He Can't Move Me! / Nathan Morris / The Deep Cries Out

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see i'm preaching to people right now that you got a word that the enemy is fighting you you came to this fire conference and you're reading that word you're hearing that word you know god's calling you to a deeper place but all hell's been let loose now i know why the bible says having done all to stand stand therefore the devil's trying to move you when god gives you a word that is a place of authority when god said i'm gonna release something in your life you don't move an inch you stand on that word and say devil i'm gonna stand and see the fulfillment of your wall somebody give god a mighty shout of praise right now [Applause] you cried but his word is restoring you you suffered but his word is still bringing you deliverance you've been through the fire but that word that he gave you years ago did not allow you to be burned see he's the god who is who was and who is to come that means god can give you a word in this fire meeting that will reach into your past and not only heal you it'll heal you yesterday now and release your tomorrow by the move of the holy ghost see when i was on the plane i heard these two scriptures second corinthians 1 20 says for us many are the promises of god in him they are yes [Music] therefore also through him is our amen to the glory of god through us his promises are manifest through you you are a conduit for the miraculous you are a conduit for grace you are a conduit for mercy you are a conduit for the love of god he might be manifesting you are you with me you see i said all of that just to get to my text see what i want you to see about this scripture is that the everything in luke 5 is moving everything in luke 5 is a kairos moment you see the greeks had two ancient ways to tell time one was kronos which means sequential normal time but there was another form of time that they called karos this was deeper than your watch kairos meant the place for action i got to come down for this i don't know whether the video guys are going to let me but you know what a kairos moment means something's about to go down uh i'm gonna try over here a kairos moment means god's telling you something's about to happen something is about to happen i feel it i felt it on the plane i felt it in my spirit every time i think about it every time i speak about it i feel like breaking down and crying because inside of me the deep calls out get ready something is about everything is moving the boat is moving the crowd is moving jesus is moving and jesus steps into the moment oh when jesus steps in i've spent whole nights laying hands on thousands of people that i can't even lift my arms and yet there's been moments when jesus stepped him and he did more in that second than i could do in a lifetime he was the glory of god he was a kairos moment the were made well the blind began to see it was so easy what i'm trying to tell you is no matter where you are what you're doing when jesus steps see the core of this scripture is that god was about to move peter into his purpose jesus comes and he says there were two boats jesus steps into a boat called simon peter peter said to jesus jesus you can have my boat the problem was this jesus are you ready for this jesus did not come for a boat you see peter saw a boat jesus was about to step into a platform oh you didn't get it peter saw a boat jesus saw a platform [Applause] oh you don't know what i'm saying because jesus in your life is looking for that that you'll give to him that he can turn from a boat into his platform where he's about to reach into a place that you can never go i've learned that my boat wasn't my degree i thought it was a degree but it wasn't it was his platform i thought the trouble that i was going through that that was my boat to bear but i realized that in the midst of the trouble jesus says it's about to you think your body's a degree you think it's a talent you think you're just a mother you think you're just a housewife could it be that your children are about to become his platform some of you got a boat that you i do not perceive that jesus gave it you the whole time because it was his platform yeah you were a drug addict yeah you were promiscuous yeah you had issues but let me tell you those issues what was meant for evil through the blood god is about to turn it around you see what the enemy thought he was gonna destroy you with jesus says through the blood i'm gonna use it as a platform for my grace for my mercy i'm preaching to someone right now you need to realize that that thing is not what you think it is that place is not what you think it is jesus is telling you i'm about to turn it into a platform and use it in a way you've never thought give god a mighty shout of praise we want to thank you for watching if you want to know more about shake the nation's ministries and our youtube channel why don't you click the subscribe button also if you want notifications of our brand new videos why don't you click the bell there's so much more in shake the nation's ministry that you can get involved in why don't you click also the link to our website to find out more to find out more about our humanitarian armed hope of foundations make sure you click the hope of all nations button where you can learn about us taking the gospel to thousands of children around the world and our work in the ground of the nation of honduras we can't wait to see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Nathan Morris - Shake The Nations Ministries
Views: 4,900
Rating: 4.9694657 out of 5
Id: 8gezyCh6QGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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