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what is up guys welcome back to the channel today Dale and I are heading to this absolutely unreal yeah Frozen in Time what is up guys welcome back to the channel today Dale and I are heading to this absolutely amazing abandoned Mana Frozen in time for what we believe 30 years easy easy what is up guys welcome back to the channel today D and I are heading to this up bit mate you want to see me when I'm doing BL reals [Music] yeah what I was trying to say is welcome back to the channel guys today we explore this beautiful abandoned town capsu in the Yorkshire Dales the house was built in 1863 and lived in by the same family until it was abandoned in the late '90s the house became abandoned when the parents of the family passed away leaving the house and all of its belongings to their son but he couldn't bear the thought of living in the house without his family he moved from the home and left the property as a shrine to his deceased parents leaving it as a time captal and only visiting from time to time to remember the happier times the sun then sadly passed away around 2010 leaving the old family home completely untouched and Frozen in time ever since we believe most of the items were from the 1940s era but we found some even older dating back to as far as 1890s time has definitely taken its toll on the old Family Home and it seems like it won't last much longer without the care it so desperately needs join us as we take the first look inside this completely untouched and Frozen in Time abandoned Manner and see what [Music] remains [Music] [Music] right guys we are inside the house now and this has got to be one of the most stunning time captures I've ever seen this is insane is it like when you're in places like this your heart goes yeah dead on edge aren't you look at this look at the cobwebs hanging over the pictures wallpapers coming down the wall there a banjo missing strings this crazy this place onad from outside would even have a clue would you no not at all mate look at this look at all this on the table anything just be careful on this yeah look at that piano guys this house is stunning D yeah everything just left absolutely perfect it's in this isn't it fair what you call them she long CH here look at this guys ch ch got all the trinkets on here big glass ornaments this is absolutely insane isn't it got this B it's absolutely full crazy so dated and everything isn't it yeah want to get to these uh pianos here the song books taking a picture of mirror what you're always in it trying get wow I've never seen details like that well don't lose it a lady in this picture M have you hey you ever seen pictures of this one no I don't I think this has ever been done before first time are we the first ones we're the first ones D we actually are hours now this is insane at the dated wallpaper look at those lamps this is crazy seen I know yeah it's only the first room princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret there got the little uh piano stool oh here we go John Broadmore and Suns all the song books laid out still guys this is literally how we found it walking in it's one of the best like I would say and I've not seen anything like this with the actual size of the property as well it is huge could have be an absolute the biggest time captal I've ever seen all the papers are just stacked still where they were left on the sofa all the rat poo here dirty but look everything's just left in here absolutely perfectly preserved as you can see none of the ornaments have been moved at all we don't have any idea on dates or anything like that haven't found any names anywhere yet look at this beautiful mirror though on this fireplace I'm loving this wallpaper it's so retro I'd say 50s or 60s it seems like wow but like I was saying this is just the first room absolutely [Music] stunning just back into the hallway now and look at this guys flowers ornaments on the side this staircase is absolutely amazing need to head up there soon like I was saying we've literally just walked in oh check this out the old tennis racket next to the door I'm saying this is 50s Vibes check the old crap I think that is or old uh seat let's have a look in this room oh my days look at this guys this is absolutely beautiful the piano there same as in the other room look at the old candlesticks on there wow never seen that before not on an abandoned one all the ornaments on the top all dust across it check these pictures out curtains are all falling down now what a place this is absolutely beautiful a picture of a little girl on the wall there oh there's a bed here oh look at this it's a bed with a little uh thing to pull you up on here some somebody disabled obviously in this house at one point look at this fireplace all the ornaments plates the wallpaper once again this obviously was a dining room it was one point but it's all covered the table there wow the shutters on the Windows you can just see them there this place is beautiful check out the spoon collection all different patterns on there not really sure what they are but little collection if anyone knows let me know in the comments a candle on the table there wow what a place can't go over this bed let's have a look at this bed it's got to step over all this that's next to the bed here look at this old single bed with like a hoist wow so old trophies over there as well but I don't want to climb all over everything [Music] see if we can get around yeah zoom in all trophies in that next to there old candles little girl there there is Vibes in this house guys I'm not going to lie massive huge dresses all the decoration and details in there same with the fireplace absolutely beautiful what a crazy house this is so big as well there's no back door it literally just walks straight in once again look at this blue paint see it a lot on the Old Farms artwork on the walls there oh my God what the hell is this what on Earth is that someone let me know what that is in the comments guys I have no idea and that's creepy check this guy out here up on the wall there smiling it looks like I won't be smiling that me a gut off hey look there's more of these what are they that is strange Oh my days look at these prizes 1896 second prize first prize 1897 1900 1901 wow Christmas Market it's a strange place this isn't it oh look at this the old servant Bells some of them are missing Oh my days what a place this is got all the books here encyclopedias all [Music] moldy oh what a shame the thing that the glasses broke on it there's so much to see in this house oh my what on Earth is that what is that that is creepy I don't like that smells a bit thuny as well as well into the kitchen into a kitchen look at [Music] this what do I have behind me here mountains of newspapers all clothes and cups glasses plates 1990 there 1998 all different uh years on these col [Music] unders so weird feeling in this house it's a proper old Texas Chainsaw style mate this is such a weird place the Frid here I can't even open it this is a weird [Music] house look at all these jugs it's like Homebrew in it wow proper old style in here wow even older got the all cloes dryer Wrangler is it I think it's called this is nuts it's like a box storage room isn't it o stood on something a washing machine here but it's long gone check out all the magazines stocked up sorry if you think I'm rushing guys but bit nervous it's bit of a strange VI in this house it's very weird so old but there's like a few odd modern bits knocking about in the light room I can't really sus out an age cuz there's a few different ages on on these calendars but the stuff in this house is absolutely insane loving it still don't know what that is though do you reckon why would you just have that hung up though yeah with a dry C it don't I just doing that well just leave it there forever yeah just leave it until it goes like you meant to put PL bags put yeah but that's all skin and that's stuff on the side there definitely well I hope it's not past explorers cow or pig or some should we check out upstairs have a bite have a bite jerky yeah oneid CL that's it right we're going to head upstairs guys see what else we can find this house is absolutely amazing noce this bed yeah right let's head up imagine this right should we head upstairs Stay Together case there's a ghost check these stairs out guys all the wallpaper peeling off proper standed nobody's been here that isn't [Music] it [Music] this place is massive oh look at this D taxy Taxidermy Dale check these guys pheasants Oh my days look at this this whole bedroom's fell through oh the whole rooms fell through but what a shame look you've got a baby's cot over there big double bed and dresses oh what a shame you can't get over there to see these rooms I am doing just looking at this artwork in that now is this safe got no idea oh wow guys check out this yellow room it's a bathroom oh my there it's a bathroom guys check out this yellow flowery wallpaper bath here how small is that bath Jesus seen bigger be days just going to be careful on this floor cuz on the other side of that walls where all claps in look at this how often you see an old fireplace in a bathroom like this artwork up on the wall the curtain still hung all this plasters come down now from The Damp and Decay still got his old spice and everything on the side here look at this toothpaste toothbrushes Gillette the best the man can get check out the sun hat on the floor there oh wow what a place bathroom right what's this room then check out this bedroom guys oh it looks like all this has fell out the Wardrobe but got some space over here we'll get over here wow oh my days my auntie had that when she was a kid that elephant and it used to creep me out back then following me wow look at this guys all the clothes in the wardrobe still hung up got hats on this on the top here W looks like somebody's been through these I'm quite surprised it's in uh still in the condition it is with how old it is and you want to see the outside guys it's so derel you would not expect to find all this in here at this big iron bed mattress has been flipped so that shows me that looters have been in and checking under the mattresses and that perfect sign for that it is look at these pictures though little girl there giving me the she looks like the girl off the ring t check these wardrobes though got the details in this all hand carved it's nice isn't it hey look the old wash basin no they are they're in every room are they yeah wow this is the place that just keeps giving it's crazy this mate like your Channel check out this size of this Landing like saying guys look all the windows are put through you will not expect to see all this in a place like this oh dear look at this bed is that a two poster bed I suppose I think hey hey up nearly wow check all these ornaments on the side here yeah look more wash basins I love these it's proper classic sign of an old farmhouse the wash basins absolutely stunning condition as well look at this look at the Wardrobe over there what do we have here is this like an old makeup box or something sweating it's not even just I'm quite warm you know got the Bible there old coins the all 5p there that is old this is let's see what we got old Tempe new temp pen not not new this is crazy mate it's insane is it real that's not Ford post where's the for two poster oh wow look clothes still hung wow look at these details this place is St you need to stop doing that keep popping up around different doorways wow look at these old binoculars put them back where I found them I didn't even mean to pick them up just one of them things look at them the old bag there as well oh still got papers in I might have to BL that look at this though guys it has had looters in 100% has tipped all the drawers Outlet absolute bastards what oh it's plastic thought it was Ivory this is insane Dale loving this bed loving love ever eff's amazing can't believe it's just sat here can't believe it's just sat in this condition oh look at these more dresses more old coins yeah they should have a date on them to be fair got a date 1970 there check these keys out they've been sat there a long time haven't they little candles on the sides wow look at the Decay coming through here you got actual plants coming through the walls little super Tad here is this division cup 80 79 to 80 all the dresses there so I'm going to avoid them all the clothes in the drawers still what I'm thinking guys I'm thinking this would have been back in the day the master side of the house so this would have been up here servant side of the house no it would have the help that's why the rooms are a lot smaller and yeah oh there's a whiff in here yeah that you might yeah so the the help would have been in this side of the the house that's why I smaller that's why they've got their own set of stairs that next door Dale look these wash basins again though look at this I'm saying that that's a marble top not going to be giving the servants marble TOPS oh look little clothes hanger but it's tipped heater there this place is absolutely stunning yeah it's one of the best we've seen for a while time capure wise got the clothes still over the bed what a place clothes still hung up here love how they used to uh decorate the insides of the wardrobes don't see that anymore hey the bathroom the yellow bathroom yeah it's nice that isn't it yeah but this crazy that's Taxidermy in that sh light it's crazy isn't it do you know what's mad though your light a little bit oh yes boss yeah I was just showing this when it first came up mate there a baby cotton that in there is that he what is that what is that uh it looks like a pelvis me no it doesn't what is that that's big ass bones M there's meat hung up everywhere like what are we in a psychopath's house mate possibly is this Lea faces G I haven't been down there Jesus Christ look at that picture let me see W it's Vic in all the glory the floor's a bit sketched there oh look at that is that all the Royals Her Majesty Queen and members of the royal family yeah look at that that's insane is it look they're all measurable SS aren't they they are all in bread I think this is the last room but look at this floor this probably the worst one of them all I'm just going to have to go for it s it oh Dale it's probably the best bedroom I know the floor so sketchy there it's gone right through look at that more marble tops wash basins art on the wall fancy wardrobes I am being I'm going to go there's another bone here D I'm scared this bed's made it's that classic Farm Mouse blue though isn't it on the walls it must have been cheap or yeah look at this guys these dresses a second wash base in there this house is huge what's that now one two 3 four five is that five or six bedrooms not sure guys five or six bedrooms absolutely huge dining room and living room is stunning aren't they yeah kitchen's crazy sketchy in it definitely seen better days I'm all right anyway got fre no it's nuts though in it see outside see what the land's like it's just pretty much Woods in that back there are you like sketched out it feel like eery weird feeling well there's chopped up meat hanging everywhere in Bones weird can't identify it's not the normal like Serv Flo yeah right guys I'm going to run around and get some b-roll and some photos check them out on Instagram Facebook I'll put full albums up on there yeah let's have a run around and get them bits so so we get chopped [Music] up [Music] all right guys that's pictures and voll done heading down the servant stairs here look at this how thick those cobwebs are all the paint peel on the walls ah Dale there's more what there's more rank meat seriously what is it e why is it just lying all around the house I don't know me but it stinks what is it meat oh jerky oh look at this D it's got all uh China on the stairs here oh I'm putting me hand through cobwebs look at this little hidden bit more more pictures here jacket H up too dark all the China on the floor here it's insane this place all up the stairs they must have been wealthy definitely mate this is under the kids bedroom plastic yeah plastic oh look it's got a basement must have made was what above it actually it's claps into the basement hasn't it oh you just can't see it then there they or but there a proper like glass chandelier hanging from the beam with the little spikes on the bottle yeah oh what a shame automatic drenching gun don't know what that is but I'm not going to uh climb over there m we're going to be going down in the basement now this is insane now look at this little table here this would be like it's mad though isn't it how they have the kitchens like little like scruffy kind of thing aren't they like proper workers kitchens if that makes sense yeah farmouse ones yeah and then you have like the grand there just meat hanging up every then you have the grand dining rooms don't you where the guests will go what's under there is that basement yeah are we going down I can't get down oh can't you oh there a TV there though oh what a shame usually find some little gems in the old basements don't you look at this though oh God I tried wouldn't open them oh open tins everywhere hang on hello it's not a bando without uh a fif no I don't know what that is it's not a thinger yeah I couldn't open this fridge it's locked or something loed like um first and second places yeah seen them oh God that's so Grim yeah so this is just like the storage isn't it yeah I think we're going to get trapped and I think we're going to get bummed yeah I think that's what's going to happen and then I'm going to I think we're going to get skin and H hung from the door it's all the last explorers we figured out that are on the banisters wow what a place so guys I hope you're enjoying it proper time capsule it's a shame it's a bit trashed and people have been through the place looking for stuff but it's going to happen isn't it you know we're in UK it's a small country and or something down there scared me but like we were saying on the way up here me and D the UK is not big enough there's not enough abandoned houses for everyone is there more explorers there is abandoned yeah not as big as this though JK crazy this room though is it jokes kind of right guys we're going to leave it there for today so guys hope you've enjoyed it if you have remember to smash a like button leave a comment subscribe hit notification future explores check out social media uh sign up to patreon as well I'll be posting a hell of a lot of stuff to patreon from now on so uh oh nice so exclusive content on there check out Dale explod WD me out and yeah hope you've enjoyed it guys cuz we have absolutely inane place I'll see you next week guys thanks for watching [Music] cheers
Channel: Adam Mark Explores
Views: 387,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned places uk, Abandoned places, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house in woods, abandoned house tour, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned places explored, abandoned places in uk, abandoned places uk scary, exploring abandoned houses 2020, exploring abandoned houses uk, exploring abandoned places, urban exploration, urban exploring, urban exploring uk
Id: GuRimAD435Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 28sec (2008 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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