Case Study: The Instant Reporting Emerald Player | Broken by Concept 185 | League of Legends Podcast

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[Music] and now for our top story tonight deliris A YouTube streamer and League of Legends player has been found flaming and Reporting his teammates on mass for simply playing at their level let's take a look at the kinds of behaviors he is promoting to his audience viewer discretion is advised every time I lose is usually a team problem 9 99% of games I lose is a team problem my one shows it I don't just magically just start carrying all these games out of nowhere I need a half decent team it's quinly because I have good MMR cuz I'm a good player so I I get these type of players on my team so it's like pointless for me nobody can car this Baker cannot care this Z cannot care this there's not one player in the world who can care of this game we good players the good players are not getting the same cues as all the bad players we're not getting the same cues the cues are R like there's just no other there's no other thing I can do about this game I just like just like just to repeat that quote we good players referring to himself Faker and zus are not getting the same cues as all the bad players the Q new are rigged we now turn to our top investigative reporters Nathan Mt and Coach Curtis for the full story welcome BBS to episode number 185 of the broken by concept podcast the number one soloq educational and motivational podcast Curtis today we've got another one of our fabled case studies for you guys now let's set the scene a little bit here uh for a lot of new people come to our channel from these case studies as well let's talk about why we do these how we came across this why we're doing this specific case study so let's start with first Curtis um how do we come across this because we don't randomly go around like witch hunting fine people like these are just people that send us of the community we think oh interesting there might be good lessons to learn from this person or the way they view the game the case study a lot of what this podcast is about is breaking down narratives we like to educate the community what's the game really about how hard is the game is it easy to that climb what are some common narratives you hear all the time what is having fun in the game look like what does a great healthy relationship with the game look like and what I like about these case studies and I think the main intention with these is this is a real no no BS look at what the league Community I guess really is like the state it's really in if you will um and so essentially the backstory right I was chilling in the Discord and uh someone was queueing up for solq one of my MLA members and this was the screenshot he posted in the Discord here we go check out my YouTube channel Del deliris for Challenger level analysis and he posts his YouTube so obviously you know the guy in my um my community was intrigued because he's obviously in trying to get better at the game and then the comment below was really interesting this is what you know raised the red flag to me right God I forgot about how bad Emerald players were stay here right and I'm like okay could be sarcasm you know I don't know right I thought it was interesting and then there was a little follow-up conversation inside the Discord community and someone else chimes in and said I've played against this guy three times he's being free LP for me and then the guy said I the zeni said I just lost with him on my team I just recognize him because he's the only person I've seen who posts his YouTube in post game and all his videos are super negative so he seems to be like a very loud player right uh he's you know advertised in his his channel and you know that's a big statement that Challenger level analysis and this was [ __ ] my interest I saw this I saw this follow-up conversation so what so these members here what ELO they ELO they uh yeah D4 High Emerald got it yeah in na Y and I was like oh interesting okay I'm going I'm going to click on the YouTube so I went on and clicked on the YouTube and I found some interesting pieces of content which we'll get to later on but you know I straight away I was getting into it the first thing that I like to do is I like to check their gameplay what what's their what are their beliefs how do they navigate you know themselves on the rift um and it was it was interesting to say the least so I hit you up and I said what do you think about this guy as a potential case study you know what I here's an analogy Curtis we're like at the desk in the broken by concept office right and like our boss like throws slaps like a document thing like here's your work like look into this for me that that's basically what's happened here in a way 100% so what we're going to do we're going to do a bit of Investigation get a lay of the land what's this guy all about what are his messages and what can we learn right can we learn that's the that's the whole point of these cases what can we learn right and from the BBC Universe shedding light on the realities of where the state of the community is currently at like unfortunately these case studies believe it or not are more common than rare that's right so and gurtis and I always say this podcast this the way we think we're League will should be getting towards and how much work we need to do it's like a 10 to 15year project of educating the player base realizing that you're not in some crazy ELO hell or Los Q the rank system does a fantastic job at putting you whereever your skill level is we've never seen uh the contrary to that that's right over a long enough period of time that's correct so you want to move on to investiga his opgg so we'll start with his opgg first and then we'll get into his gameplay [Music] beautiful all right so when we look at an opgg here it sort of gives us a it's not everything cu the full picture and we're not here to rank shame you know his Emerald High emerald diamond whatever you know he's not actually you know challenge level analysis it's purely like let's get some background information this will help sort of explain maybe his journey or part some of his narrative so let's get into this here Curtis what what the some of the first things we notice we see here all right so really when we look for there's a few things we're looking for when we're looking at an OPG right we're looking for do they do they have a champo right do they main a role um you know what is their what is their champo and and this will give us a bit bit of insight what you know do they have very outlandish stats you know I don't want to go too much into the stats here but this is one of his accounts um that he played on I believe last split to get diamond finished Diamond 3 so he has a bit of an interesting account right there was a lot of top games there was a decent amount of jungle and then there was a lot of AD carry so he's all over the place in terms of his um sorry this let's go to here he's all over the place with what role he play he play a bit of everything he's like kind of a fill from what it seems like he about the same amount of games on everything really that's right he playss a lot of a lot of AD carry a lot of different Champions um and this is one of his accounts last split so you know doing not so hot on Jungle you know doing pretty good from on on a wide variety of 80 carries and you know about even on top right and if we go back to his split before this bit a lot of 80 Bunch different champs as well by the way it's completely different all over the place right and now to you know to give do the whole thing we should also look at his other account and this is I think what he's playing on at the moment according to his live recent live streams on his YouTube um so he's currently sitting in Emerald 1 here with about 90 games 80 something games he plays a lot of varis top from what I se like this is actually VAR top so that's new that's what we didn't see last season or whatever so and you know what that strikes to me instantly I'm thinking well VAR top was sort of like a meta thing that came over the last couple of months is this a person that just goes to the meta like okay I'm just going to abuse this cuz this is my my hack to ELO yeah we don't know right potentially so he's got a lot of vars top he's got again a bit all over the place when you look at this obgd nothing really I mean look he definitely mans Varys top which you know you can M varis top if you want to that's not reflective of the last seasons right that's what I'm saying he randomly popped up recently interesting interesting you know he could have learned and wanted to go down a different rabbit hole with VAR you want to give him the benefit of the doubt right but yeah I mean it looks like he went down an inin Scion route which is somewhat of a viable strategy I don't know if it's you can do that much anymore but he has very high deaths on some but didn't work but again that's like another strategy thing that you hear people talk about yeah so look for the most part a bit of bit of vain bit of Varys bit of Sion you know little bit of here and there weaving in random Yasuo picks whatever um oh that's the K play with zenji there from the MLA okay so yeah bit bit all over the place so but look it does look like he Ms top which is which is good to see let's just double check though what he played at the end of last split this one Graves we don't know if that's in a lane or I have no idea but aai did play a little bit of Aris though the end must have been the end of the last split last year sorry I mean c as you say he means top I mean this is a new new recent this is this season if someone showed me this I don't know what the hell I'm looking at I'll be honest is this is this a bit of media you got a bit of media sprinkled and Syra yeah and a lot of different Champions so so it's a it's a very strange account is it these accounts they're very strange I wouldn't really know how to describe them to be honest with you it doesn't look like someone who's taking rank seriously I can tell you that much right it's a very casual looking account from the outside in playing what I feel is good what a recent YouTube video has shown me oh that new varus spill or whatever they're feeling like at the moment what that looks like lack of discipline no no small champo so so given this in mind let's get into the game plan now and let's start to break down um some of his his games but also let's try and connect the OPG the Dots here CU we're seeing here a lack of CH and one thing before we move on to this I want to make it very clear this video you know it's going to be a lot of connecting the dots between his videos his gaml opgg we're going to put it all together here so it's going to be a bit of a working progress as we get through this case study so bear with us as we put together all this [Music] information all so this is a game from his recent live stream this is not sort of cherry-picked we didn't go like we didn't have to dive through massive we really quickly was able to come across there similar to the to the um to the gold 4 case St like and the one nearly every single one of what you find with these type of players is you can pick up this stuff really quick so if you're curious we'll have a link to this guy's Channel you can go through some of his content these are all just his past live streams on YouTube yeah now vain vain top Curtis now we're not top experts we don't coach top you're a mid coach but I'm a jungle coach we do know however that vain is a champion you would pick as a pretty big counter pick to these melee tops like gar Dar is's a pretty hard big hardcore counter and you got to have a lot of Mastery you've got to have a lot of Mastery going let's remember how you said connecting the dots we didn't see much vain looks like again it's sort of like oh I've just the narrative in the community vain you Auto you know you have a high percentage chance of winning it's a counter pick right so what we're going to do with this one we're going to look at his first levels 1 to four of the specific Vin versus g match up going back to our bio Panther episode our Top Lane special episode we learn one of the key learnings from that episode was how important matchup knowledge is so we're going to look at uh his levels one to four with vain then we're going to compare it to a challenger level vein in the exact same match up and see how they play differently so we'll sort of just commentate through this for our Spotify listeners in a way and I'll be honest with the Spotify listeners you got to watch this one yeah this is watch this one okay so first things first right you know you know you got the classic vein into like a Garin counterpick right you got a bit excited in draft wanted to pick the VIN here and so you know the whole point of this matchup is that you want to pressure the VIN I mean you want to pressure the gar right I mean bully him off minion bully him and you probably want to be like my Baseline hypothesis that You' probably want to be utilizing the brushes to diag ro min potentially get some sort of a a slow build Zone potentially get level two first um and be a bit of a nuisance you wouldn't really want to go even and farm you wouldn't going even is lost is is a way especially against these type of Champions also to note we got Flash and ghost so no TP which is very common because playing for Lane and the gar as well also has Flash and ghost yep yeah and that just means you need to be really um you know switched on when it comes to your resets and wave management you got no get out of jail threee cards here so yeah as you can see so far nothing really special I mean he's actually kind of just kept a relatively neutral wave set he hasn't really use the brushes that much so far he's taken okay trades not amazing but okay trades did get a nice little Ward out there um it looks like he's slowly starting to posture no again what we were expecting was potentially more on the top side of the lane utilizing those brushes going in and out diering getting a little bit more Pok down and and as we can see in terms of levels they' both hit Garen hit level two like just a millisecond before him and they're both level three right now Chuck the audio one for this as well it's important when I shows himself a b Lane then I'm going to play aggressive but I doesn't show himself yet I have to play safe so I don't know where he is I don't want to get G I don't want him to just keep ging top that's good he's thinking about the enemy jungle me all game he's going to lose I's mid now but now I can play aggressive I is now I can play a little more aggressive so it's interesting though you know it's like is that really worth it is I mean I'm again we're not top experts but something to keep in mind like you know could you have actually just played more aggressive early got an early Ward out and then just potentially slow built you know like no one's going to get level two ganked yeah yeah and Ivan's not really a super high threat jungler you know what I mean it's not like Ivan has crazy level two level three gangs anyway I think you can probably especially with ghost I don't really see how in a million years are going to kill you I tried to eat him right there but it wouldn't let me it wouldn't let me eat him there what a joke I still pretty good e right there Flash and ghost like right in the bush right here but right when I walked into it I was just one second too late if he walk in the bush I killed him there too he didn't walk in the bush what I think they changed the turns by the way they either the turns feel like they're attacking way faster now than like there's no more delay like it's just like instant so one thing we're going to start noticing with this guy we've had two aspects of blaming the game or game design already uh the E is like why did that e hit what happened there and then now we're talking about Tower range magical Towers something to note this might be interesting connecting the dots later on I swear to God they I feel like they increase a reaction time of burs I'm not joking right now like I don't know why it is like I've been like I I've done my kiting is still the same I haven't done anything different but like every single time I walk into it like I walk out of it it's just instant and this minion right here is a hater oh my God got a bit of a slow build going on hopefully try and get under the tower and get a bit of harassed bulling the Garing a bit there forcing him to miss some [Music] minions okay doesn't really okay this is this is this this is that Mo was like that makes me so happy you have no idea I know it's so toxic but it makes me so happy you guys have no idea okay why that Shield so big S flash in the isolated 1 V one and I'm pretty sure this Garin has D Shield as well so garr's technically winning out on these this is not a good situation now gar can actually slow build all right am here level six so I think we what we'll do now Curtis let's compare the first we said levels one to four we up to level six here but now let's go and see the difference we saw the state where We've Ended up we're basically dead even with gar Gar may even have a little bit of an advantage here let's now look at how a challenger player plays this matchup all right so let's already see some potential differences here as we can see the aggression we talked about from level one instantly he's bullying poking the gar forcing him to make a decision between minion and his HP pushing him away from experience range this is really important for getting the level too fast so again massive difference the vein challeng of vein here is utilizing the brushes to reset the Agro and the minions something not that our friend was doing and we're going to see the difference in the whole level two here level two Garen probably is halfway to level two at this point and look at the trades going so the amount of pressure in this counter match up this is how it's meant to look like it's meant to play it and you might be saying um you know Nathan is this replicable it is because garin's trying to get an experience range that's what he's trying to do here so already seeing here then there's the ward going for the level two game that's what I thought as well like well if you want to get even if the jungler comes if you got a built wave the jungler can't come to you jungler can never gank this in a million years unless you're literally level two gank him which is so risky the waves too the way going to be too big if you play your levels one and two properly you shouldn't even be gankable anywhere is level three especially with the Garin is now 20% 30% HP massive wave that G's to deal with under the tower so just a Flawless execution in terms of building up the wave and poke and even if the jungler does come to like say Protect gar here or whatever it's still a win-win you're wasting the jungler's time you're making the jungler show on the map and you could just go for a temporary or something and let the wave bounce out right I mean you've got so many options here in terms of what you can do now this is I feel like this was what was the most impressive look at the the so what this is actually something you can do you can actually time your Autos with the tower hit as well so you don't actually take Tower aggro and he's actually using his que to disengage whereas what the other player was doing he was actually using his Q to get the Q damage but thisy this guy is's actually holding his q and then he's actually using his Q to disengage the tower aggro right the other way around rather than queuing in and then you know having to like keep distance and look at that I mean it's just ridiculous it's just a different game you're in now you're in an alternate reality now and and and so we compare this right level four solo kill built wave garen's got barely any Farm you've exerted all this pressure he's used his summon spells to actually get a kill compared to before wasting summon spells and not getting any kill for it big difference and at the end of the day I don't want this to be you know um it's not about whether or not an you know an emerald player can execute them on this it's about there is many levels there's there's things that we can do that are in our control and this is one of the things especially with Top Lane matchup understanding you know brush control wave management this is all like the fundamentals top top Lan that I spoke to with a lawers actually in my YouTube video that he's a massive advocate of um and this biopen the biopen episode match up understanding this is what it looks like you know and this is one of the things that we one of the themes that I want to touch on throughout this case study is that you know he might have felt as though he played that lane well in that GAR but there's levels there's more that we can do one of the most common things that I've seen with a lot of players is that you know they assume that just because they're not making a major major mistake that they're playing well or quote unquote perfectly right it's like you don't know what you don't know unless you it's the missed opportunities that are actually hurting your G gameplay rather than the actual mistakes it's the hidden stuff the hidden stuff is hard this is where you need a coach where you need to be learning from Pros you actually have a curious growth mindset it's like okay I play this match up this is my counter pick the way I would frame it it's like okay I've got vain into Garin here is this the best I can do I'm blowing Flash and trading SS with a Garin and I'm actually now losing HP off the bounds with a because of the D gar hm is this is this really how I should go and then I'm like okay maybe maybe but let me do some investigation let's take a look at a few other Vin plays let's see how they played out oh how do they take their trades how do they play their ways how do they okay oh wow straight away boom brush control different you can execute that Implement that in your gameplay it doesn't even mean you have to do it perfectly it's just okay I'm going to add one extra layer to my gameplay now and it's hard to do that sort of curiosity in you know research when you're playing 15 different Champions if you're just figuring out Vain and understanding all the matchups you're probably going to have a lot more success 100% finding this video as well the first thing I Ted on was challenge of vain versus gam the first video that popped up so it's not hidden it's not hidden behind anything I didn't like pay this guy or like I it just took me literally 10 seconds to find so let's go back now to the game and let's now start exploring the way that he talks about the game progressing after we have seen so many blunders and some narratives let's break them down thank you to today's sponsor mid. now this is an amazing platform for those of you who are looking to find vods on your given Champion or the champion that you mean now I actually am close with the developer Jake he actually asked me a year or two ago he said Curtis what sort of platform are you looking for when it comes to you know improving at your solar Cube what would you like if you could create any platform that you would want and I said well ideally I'd be able to find high level vods POV vods because that's something that for all of us is really quite hard if you type on in YouTube I want to look at a challenger arod you know nine times out of 10 you get some crappy Dyan re playay 6 months old maybe not even POV um and it's a bit of a pain in the ass to be honest so basically what Jake has put together with mid. is this amazing platform where it basically takes all the effort out of finding vods so you can actually if I say I want to find Fizz vods POV fidv I can click on Fizz here in the Champions Tab and it will automatically sort you know all of the recent fizzz games played on stream from famous streamers so even here look at this seven hours ago Nemesis played a Fizz game so I can just click on this and it's going to take me directly to the time stamp look at that instantaneously boom we're watching Nemesis play POV on his stream from the level one from the level one beautiful time stamp ready to go we can also check out his build here if we want to um in his build path etc etc now the other one of my personal favorite parts of this platform is that you can actually search matchups so let's say say I want to learn how to play Ari I want to see people playing Ahi versus aali right it's the first one that pops up it will automatically sort by all of the AR and a kyli v so legit Korea here streamed it a week ago played this matchup I can click on it boom it will take me to a stream look at that watching AR verse aalii instantaneously just like that at a click of a button extremely easy and the great thing about this guys is that if there's any extra functionality that you would like added into this platform please let us know the in the description below Jake's a really nice guy um he's really Hands-On and whatever you guys feel like you need to make the platform even better let us know and we'll be he'll be probably happy to accommodate for that um so the link will be in the description please check it out um and last reminder guys this is not just for Mid this is for every Champion every role doesn't matter if you're a jungler top ler ad carry support please check it out guys okay so we're jumping back into the vot here and just to set the scene you know he's just traded kind of Summoners with the gar here the wave is kind of bouncing out back onto his side um he's low Garin is actually slowly out sustaining because of the because of the D Shield um and so yeah we'll play from here too big I can't Auto him either's going to top and the and the gar passive as well with the Regeneration is's in he's in a bit of trouble here and and and think about how much now Str he's putting on his jungler his jungler has to come to defend the dive bail him out of the situation he's going to get Dove here if the jungler doesn't hover going slow building the wave and again he put himself in this situation again as a counter match up the wave is too big I can't back here either I need help now we could have got to gank here no you could I can't back here could not have got a gank it you can't gank in that wave with I around as well no oh kill him kill him yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes like V com through Garen kind of plays that a bit strange but cool great well played that's the risky plays that's the that's the the limit testing plays oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I Trad maybe okay it trades anyways maybe I didn't get the auto off how is he so fast though okay so what the context here is that essentially the ye I think is ye mid is it what the hell that ye is so came um came came top and killed now to to kind of set the scene here after we kill the gar here we we're in a bit of a weird position right we don't have enough wave clear to get this wave out in time the wave now bouncing out so what what uh a huge part of League of Legends is information uh able to deal with information really quick so right now a lot of people would miss this pretty much every everyone even D even masterer player would miss this there's another wave coming right now because he's sort of so focused on the kill and that sort of stuff there's another wave that's coming right behind so he's if he wants to push in this wave he's going to have to push this wave and the whole next wave and that's not realistic you should be instantly Reco and spend your gold and you're just going to have to play off the bounce back that's what happens you're going to have to make a sacrifice you're going to have to give up some Farm here it is what it is it's better than the the other situation but the focus isn't here we've dropped this and we sort of this is sort of autopilot mode or sort of in a way you know we're missing lots of again this is what higher level player Challenger plays they they're able to they quickly assessing everything instantly like they would instantly be seeing this wave as like oh the next wave must be coming instantly recoil so massive um waste of time trying to hit these minions okay so the E comes kills him all right now we got to set the scene right now that that wave is bouncing out we know we got to go straight back top side right because that wave is bouncing out if we roam or doing anything funky right now we're going to get really really far behind right so look at what happens here so I have to going to rush first or should and again just talking about the tab there he's even CS with the G 50 to 48 now Garen while he was singing in the L State here Garen roams now Garen can roam Garen is allowed to roam here because the wave is bounc yeah biop Panther actually spoke about this rather than running straight top what do you do a lot of the time you might hover mid see what's going on Mid screw with mid G's just waiting for the wave to come back into him that's right there's no point in him going especially in the long Lane versus the VIN there's no point had enough of me I'm I'm sticking with you buddy why are you there you have no Mana like why other ghost here we can kill them here for I I'm going leave him I don't care I can get the stop pinging me you died for no reason an enemy you died for no reason you no Mana okay so let's just take a look at that so the Nivea got pined right you know got pined by the Ivan whatever anivia died got to remember look at this top wave look at how it's not even worth getting that kill mid it's like legit straight up not worth it we're losing so much run we've already lost like a wave and a half we're going to lose our second wave look at this still wasting time look at this top wave the poking the ye there does nothing no reason you should ever walk that part in the first place have no man or anything so he just reports his midlaner I think there for for dying there you had the back you had full wave reset he's he's actually roasting his mid lane about wave States and resets when he just went for this Rome and he's just all the mistakes he's made with waves and resets already in his first early Lane and this is again one of the themes how this is gap between you know we think we're so good we don't we don't it's like I don't know if this egotistic all I guess frame or we're not recognizing how we're contributing to the game because we're in a judgment mind we're looking at other people's mistakes how they're ruining our game they're more critical of their others than on themselves that's right reason there I'm going to carry this game like I usually do we're losing somehow L's losing to a b somehow it's funny how he talks about we're losing some somehow so if breaking it down like so in terms of our world the review at the lame phase there's nothing more like you can obviously you know you don't give up in the game but the learnings are already like you should be questioning I'm a counter match up why am I not like 30 CS ahead of a game how is gar even able to roam that's your answer to that question that's the answer of why you're losing this game zero pressure and as you see G's The Heading experience right now it's a disaster icept was there goes Al yeah little that which garen's trading Q for an Al that's a pretty good win for for Garen [Music] there I'm playing this wrong slightly wrong back see it just slightly wrong that's definitely an understatement yeah top killing her he not going g b he's helping me I'll take it but um we're going to give early drags for doing this okay let gar flash Here Comes Vio walk right here walk right here okay go go in so bad so bad I'm going die here oh my god dude just walk left I cover all of right think holy [ __ ] Walk This Way and there's a lot of little there's a lot of little things I don't even need I don't think we even need to get into a lot of little things here just in terms of uh yeah there's lots of so the typing aspect so if your first instinct after a death is to instantly typing caps to someone remember you're reducing your chances of win that game because now vgo might be thinking I don't like this guy I actually I actually hope he actually might lose this game that that's again not I'm not indorsing that mindset at all but you're reducing the mindset they reducing the chance of winning by affecting your teammate's mindset and the first thing again the de I mean he didn't have to die there but again going back you know you shouldn't be upset at anything in this game based on all the game losing mistakes you've already made you already imagine if he didn't waste Al before that's right that would have been cleaner didn't waste Al before there's so many things that so many things that have G looking at surface level it's such surface level looking at and that's what these type of players do they look at surface level and they could have and and and he could have actually played this mechanically better he he he over he over clicked this his spacing was way too far he went to nania here he didn't need to go over this and that he would have actually been close enough to get an additional Auto there's a lot of little things that he could have done my point being is that there's yeah the point that I want to get across with this clip is that your spot on Nathan is you know he's looking at this end thing and then he's completely forgetting that there's all these little things that led up to that one moment and he is quick to blame the nearest thing to him the nearest person whether it's game design teammate whatever insert whatever excuse rather than taking responsibility for how he's contributed to these situations how uncomfortable does this make us feel because we know that you know all we have in league is what we put into the game like you know what I mean like the only thing we can control is how our inputs our inputs into the game and when we get so caught up in what other people do it's just it makes you feel me at least me watching it just really uncomfortable yeah it's UNC it's like it's lack of control like if if that was the game was like where I was purely reliant on my teammates and all that it was just not be fun we wouldn't be playing the game we wouldn't be sitting here it's not the reality of the game no and you know you say it's uncomfortable my perspective like I think it's uncomfortable from an angle of just absolute disrespect for the game just absolute [ __ ] on this game not really understanding what the game is actually about they're winning with a Eid I jungle and a bar that's how bad my team is I can't win F you guys are hopeless goo is not caring he is a K player desty FF already bin managed to lose against a bar the mid Laney Lo L to a year basically typing an essay here about how [ __ ] his team is and how they've lost the game for him and um they should just FF and calling them KDA players or XYZ this is the same game this is the same game we just watched before in terms early Lane all the things that how he contributed to the game and he's currently 2 and seven 2 and seven as a VIN top you know there's there's nothing to talk about the game at this point the game is over we move on we check out whatever but you know come on like let's we've got our learnings from this game that's stupid I should have kicked him up right there again it's funny how again just little things there it's like oh game design problem so look I think what we can do is we'll take a look at some more Clips but again what we're starting to see here is the the the dots we're starting to connect some Dots here the negative view of the game the the focus on teammates not understanding how we're contributing to the game State constantly jabbing at League design constantly jabbing at everyone else but himself um so let's take a look at some more Clips so this was from another one of these games this time playing AIA top now he was shoving out top you know taking a look at the map state right now uh his jungler on bot side at the moment they've got little to no Vision on top side he's versing a Rengar uh jungle and uh you know Rengar obviously has a lot of threat High threat jungler especially Pro six he shoves out top which is fine he's got a little bit of a ward beautiful now you can actually get a bit of vision here as a year or move so we'll take a look and then dies to the cus now one little thing I want to talk about here is chant Mastery right so one thing you can do with AIA and what you should do especially when you're anticipating potentially getting ganked you see the same thing when you're hitting towers with a z is you place a soldier behind you so what you would actually do if you're say you're looking I mean I don't really know why he'd be roaming down mid here anyway you actually shouldn't be roaming down mid here because you're just going to die to the Rengar right you it's not your you can't do this you don't have the information to do that if you're going to do that you would have actually had to walk around the long way maybe right maybe you could do that but if you are going to go if you are going to do this the way you would do it is You' actually put a soldier behind you so as soon as the Rengar AR comes you can just instantly EQ out instantaneously what ends up happening here is the Rengar RS but because he doesn't have a soldier out rengar's actually able to get off his stun and and stuff before he can actually use his Dash he actually dies here because of that he could actually basically instantaneously kind of get out of that situation or maybe even not even get all he could have actually had a soldier over here and potenti po Gap closed earlier who knows so there's little kind of chant Mastery things that you could potentially do there but I want to kind of talk about more so after this so he dies to the car result Riven as a result here gets top Tower okay so we're going to fast forward here Riven gets the top tower now dragon is coming up in 24 seconds okay we're in a Zer top with no TP at this stage of the game Let's Take a Look if you're the Riven what would you do here dragons come out in 20 seconds you just got your top Tower you're backing off and spending your gold what are you likely going to do well even this is the same thing with bot Principle as well when the bot tow is broken early usually they go to the other side of the map especially for an objective dragons come up Riven will'll get the top Towers pushing the wave and he will go down to the dragon and this what B talk a lot about when in the in the in the Top Lane episode where you know you really want to be there for major objective fights and that's how you influence the map and that's how you win games a lot the time in Top Lane of solo Q right and so anyway anyway let's take a look at this she's coming out of Base thinking about his items dragon's coming up team is pinging Dragon corki wants it the team wants it from what it seems like but mid lanee midane game B Lane in like I said the G already lost we already lost the game so we'll see if we get bule so what I want to highlight here right is that we're playing Top Lane here and that's fine if you don't want to play for this Dragon that's okay but we didn't say a single word or drop a single ping about what we want to do around this objective fight we didn't ping it we didn't want to say give we didn't ping that Riven could be roaming we had we actually contributed zero actually negatively because we didn't actually even track our counterpart here we did absolutely nothing to make the game easier for our team at the moment and in a way right it's these small invisible things that make you feel like a victim in your games you're like oh yep they again my team die again they they look at them they just going in and dying your team died because Riven moved down the Riven just killed your Cory mid does that mean cor is just bad I don't know it's not even the right question to ask the question is how could I have I better contributed to this situation could I have done anything is there anything in my control that maybe potentially I could have influenced that or prevented that in some way shape or form maybe did I need to be there could I should I should I have been there that's an important question could we could we have won that fight right that's an important question now I I don't really care I'm not here to judge what decision you make but what I am here to judge is you know you're blaming your teammates and you this you're leaving your first reaction that's your first reaction and and also you're leaving just so much on the table in terms of how you can actually impact a game as a top laner and it's this sort of stuff that really starts to create narratives every single time you blame teammates when in reality there are things that you could have done it's just going to get worse and worse and worse it really creates that victim mentality and you're just never going to get into the review and you're never going to problem solve anything because if I'm the victim all the time then it must just be on my teammate like there's nothing for me to learn I'm just playing must be playing perfectly which is there's a lot of ego to that attached to that you know especially if we're really struggling you know to to climb we sort of been rank for the same rank for a while now so moving on to another clip here still playing Zer in this game what I did not see that coming I you guys I didn't see that at all saw that Ally no rotation from the mid ler walk in the p she can't kill you just walk to her what are you so scared of and that's the reason you don't get the kill there and that's the reason you don't get the killer just cuz you didn't walk in the bush and I'm the only person by the way who ever hits the uses the plant like right I swear to God nobody uses plants correctly like why just did no one ever does that I don't know why but they don't ever just use the the plants right okay so what don't want what the reason I picked this clip is that I think it's a really beautiful insight into his mentality okay so I want to replay what he said here right the first half of it as he was TP in he I think he said something about mid not moving so instantaneously judging his midlaner and then he's critiquing his midlaner in the way his mid lane is playing this situation so I'll play that one more time just so we can really get across walk in the you can't kill you so telling his Cory to walk in the bush trying to kind of you know getting angry that maybe the corki could play it better what you so scared of constantly hypercritical of his teammates and how they're just not playing you know perfectly and that's the reason you don't get the kill there then and that's the reason you don't get the kill there just cuz you didn't walk the that's a nice pretty play there with the with the blast cone and I the only person by the way who ever hits the uses the pl like right and then goes on to this this little spiel about how he's the only person that uses the blast's right God nobody uses plans correctly like what I just did no one ever does that no one does that so he's he's he's like he's just Jesus he's the league Jesus he no one does that in in in league history and he's the only one that does that so he's teammates all just really really bad and they're all making these mistakes and he's he's the only one that does this stuff he's the the the next coming of Jesus year with how he plays how you know his his breakthroughs with league in terms of his Blast code and look look there might be a little bit of sarcasm there but I think it is really under I think it really is is beautiful insight into his psychology how I'm perfect I'm doing all these good things look at all the things that I'm doing all the reasons that I should win and look at all the things that my teammates are doing wrong and this is this Con consistently you watch you go through his live streams it's the same thing over and over and over again he's constantly reinforcing The Narrative he's make he's made it rock solo like it's it's he's built like the foundation's there and it's constantly getting built every game every game and imagine telling yourself this every game you're critiquing everyone every single play that your jungler or anyone else in your team does even remotely not perfect you're you're going to yell at them and see how [ __ ] they are and then everything that you do that's maybe not right maybe I didn't maybe you just whisper maybe maybe I didn't do that right and then if you do something well look at how good I am I'm the only person that does that and that over time that is building this crazy crazy worldview this crazy view of what the game is and what your league experience is he's actually shaping it in his like he's shaping it in front of his own eyes he's actually creating this incredibly negative toxic self-centered egotistical View he's actually kind of solidifying it every single game he plays becoming stronger and stronger it's becoming stronger and stronger it's out of control evolving it's really evolving just a really practical sense as well if your energy effort is there instead of saying okay what's next speed decis it's like slow motion everything's going to be slow it's just like nothing thinking about the next way of the St like it's for practic S it actually completely hinders your gameplay as well not even just like mental you're getting so much stuff things that you can't control it's it's not helpful at all it's not helpful at all it's making you like upset and angry and negative so it's like it's it's bad for your real life situation it's not fun and you're making it harder to win games and Le he missing so much information cuz your mental sex's overwhelmed with it's out of control um all right let's continue on all right so here's yet another example teing in what's my team why you have old bar why you saving it holy [ __ ] I this game he lives there that's crazy love this ready living old the next game no I can't win this like you're so stupid this is my favorite the report like why would you save all for he this is why the report system doesn't work by the way guys it's because of people like this this is why the people confuses the report system people complain but wonder why the report system is not as good as it is I'm impressive how the speed by the way like he's built the muscle memory to do that which is if you put the muscle memory on other things like he knew exactly where to click everything he he does a bit yeah he's ready um and again like again I look I'll be honest this is at this point I'm being a little bit self-indulgent I kind of find these clips really kind of funny like it's uncomfortable but funny at the same time because it's so so ridiculous it's You're Expecting everyone else around you you have it's like zero empathy absolutely zero empathy and I want to actually take the other person's point of view and look I'm not here to say B played it perfectly whatever but I just want to take a second to look at it from Bar's perspective potentially okay so let's go back here so tp's in you know you can make an argument to even say whether or not this is a great TP right because you you've got no alter Z we don't really going to be randomly tpping around the map as a this is not aia's identity you have no alt just farm farm your ass off you shouldn't even have been walking BN the first place You' been walking mid but anyway that aside right that's a Zoey support Bard probably doesn't want to ult the Zoe right now because it's a low value kill like if you're B in the mid game your old's really important like it's a pretty important playmaking uh ability so potentially who knows maybe B was expecting you to R you know who knows it a lot of people especially in emerald and low Diamond don't have the capacity to think about other people's R cool Downs his she maybe just maybe again I'm spitballing here potentially he had the Baseline hypothesis initial hypothesis think well if a is going to TP in here surely he has ultimate right which is a a pretty solid Baseline hypothesis my intuition would probably think the same as well right and so anyway he doesn't R and you're not going to are the brand because it's such a long range R you're never going to land that R right so the only person can are there is actually Zoe he actually a you're you're just never going to land on the on the on the brand in that situation right maybe he was also expecting you to go on the brand instead to get the slow and then and then potentially go uh then R I don't know but then he actually uses his his fast movement speed there to Gap close onto the brand and then use R which is actually probably what I would have done as well I wouldn't have rushed it I would have held it actually for the brand and so overall it wasn't that wasn't playing that P he still went for the right target he burnt br's flash he actually went for the better Target cuz Zoe might die on the back end anyway so by point point being is that you know we jump to these conclusions in the game right you have this initial hypothesis my jungle is so [ __ ] bad this person may misplayed it they they're terrible they're ruining my game they should have done that they should but at the end of the day we all have our own agendas we're all thinking about different things we have no idea what that guy's thought process is what he's considering as a win condition how he's perceiving the champion how he likes to play his Champion we have no [ __ ] clue and it's not even it's not even any of our business right like my point here is that you know we jumped these conclusions when in reality you know you'd be better off just taking saying okay I'm going to make a mental note that's something I want to review later maybe he made a mistake maybe not I I don't know yet I'll come back to that and then in the review you can get into that and be like hm looking at this again can is you know can I understand where Bob was coming from like like if if you're really that riled up about it you think it's that important look at it from his perspective and then if you you go through those perspectives and you're like you know what yeah bad was just misplayed here okay what are you going to do about it what are you going to change about it there's nothing you don't know this guy you're never going to play with him again it's his Learning Journey not yours who gives a [ __ ] you know so so I feel like this whole habit of instant judgment and lack of empathy and not taking the time to hold your thoughts and take a look at it later with the beauty of hind with the beauty of like perspective it's just going to tarnish your league J it's going to tarnish your your relationship with League you're just going to have this such bitter Outlook and and and my experience and our experience in soloq we know how many mistakes we make as long-term Challenger players like we know we make so many basic mistakes and if people highlight that if they want to look at all the good things we do and look at that one mistake we make and call us you know Platinum Players okay you can do that right but you got to remember we all are going to make basic mistakes you can go to the best players in the world and look at them make dumb mistakes everyone is making dumb mistakes because their mental stck is overloaded so have some sort of respect for the the difficulty of the game have some sort of empathy you know it's perspective really perspective you know and that's what I always say like you know how do I have the right to Flame someone or in this extreme case report someone for a an error that I could quite easily see of being realistic but even not like okay let's say was a basic mistake I don't think this is one but let's say it is so what yeah you can you might get a little bit pissed off but you're going to literally go to the point where you're going to like Ping him and spit and the impressive thing here is the amount of energy into this it does drain you and again this is where it does you have a very netive it's on this place where he's on the pedestal he's the one playing perfectly he's the one needs to carry all these noobs that are lowering his Rank and as we can see you know with basic chant Master going back to the initial air clip it's just not even there it's just not even close you know you know um yeah so really really not [Music] good so now we're moving on to part three of this case study we've you know looked at his opgg we've looked at a bit of his gameplay and clips and you know I guess got a bit of an insight into his mentality and the way he um conducts himself on the rift and now what we're going to do is go through some of his recent YouTube videos now uh I I believe this is one of his most recent YouTube videos and it's titled how how to survive emerald in Brackets the hardest ELO to climb so we're just going to go through it watch it might pause it whatever commentate a few things and just go from there Never Back Down never what back down never what never I've been playing this game for 18 hours straight and would have gone to Diamond day one but no I was giv false hope Dolly part only works 9 to 5 but I work 5 to 11 a.m. hey guys wel to our guarantees the worst ELO players you ever R counter you'll see inter you'll see trop picks you'll see people first time in Champions and ranked oh no and finally you'll see mental boom players in our natural habitat okay wa I okay so I want to make this very clear I've barely watched this video I just skim through it I'm like okay this would be interesting right I didn't watch that section and I hadn't really seen a lot of his you know we went through the gameplay there this one like he's describing himself he describing perfectly mental booming mental booming first timing Champs air and stuff you know troll picks uh a top and stuff didn't he just describe himself is that sarcastic or is this meant to be real let's keep going CS players in this ELO have bigger Eagles than Diamond players while their ability to play the game is no different than a gold player today I'm going to show you how to survive through emerald and highlight all the mistakes that consistently wait I'm actually no Curtis I didn't even hear this keep yourself together Curtis wait the ego the reference to Ego Nathan this is out of this is absolutely out of control out of control see I was so determined to get the diamond and make a video for you guys that I didn't work out for 3 days and when I finally got it I went to the gym at 3:00 a.m. and finally exercised First Let Me Explain how R seemed determined to keep me within this particular ring on this account particular I reached Diamond last spit but end up in plat 2 because the MMR was absolutely horrendous on this count and my games were inted more times than I can count if you're confused on what I mean check out my video being hardstuck after my placement games in Split 2 I started my journey from plat 4 but this isn't what made it terrible when I hit Emerald 3 out of nowhere out of nowhere my LP game Sly decrease from 27 to 29 per win to 20 per win well Dylan maybe it's because when you lose more games your win percentage decreases and therefore the amount of Elo you gain should reflect this now that's what you would think at a 60% win rate and went on huge winning streaks but right after I hit Emerald 3 right I decided to limit the amount of LP I'm able to gain per win even though I want to talk about this he started the account he said at Platinum 4 he had bad MMI on the account from the GetGo if you climb from Platinum 4 to Emerald right and your mm was already bad in Platinum you have to win so many games to prove to the system that you've improved because think about what the system thinks right if you've been a platinum player and you're not perform you haven't performed well in the past in Platinum the likelihood that you're going to go up that rapidly in skill is so slim in the system the system doesn't think that it's even remotely possible how can you go from you know bad MMR in in low plat to Emerald 3 and then still deserve even after a 60 60% yeah it's good but it's not like outstanding that's what you just need to fix the account in the first place and so then he's saying it's still still plus 20 is fine you still 100% will climb with plus 20 so I I think that actually makes perfect sense as to why the system works like that I in the exact same mm lobbies my ring would be Emerald one but my I just want to again just note just the champion hopp in and roll hopping ho mid and top everything everything and anything stuck in Emerald for when you can obviously see me Hyper I think this a big underestimate like underestimate of champ Mastery he's just there's just clearly just no respect for champ Master he thinks he can play Everything the E ego on him to play everything he thinks he can play Everything biggest ego in the world to climb in the majority of these games it doesn't make any sense this disgusting effort from RI to keep you stuck in your ELO would drive you insane with this LP system I'm confident this can't be a coincidence but every time I won three games in a row the fourth game was filled the most troll teammates I've ever seen I even give dodging a shot because this happened five times but it did not make a difference at all the third game was always incredibly hard and then the fourth was the guaranteed loss I'm not playing that you can't experience win streaks of more than three games because my personal record as a 15 game win streak but this felt suspicious to me my opponents in these particular games were even better players but my teammates perform like actro Bots and ran it down every time my theory is that since this account ended up in plate two instead of diamond at the end of the season R's intentionally hindering your process when you approach this final ring making it even more difficult for you to climb for example on my dealer's account again okay the riot want to ensure that you're at the level of play okay so when you're climbing and your in your they're going to put you in a wide variety of games you are going to have hard games and like the way I've viewed it is that you're going to be in easy games where you're playing you're the highest MMR player in the game and you you should win those games moderate level games where everyone's roughly the same MMI and the same level of skill and then very hard games where you know you're in higher level games um and so you're you're sort of the lowest ranked you're the lowest ranked the lowest MMR and you're vering higher level players so right people would actually think that the hard games are actually the matchmaking has been balanced a little bit which can happen it can happen you can have hard games but you know the thing is is that look at the end of the day R are going to put you in a wide variety of games and but that doesn't matter because the the MMR on those games will account for that if you are one of those in one of those games where you should win like say all the players on your team are significantly higher rank and those games happen where you're like what the hell how is this even fair they're way lower rank way way higher rank and you lose that game you're going to lose more MMR and and and that's this is the way the system works right so um at the end of the day right if it was really easy and like it was just really smooth linear climb it would be very difficult for Riot to actually 100% test to see if you really deserve to be at the rank because Riot don't want you to randomly get on a lucky streak and then climb somewhere and then realize holy [ __ ] you're actually not that level of caliber of player and then in other people's games by just giving you all the easy gam by giving you all the easy games so so what Riot do is they want to make sure if you're going to get to Diamond and make this significant jumping skill cuz right at no there is a significant jumble skill whether you're aware of one or not it's all the little things it's the consistency of how well you're playing anyone can get lucky and win a handful of games right anyone can do that to have a sustained effort at a higher rank is what really justifies your rank at the at the first place especially if you've come from a much lower level bracket if you've come from like a platinum if you've got from Platinum all the way to Diamond Riot definitely need to check because the alternative think about the alternative imagine if it was really smooth sailing boom like you know they gave you insane LP games all these people you'd be like what the how is this guy in my G you get to Diamond how are these people in my games this guy got gold abused something got to Diamond how he's not even close to a diamond level you would complain if the alternative existed right you always got to way what's the alternative again selfish Outlook and think I deserve to climb I'm so good right holding me back it's unfair that account end up plat for when I first made it but when I tried to climb back the following year it took me 200 games to climb because I literally was winning + 15 and losing -22 before the lp update after the update I was winning plus 18 when the minimum from plus 15 LP was supposed to be around 22 I don't know how this was even possible the math and mathing up for me I'll tell you that this is why I recommend creating a new Smurf account because playing as these odds is extremely mentally draining and timec consuming on the account just kind of dam and that's fine if you feel like if you are you we have said you can create a new Smurf account but what we often find with a lot of these people who create Smurf accounts they will climb temporarily and then what happens they stabilize back into their main rank with I was only winning between 20 and 22 LP and losing between - 27 and even 30 at a 57% wood rate I was a to CL an emerald one and so one thing I'm pausing a lot one thing here I want to talk about based off the quality of his play and the quality of the mistakes that we were seeing notice that how this's is massive focus on LP massive focus on matchmaking Riot's holding him back again this was one of the other observations we're making connecting the dots see you 67 LP and needed two more games before I could finally go to sleep however this is where we at to get to you they fill you with false hope and try to break you mentally I played 26 games that day and won 14 games and lost 12 yet started less than what I started with before initially I won 12 games and lost only four games allowing me the smoo so no process 2 games to get stuck in losers queue and lose eight games while only winning two subsequently I simply wasn't in the mood to play anymore so I finally went to sleep knowing that I wasted a whole day for nothing I L was back where I started 18 hours earlier the only reason I'm going to try kind of Challenger it's funny I always love when people say they lost like a bunch they wasted the whole day how opposite is there's a lot probably there to break down lot to learn you're playing the and the conclusion might be I waste of the day because I play tilted and but that is learning that is the learning how do I create a situation where I'm reducing the Tilt what was the factors why I tilted there's no never everything's just really surface level here there's no getting into the details here whatsoever or no process no respect for Champs no respect for champ Mastery blaming Riot it's Riot's fault not his fault never taking responsibility Theiss account this year it's because of the funny name but to say the least I'm telling you all this because I bet you that you personally had these experience in the past and I want to let you know that sometimes it's okay to not be happy playing league so put on some s boy Ed music and Grand through it anyway let me point out all the mistakes I noticed while climbing through emerald and share how I try my best to combat each problem mistake number one players don't know how to play when they're behind I was supposed to play ADC and top because there's still the lanes I consistently entered no matter what position I played when I switched to playing top my bot Lane would feed and when I played ADC my Top Lane would feed when you keep giving your opponents kills the damage is already done and saving it sometimes is just a miracle at the end for this reason this is why I dominate Top Lane with 70% win rate across 37 games not to pay a Target my back but I personally find top layers not mechanically gifted as I am so if I'm able to out them twice and get two kills it would never win oh whoa whoa whoa whoa the players aren't as mechanically gifted as me again sarcasm even S I don't know think I don't know is it is it sarcasm I can't tell can't is satire I really can't tell but that is going again showing to reinforce that mindset that's why he thinks he can play Everything any role whenever he wants he's the second coming in Jesus he's the only one that uses blast GES perfectly remember that's right against me and the lane is effectively over in these elas where you get the Top Lane treatment and play a one1 in the landing phase you will never beat me unless I'm heavily counterpicked occasionally I switch to Jungle in mid when I get exhausted the beach rule but the same problem reoccurred especially my bot Lane maybe it's all just bad luck on my end but if I can share that my bot Lane doesn't feed I will suffer through every game and personally play ADC myself I do want to warn you that most of the time your field of extremely ELO inflated supports that shouldn't be in the lobby in the first place so the best thing you really can do is farm and not die they're holding onto their abilities for next game and honestly not doing anything all you can really do is pray you have a half decent jungler and that the enemy botling is worse since players don't know how to end the game quickly I eventually scale and carry the late game mistake number two Auto so what's what's what's the takeaway there the takeaway is play top because you'll have a higher likelihood of carrying your ining Bot Lane that's inevitable but you could just be unlucky and you and cuz support and the supports that you'll get in your team just don't deserve to be in the game because they're e inflated because they play support and apparently this doesn't exist on the othery team by the way no it's only his team yeah so the the enemy bot Lane is the the really good one all the time and his bot Lane is the one that inss all the time and if he plays mid the top ends all the time so so if he plays mid there's something there a little algorithm that says okay their Top Lane has to be better because I'm so good so they need to offset that cuz I'm I'm I'm I'm Faker so they need to have Faker in top and Bot to offset how good I am and then if I get lucky I have a fighting chance of winning so I think the takeaway there is um yeah just play top in 1 V2 and be so much better mechanically that you can one V2 every time that's the only way you can win there games the majority of players that find an emerald are autoing their games expecting to be carried to Diamond the rushing Tank Killer items have black F into teams with zero tanks or they're not paying attention to objective timers when these objectives are up they are farming on the other side of the map we taking jungle camps when you're playing like this you're not contributing to your team in any manner and letting the enemy get gold leads and objective Buffs for zero reason I'm even to pause I mean that's pretty self doing less damage than support at the end of the game I canot fa how many topers do this and expect to be carried by just engaging one team fight and hoping they win the fight without positioning in advance or setting up vision control pure delusion pure delusion everything's rigid this n thing apparently there's no like little aspects of the game like details like how can I get that trade better how can I be better this champ how can I use this ability better it's just the moment you start talking about the gameing it's like Absolut you will lose your mind and you create these crazy n like this guy has a a list the book he could write about his narratives there are so reinforced so ingrained and you know what doesn't help this the 27 games a day that he's playing that is just not going to be and no details he's not getting into the details when you don't get into the details everything will feel out of your control simple as that really that simple when a single player recklessly Dives in and gets eliminated it creates a tough situation for the rest of the team to handle and increases the likelihood of losing the subsequent fight how many times can you count when your teammate randomly dies before dragon or Baron spawns by walking somewhere they have no reason to be at or check alone countless times for me at least don't get baited by your teammates and if you know you're going to lose a fight don't even take it however don't be a KDA player and spectate fights while your team is expecting your damage you're essentially baiting your teammate and will end up tilting them mistake number three ksing kills he's how rich is that talking about tilting your teammates what the I mean this guy's extreme this guy is probably one of the yeah based on looking at his gameplay extremes he's probably one of the most toxic emerald diamond players in on na server 100% he's definitely in the he's in he's in the conversation for sure this level of delusion this is this is what fascinates me with this why I love this case study because it's such it is so similar to that 40K gold case study it's pure delusion that you say one thing and the behavior is the direct opposite direct opposite that's why you always got to look at you know the same AC speak louder than words just look at the godamn game that's why we love looking at the game play if you know you don't know how to carry your games don't take the kills and give them the players who have a higher chance of winning again since ADC is an extremely strong rooll right now I'm playing this boring and unbearable role to climb because you have the potential to swing fights and carry my teammates usually aren't peeling me so I have to position extra cautiously these are moments where the only reason we win the fight is because the enemy team is tunnel visioning on me while ignoring my team completely which allows to out the other team the reality is that you will have to be the sacrifice of punching back for your team even though the tank should be doing this playing AC you're expected to be carrying your games and playing well but you genely don't know how to keep a lead I just let your team do it while you still contribute in the background I personally love being carried because the pressure and stress is off my shoulders and it gets my brain the game to relax don't be selfish and give the kills if you're truly playing rank to climb then you have to be a team player understand that game doesn't revolve around you I've seen countless players who think the game does and they're the one carrying then they start underperforming and start inting because they can't handle this fact league is a team game and if you're the liability in every game you're going to be hardstuck forever mistake number four refusing to play it's actually infuriating to me like it's like the level of you look at his gameplay anyone can look at his gameplay it's all on there all the incriminating evidence it's all on there anyone can go to his stream or his past live streams and look at his gameplay there's no hiding and this is this video is on the same channel as his live streams that's the thing it's not like he's trying to hide it he clearly thinks that he's in the ride isn't it yeah that's the crazy thing it's not like he's trying to hide it it's a show it's the it's there I don't I just don't understand that the psychology again I think the delusion is really Next Level [ __ ] I've noticed that honestly nobody knows what they're doing in Emerald after the laning phase everyone is wandering around looking for a fight constantly when no objectives are up and minions are not present people start a ring mid for zero reason and players start stealing the jungler's camp when he or she is trying to farm when they're bored sometimes there isn't anything better to do than to farm a quick minion wave and then to obtain more vision control unless the enemy team has players who've ined multiple times and you're able to snowball you have to play the game slow because nobody's communicating well enough to so General I don't want this any of this me Lan because refusing like if I'm an emerald player and I'm looking at this none of this is helping me what like how is any of this actually going to like how do I apply this to my gameplay none of this is applicable a slow game ironically I see this happen the most when players play scaling Champions and I can't wrap my mind around where the logic goes let's thing number five not knowing how to play week side there are games where I'm counterpick playing top and my jungle refus to help or apply pressure to my Lane even though I'm frustrated at this fact I would never be feeding my laner any more than 2 kills Max which includes being dope even though I'm down 30 Cs and my jungler is doing absolutely nothing around the map I'm playing consistently as as I possibly can hoping that we somehow win fights later on in the game or when they throw their lead even though mentally I could be tilted out of my mind my ability to play a game doesn't change where I'm ever the liability of my team I could care less my team was the most toxic team in the world and yelling slurs at each other but as long as we win the game that's all that matters if I lose a game I try again and pray that the keys would be better instead of ining my games try to keep this mentality again you can see the focus on the result it's just all about just winning the game there's no approvement apparently there's just fixed skill levels no so he is yeah so again really trying to break down the psychology he is really good at the game he's really good mechanically so he can play all these roles all these Champions he's the carry everyone else is not on his level so so he's just got to play these carry Champions abuse everyone doesn't matter again there's nothing about Improvement and then if he does this and you do this and you play carry Champs and you take all the kills and and you play for yourself you'll win that's kind of like the the kind of the message I think big picture that I'm kind of getting across I think that's that's right that's what he's trying to get across first through it and if you can't just get it off and try again another day mistake number six not matching your laner for some reason players are refusing to match their Lanes by randomly walking around the map I don't understand how this is a difficult concept because if you allow the enemy team to farm freely and push Towers you're missing ways for zero reason and you're are forced to walk back which wastes so much time when I'm playing I'm having to match these players whether than the top Lan or bot Lane because my team isn't doing anything it's incredibly fr train to play because of they're extremely fed you're playing a squishy ADC into assassins or tanks that dive you under Tower while this is happening my teammates are edging to force a losing fight and get further behind please just match your laner and in theory if you don't feed your laner hard you will always be able to match them because you can simply clear the ways and not try to fight them if the enemy team keeps walking up and trying to attack your turn this is where in theory jungler should be ganking this overextension realistically it does not happen especially playing top so it really does come down to you playing extremely boring and safe en counter matchups again you don't always have to be the hero of every game mistake number seven I have flash don't worry some players think it's okay to play Confident and overextend simply because they have flash available when you end up getting jumped and are forced to use your flash You're simply wasted the most important ability in League because of your ego suer spells provide you with offensive and defensive potential and change fights completely league is all positioning which makes flash so critical and if you're suddenly down the spell for zero reason you're are hitting your team with the ability to make better plays mistake number eight not knowing how to snowball players in Emerald are not using their gold advantage in any way to force objectives or easy plays but instead slowly playing the game on autopilot and allowing the enemy team to catch up this is kind of like playing this getting toid it's getting out of control so not knowing how it's just too too General and it's and it's just contradictory to the game play yeah yeah okay so I think a lot of that is kind of relatively self-explanatory I think what we do is we quickly take a look at he's got two other short videos and then we'll kind of summarize I think the key learnings so moving on to another one here this one is called why climbing to master tier something that I don't really know how much he would know about climbing to Mar it doesn't really seem like it's um in his wheelhouse but take a look maybe I'm wrong so why climbing to master deer is 100% luck no skill involved no skill hey guys in this video I'm explaining why climbing on Masters is 100% luck and here's why what do I mean when I say luck I mean that you can have the skill of an emerald player but still be able to hit Masters League solo Q is a game Who has less interest in Griefers on their team rather than actual talent if you're able to get into winners queue and be carried into Masters you have the right to call yourself a masters player and you become part of the 0.56% of players in league if you always just wanted to hit Masters then I'm truly happy for you though I want to acknowledge that high Challenger Smurfs who are smurfing are obviously carrying their games but it would be imprudent to eradicate luck as a factor winning their games the majority of players hitting Masters are previous season players whether they've been Masters since season 4 season 12 they can easily get back to Masters because they're gifted High LP games to get back into Masters it's basically guaranteed even if you don't carry games now on the contrary based on my own personal experiences the majority players get into Masters are no different than your average Emerald 2 player you see players who previously got into Masters last season and will struggle to climb back despite their High LP gains because they were so ELO played it you could have a negative win rate overall but you manag to get into winers sky without running into any hard interest or trolls you would easily cruise into Masters because of how the system is designed here are examples in these five games I truly did not have to do anything like my team was just better than the other team every single game I wasn't inting but I also wasn't caring either in this case it's extremely rare for me to have these games here's another example I went on eight win streak just because my teammates wanted to win and didn't troll it looked like I was getting boost it but literally I just got eight lucky games and climb a diamond 2 instantly now let's look at these two Yumi players both of these players have Masters this year and there's no other exclamation That these players should be in the side of Elo other than luck I know if I become a trick so okay there's a lot here to unpack yeah you will get easier games right that's the way it works you'll get easier games you'll get hard games you get mediocre games and notice how there's just no this it's so detached from the details Nathan what did you do specifically why were those games here what did you do to to contribute to play really well in some other games he's not even saying that like I just played really well these games apparently it's not apparently it's purely got to do with win no it's winners Q it's R you got to get into win it you got to it's like riding a wave you got to find spot that wave in a distance you got to somehow get into that wave and then it will push you to master tier right um I love that Yumi account showed a screenshot of a Yi account people really don't understand the idea that you can have very specific skills there are Yumi players that are hard to beat I remember when Yumi was quite popular do remember those Yumi players in now server uh and and like they yeah sure objectively they're not doing crazy things but they were annoying to beat they would be potentially of good positioning right they weren't dying in Silly Ways they were actually just doing their job yeah their job isn't sexy it's not crazy it's not super sophisticated but they're doing their job you know and this is what ties into that whole champ shaming you know discussion where it's like just because there is a Yumi player that gets Dem mastered here you know it doesn't mean they don't deserve Master tier run away you know they are a master tier Yumi player yes right there's nothing you can take away from that they are obviously doing things that get them to masterer unless they're [ __ ] of course right and so like I think again this is Detachment for what are the underlying skills that these players develop what are these behaviors in game that they are showing that get them to that level and also I want to make a very clear distinction there's a very very big difference between peing marer and being a masterer player if you have 40 games at the beginning of the season and you you know you play at the beginning of the split and you abuse something that's op and you Peak marer you're not a marer player you haven't stayed in Mar you haven't played hundreds of games in master tier the reason old school Master people that have been mastered for years he was saying one of his critiques was you can be mastered for five seasons in a row and then you play one more season you e to get master tier yeah it is objectively easy to get master tier but you know why they're also marer because they've played at marer for many many years if you've played at a marer level hundreds of games for years thousands of games your Baseline autopilot will likely be probably around low master because of the incremental muscle memory that you've developed at a master tier level there's no Grand conspiracy there yes sure objectively I agree with you it is easier for someone that's been mastered here for five seasons to get master again from an LP perspective but it doesn't take away from the skill you put them on a different account they will get mastered here again I can 110% the fact that that consistency exists is showing that there is obviously the game because there consistency he's very good at nitpicking certain things to sort of get to the TW narrative and it's so easy to look I saw so many screenshots in these videos of like one game and then bam and look like this player here this mm like yeah these players are going to be in and out and thing there is some there's lots of volatility fluctuation there's fluctuation metas someone's champ remember the lp range we the lp range about in the rank guide section but over a long period of time you're going to get to your skill level and yes you're going to have some crazy you know some crazy teammates but you're the X Factor I mean you're the the variable that's consistent in every single game so let's only focus on what we can control and and the message that it's it's such a tough pill to swallow Nathan for these people is that there is such a thing as an objective level of play like you could show me a VOD and I could tell you with pretty accurate with very high accuracy what rank that player will end up with and up at sorry after like 200 games I could tell you very very accurately there is an objective level of play that that needs to be had to get to these specific ranks there's no there's no Grand conspiracy how to cheat the system and no there is a master tier level of play there is a grand master level of play there is a challenger level of play there is a diamond level of play whether or not you're aware of it and there are many ways to get there but there is a level of play and it's just again I think this guy has the tendency to zoom in a lot he's very zoomed in this one game this block of games this 20 games he's not understanding the big pict yeah he's not thinking big picture over a 100 games how do I the system has to we I think we spoke about this before the system has to take into account your level play over many many games they have to give you incremental LP games because again if it was if you were get if you're getting to your ranks really really quickly and and you were definitively they get you you solidified marity after like 20 games it just the system wouldn't work the system wouldn't work anything else nope thank you for ring I would probably demot from Diamond to Plat you're telling me these human players manag to carry for losing Lanes into Masters using their high level matro micro skills who sounds more crazy now yeah and so okay that's the narrative there for you to climb to marity you have to carry all the other people on your team notice that that is exactly his vial of the game right there I want to replay that cuz I think that perfectly exemplifies he du the game ready if I become a y trick and keep for ring I would probably demote from Diamond to PL they telling me these human players manag to carry four losing Lanes into Masters using their high level macro micro skills who sounds more crazy now so what he's thinking way this is the way he's coming to that conclusion I played this really hard game where my where my my midlaner did really poor say he's playing 8 carry right my mid laner did really poorly my Top Lane did really poorly and my jungle did really poorly if I was the um you're saying this Yumi player carries this game how impossible he would have lost that game as well okay maybe that's one game that Yumi is outperforming him believe it or not in the majority of games by doing her job by doing her job and that's what he fundamentally cannot get he believes the game is all about carrying when it's just about doing your job and that is the bombshell that is the the Mind shattering thing that he can't really the tough pill he can't swallow I think his perception of Karan would be yeah completely different from ours it must be like KDA or something like that there's just so many hidden things running around kill every emerald diamond you know even mastera you're missing so many hidden things in the game which is why that's that's part of him built into your rank that's the difference between you and Challenger there's all the little details that you're not getting and and that's also why by the way he's actually he's actually drawn to carry Champions right that's why his personality you know what I mean he varis top AIA top vain top like he's he's drawn to these Champions at fiz Mid or whatever he has to play those Champions that's the way he views the game he has to be the big carry doing all the damage because my team's useless so in a way it's kind of like you know there's that quar it's like uh if all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail or something like that or to you kind of butchered it but for him if you're only viewing the game you're only playing carry oriented Champions that's the only way you're ever going to view the game you know in my own experience I don't think players in Elo are remotely good at this game when I first hit Masters a while back I got lucky and got real teammates every game which allowed me to carry them all in the 15 game win streak straight into Masters yes even though I'm carrying 15 games in a row I'm saying this was 100% luck I didn't get any trolls if cares or hard enters which allow me to control every single game like even in some games Lanes will just win on their own which is crazy to see I'm not even concerned with LP losses anymore because MMR is more important the lower your MMR is the more Point Flip it is even if these players aren't inting they're just either aoking doing the internet problems or just rage quitting are these reoccurring coincides are intentional I'm 100% confident that R has matchmaking algorithms that know who the carries are versus the seat Builders are they place you with these awful players on purpose to hinder your progress because there should be no reason for a negative winr flat four peer to be in Diamond 2 lobbies four games in a row despite losing four ring games in a row he's still being paired in these lobbies which makes absolutely no sense the team with this player always loses yet his MMR is still insanely high for no reason in addition since Riot removed names and champ to reduce dodging they made it even harder to climb because you can't Dodge trolls when you used to be able to op the G your teamat is in chanc leg you can see their win rates to the performance of each champion and KDA Bas on this alone you could confidently tell if you're about to win the game or lose the game like if I saw a player with a 35% win rate I would Dodge just like the Challenger players before have fly here's an example I'm PA of a negative to win Masters allow who hasn't played in 3 months but also resed out every single game not going to lie this account seems kind of Bot to me but if I saw this information to Champ select I would instantly dodge another time I dodge a troll comp and waited 10 minutes you end up on the same exact team comp and hard losing yeah you are going to have those games you are going to have those games but the enemy also going to have those games and now because there is no uh there is no you can't OPG anymore right you can't check the accounts it's even for everyone everyone's on even everyone's on an even playing field you don't need to play that game anymore so yeah you will get unlucky games and I remember there was that beautiful stat that you had you did your live commentaries and I think you said over 60 was it the sample 67 games 67 games you saw how many trolls genuine trolls genuine trolls like three or four three or four over 60 that's lot just random these won't cherry pick these are just random vods these people queuing up on your stream and I very very rarely see it even people in my Discord very rarely talk about it and and and this is the thing that I I just don't again I think he's just cherry-picking to to kind of support his take that these players don't deserve to be here the system doesn't work it's all luck I guess this goes to show how pretty decisive the game is in champ select already games are always winable even if you're bad players on your team but if you're sorry there's one more thing I will say about this he was the troll recently you go to his live stream him picking his ear top you know picking that vein top there he is the troll if the if the champ if the the name tags were back back people would be dodging you run it down AFK or purposely Avo winning chances it's not like realistically if you put five Diamond players against Challengers with me on it to purposely run it down they will lose to this team of diamonds the worst part is these players won't get banned if you do it right I literally tested this the before and managed to lose 46 rank games with zero punishments let me see that again 46 rank games who say not do this by the way this was younger Dylan I do not I mean it's again it's extr he's going to what a waste of time he wants to test it he wants to test how how many games he can get away with inting so he's built these narratives again over this whole stud to the point where he's going to spend 46 games losing he's lost his mind he's completely lost his mind and unfortunately again this is not that rare no you know you're going to the scary thing is that he's so he's so um confident he's got so much conviction in what he believes in that he's actually made making videos on YouTube he's literally broadcasting this message he it it's to that level like think about it there's levels to it right like you can go kind of like this is a bit weird and then now you you like level up you get to the point where you're you're absolutely fanatical and 100% believe in this [ __ ] to the point where you're spreading the word you're like sharing the gospel to everyone that it's all fake it's all it's all [ __ ] it's all luck there's no skill involved in the game no it's a talent I think was saying about before the Challen the Challenger players are talented super talented they're really really talented unless and every else is just about everyone's a [ __ ] so so if you're there's the special Elite challenge voice that are really really talented and if you're not one of them you're just [ __ ] and you're stuck and the only way to climb for those people if you're not those talented players is to get a winers Q that's the tldd right I think I've seen enough of this video I think it's just kind of [ __ ] we got one more here very quick one guys if you're like me right now you're heart suuck in a rank and you're playing countless hours of League to try to obtain a rank that defines are worth you see someone that you know and they ask you how you are and you just have to say that you're fine when you're really not fine but you really get into it because they never understand anyways any s person would quit the game but you just can't people don't understand how D you are to quit now not until the job is finished for me in particular this game has had my life in a choke hold since I was nine and I just want to be free Doby needs to suck I just want my mental health to be repaired man I got into diamond in around 100 games but I've dropped from being one win away from Diamond 2 to zero LP Diamond 4 like six times so not be giving up clim of Masters last play it was the same thing and I swear D2 and D1 lobbies are easier to play than this the more I play in Diamond 3 lobbies the more rigged it feels and I'm losing my mind I'll give it 50 more games before I make a fresh account and there is no more excuse because Challenger players can climb from fresh accounts I'm just not giv real teammates and I can't take enough copion to get through these globies anymore I know there are individuals out there who feel the same way and I want to tell you that I know how it feels to be hard stuck silver gold and even plat because I was once there too I wasn't naturally gifted at this game compared to all my other friends at first but I eventually outscaled them I want you to know that even though your league rank might not change immediately I want to tell you that I believe you I believe that you believe in your own capabilities and deserve to be a higher rank it's not copium if you can prove it one day and the journey to prove these disbelievers is not an easy one however everything's going to be okay there are strangers I've never met before who tell me the kindest words and honestly if it weren't for these people I would have quit this game I don't exactly have a support system for a league but these players restore my faith in league players and help me until not everyone is lucky enough to have these great-hearted people so again this is a message that you are good enough do not let the Masters or Diamond Player try to Eagle over you because these are not good enough players to be putting you down keep your head up and try again another time even if League matchmaking is riged or not do not let this company take your soul if you truly believe you're are good enough to be in a rank you will get there that's all I wanted to say today and I just wanted to share the love that I never had before while playing League good luck on your clim and if you think you have room to improve I'm teaching the fundamentals for all roles so you should totally subscribe to my channel have a spectacular day guys [ __ ] me um I'm just really confused I don't know how to respond to this video it's such a such a it's it's such a I don't really get it it's like so I think the message is you stick in there if you just keep playing games you just believe that you're going to get the rank you're just going to get it or something I I'm just really conflicted what does this I'm just trying to put this in the in the grand scheme of the of the messages of what he's trying to get across here like we okay you're going to hang in there you know don't get don't get beaten up all the ego you know the the Master Plus ego players don't let them beat you down which he's kind of one of them from what it sounds like eing on other people um hang in there games are tough even though the games are a bit rigged it's okay um and then yeah I I don't really understand you know again and look I'm not here to beat after these content you can make whatever content you want but my point here is is that I wanted to go over in this one is like there is this massive kind of discrepancy between how he acts in game and to his online Persona in his YouTube videos and this is what I love about about you know actually seeing the gameplay of these people we saw the same thing with this right you have this image of what they're trying to present and then how they act in solid que and they're completely different you're the one that's raging first timing Champions being that troll pick putting other people down holding other people to the super high standard you're the one that contributing to the losses but blaming your teammates you are the reason you're losing games but then you've got the complete you're trying to get across the complete opposite message in your videos so this what I think like when I was I I didn't really know what we're going to get into I thought it was just an interesting title I'm just trying to put it together there's just this massive discrepancy I guess it's sort of looks likeus like a motivational video If you play league you need to hear this is the title of this one interesting so there's a lot there to unpack let's um let's do a little bit of a recap recap [Music] summary okay so we're ending with part four here summary what do we take away from this what do we take away from this experience this case study I think what I'll start with is sort of talking a little bit about this bracket of players that I've observed observed is like the emerald diamond it's a pretty experience there like a lot of players that have played the game for a long time like this guy and to get to the next step you're get the top top percent of the player base it's really hard when things get hard people want to find excuses or external or a narrative to be like why is this so hard or I think what also doesn't help a guy like this as well is where he hears from all the master te players oh it's so easy you know you just like everyone anyone can go get master stuff like that and the lack of respect of the hardness is sort of like why he needs to create narratives to to be like okay why is it like I know that I'm awesome I'm special something must be external external for Force which is in his case riot games or his teammates must be making this so hard for me because everyone else is potentially easy so I think that the you know people lot of people say like Emerald's like the hardest ranked or whatever you hear that a lot like Emerald's really you know hard I think that it's more the case where there's just so many players that have been playing the game for a long time like this guy that are really easy to give up flame report they they they sort of checked out mentally of like trying to improve anymore and this is sort of their comfort zone that's my sort of really I think there's so many beautiful things that anything think absolutely spot on I think there's two major things I want to rip off the first one is going to be about yeah him and how he became I reckon the person he is and the second one we're going to talk about the emerald rank so put a pin in that one okay you're absolutely spot on I actually view him as a a byproduct of many of these outs outside influences so the way I'm viewing it your spot on is there's an element of it that he probably has never really attempted to improve it again game before right he hasn't he's not obviously not process oriented hasn't really reviewed before got into the like really getting into the details so there's that there is the outside influence from marer plus players and streamers and you know all these people that he's probably looked up to and heard them say marer has no brain and Diamond these players are terrible whatever right all this all that stuff so there's all that there as well he's probably got that influence of um feeling like you know he's confused about how to climb and and there's that defense mechanism there and he has to latch on to things and uh when things got difficult he he's kind of doubl down on that whole carry narrative that he has to be the carry that he's the one everyone else is ruining his games because it's not him he's the one that's aware of it right he's the one that's apparently the outside everyone else is bad and again that you're right that's kind of stemming from that whole it's a kind of like a defense mechanism he doesn't want to own up to the fact that he is in that he is that level of play because you can get tricked as well because like let's say again you're hitting the emerald Rank and stuff like that you can like carry League of Legends games like you can look like you're insane you can do some stuff 20 in O that's what I feel like the EM players are capable of doing that they can look pretty close like well I'm doing this like my Challenger friends are do as well but what a lot of the time they're missing again of all the other elements of the game that would never allow them to get 20 in the first place if you're playing in the CH really understand the big picture they think they're scraping the surface and they're definitely great players right you're getting to Emerald you're a great player but you're you're just now starting that yeah Journey thinking bigger picture about the game and again Ty back to the emerald thing I think you spot on there I think there's an element of where you know there's a lot of players that have played the game for a long time and they get to that Emerald Rank and emerald is where the game really starts to get tricky because not just about knowledge you can't knowledge Gap anyone anymore you know I feel like in that you got to really focus you got to really focus and The Details Matter more and and you can kind of skill check you can be Baseline competent with PC games and kind of cheat not cheat is not the right word but compensate for a lot of lacking in many areas just by [ __ ] brute forcing it you can do that and get to Emerald and even borderline Diamond 4 and then it starts to get hard it starts to get hard because now you're playing with all these other players that are mechanically competent also maybe have that PC background and now you got to get a little bit one percenters it's the one percenters and they really really add up and and that is hard and if you're not willing to get into the details you got to find some sort of excuse as to why you're not able to ACH you know you're not able to win and he's try and and what I found and and I think upon reflection notice how you know he's got all these contradictory um narratives right like he says you know you can't autopilot uh you know basically all those kind of ideas about what it takes to climent but then that's not what he's doing right so he's got all these kind of contradictory things yet leagues leagues luck but you got to get better it it doesn't make sense right it's contradictory the reason those contradictory things exist is because he's actually put himself in this weird position where he's actually trying to get better at the game but not but not aware of kind of like what it takes to get better at the game so he's kind of like got himself in this weird little rut where he doesn't he's in the Twilight Zone or he's in limbo he's in limbo he's stuck in limbo in purgatory kind of he's in this weird state where he's he's not you can tell he's trying to improve it he does care about getting better at the game but he doesn't know how and so he's trying to create narratives to cover his ass as to why he's not getting results and make it less painful Maybe there's something there he's in this weird very re really weird State and that's hence why the delusion and the contradictory kind of beliefs um he's very confused so look I really hope this is what I hope you know I hope that we I hope two things I hope we can all learn through this experience from him because you can tell he's obviously not having a great time about with the game right and and it doesn't look like an enjoyable way to to play league and um and I think this is a really good reminder of this the importance of process The Importance of Being intentional the importance of getting into the details TS how you talk about the game how you behave about the game we talked about we had that little spill that we had about the constant negative things he's talking or where his focus is slowly whether you're aware of it or not it slowly starts to build your belief system the way you talk it's really powerful self the same in real life yes exact same in real life self talk is powerful and I'll say the other thing I hope is that I genuinely hope that he makes a turnaround you know I don't want in a way this comes across as a hit piece and in a way he is kind of the sacrificial lamb we do these case studies and sacrific some people for the greater good I get that and he's probably going to be salty I understand that I would probably be too if I was in his situation but I really hope that he can turn a corner I genuinely do I really hope that he can maybe not now that would be such an awesome yeah a comeback story you know I hope that like months from now he has like his library videos in his channel and then this is the turning point you know the broken by concept highlight it's like okay like like maybe I don't believe the BBC but how about I just do what they tell me I'm going to start three blocking I'm going to start reviewing start really questioning his own beliefs start to like really like what are you stand for what do you actually stand for and and what do you actually believe in and and own up and and really live and breathe what you believe you know what I mean like if you believe this [ __ ] do what you say like it just don't be fake like if you if you say all this [ __ ] on YouTube do what you say you're not doing what you say and so like I think that um I hope he just makes a turn around and like it proba not going to happen in the short term but I really hope that at some point things start to click for him and he um you know starts to develop a growth mindset because he really just has a fixed mindset really from what it seems like cuz I understand how painful that is and he's in probably in you feeling quite miserable so um yeah that's really it right let us know in the comments what you guys think what do you what do you think about this case study what do you think we can learn from it um and um yeah what you took away from it I guess right that wraps up our episode for today episode 185 we'll see you guys next week
Channel: Broken By Concept
Views: 74,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league podcast, league show, league talk show, soloq podcast, solo queue podcast, league of legends podcast, league of legends talk show, solo queue discussion, soloq, lol podcast, lol show, coach curtis, nathan mott, bbc
Id: dkPbEzPbwcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 56sec (5876 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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