feel the wrath of dragons no wait they might be friends dragons have no friends among the humans well here comes the welcoming party funny they don't look very happy to see us you're right watch it [Music] yes but why are they attacking us it's like we'll have to find that out later he-man uh-oh we're hit he-man look the wing if it comes loose we'll crash there's only one thing to do [Music] i've got to hold on [Music] you've got it they are going down good now back to dark smoke hang on this is going to be rough [Music] i made it are you all right he-man sore but all right i guess we'd better what's that [Music] orco [Music] only this time orca you tagged along for the walk the wind raider can be repaired but it'll take a while so as of right now we walk the dark smoke did you see which humans were in the flyer no grandma and it doesn't matter they began this fight not us we must leave here now and prepare for war who is with me [Music] and you vladimir those who wish to believe but for me i will stay this is my home so be it come let us be off live live live [Music] he-man so that was you my dragons attacked and not the other humans what other humans [Music] i was asleep and some human extinguished the magic fire that gives me my powers i fear that there will be war soon between your people and my dragons couldn't you stop them regrettably no they have not fought in a war for a long time and they've forgotten what it's like they have forgotten the pain the darkness the madness that he has wore and now without my magic i'm not able to stop them isn't there any way we can get your magic back i do not know little one the fire can only be restored with flame brought from the pit of shadows i would try to get it myself but i am too large for the passage and magic can only be summoned by magic and i have none but i do well some days i'll get that fire and bring it back for you i promise the question is where do we start the way is through here follow the signs of fire but beware the way is dangerous very dangerous all right granomir we'll take it from here good luck champion of etania [Music] the signs point this way [Music] look [Music] an ice spider [Music] if one of those webs hits you you'll be stuck here for a long time [Music] i have an idea but i'll need a distraction you've got it he-man just say the word to aim for those webs [Music] now [Music] now if i can just cut that web loose [Music] looks like that ice spider really likes to get wrapped up in his work yes but we'd better move on before he works himself loose and before we're too late to prevent a war between dragons and humans the days of dragon rule have arrived now at last from this dragon hold we shall launch our attacker we are the strongest we are most fit to rule the race of men we the dragons there are none strong enough to oppose us our time is now [Music] that's it let's go orko wait only the good and the wise and the brave may pass into the pit of shadows let us see if your goodness would shine as the sun well we can try [Music] good wise brave you may pass good wise brave you may pants [Music] only the good the wise and the brave may pass i know i know [Music] you may pass two out of three is not bad oh yeah pretty impressive yes the question is how do we bring some of this back with park and us near come with us to granomir [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow do you really think it'll work orco of course it'll work i think [Music] it worked just what we need to get granomia's fire going again and let's go before morningstar starts a war so the war begins at last yes nothing can stop us now this village will be only the beginning if granomir could see this but seeing granomir is too weak even to emerge from his pit yes victory and rule of the dragons is finally what's this no they have the magic fire join the others there is trouble to be dealt with but i will return soon yes morningstar it is too late granomir the war is on and now i'll make sure that you don't regain your magic this doesn't look like the same way we came in not yet we should be near the surface by now let's make our own exit [Music] you did it now to get the fire to granomir i'm afraid naughty man i won't let you ruin all my work your work so you're the one who put out granomia's fire it was morning star he did it your calls are useless little one without his magic granomir sleeps his time is past as is the age of human rule on eternia now hand me the fire no i won't marco no the power is too strong [Music] that's what i was afraid of he's got more power than he can control [Music] ah [Music] wow [Music] the fire has returned my magic is restored i am granomir great glad to hear it good work orco looks like you did it little friend well how did it feel to have a taste of dragon power next time i think i'll stay home and read a book best to let him get his rest he earned it meanwhile we've got a war to stop [Music] our homes why are they doing this look amen are you sure i can't help you branamir no amen these are my dragon brothers i must deal with them myself well they're pretty worked up will they listen for reason even from you it is the chance i must take hurry hurry press the attack nothing can stop us now wrong the war is over my brothers let us return to dark smoke and peace morning star has deceived you is this true morningstar if so we have made a terrible mistake yeah it doesn't matter it's time for dragons to rule listen to me not granomir do you challenge me yes to the test of fire [Music] it's a test of fire all right to see who's strongest i only hope granomi has had enough time to recover from losing his magic [Music] no i i surrender i admit it i put out the flame and blamed the humans punish him use the fire it is your right know my brothers it is my right but it would not be right we will find a more peaceful way to administer justice and now let us go home [Music] it is unfortunate that all of this should have taken place on the anniversary of the treaty between your people and the dragons but perhaps it was for the best this little war like the treaty itself will help to remind us how very fragile is peace but most of all i regret that your village paid the price for our foolishness we see now that you were tricked so we will hold no grudge now is the time to rebuild we will help you to no no my friend thank you we shall rebuild the village and we shall make it a place of such beauty the likes of which have never before been seen it shall be called the city of peace and the treaty between man and dragon will be moved there as a reminder of our friendship thank you granomir finally i want to thank all of you for your help hmm i wonder it was our pleasure anytime you have only to ask right orko i'm sure i can handle just a little dragon fire wow oh no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] boy was that a mistake [Laughter] oh i haven't laughed this hard in a thousand years [Music] today i want to talk to you about winning and losing when granomia had his fiery tug of war with another dragon he won fair and square and stopped he let go because as soon as you take advantage of being a winner you really lost remember it's important to be a good loser but sometimes it's just as important to know how to be a good winner winning is no excuse for bad manners see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the masters of the universe i am adam prince of eternia and defender of the secrets of castle greyskull this is cringer my fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day i held aloft my magic sword and said by the power of grayskull [Applause] [Music] cringer became the mighty battle cat and i became he-man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the sorceress together we defend castle grey skull from the evil forces of skeletor [Music] i think i see jono's land shuttle coming it'll be nice having children at the palace yes it will well count me out children are too rough now cringer i'm glad jono and chad are gonna pay us a visit so you be nice and make them feel welcome i'll try but it won't be easy here they can [Music] [Music] welcome hi everybody hop out chad see you later where's he going what about the awards ceremony he'll be there don't worry jono's not gonna miss the ceremony not when he's getting the boys meanwhile how about a fast tour of the palace all right [Music] get that monster away from me [Music] you can come down now cringer i can't you you know i'm afraid of heights [Music] there is nothing to fear dear boy you are in safe hands i'm not scared it's just that you do want the flower do you not oh yes sir please then do as i say you are the leader the other boys and girls will follow you i want to meet them tonight every one of them am i understood yes sir i'll take care of it sir i thought you would and now then your flower thank you now run along to your award ceremonies i'll be watching you don't forget i'll always be watching you and so my dear subjects none can equal the value of our young italians for they are our most precious gift i don't see my brother don't worry i'm sure jonah will be here any minute i'm gonna look for him there's the place [Music] hey perfect landing uh i think i'll take a short cut our young people are the hope for the future of eternia [Music] indeed they are randor indeed they are and with the help of the young people the future of eternia will soon be mine are you gonna do that by making those youngsters so in need of my flowers that they'll do anything i tell them anything oh like they'll be your army exactly then it will be bye-bye randor and i count mazel will be the king of eternia and i get to be like man at arms right one sniff of my eternia flower fool and you'll be man on his face like that prize boy of the year and now on with the ceremonies did you find jono no but i did see his shuttle parked out back [Music] somebody get that boy [Music] look out [Music] i'll get something to reach him [Music] by the power of gray skull [Music] [Applause] he's gonna fall [Music] ah that young airhead now he's brought he-man into the picture i'll have to act fast up you go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what made you pull such an awful stunt i don't understand i was just having fun jono every young person on eternia looks up to you you were chosen boy of the year and you ruined it for yourself and everybody and i just want to know why i don't want to talk about it okay all right jonah if that's the way you feel perhaps you'll want to talk to me later [Music] [Music] hey jono that was some stunt you pulled today wow uh we'll talk about that later morton there's gonna be a meeting at the meadows tonight i want you to be there what's so far away what's the meeting for it's a surprise but you've gotta come all right see you there adam i've been looking for you what is it it's jono i'm so worried he's like a different person yeah i know have you ever seen a flower like this i found it in jono's shuttle a black flower no never no orco what's wrong this flower is very dangerous you've seen one like it before yes at home on trauma they call it the black nightmare if you sniff it they can do bad things to your mind in what way well it makes some people laugh or cry or see things that aren't there others get sick or try to do the tightest things you mean like climb the side of a high building yeah so that's what made the change in jono but there's no such flower on eternia i try either they were destroyed years ago then where did jono get it i think we'd better find out quickly i'll call my uncle montoya controller maybe he knows something meanwhile i'm going to talk to jono i'll go with you but nobody's supposed to go in man at arm's laboratory what were you doing there some other time chad i'm busy [Music] don't leave so soon i insist you stay [Music] well he isn't here adam this is strange chad and burpee are never a part hey here's something stranger [Music] i found out about the flower uncle my torque said count marzo owned a flower farm on trella he developed the black nightmare count marzo i don't know what his game is this time but i bet he's taking jono and chad let's find him [Music] i'm picking up something behind us it's moving in fast drat the wind raider can you go faster oh you left my stomach back at the [Music] oh they're power closer just as i planned it [Music] [Applause] i've lost them well maybe they've landed let's take a look [Music] now try my magic force field on for size prince adam [Music] marzo's throwing a force field around us we're trapped [Music] nothing works on this force field how about if i try some magic please don't could you conjure up some food that i can oh it's raw no problem fire fire burn so bright cook up cringers food just right whoops or co please be more careful look the force field is gone orko you did it write that magic spell down for future reference now let's go get count marzo you mean i i i don't get fed is this not a perfect setting for the first meeting of count marzo's young army every young person on eternia will come to meet you here tonight and you're going to introduce them to me and the eternia flower don't do it jono you want me to take him away count hey you leave my brother alone of course of course here young man this is for you it smells wonderful chad don't do that you gave him a flower he's just a little kid and he's getting on my nerves he could use a long rest now i feel tired oh so tired chad chad this is all my fault i'm so sorry enough of this sickening slap your friends are arriving take this speaker unit and welcome them sure oh welcome my friends never mind i'll do the talking welcome young citizens of eternia welcome one and all hey this is jono speaking turn back there is danger turn back go home and send help young fool wrong count martha i was a fool i just got smart we'll see how smart you are hold out the wolf bats to keep him company then let's get out of here [Music] enough come on before all of eternia comes looking for me looks like they already have the wind raider come on let's get out of here please please wake up adam tila help tila orco after the count i'll help jono and chad by the power of grey skull [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let's get those wolf bats [Music] now we're going to play a game let's hold tails and form a circle round and round we go [Music] we've still got a chance if we can get back to the castle [Music] how how is he i think he'll be all right my head hurts arko look it's he-man you better get both boys to the medical center that's a good idea well i must go now there you are come on let's get the count into the wind raider and get out of here too late they disappeared where'd they go wherever they went we'll find them [Music] the person you are seeking lives on the planet erroneous it is small but very hazardous there are dangerous animals quicksands we must go there sorcerers i thought that would be the case adam [Music] so i have prepared a dimensional gate for you [Applause] [Music] i was so close that fool boy but i won't let my beautiful eternia flower go to waste i [Music] there it is very inviting well we weren't invited well then let's go home i can't get anything on this screen but if anyone is out there my iron wall will stop them adam by the power of gray skull [Music] [Music] somebody's out there all right and and i think i know are you all right yeah thanks to you now let's pay a visit to the count what is that well that isn't the flower man [Applause] intruder in the castle intruder in the castle now you tell me [Music] down for the count and then he-man destroyed all of the black flowers and took count marzo and chamira to a prison planet it was all my fault i'm sorry i thought i was such a big guy but i was just a big fool i was a fool to try the flower and i acted like a fool after i tried it if you learned that jono it was worth all the trouble yes it was but i'm glad it's over we could use a little peace and quiet [Music] laughs [Music] do you know someone who uses drugs the way jono use that flower drugs can be dangerous because of the effect they can have on the mind and body the price one pays for the feeling a drug gives can be a loss of control hurting someone you love or something much worse people often get sick playing with drugs some even die never take drugs from other people even if a close friend says it's all right check with someone who really loves you see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and the masters of the universe i am adam prince of eternia and defender of the secrets of castle grace gum this is cringer my fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day i held aloft my magic sword and said by the power of [Music] [Applause] [Music] cringer became the mighty battle cat and i became he-man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the sorceress together we defend castle grey skull from the evil forces of skeletor [Music] [Applause] [Music] that should do it well let's try it out gringer can we borrow that rango berry [Music] now don't talk with your mouth full cringer you like i was saying if you really need it thanks buddy [Music] hey it works not perfectly the duplicates are only half the original size no complaints here orco what are you doing here i was lonely at the palace without you guys i thought i'd pay a visit [Music] what's going on mosh man this is supposed to be a secret test i was inspired i came out here for a nap i'll go find another spot now even when he's not trying to be moss man's a spy being able to change into any plant can sure be handy see what are you guys doing out here with that thing mad at arm's new duplicating machine just made me an extra dessert oh that's not so hard i can make a lot more if that's what you want oh oh single double magic desserts turn this berry into more yummy desserts sorry well as long as you're here orko you can help us collect the tools [Music] orco well at least it worked [Music] [Applause] this better be worth it whiplash see for yourself skeletor [Music] wonderful with that machine i could duplicate anything there would be no limit to my power that's enough experimenting for today let's head back home i must have that machine [Music] it was a productive morning and we'll be back at the palace in time to greet our royal visitors this free blaster will jam the wind raiders engines they'll have to land and then the duplicating machine will be mine [Music] strange the wind raiders seem to be losing power [Music] hold on we're coming in for an unexpected landing [Music] we've landed in the tar swamp and we're sinking oh no by the power of grey skull [Music] amen [Music] throw me that rope it seems this is stickier than i thought how about some help captain [Music] engines are jammed i can't get them going i've got an idea they must have landed near here hurry hurry the undercarriage cable is released he man then we're all set hold tight because we're going on a little ride i'll give the engines another try engines are working [Music] nice going whiplash they've gotten away while we're stuck in this vile swamp uh gee how'd that happen your situation is indeed a desperate one joba yes what's the commotion mechanic [Music] it's prince adam sire sorry i'm late father another jova jeter and jade this is our son prince adam our royal visitors were just telling us of their problem you see many wild animals roam our forests in order to gather food without being caught by these animals our people must become invisible how do you do that [Music] to become invisible we must have bites but the supply of manbite has been mysteriously disappearing this is our very last piece and it has very little power left which means that unless we can find more uh there there's no future for our people we'll all starve come with me i have an idea that just might help [Music] now there's no guarantee this will work but if your duplicating machine can make some bite saving all people [Music] our trusty heat gun cuts through anything even your palace floor randor ah i see joba is also here the same job who refused to help me steal that diamond of luck me big bum bites do you [Music] cringer wake up we're needed i know what that means by the power of grayskull [Music] i am [Music] skeletor took the duplicating machine come on cat for the attack track [Music] attack track are we still on skeletor's trail of course we are looks like skeletors set up a few laser mines in our honor this field's probably full of them no problem i can see where they are from here [Music] careful there's one up ahead here you're right attack track i've already won't be too long before we're out of this obstacle course there's another laser mine ahead go to your left attack track i'm afraid we're stuck you are new here aren't you [Music] finally our chance to test the machine it may not be long before eternia has a new king [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] quiet skeletoids you wonderfully horrible creatures get in line you know what you must do off to the palace of randolph it will soon be mine all mine here comes king skeleton [Music] well no sign of skeletor seems we've lost his trail amen here what is it moss man you better get back here right away we're in big trouble what's wrong can't talk now hurry please hurry uh hey man what do we do now only one thing to do macanak return to the palace [Music] not much longer the palace is just ahead [Music] what is it cat trouble you mean a lot of little troubles skeletor has used the duplicating machine to duplicate himself well one thing's for certain with those kind of odds we won't be able to get into the palace through the front door rainbow tunnel what's the rainbow tunnel it's a secret passageway the king built for adam and tilo when they were children let's go [Music] the opening to the tunnel is somewhere around here they're coming [Music] and we're going [Music] all right skeletor i've had enough of your games come on out [Music] [Music] a sonic soundtrack [Music] looks like you missed one me [Music] i should have kept my mouth shut [Music] we knew you'd come skeletor and his skeletoids have taken over the entire palace my duplicating machine caused this disaster you must find it the moment it's destroyed the skeletoids will evaporate but first we have to think of a way to leave here the skeletoids already know about the rainbow tunnel so that's out [Music] no way out here either i'll show you how to leave there's just enough power left in the bam bite for jova to make you and battlecat invisible at least long enough to get out of the palace but it's your last piece without it you and your people may starve no matter you and your people are our friends it's dangerous please be careful careful say this fan bite really works now for a little arco magic to help you get past the cards [Music] hey you fellas want to see something neat oh single double magic desserts turn this berry into more yummy desserts [Music] leave it to oracle [Music] battle cat jova [Music] right here amen oh dear where's skeleton back at snake mountain making more replacements well now we know where to find the duplicating machine look they've got cyclone too oh no the band bites powers get weak we've become invisible i see what you mean and i'm afraid they see two cyclone do your stuff you got it you guys get clear i'll take care of these squirts [Music] [Applause] [Music] there that should keep them busy enough for us to get to snake mountain without any more interruptions [Music] [Music] see here the planet eternia is becoming mine all mine [Laughter] skeletal skeletal e-man battlecat and jova unapproaching fools and no matter they will witness my final assault on eternia as my captives of course of course all right where is he-man and his mangy friends this is gonna be fun ready aim [Music] watch out oh dear don't worry jova if those duplicates are anything like skeletor you can bet they're greedy and selfish i think i may be able to use that fact to our advantage let's just play along with them for now welcome he-man to the new palace of eternia easy cat you look frightened jova you have good cause to me i don't forget those who refuse to help me you want us to steal the diamond or rock mead for you skeletor my people never steal silence you soon to be prisoner all right skeletor enough of your threats why are you keeping us here i want you to witness the effects of my genius firsthand tonight once i duplicate an army of my cohorts i will be the ruler of all eternia you will be you confuse me skeletor i thought they were to be the rulers aren't you going to reward them for doing your dirty work [Music] now's my chance to destroy the duplicating machine [Music] this mega steel gate is impenetrable he-man you'll never get to my machine stop him you're not as smart or as strong as you think he man feeling a bit weak our power drain ray takes all your strength away give him another ray of weakness [Music] ready boys ready [Music] are you all right yes jova my energy's been restored and i think so has yours [Music] [Applause] bambi oh dear it's really bamboo so skeletor was hoarding the bambite has revenge against you for not helping him i think skeletor had a taste of his own medicine when he had to face himself literally well i've learned something too a duplicating machine is far too dangerous to have around i agree who needs a duplicator when you got me single double triple let it be right please turn into lots of precious fanbots [Music] today we discovered that getting what you want isn't always a good thing when we like something particularly something sweet it's easy to want more and more but nearly every time if you have too much of something no matter how much you want it you'll find that it uh disagrees with you so next time you see some candy remember you can have too much of a good thing except me of course right man of arms we'll uh talk about it later see you next time [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the masters of the universe i am adam prince of eternia and defender of the secrets of castle greyskull this is cringer my fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day i held aloft my magic sword and said by the power of [Music] [Applause] [Music] cringer became the mighty battle cat and i became he-man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the sorceress together we defend castle grey skull from the evil forces of skeletor [Music] [Music] i don't believe it the mighty beast man afraid of a little lightning don't laugh skeletor that storm could bring the whole place crashing down ah snake mountain can never be destroyed however i think i'll keep watch on the storm from [Music] there you see i told you it was safe skeletal look [Music] a secret passage the storm must have opened it up let's see where it goes this passage must have been closed off for hundreds of years [Music] what's this beware the mirror of monivard where bad is good and good is bad where one may come two depart but only one may have the heart the mirror of morrivad i've heard of it it can make an evil double of anyone that's it the key to gaining the power of grayskull now all we need is someone close to him and someone he trusts but who we must hurry shadow master if we're to keep our appointment with our old friend he-man well adam are you coming to the reception for koldar who koldar he's an ally of he-mans oh that's nice wake me when it's over but never mind [Music] you just go ahead sleep your life away i'm going to see koldar and if he-man's going to get there in time he'd better hurry [Music] by the power of grey [Music] [Applause] [Music] skull uh oh looks as if cole dies late i wouldn't bet on it oh down shadow master [Music] cold our old friend good to see you ow you he-man it's been too long hold on this could be the very person i've been looking for that's it we'll use the mirror of borobad to make a double of coldar but we'll need a diversion beastman you know what to do he-man helping me out against the trillions is something i'll never forget why you call him shadow master because little friend he can disappear into any shadow no matter how small really not bad i guess if that's the best you can do and now the way i yeah now orco you shouldn't bother shadow master he's very sensitive and me but he i mean [Music] i thought you said you had a new magic trick to show us oh yeah right uh just let me get my stuff be right back hey man an urgent message from catherine they're under attack by sand crawlers ah sounds like trouble can i help he-man we'd be glad to have you call dar let's go [Music] okay i'm ready let's say hey where'd everybody go good shooting dealer i'd ought to scare it away for a while one down three to go [Music] attack shadow master [Music] now shadow master the rope [Music] having a hard time deciding which way to go then how about going this way [Music] or this way or maybe around here [Music] just two sand crawlers left i'll take it from here come on shadow master let's take these sand crawlers where they can't do any harm this looks like a safe place cut them loose shadow master [Music] there now to get back to it's coming from inside that cave [Music] over here [Music] stay here shadow master are you all right can i help you [Music] too late for that cold are too late to help anyone including yourself well you'll find out when you meet skeletor [Music] so good to see you you're just the person i was looking for all right now that you got me what now i want you to bring me the secrets of skull you're mad skeletor i'll never help you not you perhaps but what if there was another you but there isn't there will be now unveil the mirror of motherbad [Music] wyatts it's me not you but your opposite the mirror makes the reverse of whatever it sees well double what will you do for me i will convince he-man to let me into castle grace go once there i will steal a source of he-man's power the secrets of gray skull now oh yes [Music] these magic stones will let us control the beast there now it will obey you just as if you were the real coda when you get to the palace hide this it will put everyone inside into a frozen state until i revive them after i have the power of grayskull [Music] amen over there so there you are you had us worried huh oh yes but i'm fine uh tila now let's get back to the palace i've never seen him so impatient there must be something important come on let's see what it is i want to thank you for your help with the sand crawlers coldar it was my pleasure here man but now i have a favor to ask of you of course just name it anything well yes anything very well then i wish to see the inside of castle grace go what i've heard so much about it i'd love to see it with my own eyes and you did say anything he-man it's quite a request goldar but you're right i did say anything so i'm honor-bound to keep my promise thank you he-man you don't know how much this means to me [Music] welcome to castle gray skull cold r now what's the first thing you want to see no he-man the question is what's the first thing you're going to see i don't understand it what am i going to see you're going to see me [Music] what are you doing you'll find out amen but by then it'll be too late [Laughter] [Music] hey man you have let a stranger into the secret passages of castle grayskull yes his name is caldar sorceress he is there he was a friend then i cannot help you eman the magic of grayskull itself prevents me from taking action for it is written that castle grace car must forever be a safe haven for the friends of he-man i understand sorceress find him sorceress if i have to search the halls of castle grayskull [Music] [Applause] [Music] i have forever idea if i can just get that cover off got to be careful good now all i need is skeletor i only wanted to tell you that your double has entered castle grayskull now it's only a matter of time until the power of gray skull is mine don't bet on it skeletor [Music] you fool did you think your puny weapons could have any effect on me i uh i guess not i guess you're just too much for me skeletor [Music] it worked now i just hope that the mirror did what it's supposed to do and that you're a good version of skeletor yes i am here let me try to get you out listen there isn't time you've got to get to the royal palace warn them about what's going on all right i will i just hope they believe him [Applause] [Music] looking for something colder you're trespassing in the hall of he-man these captured weapons go back to the early history of eternia if you came for one of these i didn't come for a weapon but as long as i'm here [Music] let's see what this does [Music] positroids [Music] got to get to the freeze ray [Music] got it now let's see if we can't cool you two down a bit [Music] colder show yourself what do you want [Music] men in arms uh there well there's well there's someone here to see you show him in by all means very well father look skeletor no not skeletal but his double please let me explain i've come to help here here it is it's a freeze field it could put the whole palace into a state of suspended animation i've got to stop it oh no no don't it could be booby-trapped real skeletor would never have done that then he really was telling the truth come on taylor we'd better get him warmed up and hear the rest of his story [Music] what have we here and who might you be i am the guardian of the secrets of castle grayskull you have [Music] open the wrong not the door but only what you deserve but which is the right door first you must answer a question you must tell me why you want the secrets of grace because it is power because when the secrets of gray skull i can rule eternia i can rule the very universe itself the test is complete open the left door at last wait don't do it you're too late hey man the power of castle gray skull is mine now [Music] what's that light that is the light that reveals your true self for that is the wrong stone it wasn't colder at all it was a double a mirror image but where's the real cold arm i've been looking all over for you i wanted to show you that new trick i came up with now just let me get my stuff and i'll meet you at man at arm's lab but poor orco i guess i'll have to see his trick later well well well who do we have here ah he-man you're just in time this may sound hard to believe but this is skeletor that is it isn't really skeletor but his double he was created by the mirror of morivad he's here to help us he even saved us from one of skeletor's freeze fields i know it sounds strange that's all right i believe you tell me do you know where they're keeping the real cold are certainly i can take you there then let's go okay oh no not again you better go ahead make sure nothing happens to coldar before we get there right [Music] beastman prepare colgar for the freeze chamber we'll see if being put on ice for a while will cool him off a bit yes skeletor [Music] how'd you do that how did i do what uh never mind where do you think you're going huh to get colder master you're ready for freezing like you said no now you're not to do anything until i tell you to understand uh yes master [Music] well beast man is cold already but you said not to you said i said to prepare cold ah for freezing now go prepare him yes oh boy and what do you think you're doing but you said never mind what i said just do what i said all right uh uh that sounds familiar gotta go hey man look two skeletors which one is the right one i am hmm i have an idea repeat after me he-man i am your friend he-man i am your friend amen i am i can't do it and i do not look like you come on let's find koldar [Music] oh how can i thank you man there's no need that's what friends are for well my job's done glad i could help you man now i must return to the mirror [Music] now now it's going to leave right right or go i'm gonna get my stuff be right back now that i think about it it's too bad we don't have two orkos two of me that's impossible nobody's magic is powerful enough to make another me [Music] really orco we're just redecorating if you don't like the mirror just say so [Music] did i say something funny [Music] you know sometimes we think of people as being all good or all bad well we shouldn't very few people are all bad it may be hard to find but if you look for it chances are you'll find some good in most everyone and the best way to start is to never judge anyone by the way they look but rather by what they do actions speak louder than words or appearances it's something to reflect on [Music] [Applause] and the masters of the universe i am adam prince of eternia and defender of the secrets of castle grace gum this is cringer my fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day i held aloft my magic sword and said by the power of grayskull [Music] [Applause] [Music] cringer became the mighty battle cat and i became he-man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the sorceress together we defend castle grey skull from the evil forces of skeletor [Music] [Applause] [Applause] one miss try hitting this one tila wait orco the sun's still in my eyes hmm that's strange it hasn't moved since we started playing yeah you're right and those clouds haven't moved either [Music] isn't it time for lunch yet it's still 10 o'clock that's the time we started playing maybe your watch stopped taylor well perhaps orca but the clock stopped too [Music] something strange is going on here it's as if time has [Music] someone's in stopped let's go [Applause] [Music] over here please help me i can't reach far enough yeah this is a job for he-man i was afraid of that by the power of grey skull [Music] am [Music] let's go cat [Music] my stun ray will hold him off wait tilla [Music] that holipur won't hurt you he's just frightened polophers have a keen sense of time [Music] he sensed something was wrong and he panicked come on big fella let's dig our way out of here together [Music] home sweet home now to get tila and the girl out of the hole i am honored to be saved by he-man you're welcome miss i am princess kathy princess yes daughter of emperor of simba we're pleased to meet you come with us back to the palace princess my pleasure for he who gives the gift of his company gives the greatest treasure tila will see you safely to the palace let's go cat please stay with us at the palace princess cafe yes my dear your majesties are most generous but i have a mission to carry out for my father the emperor don't you want to stay and watch me do some magic i would like that orca but i cannot i must finish my journey to hourglass mountain isn't that where the keeper of time lives yes he and my father the king have been captured by the evil wizard exxon ah so it was hexxon who stopped time but if time has stopped why are we still able to move he has taken the very last second in an hour and divided it and divided it again on and on so that the same second will go on forever or until he gets what he wants our kingdom how will stopping time help him it is written that the emperor must appear before the council of seasons on the first day of spring and request permission to rule for another year and with time stopped spring will never come exactly the crops cannot be harvested and the kingdom indeed all eternia will fall the sun will never set there'll be no moon no stars nothing will change we must do something yes adam you go to the council and warn them about exxon tila you and orco go with the princess thank you now please we must hurry i worry for my father try not to despair princess hexan will be stopped [Music] the task is nearly complete how to be sure that not another moment will pass on eternia away you go now to the sand dunes of ragnar no if you send the sands of time there how will we ever find them again they'll be lost in all that correct former keeper of time only my magic can retrieve just the right grains of sand only this last grain of sand this last second of time remains i will keep time itself prisoner until i am emperor of simba it will be mine forever [Music] there it is cringer the temple of the council of seasons you go ahead adam sorry old friend we have a job to do [Music] by the power of grayskull [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh what a fix here we are ladies spring miss summer count fall and mr winner with nothing to do oh what's the use lady spring you'll never get the flowers open in time spring will never come don't count on it it's he-man the wizard hexon has stopped time he intends to come here to claim the throne of simbar is there any way to stop him yes but it will be difficult you must prevent exxon from coming here to claim the throne failing that you must find a way to start time moving again but be sure that the emperor is here in time or he will lose the kingdom that is our law we cannot change it i understand let's go cat [Music] help will come you will see you're wrong no one would dare challenge me but just in case let's see what's happening outside the princess cafe and a couple of friends they look harmless but just to make sure i shall go to prepare a welcome fit for a princess [Music] we're almost there [Music] that's what you think exxon i'll take care of him with my stun ray all right that does it for evil there's a price to pay wizard wizard go away [Music] beware little one of someone bigger than you [Music] we're trapped you'll never free my father now sorry i can't stay but i'm off to claim the throne of simba [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're almost there cat straight ahead [Applause] he man he's headed for hourglass mountain i must stop him before he frees the [Music] emperor back he-man you haven't got a chance against my magic don't be so sure exxon i intend to stop you from going before the council of seasons you'll fail as the princess and her friends did i have them safely trapped where they won't be any trouble then let's see if we can cause him a little trouble ourselves eh cat [Music] the clocks may have stopped but your time is up my electric giant will see to that [Music] this fellow is in for a shock [Music] well that's one way to short-circuit a giant let's go cat [Music] tina look it is he-man [Music] looks like your garden's a little overgrown taylor [Music] it's not mine it's hexons he's trying to keep us from getting up to where he's got the emperor prisoner i'm going ahead but the vines are too slippery for teal and cafe i think we can take care of that a little dry sand should make these vines less slippery there that should take the fight out of them well after you [Music] better stay here cat in case there's trouble right he-man keep going kathy you're almost there don't look down i'm sleeping gotcha i owe you my life again amen how can i ever repay you well you're safe princess that's enough reward i will not forget this for he who thinks of others first will always be remembered look taylor's reached the door let's go the door is locked he-man [Music] over there father ah daughter you have brought help just in time hmm they're imprisoned in a force field how do we get them out [Music] well with a test exxon's power is the force of evil but my sword is used only for good let's see which is stronger if i can just pull hard enough look it's opening hurry i can't hold it open too long father are you all right i am fine but now you must return the sands of time to hourglass he-man tell me keeper of time where did they the sounds of go to the sand dunes of ragnar i need them to start time again all right i'll get the sands back tila you take the emperor to the council of seasons exxon is probably already there i just hope we're not too late [Music] therefore noble council you must proclaim me as the new emperor of simba hmm we must consider your request hexon just a few more minutes sorry lady spring time's up not yet it isn't council of seasons i have brought the emperor yeah that means nothing he must wait for the first day of spring to reclaim his throne and spring will be here for he-man is going to return the sands of time we'll see about that princess he-man will not interfere this time better help he-man magic powder whirl and blow to the sands of time we must go funny nothing happens oh i get it magic sneeze powder [Music] this may take forever battle cat ah we're running out of time very funny [Music] cat not bad he-man but now watch this [Music] i'm ready for you exxon so am i you are looking for the sands of time he-man let me help you find them arise sons of time duty calls and imprison he-man within your walls [Music] amen will never fight his way out of this one what's going on just a little water to cool you off exxon i'll take care of you [Music] orco the sands of time they're here hmm [Music] you haven't even begun to see my temper but you will know sand of time arise once more [Music] what's he doing he's trying to get the sands to follow him be ready to grab hexxon [Music] time to take a dive [Music] we're free and there's hexon [Music] i hate to spoil your takeoff hexane but you're in for a rough landing i must get back to the council [Applause] the higher they are the harder they fall looks like i've got a wizard to catch need a lift exxon good catch cat here he is thanks now where's orko what are you doing in there [Music] why didn't you say so before i'll get you out [Music] now let's get the sands of time back to the keeper of time [Applause] just about finished [Music] it is done time has started again i have a new helper come exxon you have a few clocks to set and when he's finished here the authorities will come to pick him up he'll be doing time for a good long while let's go cat or go the castle should be started right he-man [Music] i am honored to present my father the emperor please step forward emperor what's wrong emperor i am waiting for him his first duty is to honor friendship your majesty i'm here and i have good news the sands of time are running again and exxon well he's going to be busy for a long time ah council of seasons i emperor kathar humbly request that i may continue to rule simba we know you are a kind and good emperor request granted oh hello is spring over yet it's only just begun mr winner thanks to he-man no lady spring thanks to a very brave girl who risked her life to save her father ah you weren't afraid with me around right cathay i was frightened of hexan's magic at first but one thing overcomes all fear a daughter who has the faith of her parents has the strongest magic of all love well said cafe well said [Music] have you ever wondered what it would be like if time did stand still the flowers and the plants would never develop to their full potential and neither would you time is important to everyone plants animals and you as you grow you learn and as you learn you change and develop and that development is the thing that determines your future so time is our friend if we use our time wisely we'll enjoy all the good things that life has to offer [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the masters of the universe i am adam prince of eternia and defender of the secrets of castle grayskull this is cringer my fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day i held aloft my magic sword and said by the power of grayskull [Applause] [Music] cringer became the mighty battle cat and i became he-man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the sorceress together we defend castle grey skull from the evil forces of skeletor [Music] gather round gather round gather round now let the word be carried far and wide to the far corners of eternia on this day at the announced hour king randor will hear the requests of his people that he may do whatever he can to help them long live king randa isn't it wonderful what other king goes so far out of his way to help his people none and it does open some very interesting possibilities [Music] skeletor where are you i have news i was feeding my pets eva lynn is it better be important my pets don't like their feeding time interfered with do you know what today is on eternia day people in need of help are brought into the royal palace once there they can ask the king for whatever help they need and during the ceremony the king holds the scepter of power the symbol of authority over all eternia centuries old that's it we'll steal the scepter of power but how i have a plan i can cast a spell to make one of them look like a citizen of eternals once inside the palace he is to steal the scepter of power yes yes it's risky we'll need someone expendable someone we can do without in case he's captured not me not me me too cowards i'll do it skeletal it'll be a pleasure there's just one danger skeletor orco as a magician he might see through a spell of disguise ah i can take care of orco and the scepter will be mine an excellent plan i came up with avalyn the scepter of power adam handed down from generation to generation from my grandfather to my father to me and someday adam to you you see the scepter embodies all that is true and honorable but more than that it is called the scepter of power because it serves to remind us that the real power of belongs to the citizens the people whom the king is honored to serve that is why eternia day has always been important to me it's vital that you be here adam and on time i'll be there father which reminds me i'd better go out and find orco if he's out practicing his tricks we may not even see him until tomorrow [Music] okay yeah for the hyde part you like acorns right good now watch bring us something small and neat appear now something good to eat [Music] sorry gotta go [Music] what are you doing here all right we're here to see you if we take away his magic where are you better [Music] oh there you are what kept you skeleton skeletor i wonder what he's up to well i don't know but i feel funny i mean somehow like i like something hmm i wonder growing light and growing showers make a bunch of pretty flowers oh no my magic it's gone skeletor this must be his doing but why and how are we gonna get your magic back i wish i could help you arco but i don't know what to do if this were a scientific or medical problem that would be something else again but magic it's a little out of my league arco isn't there anything we can do well well it might be according to legend there's a magic waterfall where people who have lost their magic and get it back where is it i don't know but they're supposed to be a secret gateway fly below the surface of eternia then that's where we're going but uh what about the eternia days celebration the father will be expecting you if you're not there i'll be back in time we've got a few hours before the ceremony starts if skeletor wants orco without his powers then we or he-man had better find out why by the power [Music] come on orco let's try to get your magic back [Music] is this it i don't see the magic falls [Music] [Music] there's something behind this all right but first we'll have to clear some of this debris out of the way [Music] hmm speak the magic word and enter it must be a secret password but how do we figure it out we may not have enough time for that let's try a more direct [Music] all right approach to give wow that's some doorbell [Music] speak the magic word friend then enter what kind of magic word i mean what's the password what am i supposed to do say please let me in as a matter of fact yes even a door lights a little politeness now and then thank you now let's go hey man right behind you orco no you tried to force your way inside therefore you may not come in now hmm maybe he-man isn't allowed inside but he didn't say anything about adam boy i was quick thinking turning back in the atom like that now that we're inside it's clear sailing to the magic falls every time you say that or go something goes wrong not every time [Music] every time sounds like we're stuck we better check it out [Music] looks like some sort of day [Music] stuck [Music] wait i have an idea i'm too far and you're not strong enough but together maybe we can do it here give me your hand now grab the sword and pull [Music] that's it orco a little more by the [Music] [Applause] sorry i can't stick around but i've got some spinning to do [Music] hey neato you're whining so much for this there now let's get going and get your magic back before skeletor tries whatever he's got up his sleeve [Music] well there's the gateway that leads to the magic waterfall oh no the bridge that leads to the gate it's broken now i'll never get my magic back [Music] there's got to be a way across i guess i can float across but what about you looks like the bridge is our only hope hmm i have an idea but i'll need to get some rope from the attack track [Music] where is he it's almost time for the ceremony adam promised he'd be here there's uh still plenty of time for adam to show your highness he'll he'll be here i hope so [Music] it's nearly time you know what to do cobra khan yes sneak into palace drop sleep pellet take scepter of power but first i must cast a spell of change to disguise you as a citizen of eternia and now where stan's the cobra khan let there be a mortal man nice nice i could only change the way he looks not the way he talks it'll have to do without that meddling full auto no one will know what is happening until it's too late then the scepter the symbol of all power over eternia will be mine like i've always said orco if you can't get to the bridge then bring the bridge to you [Music] man but but now what do we do there's nothing to tie the bridge to i'll take care of that all right here i go come on track you're next you're sure it's safe we won't know for sure until you're across i wish asked only joking now come on move it [Music] we made it man but but what about you right behind you arko here goes [Music] you did it now let's see if we can what do you want here well if you answer me my friend here is trying to get his magic back can you take us to the magic falls can i take you i am the gatekeeper i can take you everywhere and anywhere yes no no always have to any place and everywhere welcome there perhaps some place and no place no no that doesn't sound right at all well you see it's been it's been 300 no no well 400 well a terribly long time since anyone's asked me to take them anywhere i'm afraid i'm a little trusty maybe i mean rusty but i'll try thank you gatekeeper my pleasure [Music] the face you seek is in another dimension i'm just not sure which one so we'll just have to keep looking until we find it [Music] amen where are we going i wish i knew i guess we'll find out when we get there hmm i wonder what these are gonna make me worry did you know what the magic waterfalls are around here [Music] and let's try somewhere else [Music] i don't think this is the right place either and perhaps you're right yes well we'll try again [Music] now then you say you have a request for the king yes what i mean yes all right you can join the rest over there hey i was here first are you sure uh maybe not uh maybe you were here first [Music] well duncan any sign of adam none sire but i'm sure he'll be here if you can just give him a few more minutes no the ceremony must begin on time if adam wishes the people of eternia to know that he has better things to do than listen to them then let it be on his own head well arko is this the place i don't know it's so dark i can't see anything this isn't the right place either [Music] we may as well give up we're never going to find the magic waterfall and i'm never going to get my magic back give up but orco no no wait no no don't give up yet you forgot i am the gatekeeper i see all things i i know all things i i know i'm a little confused but oh come on give me another chance i just won how about it well all right thank you yes you you won't regret or go here your magic calls now we find the magic falls [Music] amen look there it is the magic waterfall well looks like we made it gatekeeper thanks it was my pleasure amen [Music] this is where the very first troll and got his magic i just hope it still works well here goes it's working my magic's coming back [Applause] [Music] good then let's get out of here right only this time i'll drive now if we're going to feed our foe back to eternia we must go i'll hail king randor of eternia i am sorry that my son prince adam will not be here but in his absence we will no wait adam sorry to be late but we went out too far and got a little lost well at least you're here now we can proceed let the first citizen of eternia come forth now citizen how may i help you i no wait oh wait what are you doing something's wrong here i can feel it hmm spell of change spell of disguise show your true form to our eyes cobra khan yes what scepter of power take it now sleeping gas leave it to me cobra khan please don't stay take your troubles far away [Music] good work orco the supercharging help but it won't last very long see back to normal and at full strength if there are no further interruptions let us begin call forth the first citizen of eternia by the way orco where did you send cobra khan oh someplace where he can uh get away from it all right get me out of here my pleasure what's going on [Music] where is this you know there are times this job is an awful lot of fun on their way to the magic falls adam and orco discovered not only the secret of the gatekeeper but an important lesson as well in the gatekeeper's cabin adam was too far away to grab his sword and orco without his magic wasn't strong enough to pry it loose but when they worked together they combined their strengths and got the job done you don't have to be the biggest or the strongest when you help one another cooperation it's almost as good as market whoops sometimes better [Music] and the masters of the universe i am adam prince of eternia and defender of the secrets of castle greyskull this is cringer my fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day i held aloft my magic sword and said by the power of grayskulls [Music] [Applause] [Music] cringer became the mighty battle cat and i became he-man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the sorceress together we defend castle grey skull from the evil forces of skeletor [Music] what's wrong colonel the stabilizer is going crazy we're out of control [Music] this is incredible what's happening i don't know just hang on the light is blinding i can't [Music] check your see whatever hit us pull us way off course it did more than pull us off course i think we're blown right out of earth's solar system if we're not in earth's solar system where are we mark i think we just entered some sort of other galaxy are you sure i'm not sure of anything i just know we're someplace i've never seen before well wherever we are we've got to find that meteor again how do we do that our computer's not working and i can't plot a course without it mark the sensors are working again there's a planet below us readings indicate that there's life down there coordinates niner niner zero zero let's hope we can find it well you should have excellent weather for your trip adam i wish i had what kind of ship is that i don't know but whatever it is it's in trouble you found the life forms colonel but how do we know if they're friendly we don't andrea but you're going to find out me how you're going to eject won't you need me up here no it's going to be a rough landing i won't risk it with you here and with what we've got on board i can't risk landing anywhere near those below what can i do to help well pray that i find a nice soft landing spot head to north that will be your best chance activate your homing device i'll contact you when and if i land [Music] happy landing andrea [Music] what is that [Music] i don't know orco but we'll soon find out are you all right who are you where are you from my name is major andrea steele i'm an astronaut you are from earth how could you know that i was once an astronaut you you're not marlena glenn oh yes i am uh or was but you you disappeared we never knew what happened it's a long story but tell us why are you here i take it your ship is in trouble yes and my commander stayed with it he's trying to save the ship why didn't he eject he just couldn't you see we are earth's only hope what do you mean earth's only hope for years people from earth have been sending satellites and rockets into space for protection and space exploration most of these could not be brought back and were left to drift in space but astronomers recently discovered a magnetic meteor hurtling towards earth its magnetic force is attracting any dead satellite or rocket in or near its path the meteor is becoming enormous and deadly what do you mean deadly if that meteor crashes into earth it will destroy our planet oh no so your mission was to destroy the meteor before it hit earth exactly so please help me find my commander he should have contacted me by now i'll organize a search party i'll go with you no you stay here with andrea i'll call you if i need you don't worry we'll do everything we can to help you thank you how much time is left before the meteor 14 hours oh mark mark where are you [Music] i can't fly over that mountain i'll i'll have to land the ship now [Music] so far so good i'd better contact andrea look at that it looks like something out of a horror movie it looks like some sort of monument to evil a slight correction intruder it is a monument to greatness who are you what are you you'll find out who and what i am soon enough the question is who are you take him spikor [Music] my name is colonel mark blase that is all i will tell you you'll tell us more than that colonel the truth scanner will make you tell us everything we want to know my name is i am from the planet earth my mission is to destroy a meteor on a collision course with earth we carry a very special missile a missile powerful enough to blow up a giant meteor or powerful enough to blow up a castle yeah great idea take him away this time i will finally roll it here of his you watch him i'm going to get some sleep well don't make it long i'm tired too you know [Music] it's colonel blaze he's alive i can find him now [Music] come on cringer we've got to help oh no now he's got me to chasing women on sky slides by the power of grey skull [Music] him [Music] [Music] [Music] don't be frightened andrea who are you my name is he-man and i'm a friend i want to help you and your colonel colonel blaze is not in the ship but he is very near that way cat be careful we're heading for snake mountain [Music] you don't make it i won't bet you anymore you don't pay when you lose you didn't bet [Music] it's mark he's being held prisoner by those two creatures the shaggy one is beast man the one with two heads is too bad i'll have to take care of them before we can free the kernel let me try something this always works on tv watch hey cut that out cut what out don't hit me with those stones go back to sleep for a face you must have been dreaming [Music] i warned you you two-faced practical joker so you want to play games eh now it's my turn now we can call you pale faces [Music] now it's my turn to throw stones [Music] how can i see anything with these pails over my head the cell door is open fooling around you furry fossil the cell doors open let's take a look [Music] there's nobody in here there he is now good work he-man thanks to you and your idea that should hold you too or is it u3 [Music] skeletor took the missile all right and damaged the firing mechanism when he did [Music] you're just in time good the colonel's safe yes but castle gray skull isn't what do you mean skeletor stole the missile he means to destroy the castle with it we've got to stop him no duncan andrea and i will take care of skeletor you and colonel blaze stay here and try to repair the ship i'll contact tila we'll need her help hurry he-man we've got to save earth i know and not just earth if skeletor uses that missile no one can stop him from ruling eternia [Music] [Music] at last once the bomb is planted at the doors of grayskull i will take what i want at the doors but skeletal how are you going to do that special delivery now downstream [Music] perfect soon the knowledge of the universe itself will be in my brain a nice safe empty place a skeletor he-man and another one of those earth creatures evil lin get the woman i'll take care of he-man [Music] beautiful andrea where did you learn that my father taught me how to cook my mother taught me judo and i'm about to teach you a lesson we'll see how brave you talk when castle gray skull is mine that bomb will be my key to grayskull i have to get that thing fast no time for the jawbridge here goes he made it yes he did didn't he but this should keep him away from the missiles oh no the missile no no that was my only hope that it is bottomless just to be sure skeletor we'd better leave before that metal explodes right [Music] i've got to catch that missile before it hits something [Music] come on raider got to go faster that missile is earth's only hope almost there [Music] you did it [Music] they repaired it they repaired the rocket ship you did it duncan i'm afraid not what do you mean the launching mechanism was damaged beyond repair we can't send the missile on its way skeletor set the detonator to explode in 49 minutes then our mission has failed we cannot save earth is there time to intercept the meteor possibly but what if we could get the meteor in time what if we could launch the missile how are we going to get back in earth's galaxy to do this father you've got to think of something colonel do you have a recorder on board yes the queen still has her recorder quick we've got to get back to the palace and compare the readings on those two recorders [Music] look colonel the calculations from both recorders are both the same it's a long shot but if we duplicate the readings on the computer it might blast us back into earth's solar system no that wouldn't work your only chance is to reverse the readings of course you're right marlena no wonder your skill and knowledge are still legendary on earth but we still can't fire the missile leave that to me let's go [Music] the computer readings match the ship's log hang on hey man i'm going to reverse the computer readings now [Music] it's working it's working there's her earth so that's where my mother came from what did you say nothing i'm just talking to myself no sign of the meteor how much time do we have before that missile goes off three minutes we better find that meteor [Music] there it is we found it [Music] hey man there are only 40 seconds to go now how in heaven's name do we launch the missile just get us closer can't get much closer closer whatever you're going to do do it now open the canopy colonel let's try out our new rocket launcher me you [Music] now dive colonel dive let's get out of here [Music] four three two one second you did it you mean we did it [Music] now let's really get out of here [Music] if anyone on earth still remembers me tell them that i am well and happy very happy i promise i will queen marlena why don't you come back home with us this is my home and this is my family we understand marlena but maybe you can all come and visit earth someday now i'll miss you colonel and you too andrea you are both very brave people [Music] [Applause] [Music] who knows maybe we will see them again maybe we will visit earth one day [Music] today's story was make believe you know that earth was never really in any danger but you can still learn something very important from today's adventure andrea and colonel blaise would never have accomplished their mission if he-man and his friends have not joined together to help them helping others is a wonderful thing and when you do you're really also helping yourself you see for one thing it makes you feel good who knows the next time you may be the one who needs the help [Music] [Applause] and the masters of the universe i am adam prince of eternia and defender of the secrets of castle greyskull this is cringer my fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day i held aloft my magic sword and said by the power of grayskull [Music] [Applause] [Music] cringer became the mighty battle cat and i became he-man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the sorceress together we defend castle grey skull from the evil forces of skeletor [Music] oh little boy good good now now the two [Music] together you see that was wonderful sagras it sure was oh thank you i'm glad you like it [Music] this is my little one doodles oh he's very timid don't you know and he sometimes doesn't do everything i tell him but he has a very good he heart me of someone yeah reminds me of you little buddy yeah that's right maybe we can play sometime oh you're welcome to play with doodles anytime you want gee thanks may we see just a little more zagras please very well away my friends time for an encore [Music] yes it is pretty amazing but what a waste he plays with him all that power and he plays with him but skeletor remember the trouble you had the last time you try to use a comet yeah besides sagras is the only one who can control those goody-goody comets that was the beauty of the cosmic comet it was already evil it was easy to control wait yes yes that's it i've just had a delightfully wicked idea all i've got to do is control zagras and i will control the comets you're gonna go after castle grayskull with the comets of course fang face now go get zagras and bring him here i feel so much better when i do something bad goodbye sagras and thanks again for the show you're welcome you're welcome i'm so happy you came [Music] look let me go stop struggling no you stop you don't know what you're doing the comments the the condo stop please my comments need me welcome to snake mountain i'm pleased to have you as my guest oh don't give me that my comments will go wild without me you're causing a great deal of trouble don't i always i want you to use your comets to help me defeat he-man and break into castle grayskull never oh you must let me go for goodness sake i never ever do anything for goodness sake everything i do is for the sake of evil but there's some good in everybody not in this body when are you goody goody fools going to understand i am completely and utterly evil i live to be bad i care for no one and no one cares for me what about your friend here watch your mouth yeah don't ever call me that you see they uh that is he hates me but what is more important he fears me that's the way i like it you can trust someone who's afraid of you oh that's terrible how can anyone be as evil as you oh you flatter me comet keeper and speaking of comets you're going to use yours to help me or i shall keep you in my dungeon forever [Music] i just love the view from this balcony me me too it's it's so peaceful hey look zac rez must be playing with his comets again that's odd we shouldn't be able to see them from here i wonder what's going on yes duncan what is it i think you better come down here right away something's wrong i'm i'm in the lab i'm on my way [Music] zagrez's comets are not even close to where they're supposed to be that's what has me worried there's no telling what effect these comets may have on the world have you tried calling zygrus yes but he doesn't answer maybe you and tila should fly out to his mountain he may be in trouble hey look that one's heading for the ocean oh it's a pretty good thing there are no people out there the comet is too near the water [Music] it's causing a tidal wave the comets are going all over eternia that tidal wave is only the beginning those comets will start windstorms and avalanches and who knows what else [Music] look at all that tidal waves sandstorms avalanches so far no one's been hurt the comets have wandered into vacant areas oh no oh no one of the comets is heading this way quick we need he-man by the power of grey skull [Music] [Applause] hey man what are you doing here no time to explain but i can use your help you got it let's go [Music] this is going to be tough that comet is zig-zagging all over the place what are you going to do i've got to stop that comet wow oh you're not going to jump on it i'm going to try just hold it steady a little [Music] i've got to closer him [Music] hey man are you all right yes when it sinked i zagged it's going to hit that tower get me down fast [Music] no time i've got to jump [Music] ebay [Music] i'll have to fix this later you all right that fall yes i'm fine but we must hurry to zagras mountain before anything else happens can you see the mountain i can't see a thing [Music] i've got a feeling zagras isn't here how did you get so smart muscle head oh you skeletor looking for your friends huh well no one's home zakras is with me if you harm one hair um why zach roz and i are partners he's going to help me open grayscale the game is almost over he-man i hope you enjoy losing [Music] zagras would never join forces with skeletor skeletor's bluffing but he might hurt zakraz if he doesn't cooperate that comet's heading right for us hey man you're in the comet's path run i've never played a game of catch with a comet you don't want to play here on the ground why don't you be a good comet and go back to the sky back you go phew that was a close one behind you [Music] behind you too [Music] [Applause] i think we'd better stop playing catch a comet and get to snake mountain [Music] oh you you lied to he-man i am not your partner you will be once you come to your senses and do as i say oh i will never help you skeletor intruder alert i know what it means it's he-man of course it's he-man they say two heads are better than one but i think they're wrong did you think he-man would do nothing do you want me to try my new defense system no i want you to open the front door for him of course i want you to defend snake mountain i don't suppose you have this kind of problem with your comets no my comments are good not for long [Laughter] [Music] snake mountain dead ahead be careful skeletor will be expecting us activating the pulsar the raider is stalled we're falling hold on controls don't respond we're going to crash into that rock tower not if i can help it i can just hook one of those towers hold on [Music] are you all right what a ride yes i'm fine but we're thinking hold on to me okay [Music] hurry man it's [Music] you want me to go after them yes yes if your two heads can find the way outside i don't like him when he makes fun of me i don't like him period the raider is going to need a bath when we get back that's for sure let's go [Music] it's not going to be easy to get to snake mountain through this swamp we are sag ross's only hope we must get through and rescue him [Music] look up he-man must have come down near here [Music] there they are [Music] [Applause] [Music] they've seen us split up they can't follow both of us [Music] you can't follow me here oh no look out [Music] [Applause] she's on the other side of that rock [Music] are you two through playing around let's get it right [Music] it'll be easy to get inside snake mountain using their own vehicle please let me go you must before my comets ruin all of eternia i will once you direct them against castle grayskull i can't i can't that would mean the end of everything it's going to happen anyway eventually one of your comets will hit grayskull help me do it now and you'll save the rest of the world saving the world for you to rule is not saving it that's your opinion and mine skeletor amen who let you in the door was locked we let ourselves in and you need a new door now let zakraz go forget it sacras is mine you want him and you have to fight for him fighting is all you ever think about yeah you're wrong i think about ruling all eternia more than i think about fighting fighting is a close second you think you must fight to get your way fighting is no way to solve differences i think it is that's why you'll lose wanna bet you broke my staff [Music] you never learn as long as i'm around i will not let you do evil you meddle some muscle man now what more trouble i wonder what that could be dog what's the matter why why it's doodles don't you know he made it over to this side of eternia and he's coming this way [Music] this is one of your tricks no no i i can't do anything when i'm bound release sagras so he can stop the comets i don't need his help to stop one measly comet i'll do it myself [Music] don't destroy the comet [Music] uh-oh gangway i'm coming through [Music] oh my poor doodles what did that villain do to my little friend take it easy little fella you'll be all right now you're free zagrez we must get back to your mountain oh i'm sorry i can't think of anything but my poor doodles he's always been so timid you saw how brave he was today you saw didn't you yes we saw he was very brave i'm gonna miss his singing doodles doodles you're all right [Music] is that renegade rock still here doodles where are you going oh no not you again [Music] oh i hate comets and i hate mud oh i don't know if it's so bad yeah it just takes getting used to who asks you i am home my friends i am home that's wonderful sagras oh it was nothing it's so good to be home with all my friends especially my little doodles [Music] some people think the only way to solve a difference is to fight skeletor for example his answer to every problem is fight he doesn't care who's right or wrong he thinks that might makes right well it doesn't he-man knows that even with all his power he always tries to avoid fighting fighting doesn't solve problems fighting only makes more problems see you soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the masters of the universe i am adam prince of eternia and defender of the secrets of castle greyskull this is cringer my fearless friend fabulous secret powers were revealed to me the day i held aloft my magic sword and said by the power of [Music] [Applause] [Music] cringer became the mighty battle cat and i became he-man the most powerful man in the universe only three others share this secret our friends the sorceress together we defend castle grayskull from the evil forces of skeletor [Music] [Music] okay now is everybody ready marco i don't think i've ever been ready for one of your tricks which means he's just about as ready as he'll ever be orco so let her rip okay thanks uh i think one two three colored balls and now for some chocolate no hands this time i can't look three i see and three i say round and round and round [Music] those pieces of equipment are irreplaceable if anything happens to them i'll why i'll don't worry man in arms i'll get them get back here see he eating they won't listen to me [Music] all nice and safe too yay [Music] what are you doing here i seek he-man why what do you want with him i speak only to he-man where is c he's um he's unavailable so if you want he-man you'll have to tell us why yeah very well my people the reptons are in great danger getting cold eternal flame that warms them out if it's not fixed soon they will hibernate we'll sleep forever i never thought i'd see the day when cobra khan would come to he-man for help i still haven't seen it and from the sound of it i don't want to well i can't speak for he-man but the reptiles have never done anything to us they're a peaceful people except for him but we can't let one bad sheep or snake spoil it for the rest take us to your people cobra khan and we'll see what we can do meanwhile we have a troops agreed yes truce agreed [Music] are you sure you wanted to do this of course that's good because i'm not sure i want to do this we have to cringe we can't ignore a plea for help just because it comes from someone we don't like [Music] so let's go by the power of grey skull [Music] you've been awfully quiet track yeah something bothering you i do not like that machine you mean the land shark yes it has a big mouth amen do you hear me speaking of big mouths no no yes cobra khan we hear you this is dangerous place traps to slow down humans be careful now that is a switch cobra khan telling us to be careful looks like he had a good reason to it's a core lock and it's blocking the past and that's not all it's doing you all right track never felt better good now let's see if we can't clear that road look at those arms we'll never get past it oh i think he just took that belt [Music] sorry but we can't stay around here all day playing catch maybe a quick game of tag might be a good idea [Music] let's see how good you really are [Music] miss me [Applause] [Music] not very good at this are you maybe if we tried all at once [Applause] no orco looks like it got itself [Applause] there that ought to hold it for a while by the time it untangles itself we should be long gone impressive [Music] [Applause] what you you saved me yes thank you i uh no time for thanks must go what a strange day this is turning into well okay let's get back to the attack track like he said we'd better go right you will understand soon enough man at arms then i will not save you [Music] well this must be the place [Music] the entrance to the home of the reptons yes my people come we must hurry well track it looks like we'll have to leave you out here till we get back this won't take long track you'll be fine you're going in there i'm stuck out here with smiley [Music] nice day now cut that out [Music] looks like cobra khan wasn't kidding the lower we go the colder it gets i just hope that when he takes us to the eternal flame we'll be able to re-light it speaking of where is he every time i turn around he disappears here this way all right follow the leader it is that's funny no sign of cobra khan he did it to us again [Music] hello khan are you there say what's this maybe cobra cons inside come on let's check it out this must be the room of the eternal flame from here the reptiles heated their entire underground world or used to that flame is definitely not cold and reptiles can't function when they get too cold the opening must lead down stop [Music] so at last we have you the villains responsible for destroying the eternal flame [Music] fees them wait you don't understand we've come to help i understand i understand that you have put out the eternal flame that keeps our people warm you will have your chance to explain to our king then he can devise a suitable punishment punishment uh let's get him he-man no cat wait we came here to help not to fight perhaps when we see the king we can explain to him so for now we'll go quietly [Music] cold it is getting so very cold in here cold you call this cold why where i grew up it was so cold we had to put sweaters on the icicles ah friend scales even your jokes begin to suffer the effects of the cold soon we will all be forced into the sleep of hibernation and i shall not hear your jokes again for a long time which come to think of it may not be such a bad thing after all right i am what oh your highness [Music] yups yes chancellor what is it oh we have captured those who turned off the eternal flame that's not true king pythos i can prove our innocence i've tried to explain that we were brought here by one of your own people he can tell you that we came here to help oh do not believe them your highness we have a witness to their crime what that's impossible i thought no one saw you bring forth the witness capricorn silence is this true cobra khan did you see them put out the eternal flame yes it was them hey wait a minute are you going to believe him or us i know cobra khan he is one of our people i do not know you take them away sorry but we're not going anywhere right oh yes you are fire coils [Music] those snake coils should keep you busy don't count on it looks like your time's up cobra khan no he-man time to sleep venom missed hey i can't stay awake you've done well cobra khan take them away we will decide their fate later after they awake i will let them do it your highness cobra khan we had heard that you'd turn to evil by helping us capture these villains you have redeemed yourself too late to do any good soon it will be too cold and we will all enter the time of sleep perhaps not highness what if i could restore the eternal flame for that cobra khan you you could have anything you wish be anything you wish even be king king king perhaps what good am i is king if my people are all asleep yes agreed whoever succeeds in restoring the eternal flame shall be king of the reptiles so let it be good excellent yes i plan hmm why my beard there's something strange going on here even stranger than the fact that i don't have a beard oh perhaps i should keep an eye on cobra khan where is sit there it is once this ice crystal is removed the eternal flames will return then i shall be king no it's not working the ice crystal must have put the flame out permanently the question is what do i do now i don't know about him but i know what i'm going to do [Music] hey man you're awake just barely that venom mist really packs a punch now let's get out of here right let's see what this door is made of hey you didn't have to do that i was coming to get you why has king pythons decided on our punishment no no i'm on your side my name is scales we need your help to light the eternal flame we've heard that before now battle cat let's hear him out and it better be good uh well you see cobra khan it's a long story oh come on i'll explain it along the way [Music] so it was cobra khan who put out the eternal flame that's right he was going to blame you then turn the flames back on then he would be king only now he can't make the flames work again you got to help us well that's what we came here for in the first place scales we'll do what we can and then we'll take care of that cobra khan [Applause] [Music] can you fix it it's getting colder and colder down here i don't know scales the hole leads down to an underground layer of molten lava this is the source of your fire but when the fire was put out for too long the hole collapsed we'd need a drill hundreds of feet long a block and tackle and even then there's no telling how long it'll take that's it then it's hopeless not quite scales there might be another way after all that stalactite should be just the right size good shot hey man thanks now everybody stand back i'm going to need plenty of room [Music] what's he going to do drill to the center of a planet if he has to drill deeper according to my calculations he-man should reach the layer of molten lava right about now wow that looks neat yeah i feel better already so do i so you were here the whole time that's right amen thanks for fixing the flames for me now i shall take credit for your efforts and then once i am king what is the meaning of this king pythos i demand an explanation i turned the flames back on and caught them trying to stop it hey wait a minute that's not true sire silence swear on your honor that what you have told us is true i do well here we go again gods seize the guilty one [Music] hey what's going on we made the mistake of listening to you once before i do not intend to repeat the mistake take him away [Music] i want to thank you he-man for your help and now there's something else my agreement with cobra khan was that whoever restores the eternal flame will take over as king amen the throne is yours oh thank you your highness i'm honored you are indeed a man of your word but you were tricked into that agreement and besides you are just the sort of king these people need the honor is mine hey we're scales i wanted to say goodbye to him before we left scales is well he's training his new apprentice scales coming your highness scales and con at your service by having brought difficulty to so many gobra khan's punishment for as long as he is here is to make people happy come on let's show them that new trick i taught you [Music] see fun isn't it yes and i hate fun [Music] today we learned the importance of making the right decisions when cobra khan lied about he-man king pythos believed him at first because cobra khan was one of his people but later he learned the trust in cobra khan was a big mistake so when you have to make a decision about something don't just jump at the first or the easiest answer think it through look at both sides and then decide that way whatever decisions you make will have a better chance of being the correct ones see you next time [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Retro Bites
Views: 785,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: He Man, Animation, Greyskull, heman, cartoon, he-man, retro, retro cartoons, masters of the universe, he man theme, cartoons for kids, he man full episodes, he man, Heman, He-man, He man full episodes, he man english episodes, he man heyheyheyhey, he man what's going on, cartoons for children, kids cartoons, he man episodes, kids animated movies, She-Ra, he man film, he man full movie, he man full episodes in english, he man masters of the universe 1987 full movie
Id: FuoT8LyHqvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 215min 48sec (12948 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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