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[Music] what the [ __ ] we just killed four of them how the did he do that he just save the whole game what four of them what this may just be some of the best League of Legends I've ever seen today we have a highlight recap of the entire lck spring finals between two of the most successful teams in Korean League of Legends history reigning world champions T1 versus ji with a peak of over 2.6 million viewers this is the most watched event outside of world it's higher than any MSI tournament the first noteworthy play comes from the top side of the map with keen's wave bouncing and Canyon finishing grubs he puts on the aggression forcing Z into a tough spot but my God this guy has good clicks and King to go for Swifty boots as now going to try to chase after zos who is going to WHL bender and kind of just miss a bunch of stuff ke still on the chase it's so difficult to get away from this and now Canyon here the flash on him but he Dodges the stun and J will be totally fine but jeni aren't done following on from their previous play they recognize a flashless Z's wave is bouncing after a synchronized reset from Keane and the geni bot Lane they employ an extremely smart Lane swap putting the flash Advantage kalista Top Lane Z I think he might have playing oh no he's just going to run straight at him Z no flash no world Ender maybe no way to get out of this one as he gets pulled back and the ren comes through flat forward and Pa will pick up first blood in the top after an uncontested Mountain Drake to ji chovi catches bot wave and with Kean rotating to Shadow Faker shows off his summon SP discipline I I suppose if you're a T1 fan you can be happy he didn't get a ear uh because it's not as much a playmaker here on the cor key but he's already making an imp coming down too and has yeah I mean The Equalizer comes down and now Faker he's going to have to dash away just barely do is that big one with T1 recognizing ji is pushing mid and on Herold they use their TP advantage on an lless keen and unsuspecting chovy allowing a deathless drive into cash this one let's see if the flank out of zus is going to be good enough Heen going back in but K trying to help him chovy just going to flash away and it looks like Keen also going to go for the flash but we got owner on the way we got a potential goba from downtown going to pick up the kill the first Cloud Drake of the game goes over to before they employ Herald onto the map to break mid but then something happens that I've never seen anyone do before theultimate comes down you win those o um okay I don't think we've ever really seen that before in the LC G but it's going to DOD equalizer gets maxed the value and now Faker in a lot of trouble down he will go and that is going to be a big deal here zi continue the push RI Herald Smith haral they say they're continuing to dive underneath the turret as forced to contest this Dragon at risk of gingi gaining Soul Point T1 attempts to enter the river but choke plus Rumble equals a hard time control in the banana brushes everybody is grouping up and Joi he's got an angle the hook comes in and Carri is the target he's not very tanky he goes down immediately and this front line theen loses after shock but now you don't have Tera it's a 54 following this play T1 still look to cut off the remaining geni in the river but a couple of insane micro input sto the play in its tracks there and go get T down yeah he ated in mid ch's looking for more we got lens by himself he's got Kean but Kean is kind of leaving him to the dust as lens is in the pit and now Canyon just going to all the way and now they look to take the fight Genji getting back in but Z is going so deep by himself and he is going to go down a of F and I'm just going to show a replay of this clip specifically to show off how insane P's flash off of Z's flash Q3 is because atro's Q has a25 second knockup and paay does indeed get Knocked Up he had only milliseconds to FL the wall to break Z's passive Auto attack animation if he dies there Zas gets a reset while ji's DPS goes way down as well as him not getting cced by the subsequent kist all if PA didn't flash his Auto Zas resets and kills Kean and lens who are in the dragon pit which then opens up Baron for T1 an absolutely insane and also under the radar gam saving play from pays with chovy doing what he does best clearing mid t1c an opening cutting off Jeni's potential Baron but not without cost pick it up and now we got ke coming in he's looking upon punish the r of them that's a double kill against an almost 300 CS scaling Cory and sole point in 2 minutes 30 T1 recognize their backs are against the wall the baron wall to be exact knock some people away but now he's just trying to keep them out of this one Keen is not in the pit leen's trying Des but that will go the way of T1 and now they're all on the pit they're just trying to get out of this one even though T1 claim a bloody Baron Z and Faker Escape looking to claim all the baron Buffs ji swarm the top side following Canyon but this might be a bit of an overplay look at to shut these two down might just be able to not the easiest targets with the atro and the azir but eventually Z will fall and they're looking for a bit more keen looking for the dive even I mean how far are they going to go on this one I mean they really want to take away all the baron Buffs here as the flash comes out of Faker and the head is going to go down but now it's fre back no Canyon is going to live and Baker looks to take him out as we approach Soul Point T1 is again in a desperate spot approaching as you are red R but finds hiset in the pressure same fight same choke start and owner desperate to get in they're trying to turn up to zus and they will immediately take him down now it's a 5v4 Candon keeps it least doesn't give owner a chance and The Equalizer is beautiful once again Gooma getting zoomed in on a nice Al Away by K as he's going to get in and steal the cloud Drake away after a perfect game thus far PA is caught mid by Faker and fed to hry push on to him first and win the subsequent fight as Faker uh okay going to get in on to PA and he's just backing inm it to free shutdown for Gooma in another play of desperation T1 find themselves between a gingi and a hard place no time here for the Poke for chy has to be big this time around Keen is here as T1 they're just trying to flip it K is going to knock away the jungler and they do get the baron again but can you get out of the pit is the real question zus desperate he is going to Dash over the wall and owner will be left out to drive once again it's a double for toy but at least T1 get the baron following gen claiming Cloud Soul T1 spot and overextended chovi with a deep Ward but gingi fight right back stabilizing the map the knock up comes in and now Baker is here for the punish chy desperate to do damage but he goes down and now a fight up on the top side jji looking to fight back and they should be able to take out honor that they will and that will make it a 44 but you just took out toi who loses his flash I'm going to pull the footage up here just to highlight the foresight of carrier knowing the lane assignments and that someone has to keep pushing top out to prep for Elder carrier heads top out of vision around 3655 this enables the flank TP from Faker taking Jeni's strongest member off the map as well as his flash ahead of the most important objective of the game the level of foresight these players have is just insane ji pounce on a misstep in just a crazy sequence of micro plays the level of this game just becomes more and more apparent yeah no panage for now and Goomba he's nearly going to do that Sun from the V but owner might just have to eat it so much survivability on his side though he will get away and the face call will be utilized lens's going back in K trying to keep him safe as Faker try to keep Faker [ __ ] parkour going on a little roller coaster ride right now not sure about that one the Keen has to go into the Zas as the solders a bit too early from the side of Faker ji take Baron before shoving midwave out in anticipation for Elder I actually can't say anything more in this next sequence because you're just about to watch one of the best plays in this entire series lot of poke uhoh like I Wasing he's caught out on the bottom side he's just going to go down pretty much for free look at him he's on the run and T1 they can't rush down an elder like that that's going to be a free atrox and now it's a 5v4 for jeni looks like Exodia might be on the menu here I mean T1 they have to win this fight without their top uhoh the he the guy he wants to make the play he's going to get in that back line press the Zar button goba just dies immediately anyway and J it looks like they have done it for game number one massive divide though and a chance here but so much Dage what the [ __ ] he just killed four of them what what Quadra com down from the side of Baker and that might just keep this game alive actually as toi is still chasing the puppy the knock away comes through and Kio will live what a play from Baker okay we need to break this down because what the [ __ ] I for sure thought T1 was rinsed here recognizing a lot of T's damage and power budget is gone jengi look to re-engage at basically any cost PA uses Fate's call on the hens and throws him over the wall straight onto carrier and Faker canceling carrier's Al this is directly followed by Canyon's Vio Al after lens to close distance paay then flashes forward as a naous support and Bruiser Vio don't have the damage to kill a DPS fast enough to disengage fager then immediately uses Emperor's divide nuking half Health pays and chunking lens and Canyon down to around 35% or so Baker then uses shifting Sands for the shield onto Keen lens and Canyon before flashing behind his Emperor's divide to safety from ji's melee damage this further chunks three geni members before his soldiers finish them off Baker then Falls to chovy's missile barrage with carrier escaping to take chovi off the objective at 42 minutes and 30 seconds T1 and ji enter the last standoff of the game not going to get over the wall here as he is ear C is going to get in do they have the damage to execute them with this elder is the question it looks like yes as Baker also will go down with ji taking an extremely close 43 minute game we already know we're in for a banger of a series with an almost completely fresh draft on both lck powerhouses the first play of the game is made early on a crashing wave lens put his Annie support to work but he W ready for the play pass Canon The Flash Forward Goa immediately going to try to clench it down will go Le hands at the trade back back here flashed away from that one by Guma but it's not quite going to be enough as now Canyon continuing on the chase here carer just looking for another route to come down will be matched by the stun as now the charge on forward he really would love to take this kill not sure if he's going to be able to we'll have to see if Canyon can still get the kill as well and yeah he's just going to walk this one out we're going to pull up this highlight to seeing as the cast has missed it lens flashes onto Guma but lens knowing Gooma will cleanse the stun Waits a split second to ignite allowing his Summoner to still get value we then watch the varis Q from PA that would have killed gumma 100% but he actually flashes over it and anyone knows how hard it is to flash into a projectile instead of dodging it horizontally this almost gives him the kill onto pay as well Goma just played this whole fight so well on a micro level from the insta stun cleanse to his spacing and flashing over the Varys q and I don't even have to mention carrier sidest stepping this is just awesome to watch T1 take the first dragon of the game obviously signaling that owner is bot T1 call the hen's reset and pounce on the opportunity literal than I was expecting as now owner getting on in the routs going to come in and nice cleanse they say but you're going to die in what starts is a pretty slow play a roaman ke looks to speed things up a bit oh little play here lens is going to get the stun off but now he's just on the run as F's call got to be used to try to get on top of him L will flash away of course to try to survive and now that riy is really doing a number here to Faker who has to flash away himself big go going to come out from chy picks up the kill but now might be traded back yes you will owner going to pick up that one and now T1 on the chase they get the knock up here on aen who is going 1 V4 and is taking quite a while to go down that's fine is he okay finally he dies following the fall of keen T1 take the second dragon of the game recognizing T's bases ji move on an opening money and a kill uhoh Cante can he survive is the other question taking it up excellently ji allocate resources top side but T1 has an answer bot Lane deploying Herold in response we're going to make a play here on a potenti but ke just tanking up the turret going to demolish that one down and now the tase coming in from the big dragon that is chi and you know what this um ghost not going to get you out at this one this time as it is going to be a trade of turrets following on from this play ji looked to move on an overplay but in this series nothing is free he does have some support he's got an Al himself but the rest of gen are barreling down into the bottom Lane and Crescent guard is going to be nice for a little bit as Kean is tanking up that turret quite a lot but he is Rex ey now they're going to go for the reengage a massive knock up comes in from the side to carry him with the turn it's coming in immediately Keen is going to survive on the backs side of that an neelan soul with that upgraded ultimate is going to always be relevant on the chase ji looks to false onto a seemingly misposition T1 but a smart protot usage breaks the play calls back up K back up how about just another fight here as K is uh just going to be okay the TP is coming in Keem trying to get out of this one trying to extend this onto the rec side though it's not going to work out and the fates call saves ker but a lot used to try to keep them around after a spot of stagnation rexi and AIA contest top wave in preparation for Baron but both teams respond aggressively does have also want to highlight Baker interrupted on the dash and the whole team the entire team is coming on up TP now as Rex ultimate going to be used Baker not going to be able to sweep him away and Z's desperate to save him but it's not going to help as pace is just dead on the right side just going to go down essentially for free is Kia and Guma do fat call him to death and now zus on The Chase and the flash on in from car they're trying to take out Toby and they will be able to Goa finally able to front line and it's a winning fight here for T1 as they take out three despite almost the entire geni off the map Canyon threatens the steel forcing the hand of T1 that all out they just need to turn on to him otherwise as well yeah I mean oh he is going to be rooted up as now he's not going to be able to get into the pit as uh yeah pushed away here by K and is super low and one last try maybe is out of our PR to seal that one away it's not going to happen and T1 will take down a very early barer as we approach the Fourth Dragon at almost 25 minutes the game is skewed towards T1 but as we've seen in this series so far nothing is free I mean with the Redemption coming in as well now the engage is going to be denied as we do have a massive ultimate coming down and now the engage comes in from the side of gen goba not not able to play the game this time around K also going down and owner is left alone Baker also on the run as owner desperate to try to take out paay it's not going to happen it's a Quadra kill for the side of chovy with a non kill and almost 10 CS per minute aeli and Sol is ji's pillar of Life the game is anyone's to take and this next play will leave you on the edge of your seed you hate to see on the other team it's the solo Q mid laner why does he have Nine Kills why is he so fast Baker trying to get an angle let's see if can do it he's going to try to get on PA and he will take out the varis once again that is not the aurelian soul in the counter Gage comes in they take out the kalista as Baker still alive here another Front Line the Gen is going down Redemption for Canyon and Keen in the front line trying to take it up Toby puts a giant everybody here in the front line it's such a close fight as both teams have only lost one memb so faren still on the chase but now the azir turret will stop this fight recognizing ji has allocated resources to denying Dragon Sal he won't offer a good trade so quick and he doesn't havea he doesn't care with three people yeah de can't do anything and and and chy can't get here in time doesn't have assault that's a baron following the baron take T1 moves in unison with the top wave but a met with heavy geni resistance here he's trying to enter the story line he wants to be a character in this game but now the 's going to come down from the aelan soul and the Cresent guard is doing so it's going to finally be taken out with legs cut out from under them T1 look to end with a new Baron a they're going to try to go for this one now they're throwing in carer they're looking for the angles the re side not tanky enough one and P going to dodge it the engage from Canyon to by them a chance in game number two but I don't know if they're going to have it paved take out one but it's four people against the Nexus and they're just in a 1-1 series so far tan and ji deploy with the a changing hands in an extremely solid Qs Battle of the Scuttle crab first blood is spilled you saw both the midlaners trying to angle on over and now Canyon kind of in an awkward spot as owner definitely considering continuing in on this one going to put down a ward Canyon going to get charged on here once again owner continuing with the chase the bottom laners are just distracted at the moment they're not able to come out over and help he has to FL the black go still goes down owner picks up first Blood 1 V one following a smart dance fake answers the top wave crash as ji push T1 P oh they don't have a lot time for this oh and the combos used on a PA doesn't do any damage and now the AL comes in the Moonlight vigil and Pace will pick up The Kill but Canyon should be traded back he is so far behind enemy lions and Guma will be gifted a kill as well as both teams size up the second dragon the team fighting press we've come to expect in this series is put on display bubble has to be flashed by Toby who's now looking to make the play knocks up two with them but owner is going to stay alive and now the turn comes on in they're trying to take out the aellos and that they will but now we do have a front line here for the side of chovi who is full health and nobody on the side of T1 is really able to do any damage to him o comes out from the side of Keane and now the chase is on they look to take out the Zach as t one did pick up this Dragon but jeni are able to take the fight Harold is next on the menu but jeni is well ahead of schedule looking to expand the lead T1 actually fights over this one owner trying to get on in and is not actually going to commit to a certainly thinking about it the front line no question guard coming on in and owner is in a lot of trouble this gets assassinated by the re side doing insane amounts of damage and now Baker uh-oh Here Comes Chi going to force that flash out of Baker and get that Summoner out as now maybe a trade onto the Lulu could be nice but not going to happen despite having an early game comp T1 Trails J at 18 minutes and 30 seconds looking to bite the crashing top W gingi seemingly have an answer to everything oh boy very questionable TP here from the side of chi can he survive though he does have an emperor Divine and a TP and Faker he's tanking the turret he goes down executed chovi flashes goes into the Zas but he eventually will go down finally they take him out it's now keen on the Run has aulu pour some help and is re side with less than a th000 gold splitting the two teams and baron beckoning openings are looking to be forced and we as viewers are just treated to some amazing team fighting not always sustained and now lens just going to face check uh definitely another questionable move by one of the members of gen he's going to have to flash away and now here comes T1 gets the flash out a pace he doesn't have a front line he's left all alone the H goes down PA Falls as well and T1 are looking for something keen and to want to go 2v5 they're going to take out one they get Guma here as now a knock up going to come down on theen and a chance here to take out toi but no knockup just yet as he is on the Run goes into his da Keen desperate to try to peel for him can they take him out yes they can they take him down and T1 take a big fight after T1 take the first Baron of the game and their third Dragon they look to utilize the buff around the map but jeni won't let them take objectives without answer uh they are going to find this angle though on the faker and amazing all comes in but now accessing the back line pace is going to go down and the front line pulls through for the side of T1 they have the damage Chi can be as tanky as he's likees to flashing kite back Toby is air and he is trying to continue on this one I mean t is just so tanky and now the followup is coming in we do have Nas but chovi instant timing on the shove coming through from Faker and that is the end of toy as well with soul spawning for T1 gingi take a leaf out of T's book and force the baron far behind and T1 are right here so it's just going to be an attempted turn here from the side of T1 Baker all the way in the back but he does not die toi goes golden and Pa is actually surviving he's doing the damage but the baring goes to T1 and T1 will eventually win the fight the wallets are getting real heavy at this point in the day as now pays price to turn it around but he's alone as owner going in oh they will be able to take him out Goa does get the execute and that should be enough the TP is coming in and T1 take a massive fight now I'm just pointing out an amazing highlight and show of discipline from Gom here chasing the remaining gingi after the baron steal he gets crit from paays recognizing he's maybe only one Auto from dying he plays his effective range perfectly and waits for the Split Second where owner knocks him up before re-engaging really well played from Gooma with Baron and kch soul the power is well in T's hands on paper the game should be over but on paper ji is be done I don't know if they get to contest I don't to get the fight okay well Baker is going to be isolated here and he should be going down doesn't have Flash and the Damage should be able to come through at least to take out Baker as both teams stand off to get mid prior a miss it forces a fight to break out go ahead and lose this one immediately but Toby is going to get caught and so much for that as immediately this fight should go the way of T1 they take out Chi who desperately tries to make a play it is not going to happen and now T1 should be able to take the Barr off that P T1 takes Baron but at 37 minutes into the game taking an elder Drake can still turn the ties try to make and force a flip can they force T1 to flip is really the question T1 not necessarily in position here comes the Zach though looking for that backline flashes away and now Doby provides the front line T1 are kind of broken up here it's not a perfect fight are the wall it's heavy El is the question it's it goes the way of owner it goes the way of T1 and that should be enough to execute out of this game number three pulling it up again here just watch on Zin yeah the whole of T1 is chasing J towards bot but admidst that owner Zin is 2v oneing steals Elder and proceeds to kill both Canyon and chovi such is the power of suned sky and the passive of more of melus and that should be enough to execute gen out of this game after an amazing performance by the whole of T1 but specifically oner and goomar T1 take game three so far every game has gone past 30 minutes really showing how even this matching is pulling out the kousik canyon looks to redeem his series thus far but as we saw at World Z's Gwen is a known Terror following T1 taking the first chem Drake of the game the game seems relatively stable almost 10 minutes pass in stagnation before ji Lane swap their B Lane on those turret play now trying to get on top of here he has the needles looking at take out the H nearly and this going to survive and now here's Baker up on the top side of the map as well going to keep him safe and maybe even look for a play as PA has to flash away from that one some pretty low health bars Here Comes Chi though looking to turn this one onto zus who's just barely out of range in the calling and Will Survive for now but the ultimate will come down from the aurelion soul trying to turn it on the paage they will get that kill following gen taking the second dragon of their game they set their sides on breaking tier one number two as you might have a fight here oh boy they're all caught as he e on top of as into the bubble and carrier has to flash away they barely get out of that one dragon three is taken by J but the power farming Canyon wants his blue buff could opt into it Canyon is that we'll see if he tries to go for a one to one on owner no just takes his objective no he'll get the objective they do aen oh yeah owner he's in a lot of trouble he can't get away from the KX as both teams look for Baron control Canyon threatens in the jungle but as we've seen over and over again nothing is free in this series yeah he's going to clear the ward but he is going to dash away but now can you get away from the aurelian soul without that a flash he is going to divide and owner is providing a front line here goes into the sonas a chance for T1 now Guma in the 2v2 desperate to take it down gets the red all down and now Z is going to take out Canyon on the top side of this white Toby just trying to kite away from Z and Z is going to be isolated here the rest of the team not able to follow up on the quen J take their third Dragon putting them on Soul point before retrying top jungle for control his ultimate has the Horizon Focus oh somebody's got to check and it's owner this time around he is going to walk it off but now I I think with the um and now OD just runs into them assumes they backed and that is going to be the end of that as now it's gigantic ultimate going to hit the wrist here it's a 54 in favor of gen and quickly going their way as it's 53 Baker gets slowed up goes for a bit of a split but there's no followup Goa can't do it alone they take him out and clean Ace to take this fight and maybe just the game two waves pushing a 330 CS aurelian soul is hungry to end he brings us to a fifth one Z it's happening guys Z is desperate he is so desperate to try to not allow this to go to game five but it is inevitable gen will take down the turrets and they will take down this next as Baker gets flashed on and he goes into just to die at the end as we finish the fastest game thus far our game five is loaded in with the only new kicks being pays on zeri and Faker on aie with a very aggressive bot Lane situation thus far some clean footwork breaks the play you want to see here's owner and he's going to force that flash out the Dodge a flashless owner looks to scout the jungle but Canyon denies with his steadfast presence flash is going to get fire owner H is here he's going to have the stun as well the flash comes in and owner in a bit of a wonky spot here he is going to charge in and has a speed up from Baker but the flash on in no not the cone and it is denied fight the W over the poppy and that is First Blood given over to chovi despite the pick on Ona the game is still in a stable game state so let's shake it up with a Top Lane One V one even say chy just calls him fory as a little knock back here Z he already Ed in a little bit of trouble even on the Zach and down he goes to the passive Keen looking for a solo can he get the kill is the question one last hit and he will get it the faker has to flash in the mid lane JJ looked to make a play mid on the flashless faker but T1 isn't letting this game go so easily flash at the ready he's going to look for it here on a faker who does not have the flash you remember from the mid lane play in The One V one Faker is going to get the shock wave though they don't quite have the damage although toi is looking for it the big one is going to miss and now honer going back in the bubble as well as K is here and the missile will not land owner picks up the kill and mid with T1 bot Lane their strongest part of the map Canyon's poppy looks to swing things coming in from the shock wave keeping himself alive owner and K making their way up as well to help as here is dive he's going to miss and that's not going to be it but he's going to knock him into the turret that will definitely be enough as now Canyon just going to tank this one up and run away Len's not able to tank it and so they do get the dive going only picking up terer though following JJ's second dragon and the unveiling of an infernal Soul Kee turns it up on the world's MVP turning clear as much as he can we do have oh he gets all down out of the jump and now D in a lot of trouble once again goes into the passive and Keane just got to time it right with the q and that is going to do it eats a bunch of turret shots but he doesn't care it's two solo kills for Keen with a third dragon and soul point on the table for ji mid prior needs to be established but goom's 11 CS per minute Lucian isn't letting it go so easily uhoh and he P Checkers he is going to get a nice calling down Len oh he's so low he's going to flash away and now you've got an Annie who is Summoner lless and now T1 are able to rotate down with the rift as well and push it into m trying to get some plays here as a knockup comes in that is Faker who is in the ri Herald why with Faker showing that he didn't get his Herald license ji take Dragon number three oh that is hug what a huge error here everything before that looked so good they had so much control they had the pryo perhaps a misclick I don't know but that's not what you want as dragon soul spawns and overly aggressive Gooma causes a fight to break out but both teams have eyes for the real objective back from this package the uh-oh here we go again as Keen running on he wants the finals but no stun is going to land here as the cleanse comes through and now Kean has to back away gen they get some space here on the map looking at that infernal Soul Keane is just playing bouncer on the outside of this T1 you got to do something as the elf is going to miss here from the side ofon and here is a MX package chy trying to get away Z's going super deep for that one and now ke and the Oder gets in and he takes down the dragon will deny the soul but the fight is coming in PA trying to go 1v3 isn't going to take out anybody and yes owner will go down but he keeps the game alive with ji taking Baron off the map T1 looked to fix wave States but multiple skirmishes lead to an unstable outcome this is a One V one on the top side that Baker uh he cannot take this Keane is just way too strong at this point in time with so much Mr and now we got toight M Canyon a bit caught out here he is going to have to flash away but now the engage and a massive disengage follow up from the side of Canyon Faker did have to flash over the wall just to survive despite T1 being 4,000 goal down Guma is still 13 CS per minute lending life to the T1 series with the 50-50 smart on the cards Canyon looks to decrease the odds he went back spent all his money on a second Rod he doesn't have death cap for this fight gen one more a massive chance as the AL is going to get owner away there's no chance that a steal geni will pick up infernal soul with an infernal Soul Cori offloading huge damage T1 looked to be defending against insurmountable odds walk infernal Soul that's not okay that's all cor key that's Brin Nerf corki right there oh no look at that half his health bar is gone they do not get to play the game nice little Dodge here on the Q3 that's all they've got they have to dodge they have to play dodgeball at this point because they don't have any other ho as now T's going to go in and immediately is just going to get burned to shred but a lot of damage here on a keen maybe a chance for the blob are being taken out as he is going to be blocked with no real agency around the map ji poised to take Baron but playing their range the wolves that are T1 are at their door and Guma has to be the one that puts in the damage because you you know for sure that chy will be doing it on the opposite side aer's got to find PA and chy here with the shock wave oh there's another big pull on in as ke is getting low he's getting low he's taken out and now going on in P though it's going to Al and it's going to pull them away from this one the knock away from the Lucian they do have to deal with the Corky but I mean they're dodging everything toi not quite able to land the Rockets here not going to hit the big one hits a small one but that is Baron for the side of T1 T1 somehow keeping their head above water take the baron giving Faker his rabbit on and Goomer his last completed item their opponent is still an infernal Soul could get it done the flash on in with the package trying to make a play it's in the front line and he might just go down here just a bit of damage could get it done but they don't quite take him out Keen tanking on the left go down a keen is still alive he is still alive in the backline and geni they take the fight despite killing carries ji back off for the safer objective in Elder Dragon using the pressure it brings s the W coming in gets the knock back here on owner he is running into five members with the ELD for man knockback just to give them an opening to this inhibitor and they will take down the top inhibitor as well as the middle one backing off and displaying discipline ji take Baron before heading for the last standing inhibitor but at this late in the game anything can happen here one last attempt one last package he's going to try to send it owner with the CR guard keeps thei who's desperately trying to stop this one from ending as the da is going to be utilized in and annihilates them underneath the t Exit and that will do it what a [ __ ] series that flash F by pays at the very end was so sick there was just so many decisive fights and skirmishes in all five games and every fight was so close this was easily the best domestic series I've ever seen if I missed any of your favorite plays or details in my highlights please comment them below and the time stamp so I can rewatch it because this series was just so good anyway thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next video bye
Channel: Rival
Views: 641,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lol, league, of, legends, league of legends, riot games, lolesports
Id: n2M7zI8IADc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 5sec (2045 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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