A Girl Reincarnated in a different world as the Beloved of all Beasts

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the scene starts on a road where a girl is tired wondering that she has been working too much over this month and she needs to get home so she can sleep as she opens the door she decides that she will be going straight to bed but she trips and falls on the floor as she notices that her body is not responding she thinks that she is dying she is midoria kidsu and she is 27 years old her life was a short one as she cries down and her soul departs from her body she can't believe that she worked herself to death death and thinks that this sucks as no one is here for her final moments and she didn't even get to say goodbye to her parents as she cries down saying that she doesn't want to die like this meanwhile a voice tells her that would he like him to intervene as she notices her surroundings a strange person tells her that her lifespan is fixed so that can't be changed but if she helps him she will change how she will die Midori asks if he is a God to which he nods his head saying that humans are currently persuading other species into a world known as a still in and he would like to reincarnate her there so he can decide if the humans should be wiped out the girl gets shocked and says that she doesn't think she can help him with something like that the god Whispers in her ear that in exchange he will grant her a special power and asks if there's anything she wants like teleportation or killer abilities the girl thinks for a while and screams at the god saying that she wants to pet fluffy things the god takes a brief pause in processing the girl screams that she has been trying to pet her parents Kitty forever and she want wants the healing power of stroking that silky fur all day long petting fluffy animals is the only thing that soothes her exhausted heart as she takes heavy breaths the God says that he is not sure he understood but that will be her special power and he will make it so creatures other than humans like her the God thanks her for helping him as a blue light flashes towards her while the girl says that she hasn't agreed to help him and she doesn't want to do anything yet the scene shifts towards a kingdom in a house where the girl opens her eyes she sees a boy a man and a girl looking towards her as they say that the baby is awake Midori thinks about what in the world happened as she can't talk and she can't move her while one lady decides that her name will be nefer Tima the little girl tells her that she will call her Nema as the father takes her and greets her while hugging her the newborn tery baby is taken into the hands of the father while madori thinks that she has been really reincarnated Laria is the largest of aelin's three continents home to the kingdom of gash and she was reincarnated there as Nefera the Third born to the royal dukal family of oie as for her family in this world there is her gentle manly older brother Ralph her energetic older sister Cara and her beautiful and kind father although her father can be a bit disappointing as he is a doting father as Nema trips over a stone while running she falls on a dog who saves her she calls her D there is her beloved dog D who is always there to save her Nema eats sleeps gets cuddled by her family and pets fluffy animals making her life the best as her mother says that Nema is always surrounded by animals Midori thanks the God but the animals are quite overloving towards her she thinks that maybe she shouldn't pet the animals too much the scene shifts towards the dukal house where Nema urges her mother that she should go to the Royal Palace and that she wants to accompany her for work as she doesn't know what to do since her father is working and Ralph and Cara are at the Academy while Nima thinks that animals aren't allowed at the Royal Palace so she can't take D her mother asks if she can be a good girl for her and she agrees as they leave the palace as they are on the carriage the girl sees all her surroundings that everyone is so cheerful and Lively but they all seem so peaceful they don't look like people who would persuade others at the Royal Palace her mother asks if she is sure that she will be okay all by herself for which she says that she will be as her mother casts a protective spell on her and asks her to be a good girl and wait for her Nema sits on a bench bored as she looks outside a pigeon is flying outside and Nemo wanders out into the garden as she runs towards him and stops to take a breath to cool down the surrounding animals come towards her as she gets happy saying that it's a fluffy Paradise suddenly a strange animal from the bush approaches a big animal approaches her from behind the bush and it is a big white tiger as they see each other Nema gets delighted and thinks that it's a rare fluff and she wants to touch it and asks if it's okay to pet it as the tiger approaches her and licks her which tickles Nema Nema sweetly hugs her and is utterly happy that it's so fluffy and how is it so silky and this fluff must be super rare as the tiger moves its body Nemo realizes that it wants her to ride on her back and she hops on her and they go on a stroll as Nema is watching her surroundings a voice calls from her back Lars and Nema sees where the voice is coming from she sees a man on a branch of a tree saying that Lars may be well behaved but he is still a beast and tells Nema to get down as it's dangerous Neema thinks where did this beautiful boy come from as the boy jumps from the tree and picks Neema up where Nema urges him to put her down but to her contrast the man puts her on his back while neima puts her tantrum to put her down as lar picks her up by his mouth and puts her down man says that it's rare for lar to take to anyone other than him and asks Nemo where her parents are and what a kid is doing there for which she answers that her mom is working and the man asks for her name she answers that she is Nefera ASI and she is 3 years old the man asks if she is from an oi family and invites her to come with him as they reach inside the Royal Palace and enter a room neema's father is surprised to see her neema's father recognizes that she is on the prince's Beast while the prince tells him that she seemed lost and asks if Duke oi brought her young man tells him that he rescued her while she was playing with Lars and nema's father asks what had happened Nema answers that she came here with her mom felt lonely and then Lars played with her voting father gets impressed and hugs her saying that he is sorry she was so lonely thank thanks His Highness for bringing Nema to him thinks that if this brute is a Prince's father asks Nema to thank the prince for which she unpleasantly thanks him Prince Pats her head saying that it's so polite of her to thank him person on the chair asks nema's father if she is his daughter she says yes EMA thinks that this person here is someone so she should put on a show for him she introduces herself as Nefera just turn three with a glittering posture man appreciates her saying what a good girl and asks if she likes la for which she answers that they are good friends man introduces himself as garos gash the king of gash and welcomes Nema to visit again thanks him and calls him Mr King at home nema's mother scolds her for running off on her own expressing how worried she was Nema cutely apologizes saying that she's sorry Nema is very upset and she apologizes for what happened neema's mother asks her not only that but she was riding the sky tiger too as Nea is confused by hearing this name her father says that she is talking about Lars Nema says that she and Lars are friends and he protected her asking if she can visit him again as the king invited her back nema's mother says that she is hopeless but very well but she just has to promise her this and that she must not visit the sky tiger when anyone's watching as he is a holy Beast who uses elemental power and he is special she says that their spells are drawn on their Mana but Spirits use the divine power that fills their world using that energy is known as elementalism typically holy beasts only grow attached to the master with whom they bond but Nema says that Lars is her friend and she wants to see him and pet him her mother says that she knows that but that's why Nema has to promise not to go see him while others are around Nima promises and goes out to play with be Nima's mother says that she knows that animals are fond of her but she can't believe that she befriended a sky tiger Nima's father says perhaps she has some kind of special power the scene shifts towards the carriage where Nema is arriving at a palace Nema is quite impressed by the building and seems to be enjoying it she says that she has never seen so many people and thinks that she has never been anywhere other than home in the castle she is so delighted that she is here today to observe her brother and sister at school and wonders if there are any rare animals here meanwhile her mother asks her not to do what she did the other day and asks her to take her hand she explains that she has to find a good place for her brother and as they move moved to a field where they sit on the sideline seats with some great snacks as they sit down her father tells her that it's not a school but it's the product of several teachers magic and asks her to see the soldiers more and more they command those soldiers in battle with one another and Nema asks if it is like chess as she hears that her brother Ralph is about to duel with a person she is worried about him as the battle starts Nema prays for his victory Ralph advances his infantry while the opposite candidate engages his Cavalry as a huge battle takes place between them Ralph delivers the final blow and the referee announces the winner as Ralph Reed oi Nema runs towards her brother saying that he's so strong and Ralph hugs her thanking her saying that it's because she supported him suddenly Nima thinks that she has to go to pee as she moves to the bathroom after the bathroom as she is walking in the alley she sees her brother with a person Ralph introduces Nema as her sister but the man says that he should let servants look after her Neema thinks what's this jerk's problem and is he my brother's friend the man asks her if she will be his excuse when he beats him Nema gets angry saying that Ralph is strong and he won't lose for which the man says that what could a child know as it seriously enrages Nema Neema thinks that they may be school friends but how dare he speak that way to the ducal family at the head of the line for the throne she says that it's better than being a dummy who doesn't know his place greatly surprising both of them as Nema regrets that she got a bit too carried away the man gets too angry and tries to slap her and Ralph tries to stop him suddenly they are interrupted by the prince as Ralph and the man bow down in respect the prince tells them that he saw Tristan raise a hand against a child for which Tristan excuses himself saying that he would never the prince asks why nefer Tima is hiding while Nema is thinking because she doesn't want to get caught by Prince brute Ralph asks the prince if he knows Neema for which he agrees saying that he helped her previously when she was lost at the palace Nema screams that she was not lost the prince says that she's ever the amusing girl and picks her up asking if she would like to become his play thing to which she denies the prince says that she could come and go from the palace whenever she wants which makes Neema think that she could play with Lars and the animals all day Tristan apologizes to The Prince and says that surely he should not give a child free Reign Over The Palace for which the prince says that his father likes her and it wouldn't be an issue as Neema calls the prince a brute he Chuckles her cheek saying that if she is a brute Ralph says that he is sorry his sister is presenting soon for which the prince says that he will join him Ralph pleads with the prince to give Nema to him as he couldn't disrespect him any further for which the prince says that it's fine Prince warns Tristan that Nema is under his protection and he shouldn't dare to do anything like that again pristan scared by the princess's glare says that he will be careful as he runs away Prince asks Nema if her eyes are black for which Nema gets flustered and thinks that she let him get too close as people in this world they're not supposed to have black eyes and she needs to fool him somehow Nema says that her eyes are blue but she feels that the prince is suspicious and she needs to think of something else to talk about she excuses herself by saying that her name is Nema and thinks that now that she thinks about it shouldn't any nefer teamup be shortened to nefer or Freddy why would they have to cut out the middle Prince asks her a call and will as Nema Miss spells will by Will and Ralph is quite happy by hearing this the prince says that she can call him will too the scene shifts towards the ground where nema's father and her mother greet the prince for which the prince says that today he is here as a student of the academy and they can be at ease they're not his subjects but great graduates who can provide him with guidance as Nema sees Cara and asks why they are writing on the ground the prince says that her test involves using magic to defeat a monster summoned by the magic circle as the magic circle activates and Cara sees a big red dragon in front of her everyone in the seats is quite shocked by seeing this mean asks the prince if it's a dragon for which the prince says that it's not a simple dragon it's a fire dragon a mighty holy Beast Nema thinks that a holy beast that's the same kind of special creature as Lars while the others say that it's impossible why was a fire dragon summoned and they order to protect the students the prince questions if Cara's element is fire for which her father says that her skill with fire is high but her skill with water is low the prince says that she is at a disadvantage and Nema thinks that Cara has to run as Cara is smiling which greatly confuses Nema and she sees her mother tossing too Nema thinks they have to hold it as this is obviously Reckless as Nema jumps from the prince's lap and runs towards the wall she jumps from the wall and as she is falling the little lights save her from falling and she thanks them she thinks that there is no time to be spaced out and runs towards the dragon the surrounding people soldiers Cara and the family members are quite shocked by this but to their surprise Nema comes in front of the dragon and orders the soldiers not to hurt the Dragon
Channel: Explainer ani
Views: 1,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IsekaiDeMofumofu, AnimeExplanation, NadenadeSuru, FluffyInAnotherWorld, AnimeUncle, IsekaiLife, Kemonomimi, Reincarnation, AnimeCuteness, AnimeRecommendation, IsekaiAnalysis, AnimeReview, AnimeAppreciation, AnimeExplained, AnimeFans, anime recaps, anime recap, anicaps, anirecap, anime summary, anime, ani, recap, ani summary, explainer ani
Id: Ra3xWjLQUF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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