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i mean complete ninja was like 150 bucks anyway so i think a card is probably six right so graded you got a little bit more maybe 750 yeah i had a thousand on it i will get that vloggy flips all right everyone welcome back to the channel my name is anthony so when i look ahead at the forecast i'm seeing temperatures predicted like in the mid 50s and in indiana speak that means garage sale season is right around the corner i'm guessing two or three weeks i'll start seeing them pop up everywhere on a personal level one thing that i've been wanting to do before that happens is i want to go through all of the uh vintage masters of the universe stuff that i've collected over like the last year or so and decide what i want to keep what i want to sell basically define what i want my collection to be believe it or not i don't want to just be like surrounded by by uh masters of the universe i want a nice simple clean collection and i want to uh sell the rest of it off so the other day i got a message from my buddy lucas who all of you know as the guy that runs the facebook group hilltop toys he recently scored a pretty amazing pretty clean almost complete with lots of doubles original masters of the universe collection and uh he kind of sent me some pictures of it and asked me what i wanted before he went through with selling the rest of it so that gave me kind of the perfect opportunity to start going through my collection see what i wanted to do and see what my goals were so after lots of sorting and lots of thinking i decided that i wanted my collection to be uh completely vintage like the 1981 through i think 1987 line i want it to be figure focused meaning i don't care about all of the vehicles or the buildings the castles as far as what i want to keep a lot of that stuff just takes up too much room i've accumulated quite a bit of that stuff which i'll be selling off probably probably on what not pretty soon but ultimately what my goal would be is to have one of each complete figure uh as clean as possible and basically when i stumble upon a figure that i already have complete if the new one's in better condition i'll replace it and sell the old one or if it's not in better condition i'll sell the new one now to actually complete the line that way we'd be looking at quite a bit of value there's plenty of complete figures that kind of lay in that like 20 to 50 dollar range completes there's several more that kind of get up into the one two three even four hundred dollar range and then there's a handful of figures that if you can find them they're probably going to be up in the thousands because they were only released overseas we're talking like your laser power he-man your laser light skeletor stuff like that and i may never get my hands on some of those very high-end figures like that just kind of having that in the back of my mind like something to hunt for something to look for like when i'm buying these collections it just kind of keeps it fun so one thing i did i went to amazon and i bought six of these acrylic cases they have like little stair steps in them so there's basically two rows i'm guessing each one should hold somewhere between like six and eight figures a piece and i just think that'll be a really clean looking display for the way i want to collect so before i sent lucas my list i started going through a bunch of the stuff i had trying to see what was complete what wasn't and i do have quite a decent pile already going with the stuff that i have complete like this rattler merman fisto king hiss spike ore mantenna orco almost complete modulo complete clawful tila just missing our staff i'm actually getting one of those from lucas try clops we got prince adam down there a few weeks ago lucas put me in touch with his friend matthew who also runs the facebook group hilltop toys along with lucas and matthew had a very incredible motu collection that's primarily what he deals in and what he collects so i did go over to matthew's house and unfortunately the uh footage i took there got corrupted so i wasn't able to make a video which is a shame because uh it was it was pretty impressive there but he did give me a great deal on a few figures that i was missing original he-man very clean complete with all accessories the original skeletor also very clean with all accessories and then he sent me what is probably my highest end figure at this point which is this vintage scare glow the glow-in-the-dark ghost of skeletor absolutely complete his uh cape does have a little fading to the purple in my opinion isn't that big of a deal but generally this is about a three to four hundred dollar figure this little accessory can sell for over a hundred dollars on its own the cape can sell for over 100 on its own i've seen legs sell for like 50 or 60 bucks and then he also gave me a great deal on these like 60 on the he-man 60 on the skeletor and 280 on the scare glow which for these figures i think is well under market value now the last thing i'll mention before we head out to meet up with lucas um there's lots of variants when it comes to figures lots of like just little paint issues that can make the figure worth like five times as much i'm not going to concern myself with variance however one thing i do want to keep an eye out for are carted figures if i come across carded figures for a decent price while i'm out i will absolutely pick those up as well as long as they're from that 1981 to 1987 uh kind of original run and this was one other thing i bought from matthew it's a carded stone dar it's not in great condition by any means but the bubble is still sealed on there the graphics still look cool in my opinion just with some little rips it's in this nice mop case here charge me 50 bucks for this right here and i was certainly happy to pay that just to have this be my first kind of carded figure from that original line so i made lucas a list he shot me a great price so we're gonna head over to what i like to call the hilltop toys headquarters and go pick up our cool stuff from lucas i want to give a shout out to current for sponsoring today's video current is the future of banking entirely on your phone with a mobile app and a debit card current launched a brand new feature called interest with a four percent ap wide that's 60 times the national average four percent that is crazy four percent more than anyone else and current is helping me give away one thousand dollars to my viewers four random people that download the app and use my promo code froggy will receive 250 dollars loaded directly onto their account so go download the app and use my code froggie so you don't miss out on four percent signing up is quick it's easy and it's convenient and you can do so much right inside the app you can send and receive money you can sign up for direct deposit and you can even set up your savings pods to start earning that four percent apy once you download the app don't forget to use my promo code froggie for a chance to have 250 dollars loaded directly onto your account thank you again to current the future of mobile banking [Music] what's up man i think this is the first time ever i didn't miss your driveway oh yeah yeah i think i've missed it every time you should do it by now right right yeah good man how are you good good to see you thank you for holding these for me yeah your stuff is over there in the corner and the priority box over the table there oh okay and those are a pain they're awesome do you actually like do all the transforming and stuff too on them just to make sure these kind of looks like i should speak but it helps yeah like this one takes batteries that works it's worth a lot more that's an expensive one shockwave did you sell the megatrons yet that is this cool i sold this um this this is a complete one aside from the little weapon for it yeah but that's the base figure there so this one's going to portugal i think they put repro stickers on it way too clean it's very clean but it's those are still sweet man these are all put in that bow too a lot he just kind of threw it in oh really there's a ton of value was that here in town oh really i'll see you part for that snake not a bad drive but not like next door yeah i mean these are clean yeah very cool very cool right yeah i think i've added a figure or two and here's something to talk about i don't even know why i'm buying these i'm just you know like as i see them i buy them because maybe someday yeah yeah i'll take these too very cool so 490 and then whatever else you yeah what you going i was gonna play for more money but you feel pretty good about that uh how'd you sell that laser power like was that locally to a regular collector friend of mine that's awesome he lives in chicago i can't afford this until what's the price i mean i can't even find a cup on that i mean i mean complete ninja was like 150 bucks anyway so i think a card is probably six right so grade it you got a little bit more maybe 750 yeah i had a thousand on if i will get that i mean that's that's just for 75. i mean if it was a 90 it'd be different but why is it so low for mock collectors yeah well this is this is an exterior plastic this just comes off yeah um i'm not sure why it's gotta be this maybe you like those corners maybe corners are rough i guess there's a little bit of bending right there not bad though yeah that's just a bubble pulling the card over time you can look it up i mean it's got sub grades so see this card b is bubble at this figure so it says the figure is perfect to 90. the bubble's an 85 so the cards where you get all the downgrading at 75. so it's got to be card problems it's got a little dust on it yeah i mean if somebody going to display them it's great to rock yeah this is like 500 range 500 range this is more because it's the euro box and it's really nice yeah really clear the clamps are expensive i got this for 150 it's got a busted bubble the stratos box can be really expensive because he's an eight-pack figure this is not an eight-back but he's an original eight just a five piece also another euro box that's sealed if you wanted a vehicle but i make a new one okay i want to move them and not ship them yeah oh yeah for sure okay there's the ones that you have listed aren't they yeah those are all of the graphs they're all good except this guy's got a foot through the bubble yeah rabbit looks pretty good though he's very clean very clear we had a two tutorial or so this is a yellow gear variant which is a seal variant which is kind of cool this gear is never yellow okay those are actually pretty well done the guy i bought the set from he did all that paint work himself and he was pretty good he'd even look a few of the figures oh really yeah that's really cool i at least finally know where i'm going with my collecting so i can start like inventorying and making a list and then you know pretty high-end some things i'm sure i'll never get like i'll probably never get a laser power or a uh 400 bucks about 1600 oh yeah for sure good luck finding accessories even in this country most guys actually pursue the little repros on those because they're 15 cost a couple hundred bucks you can get the whole right and it works and everything all right gotta buy them when you see them all right so 450 550 600 640 is that right 5 20 40 60 86 20 40. awesome dude thank you i uh i underestimated the time it will take me out this guy's collection oh really it was like i counted it up it was about 400 pieces wow it's like to look it up and to list it and to verify it and then just ship it it's like mistaken which i'm on two week two right now and i'm just now getting through transformers yeah you seen those pictures when you first got it and i like my heart was racing like like yo let me show you there's lots of figures over there i mean those are all still here oh really yeah i mean feel free to look at them man i mean there's they're just not on the tables they're all complete mostly anything from scare gloves towards chair claws to flying fist humans i mean probably a lot of the ones you're missing got a mosquito in here [Music] so we're even then that was all good yeah awesome parts feel free to take it did you have the webster parts at all oh yeah i just take this one i know it's good let's do that all right we got on that one i'll just take it back are you sure throw it in yeah so we're all good my number on everything else that's fair i feel good about this thanks buddy yeah man appreciate you holding them yeah got any good sales or anything today to run too or no what stuff has to be coming up though supposed to be like in the 50s next week so thanks buddy i'll see you next time all right so we're back in the garage and here's kind of where we are so far i just kind of started filling stuff up with no real rhyme or reason about whether it was like a good guy or a bad guy or there's no real theme going on to these cases i just kind of wanted to see how many figures would fit in each one and kind of what they would look like definitely have to come up with like some lighting because these will probably just go up on a shelf and never touched again so i want to light them up somehow but i'm pretty happy with these little amazon cases they did exactly what i wanted them to the figures display well in them got our king randor there down here we have our scare glow next to a ninja next to squeeze probably keep the skeletor and the he-man out so they can be on battle cat and panthor um and then there's still two empty cases that i need to fill up once i finish going through everything but i did get to add another carded figure got a very nice rattler here card's actually in really good shape very happy to already have another carded figure in my possession for a total of two i think this is going to be just a nice clean way to display these figures and definitely does its purpose in and kind of given me a goal and an idea of what i want to keep and what i want to sell because i'm learning that it's not too tricky to come by these old action figures so this is what i'm working with so far i'm pretty happy with it uh if anyone's interested in these cases just let me know i'll send you a link pretty easy to find on amazon though all right as always i want to thank you so much for watching the video but until next time stay safe stay healthy love you bye when they hear that cha-ching and they all look at me i guess they'll know i'm buying this crap
Channel: Froggy Flips
Views: 350,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HE HAD EXACTLY WHAT I WANTED!, garage sale, yard sale, garage sales, yard sales, toy collecting, vintage toys, motu, masters of the universe, vintage, heman, private pick, vintage toy display, toy hunting, treasure hunting, yard sale ride along, garage sale ride along, american pickers, froggy flips, froggyflips, nostalgia hunting, nostalgia hunter, vintage motu, buying and selling toys, hilltop toys, yard sale gopro, garage sale gopro, yard sale haul, garage sale haul, flip
Id: t9VlxKmNCTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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