HBomb94's MCC 17 VOD w/ Rendog, InTheLittleWood & cubfan135 | Purple Pandas | 18th September 2021

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hello link was i forgetting you okay fine you can have you win this round we have to watch the uh update video next in crew head the very end of the game welcome chat happy mcc day i'm getting everything set up i think we're good to go for today hmm do i get the power of pizza hut chat maybe i can confuse mcc and make them think that i'm actually pete zeen thank you for the four months mcc pog mcc pog thank you thank you i appreciate that pete power he has too much power chat he's too talented do this in sans of time no like any other game but stands of time sans of time is my game fifth win today i'll do my best the teams are so balanced anyone can literally win today your team will lose my team will lose chat good luck if you're coming in to talk trash at least spell things correctly emily thank you for the 16 months thank you for that prime what game do you want to avoid well we have to avoid two games with the pvp games i think battle box will do fine and i want to avoid sky battle sky battle either has to be like the first two games or not played parkour tag might be bad ah yeah i feel more confident parkour tagged now though last time i went in blind other people had more practice on the map than i did and i did not do well i think me and martin can very do very well during parkour tag today especially with a new map any pre-mcc rituals coffee i went to starbucks got a nice spinach and fed a rap hole the only thing that's really edible at starbucks that like the croissants and the bagels and i got like a mean pumpkin venti pumpkin cream cold brew because what it's it's it i mean when it when it's halloween time you gotta take advantage of the pumpkin spice dude i didn't even know mcc was today it is it's in a couple hours or an hour and a half orifice thank you for the four months good luck to you too thank you for the prime of the four months welcome back let's go chat i can pull up the where should i put you you just gotta put it down a little bit more that seems that seems like it's spot-on right close enough which team are you most afraid of your mom's team your mom's wild and i'm afraid to go up against her hey what up chat i'll go upstair link there's my big boy oh thick dog hey hi what is your favorite animal you got this king knucklehead thank you serenity thank you for the 100 bits doggo yeah that's my big doggo he's not hyper right now because it's 10 am rather than 8 am right buddy no hyperness yay he's nice and calm it's weird only 23.70 i don't even know what that means the viewers that's a lot i don't think people understand how many i think people see like 20 viewers and think that's a little that's a butt ton anything above like one is insane no english i don't understand how she loves it mika thank you for the three months i got my little sister into mcc but she doesn't know english and she loves it uh we need we need another mcc that is just every other language but english that's what we need i can't be in that one i can only say bonjour other than that i'm screwed rj thank you for the three months good luck today i hope you all the fun i hope you have all the fun watching thank you for the three months asta thank you for the prime welcome 1894 community seems like chaos hey we love chaos here chaos is the most fun dude each team has a different language that would actually be dope mcc worlds i want to be on the english team only one english team me are supporting with purple eye shadow let's go thank you for the support thank you for the hundred bits we'd love to see the support chat everyone in my chat yo sarah thank you for the five gifted thank you thank you h 94 salute oh tier twos oh we got five tier twos holy cow thank you thank you i appreciate that everyone would have ping issues i mean like pearlescent moon i think zeus plays out of uh australia they have a little bit more like of a ping disadvantage but doesn't normally come into play too much mcc is so well hosted honestly chat today mcc day you know the rules whatever team you're supporting you have to change your color too whether it's purple pandas red rabbits green geckos why why it's too early you gotta change your name on twitch to it that's the rules i want everyone during the event that's watching me and talking to my chat to be purple why why sarah thank you for another five gifted tier twos what the heck thank you thank you you know you're staying down now you're mean thank you thank you let's go a lot of newbies there one shannon subbed before but you got four new newbies we love to see that amethyst thank you for the two months welcome back thank you for the prime slash color yes it's slash color and then you could do like slash color space purple splash color slash slash color space red and that's how you change the colors we wish you the best of luck gage thank you chat you guys want to hear something crazy it's more sad than crazy i'll be honest with you so this morning i was practicing a lot of the uh the tara swoop fours and something felt off thanks for the great content i'm getting older my eyes ain't the same as they used to be they're old man eyes now my reactions are are dead my reaction speed is gone i can't keep up with the 18 year olds i can't do it anymore but it felt so off that i was like okay there has to be a setting that's incorrect so i went to go check the brightness i have a 240 hertz monitor and i was playing on 60 hertz i changed it to 240 and there was a drastic difference drastic the last like three mcc's i've been playing on 60 hertz hey big daddy oh i wish you the best of luck today can't wait to see that fifth one of yours love you daddy finest heart hopefully we get to i just want me a dream to get it today to be honest that's it i just i i in my brain i want to be like the first five time winner because no one's done it before but if someone gets it it takes so much pressure off of me sarah thank you for the tier two thank you for all the tier two gifted subs and the tier two from you thank you for the good luck pillow thank you for the four months purple is my favorite color let's go good luck thank you thank you mula thank you for the 13 months in that prime gatekeeper thank you for the five months good luck go get your fifth one greater than d greater than d alter thank you for the four months thank you thank you jay famous thank you for the nine months i finally got back into watching streams let's go welcome back uh adapter said beans we're gonna do something really quick for you chat because i wish someone did this for me so you can see things going on here right chat actually i should be careful about advanced display settings you go to advanced display settings make sure you're on the maximum hurts it's necessary uh jessica thank you for the 16 months thank you for the year and four months i appreciate that jet jaguar thank you for seven months welcome back welcome back 1080p no i've never really paid attention to anything else other than that i just let it do its thing is there something else that's weird about this is my bit depth weird they are fine let's go before more people get information out on my computer i got to get rid of it yeah thanks for the followers if you haven't followed yet be sure to do so welcome welcome to h194 his channel welcome welcome thank you guys for the hype train i think that was a level five it better been a level 5 training there were so many subs during that thank you all i appreciate that can't wait to see your team skins if you're planning for it oh we have the team skins ren picked them out for us they look really good i can actually pull it up now let me go grab it ace does sleep is the one who made it i had to make sure my messages weren't up god dang i always forget to do that these are gonna be our skins well that's me they're cute right i'm excited i like them they're a drastically different like style than most mccs which makes me happy we all look like conductors you you know you cannot swear during this stream i'm going to say all the bad words you name a bad word i'm gonna say it twitch is pg-13 i could say any word i wanted to that's how it works right waiters oh we kind of look like waiters we look like fancy waiters yeah i could say helmet today chat i don't need to say heckman say muffin no that's that's just stop being a muffin dog water i'm not puns this dude's dog water all right let's take a look at the the update video we do look like a marching band alex thank you for the 15 months mama thank you for the 100 bits we do it looks dope we look like the conductor at like uh like an orchestra is he called a conductor if you're the lead at an orchestra what what is your name you guys win i hope we win too this would be a dope team to have win no one really expects us if we get good games at the end we can very well win it is a conductor sam big brains chat a big brain boy big brain boy that's why i got such a big forehead it holds back my giant brain as far as i've seen you guys are the best dressed team character true there was a saying that we had back in high school look good feel good play good we're already looking good so we're going to feel good we're going to play good chat those are the rules sneaks rl irl cosplay does he look good i'm sure he does it's sneak who is your dream team for mcc uh rendog in the littlewood and cub fan that team sounds dope i hope i get that team eventually stink is a blueberry sneak i'm happy he's an mcc we need more sneak content why are there shorts on top of the closet door you know i'm not going to question it when will mcc start an hour and a half just under [Music] all right music time to shut up hello hi scott welcome to the official mc champion he's my rival today update video yep so soon so of course this will be short and sweet this mcc we've just done adding some just like me right chat short and really tall new maps to the roster and reviewing some of the scoring in various games so how about we start a run through of these maps battlebox is getting i've watched this before just a heads up this looks sick as jordan it'll be okay how tall is jordan i met jordan irl a few times but i don't remember like looking at his height thank you for the 100 bits also i can't uh wait is there one player that gets blocks he's four foot oh that makes sense so it looks like that's the block kit i thought everyone got blocks oh maybe you get them over here everybody gets blocked okay that looks like leaves block what is that then my 60 hertz monitor or my 140 hertz monitor isn't helping enough nobody it says you collect leaves okay then i'm just what is this it looks like a leaf block sound and you guys not hear it i mean i'm also not playing anything so that's you know normal extra leaves oh there you go so we probably don't start off with leaves we probably feel like there's probably leaves over here there's leaves randomly throughout the entire area it looks like because there's more leaves over here than there is over here there's no leaves over here and there's leaves over here so they're probably just like scattered everywhere so i have a weird feeling that we don't start with them also we start down here how the heck do we get up here this is the starting area right water elevator where do you see a water elevator you get leaves don't link are you gonna go to bed this early are you gonna keep being mean stop being mean that's not leaves those are blocks oh i knew that those are sea pickles an artistic touch with its new map graffiti similar to the classic okay so yeah we start down here this is a weird map i don't think you could make the jump yeah it doesn't look like you could make the jump from like right here to right there so the way you get up i guess is by taking this ladder and that's it experience of battle box players will be able to collect and use leaf blocks to help traverse the map oh leaf blocks right makes sense there's probably not going to be oh wait you don't need to help traverse them oh you probably don't even need you don't even need to like place blocks like there you could just jump across i wonder how much lead blocks are actually going to come into play during this do you use leave blocks to pillar up here to get that there's an area over here oh my god which may help in reaching that heightened middle area to get to the other side and whacker fan is getting deliria is there just going to be no boeing this looks like it's going to be such an aggro map to get to this right am i crazy maybe that's just like what it looks like right now but this looks like it's gonna be a lot of sword fighting and not much bowing there are letters yeah there's ladders up here but like i don't think i saw anything over here bo is there i'm sure there's bows but it doesn't look like anyone's gonna be like where do you like when you're using a bow the only place that you could really hide behind in peak shot is like over here when you're using a bow there's normally a lot more height and that's when you want to use it during battle box i feel like this is going to be very sword heavy jump boost in pillars oh is that what chad things like this is gonna be jump boost bows are hard because of the leaves i mean you could technically set up like an area by yourself with the leaves middle area to get to the other side and waka fan is getting a hot new map too this one's called shallow lava i'm not looking forward to this i'm not it's it's i'm just not i i can't be the only streamer not looking forward to this map obviously named that way to imply that it's much safer than uh deep lot d named who is this gatekeeper look at this guy instead of going and finishing he's literally just trying to like he he killed someone slow lava obviously like right here he's fighting someone he knocks them into the lava and then going and finishing he's like i'm gonna go back here and try spotting this guy instead of just finishing the map safer than uh deep lot deep lava and most excitingly okay this one we actually have to look at all right deep dive time let's see what the strategy is going to be here [Music] i okay this is not a good view is getting a brand new map where are the op spots is the main thing that i'm looking for it looks messy yeah it looks like dude this is gonna be so hard to adapt to on the fly ah this one's okay so this is the hunt the the the runners side dude i can't i i i don't even think i'm gonna try like figuring out what the hell this map is because i genuinely have no idea the ice jumps are gonna be the new meta it's gonna be part of it they show a good like view of it kind of cool town with a canal running through it super fun but most uniquely it has a bunch of this is gonna be the spot this is gonna be the spot that's gonna be the spot we need to figure out where that is these strange ice slides well if you crouch at the right time or sprinting you'll slide right through them okay so mid-air you have to shift mid-air like right before you land you're gonna shift and then you're gonna launch yourself off of it can you like shift jump like if i'm underneath it and i know i'm underneath it can i stay shifted and just jump in will that speed me up i don't think they do that but i think that might be an option well if you crouch at the right time while sprinting like that'll speed you up right no no are you sure chat hang on i need to see this this is how h1 prices for mcc so it's a half slab above us let's go boom we need slabs and we need ice does it matter which ice chat do we know what iso was looks like it's just norma ice okay so it's like that i think we're gonna ignore that that's a thing then like that okay so [Music] oh that's so awkward whoa okay oh yeah you can do that it okay let me get out of creative then i could mode whatever it is i need to be able to kill myself huh yeah yeah you could blast yourself through that kill me i retested it that's enough of that you got this age we're gonna pretend that everything i just did was very smart and intelligent sound like a plan sounds good to me chat uh purple panda ruler of the world good name thank you for six months thank you for the prime sweetie thank you for the 11 months happy almost here molly thank you for the 24 months happy two years thank you for that prime clay god thank you for the tier one welcome welcome i'll have so hard why i've never been funny before in my life so yeah once you hit underneath that you spam the the button you could actually let go of shift or whatever your crouch button is you could let go of shift because you'll stay crouched or whatever and then you could just spam like crazy although that is a little dangerous maybe that's not worth it because you might just launch yourself off the other end tied right through them they're super satisfying and make great opportunities to gain some headway on your enemy in other news survival games is going back to the world of cars forest map and with ace race and his new trident we'll be heading back to python's crypt what that's my map chat that's my map chat that's my map santa thank you for the prime of the four months i've got an adult job now so i keep missing your stream no good again well congratulations on the new job i hope it's going well thank you thank you what are you drinking we're going back a venti pumpkin spice cold brew yes i am white and pasty there's been a small change in sounds so there was no other there's no other update that was just python's crypt i didn't see like i was watching this the other day to see if there's any changes it doesn't look like there's any changes puzzle rooms now have a very clear reset button some puzzle rooms can be reset infinitely but some can only be reset once i'm guessing though the ones that can only be reset once are the uh the piston ones which i think is really good so players should probably keep an eye out for this before they go ahead and click a load of random levers true thus failing the puzzle and locking themselves out from the prize all right next up we have scoring changes well 50 on isaac epic wilkins landlord jr has been a bit busy with things messing around with scoring and stuff and making great music why not tell you about them now as some of these scoring systems can be quite a bit to explain especially with all their different values we're moving the exact scores over to our website mcchampionship so if at any point you want to see what exact coins are given for what placement just go check it out on the site okay starting with survive give me one second i'm gonna go put my dog i have crabby dog he no wake up on good side of bed this morning rival games overall scores for survival and kelsey isn't the same map but there is now a coin bonus rewarded for final survival placement of your team your team's placement is decided as soon as your entire team is eliminated survival placement of your team your team's placement is aside as soon as your entire team is eliminated this should help tighten the score spread of survival games and make it a bit less of a risky game for everyone to get to the other side i want to pull up like the stats on what they're talking about i'm not good at listening but i i want to be able to just like have it be in front of me potion oh that was a damage potion so i don't think it matters too much but yeah there's potions i need i need to hear that again it's hard for me it's on their website max crew is that button still in the lobby think so i haven't heard in a while no go there thank you the games where is survival games there you are okay it's the classic last team standing wins all players are left to roam the map trying to become more powerful through finding equipment hidden in buildings all while the the map borders converge into the center forcing you to fight survival in this room okay that's basically just survival games scoring coins are awarded for surviving and eliminations five coins every time another player is eliminated and you're still alive that got nerfed quite a bit right that seems low 35 coins on personal eliminations that seems low as well so i think like everything got lowered so it's all about like the big coins go to like first like these are the bitcoins 40 40 40 yeah it goes on by 40 every time i don't know if i like this makes it so campy yeah yeah it's gonna be very campy now so wait the map isn't this is the map the same as the last one the difference between first and ten is huge yeah i was looking at this the coins difference between like first and fourth isn't insane but then it's a giant drop off no it's the forest map same as mcc fifteen oh one kill makes up for that yeah well almost five plus coins but yeah lunemar thank you for the tier three the nine months happy birth thank you thank you we love tier three subs here thank you thank you no world of cars sky battle coins are worth more than sg now let's go back to the video we'll we'll pull this back up in a second and whack a fan overall coins from finishing have been reduced but there is now a larger placement reward for finishing within this is that a new wait wait oh this is the map that i hate this was the map that i just kind of followed fruit on in the last one i don't like this one i don't like to get the other side i'll be honest i just don't like it i don't think many people do it's fruit berries illumina dream and then everyone who's on their teams during that mcc but there is now a larger placement reward for finishing within the top four places there are also extra bonus coins awarded to the first four entire teams to finish as well this should allow oh this one's making a comeback this has been a while since we've seen this one to get to the other side a wacko fan matter a bit more in creating larger score gaps between teams belmar has been given a very slight tweak where now each build has specific completion placement rewards instead of the previous system where it would decrease by a consistent two coins every time with golden builds this completion placement reward is simply doubled grid runners has received a wait a lot golden wait wait i'm so confused instead of the previous okay so every time i don't know this is doubled so if you finish the the build first you get 35 coins unless it's a golden one if you finish it second it goes down by four finish it third it goes down by four it's on the website oh god reading what am i a nerd build complete okay um 140 132 so it goes down by eight does it go down over time or is it it's gotta be completions yeah it's completions that seems so high that's a lot i don't think it's 140 that's so much dude look at the difference between first and tenth split 140 wait what 140 is split it's used higher to be higher wait when you say split do you mean split between like all the teams or do you mean just the team in general it's not 140 each player oh well yeah i was thinking that but that just seems so high time to pop off in build mart yeah that's gonna be our game i think for bill maher i'm gonna be the floater this time yo 94 claude's thing for the six months so hyped i used to be 160 so i got nerfed a little bit really unfortunate glossy thank you for the prime in the six months welcome welcome martin wants to be the floater he said okay i'm done for that i figured that martin would be better at doing the thing than me is mcc done yeah we already won you can congratulate me now i'm waiting somewhere that would decrease by a consistent two coins every time with golden bells this completion placement reward is simply doubled grid runners has received a large change so 140 to 280 so i think with that we just have we just have the floater stop worrying about the other players when the uh the golden one pops up and just help the guy who got that change in the method of its scoring from now on all coin rewards will be paid out at the very end before this is said we're going to rewatch this i told scott about this right after the last mcc and scott liked the idea and he told he said he would uh ask the knox crew about it they literally did it i am so freaking happy i don't know if this is the best way to do it but i'm so excited to test it i think this is awesome i think this is so cool it's going to make it way more intense it's going to make it so that people have not like a way of coming back as well rather than just being behind the entire time like we were in the last one let's change in the method of its scoring from now on all coin rewards will be paid out at the very end of the game once the game comes to a close the game ends score breakdown also can i say i'm i'm blocking it with my face cam really quick but you could see that's gonna be popping up at the end do you know how exciting it's gonna be like right when it's finished to wait for all the rooms to pop up and see how well we did it's you're gonna be like come on come on come on come on come on it's gonna be so much fun dude it's i think this is just gonna be way more entertaining as well like in stands of time yeah yeah well even like like sands of time but there's gonna be specific rooms so every like every second is gonna be intense because like are we gonna do well in the next one are we gonna do well on the next one i'm excited this is a cool like this is such a unique scoring system and i hope it goes well i really do like this is ideally what i had in mind they coded it within like two weeks that's crazy knock screws insane dude and we'll pay out to each team a placement reward on how fast they completed each individual room once all eight rooms have been paid out each team will then receive a course completion bonus on how fast they completed the entire course and then that all added together will make each team's final score as a i'm i'll be honest mean and frost we're watching this together so right after if you guys didn't see that we did the cat made to foolish yesterday you should go watch stream from yesterday if you haven't seen it yet um me and for us we're watching this and we were very confused on how pink parrots got zero we're assuming that they just had a like one player and it was just afk like i i don't think that it's like only the top three teams get coins i'm hoping it's not i think every like completion you do you get some coins but that's scary right me and frost were like there's no way that if you get fourth you get zero coins right blood thank you for the three months be of luck to my favorite cat made no thank you youngblood they probably only tested with four that's what i'm hoping i i'm i'm thinking that as well but it's kind of scary it says on the website chad just wants me to read today read this for nerds where's grid runners there you are this is course placement wait this is teams are given a placement per room depending on the individual time there first place reward 100 coins and following placements decreased by 10 each time okay so if you get 10th you do get zero it is zero right if you get 10th on a room math it's either ten or it's either ten or zero it's ten okay there you go so you do get coins no matter what so yeah that was probably just someone wasn't playing and then the overall placement if you finish first you get 10.50 that's big dude the difference between first and ninth oh no that's scary if grid runners is played late every everything is going to matter so much i'm kind of excited for this seeing these drastic different like coin roars scares the crap out of me though i like that there's a big difference between first and tenth but man with every team being good at the game like we're all we're all capable of winning this mcc that's such a big difference jesus zombie ducks thank you for the prime welcome h184 community seven months i think my team will be good at uh grid runners though i'd be surprised if we don't come in like top four i would genuinely be surprised i think we're gonna do good i learned a lot from the last mcc and i'm gonna take full control of like everything anything i see where i can just be in power i'm just gonna take over it as a reminder all scoring systems h mama coming out and how they work in depth will be written over at mcc just under each game also if you've been following the nc championship twitter i it's not even just tommy it's jack as well as the comer i second this pg-13 you said this is pg-13 actually if you're on if you're 13 years or and this is inappropriate to you go touch grass you'll know that recently we're retired mascots cyan creepers and green guardians thanks to the suggestions jolene thank you for the six months deep breaths the trending tab gunpowder milkshake imperial tommy fury boxing okay i'm assuming that's not tommy in it if it's boxing oh jordan i'll be honest with you i have no idea what that even means what does sows mean so is a pig oh it's a female pig all right learn something today from the community we're playing i've lived in big cities i love him i don't like this is my second favorite behind oppa but my god i love him i adore him i'm going to ask scott if i can be a green gecko next time i play i want him i want a big plushie of him team the group wait till this i've seen the coyotes the coyote is cute not as cute as this green gecko he is perfect bean geckos and the cyan coyotes he's adorable i actually really like the the i didn't see the green gecko head hang on i wasn't looking i was too busy looking in the cutie at the top can i get a better look of the guys wearing the head brand new team mascots what is the evil villain from spider-man this is reminding me of villain and spider-man i spelled spider-man incorrectly green goblin it reminds me of green goblin thank you it's been a bit halloween it's been a bit hallow liam hello i was like are you changing halloween to halloween that's interesting green goblin thank you arista thank you for the 11 months happy almost here yep yep it looks like the green goblin like actually tell me it doesn't look like him come on that kind of looks like him like look at him right there tell me that doesn't look like the green goblin it looks like the green goblin it's literally a spitting image the green geckos and the cyan coyotes i think the the head the big mascot the green gecko is cuter the the support merch and dice the coyotes are better following like autumn leaves for the five months welcome back so cute we noticed that in the previous mcc some viewers questioned what would occur in the highly unlikely scenario that two teams tied at the end of the event for second place so that everyone knows it looks at the previous game but what if they tied in the previous game would it then look at the previous game but what if it tied that previous game would it look at the previous game what if they tied the previous game what if they tied the exact way through the all eight games then can we have two dodge bolts mr noxite please good luck for mcc yo dillyboy thank you for the 19 months and ray ray arrest thank you for the two months welcome back thank you for the good luck the mcc lobby explodes mcc is just over if there's a tie like that teams no more mccs and that's the team that will take the second spot yeah and that was someone just said highly unlikely one in a million it's way more unlikely than one in a million always coded in from the start yeah i don't even think it's possible all right thanks for watching and we'll see you on saturday the 18th of september 8 pm bst don't miss it bye wait i got a question chat has it mcc normally been at 1pm pst pst right today it's noon it's like less than an hour from now but i always thought it was i thought it was always 1 p.m not noon no oh i'm just wrong then i looked the time before like like yesterday and i was like okay yeah it's noon tomorrow but like i'm i always thought it was one all right i look like an idiot that's that's fine team guides part two it's time for more team guides we're going to be looking at the final five team's best statistical route to win dodgeball if you haven't already we recommend you check out part one where we covered teams red to green right game order purple pandas this team is the third team with hermits we've seen so far and brings back the third life duo of in little wood and red dog with cub fan and h-bomb thrown in there as well this is also the first time folsom red are being pitted against each other in mcc after the long stint of memphis teammates so it certainly will be interesting to watch unfold unsurprisingly this team's best game is built i butchered the first time look at that hot piece of ass holy cow oh my god he's got the same background as me wait oh it is me goldmart in which they score 1195 coins awful but the new buff i wonder if we're gonna nail that you might do really well during it all could be considered strong team game players and all of them scored both their personal averages here and on top thirty percent of build mark players look at the game average 321 personal average 310 wait what on top of that this is actually ren's best game so expect to pop off here definitely try and go i'm so sick chad i'm gonna be i'm so sick of the phrase pop off i hate the phrase pop off it's it's annoying me it annoys me it's been like this for the last like 20 like 20 mcc's even though we're only 17. this player can pop off this player can pop off this team can pop off it's like no anyone can win it's just say this team is average really good at this game ah i just like i go on the reddit and there's just a there's just like a reddit post called red rabbits can pop off it's like no duh come on build my finale if you ask me their second best game is another team game sansa times scoring 1142 coins this is martin's best game and ren's second best with hp i'm also doing above his person what's my best game a cat thing i can't gg and gl for tonight brofist brofist hashtag brofist thank you psg thank you for the seven months what is like my best game technically i thought it would have been sans of time bingo oh you're right it's bingo so i guess if it's not bingo because bingo like i wouldn't consider bingo my best game just because it's not being played i think it stands up time then bam bingo better come back soon and kept why is the bee never capitalized unfortunately cub hasn't had the best experience of sans be about 20 coins below average in this game santa time is always a toss-up and h-bomb is certainly capable of calling this team to a surprising late game finish purple's worst game by over 100 coins is grid runners with him only we played that game once i i don't think you can literally just call it our worst game park like we'll do better in this game than parkour tech statistically this might be our worst game but since it's only been playing once i don't think it's fair that was literally our just like first time playing i don't know if everyone's played it i don't know who was in the last mcc on my team or not martin wasn't i i think that this is this shouldn't be called our worst game only you played it oh that's actually a little unfortunate then oh this might be our worst game then 76 points we wouldn't count on that only h-bomb has actually played this game before so we've just had to estimate what how does the game average and the personal average change the other three players would get based on their personal averages as we all know hbom's team and scc16 didn't do the best in grid runners and since it's his lower scoring game the other three scores for this game are also below their personal average and there's a new scoring system it's gonna be like we just have to be smart i think all all of us are very smart and know what to do martin has practice game a lot oh we got it done this leaves purple in ninth place for grid runners but considering how their best this was one that screwed us over we didn't know where the fish was games are the other two team games purple could definitely do very well in grid realism to find the stats the game two definitely avoided for purple's parkour attack but he only scored 845 coins none of these players are very good at parkour tag in general and they're all around 30 or so coins lower than their personal averages purple come 9th in this game since compared to the other teams this one really doesn't stack up too well try to skip this game or play it early i think i'm more afraid of skybell than i am parkour tag to be honest i think we'll do better now for the best game holder for the purple pandas we have parkour tag sky battle wouldn't the best game order be like those two aren't played i guess he's not gonna put grid runners in get to the other side ace race sands of time survival games build smart and then hold wall why is holding the wall last i don't want a hole in the wall battle box and to get to the other side no that's not being played this puts purple in sixth place with a score of sixteen thousand three hundred and seventeen with the yellow i wanna i want like this is all statistical stuff i don't agree with it if i if i had to say what our best order would be parkour tags uh skybell not played battlebox first to get to the other side second probably [Music] ah we're all good at the rest of them to be honest i think it's just more specifically what's gonna be last and i think build mart last sands of time second to last probably ace race third to last then maybe hole in the wall then survival games i don't know like if we're looking at statistical yeah that kind of makes sense but like ideally i think that's about where we want to if we have those games last the first games ain't gonna matter too much go ahead and blue just behind the stats aren't the best for this team with team games being played later and some good communication from all of them this team could definitely make their way into dodgeball pink paris that was an interesting video that was a good video mcc highlights i like how there's a lot of uh mcc channels like now just like popping up kind of cool um music katie thank you for the 17 months on the prime thank you thank you yeah yeah thank you thank you sorry uh cup fan asked a question in the purple pandas chat so i'm just typing things out for them well thank you for the two months welcome back for the prime how shall we warm up chat what would be the best way of warming up probably the training server everyone's on ace race i think everyone thinks that ace race is like the best practice it's not it's really not ace race like you just gotta get used to the trident the hell is ronbo wearing banana tubbo's outfits adorable looks like he's getting ready for christmas it's adorable he punches me back in three two one i hate him i hate him so much sorry chad i gotta i gotta interact with people is there a spot open in this yes yi quig four spots [Music] okay sneaks handle i'm too good chat [Music] hi quig i'll take the axe although i have much is quick are you wearing a squirt skirt show your skin age i'm kind of adorable [Music] oh where built differently chat what can i say quick totally didn't just carry us he's got booty shorts he's got pulled up high he pulling it off i kind of don't want the axe i like your skin heyo hey yo quick you got some good skin on you high waisted shorts oh that one really hurt i physically felt that as i went down i saw it coming like nope not good not good i'm in 18th chat that reminds me let me go mcc discord purple pandas deafen gems here h it's not a skirt it's booty shorts [Music] oh no no no no no no no that did not hit me i refused to believe that hit me oh jesus christ that's a warm-up chat i was jiggle peeking i didn't think she would actually get me with that i thought i was safe i thought i like got a shout out from nikki and i was able to gonna be able to go charge her instead i take five hearts it's almost like the crossbow is broken you look like the beatles album cover of sergeant peppers oh my minecraft skin oh oh oh actually kind of accurate i killed a man oh jesus hi sneak is anne frost like a child [Music] or like a nurse or a surgeon what is ant frost yes he's wearing a once it's pajamas no he's a cat i know he's a cat chat i understand that part where the other team go did we scare him off acceptable onesie he's a little meow meow i do what up gamers oh hello hello hello hello i see that we scared off the opposite team yeah they don't want to play with us no we don't we don't have teammates yeah quick go on the other team okay [Music] you need the warm-up yeah yeah you need it very to be one sneaking and frost god we're better than them easy chrome gemini today is cracked she's my carry true from the bottom i got it don't worry uh flip and jimmy oh mr gaming yes mr game oh wait maybe i am hold on hang on is cracked oh no don't you correct me okay i just got oh huh yeah maybe jim is the carry i didn't do a single bit of no i think she is i'm the nerf on the team jim help me break the wall doing the hard work [Laughter] yeah jim i'm over here trying to play this world what you're trying to actually kill the other guy no i i was breaking it she was like waiting for me to break it and place it yeah yeah yeah yeah that's i see yeah you're the supporter the support character oh wait who's on your team now i was doing something that's good this will be a nice warm-up we got 2v2 going where are the uh others don't know i think it's so weird i feel like there's not a lot of people on the practice server for how for like when the event is they're usually more am i wrong no there's a lot no there's a lot there's a lot this is not gonna be fun there's like 18 people on last time i checked i feel like there's usually more am i wrong like i feel like the tablet usually has like two rows maybe like before the event i've never been here before i don't know welcome to the practice center i'm pretty uh goddang and i was hoping to get a cheesy shot out there oh yeah i keep on forgetting this is actually your first mcc gym for some reason i keep on thinking you've been in it before ah that was a good potion pulls coach nang quick i found out today that i've been playing on uh 60 first i was watching your stream i was watching your stream when you said that it's it's such a drastic change how did you manage to not change it look we if anyone's gonna forget it's me okay i just i got a new computer and i forgot before you got the new computer did you play on something higher than six did you play 144 before you got your new computer yeah but also didn't notice well the difference was i got the new computer when i was when i moved to uh l.a oh so you like you had not played games for like a bit because of that yeah and also it was a new area so like any like thing that i noticed that was different just didn't feel like i chopped it up at all yeah i chalked it off too like oh it's a new desk and new area oh dead like cause like it's such a drastic difference between 60 and like 240. yeah for sure it's it changes everything oh god no nice job i played the last three like this yeah now you're gonna pop off now they got this jam the hell are they no they refuse i'm trying to break the block and then instead you place a block in front of where i'm breaking it so i break the blue hole instead start and start making h feel bad now no it's not making me feel bad that's your teammate messing it up exactly she's suddenly thankful that he's not on my team yeah yeah clearly i love my team i'm ready to kick booty with my team who's on your team uh cub fan ren and martin oh wait we're missing zeus it's just you just left me i don't know h i think i think our team's a bit better you know no yeah i think our team is just built different yeah built weaker i almost got the pot actually you've gotten a lot better at pvp gem mm-hmm i feel like oh did i hit you with that no no oh i thought i got that off i got the swing animation but i guess didn't go off oh are people coming to join you move to kelly man we're like we have friends oh people someone's here mr up is here that feels like there's a lot of people like so many people on the server really i feel like there's usually more well the thing is i guess earlier when i was on like five of the people on were afk um yeah that's usually me i was afk jj i don't know i'll admit you i was one of them true all right you just afk in the middle parkour warrior yep why do you just like halfway through it are you like ah i kind of want a sandwich and then you just leave your computer and never come back yeah that's kind of exactly what happens it's like the amount of time oh that was so cool oh i got okay that works out i was like sneak was super low and i was going for the final kill oh my god i'm being destroyed jam stop being good at the game actually no wait don't you're not you shouldn't you shouldn't quit okay you weren't supposed to stop being good at the game jim you're supposed to kick his ass come on yeah exactly do you guys want to go on the same team let me sneak on the other one wait sneak's not on your team right he's on blue no no no no he's blue he's definitely blue he's dressed up like a blueberry he's very blue he's actually wearing a blue like blueberry suit today did he dip i know i saw it on twitter it was oh my god everyone's just dipping bro no one wants to play with us it's me versus quick and jim okay oh hello flip flip a flip kick come play video games jimmy's dead oh dude i'm in let's do it jimmy's streaming we have to be pg member oh yeah oh yeah all my teammates are pg as well goddammit streamers let's go stupid youtube streamers no dang it good good job quick oh hello carl you're crappy hi carl i heard you called me a chat earlier quick yeah i don't recall calling you a chad because you were talking about battle box and i was saying that's a chad thing to do oh my chat told me that you called me a chad so i was confused don't don't get your dick i wouldn't i'd never do that i'd never chad because you suggested battle box minutes before mcc you absolute chad [Music] what team are you on how are you going to retaliate if you if you don't know what timo man hey you'll know during dodgeball you know what i'm saying hbo okay okay wait are you saying is this your second or third mcc that's my second yeah i've only one ah bullies you've only won once but you've only been in once yeah how's that fight not well okay 100 i've only played once and there you go is today the day it goes down what the h-bomb that's too far dude i'm sorry i'm sorry yeah that felt too far i get a little bit in the trash talking mode before mcc my apology you're going down okay no the trash talks really intense though [Music] i'm not clever enough to be able to rap battle it's okay if you asserted dominance he left i win these games i think you won just like you're going to lose mcc yeah no hello mickey [Music] having all the friends joined today this room this is when me and nikki get to talk to each other it's always right before mcc yep yeah you're you're going down kid you're going hello blueberry you're going down no oh roll away the child from willy wonka has arrived you're going down [Laughter] i saw that picture earlier that was that's something don't act like you're not impressed it was good you're gonna play that is right there yeah in an event i'll be wearing a blueberry costume that's actually the biggest flat if you win i won my first mcc dressed as a blueberry that would be funny i kind of want sneak to win just so he could say that no no this is going to be my tempting proposal as he kills me yeah yeah as i stab you to death you know but i want you to win but not that bad that's fair that's fair i understand yeah i need my coin sorry sneak oh have you not gotten season two yet no i haven't oh i got my season two one i need my five wins now yeah imagine i'm not gonna be the october one so i need to win this one oh are you sending out the next one yeah i'm going to cali that month so are you going to visit we're in cali uh anaheim and san jose oh that's like 30 minutes from me i actually age if you're doubt i wanted to ira train someone for mcc [Music] because it'll probably be the mcc is probably going to be the week i'm in cali i'm you know i'm a i'm oh oh you meant like come over to my place and like go on yes i thought you meant like actually make me work out and i was about to say like hell no oh god we're doing push-ups here yeah i'm like no yeah irela train so like a bodybuilder yeah no you gotta just go down the muscle isn't muscle beach down there you just gotta go hang out there for a little bit and just just sweat it all right show everybody up and be like yeah i've won mcc and they're all just like what the i'm sure call me crazy but i'm pretty sure muscle beach is from spongebob not irl no it's not a split no on like the boardwalk or whatever no i think you guys are thinking venice beach okay can someone come that one where we teamed with pete i don't know if it's possible now with all the coin changes i think uh from what i've heard because techno has the most individual coins apparently his score is like almost impossible to beat now oh i believe it he got it like during like the early phases too yeah he got him on the early mcc he's doing it i'm sorry to get the reload off and then get a shot on you so i mean i'm forever in the hall of fame oh my god apparently his record is like immortal but it's very difficult like you have to get like a 20 kill sky battle any battleground any battle boxers you're it you're not washed up and i suck at this game [Music] oh hey hold on a minute i'm not awful but that's besides the point yeah like i blink and i'm surrounded i haven't decided to point out the absurdity of the chat should i be wearing the cape or not it wasn't like it wasn't like i thought the cape might work for yeah nerdy were playing minecraft back in 2011 and then they were like let's go to vegas i was like i've got anxiety like it's just but enough of other people it really wasn't okay you got a cool cape out there i heard vegas dude i was recording my first time traveling the one alone by myself and then also to america so vegas is just like a real crash course so that's like a big first trip you're traveling across the world vegas for minecon yeah that's uh that's the thing and first time in america yeah oh god when you land at the airport and it's just like you know like machines they're ready to gamble i was just like what is this place i still haven't been to vegas yet i live in driving range of it now but i still just haven't gone dang yeah i'm old and definitely gone unacceptable i've heard there's no point the only time there i wasn't even 21 so i couldn't do anything yeah yeah martin did you see our average age for our team oh don't please don't what is it what is it is it like wait what 89 or something it's 30. oh geez y'all nice are they just going to wheel us out [Laughter] you guys just get a straight up handle sorry you guys can't do esports anymore it's like the uh the tick tock sounds like guess who's going to the retirement home you know when donald trump like struggled to get down the ramp or whatever and everyone was making fun of him for if we went mcc like to get down off of the uh we're going to win and i'm not even going to realize hey what's going on they're going to have one of those you know those like uh little elevator things for wheelchairs that they put in people's homes to get them up to their second floor that go like extremely slow that's what you guys are going to be carried up on are you talking about the thing that goes like i'm the railing yeah yeah whatever it's called it's like a 20-minute ceremony because you guys have to go one at a time and it takes five minutes each yeah it breaks down halfway up come on and fix it it's the whole cinematic martin just gets stranded halfway up yeah i can't move like you know what it took me long enough to win a coin i don't mind the longer journey you all can watch me oh victory lap up the stairs every time i do anything i get dog piled i'm sad so stop doing things yeah what's wrong with you stop being good at the game what's your problem you're just a giant blueberry it's pretty easy to hit you you're true you've increased your hitbox yeah i don't know how you did it but yeah well you guys can't handle this girth it's fine i'm so glad i didn't put a family friendly tag on my stream that's a new quote [Laughter] yeah that'll be on mcc quotes here real soon you can't handle this this girl anytime guys god sneak x versus x nope nope i haven't hit a crit yet my team have all got this kind of like we are the champions vibe meanwhile i'm still just like a blob of a panda legal yeah don't shoot me that's mean but i'd like to please don't shoot me mr blueberry please what is fruit skin oh oh i like it oh that was a close one how low were you i thought one and a half it's fine i'll just be sad look at that lime elf over there look at him what loser how are you doing wait quick oh he's here oh hello buddy i was gonna is your guy's theme for your team booty shorts yes nice we'll just um we'll just cut the coin in half and send half yeah yeah i like that yeah half a coin is better than no coin you know what would be interesting attorney like the mcc coined into a chain oh my god like a flavor flavor you're gonna drill into the mcc coin i want i want an mcc queen chain for slave cloth look i'm showing my team's a's with that reference foreign i just kind of ignored that someone in my chat said uh where was it i just lost it they said like that joke about the team age has me in orbit it's like it's not a joke it's a fact yeah yeah it's true i keep saying flip's gonna be really good at sansa time because he's the oldest and old people are good at puzzles that means that team's gonna destroy santa time ah it's actually true that's gonna be our best game yes that is that's the stanza time team it's just smart people quick sorry buddy no it's old people sneak so there's somebody in my chat coin will be a good paperweight for your bingos yeah i'm only 27. oh my god if we had bingo we would have been so good dude h i'll never forget the time in bingo where we completed the map oh like two minutes left oh we destroyed that when all four of us just sat there each please i just did we start blocking off spot yeah we did i remember i threw diamonds over because i had extra hope thank you quick quick you gave him points because you gave him diamonds no i don't think he completed it you he did he literally did i yelled at you afterwards it was funny oh my god hope thank you for the gifted sub arrow nero thank you for the tier one nuclear overreactor thank you for the five months welcome back firefight two thank you for the prime in the seven months johnny thank you for the three months amanda pan i think of the four months talent to get to five months wolf thank you for the two months and katie thank you for 17 months hello ollie's here what up holly air in the corner [Laughter] all right just wheeling grandpa over here everybody you know back in my day there was only one ace race course so do you guys get like a hurl uh early head start to to get the other side yeah but i hope so needing the walkers and everything the geriatric bonus yeah yeah we should have been the green geriatrics that should have been us instead of the green geckos no the green grandpas is good yeah oh my god so what we're doing i i need a tweet yeah i gotta i gotta get some social media probably out of this come on now the purple position is quick quick you have to be wearing a cloak come on i need i need the butt shot everybody ready wait where'd everyone go [Music] we're just taking a picture real quick you nervous jim you got a couch too wow i missed it how do i miss again i need the fish all right cool you're trash kid i am so bad i'm so bad at the video game i'm in trouble thank you too thank you for the 16 months oh it's thank you for the prime yes i can very easily keep that up during the event thank you for extending yourself through august you're stuck with me you're not getting any raisins i'm telling you i'm gonna take away all your privileges no tv time what about bingo what about bingo what about bingo do we get bigger you're gonna like it especially the purple pensioners [Music] [Laughter] time differences our halftime break is actually going to be an hour long so we can all go take a little power naps what is happening there's people out there yeah that was weird [Music] and i was terrified at the same time should we get a team i'll be back in a few i need to actually go get my stream started okay you haven't started yet what are you doing let's go in here jim jim martin let's go in the purple chat good luck today is it all good hello everybody [Music] i think we should be the purple pensioners do name just i would love that can we log into the main server now i hope so um i think i'm gonna warm up with the triton a little bit more i'm kind of scared for that oh yeah like there's not much practicing you could do like for ace race other than like messing with the trident now finest love yeah i'm gonna go to ketchup i'm just waiting for mcc island that's gonna be where the real practice gets in oh has anything been announced about that recently or no no nothing to be honest i don't see them releasing it this year because i mean they've got halloween christmas and i guess the anniversary event and then it's then christmas itself it's like no one's going to want to launch a server over the holidays or maybe that's the purpose yeah i was going to say that's the time when like everyone's like out of school that you kind of want to like that in like something yeah let's go purple less than three less than three i hope it's true i'm getting used to the trident on here it's like i don't know i feel like you only get used to the trident with that very small right angle that you have to take but in the event itself it's kind of all right yes it's just i think it's more important to watch old vods for ace race than actually like playing on here which i might actually go do watch my pov have you watched any pips for the old maps yeah so i watched yours um i need to watch mine as well because apparently i i remember i did all right during the jingle jam one um i think it was getting tight a minute behind yours though so it's probably not worth cycling back to but i had a weird glitch at the end where um came through the final elytra section tried to obviously land on the speed booster to start running um and it just kept flying and they just basically flew to the end of the course it was um it was a whole thing no that's weird ace race is not a buggy game at all it's perfect in every way shape and form absolutely orange jump pad i hardly know her my uh do you know what fantasy football is uh yeah yeah so i have a player named harrison butker and it's ka yeah so naturally my name is uh buttker hardly knew her [Laughter] it's gotta be done that's that's the that's the grandpa joke that we needed not even the dad joke that's the name for your entire team your fancy team yep you need can you change out the players mid-season like is there ever like a redraft period or is it just you pick them and you're committed not re-draft period but there's like free agents like a lot of players don't get drafted and then you could trade so like you can trade with other players during it so you're kind of stuck with the team but not entirely what if someone gets an injury you get like almost a free pass to pick someone else uh you have one injury reserve spot uh spot so you can save them but you can get a new player if there's two then you have to get rid of one of them yikes yeah it's rough i tell myself every year i'm gonna watch football and then i only watch the super bowl dude football's such a good sport i i genuinely so easy to watch like it's you kind of don't have to pay attention to watch it that's what i like about it yeah and also it's just once a week it's that's why it's perfect to me it's once a week 17 weeks and then playoffs i have not talked about yeah where's ren i'm worried because ren's microphone on discord is historically awful it sounds fine in game if you use like proxmod and things like that but on discord he literally like it takes me back to like the xbox 360 days oh we're in the modern warfare 2 lobby basically yeah let's go i missed those lobbies it was it was a different age right yep i miss being called every single word in the dictionary it's amazing how thick skinned it made us i think that's why like as older content creators as as foggy's yeah you can handle the uh the twitter trolls we can we can be called any word possible because we've heard words xxx player 24xxx he's the real savage yeah and he has nothing he's losing nothing at all yeah exactly andrew what up andrew how are you doing thank you for the raid welcome raiders hi sigils i haven't seen you in a while i hope you're doing well thank you thank you what you up to recently i has to come see you it's major can i get mcc zephnev just booted cpk's message thank you so much for the raid jane thank you for the 22 months thank you for that prime lemon poppy thank you for the two months julia thank you for the three months serenity thank you for the bits pomo thank you for the bits sorry thank you for the bits sweetie thank you for the five gifted i wanted to feel included really badly uh martin i'm nervous for today why is that i'm just always nervous i was just literally about to say the chat a second ago that no matter how well i play like this season i've been popping off people are like oh could he be like a new s t or whatever no matter how well i play no matter who i'm put with always putting eighth place on these prediction polls and every time so far it's been like second third second like i'm getting like top 15 placement it's like come on at least put me sixth yeah i don't know put the team higher up but every time they sleep on us and um that's all i want if we can break top half teams i'm happy well i mean like for like a lot of people like look at this team and they're like oh they're not pvpers but they don't really realize like people that are newer to mcc pvp games are normally never played late game what up cub hey how's it going good how are you i'm good i'm good oh i was told you guys don't swear at all correct i don't give a damn oh my ears okay so i don't have to be fully pg i'm pete yeah i mean i mean i mean you know don't don't overdo it you know i'm going over don't overdo it that's a challenge i'll take it i find it easy to just flip the switch on and off but i think that's good i used to do radio before youtube so i think i've just been like hard conditioned i didn't know that i didn't talk about the radio yeah basically radio presenting loved it i did it all through um college and uni because they actually had like radio stations like on campus um and then yeah sort of did it professionally for a bit before youtube wait did you graduate college yeah yeah yeah oh my god you're one of the few youtubers my channel blew up sort of like um pretty much the holidays between the second and third year i mean it was only three years the course and i was like it is kind of hard to juggle these but i was like i'm just gonna do it because youtube could like fall down tomorrow and i was like let me just be safe yeah and um yeah i stuck it through i was in college i did two and a half years and then i had no idea what i was doing or wanted to do and then youtube was taken off so i'm like okay i'm dropping out i can always come back to this and figure out what i want to do afterwards you tried a couple of different courses yeah i was originally in graphic design then i switched over to business didn't wasn't too in love with that so i hate the slander in my chat right now someone said martin's so old he did radio radio is a dying format but it's not that old all right it's still a thing it's still a thing but not yeah not what it used to be no tick tick tock you get tick tock plays now instead of radio play and that's how you sell i have seen the radio like i've seen a lot of people on tick tock that do like radio stations like they're like the host of it they're now just switching over to tick-tock to like show what they're doing because no one's listening to them yeah we're gonna get slandered for martin's old radio job and how old we are [Laughter] i'm not standing for this it's out of line um it's out of pocket but now i'm bringing up the fact that i joined an smp a little while back called dad craft look i get it i'm old stop it no more we can't handle it it's too much cub did you see our our average age for our team the the reddit post no it's gotta be like the highest by far i think i think there was another team that was like average age 27. i think that was fills his team phil's on sneak but then we're 30. we're exactly 30. the green geriatrics let's go right tell you what i'm gonna have a bio break quickly before we kick off do it i'm gonna yeah i'm gonna go mute and get on the server for a little bit whoa i just fell randomly uh chat let's pop on the server it's time escape are you guys ready for some mcc are you guys ready there's 22 people on where's wren if you're supporting the purple pandas today change your name to uh change the color to purple do it do it whatever team you're supporting make sure you have the color on junior moderator one more the purple pea paws top purple the purple pea paws can i grab more how do i grab wishing you the best luck for the event hope someone will get the five wins coin me too no pressure my job out out my job no no no no i wanted to serve the people good luck today thank you that's the stream cause i'm at work but here's a twitch prime for good luck try your best not to get spoiled and watch it when you get back a little kid and thank you for the 18 months in that prime happy eight year and a half no mocha thank you for the hundred bits pomo thank you for the hundred bits jane thank you for the 22 months thank you thank you the purple pea paws do you think the captain what's tommy doing wait no one of those is mine wait i have to cook up another one there you go goomy no no take it in here here come here take a fries get your fries no get out get out get out no no no get out out out do you think rambo wants a spatula there you go there we go he wanted it whoa is that where it comes from gummy oh god oh god now we're overwhelmed what do you guys remember the uh the simpsons hit and run game for like the play you could put it on your head no you can't wait is that is that just the outside layer of her skin i always picture whenever i have a spatula like us be like marge simpson with like the pan or whatever just smacking people with it no it wasn't hit and run it was the simpsons like arcade game that's what it was with the pan that you would make people march who's gonna take it who's gonna take the bait nikki will jem took it god burgers take so long where it i can't get any burgers is she taking all the burgers from me to be fair if they don't make dodgeball i would be surprised they might not remember hey is that h what's happening baby why there is something up with your microphone why are you inside of uh [Laughter] what do you mean it sounds like uh it literally sounds like we're back in a lot of warfare 2 lobby dude i have no idea what is wrong with my microphone in discord i have like a ridiculously expensive microphone it works perfectly everywhere else but on discord it's just it's just nonsense rubbish oh no well i mean we can hear you so that's the important thing yeah we'll get by with this i don't know what we're talking about today oh yeah i was gonna say that for grid runners if we get the um i'll just always go on the left door if possible because i think i'm fairly decent at like describing build recreation stuff um so for that game specifically i will always go left door on that and i think other than that there's not anything else major that i can think of for like sort of pre-planning or advice today i think we just sort of roll with the punches yeah because we don't know the games as well because they're going to be different i think it's it's very much that we should have a set plan like if you're always going to the left i always want to go to the right and then we should have uh like ren and uh choosing the direction as well yeah so like there's two of us in each angle and like because like last time we got screwed quite a bit my team because we didn't we missed a the freezer with the fish in it and at the first game we didn't see the downstairs until like everyone finished wait for that we go grid runners so this is for bread runners i've never played this game before yeah i'm the only one that has basically it's okay it's a quick succession of rooms and they've all got a very quick mini game in them so like one of them is like kill all the mobs and it's just literally just a bunch of zombies some on the middle tier some on the higher ground and some underneath the ground and like they're all they're all basically single tasks uh jobs like it's it's really quite fun actually oh it's like the um the bedrock version and it's it's real good all right well it sounds good except for the fact that it's bedrock hey i'm not here for this bedrock slander pet rock is genuinely really good i appreciate there are things that they could do to be more accommodating to um to java players but like in terms of like smoothness and like how muddable it is like it's genuinely great like it really i mean it's and it's still minecraft at the end of the day you know exactly like it's very different oh oh minecraft no it's so you're showing your age here h i like you're showing your range i know what i like because i like what i know oh oh by the way our new name is the purple pea paws that's oh yeah yeah telling me we're like the oldest team in the event or something the oldest team ever probably is it's got to be closed i can't good there's another team that's fair like our average age is about 30 and then uh blue's about 27. so we're not like way far up but i don't think there's ever been a team that's going to be higher age during a canon mcc than us we i think we got that unlocked well listen there can't be any ageism going on around here you know what i'm saying like we could michael roberts i've got a door on my back we've got wisdom on our side all right yeah i went to go for a bio break and my chat were like i'm pretty sure i saw a zimmer frame just outside the door i was like you're kidding me i don't even know what that means a zimmer frame it's uh like a walker you know like it's just like a metal thing with wheels on the front yeah like the tennis balls yeah yeah literally that yeah literally that oh no [Laughter] you've got the mental image now of me using one yeah i do by the way can i just say that however being in your 30s is not old can i just say that for the record yeah no for for twitch though it is for everything are you recording his age there his younger kids don't even know what a record is i'm on uh the dream smp and i'm by far the oldest except for filzer that's yeah yeah you're like the grandpappy yeah that's the thing i was saying a moment ago i wonder how many people that are watching or are playing mcc have one ever actually seen or even know what an audio cassette tape is and it and they didn't see it as a collectible in the video game like they actually saw one in real life oh it's been a while since i've seen one why listen my dudes i don't know what to tell you this old man has won an mcc with the h mama himself so yeah i need one i've still never won one i'm i'm coinless oh we gotta get you your coin we need to get so wait cub fans one one two because cuphead won mcc 10. so me and you wait you wait we all can get coins for season two yeah no we all get coins sick let's go we still yeah we need a coin we need the coins the coin redesign for season two or no yeah it's a different back yeah okay i remember there was the the five win one in the and the pride one i didn't know whether the season two and uh switched it up yep i have the season one season two in front of me is he right he's just chilling he's vibing he's just taking he's psyching himself up i thought you meant he wasn't on the server and i got very like doing some push-ups like just getting the blood flowing mm-hmm you know big brain plays almost i found in season two that i've been having more fun by like i know it's as definite as it sounds by not trying like if i'm worrying too much about like individual placement i was like nah this is just taking the fun out yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah absolutely in turn i've actually been doing better oddly yeah i mean over time like mcc over the last few years has definitely become more competitive oh yeah and people have like started taking it a lot more seriously and for me this like danger zone i think if this the whole thing becomes too competitive it's it's not going to be fun anymore so yeah i agree yeah you know just really just got to try and enjoy yourself and not worry too much about the placing and stuff you know yeah i want individual placements gone i i just i i would like i agree i think i said that in the discord the other week and everyone went to stay silent it was hilarious like you're complaining about points that's such a good call dude individual placement's gone it just takes so much pressure off of everybody yeah there's a lot of players that still really want it because they like if they don't their team doesn't do well they want to see like how well they did individually and i get that but i think it just causes a lot of anxiety oh just by watching the perspective like i would rather somebody clip a moment where i like popped off rather than being like oh this single digit like this single number is like representative of how well i did because i know that i play i often will feed the top 10 players like you know the typical top 10 players on my team i'll just allow them to pick up all the coins because i don't care about individual placement but i know they do um so it's kind of irrelevant like i changed my play style to accommodate individuals um which yeah again it means that then i'm suppressing myself to yeah you know so they don't get torn up by their by the high demand of them yeah by the way guys before we get too deep into this i just want to say a big shout out to uh a fan that made these skins for us this yeah yes um sleep was the first time for us i don't know i don't know if that is but the skins are sweet i mean we basically look like we should all get together at some point we basically looked like a band from the 80s and i i'm i'm here for it yeah okay okay i mean h-bomb dude this is outrageous martin came in here yeah without the skin on because he was too lazy to put the skid on he was like nah can't be bothered i'm not putting the skin on i i mean that's that sounds like a me thing that i would do to be honest like what sort of that is bad omen vibes though dudes come on i i had my yellow yak skin on from last mcc and on until yesterday but even in just other streams and stuff just chilling in your yak skin yep that's exactly what was said and the reason why i changed it yesterday instead of today was because i was doing the cat made bit and that was really yeah that was kind of it yeah how come you guys have like bows in your hair and i don't you got the shades on that's why yeah but i don't want i want the bows you've got ears actually you've you've got like i do like panda is they're dog ears dude panda ears oh i'm gonna have to make a wreath i'm gonna have to do a reskin now thanks martin you just ruined my skin for me thanks oh are we kicking in nice nice one minute to go nice well good luck everybody have fun tonight man let's let's focus on fun tonight yeah i'm going for vibes do it no allen vibes and and killing everyone else that's the important thing it's always fun when they're all dead yeah that's what my grandpa always used to say now i'm a grandpa i'm saying it as well you're one of the purple pea paws man this whole sequence never fails to amaze me it's really good right oh it's amazing it's just how how do they how they do this in vanilla minecraft ladies and gentlemen it is 30 seconds to go until the next minecraft championship number 17 kicks off the purple pea pars are getting out their zimmer frames coming out of the nursing home for just one night to put on a show combined aged averages out at 30 and they're gonna go straight to the top to collect a coin right before heading back to the people home i'm ready dude let's get it let's go do it let's go dudes let's go go go look at all these kids on my lawn get out of here damn kids oh where are we supposed to go somehow got on a spatula i thought oh i have specialists oh i lost a lot you can get spatula guys no messing around let's go let's go so what are we playing first what are we you ready for this cub i think i'm ready i'm ready i'm gonna say our worst game is pretty sure it's gonna be parkour tag yeah yeah i 100 agree yep i'm very much of the mindset by the way that we don't leave our strongest games till last because then if you don't get picked then we really shoot ourselves in the foot historically i wait for a game and then we just never end up getting it and it's always sad no i think we save sense of time the sands of time is oh sounds of time we'll keep yeah but yeah maybe some of the other ones if we do uh build mart today as well uh i am very happy to run uh floater so you three um focus on a build each and i will just basically like um like run and grab the awkward items and kind of fill in where i can okay by the way guys bit of trivia for the audience real quick every single one of us has made content together outside of mcc i don't know if that's ever happened in uh in the ncc champs but there you go a bit of lore for you true hey i don't think me and cub fan has oh we've done we've done practice so not yet not yet soon maybe maybe spoilers right please oh jeez i'm so sorry all right all right so here's what we're doing i think we should try and get oh they want hole in the wall dudes i don't think you're going to get parkour tag unfortunately i think we go on the wall on the wall i'm happy to get that one out the way oh i missed i want it out of the way i thought that bias hole in the wall you're pretty good at the good at it though h like you you dominated no i can cheese i have the lag to be able to cheese the server but um i got called a cheater for spamming the space bar i'm a hat yeah that was that was a bit rough pointless he knows how to press space bar no oh wait what did we get hold home very fast it was actually proven like jerome went afk during this game and he didn't get knocked off from the walls you don't even i don't think spamming spacebar even helps anymore all right well here we go guys starting starting the proceedings off with like arguably the least fun game in the whole entire thing nice because it's just lag intensive isn't it it's nice to get this one out the way when latency doesn't matter yeah i agree yep this is the game as well we call colors right we call color directions as opposed to trying to say north south east yeah 100 yeah yeah colors for sure i'm glad you guys play first person or third person i'm intrigued both i i go third person and then i switch over to first person when i know which wallet is yeah i'm too old for that much that many actions per minute man what's your what's your f5 button have you changed it no i've changed i've changed that to v i've got a i've got a hotkeyed uh f5 button at least i was gonna say i always do r so it's really it's like the reload button like every game so it's really easy for me to do very i have that as my run key your run that's smart yeah i toggle run half a run my old membrane can't compute that's way too complex oh by the way for our chats i don't know if your chats do this as well but uh because we're purple i asked them to change their names to purple to support purple oh that's so cool how do they do that okay i didn't do it on twitch it's in the chat just do slash color uh purple oh there you go all right now we're standing color yellow are we spelling color with a u or no oh good question no idea i don't know the wall was the first wall oh no rough start oh there we go someone might go down from that and did someone brave on orange who's like jumping over these i tried to jump as little as possible uh pink oh yes sorry i said the color of the block you fool green again you've bested me already purple right in the middle i'm going into full game a full pro game dream already died oh damn we're already doing better than dream you look yellow purple purple purple purple right in the middle sorry that's my dog purple again purple it seems nope nope it's yellow yellow yellow right in the middle they've been very generous with the open holes this uh this round here i'll be purple yeah oh oh geez that was lucky purple again purple again yeah good how many are still up green oh let's circle back there green again seems like a lot of people are surviving i guess there is still a minute blue middle oh it's getting oh whoa you hear the coin spray there oh jesus oh no i'm going down i got through that yeah so did i three coins we did it all right there boys second place social media second look at look at this dominating yeah not surprisingly ninja truth ninja don't worry good job nice that didn't the one that everyone died and i didn't think was like too hard what happened there did any of you guys go down um i know i didn't do that i went down in the one afterwards i think yeah i went down the one with you i saw your feet on the way down all right yeah like orange yellow yep i keep getting all right i wish they should keep the slime all the same color to be honest it's very confusing i think that's the reason they've done it though is to cause a little bit of disarray that's just so evil the game is hard enough already like you don't know the knowledge sorry gumi maybe someone say maybe a lag spike maybe okay maybe people drop them last time could be purple purple purple purple i always get really paranoid with single block gaps because i've had a few events now where like it very clearly looks like i'm going to get through the gap and then my hitbox is like yeah you've put on a few pixels in the last few months like that's definitely a nudge off the edge you put on a few pixels i've got a literal minecraft dad bod no not green uh yellow cub went for the jump looks like oh god dang it that was a weird one yeah that was awkward i thought i nailed that yeah same did all of us go down there i'm trying no i'm carrying the old man let's go run run nice green we can call from up here if you need yep green again green again purple right in the oh nice you got it apple again the red carry purple purple purple again green again green again this one's a tricky one oh my dog's going crazy purple literally did not breathe and i just got a headache [Laughter] water and air every time i almost jump into the middle there there's a barrier block but yeah it's terrifying every time it gives me a little uh heart attack good job brent the hard carry thank you thank you thank you let's go baby all right last hole in the wall it's done man i'm shaking we made phasing harder so for a year it's harder oh oh blue with their jokes like practicing this game on the practice server for a couple of hours every week really helps also like just to practice oh yeah it's the the the the half jumps yeah that throw me off so much uh green yellow yeah oh no no it's not yellow right in the middle i need to get around towards the front end of this i hate being at the back yeah always be in the front if you can so that if you mess up you have more of a chance to come back purple yellow oh big breaths uh it could be anything yellow no no blue blue blue hey that was a weird one ray needs oxygen boys remember green green uh yellow nope you're right you're right you're right okay all right here we go then whoa close one purple what do i want to do here green uh green purple oh these ones are tough oh i got launched this one i'm down no worries h no worries no worries brother yeah sorry green mint green green again again there's a double jump purple oh nope nice cub good save that was a close one yellow oh i was a bit late to that jump but it let me off green you stand at the edge of that it's the problem when you can't see through your teammates well i'm getting some lag spikes here and there now there's a wild corners corners nice yellow [Music] and i not a little bit launched that screen but those little corner middle jumps are so hard yeah yeah yeah hey we did good guys not bad that's a good a good way to start the night right like just with doing pretty good yep we take those sitting in that sitting in that mid area and then we just spike up with the multipliers yep oh yikes the puns get the games we don't like out of the way yup yup oh yeah absolutely look at that number six i'll say that and there's what a ten point discrepancy between us and uh between those and fifth so pretty good rambu number one right at all rambo was practicing those a ton last couple mcc's is he can do it with one hand on the practice server now like he's just chilling look at you guys carrying me let's go keep it up let's go i hate holding the wall between seven and three is like a hundred points so a couple hundred points so we're all good the first few games don't mean too much as long as we're not falling like way far behind we're okay there's no worries i've gotten into dodgeball with via literally two coin difference between second and third so i just never know when to call it i don't roll with it i'm at eleventh which i think is the best i've ever done in the first round let's go ren oh nice there you go let's go baby yeah you know here brent asked here let's go you were saying about how uh individual scoreboards don't matter now it matters because you're in 11. let's go no no no i'll tell you why it matters h because p peeps calling me old now i've got naga fuel in the in the engine i'll prove these fools aids don't mean a fang tell them ren you see he's showing his age have electric cars he's still using fuel just at any time any time you say something it's still going to get knocked down by your head it's true dang it had to wait for my modem to dial up to uh to log into the interbus you know i've been riding on up right now into the internet people are taking it literally riding a horse on it i want to get parkour tag done so bad i just hope it's not played one or the other i hate yeah that would be great let's let's try get parkour tag out if we can i don't know how maybe maybe if we all throw it at it right away it'll the sheep mentality will kick in right the herd will like follow the way i normally do is one of us throws at the beginning to like hey guys parkour attack you know it's a good option and then like once it gets closer then we all pile in on it the other three it doesn't always work but i i tend to like i like to get in the mind of other people that we want to get this in and i mean i think blue pretty much like swayed the vote then like they all committed to um holding the wall and everybody just like sprung yep true we could try that too let's do that let's do that with parkour tag oh is there an elevator yeah it's about to break it's really creaking hey get it nice uh what in there nerds i'm not i'm not here for the circles in minecraft are you kidding me especially not cylinders oh this really is the underworld did you guys hear my dog in the in the as the holy ghost kicked into the fastest mode my dog lost his mind all right by the way your microphone got better oh i did it i i i clicked on something in discord wow that made me sound old i opened up the settings and i said oh yeah i clicked a button on the internet with my mouse for my pc and it made me dialog box this dialog box popped up and it was i agreed i agreed to it i wasn't sure what it did i threw it in here it was a little bit too real for me left in my house oh quick switch with mine pig's in there oh does he want parking oh if you want sky battle that bad surely you know what guys honestly i'm happy to get sky battle out the way because fruit breeze and illumina are gonna wreck face in sky battle so you know they like we don't want to get let them get too many points from all the kills they're going to get so yeah i reckon sky battle is a good a good cause it's hilarious that he's tried his best and it might still not be what he wants oh he just booted one out i think he's i think it's sky battle it's either better to get the other side i think no it's it's sky battle yeah all right all right okay all right h let's direct me through it uh i'm gonna bridge we're gonna have to find a way we have to stick together like that's the main thing so two of you are going to follow me bridging to the island that we choose one of you is going to watch to like if we're going right one of you needs to watch left to see if the other team is going towards that or not because if we could get one that another team's not going to that's huge the main goal is just to get to the middle as quick as possible get to those towers and chill if we could survive the beginning i think we're good i normally tower up at the very beginning because there's a chest just above us i think it has um i think it has an ender pearl and a few other bits in so i normally do a quick nerd poll for that if you want to we could do that but i want people ready to pvp because we're one of the weaker pvp teams so if a team next to us sees us they want to go for us so i kind of want as much as possible with me we need one person staying behind uh grabbing the iron and making pants and stuff like that i can do that i'm the weakest yeah on the table what should ren what should rem prioritize making with the iron pants pants boots and then uh if we get to the island uh martin if we get to the second island i want you to start bridging and i'm gonna make the pants pants boots on that island okay or no cub you can martin you immediately go for the next island so that we can just have someone switch up and go quick and cub i want you to make the pants man's boots pants here we go to the left we've got uh the simmers aluminum fruit to the right we've got uh tobo sap and co i don't want to go right i want to go rough both ways i'm going left here right i think we're going all right we'll go right go right right right yeah go right you'll just keep i'm gonna bridge i'm gonna bridge i'm gonna bridge okay okay i'll follow you all this iron on this line as well damn uh okay oh they're coming towards us or not uh no it doesn't look like at the moment right now i'm gonna widen these bridges as well just in case okay let's start bridging for the middle pants pencil lights have been made oh hey i'm making nice okay oh i took some damage there uh all right pink are going to come in across the middle okay go ahead go to the right go right right go to the right come on in uh up top right there where are you going i already i got pants i got pants for uh some people yeah i need some in the moment all right i go right here right here you don't have to bridge all the way across but just start like the island or uh be careful of other people shooting i'm stuck get me out yeah yeah we're good okay we're connected to mid yep we're connected to mid wow nice good all right let's get in and go top up the ladder going up one uh up jeez yeah how are we looking uh i don't have a burrito is there a spare bow anywhere oh i left them behind i should have grabbed them in my bed that's okay i feel good take mine sweet i got two arrows can someone start bridging towards the middle now i'll grab it oh uh people beneath us uh do it come back come on don't be don't be uh try and do like a double wide if you can so if you get shot you know go all the way down uh there's teams beneath this as well oh i just missed that these guys off okay aluminum is still left eliminates the left stay together stay stay together okay all right oh they're fighting over there yeah oh they're not talking to the void look for a cleanup look for a clean up if they they fight one's coming this way back up back up back up yep five ups with that fibers got hit with a potion back up here yeah yep can we leave him oh i think back jack okay they're fleeing there's a lot of distance between us now nobody's on our right hand side so we're good keep this bridge to the mid going from that side i was almost blocked you over i think they might have a fishing rod okay uh we can widen this if we want to a little bit yeah oh boy who's taking damage uh come up a little bit uh someone to the storm i think oh i took out jack if anybody's got arrows maybe take a quick popper uh near uh nikki yes i got her nice good job [Music] just five ups by himself that's revenge nikki for last mcc guess maybe just flesh out this bridge a bit yep flushing it out flushing it out uh keep going forward a little bit maybe watch for freight this is where he thrives at the end that's probably gonna set him off right no not enough no no come on come on come on don't don't take storm damage cool five ups is gone i got you we're flashing out if there's anything we can do to these guys to just mess with them that'd be good trap tnt flip's gonna i just i tried to get away from the t and see if i just stayed in the storm too long we're gonna take a lot of damage here yes let's go nice dude let's go that's so good guys just a couple hundred points from first two well done team that was really well done oh i got two kills i'm happy i'm so happy i wish i hadn't gone back should have just ran for someone okay right so to the right we've got uh i think right it'll be an easier fight yeah keep keep an eye keep an eye to the left i'm going to start bridging but keep an eye to left if no one goes that way okay yep quick is going to beat us there quick is going that way we're going left we're going left we're going left okay uh oh geez oh god the lag oh god the lag well someone's already enderpearled from there over there oh yeah yeah they get in they're getting uh iron it right so all right martin start going to mid yeah yeah we could we could we could put pressure on you oh i shot him but i'll come back all right go to top go to the top go to the top go to the top go to the top and t creepers arrows come to the top guys come on guys guys i need help i need help i need help i need help quick quick's going off the edge quick's gone quick it's gone nice quids off timmy's there timmy's there jumps coming up drums come out all right come to this one come to this one come on top this one two seconds come on top this one guys oh quick survive oh oh oh sorry red oh sorry that was my tnt that took you out right now it was my fault dude i went away keep bridging you're it's all good it's all good you guys got this careful this boat go to your right there i can give you decent intel now pink's already in the middle over there right over there right in the back right in the middle let's stay with quick i fell down i fell down i fell down but i'm not dead i'm not dead i'm not dead so stay alive we'll get you out i'll open the top up for you look here you go there you go we're good should we get to a staircase there's a lot of teams to the left there let's go right oh you want to go right and climb up okay come with me there's just behind you please coming in blue's coming in yeah right behind you h-bomb yeah yeah okay oh god i'm hitting with a point the potion uh nice nice i'm going to cut them off a little bit i gotta run divided them slightly i'm oh geez i'm just gonna go for a second hold up two kills though two kills all right that's fine not too shabby that was a lot of tnt action there my goodness number one guys we're number one right now guess what for now yeah for a moment so guys the main thing we gotta take away from that i didn't get a chance to put it on i didn't realize i had it i only saw ren throw down those um trousers chap i never saw the helmet yeah okay so guys guys the main thing is we gotta get to the middle like top tower and just chill out yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so so okay okay like stick with the team if you missed something in the back don't worry about crafting just keep going like right now yeah i was a bit slow there we we kind of got bunned up uh yeah in the middle there in the craft and then quick was there as well which kind of screwed us all over and got us all over the place so just if we if you don't have to take a fight we don't take it we just got to get to the top i i'll have uh cobwebs so that i could block them off no problem okay just because we gotta stick together that's the main thing there's power in numbers hey we're in first by the way just it's not gonna work we got a couple that was so lucky oh sparkle's gonna eat a creeper oh here we go fruit's about to slay there goes eric as well so you like eric yeah fred's going absolutely bonkers like you always got 18 hp look at that he's just knocking people into the void nikki's going for it says no greetings actually on to the dining room tnt pete's up there cleaning it out looks like orange is going to have this one down there dominating the survivor wow i keep going off the edge earlier on but you must amend the pole to something get down there and kill him yep don't let him knock you off nice good job [Music] i got it wow look at that that guy's already placed even after the uh early finish let's go so we've got um timmy and co to the left and we've got we go right right we go right you want to go right i want to go right i think i think right is easier to be honest i don't like okay all right all right [Music] uh cool uh what's happening left the towering up they're going for another island i think we're good yeah we're good we've got no pressure here just yet i think we're good i think we're good sweet i'm gonna start pushing across to uh to mid i think they might get to mid before us potentially to be careful there yeah pants right i've got i've got mid all right i've got mid connections i got pants pants for some people let's go we gotta take them don't get knocked off i can't i can't see through bodies oh i don't have any armor just yet but we'll chill out around the corner they're trying to fish them rodney yep okay we can got the tower on fight one yep let's do it let's do it go up top we got blocks we have blocks yeah okay well they're coming through okay i posted them as well i could see and see them it needs to be oh yeah you just tower up right yeah yep good job oh it feels like him around who's there who's that phil i got i got films i'm very low oh geez oh oh man i got just like pounced on my wisp we gotta go we gotta go up i didn't anticipate another team coming across for that fight they're above us so we got i think i think uh guys just be safe around here and we could uh use their bridge creepers everywhere there's creepers there's one downstairs this one has there's whispers that's a good job he's off the edge keep it chill keep it chill right back on the bottom it's all on you dude you've got one person at the top of the tower it's uh oh they're gonna be okay they're gonna be watched right he's bridging towards mid he's actually gonna get bowed off by flip in a moment he's got lime to deal with see if he's fully distracted you can get up there if you want to yeah he's got literally orange and uh lime dealing with him so there are a lot of eyes there but i think you'll be okay storms pick uh one block away from you porter's coming in oh my goodness nice h what shot beautiful shot you've got about you've got about two three blocks to get across oh so many fishing rods don't don't uncrouch down in a crouch yep i can't see a thing which is annoying but that's it go up and then go across a couple more you've got about five i can't see a thing along the top you've got somebody coming for you sat nap's gonna try and get you on the on the approach okay might have to go for it yep i got it ah unfortunately all right very well played dude it's awful with the fishing rod it was just in the middle of my screen the entire time i couldn't see a thing i got six kills i'm happy so what happened we got to the tower and there was already people at the top of that tower yeah wisp was the only one on top of it bluebeat is there and then they were placing a lot of tnt really early on and then you say phil phil came over and yeah we got i 1v1 got him yeah we got phil and we got another another blue guy like right now i got phil wisp and i think maybe one more i think yeah look at lime just like just going for it they just like feed and flip any explosive i love it let the quicks like play someone down there cheeky on the low ground that's going to nab him he's going to blow up snapnap underneath oh samurai's just going straight in he's like yeah sure i'll take lime creeper there timmy doesn't know what's going on everyone's freaking out drops off the edge jem is building like an absolute god look at her go so many explosives on uh oh nice save who was that cara orange are doing a great job of keeping the high ground in a lot of this situation to worry about they got all four stones tnt that's absurd i think people are going down to mid though interesting carl carl with the best how to stop the tnt raining i don't think the teams upstairs even realize what's going on jem and timmy haven't got a clue they're down there they're just chilling around no idea i was so proud i was so proud to place gg hey guys we got four not bad not bad considering we got wrecked in two other rounds so yeah that's right reddit we fight we i'm not sure about that i just got lucky with kills top player players korean pvp master let's go green dreams is that a first for green and mcc i think so maybe yeah for this event we got fourth we got fourth let's go off in the event so far we did better than we thought nice got 624 points that's probably my highest i've ever gotten in the sky battle nice dude that was such a sick crossbow hit also in that last engagement there dude you lined it up and you like took a breath you put your finger on the trigger you waited one second you just went i was just like i saw the crossbow beforehand so i'm like he's got to be low right and i was like should i try shooting him off the edge or just kill him and i was like just shoot the just shoot him and see what happens it was beautiful dude it was a beautiful shot plus you had a a fishing bobble in your face too oh not at that point not at that point like you had a clear shot then okay for so long with a fishing uh bobber on you is pretty good going yeah it's fighting that temptation to let go of uh crouch isn't it no it was very easy not to let go of crouch it was more effective at that point just like whole arm yeah i mean in that last round we got like there was one dude above us and we just panicked we should have all just like knew pillared up right and just taken them out well it was yeah it was above us and more so that they came in with so much tnt on that low ground really quickly yeah yeah how many kills you guys get that game i don't know i'm sure someone in my chat probably clocked it i think i got two two kills i think i've got a surprising amount like i think for me it was a i think my battle boxes have been sorry and sky battles have been getting stronger apparently about five wow let's go martin i can count them on one hand that's great almost needed a second hand let's go dude i think my best performance ever in sky battle was um i think it was two events ago that i played and um i absolutely popped off that round but it was overshadowed by tommy doing his like mad creeper like full center oh yeah he got he got all of us i was on that team oh god did you guys just get nuked yeah we just got you above by tommy yeah he just like jumped into their tunnel placed the creepers and then ran off yeah and then i was just there to be the killjoy and just killed tommy whilst he was in the middle of like freaking out oh yellow did not do good y'all came in first the first game i'm wait yellow came in first deck wait i'm confused how yellow's an eighth they got first in the last round i think of uh sorry of that round but yeah and then they got the first and first round don't sleep on orange man you guys called it orange is a that told you orange is a monster because sb has insane mechanical prowess p is just you know esther graham puts himself down green is a very good green is actually very good green keeps composure really well and then false is absolutely cracked with a bow and is an awesome team player as well i was thinking battle box because i see some things guy guys over there how are you feeling my battle box i also got to keep anything all right i'm spreading some light today i'm happy like all the other games on that ah even if i don't like the game oh there's a magazine there's a pink chicken in there to get to the other side here i'm okay with that too though getting that game all the way early it'll be nice how are we feeling about that lava level anything the lava is one block deep is what it looked like on the video yeah all right yeah that's right here we go go get to the other side and whack a fan that's the one thing that great runners is missing on mcc oh we're doing like when you say oh okay obviously everybody yeah yeah this is brand new yep yep shallow lava so they're all one block this might be better to let other people go in front and just ensure there's gonna be a lot of people dying i feel and that's oh my goodness look at this it's such a far reset as well that lava there is not one block i think the only poor there's gonna be a lot of people dying at that level oh this could be interesting i think it's only one block deep for the first portion and then and the last part here look the stair the stair section is one deep too oh yeah i guess so actually yeah oh dude oh my goodness great i mean if you can hit your rhythm with it it'll feel incredible someone might just put this map is so unforgiving it looks unforgiving it looks like if you mess up like brutal you can mess up early and be fine but yeah later on it's uh it's a it's an interesting one all right boys big breaths all right be smart don't overdo yourself don't try to be the hero just make sure you finish also if somebody's building a bridge in front of you don't feel tempted to knock them in like at least let them finish the work then you can reap the benefits remember so many times like i'll be like speed bridging on something so like why would you knock me off like i'm doing your job for you like try to like get punched into like some people just don't play with any kind of sense in this it's weird people are aggro including me i'll be honest i feel like an easy person to punch and i punch them all right let's see what we got whoa whoa all right not too bad at the start i'm going to hang back for a moment and just see where this where this goes okay looking good doing good i got knocked off are you kidding me come on oh i oh it's like insta-death dying early is not a big deal dying early is not a big deal oh boy oh wow okay i died late so that's that's a bit of a a knife in the stomach i'm just following a uh a bed wars player very clearly a bed was player it's wisp i'm following dream no no no no no no come on oh no oh no there was a block you're kidding me boom baby 17 let's go baby nice right old man carrie old man carrie brown hold on martin me and you are all three of us are together right now yeah guys you got this just take it nice and slow nice and slow don't rush what come on i hit like a half block of light see like that time i got set on fire but then oh i don't know the killing seems really inconsistent on the uh against the kill thing it's really strange i got 30. i like how the only blocks in the middle of the arena are purple now those are those are error 404 brain blocks there oh bad times bad luck cover it's all good guys it's all good man we've got loads of rounds man we've got like five more rounds to go so it's all good let's get sweater don't swear no wait what oh bad luck baby uh you know what you know what you try to place the block they didn't mean like on the edge there you just missed the block place there it's all good i'll take a dnf it's all good it's all good what's upsetting is that i was right in the lead with everybody else that final stretch and i placed the block and it just said now you didn't i'll put the other one yeah get your lighter on i guess for this just nerd pole and then just um glide a bit yep glide to an island and then just keep it up i'm gonna try and run across a little bit to begin with i can't see a thing all right i'm just gonna go from here oh god i'm like lagging oh my god please just let me up sorry tommy had to be done come on oh no oh this is bad uh can i get on this island still no okay i've definitely dunked myself oh dear what's silly uh dude the lag please just oh no no no no oh i'm dead i got tenth dude the lag in the blue god it's so annoying that people can hate you dude god good job ryan nice green baby the leg is really bad man yeah that one's tough that was real tough um martin you can you can go now you can go now you can go now nice man that was awful sorry dudes normally if you get to the other side is a big boy for me but not today cuphead you could just run across now yeah nice these are all new anyways so you know it's all good yeah just get them out of the way we always have to have like one bad round right like nobody ever won mcc without having a bad round true true true everyone struggles on something sp was one of the second the last person to finish who's over here check it out he's just trolling me waiting oh he's being so nice he's waiting for him he wants a screen time he has a screen time here gg man oh gummy hoe oh oh that hurts me not finished no no just missed it there oh i don't know about this one oh there we go what is this this one is the follow fruit one isn't it oh you can go you can go up into the rafters as well if you really want to i might do that you know i might just take it slow here last time i got i didn't finish this last time let's see how this goes oh i literally can't see so i'll take that nope all right let's see how this plays out some people are going high oh okay how about i crouch and then not come on by the way there we go oh oh god me and you behind and aldi oh there's like a little sorry aunt oh you can friends you got some space cub you can go now you can go now nice take your time take your time did fruit get first on this one yeah of course it is you know what it's probably quicker just to go up to the rafters honestly like you'll probably get middle of the pack if you just go rafters yeah yeah looking at this you got tons of stuff pretty quick there's no one and then you just build straight across straight across yeah i don't know rafters might be a threat if you want to get middle i think wilbur did it one event he didn't place too badly yeah it's not a bad idea at all i've seen other people do it well i'm glad we got this one out yeah early-ish yeah because it's clearly not our forte good old to get to the other side i hate this one it's weird just because it normally is for me normally although like the bottom five everybody's in the bottom is not doing great so it's you know we're not too far behind wait i'll be honest this one is horrific no this is the one where you have to you rock it and then it pushes you away yeah you got it i don't think this one is enjoyable for anybody like it's the same as uh park or warrior i think this one like actually harms the event rather than seems fun uh let's see how far we can run just oh you could do it midair you can't do oh you can yeah yeah this one i just don't know wait what i just did in midair somehow i don't know oh dude god dang it i'm so sad i don't like this i can't hit my cub uh i'm not landing on anything there am i man this one is so hard i remember the first time i tried this i did really well but i think it was just man green there dude i'm i'm over this this is hard enough to do by yourself let alone when others others explosions all right that was better that was better nice cub uh sure i'll take that oh careful oh everyone's doing an explosion flight every jump oh you can actually jump in in midair if you just shoot down i got 24th oh yeah it's it's weird like sometimes it worked for me and other times it didn't there we go nice you both got this they're doing very well i think a lot of people are doing explosions oh wow nice nice nice little hop oh nice tell you what the more we can claw up towards um what i could miss i mean it's not over yet guys there's still four events to go here oh this game is very minimal oh yeah should we get these games done i want them out i don't want to think about them okay this one's annoying but just this one's really just about not getting caught in any of the uh is it the bushes or the cobwebs yeah cobwebs are a real game ender here just because they're following the pack a bit right like yeah yeah just sort of seen where those doors open i mean this is just a guessing game right here right yep yeah this is like takeshi's castle right oh there i add lag on their timer there yeah mid is good yeah it's mid call out when you go past it which one it is uh don't come on man you're not doing yourself any favors by knocking me off again i'm only doing it now because other people are hitting me it drives me mad it's left left middle to the left you go down you go down oh i'm trying to sneak through that not here to the right slightly yeah oh over the cobwebs yes ninth let's go nice cub domination there we go uh eight fourteenth that's all right yep you're good uh far left door um for you ren as well oh so far come here come here come here [Music] all the villagers are on the right i think yep i got more hotter than that oh they're all in the corner you're going dude keep going don't don't punch anyone you're right you got it nice who didn't finish that's so annoying yeah uh there we go hey we moved up to eighth yeah moving up oh man all the villagers were crammed in the corner there that was really annoying yeah i got the last one on the left side one is gonna be the uh the rocket explosion one where you've got to like bounce off the spot or they're going to do the tridents with the ice wall come on this one is horrible how are we doing force what about terror sweep force yeah i want to tear school force i forgot about that that's normally the first one i've been practicing this time i played this one i knocked green off moments before he was going to get to the finish line and basically i think that's what put me in like second place it's just absolute chaos very clean and see i can't even see the floor yeah i cannot see anything martin you and i both fell down i even went into five and i still couldn't see the road it's nuts sorry jack oh that actually helped him oh it's green again i'm not gonna hit green this time bring green can chill until it means that i need to get him out of second place oh he's hitting people as well no i know you don't dream [Music] up we could we could possibly get a team bonus from this there we go 19. all right top half top hat uh who's that who's that nice yeah you're good you're good right careful you've only got uh nikki on you i think nikki nikki's not gonna punch you i think you're good yeah focus on yourself green's behind but not close nice run perfect yeah nail this rent uh to your right nice favorite team fourth thing oh full full team sorry oh that okay i'll dude this game's done i'm happy that's all i have to say about this who was back i'll take that that wasn't too bad nah next at least the multi the multiplayer multiplier is not very high right now so yeah we got another one yeah exactly yeah the multiplier 1.25 i think at 1.5 at the minute 1.5 yep can you not read the screen oh my god it's on the screen oh man's gotta put his glasses on yeah man dude only one of my eyes works these days so i got told you this so i went for an eye exam this is a real old man conversation but i went for an eye exam just because i was like i've never been for one like someone was like oh you've never been one in your life i was like no i can see fine and i went and basically like some people have like you know spherical eyes pretty normal and then some people have rugby ball shaped eyes where like they kind of squish downwards um mine is squished in like the other direction and there's no scientific phrase for it they literally just said like oh yeah we call this goes against the rule of and then whatever the scientific phrase is and i'm just like right so i'm that much of an outlier i've just got these weird wonky eyes i was like sure your eyes are just called squish the other way eyes yeah yeah you're specialized you're specialized look i've got control eye eyes well i went i went uh for an eye test because i wanted glasses because i thought that i would look cool with them went for the test and uh the plumbers was like now your vision's fine i was like no no seriously seriously i think i need glasses i can't really see very well check it again can you read this sign you're just like i i think that's i think that's a roman numeral i don't know what that is as you slide a 20 in under the table yeah across the table just like clear lens glasses with no magnification yeah but i thought that might just be pushing them with magnification like they're like binoculars but you wear them all the time like like proper light yeah like a real fishbowl look that'll be incredible in your whole world glasses it's like pressing c and not to find you'll be like that forever oh that'd be sick your perception will just be completely ruined i'm looking for secrets in the bottom level there has to be something that's secretive there's got to be a key there's there's like an elevator attendant that needs a key somewhere like on the top we shall find it this is where it gets revealed in like mcc 40 that someone finally finds the key for that the reddit will be on the lookout for anything suspicious that might have it if we don't get it other than cylinders did this do anything just a pressure plate it looks like i'm chilling in the countryside you guys are like deep in the depths i'm chilling out here at the uh at the rv like the trailer park yeah just chilling i need to move i feel i feel just shittery i need to move i need things happening all the things where are we right now seventh seventh with what like not even 500 points between us and like fourth we got three games that we do not like out of the way so we're very we're in a very good spot right now yeah we're we're in a good spot i think we might do okay in pvp honestly i mean uh don't sleep on martin martin is a pretty good pvp a cub's one of the best pvp is in the on the hermitcraft servers so club's been slaying in the trainings over the last few days yeah we've been playing lunch it's pretty good yep oh here we go two times multiplier all right i'm very sad that parkour tag has made it this far i would love to play moderators now yeah but if we've got a game we want to get out the way like parkour tag no i i think now we just don't want parkour tag at all i'm gonna eat mine the grid runners runners yeah okay do it oh [Music] where's everyone getting these bows from your minds nice i thought the naked chicken was indestructible i thought so too that was it looked like it took two shots to be honest yeah oh look at this nice that's good that's good tag ripped nice yep it looks like it is gonna be good runners runners are battle blocks either way i'm happy with that okay so for good runners just basing off the the rooms that they had last time if we have the the slay the beasts um we'll have one person go down one person go up two on mid so should we just say i'll go down hey ren and cub on mid level uh i have no idea what this is so you guys gonna have to see basically there's lots of rooms with very quick fast mini games so like one of them was like slay the monsters um and then some of them it's like you'll say you'll walk into a kitchen and potentially in one of them there's a list of things by a hopper you just gotta basically just give it what it wants yes communication communication communication communication basically for a lot of these rooms um we have to all just stand on a single door in order to go through um but for some of them it's like in this one for example i think we've got to stand on each individual door what was the directions you were saying you want us to go like if we're going in i want two of us on the left two of us on right like yeah i'll always stick on left i'll just sit on the left okay i can i'll go right side so because me and martin have played this uh who's is that cub fan i mean wren's next to me right now we go left after the first round you start going left i'll go right i'll go right with ren and then cub and martin's stick together left all right i'll go left i'll go left right so this is oh it's mad yeah look at that it's like being in the barber shop you can see like infinitely down the tunnel of people oh yeah so just so i understand i gotta swim to that green thing there and stand on a pressure plate is that right yeah yeah we all gotta get launched towards it we all have to finish together like uh there's gonna be like after each time we finish a mini game there's gonna be like a little area that you uh stand on and we all gotta get there so it looks like we have four we all go into our own like module here yeah on this one we're going to individuals [Music] i don't think that's going to be in this game launch oh my god went farther than i expected yeah so one on each one and one on each one yep ready let's go all right we got it just one oh my gosh one open all right shoot all the targets where are the targets uh look move all the way around keep moving in your area to see like new targets there's one to the left of me that i can't read it there we go middle through the middle through the middle yeah yeah yeah we're in the middle it's all four on mid yeah yep here we go right what's this one clean the statue i'm going lift right how do i get up the statue oh like that yeah yeah i'll get these two up here oh there's so many holy moly i don't see anything else over here oh i see down here on that i fell anywhere else underneath i see one right there some on the other side have we got all of them i'm going to go there's two more up top i'm gonna go grab that i'm in the water looking for anything uh we gotta get these yellow yellow ladders here i think i don't see anything on how many around here oh there's loads on me zombies we gotta go up there yep martin's got them i think we should got him all right through the doorway uh it's all four on mid and here we go what's this one right um inside the garage one person jump into the shop and then everybody else would go oh they changed it up yeah they're just getting inside the shop somehow uh look for a random parkour look for random parts parker here nice uh where is it it's there you go out there and then on top of the garage and i should be able to oh i need one more person to come here to get the door or do i where are we going come to the front door okay and then just right click every cake you see and you get boys let's go nice uh any more anymore anymore let's go i'll go far left and what we got right run over over i think we've all got an individual painting today uh yeah good wait oh okay okay oh i need i need uh i need some blue if you can where do you paint it on the in in the other one on the right yeah what do you mean what are you i have no blue i have no blue i need i need blue here's blue here's blue i've done everything you grab me that blue cube if you can uh i got blue over here i need i need a green i need green green pink you're ready to go what is this is this the end maybe uh like the lightning redstone uh oh i fell yikes oh i did two there where uh trying to find out any more lamps uh where am i looking at that one okay i've got that one there oh there's one above on the right hand side let's see i got a bunch up top i've got a bunch up oh oh how did i not get that what i write there's one right at the top above me i just don't find a pat i can't find a path up to it from this side i'm going to find a way there's one top middle that i'm trying to figure out how to get to martin do you see the one that i'm talking about the right here there's one there's one top left here as well on a second look man how do you get that one okay one how do you get to this one here man um i i can't see what you're looking at sorry dude we need to get yeah try going for that one oh okay i see what you okay you guys got that you got it there's one where's the other one there's one more yeah i see i see where ren is uh i got hype i got there's two oh runs up he's not it way up top no i didn't i don't i don't i don't have anything way above the car how to get that one oh it's h sorry i'm sorry about way above there i see actually actually actually um is there a way all the way up all the way up it that's probably it no it's not okay well there's there's something did it say middle middle middle it's on mid high it's mid height dead mid man this event is insane yep it's intense i love this game it's great right food grab one of everything and just start cooking it yep you need bread i got fish right now i'm just gonna quickly try and make this do we need bread what do we need what do we need make uh i got the fish we need pork chop cake and watermelon pork chop egg how do you make it how do you make it straight into the smoker and that's what i'm trying to figure out is i have the stuff for a cake i got a bowl as well okay cool i'm gonna put the chicken in how many buckets of milk do we need uh not sure i'll go grab it where's these stuff okay here i have a bucket i have fish i have fish fish is done all right fisher's done fishing down fish though yep i got fish i just don't know how to make a cake and then when you pour cake it's like sugar sugar i need sugar i need sugar i need sugar i need sugar okay sugar what else right there uh wheat wheat i got wheat wait right here okay uh we need milk buckets milk buckets got milk i have one milk bucket how many do we need i'm just throwing you another one there where the pigs are i need uh one more i got one more trap around i got more traps one more milk bucket one more milk bucket on me on me i got one more here oh yeah there you go it's on you haven't been put in i don't know i need one more milk bucket it's not on me it's not just on you okay uh and i need one more wheat it looks like got it i got it i think this is the end all right no actually this might be the painting one potentially what's this unlikely where do we go down down i don't know okay okay we need to do parkour i'm gonna go middle i'm in the middle i need you guys to guide me okay no no no no no okay okay okay just hold still no okay no no no guys i need you to hold still i need you to hold still right now hold still right on me go to this corner go to this corner oh wait wait wait the third one uh martin third one martin there we go okay now hold that one still got it okay now martin one more to the oh no no no no don't don't move off okay i thought he's gonna walk over because he can't make that drunk i can't see no i'm good i'm good stay right there you can't i'm perfect okay okay now um run nice go to the end over here perfect stay there cub next one okay i'll give you these two okay i need to make that i need you to switch over to the to the fourth one in three two one go nice nice nice yeah good job guys perfect perfect finish nice boys wow oh there's a lever somewhere i got it i got it is there a key i'll just keep that chest got it let's go that was clutch dudes wow all right let's go what's this get to the edge go to the apple the exit stay on your side stay on your side go down underneath okay um there's something weird here there's something weird here there's something we're missing there's something we're missing what are we missing yeah i'm gonna go up yeah okay i'm looking i'm looking okay i see what it is i see what it is uh uh cub go go on the red glass red glass red glass yep go to the right go to the right and keep walking off of it off of it right no no no no no no okay i got i got triggered to the right it's invisible it's invisible okay stay shifted stay shifted stay shifted you're gonna make a jump two blocks which way which way right forward straight forward nice follow them uh follow martin yeah and then martin it's going to go one block forward and two blocks to the left oh no no oh geez okay okay back again that's a tricky one okay uh to the right yeah there you go now you're going to do a jump forward uh i can't say red i think that's right okay jump forward jump forward just two blocks two blocks you guys stick together stick together do the jump as well and now you're gonna go forward one block and two to the left do the jump go round oh i hit the side of it where's the jump you got it one block okay you could also do yeah i want all of you there doing it together do a hard jump to the left hard jump to the left hard jump to the left yes perfect follow that lead you have a bunch of space forward bunch of space forward all right just keep going until you're done shifting and then you're going to start going to the right stay shifted oh it didn't no right to the right to the right no no don't jump don't don't go uh right there right there stop yep now you're going to do a long jump to the diagonally to the right and forward nice don't jump okay don't jump again now that's the end of it i don't know if there's something else there see if there's anything above see if there's anything above yes see if there's anything above see if there's anything in there look at the other end there might be an unlock or something it looks like there's buttons that you gotta press maybe we all have to do it there's yeah i think we all have to do it okay this is the left to the left i don't know who that is down there left here hard left there yep okay oh man i'm just with the floors and then two blocks here go forward two blocks there right there ren uh diagonally hard right straight here follow me follow me i'll go first oh god dang it just go towards that and jump nice perfect do that do that do that i can finish this one let's see if two does anything step on two of them all right three figure out where this is it's gonna be hard okay you got this man nope i'm gonna need you guys helping me when i'm doing this as well so with that one you can stay in line with blue so from when you come up there do a do a double you can run forwards you don't have to stand on that red part at the start so yeah straight forward straight forward here straight forward and then you can go straight towards the blue yep and then from there you can crouch and do the rest of it okay and then it's like to the right over this way yeah and then you can diagonal right yes there you go you got it everything on the switch still switch nice digital man all right here we go there we go man that's that that was super fun nice nice that invisible parkour one's a doozy holy moly yeah that one sounds rough do they change it every event to be fair looking back on it it's actually it's not that difficult of a course it's just so hard to describe yeah you did a fine job explaining it i just like yeah you kept nice and calm there dude i would have lost my mind i'd be like martin you idiot jump forward left right i think my problem was i was crouching at the very edge and then trying to do sprint jump um no you wouldn't be mossy at all no way h you went into like just just full like you know listen to me listen to me mode like teacher mode like all right let's do this [Laughter] i think we're gonna do well we finished seventh as an end goal but i think we're going to get some uh good points here hopefully i feel like we did pretty good there like we didn't get held up at any event too badly yeah i like that they've changed up some of their bits as well so for example like the cake shop one the way to get in before was the garage was open um one person stands on the piston and then the other person jumps off of it to get in to let everybody else in but obviously that time they sort of switched it up a bit to make it um yeah like they've almost got like a narrative going where they sort of closed the garage and was like cakes alone and stuff more events like this that encourage teamwork like this i think it's really yeah yeah second oh let's go second baby oh wow second on city nice second all right very good seventh again not too far behind that was the bakery one [Music] i feel like her kitchen was quite good it was the cake i was struggling with it seven that's fine [Music] seven all right just below mediocre [Music] that was a more excitable sound that one yeah that was the complete course completion oh i see that's all right so there's such a small discrepancy between the teams isn't it yeah event standing seven yeah yeah yeah big breather cyan oh it's tight it's literally tied for first seventy two thirty minutes wow yeah man orange have slipped very suddenly down to fifth yeah are they like a strong first or second i think they were in second jeez i got six this game which i guess made them fall off a little bit that's kind of surprising 1750. oh there was a big difference between fifth and sixth audience vote begins and uh break time for us time to go get a cup of tea everybody yep i need you to get it i think it will be i'll be buyer break collider thank you for the 10. thank you thank you oh that was stressful oh i know we could have done better there was some communication that i wasn't making clear i'm glad that this time i rather took charge in a lot of certain areas like with the sewer one where i'd lead them i was being bossy i think that was good for us and i'm glad that i was the last one to go it was hard i should have instead of uh staying up there i didn't realize that we all had to get across i should have uh gone down earlier and showed them how to do it once we got a few people going across dang okay we got like four games i i think grid runners would have been an alright game i thought we did or we would have done better maybe grid runners just isn't my game i felt like that was going to be a game that favors me fruit sapnap quigg pete dream tommy george green green oh ronboo and tubbo not surprising for top 10. all right i need to pee here's some music your boy needs to urinate stress stress chat no parkour tag let's go see this mc championship boom uh where is my obs fixed right monitor boom okay uh what we need is a sense of time for the next five minutes you could the game with the least votes chat go vote parkour tag oh yes that's nice oh that's really nice as long as it's not parkour tech i'm pretty happy sounds of time to be later yeah sense of time needs to be seventh or eighth hsn link true chat we need you to go vote for parkour tag i don't care if it's in first it's we got to get rid of it we need that not to be played huh kaleidos thank you so much for the 10 gifted sub uh no mocha thank you for the 100 bits claire thank you for the 11 months thank you for the prime ellie thank you for the nine months sirs sirs me sirs knee start thank you for the 10 months on the prime anxiety up hard breathing hard breathing nick matt thank you for the 18 months lauren thank you for the 11 month space cadet thank you for the tier one welcome welcome huh dream said anything but parkour tag unfortunate how much time is left two minutes left i hope to god it's not parkour tag it's not the end of the world if it is park quartet because at least we're getting out fifth rather than later but we played four games three of which we didn't like and we got it out early so far it's good so far it's good we just need this to stay going good i wouldn't mind uh battle box being played i think we'll do fine in battle box we don't want sense of time picked since the time we went later chat parkour tag oh pain pain we need a big guy to come through it's tommy and dream on the same team so they're gonna get a lot of the twitter interaction so if they want parkour tag it's probably gonna be parkour tag oh battle box one minute left come on nice ronbo oh trurambu rambo's on yellow ronbo and wilbur as well if they don't want parkour tag we might not be playing parkour tag end please just be battle box just be battle box no zero minutes left [Music] okay confidence time we did our best where's obs there you are big breeds big breeds i'm gonna have to be the hunter four times martin hunter four times and then cub and ren will see how they're feeling oh i hate parkour tag parkour warrior i felt so much better with parkour tag not so much it might be surprisingly good i mean sky battle will be surprised everyone if we get top five i'll be very happy it's gonna be a lot of communication and learning the map we need to learn the map quick it's time we got parkour tag oh go ahead hey dudes is everybody back i'm not just being you right now oh all right back okay martin martin hello i'll panic oh no panic martin please we got time panic martin bro hi hi oh my goodness give me a heart attack i'm good i only went for a quick bio break we have like five minutes to wait and then it's in the like last 90 seconds i'm like oh yeah i really do need to pee now okay okay we need uh i'm gonna try if we get the gold key early and spot it i have to do the parkour port because it's gonna be parkour ren do you wanna be uh sandman yep i'll be sandman that's what i do best i'm i'm fully trained to sandman make sure to constantly communicate about how much uh i got as well i got this okay so we'll circle back as often as possible as well with uh send to phil last time uh the gold key was bottom left interior right down here right next to me so i'm gonna go that way i need uh one of the runners cup van you go this way right here like on the inner side like right here like going that way towards the lower side and then martin you go towards one of the like far ends so that when we come out we can go like we could be as spread out as possible so i'll go i'll go far left at the back remember to not take any sand from the middle room that's that's all for rent yep yep anything we should take is torches offhand torches off hand use torches do not forget to use torches do not forget to use torches it's one marker one marker if you're in a tunnel it's one marker if you're done it's three right across across the front three yeah just basically like line the whole thing off okay gotcha there is a blue key underneath we don't need a grip ren you should grab that actually grab that like immediately um at the very bottom yeah if you see there's a wood key right yeah no no there's a blue if you're able to as well so we hold on to one sound sand at the um we can use that one sand at the cash in which is somewhere around here there's like one you could spend like one cent to get a bunch of coins we don't do that we don't do that we don't do that we don't do that to the very end no no no no okay because that's 20 seconds that every one of us loses that's like a total of like a minute and 20 seconds in total ah ready so like if we're at the end we've gotten everything and we have two cent remaining we do it and then leave there's no point in doing that there's iron beats to the right there looks like it's somebody get that yeah i'll get that i'll get that right whoever's going that way i'm going to go back i'm going to go far left okay um if he's gone by the way guys did you see how many audience votes the word there it is an insane amount of people who watch this stuff man it's crazy oh yeah i think the last event was like there were there were more people watching than the olympics yeah yeah it's just insane uh also guys i need you on the lookout for like on the walls they'll be like gold red blue yeah that kind of stuff yeah pull that out yeah and they point the way to the bolts yeah yeah ren when you're chilling you can go look into it like look for the puzzle rooms and you could do the puzzle rooms um but keep an eye out if you find like a thing with the like yellow or whatever or like uh one of the rooms nothing oh they already have iron boots on there parkour i found a park there is one puzzle just off of mid uh to the left okay scrubbing some keys as i go i'm going to all right then see what we got today that you picked up real quick please you say i run don't worry oh i got it i got it here i'm dropping it i'm dropping it i'm dropping it thank you oh i found the gold area i found the gold area oh nice i it seems to me that i'm in the blue area at the moment so back left is blue bl for blue uh what we got here are we going up 120 on the clock i found parkour i'm going to do it early back left is quite literally dead oh no it's not a dead end we're good here those are ravagers okay i'm may have messed up a tiny bit i have the blue key i don't think i can get back i guess i'll just go to there i have a run down here can he get up here there's no way he can get up there there's no shot oh i'm just getting straight run there might be a ravager coming back to spawn keep an eye out okay then that's such a heads up i love that yeah sorry i didn't know that that would trigger it okay i went the wrong way that's okay just you know i'm finding very little sand here so far time 120 sand four i'm finding very little sand yeah same this time dead end where the heck am i supposed to go here oh there's targets there what do they do some ravagers oh tnt of course and and mobs oh god i messed up jump i ignore them oh okay i'm seeing a lot of a lot of blue here there's ravagers as well though man be careful the ravages they hurt a lot 120 extra sand four that's a lot of spawners okay uh i don't know if i should go for that or not probably not right back up for a second guys also no dying be smart be very smart yeah so much i think i opened that stupid chest oh that's fine that's fine don't overthink it there's an accident no big deal 120 five sanders i found the blue room okay i've got the key um so basically blue room is back left um i found the vault so i found the boys come and grab the key or just leave it for now i found the gold vault so if we find the gold keys holler at me i should go in here i don't know if this is worth it bernie sanders gonna have to start thinking about bringing some sand back boys i will be back asap uh i'm just gonna deal with these mobs then i will come back sand 120 space and one okay you got everything from the mid area i've got a lot of sand i'm working on it okay i'm working on the traps now on the dispensers no i don't think this is worth it is it worth going up the uh ladders isn't it yeah if we find it yeah i've got the block and found it sorry yeah okay okay i'll come back to the give you the sand and then guys take the key with me i'm on my way i've got nine sand ready for you sand 90 extra sand zero i'm coming back yeah i'm fine don't come find me just drop it on a bridge you see where i'm at is that you ren there we go swap yeah what a trade sir pleasure doing this with you 11 nice dude okay we can settle in for some oh there's just a stand up by this door by the way ram yep better get to this blue vault can i choose this sand 120 spare sand five oh thank you cub i see your sand sweet wren you see where i am oh up here yes 11 sand up here sweet i have a rusty key i have three rusty keys if anybody needs them there's also one sand weight in here oh wait you found the blue one did you go down the blue one uh i'm already going down blue now i'm about to open the door okay all right i got you next h there you go and blue vault is open very [Music] no dying guys keep it in mind no dying oh my god dying ren come down the one that i just went down where are you all the way at the end yeah far right and like okay right is there a lot of sand there yeah just right at the beginning there's a ton of sand oh anybody have a wooden key i got one yeah i've got a bunch here i'm coming back to mid now so oh okay um there is like a big old pit here with a bunch of money i just think it's guaranteed 120 space and 16. i'm bringing a lot of sound back to you um ren right here where i'm at it's hard to pull to your left to your left to your lens oh sorry wait was that you that was i went to cub there yeah to your uh when you come out to the right there you are okay so you have sand and there's one right here nice nice nice oh bit money out of that all right um so basically back left is just a no-go now it's all completed there's a ton of sand in this room too run right right which way should i go so from here from mid which i am going to saw you just look for new areas now i've gone through a lot oh my goodness there's so much sand here oh come on i'm just going to watch this stan in the time run over there is there something beneath the timer anymore no the blue key was beneath the timer yep right now someone's already back right did somebody go the closest one on the left right at the beginning or no yeah i did yeah i did there's more stuff down there i didn't get everything though okay i'll have a little look i find the green key if you can because the green bolt is right here green just going through does anyone have the red key i'm running out of areas to go oh i can see someone off in the distance zombies um i feel like i'm just treading the same ground oh i'm just running dude i got you i think i've got your back nice can i see if there's anything i might have to go back and do some dangerous parkour because that might be the only way i have to go oh there's a puzzle here where can we find the green key don't you [Music] i'm getting the red key i'm getting the red key uh sand i have none uh what is that how do i get up there time 120 extra steps to that at the end i'm out um v c r v c r vector vector i'm freaking genius i got the red vault key uh i need you to follow me for a second i'm going to do some risky park actually no never mind never mind never mind do you run sorry yeah yeah yeah don't take me away from my task my dude i got this old brain can only do one time time 120 extra sand 13. i'm gonna need some sand soon though boys cool i just did a bit of a tricky parkour um i paid off no dying at this stage guys no unnecessary risks i can literally feel my heart beating through my chest i hate i have happens no jumping over lava don't do anything stupid dude i have to last time last event we won this event just by keeping calm and just doing this stuff ryan you're not going to like watching back my pov i'll be honest with you i know my heart's palpitating thinking about you running through the sounds of time h but i'm not gonna lie i want the red volk uh red vault i'm going for it time 120 extra sand nine we're starting to run low on sand yes i'm bringing back one sand now i've done everything down this way uh oh have i hold on a minute what we got here oh there's a lot of uh levers here cub do you have any sand uh i have two i'm pretty far from the dungeon now money okay i need you guys to bring it thinking about getting back i'm not gonna be able to get back until i get this uh vault nice we might run out of time though guys we've gotta we need to make sure that that we don't just lose because we run out of time here how much time how much time i'm about to fill up hold on don't mind if there's any coins down there time 120 extra sand four yeah now i've literally got uh oh we got 120 at the time though so i mean we're pretty good don't throw it away now guys no risks please i'm gonna come back now with um just quickly with two sand because i think it will be worth it oh what's going on there craziness dude sorry i'm getting all turned sideways here i'm gonna need you guys to get a bunch of sand and like do any puzzles nearby uh which one is mid i'll meet back okay i found the red vault i'm going for it cool i'm just heading back to midnight i've got two sand it isn't a lot but you already came this way oh lovely i've got a couple sand up here i'm gonna grab dudes we need to we you ready need to bring the sand now i'm out of sand got five sam coming back coming back how much is in the clock 90 in the clock no sand tucson here look behind you i'm coming back just try and find sand so that h-bomb can can nail that uh red vault if you can i got i got i'm coming back with five stand right now nice dude i'm on my way back beautiful oh i'm just going to do this bit in mid just because i feel like that would be worth like levers if you see them too the the dispensers and stuff i got down the passageways i'm placing the sand in the middle on the ring you see where i'm at thanks cub yep how much time was that cub five sand beautiful okay that's not too bad i'll tell you what i'm gonna go back in through this tunnel okay um time 120 extra sand two okay i'm almost back oh geez i'm very close i love the music on this map too it's so cool yes awesome i just love this game i'm back thanks for the coins [Laughter] uh ren i'm gonna fill up the sand timer and i'm dropping the sand next to it sweet there's gonna be like five here get it done five right here beautiful yeah i need to find a spot to go asap where can i go where can i go is there any puzzles that you can do uh run there's a trick to that chat i don't know i think i've finished i've done all of the uh dispenser puzzles close by did you do the parkour okay now you didn't do this one okay what about the what about these levers here what do these do uh this is the emerald key at our room i don't think we got the emerald key emerald no okay yeah we didn't find oh i found two more sand here nice pretty good on sand at the moment boys that's what we like to hear it's one part that i just saw mobs don't just randomly spawn unless the statues right are we got the red we got the red already sound five we got the red key already right yeah i got it yeah yeah yeah yeah we already did it i got the vault done too don't worry i mean dudes if we if we literally can't do anything else we should dump the sand in to open the the gate for the extra gold in the center and just leave yeah save the uh save the sand if you can run how much do we need two sand for that right i'm looking for anything to do there's a park over here in the start that is not worth the risk of two sworners not a chance martin uh how far out are you uh not too far i could get back to the mid real quick okay how much time is remaining we got 90 on the clock five space well three spare sand if we're going to use two to buy out the the middle chest okay i got a little bit more sand here too i'm going to plug the last three that i have in i'm going to hold two to potentially buy out if we need to yes let's go my suggestion is maybe we do that yeah and and just not risking for the biscuit here my dudes we've done real well yeah i don't think there's anything else really worthwhile here oh geez i'm gonna make sure that the parkour the parkour is done how do i get out of here i think you can come back to the same time i'm just i'm just not fine how much time how much time how much time come back to the same truth time 60 seconds 60. okay i'm on my way yeah we need to get back don't you haven't dumped down the sand yet right no i'm holding on to two perfect i might have to plug them in i don't think we can open this all together and see if there's anything i have two i have two sand so plug it into the the thing and then i'll use the other two if there's anything on you you go buy that you go buy it no no no you go buy up you go way up i'll i'll do the no i just i plugged it in i plugged it into the timer okay that's how you you buy out right yep i can go do that that's at the opposite have you and me get ready to go through the portal it's already done all right i just got some more some more coins so we're getting here martin how are you doing boss uh uh martin you have 40 how much time how much time you come back come back come back come back come back everyone get out everyone get out come here come here come in you guys can leave oh geez 30 seconds 30 seconds left you got you got to move dude you got it h we might i used it i used it i thought it was back straight up straight up come on come on come on come on come on martin okay i feel good about that yeah i feel like we do really like i'd have to go down a ladder to get to two spawners and then dude look at those coins i banged 666 baby marco the beast cub with 848 martin with 1 300 h-bomb with one thousand five hundred that's big numbers yeah we did really good there's a lot of people that died too yeah a lot of people didn't like that green died it wasn't dude no i didn't get to ten seconds you were good the the timer goes nuts when there's ten seconds the remaining oh okay it does okay yeah i had my eye on uh martin at the end i was like okay he could get here no problem dude i was freaking out i was like oh my goodness all right guys that was well i'm happy with that martin the last time you and i played sansa time we won yeah we did actually yeah yeah yep so how many votes did we get open we got blue open we got red open um didn't get it unfortunately we didn't get an emerald yeah we didn't get emerald yeah i don't think i've ever even saw the emerald path i must be down to get the emerald key uh in one of the other vaults maybe like you've got to find the key right like the vault was right there at the beginning right at the front but we didn't find the key so apparently red got 1472. what does that mean well as in coins overall oh yeah two of them died oh that's terrible no offense let's go baby that's right nice domination yo who's old now huh who's older we're as old as these temples you thought you were going to beat us in our hometown no no no no we're back of the fourth guys dudes the moment these kids have to use their brains they just they they just fail their brains just pack it in they just can't do it i would be intrigued to know how many times i played stanza time and come first with my team because i feel like it must be a fairly high proportion i love that game so much like that for me is what i love in minecraft like whenever i play mod packs back in the day i never got on with like you know like rigs and making like craters and all the weird technical stuff it's like i just want adventure or adventure when you play sansa time with a great team like this one it is the best game in mcc in my opinion yeah i i think it is i think it's the most minecraft experience on any online multiplayer thing i really do hopefully yeah and when the team is rocking and vibing oh man it's just it's so it's so your callouts were solid by the way because some people will only call out the sounds the time that's left but you were every time you were so concise i've literally only ever been sandman so like if i'm not good at it at this point then you know i should probably never play mcc again oh yeah that's friend's thing man that's friend's thing that is my thing sandman it's the only thing that i ca that i'm asked here at in mcc is being sandman so apparently we're only a thousand coins away from dodgeball that's exciting nice i was really hoping we'd get that game later i thought it was going to be that one 400. oh h were you feeling that game like you knew we were going to win that like obviously we were going to do well you for feeling it yeah we were either going to get first or second mm-hmm like the only way we got second was if someone managed to get like a vault that we didn't get and i don't think there was going to be many of that yep ren you're going to watch me watch back my pov on that you're literally telling me don't do lava parkour as i'm like i'm not listening to you i'm watching i'm watching it tomorrow if i watch it tonight i'm not sleeping to be fair i i did some lava parkour as well but it wasn't as dicey like next time if you're ever in a team with me and i'm sandman just don't tell me any of that just let me live in bliss in blissful ignorance okay don't tell me that stuff oh man i knew the i got the red bulky by doing so i don't remember oh i did the puzzle really quickly i was proud of myself i didn't even use my chat for the puzzle i was like was it a word puzzle was it a word puzzle or was it like a okay yeah nice age yeah you got man you guys dominated so hard you made my job so easy man i was just chilling just plug and send and you guys someone just made a really good point in my chat i would like i would actually love to watch any any team's perspective actually i've seen all four cuts you know taking up a quarter of the screen each just to kind of see all happening in unison yeah yeah fascinating watch that would be awesome literally the day after mcc i do a stream like the entire day just watching back signs of time i love sansa time let's get big sales we need big sales this that's our big sales that's the game that either we're best or second best five times multiplayer time they're good ace race survival games build mart would be ideal ace race would be fantastic all right ace race is my is my baby i love it hey let's go ace race guys i mean granny green's fourth place overall right now let's go green nice man korean dominance up and off orange have left straight back up to first place again they're only down for one game uh what are we voting for him indeed i say ace race ace race i'm going to give it a minute a lot of people are saying ace race in the chat so i'm going to give it a minute it's definitely the the event that i probably enjoy the most it's just like mario kart right how did that happen i'll knock him down don't worry yeah maybe i've got a dunker yeah i've got a dunker i got him in the block i cheesed him into the block i think somebody stood in front of me as i went to throw oh that might have been that might have been sorry it looks like ace race though luckily yeah sorry dude did loads of chickens get killed it's either no it's a tie it's a race oh no okay there was one more oh my god all right my little old heart python script guys i love this man this event is so fun too i don't really do well but i i just enjoy every second of it guys take your time don't do it just on the left or carts on the right it's up to you on the left all right it's it's i guess you've got to gauge it as you approach it if there are people already hopping into them it can get a little bit messy carter off the off the start off the start can be a little messy you could skip the cards if you don't feel comfortable at the start and then yeah the second and third lap you should be going for carts for sure yeah the first one when everyone's clumped up together maybe you could avoid it if i get to a big like start i'm gonna go for it but yeah yeah as in like a weight i don't even know about the carts and then get out and sprint jump to and right click to get in there if someone's already occupying it then it's a no-go yeah that feels it feels like a quite an intense risk yeah play your game don't worry about other people just play your game yeah i'm chilling my dudes i'm gonna do my best to get around this thing okay can't promise i'm gonna do well i'll tell you what the one the one to take your time on is the when it's the subsequent red pad jumps um just take your time to adjust the look where you're going first because it's so easy to uh bash your head on those ones yeah yeah yeah take your time only live on the pad for a moment like you can stand level up and you'll save so much more placement that way yeah yep got it got it b aggressive b b aggressive e to the e to the a to the g g r e s i v and e b a aggressive b e aggressive i hope i spelled that wrong right even here guys we get messy [Music] i'll tell you i'm going to skip it for the start got it just because i think it's going to get a little bit dicey nice h man there's just feet everywhere yeah that's right yeah feet and tridents oh when you go on the jump pad or speed boost pad make sure you're not jumping after that hard left hard left turn remember hard left turn please oh i fell dang it come on oh this could mean with a new trident isn't it yep nice no no no no no no no no oh i almost didn't make it and the uh the snake mouth then oh oh the boost pads are uh i'm getting some really really rubber banded oh there nice oh my god i'm doing horribly at this it's okay cub you got to see lots of laps tons of laps oh jeez i've gone off to the side somehow there oh weird i can't see where i'm going okay i think other people are struggling as well with the lack of vision oh my god i mean that's not a bad place to fall like three blocks away from the start jeez when you're doing the minecart take the uh take the triton out of your hand what am i it'll slow you down yeah it'll slow you down it just screwed me over a tiny bit it was scary [Music] barely caught that had them oh i'm getting that thing again where when i uh open up the elytra it it shifts me across about a block to the left i've had this little while back as well getting really pushed over to the left oh again age come on line it up whoa what hey martin hi oh holly bump my head not too bad i like being i'm getting my that's nice thanks dude i love this auto release here it's so satisfying can you make that oh i was like one block away good i'm gonna play it safe play it's safe this one's more about being smart than it is being cheesy oh boy how are you doing come on chilling that's what we like to hear having fun this new trident is like really messing me up yeah so it's about oh done that every lap so far that's amazing i keep jumping at the start of the lap and just like really just goofing myself i can just jump immediately into the lava what a mistake it's a i'm maker good here whoa boy [Music] man everyone's so good at ace race now it's nuts isn't it yeah i wanted a new map really bad that we can all figure out as we go through you only get that experience once and it's always so like scatterbrained i love it three times h3 oh what how six to ten unfortunate okay bon h i'm right behind you now let's go the little spoon has become the big spoon we'd love to hear that oh too far oh wait i'm getting some water loudly it's only gotta be enough to get up there oh come on wall again all right i better just go straight down now what's nice here is even if i mess up at the end now i'm right behind you oh puns is down that's yeah i just saw that we'll do that six and seven yep nice and easy well done guys how are you guys doing you need to help blade chillin i wonder how that would have gone for me if i hadn't jumped into the lava at the start of both laps i i i hit my head three times on the same spot and i was so was it on the was it on the red pad jump after it like the waterfall bit i kept bumping just the corner of the thing yeah and it dropped me all the way back down perfect run so who went up who was not clocking in first there so my problem with ace race is that i only like my brain only kicks in on the third lap because it's old yeah first two laps i'm terrible and then it gets better it's a warm-up before i'm late yep nice cup tried and thought really really annoying me good job cub yeah the first life was a disaster oh a nice run that was perfect you got a nice move no one behind you take your time got it run you got it you got big distance behind you so don't worry attaboy hold on sweet there we go man that was fun i love this game this game just like calms your soul right like even though you're racing and competing i don't know i just find it really calming this is gonna kill it on mcc island like if this isn't on mcc island i don't know what they're running i've just realized that it's calming for me because i'm always on my own so i'm just chilling maybe for you guys it's like much more stressful because there's loads of people around you i think a little bit i think only because like we were sort of teetering in and out of that top ten um a bit weird yep i got very frustrated with myself during that just missing jumps that i shouldn't be and it kept just falling back down yeah and like some guys are so good at this you can't afford to miss a single jump you know crazy yeah part i want to figure out is the coming out of this tunnel and doing the uh that's what nikki just did was the exact thing that i kept doing i did that three different times just hitting the side of the wall and screwing me over yeah these red jump pads get a lot of people too oh you're rough you have to line those up yeah you just gotta stop for a second right and just take and just look where you're looking such a fun event though really love this one so cool yeah there's people in the chat talking about the trident but i think people don't realize people were more frustrated at bumping into other people or or like overticks meaning that you do a full charge on your end but the server doesn't recognize it rather than like being a weird melody it is a bit annoying but it's way better than this way like yeah the viewers don't realize how annoying it is when you are tridenting into other people yeah because on your on to them it's just chaos right it's just a mess but to the player like you can feel it you feel your momentum lose getting lost like it's just so frustrating bumping into people with the trident so i think it's a good change yeah it was way better yep yeah i think the problem is a lot of them don't want to bother with it on the training server because that course isn't built for the new trident i almost wish they would put in like a water wall or maybe a new water section on the training uh server just because i don't think it best shows off know how to use the new trident definitely um in the water for you right you don't actually have to boost yourself yeah i think that sort of takes some of the fun out of it yeah so i can't what did you what did you get there man uh 30th 30th nice dude that's good i'm pretty disappointed guys like three times i'm so ready for the cpk apology uh copy pasta tomorrow again it's always it's always callum puts my team's at like eighth or ninth place and then every event i'm like i'll take that apology now and he's now just got a copy pasta uh for it oh you beat me by exactly one second we don't have to worry about going first i i don't think uh i think uh all the games that we're good at orange is also really good at yep i mean look how close the points are though 1280 12 107 12 283 like basically we're all fighting for third at the moment but we could all leap into second i was about to say like i remember playing mcc a couple years ago where it was the top three were usually totally out of reach from the race to the pack yeah yeah but i mean scott has done an outrageous job balancing the teams like i know we look at these teams and we're like man these teams are stacked but scott puts in weeks and weeks of thinking trying to make these teams balanced and i mean look at the points look how bad i mean i think i think that comes from like information as well i think at the beginning you can only just like you know throw in the dark and not know but as you start to see players emerge you can start to figure out where they sit roughly in like a like a scale i mean it's all to play for here guys like if if somebody has a really good round here they can they can easily steal second here like i mean easily just snipe it now ren do you remember mcc nine when everyone predicted us to be sixth yeah yeah and then we end up dominating and then uh everyone's now saying how opie of a team it was but it was now it's like literally like people be like on the reddit yeah that was that was a broken team it's like no one thought fruit was that good when he was doing that other than like me nope nope exactly exactly and and you know like compared to today's standards of mcc that team is probably not that good anymore i'd say that team's real i think we dominate still i think you reckon oh yeah was the team was it was it you guys through and then who was the fourth false false oh yeah dude yeah that seems ridiculous still yeah that's actually yeah that is actually a pretty ridiculous team now though yeah that's wild i mean i'm by far the weakest link i'm i'm like the balancing the balancing beam you're the same out of that team all right and i'm happy to be the balancing beam two three i didn't realize i'm 11th overall in the event what's going on nice martin domination you'd love to see it man i'm seventh nicely done dudes i have a fireball what do i what i do with this thing oh that oh fire bomb save it don't show it don't show it don't show it save that save that we're going to get rid of parkour tag if people are voting for it yes yep so let people vote for it and then just ruin their day don't shoot everybody get out of my way okay i don't want to be are we thinking i'm thinking if you guys are proficient with bildmar i'm happy to play flo and we'll go for it apparently people are just some people in my chat were saying that it's more of a strat to complete only two builds rather than trying to do three i don't know i don't know who said that yeah oh ren get rid of parkour tag just in case just throw it at parkour attack i threw it nothing happened oh i never vote in time oops my bad did i miss i think it's part maybe maybe no it's not parkour [Music] so you guys do your builds i will run flex if anybody thinks their build's particularly complex or has awkward things to grab uh let me know the billboard is actually rough because gree this is green's one of green's basically that's fine we're not worrying about orange we don't care no no i said green i said lime oh greens sorry no yeah they're not better than us i thought you said green kit like these are big builders man no don't worry about us we're better than them um all right okay so martin whenever you have down time go grab like stone and stuff and if you grab extra stone go start smelting it or something like that just always make sure your time is doing something good and if one of us get a golden build your complete focus is on that i think i think marcus martin i think you should focus on the golden builds yeah definitely yeah but obviously running flex and now i'll grab stone yeah if you need something more awkward let me know i guess i'll gauge the first build and help out who's got a more complex one yep and then in between we'll tell you what we need you to grab and then once you bring it all back put in a chest then start just grabbing stone cobblestone uh sand just anything randomly sweet grab wood grab a lot of wood a lot of whatever yeah lots of different kinds of woods yeah absolutely people in my chat saying bing bong basically for the jingle jam the charity one we did we we called it build martin and i did loads of like uh like stuff like this where i was like i'll take far right i'll take mid or randy you went mid yeah what are you doing chad i need you spamming what colors i need red yellow flowers can you grab that white concrete for me uh martin white kind white concrete yeah i need purple white white orange white concrete and purple white orange for flowers we need stone and red smelt it's pink purple blue green [Music] all right white concrete to begin with oops uh concrete concrete is just on the colors isn't it i think stone uh that looks like concrete to me oh my gosh concrete there it is got it where's the nether stuff uh there's one other section i'm pretty sure okay what else we need uh is it is it down or up though it's up i'm pretty sure there's neither one there's no smelted stone okay um who needs that stuff okay yeah uh we're doing that what's it out back uh the white concrete is done if you did you're all sorted thank you can you place it actually if you want to yeah i've already done it before uh you need birch planks i can work on that unless you want me to grab something else or should i start working on wood i'll work on wood for a second i'll prioritize some birch logs purple i need purple grab 16 of each log sure i'll do that chat on this side [Music] oh man i didn't get the can you get some red near the wart uh yeah i'll work on that immediately uh redneck the wall yeah i'm with you i'll be there in two seconds we not get cobblestone from from stone what do you need to break this oh you have to go back and get okay i'll have to go back and get that do you have cobble mart martin get stone if you can can make sure uh stone stone's quite far out i'll come deliver this um nether wart first and then i will run out and grab a birch right i need birch planks too uh i haven't just yeah there's your nether wall i've just thrown it in the middle i'm putting some wood in the chest on the left uh i'll get birchwood now and then i'll grab stone as well i guess red so it was birchwood was it was it regular stone you need uh cobblestone cobblestone okay cool yeah we gotta smelt it yeah uh orange yeah how much vegetable do you need uh martin i need lime uh glass can you get me lime glass really quickly really quickly planks i'll be there in two seconds i'll grab this glass and i'll be there thank you two glasses yeah uh three limestone glass actually i'll grab it i'll grab i'll grab it i'll grab it i got it i got it i got it okay okay come back that finishes the thing i've got the birch i've got the birch and the glass right now i'm gonna get stone in the moment i'm gonna go get that right there is the lime there's the birch i will grab that stone for you i got it martin i got i got it okay i got a golden bill i got a golden build come help me with this mark uh lots of spruce lots of spruce go grab spruce i need an emerald gold redstone emerald gold rush i guess spruce before in this one let me check the gold redstone i've got okay i'm gonna get spruce that one's done emerald gold rod stone is this a diamond build like what what what is this the one that i had spruce that's jungle i don't know what spruce looks like uh is it this one here it's got me this one right surely yes bruce okay how many do you think we need of the spruce a lot a lot a lot grab tons of it it's so many trap doors it's expensive okay i'm gonna grab like 20 and then i'll come back i'm not playing one more get like 30. oh okay why can we not place how do we make uh smooth stone guys how do we make smooth stone um you have to cook regular regular stone yeah you can still touch things as well oh there's furnaces here oh my gosh okay wow that's uh that's my back i'm coming back with the uh with the spruce now it would have been nice to know that i didn't know it's all good i'm gonna keep this i don't know if i grabbed enough i'm back with the spruce logs uh or is it trapdoors what's the recipe it's just that isn't it yeah boom you could toss me all those if you want uh yeah there you go just throw them out by that crafting table thank you and then go focus on the other stuff i'll put more spruce in your chest just in case you have it oh sorry i'll put it in the chest for you those trap doors are in there okay thank you what do you need who needs help what about this thing what am i missing here uh see you got those ones there is it one block a win yeah um is it a flower type have you got the white flower there white flower touching orange you there oh there's an orange down oh no you got that one uh let me just do a check smooth stone slab stone slabs oh there's this one this one's off uh yeah how are you doing ready are you all good i'm going to grab you some cut some kind of glass red i did not see what's wrong here guys gonna be honest i thought sorry i thought you just lost it uh so that's two up and then there and then back by one what's the difference [Music] oh uh is it that i know that is on the diagonal um is this already awkwardly the orange flower it doesn't sit mid on the example build i'm martin what am i missing what am i missing what am i missing what am i missing um you're missing redstone in the wrong spot that's one of the most uh trap door there's a missing trap door man okay oh right here right iron bars red yellow pink red uh and then these are iron bars we need jungle wood and uh ren i'm helping you now it's pretty cool iron you only need iron if you're on the far left purple pink yellow red purple pink yellow red and was it glass or is it solid blocks uh we need uh salt blocks concrete concrete just one of each yeah yep one of each one of each and we need iron we have iron here wait ren i need i need you to talk to me what are you grabbing right now ryan remicon hayden when you're meeting me with me sorry sorry i've got the glass i've got the glass okay okay um i need did you get the iron yep got the iron what the colors that i need sorry for the concrete tell me the next thing that you need uh you need to grab because i can help you with that okay let's ram i got to build this thing firstly right right i'm just going to grab things while i'm waiting that's a build my plot is built wait what i have a plot still i thought it was done wait what your plot is a build please check it again are they talking about the one that you were helping me with oh it is a build yeah no i messed up i messed up my bed uh yeah you're back on your own sorry do you still have the white concrete uh martin like concrete uh white concrete uh i would have put it in the chest anyway uh i don't see any just yet let me check the other chests okay there's here white concrete here okay can you place it uh oh you need a lot of it hold it hold it okay i'll grab more i'll grab more just start yeah you definitely need to pull it out uh if you're not doing anything martin can you grab courts i'll come help you yeah i'm just gonna very quickly uh place these ones unless in fact cub i'm going to give you this stuff um inventory how much do i need to grab for you uh how much white concrete uh do you think i need martin um let me see it's one two three four five twenty five i guess because it's five each way i know actually no sorry um a bit more than that grab like 30 40. um and then we need quartz i'll go grab the quartz okay and then there was a wood there was a wood there was a wood uh i'm pretty sure we still got some birch i haven't used the bread uh it's all on you yeah i dropped everything on i've already played the red sorry all right i think i need cyan glass is anybody at glass and concrete sorry five seconds my brain's melting it was quartz wasn't it i needed it yeah quartz so that's some redstone please uh martin uh run speak to me again what did you need cyan glass black and pink concrete okay i can grab the cyan for you i can do that really quickly gloss yeah i grabbed a bunch of birch wood we don't need birch martin okay cool [Music] okay i'm grabbing a little bit extra just in case i'm grabbing all this quartz i don't know how much i mean i'm gonna have like a stack and then come back it was glass right or was it concrete uh cyan cyan glass i believe okay how much do you want uh loads loads how much like a whole uh box like a stack or how much yeah it's like a five by five so like 25. grab some oak yeah grab smoke if you can this is we'll see if i can work it out wait is it is it like cyan or is it like aqua i think it's cyan it's hard it's hard to tell they're saying it's light blue i'm in light blue or light blue yeah it might be light blue i don't know my old eyes of bad you're fine i got i got 35 do you think that's enough yeah yeah that should be good um i think that's all the quartz place those need the birch stairs and then i got them i got the birch don't worry we have uh oak logs right oh yeah i have all clogs i have a little yeah there's there's uh nine oak vlogs here perfect perfect perfect oh this is a gold build sorry i hadn't realized have you got everything you need for this right yeah oh this is a gold build yeah yeah it is yeah okay where's it should be coming back with the uh the glass yeah i just i handed you the light blue glass you guys need oak wood oak wood do you want to split the ball uh here local logs on me two oak logs on me there we go i think that's what we're going to get uh can i help you yellow i can't do anything there no no seconds around can i get it no i might not make that one i can help you but now is that it oh man it yeah we should have i should have called out the the gold one i didn't realize there was a gold one all good all right one block off that was horrible i didn't work all right i didn't do my best either sixth place that's not too bad we're still in contact yeah we should have that one guys man yes thanks we finished eight yeah that's fine we're still in six we're cutting right in there we're okay and look at orange what were they doing they got 4.5 k for that one we need a game that we can get a lot of points at the end what do you think would be the game well survival games survival games is usually the one yeah but i mean they have reworked it though having said that it's still probably our best bet let's go look at the uh games that are remaining we need something that like even if we're not confident in that we can get a lot of points in basically anything but parkour tag i would say yeah i think survival game games is probably the best shout survival orange park survival games battle box yeah i think we want sg yeah yep i think everyone's gonna go sg as well anybody in that two to two to seven range is gonna be thinking like that's the way to take it yep we all have to stick i'm going to be yelling at all of you get ready h you are you are sergeant major for this event my dude i'm going to do i'm going to try to do what i always think of the winning strat i'm just going to funnel you guys any ammo that i get is going straight to you pvp is i'm the main thing is just stick together there's power in numbers and we gotta survive the main goal is we gotta we gotta be the last surviving team yeah let's not take like we got wrecked last time because we took a fight for no reason at all and um i remember that to be fair even in the last event that i played um we engaged the fight it was a 4v2 and somehow we came out of it with like one down i was like uh what no it's because of the aoe right like the splash damage they can just wipe a team with like three potions you know if they explode at the same time you just got so you fart yeah you just pop yeah you do a little yeah that's our old age we can't keep it in yeah you just got to let it flow when you uh when you grow there's nothing worse than old man farts like actually is there any equipment in america like is there like a like a suite that i met like old people in america have like over here it's werther's originals that's like considered oh no it's the same it's like the caramel like little circular thing like a weird toffee little thing yeah yeah where this have got the market wrapped up three times multiplier oh boy surely battle box should we get any items uh it doesn't look like it nope no items quickly once someone's throwing an egg move back from the wall because i keep going through my egg after everyone else is there me and you will throw first and then be both back up and then let right here all right all right i mean do you guys think we'd be better at battle box honestly uh i don't think we'll get enough coins even if we do well to get up there yeah so i think it has to be that oh they won't battle box okay i'm tossing mine in four three two one all right take over from mice i'm good four three two one oh it's gonna be tight it's gonna be real close i don't know sg is back to this that mega chicken got out there i guess it could be parts yeah it could be parkour attack no no it's sg i'm pretty sure all right we just need that last chicken to just fall in there please chickens fall in you're like hovering oh thank god all right all right boys guys i'm gonna be yelling at you guys a lot like just a heads up go forward ensure that everybody's geared up if you're lacking food if you're lacking arrows like letters call it out stick together stick together stick together i would say the strategy here is to get loot listen to h that's straight together whatever h says look for names if you see names that aren't us like i constantly go behind trees and just shift and see if i could spot any names that are in the distance or coming towards us or anything like that and we could call and go the opposite way just we have to go we have to go away from spawn in our direction focus on being alive we need to come first we could do this guys we have to cheese kills at the end survive potions are huge potions are massive some brewing stands have potions in them keep that in mind i didn't know that yeah fruit fountain mcc so they're potentially let's do this this is how it ends mcc 17. it's good this has been fun by the way i've enjoyed myself yeah this is a really this is one of my favorite it's all been really close i keep putting down on the form like i'm happy to play for fun or to sweat and it seems like scott just keeps putting me on like the fun teams and i'm like yes keep feeding me good vibes yeah well it's it's fun like i thought i think we did pretty well i mean we were third before the last round it's like oh yeah we did ourselves here man we were third yeah no we did great that's pretty good not just i'm not going to make it away yeah running away we got the simmers and uh fruit bears and aluminum next to us if you see a chest on the way you can grab it but then immediately keep running as fast as you can gotcha oh you're going up here go up that way yeah we got green's team and the simmers to our sides they're going for the middle okay we could lean a little bit more to the left it looks like if we need to oh i'm not sprinting always be sprinting grab the second chest yeah i've got it uh nothing of great use in there keep running follow me boys on the way all the music hidden oh yes music movie you guys see anyone who are left or right by any chance or not uh no one's all right there is there is two chests to our right but might be risky to go for them i'd rather i have a chest plate for someone and a weapon on that one yellow to the left right behind us but it looks like i'm dropping orange oranges on my left as well okay just keep grabbing these chests we got this chest got a weapon if we need it here martin i'm dropping you a weapon on the chest i'm dropping him in front of the helmet barebow here if anyone needs it sorry i just threw a potion accidentally does anyone need a leather chest plate anyone need a leather chest plate right or under martin one of you take those i'm looking for names around you guys i see nothing i don't have a weapon currently that's my only downside anybody change my chest point i'm sorry i do i have an axe oh yeah yeah yeah yeah uh you need it no i got the legend just picked up i need to want wine i need any uh other armor other than chest plate possible uh i've got oh i've got nothing sorry um there's an iron chest plate here is everyone good for those yeah i got mine oh wait wait wait quick um ren you can take the iron one there anything else upstairs here there's more armor i've got iron armor uh up here iron pants anybody the iron paper i need iron pants i need iron pants i got a quick charge bow if we could find a anvil if you've seen an anvil call it out h i've got an iron hat for you perfect i need any armor possible stick together stick together quick charge i'm looking for uh do you have any arrows any arrows in yours yep pants right there on you right there thank you i need boots out here we'll need food we've got orange i'm trying to go for chestnut i feel like we're not moving yeah yeah yeah no we're just getting geared up okay everyone over here reconvene recon stick together turn around turn around over here there's tons of chestnut yeah let's go for it let's go for it screw it team behind us yep just stay together uh do we have a boat we might be a sitting duck actually i got a bow i got a bow not a boat boat boat okay um okay there's pink there's pink they're gonna be coming for us there's teams all around us we gotta focus right now go follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me we need to get away actually wait no no no turn on turn on turn around orange is in that direction yeah yeah pink is turning around this way and they're going to go for that we go this way i got shot oh they're firing from above that's fine let them waste their arms let them waste their hours i'll take any hours i can get follow me boys in the water just can't lie get low in the water breathe whenever you need to make sure you eat one already dead border shrinking just get to the land now they're going to be following us they're following us be careful yeah i think i think we can get out the water earlier um or like less less of a steep incline yep they're following us just be ready yeah they think we're low we're not i'm low i'm happy hello you're having a lot of an apple here if i'm on my name all right apple here someone uh they are coming after us just being mindful of that yep yep yep just keep running run towards the thing run towards the middle area yeah oh shoot aluminum's right here [Music] i'm going to place tnt on my feet tnt at my feet be careful uh oh yeah yeah there's one right on your tail yep uh i'm going to go go go around go run around this way around this way sorry hate we've had to spice off a little bit yeah i have a little bit of engage in the the whole team's on this whole team's honest about the throw potion right keep running oh man that potion just never pops illumina whom is behind you he's half he's he's low he's low one shot oh he's he's he's been he's falling back he's falling down i can't take fruit and illumina yeah i got good damage on them but i can't take both oh man that is unfortunate we ran into that team man i just need to find another team to get these guys off of me i have a cake ready to go i could get away pretty i see another team i don't i don't think they're following you anymore h they're not are you sure i'm pretty sure yeah they're gone okay there's a guy next to me that i'm gonna try killing come here aunt i need to murder you he's in granny armor he's alone yeah i think he's the only one on the team i don't know if i should be taking that fight i need to go find food now i need to stick to the border find food i have a damaged pipe coming up to green okay two chests in the in the chin oh you got green team down there to your left be careful that's fine i just need food timmy's tell me if they're coming for me uh they haven't oh have you noticed you yet great i think you're good oh now timmy's just walking here i see you that's fine they aren't chasing though i don't think no you're good you keep on pushing that way they seem to be around the other side of the mountain okay i just need to survive right now yeah the way we win is by me squeezing out kills towards the end and surviving chest to your right and all the way at the top of that mountain two chests okay i see it thank you there's a guy there there's a guy there going up it's uh ants again okay i might have to go there you go nice good tag he's running off oh anything good in those chests for you i don't know i had to scare him off though that was the main goal i don't think he got there before you did chain mail chat uh boots coming quick yep [Music] i have to look for name tags now and just be smart need to be smart squeeze kills when i can i should have probably chased after i am there but what could you do and it's going mid looks like it no no who's this breed that's dream dream is alone mid i don't want to take that fight if i can avoid it aunt ran off this red and green or engaging mid okay i'm gonna camp the only person between you and mid right now is was ant but you've got such a clear run all the way to mid yeah there's nobody around you right now that's fine i'm not moving we need to be smart about this right now care green's coming from your ride far on the border they've gone they've gone to the back left corner basically okay oh uh fruitin is engaging green back left i mean this might you might be able to pick up some i think i need to get in front of three yeah i think so i got a shot on that 4v3 pink and green are engaging really hard pick up lava tnt down oh my goodness [Music] yep thorns you cheesy boy you cheesy boy come here ann i need to kill you i need points yeah i assume i've got my bow ready he fell that was a good play but green coming for you green behind you in the water oh ain't dodged got him nice i'm gonna die behind you oh god how close is he behind me how close are they behind me you're fine you're fine right you're engaging you're fine now they're engaging okay you're good i need to heal that's the main [Music] there's some graves in front of you here yeah i see them uh orange above you directly above you they haven't spotted you no they have now green seen you right orange i need to dodge if i can get a big potion on them i'll be happy they're coming to cut you off they're going to cut you up here [Music] yeah this is me going down yeah nothing i could do about that corner nice try man yep i got down to half a heart from aunt's lava i didn't even realize that you doubled our score on your own dude gg yeah well done man ggs we did our best we take those oh man no dub but i feel like we played really well i we paid well we were very unfortunate to run into the base pvp team in the on the map yeah that was yeah and aluminum they can move like crazy so yeah they catch you no matter what are all four of them alive this is the game man this is the pink parents game aluminum and vixella i guess is also alive i got pete down to half did some damage to asby did some damage to myself i can't complain mage is a live ball on his own chilling in uh in leather armor it's adorable he's doing so well too dodging and weaving nice right final engage here we go oh that was a big potion these are two big pvp teams oh my goodness who's dead zeus died pixels dude parrots oh if they can pull this off they might make dodgeball maybe that freak is dodging and weaving like crazy false with that bow though deadly the false you got to go in you got to go in false tv one heal up green and false against fruit oh false with the boat can green be the fruit killer the dream killer in the fruit killer he's low they got him he's a half a heart just swing nice wow [Music] right seventh yeah team placements we got fifth all right middle of the road i mean i'll take it how does i'm so confused on how the scoring is working right now we got seventh in that score did that move us up how'd that work i i guess the teams above us must have done real bad aluminum fruit wow man impressive yeah they really did well stress so much stress so much stress yeah oh my goodness sg at the end is the worst see orange and pink explain i will take that it would have been orange and orange and pink the pink really needs to accelerate we called at the beginning dudes i think oh baby not surprised at all i was practicing with a dream and dream said he doesn't see pink parrots getting a dodgeball i was like i'd be surprised if they're not top five this is yeah never doubt the two best players right now do you think they're just gonna are they gonna funnel strat do you think they'll just feed um wait i don't know because the thing is is false is nuts with a bow her her hit ratio is massive yeah she's again really good espy's to be honest they're all really good can't really call this one to be honest if we see any funnel in it will be on the pink side but i reckon orange might be a more even spread to be honest i mean as a hermit i'm going to throw my head on onto orange so i'm absolutely yeah an orange finger but i mean fruits my boy too so this is tough this is a real tough one yeah this is exciting i'm okay with either team winning to be on i want green to get his first win but like i'm excited to see uh zeus and vixela in there this is gonna be like playing a bunch of them as well they've been doing really well yeah oh that was stressful i came in 11th just outside of top 10. nicely done dude oh i didn't actually see what my overall was ugh man it was build mod let us down there man our communication wasn't great i don't know yeah i messed up a build i didn't i didn't even know there was furnaces on the back wall dude there was no clue you know that build with the white car it was my bed i genuinely thought the builds were done in that and i was like okay i got to move on to help render someone else oh yeah that's right that was so difficult oh really yeah it doesn't look like a build it was just like a little like pathway that went up yeah yeah i placed the white concrete little tetra shapes and then i left you to it yeah i got i finished it but man that was upsetting i i want that one gone yeah yeah oh there's no gecko or hopper oh dang it i don't i see i i see them i see the massive no no no the yellow yeah from uh avatar oh right yeah it makes me sad and i want to see the green geckos the assaults are adorable though i like the ocelot yeah they're awesome that's cute i don't know who i want to root for to be honest orange for sure it is yeah it's a tough one i'm going orange you got you gotta have two you gotta throw your hat for your boy fruit man yeah well i'm not worried about fruit winning i kind of like fruit and aluminum have already won pete falson as oh no sb hasn't won yet either green hasn't won either green hasn't won either yeah yeah no i thought it was just green versus like i didn't realize sp didn't win i thought it was one v2 that happened one yet but it's too big one twice i think or three times even yeah i think she's twice she won two in a row i think that's it yeah she won two and all right i think she's the only person with the seven gifted subs thank you thank you all right here we go then green straight up to the back they're probably going to dance around for a little bit illumina's got it on the pink side lines up aiming for pete seems like they've got their pecking order already decided if you have anything to take the shot who do you pick off uh either aluminum or fruit whichever one's closer to you definitely green gives up the arrow all right pete's taking the first shot feeding falls going going out of it gotta get through that if you can freedom imagine both of them for right now just a sniper with that bow my goodness link is so grumpy today stop it stand still to watch bud luminaires zeus like i predicted it seems as though orange are actually not funneling they're actually having a nice go at spreading out the uh yeah spreading that the victory this is what we want to see it's more interesting rather than one person shooting thank you i got absolutely decimated on twitter saying that fun lin's boring in the first event everyone cried about it so if somebody else agrees bam wow the thing is it's boring for everyone who's not watching the one person shooting that's yeah it's very exciting for the one person's like viewers that are shooting i just it doesn't feel it doesn't feel good i don't like it okay guys suspension for as long as possible all people are not missing on illumina i'm assuming that both arrows are over on the pink side now they're sliding up oh that was gone oh my god both arrows on the right people gotta get illumina zeus is doing like all the moonwalk strats on his head too zeus oh my goodness okay here we go i'm loving seeing that neither side is um it's funnelling this is great with how devastating oh no i don't hate that at this point in the of a round just deadly deadly man bam bam polly won an mcc coin because the parrots are on it so for season two i think has won once i don't think pete's won once in season two so i don't think he's gotten that coin yet oh i guess yeah i guess even if they have one previously they've not got i guess they've got their place in all stars but not another coin oh symmetry taken out immediately by illumina they're on the move too i mean he wasn't even standing still when he took that shot oh no no it was green passing an arrow piece immediately passed it back it's like nope at the corner he wanted them he's lining up zeus vixel are lining up seems like they're aiming for sb right because he's probably gonna land on i think nice orange ready one screen to get involved here and take a shot dude you're better than you think come on dude oh my goodness it was super close that's me lining up he's pretty good at tracking him i think he'll get vixela not this shot when the next one he does he's closed the angle as much as he can there in that position on the board i've got to ask what does based mean sure is that a good or a bad thing uh i think it's a good thing someone told i asked us to call someone basic it's like it doesn't sound good right bass means i think like you speak your mind all right okay you don't care you're based oh i really hate the knocks crew i'm hella based gir knox crew rubble rubble on the oh nice i'm so nervous i'm just going to fall off yeah he's teetering on the edge there it's like he's ever fallen off yeah dodgeball yeah he fell off last time cece oh jeez i feel like didn't he do that on purpose didn't he do it for like the birthday i think he said that but i don't think he's going to be taken out dream's not the kind of guy to kill himself during dodgeball on purpose yeah yeah pete oh peter mister if she saw it yep oh careful careful they've already huddled up there aluminum freed her out this is a good opportunity for orange to try to get a point here it's beautiful well done 1v2 zeus what can you do baby welcome to mcc he's been practicing a lot i know that he has he's been absolutely killing it in battle box zeus has been smashing it that's fine yeah all right give [Music] korean with the ice water flowing through his veins baby got the skills can i get a sheesh in the chat uh sheesh uh sheesh does anyone want to sheesh [Music] and they managed to pull it back nice yeah they like there was a single turn where they just took out fruit and illumina yep it was huge it's been let's be lining up all fruits oh my god well to be honest that doesn't mean much we've seen them like hold their own the simmers here we came back we came back from zero two down h mama take the win baby my two dodge first review reverse sweeps excellent just missing oh narrowly missing pete jeez false hasn't taken a shot at a while lining up give back the wheels false got it yep she's lining up i'm feeling the double whammy here don't know why your feeling was incorrect the double whammy dodge jeez i went on the opposite side because i'm like hey guys i see us with the miss who got who went out green green's gone yeah both arrows on the orange side though do they divvying out too oh foster's got one i don't even realize i don't think they've even realized either vic seller almost went into the lava there oh beautiful this would be the best thing possible if vixela pulls us back i'd be so happy it would be he's a big huddle there in mid i reckon you could definitely get a tag this is the time to do it like when the so the reason why 1v3 is possible or like a little bit easier than people think is because the uh the board the the thing is so much closer together so it's much easier to accidentally kill someone nice than like uh they're talking about one false false get scenario she's not giving you a chance to get back into it let's be honest it's not no pulse goes needed two hits there she wanted to take that one all right all right this is where this is i think he tried to go for a quick shot on through but this fire it could have been just to scare him off it's not a bad idea human are not going with a quick shot this time around too yeah i don't want to learn something error of his ways brilliant nice lineup oh that was close they have both pink as both i think the main thing with dodgeball is to take a deep breath isn't it yep make the other question if you've got both arrows nice that's what fruit does see how this plays out all right it's the hermitson show who's going to let their hour fly first i'm going to put my bets on great same time wow they must have counted that yeah that was actually perfect don't ever count it down i hate that it's from three shots in this round i tell you what false's movement is unreal like there's like head turning there's like a single stacking she moves so quick too right from the jump yeah position like she goes forward so quickly yep fruit and aluminum are upset yeah they would be an epic comeback right here mike oh my god yeah first ever i'm pretty sure oh well that's one down one aluminum up top get fruit here what do they do they funnel fruit here or i think they're falling fruit oh no zeus take them off round five last turn around for falls to carry there oh man brutal this is the way we want it i love it goes this long this is why i'm funneling like i hate it because normally when you funnel it's so quickly over but the drama that this presents is so much more fun to watch yep here we go [Music] for all the marbles yep this is good though two arrows one side psb one high one low see what they go for nice i don't think that's what he was aiming for but he'll take it it's been trying to trying to catch frequently backwards today but oh vixela just took the head for uh that would be a big hit oh he gets it why me i told you immediately green's like no the grain train is coming breathe green take your time there's no stress on you right now it's just stress on them chat just piling on the pressure brain train the audience let's see it he's making a speech right now i guarantee him no he's never making a speech i can just i can in my head i can hear his peep going all right green you just want to slow it down breathe out good try good job double quick shot there that was very close i think green's smart to hold off on yes lovely it was smart to hold off on that second oh nobody didn't have the second arrow phenomenal this would be the clutch of the year right here this is the grain train it's staying on the tracks it's steady his calm is collected it's rolling into the station get illumina get aluminum focus aluminum it whoever hits it wins green's movements let's go oh green can definitely bring this home let's go green come on train two shots two shots let's go come on unfortunately second shot coming in make him make him want to hunt for that arrow no way i can't take this dudes i think if the first arrow misses he just goes for the arrow as soon as he can i i think don't give zeus a second chance now wow dude oh yes come on come on oh my god it's time korean i don't think my old man can hold this it's gonna burst yeah it's green let's go insane grain train i can't wait to watch green's reaction to that oh i'm so happy they dominated the entire event fantastic yeah that was the best team three thousand points clear of second place dominated in numerous games absolutely insane i'm so happy for green man i know i know what this means to him this just means the world to him right now to all of them really he could stop putting me down on the list with me domination mcc domination from false symmetry right there geez gg green i don't know if you guys have talked to scott about this absolutely but whenever green puts in a uh like his next thing for the next game oh sorry i was wearing that entire time i was yelling i was so happy i was trying to say uh what i was saying was every time uh green puts in like his resume to come into the next mcc he'll always put down fruit pete or h-bomb just someone really good yeah oh i'm so i was happy with either one winning but i'm happy it was green come back with the 1v3 yeah dude just the suspense that's that's why i love like even playing dodgeball because you just get such a good story yeah the thing is he didn't just come back 1v3 he came back 1v3 against some of the best players in the entire league yeah yep yep that was not like that was an insane thing that green just did there wow sixth overall too man wow he's smashed at this event if he at any point in the future like downplays himself we could now all tell him that he's been silly yeah it was just false on that team that didn't get in top ten i'm sure he was close as well yup i gotta scott scott squeaked me out of top ten by less than uh by 30 points uh dang it thank you i'll get you for that scots major i'll get you next time teammaker look at this all right boys ggs thanks for the fun thank you very much for fun man are any of you gonna keep streaming after this are you all done for the day i'm done uh yeah it's pretty late for me as well yeah head off i might chill for half an hour or so but nothing more well if you're gonna chill for half an hour i'm probably gonna send my viewers over to you if you're down okay that sounds good okay i'm gonna go talk to him for a little bit that was so much fun gg guys that was awesome gg guys everybody well played old man well played all play-doh the purple p-paws we did our job great we showed them a routine time all right bye guys bye oh that was good i'm very happy with how we played unfortunately survival games we got uh we got sandwiched at a bad time between uh the simmers the fruit and illumina and uh orange didn't want to take either of those hits and aluminum fruit popped off ah i think i did all right on my own but you did so good this event your performance and saw it was perfect it was the 60 hertz with the 240 practice for vault hunters the stanza time i'm excited to go back and look at because i feel like i played stanza time really well there was some down time that i had that i didn't like that i need to go back and review but i'm very happy with how i played i was very cautious over the uh the lava which people are gonna find funny how slow it was going but since i just got a vault i couldn't i had to be smart i was just slowly like just like it was safe but i was like [Music] your tunnel for red vault was very good yeah i wanted a tunnel for gold vault but i don't think we ever find the gold key i want to talk about how i nailed the puzzle i the chat might have been telling me but i wasn't looking at chat i was like my brain can do this my brain too big the oldies didn't do too bad you showed them youngins who's boss we showed them youngins the games that i thought we would do well and we end up not doing amazing other incentive times like the uh i thought we'd do better than grid runners i'll be honest and i thought we'd do better in build mart i feel like we all just had off moments on build mart nah that's kind of it uh sky battle that was the best sky battle performance i've ever had like by far dude this the 240 hertz change from 60 hertz only you had experience with grid runners yeah yeah no one else played it no one else played last mcc i'm not gonna use that excuse though i should have been able to lead a little bit better uh ella thank you for the 12 months happy one year off his shoebox thing for the three months kylie pomo is a bear is a bear no mocha thank you for the bits yeah good job we did well but this is all green the clip of insane don't do lava parkour while you edge over the lava pit makes it into the highlights me too i want to go grab that really quick that was so funny to me fake alaska thank you for 100 bits oh that was fun i'm happy with how it went uh h194 it was i gotta look back at survival games and see what i could have done better whether it was just uh such a fun mcc by myself or with the team i thought they were all closer to me and then illumina was able to cut me off and then i was able to make illumina go backwards but he kind of went back to his team and i couldn't get the final kill on him joyce thank you for the five gifted thank you thank you dream raid hello raiders oh my god i'm gonna have so many people coming in and saying hi welcome welcome everyone we love dream here dream is now hosting with 108 000. howdy that's my other uh oh dream it's no longer just me and you now we're competing with pete me dream pete now all four wins one of us has to gets it has to get it dream i wanted you to win if i didn't win the beloved hello hello yo thank you so much for the the raid slash host dream you're nuts how would you play today if you're actually down to going to call i'd love to hear what you played it was honestly so fun to watch it was it was so much fun oh by the way right now i'm looking for uh there was a really funny moment in sands of time where uh uh wren was telling my team not to do lava parkour and i just like nope i'm doing it welcome everyone thank you for the massive raid i hope you guys all had a good stream over there thank you thank you oh my god so many subs matt thank you for the 10 gifted thank you thank you football time oh yeah jim's gonna go watch college football true he's heading out immediately it's gonna be like me tomorrow i watch nfl dream watches college welcome everyone he gonna go watch football i don't blame him i'll talk to them tomorrow i'm gonna do a massive vod review tomorrow uh okay i got it up i'm gonna cover my face i don't need to see me concentrating like an idiot there we go just just cover it right over no need that at all vad review honestly i'm kind of hyper do you guys want to do some vod reviews i'm coming back yeah i'm fine don't come find me just drop it nfl is tomorrow h yeah no dreamwatch is college football college football saturday nfl's sunday yeah thank you guys for all the subs and bits anyone new here you see where i'm at i'd appreciate a follow the easiest way of supporting content creators he was placing torches though that the blue key how dream doing uh sounds of time i don't think i saw him die but i don't know what i didn't see what team came second and third just us and first yeah i did yeah i did there's there's more stuff down there i didn't get everything though okay it's risky that's why i love sounds of time i have the red key uh no not i've never yet okay scott's major kicked me out of top 10 chat for anyone new here i came in 11th he beat me by 30 coins good job guys sans of time is always super fun to watch sans of time is my favorite dude dangerous parkour because that might be i'm so excited for when island comes oh oh here we go where can we find the green key find the green key in another puzzle room somewhere i'm doing a bit of a risky park over here boys i'm not gonna lie be careful mark no doubt how are we looking on sand guys i'm getting the red key i'm getting in the right team wants to call back oh does he oh i see him uh what is that how do i get up there time 120 hello sir how's it going good thank you for the gigantic freaking raid of course i looked at who was live oh his life sure that's me how was your uh i heard you died in sands of time what happened oh um it's kind of hard to explain like i didn't no so tommy died and then i was trying to i like went to him and i was trying to get his stuff and he he died to like the big things but he died in lava but wait what do you mean big things the ravagers the ravagers but like he died i guess he fell on lava when he died and so like the coins were in the lava and so i was like standing next to it and then tommy like jumped into like with a gapple to try and grab it and swim out but i guess you can't get out of the lava once you're in it which we didn't know wait wait but i didn't does the gold not disappear if it's in lava no it's at the bottom it's i didn't know that it's at the bottom it's like he jumped in and he grabbed it but then he couldn't and he wouldn't be able to swim out and live if he'd be able to get out but like he didn't he couldn't like it just it's like a slab and you can't swim out of it and then like um i when he was dying and he was swimming up i was like on the right side and i realized like oh he he oh like if he dies if i'm near him i might like just pick his coins when they fall you know and so i tried to run over to him and i just like tripped and fell in the the same lava as him and then i i couldn't swim out i think i know exactly we both literally just we both literally just died and said like right right at the end like we were gonna be either second or first i'm pretty sure we're gonna be first actually i think i i think i did the bit that you're talking about too like it was like lava like not too hard parkour but then there was a ravager at the end there was no no there was two ravagers and they were like guarding like a lava there was like it was like the floor was kind of like riddled with lava holes like it wasn't even like lava parkour yeah like there was just it was just awkward jumps i remember that i i panicked and i was just like to my team i'm like i might have just set off some ravagers be careful when you get back home like our plan the plan we had worked like so perfectly like it was just it was like uh tommy didn't realize how much the damage the ravagers did then he died and then like i ran over and then once i was i do fair even if i had gotten out i think we still would have gotten like third or fourth even with tommy dying but then i i like i just it was so annoying i just slept and fell and you slipped on a banana peel yeah so that was that was unfortunate that cost us a lot but what were some other uh good games that you had like what do you feel like you did get him what do you feel like you did bad on i think i think i literally think we were in like the top three in every single game except for build mart where we did like almost last place and then uh dude attends time which we did almost last place my team did really poor in build mart i was so we got we got eighth i thought that was like literally our game the old man game but we did not do well i said on my stream like i genuinely think i'm gonna ask before i play an mcc like is is billboard on the roster and if it is i'm just i'm just not gonna play i just i just don't have fun during it like that's the only thing i think if i like we did poor we did just we did worse in santa time than build mart but i felt great after same time like that was really fun we just messed up you know whatever then after billboard i literally like i'm just deflated like i just feel like i just can't i feel like i just want to end stream every every i don't think i've ever not had a build mart where i just wanted to end stream right after the building was over and like we had a strategy and everything and like the thing is like i think i was probably more frustrated this time because we had like a strategy where we were we were working on only one build and like it was working really well and then there was like a build that looks like it's the floor for some reason like i don't know that was mine too i i thought i was done with it i went to go help another build yeah exactly and we did too it's like or but the thing is our whole strategy was to just work on one build until we finished it and so because we thought that build was done we started working on the other builds and like getting last place on those we were getting first on like every build and so if we had just if we had known that if like that build hadn't shown up we would have we might have gotten like first in build mart or something but like that build showed up and it like looks like the floor and so we left that building we're like what like we ran out after like four builds or something and so we left the floor and then it like totally like grew so i definitely felt more like i thought that probably made me feel like maybe like the kind of the same time door or whatever that's how i felt the same i was like what is this design why is it yeah why is there a thing on the floor the signs of time dora i actually like that but i didn't like that they didn't like give us a warning about what it was like you were like the beta tester for that yeah exactly like either a way out even if it's complicated or risky or like a warning like that that's exactly what i said i was just like i have no i just walked in and then i was like because i've been through like 100 doors that are exactly the same and i've never gotten whatever yeah yeah but like you know i was i was so like i was like i literally just felt like i feel like i've been so good at like you know being whatever like i i feel like i've even like in games like i do poorly and are like we do poorly and like i was like fine like i didn't even like i said we did we got less points at the same time than we did in build more but build mart just like felt horrible and the problem is like also it's getting played so late every time and so it's like i just feel like it's that's gonna be like a continuing trend i think it's because a lot of the teams that the pl the top players like you know are bad at build mart and so i think it's just like uh it just ruins my fun like i think that i just i like i might i would probably just like skip an mcc if it doesn't have like unless i could revamp it or something and i try it out how would you want it revamped i don't know i don't know like honestly like i had a lot more fun up until that one build on build mart working on one build with my team because at least it felt collaborative like super collaborative where it was like we're all working together on this one thing you know yeah like that definitely that felt way better to me than like just normal but even then i i just feel like i don't know well that's why i kind of like build more i like team games so like build mart isn't like the best feeling game but i like that we have to communicate so much and that's why i love like survival games as well also dream can you can you watch the screen yeah i'm looking at it me not looking at chat i freaking nailed this look how smart i am yeah that's awesome oh you'd be proud of my sky battle dude i actually like i feel like pvp today i did very well like a sky battle i got six kills or something like that and our team came third or fourth nice which i did i did poorly on sky battle but it was only because i i fell off early i think two rounds like and then the one round i lived i got four kills and i did really well but the other rounds i just i i like i felt i think i was like the first person to oh no i was like one of the first people to die in the in the first round of sky battle and then i just got shot off when i was bridging and then i was like oh god dude bridging's a nightmare it's scary so like most teams will avoid you like at the beginning i was so nervous that every team was gonna like come towards like you know like at the beginning how you choose like right or left which island to go to i just assumed that everyone was gonna go to the one that we were going to and we got away with it we didn't like end up seeing like anyone at all going to the islands we were going to which blows my mind because i want to know who was on the other side that they were willing to take a fight with rather than us yeah oh that's funny what uh what placement did you end up with in uh sands of time yeah oh it sends a time uh me or i guess our team i don't even remember it was like maybe like seventh or something instead of time well for two people dying that's actually pretty good yeah i mean like we pop we would have gotten first if we didn't if neither of us died the thing is like it was like we were like about to leave like it was just it was like it was so unfortunate like and it wasn't even like the thing is like it wasn't even like really tommy's fault he just hadn't really dealt with the ravagers before and then like they just they kind of just owned him and then like the thing is and we would have been able to save it if there wasn't the lava there because of the coins the only reason like we were able to grab the coins and then go back if the coins weren't in the lava because he was like in the one block lava that was right there like we couldn't get the coins and then leave so we would have gotten just a 20 reduction we still would have gotten i think second um but so i don't know we did we all did really really well it was it was literally just that i was going to say how did uh carl and punk do did they do well they did great they did great i mean that's what we did an amazing job at san keeper i didn't i haven't seen his vod but he got a good amount of coins and he was really you know honored with the sand and then um you know everything and then punk seems to do amazing i mean obviously we had we had 2 100 coins i think without with two people with two people dying yeah that's insane so it was it was really good i mean we our whole team did i'd say like equally uh amazing that's good um punk did really well as sand keeper for us too like he was saying like how he didn't feel like he was doing a good job but it's not like like you're not like under like this the sand keeper is so stressful because you feel like everything's like crumbling around you and just watching it like you also feel like you're not doing too too much but you like keeping the other team in check like all the other players is so important like if you're able to sand keep just not have everyone die and relax everyone it's so important it's so good yeah it's also annoying because if i if even if i just had not died like and my death is so fortunate i don't know exactly how i fell in i have to i want to go back and watch it because like i never missed like i don't think i've ever missed a parkour jump in some of the time like ever like even there like i don't think i even i'm not sure if i missed something if i just didn't see the lava and i walked into it like because i think there's like just lava scattered around but i don't know i guess i'd have to i'd have to i'd have to look and see and and see what exactly what happened but i'm going to pick you up because i wanted to i fell in it was just it just it was so it was so unfortunate like because even if i had just gotten out and tommy wasn't i think we still had like 3k coins um and like we would have still or more than that i think slightly more than that actually what place did your team uh come in at the end uh seventh i think okay yeah you like if you surprised that it was it was literally just build mart and then that like if we were in dodgeball if bill maher isn't played and and uh since the time we we don't scuff it we get dodgeball we probably get first place like every other game we like popped off i was gonna say were we supposed to play sans of time fifth or what happened there um yeah i i looked it updated like last second i guess their their api like updated faster i think because like i really wanted to play parkour tag like santa time it show it shows now on the pole like as of right now that sense of time has slightly less votes than parkour tag like that's so surprising i i was like looking at i'm like ah we're playing par quartet because that's definitely our worst game i was very happy that we didn't get to play parkour tag at all and i was like oh god this is demotivating then all of a sudden sans of time pops up and i was like is that a good thing or a bad thing because i wanted to save that for last cause i knew our team was going to do well in it oh dude the the world of parkour tag was played right then i think even i think with parkour tag played even with build mart i think we still go to dodgeball like honestly i just think we do but your team was really strong at uh park i think we would have i think we would have won parkour tag by like a thousand coins or something like ridiculous damn the thing is like something the thing i told mcc before was like my suggestion was that they just have the the eight games that are going to be played chosen beforehand and then and then we can choose like the game order right like with the voting i feel like we spent but like our entire team spent by far the most time practicing parkour tag and it's not even played and then now like it's completely wasted time where we spent we probably spent like i don't know 30 hours or something total combined like practicing our course and that's like a ridiculous amount and then and then it wasn't played it's like all right well and i told them that before the same thing it was like that was the reason that was the reasoning i gave was like teams that practice and then like they you can only like practicing ten games versus practicing eight games and then also if you practice a certain game and then it doesn't get played it's just so disappointing yeah i i do like the rng factor because if it is kind of like picked out what was going to happen it would kind of be sad good like like if we knew that all pvp games were going to be played we probably have no chance of winning and like parkour tag being played as well so you could know that they're like and i think also it's like they can they can like then they can pick it and then mcc can be in charge of like what you know making sure the games are different each time and so on because like one of the things to me it's like i think that i think it's not good to have like a game like build mart played every time i think it's not good to have a game like parkour tag played every time like i genuinely think that like or like a hole in the wall it's been in every mcc but one i want it gone that's what i'm saying so i think it'd be better they can choose like oh these games have been played too much we're going to move them out of the rotation for this you know this month and then we're going to move them back in and then you just be able to can you watch the screen for a second i just have a very important question yeah i can't hear what's going on but uh what was this potion for i i don't even know i think i just were you mad at them what damage is that i just i don't know why i threw it i think i was just like i don't have nothing no other use for it oh this is a different one i had another like i think the parkour is probably very simple four ravanger parts like how how are there four different parts with ravangers at this mcc that's so interesting i went through four different ones like that's ridiculous i can't believe you're oh so you're killing them so you have a chance of getting like tommy's already died at this point right yeah he's died yeah i'm just killing them to get rid of their stuff and like they're like they're so beefy like they take like so many hits to kill like i hit them like so many arrows and then so many sword heads it's like his stuff is in the back corner you see it burning back there oh yeah far left okay i see it so what trigger like were the ravagers i could go back but it's like the ravagers like did something trigger them to come out are they just there i think they're just in there interesting i wonder if there's no for sure but i saw this and i'm like all right i can't get that and then tommy's here and he's like should i go in with the apple and i'm like all right sure try and go in like i think you could do that jump with water but i run into go here and then he's dying i oh that's what happened i took fall damage yeah what how did i take fall damage wait go back how did i take fall damage how high was that jump i think that's like three and a half or no it's probably three because that's a half slab up and then you jump you think two and a half two and a half three and a half oh wait oh it's down wait two and a half three and a half okay so from like over here that's one block two blocks two blocks two and a half so yeah with jumping it's three and a half you're gonna you're gonna take a slight little jump thing from that so annoying i guess i just i just miscalculated i didn't think i was gonna take a yeah i was trying to get there before he died so like i needed to get there quick yeah oh i get what you're trying to do like you were trying to get there as he died you actually picked up the stuff yeah so i pick up the stuff oh that's smart yeah was he not able to get out like at all no i i wasn't able to either you can't swim out i think you could do that with water i guess just not lava because yeah you can't it's because you're taking damage i guess you just can't and it's so so dumb yeah that's so dumb that's 4.6 k that's uh that's unfortunate oh like after i was really optimistic afterwards i was like all right we still got 2k like we're only down by this much like we have we have a good chance you know whatever like i didn't i don't really care it's also just the fifth game that's also the thing and i just knew it was just like it was in my control like i made a mistake tommy made a mistake like that was like us i feel like and then i feel like that's what that's what makes me that's why i build my it frustrates me i just feel like it's completely out of my control like just 100 percent i feel like i have no control over what happens yeah it's really this one like the biggest thing that i think it was just the build that looks like the floor like our whole strategy relied on us doing that build over and over and over again because we would get first place over and over and over again and it was working we were like in third place or whatever for a while and then like we just needed to finish that build get first and then we'd have another gold build and we'd be able to get first on that gold build as well and then we would have gotten so many points but then the whole the dumb build show that looked like the floor and it just like totally i i know exactly strategy i i literally did the same exact thing as all of you two like literally i just i looked it i was like oh i'm done with this part let me move on and help someone else uh oh how'd you do an ace race i did good i think i got third oh that's insane me and martin same team we got we were one after the other right in front of us uh puns was beating us by like a second or something like that and at the very end you just see him fall into lava as like the last like four jumps as you're going through it it's like oh hey we're sixth and seventh now that's funny uh people are saying watch your sg what happened to sg think my time my team died really early and i was just alive for a little bit running around that's yeah that happened this is what's about that it's about to happen it's i think it's right after this build yeah oh wait no it's the next it's the next one it's the one after this one we were just getting first built like first completion and so yeah that's big points that's actually really smart i know we we i don't know like right now we're in second obviously i think there's this build then i think it's i think it's out after this i think what's going on with carl here hang on i gotta yeah he's like a little angel that's funny is there one more there might be one more build after this too i don't even know it's like he's swimming in the air it's beautiful okay yeah it's after this one probably oh it's yeah it's after that one you are there's a caller one sorry right now we're in fifth but we're gonna we're about to get the gold bills that's the thing is people are getting gold bills right now um we're about to get first gold builds like that's that's what that the whole strategy is like it relies on the long game yeah and we were one one away from it with the whole dumb thing that happened so yeah it already happened i i hate it it just looks so dumb we all like my our whole team saw it and our whole team just moved on like because it doesn't even like yeah you can see it's elevated but it looks like it's like oh this is the done podium yeah yep that's exactly what i thought cause like the stairs like the stairs connect the slabs connect like everything connects like why would they do that i don't that's like the dumbest thing i could think such a troll it's such a troll i had like my my chat like i had donuts coming and be like h you have a build that's not done you have a build that's not like what but it's also it's also so dumb because like again i think i think like it's just like that was our whole strategy and like if we had just made if we had been able to complete our strategy then i feel like we would have we would have done extremely well like we would have ended up we would have ended up getting top five second third you know definitely top five but like probably second third whatever instead of getting really like basically last because now now now the only builds we think are left are the ones that we're gonna get last place on every build yeah i get like very little points and get very little points and whatever and take time so it's like yeah it's just like oh so so bad yeah how'd you do on uh grid runners we did great and we our team got second oh nice i thought we were i i think we got i think we got a second top three every game except for sg which we ended on the only reason we didn't get top three is because we were like super aggressive because we knew we had literally no chance unless we were just like extremely aggressive yeah and then and then build mart which we like sucked in and then sometimes what you threw but we would have gotten first if we did that's like our team i don't know like we i feel like it was just like it was just such an unlucky day well it's good that you had a chance of getting like i we were in like i think six or something like that going into survival games and it felt good because we were still having a chance like it was nice that like i think everyone in top six or seven felt like if they could win sg and get some kills they could win i think that makes me happy and i'm glad that i knew i knew we i knew we literally couldn't i mean i just knew i i knew like there's there's only like three teams that even could like you think space on the points especially after the change there's no there's there's there's no shot like getting the first and getting kills you can't make up 2 000 kills you can't 2 000 points you can't make that up now with the new changes like the differential is much smaller i knew from watching i calculated stuff up beforehand it's like you're such a dork making stuff like the funny thing is like i was making predictions during the game like oh we're going to be like this after this or whatever when i was getting it right but it was just i just knew the new point system and so it was like to get to the side i was like oh if we get first in this last game and then we finish i think we get second and then we got we got first in the last game our team got first and then we got so we ended up getting second i was like all right sweet yeah it worked out puns i see you in the chat we got first and grid runners but we got second finished but we got first and good runners oh i know what you're saying i like did you like the grid runner uh like prizing or coins i did i did because one of the things that really one of the things that screwed us is like if they had if it was the old prizing we would have gotten like fourth or something because there was multiple times where like something happened that like we couldn't get to the next room after completing the first room and because the fact that we um because of the fact that the new scoring system doesn't matter with that it just counts how long you take on each room um we didn't get penalized for that it's like one time like walked out on the caking room and he walked back out at the last second and we all like went in the thing and then he's like behind the door and needs us to go like open it and stuff like that's actually hilarious stuff like that happened like every time so i dude this this bit on ace race all three times i did the same exact thing and i'm so disappointed in myself i did it the first time and then i corrected myself the next time like i was like trying to overthink it i need to see like what i was aiming at because i hit the corner ever this was the only thing i messed up i'll tell you i'll tell you why though it's because you're not going into because they made the custom tridents you're not going into like the the trident mode or whatever your hitbox is like bigger and so like that's why that's why you hit it okay so it feels like you shouldn't like realistically you shouldn't hit it but like but you do oh that's so upsetting yeah that was happening to me a lot the first the first uh ace racing happened the very first time this time on the run i need puns to see me and martin watching him fall right in front of us i need him to see it this will make me happy i'm already done at this point do you like python's crypt more or the the newer i like python script i like i like both of them i like i didn't like python script as much before but it's because i was just being an idiot like that skip is useless like i just was trying to skip before and then i was always failing it or like i would get it sometimes and then like i don't know like i would fall back spaces from doing the flipping skip the skip like at the beginning like you go left and right yeah it's never worth it this time i just didn't do it at all and then i got and then i got a head of fruit who was doing it every time yeah i think he did better than me probably but like there's so there's like a very little amount of time you can save but if you do fail it it costs you like 15 seconds like that's a risk that's just not really worth it i feel like i the biggest the one of the biggest things for me was i just failed the the very first like jump to the the minecart i just failed that i think i would have gotten probably second if i didn't do that oh right at the beginning did you fall on lava yeah i just fell in love like right off the spawn i was telling everyone else it's like the first lap you could do the latter if you don't feel comfortable like there's a lot of people in front of you um but second and third map you should always be taking i was in first i just like i think i i think i clicked and it pulled my trident back i was going to say after the first uh first run or second lap or whatever i was telling my team like get the trident off of your hand i'm an idiot because i told i'm an idiot because i told punk before the thing to uh i know it's carl sorry not punk um two no when he's jumping into the minecart to not hold his trident because now you can pull it back in there i literally told him and then i did it yeah but like it was stupid because like it should it shouldn't do that theoretically but like but yeah that's how i felt because i pulled back my trident and i fell yeah overall i'm happy i didn't play amazing i just dreamed i got i got eated out of top 10 by 30 points scott's major got me that was an 11th painful uh survival games uh aluminum fruit berries chased us down towards the beginning and killed all my teammates and i'm just by myself trying my best it was me and aunt frost like met each other like four times yeah i teamed in with snapped up in survival games technically like what happened like he like it was like me and him were like the last and there was like a team like eight coming to us he messaged me he's like team would be team with me or something and then i just like we didn't really like team but i just like ran i just like ran by obviously once no i just ran by him and he didn't kill me so i was like okay and then like there was a team fighting him and i like i killed like a guy that was fighting him and then like i was running and like i could like crit him out or something easily and get the kill but then like i just didn't kill him and i just ran out and then tommy was like kill somebody i'm like i'm like no if he's not gonna kill me like i'm just like why would i kill him like yeah because then at least right now there's like so many people that like at least i can maybe steal a kill or something like i don't know it was funny that wasn't it was more of a it was more of a truce than a team it was like a truce yeah it was just like if we see each other go the opposite way kind of yeah yeah it's more just like yeah don't fight each other i love that it's you and sapnap though it's just best friends are like you know to hit gumi on his team like from behind and i guess tommy died to a bow i think i guess and i don't know exactly what happened because i i guess i'd have to watch his vlog to see what happened because like i killed gumi and then i was like fighting i like insta-damaged george and i was like trying to go fight them and then they ran and then like i guess tommy died behind me and then carl died like trying to save him or something um something like my and then punk it was just plunking me and we got chased down by george and sapnap punk got picked off and then i just i just i was like solo i was like i was i like par i was like a parkour master during that run like i was running for i was running away i was like one heart like dodging arrows trying to like get it far enough to eat as they're like chasing me through the flipping thing it was so annoying i was trying to pick off kills i'm gonna say i'm always kind of sad whenever survival games isn't played and then here my aim was just like atrocious but oh that was good damage oh nice you're saying my aim was atrocious you just know my hand was atrocious you can see me when i was hiding puns my aim was atrocious and then here like i should have gotten a sec my second crit there she would have just killed him then i would have i could have gotten further away and i would have taken less damage i could have killed puns probably too i probably could have killed that whole team i probably swept to their team but that was green that's nikki jackpot not pun oh no it is puns it's not five wait but that was a tip you just killed five up so there was two or three different i literally see sapnap in the corner just looting oh do you get this i was at this one i was still afraid he was gonna kill me but then i see this team and i'm like all right i just have to i just have to like ignore him and hope that he means what he's saying about teaming because there's five people here and they're gonna kill me wait how'd you get just like i just run he messaged me in game oh no i missed that team i was gonna say did you discord or what was happening no he just messaged me that's a lingering potion where the hell did you get a lingering potion just one of the chests and here i run right into a team i'm like oh i'm so low i mean you're doing the smart thing it's just like weaving in between teams because like teams don't want to like go in the middle because they feel like they're going to get picked off i should have kept running i thought yeah she kept running i went to a corner by myself he went in so quickly yeah i don't i honestly i'll say this i don't like what they did to sg like the changes they made in terms of the points like it i think it incentivized it further incentivizes not getting kills really yeah there was a lot more kills this mcc than last well because people were way behind like this mc had a big discrepancy between the top teams like everyone knew they had to get kills like red was going for like me us and red were going for like we were just like when we after we literally the first like five chests we were going for kills right away i was in red and then red was fighting a team and then we came up on red and we fought red and so we got those kills and then a team tried to like clean up since we fought them so it was like it was only because there was like two teams that like really wanted to win that were being super aggressive like it wasn't even worth it like if the kills were the same then it would have been more worth it like but now they nerfed the kills and then up to the bonus you get for staying alive like how does that incentivize fighting yeah i guess it doesn't that's interesting but they didn't push they did push the border in though that's the one thing that i think is like they did it quicker which could be good because it makes sg quicker i guess yeah i say they just like triple that and then make sg like a three part or two part maybe a two part oh you want to be faster and do like sky battle sort of like maybe like two instead of three or something i don't know that'd be cool i think it's just such a it's just such a risky game i like that i want to try it like a sky battle is like maybe like a little bit smaller and instead i think it'd work better i think it'd work better with two instead of three the three rounds like just two rounds and then a thing oh yeah i'd like to try that that'd be fun that's something that i hope they test out soon i don't like sky battle but i like the scoring i think that sky battle like if if sky battle was like sky block i'd go insane before every mcc i would have taken much time sky battle scoring is like perfect i i really don't think that they need to change anything about sky battle scoring like i want a new map but other than that yeah i want a new map i want a new map the scoring is great though yeah i'm so disappointed we didn't play the parkour titan i'm just like so disappointed in that i was like looking forward to it so much we had a fire bomb the second to last game and we're like yeah if anyone votes for parkour tag get rid of it no no no no no i'm so disappointed like saturn was being an idiot like i was messing him like his team is probably the second best part quarter team and i'm messing him like midway through i'm like i'm like look if we don't vote it early people are not gonna i'm like we were definitely not getting if we don't put it now it was like four and i'm nesting him and he's like no vote like we're gonna play ace race people like the new map vote for flipping whatever like vote for parkour tag and he's like no no no i think and then he's like our team sucks and like your team is the second best just vote for parkour tonight yeah and they wouldn't vote for it and then he votes for ace race and we get asterisks and i'm just like why we're gonna like there's no way we don't place race there's zero shot we don't play straight like everyone like almost everyone likes ace races it's the new map there's two games that we're pretty much guaranteed to play if it goes late game it stands a time in ace race everyone wants to play it especially with how much ace race has been practiced i 100 100 agree and i was just trying to explain it and then like later on he's saying vote battle box i'm like are you an idiot you're down by 2 000 coins vote parkour tag battle boxes differential is like nothing like in order in order for the differential to be enough to actually make a difference you'd have to like win every round kill everybody and have every other team suck like parkour training you can at least make a difference i was trying to mess with that i thought he called him a i was like you're being an idiot like just vote parkour tag battle box is the score you can last longer you can have like multiple your teammates survive you can you can there's so many like different things with battle boxes just kills and filling in the middle that's it and so it's like in reality it's the pointer show is so so low like i think battlebox is the lowest point differential if i remember correctly from like someone doing a stats post like i'm just saying like he's saying we want to do bottle box it's like dude why your team is epic at parkour tag and you know that that's gonna be beneficial i don't know it was stupid it was so dumb what games weren't played this time it was parkour tag and what was the other one battle box those are like two of the best mcc games that's perfect for my team that's like i can write it up any better than that and we still came back like battle box and park are legitimately like two of the best mcc games that they've ever made and they they haven't and then two they haven't been played like part battle box doesn't play the last two events that's ridiculous wait which one cortex or no box battle box i wanted to see the new map i'm excited to see what uh happens with the leaves and how much that changes it because now we have freaking like blocks that we could go across we could bridge across i felt like uh pink was going to do very well in that as well i should have just followed tommy like uh i don't know why i didn't i think i just i just told george i knew i think is this what my thought process was oh tommy's really good and all that's over there is is tubbo and like stop having george are like the best players on the team so if i keep an eye on them and i chase them then you know it's for survival games yeah it was what you were just watching like i killed goomy and then i was like i sold saturn and jordan like i'm gonna go towards them because tommy and punk and carl can handle flipping tubbo and i think carl and tommy died at tubbo i think i don't actually i don't know who they died too to be fair but um yeah i i would like oh i thought snapnap was low with george so i guess maybe i lost track of sapnap and i i thought i thought tubber was happening or something i don't know yeah i i like the idea so like mcc it's not meant to be just like one thing so like the fact that there is a game where buildings involved makes me happy because like other people are good at that and that kind of stuff same thing like why like bingo in the game hey i'm good at it but b the whole aspect of survival like basic survival is in the game but i do want build more to be tweaked a little bit i totally i totally think i think a building game is great i've said that so often it's just like build more it's just like i've played building games like and i and sometimes i will play building games for like fun like i'll go on like hypixel and play like a building game like they'll play like build battle or something like it's i think building can be very fun i just think like the way that build mart is executed like i just want to die like every time i just i just legitimately like i i said i said last event even before this one like legitimately i feel like i would enjoy more just logging off going getting like a you know eating eating like a burger or something coming back when bill mart's done and then just continuing to play the event so my two options are this either i either i don't play either i don't play unless billboard's not getting played or i'm going to be like a menace to society and just be like you know calculate my individual score off would not build mart read it i'm just going to sit out build mart and i don't even care like i'm just saying my team's going to hate me because i'm just i'm really just leaving during build mart you can sub something i'll just i'll have i'll just have internet problems during build mart and we can sub it no no no no no no or something you can now have like one of you or sapnips at out the mcc and when billboard comes up just have sapnef take over for you hates billboard too like george george's talking to me before the event he was he was so mad that he's like oh bill maher i also hope bill doesn't get played like no one likes building he's like wait well so i guess some people like bill maher but still i don't like bill maher but yeah i don't know i think there needs to be a building game i just think that the way it is it's just so like i don't know like i'm trying to think of like another building game so much it's so much intensity for a building game like why why is a building game intense like buildings like i sit there with like i i sit there and like the birds are chirping and yeah like whatever that's building it's not like pvp it's like sitting there with build mart and bill mart's like like go go go go go everywhere go everyone go as fast as you can like and you need like everyone i feel like the teams that do good and bill mart are just the good people who have like experience with the building and that's it hear me out sans of time but build mart instead so they have the sands of time thing where you have to go down freaking tunnels and get building blocks and then you come back to the center and you build but also i think one thing i think that's one thing that i think that's interesting is i think that i think every other game but build mart you have to have like multiple like there's multiple skills so different players that are bad at certain things can take over different aspects like stand to time there's a sand keeper and there's people that do more parkour instead of time because they can do that and then like in sky battle obviously there's people who bridge people who like want to bow more grab the creeper eggs people who want to you know people who build towards the middle or people who actually fight or whatever with bill bilmar it's just like either you're good at building or you're not and that's it you know that either you know the crafting recipes or you don't and that's it it's not like you can you know you can have people that designated to different things and you know doing doing different roles because like i am not a builder i will never be a builder why do i have to be a builder during this game whereas like every other game there can be a different role like obviously with parkour yeah you're not oh you're not a good one there's one different role that you can do it's the like the floater that goes on to do stuff but that's still not the best i like something it's basically just building you're just collecting you're just collecting blocks like the only other thing is like oh elytra but it's like the way they have the electric setup it's not even like you have to go through rings or something it's like oh well you missed the elytra and then you just get a speed pad and it takes you like an extra two seconds congrats yeah i think that either i just think that either they need to make it a a game that's more that involves more skill so everybody's like as an example someone like me who just despises building doesn't have to be only building for flipping 10 minutes because then i like by the end of it i just i just feel like you know especially when you obviously it's like it's it's the fact that it's so boring and i know i'm bad at it with doing bad right like obviously if i was doing better i know i would enjoy it more i wouldn't enjoy it though but i would enjoy it more for sure i'm surprised you don't like the intensity of it like that was one of your complaints i didn't expect that i thought the intensity you would like about it i don't really like the intense games like i didn't i feel like my in my mind like the intense games to me are are are the are the worst ones and they should be changed to be less intense like but i think that there's difference like i think like sky battle i don't think sky battle is i think i think like legitimately like build mart's probably like to me the most intense game like everything and i think that that's that's just me but i think like realistically like probably survival games is the most intense game yeah um and i think santa time to me it's one of the things where like santa time i only have fun when i win because of how intense it is right so it's like either i win or i get nothing and i lose and it sucks um i love sands of time i'm i'm gonna preach sans of time is the most perfect game when i when i win same time or when i do not when i win but when i do well in standard time i love standard time like even this event i guess this event my team did seventh and i i really enjoyed it i had so much fun i think it was it was amazing my team got seventh so i don't think it's not it's not even necessarily that i think it's more just like i guess i i probably it's just my my pre opinion where like my first couple stands at the time just it didn't really go very well and i've kind of had that sour taste in my mouth about like the possibility of what could happen you know yeah i think it's i haven't i've recently i haven't made many as many mistakes even this time when i did i was like yeah but at the same time i kind of had to i was trying to help tommy and um you know it wasn't it was really out of my control i took the damage and whatever like so yeah it happens not ever like i i like the sands of time like just anything can happen you could mess up one thing and be punished for it but like the the main thing you got to remember just not die like if you die it's so punishing like people will say like oh it's just one sand but that's like literally 10 seconds for each player and the fact that you have to go back and get your stuff and you're losing sap nap i agree it sucks so i i don't understand what i'm guessing i said i said i'm not i'm just i feel like i'm just going to skip out on events in the future that have that have bill martin on like the the playlist or whatever oh come on dream it's not by the next event or whatever like i'm perfectly fine with that i feel like even if it's like a change that's like if they don't like make it a whole new game mode or whatever but legitimately i just think in its current state like it just it just it's generally it's just about fun like mcc recently to me has been so much about fun right like i've had i've had i've had a lot of fun even this event i had so much fun i think that in every single game even the games we did you know poorly and even in the past and games i did pour in like it's all about fun and to me like build more i legitimately want to like i don't even know i i just i like i said i would rat i feel like i genuinely genuinely would have 10 times the fun logging out going getting a snack sitting down watching some tv for 20 minutes and then coming back and playing the games even if my individual score tanks i end up getting 20th place i would still my morale would be like so much higher you know i think that's that that's the problem to me is like i don't like why would i i don't know i just feel like i'd rather you know like i'm fine with you you know they put it in every other event or something and i just skipped every other event or something like that's fine i don't you know it's i'm not gonna lie you know maybe whatever but i'm the kind of guy that i hear you just like despising build martin that makes me happy [Laughter] yeah i mean yeah but i think it's like it's one of those things like parkour it's like with parkour warrior like i think that i think parker warrior and bill mart are the exact same like there has to be a parkour game and it doesn't make sense there has to be a parkour game but the way parkour warrior was made was flawed in that there was like a section of players who absolutely despised it like i remember green saying exactly what i'm saying but about about parkour attack saying i mean sorry parker warrior's saying he just doesn't want to play and he's not going to play if if parkour warrior is yeah because it's just not fun and that's exactly how i feel with the morning i feel like it's the same sentiment i know george has i know sapnet has i know like 90 of the players i've teamed with have um in terms of for build mart and i think it's i think it's just because like i want i team with people that have similar mindsets to me right and so it's like yeah i think there's like there's like 30 of the event that like absolutely despises build mart and things like the bane of their existence and like literally like hate it that's why like 10 that literally would rather like log out and not play but like have to because otherwise their team loses that's probably 30 that love it like it was the exact same with parkour warriors there was uh one of the main reasons why i set out mcc 15 uh was actually because sands of time just wasn't in rotation it made me so sad when i set out uh mcc 15 and then it was like oh yeah that's totally fair i think i i i totally you know and the funny thing is i had i had a similar sentiment whenever they were saying they were gonna remove parkour warrior i was like i was like ah i mean that's like one that's like the most fun i have in mcc like parker warriors like i don't know they just skip out i don't think they started another parkour game and i was like okay and then when they had a parkour tag i was like okay you know that's you know whatever i at first i was like i'll try it out and then i liked it and i'm like okay you know i feel like that's a that's a fine that that fixes in my opinion the flaws of of uh parkour warriors park what park cortana has done mm-hmm so i think it's it's similar how lucky was that what do you mean lucky that was pure skill i don't want to hear it parkour warrior i think that just needed to be tested a little bit more because there was like thresholds like there was stupid like level three jumps that were way too difficult for newbies like do you remember the the glass jump or whatever where you had to line it up perfectly which was already hard as it is and then they added the trap doors to it you know what i'm talking about that annoyed the hell out of me like i could do it again i have to talk about this a million times i'm just like flogging a dead horse right but i feel like it legitimately was just they were just trying to make it harder for the people who were doing well at it and and me who were finishing it and then they by doing that they just like it really hurt it for other people it'd be like if they just constantly were like all right people are getting now we're just gonna make it so it's like absolutely like now we're gonna make it so that there's like 10 times the mobs or whatever and like five times the lava parkour and it's like you're just like holy cow like yeah the other you know like maybe maybe dreaming pete and h-bomb and like some of the top stanzas amazing but stop yelling at me look this is how you fix parkour warriors it's not even like hard you just make it longer just make it longer and make it easier so you have to be really good to get to the end right and then it's easier for the newbies it took me a bit to come to terms with it but i recognized that like to me parkour warrior made it made sense that they i think they made it hard at the beginning that's all it was it was just too hard to beginning you make that easier and then you make the hard jumps like farther on where newbies wouldn't even get to it was also the one thing that i didn't like i did this to be honest because it helped me a lot like uh parkour warrior was like the one game where it's all right just to not talk to your team like i would mute so i can concentrate a little bit i do that in ace race bro i mute up an ace race and listen to music it's the same thing you try hard yeah i can't focus when people are talking and it's not like i need their communication there's no communication needed in ace race you don't but i i it pleases me knowing that if they needed some questioning that i'm there to like help them out yeah but i don't know it's like how are you supposed to help them out when you're playing you know what i mean like you have to focus simple things just like like calming down other nerves is something that i try to do commonly too because ace race is a very stressful game luckily like my entire team this ace race was totally calm and collected but just like when someone's getting down i like to try and be there and help them a little bit more i just don't even under like the thing that irritates me about ben moore is i don't even understand what the better teams are doing to get 4k coins like like i just don't understand like i felt like my team did good and we got fifth you know what i mean you just gotta not have an argument with your teammates during we didn't argue i know i know just horrible but we didn't we didn't argue like it was like clean like it was like good like i felt like i was like well after i finished i was like i don't even know what we could have done that much better like i could like i i could see it like i thought that was the only thing you could have done better was just be better crafters better builders that's a that's why that's why i think it's a flawed game mode but i don't know i i would like a new rebalance to build mart like i was really happy when they added or got rid of one of the builds because then i felt like a little bit of a new game like there's new options new stuff like that but now we've got obstacles to get to the like the stuff that would be cool yeah i'd like parkour to get to this parkour or like fly through it in the light yeah yeah i don't know anything that just makes so it's not just like if you fall in the void like you just like up it's so hard to fall in the void it's the same thing it's like you can mess up where you're going it won't be the best but like yeah it's like it's literally the same thing as old like i don't think i've ever seen anyone die to the boy during the new build mart like it didn't even really like yeah that's why i say like i don't think we should have gotten first but like we like in my mind like we should have gone like fourth or third because like we had that messed up but other than that everything else was pretty like flawless in my mind i think like i'm happy with how we did there was some simple things like we had not the best communication during build martin that definitely punished us and i'm pretty happy with where we ended up finishing where'd you finish uh sixth bro aqua is so annoying they got eighth and bildemar and they made that happen i hate awkward wait no i got eighth and build mark no no no they did aqua got eighth our ninth they got really low and they're like they're the reason billboard got played wait who's awkward who's aqua again aunt frost captain those people wow that team did ninth that's actually really surprising yep i wasn't surprised orange ended up winning that but i don't know i had a horrible sands of time oh sap you played it perfectly last time no i started off playing it perfectly i was doing so clean then i saw like this lava power cord i was like it i'm sapna i'm going for it and then i died and i responded i was like i'll go for it again and i went for it again and then died and then i grinded back up to some more coins and i died exactly where you died dream in that room i jumped over the ravager and it boosted me like somehow even though i was like jumping over it boosting me like straight into lava that's what happened with tommy tom well tommy died and then i had to go get his stuff and so i was trying to get it i don't know the raven is like force field dude it's ridiculous i'm gonna start with using my friends like in one of the other avenues almost killed me because like and i was like so i was like they added it's ridiculous man i'm like holy crap i like that i made it harder like i i do like there's a little bit more difficulty like these are all learning curves as well like one of the parkour jumps that i did i would have re i didn't die do it but if i saw ravagers there i would have rethought doing it again it wasn't worth the coins i don't know i like the additions to sands of time i'm just a huge stan of freaking i mean i like it i like it i like it i was like okay we messed up this time but we're still in this and then bill maher gets played like and yeah that it's literally i'm telling you this what happened that's why i told h whenever i first joined i was like i like tommy died in samsung and then i died it was right at the end so we literally couldn't get our coins back yeah and then i was still like optimistic i was like i was like look i was like yeah we lost that was still like i still had a lot of fun and i realized we just made mistakes yeah i was like oh we up playing i literally like after bill like after billboard was over legitimately my thought process it wasn't even like i was like you know there's still like possibly possibly a chance we win but my thought process wasn't even that my thought price was just like damn impossible i wish that was the last game so i could just be done with this right now that was literally that was literally the thought that was in my head i don't know dude bill maher is just so bad like i don't get it oh my god aunt frost just nearly killed his own teammate in uh sky battle because he had a creeper on the fishing rod and dragged it back to him sorry i'm also watching the pov george got like they couldn't find his way back how does he always do that people were saying like oh i told him to go the wrong way but he was he was not getting out of there anyways i don't know how george keeps it doesn't matter we wouldn't have done it anyways because i died or whatever one of my favorites i was like i was like george how do you not find your way use your markers you have markers you can literally make a path that leads you back my favorite was uh one of the durian build or sands of time last mcc george is just willingly jumping into a pit with creepers that get him down to heart like a heart and just being cool and collected like that's not normal george and then everyone's like he's colorblind he's colorblind it's like you don't jump into a creeper thing you know what a creeper looks like i like jumping into the creeper thing so you just kill them all in one crate with one creeper well it was uh i don't know how to describe it it just wasn't a good play i don't know build mart's a buzzkill i'm gonna keep harping on billboard it's so bad yeah i'm okay with that but i do want an update to it it's actually i just wanna i just wanna i mean i just i i just wanna revive like revisal to it or whatever and i've said this and the thing is like i said this i said this after last mcc when i won i said that the after the mc before that when i won i still see people saying on the reddit like oh he always does this when he loses like no i've said this to every single mcc it's not anything different i am saying the exact same thing that i've said so shut the hell up i think the i just dude the game that i want gone is hole in the wall i hate hole in the wall i don't mind holding the wall why do you not like hole in the wall it's played every it's been played everywhere i just think it's just changes i just like every i swear to god every everyone just hates pvp games now it's so annoying i feel like i feel like the two like two of the best like right now i'd say two of my favorite games in all of uh in all of uh there's battle boxing like a box and park in my mind and that's and both of them were skipped and so why why are they not playing battle box why i mean i'm trying to avoid it i want anything played but it because i'm not gonna pvp i'm not going to pvp that's like literally my weakest game yeah get better no i'm too old dream was kicking my ass the other day i got like 15 1v1s against me yeah that's me like you have like a whole team and stuff i don't know i like i like battle box a lot i i mean i don't hate battlebox i like i feel like yeah i feel like half half of mcc is just like i don't know that the only the reason that i was saying what i said earlier about like oh not about not about not you know like just just asking you know is is battle boxing in the game order and then just deciding whether i play based on that it's just because it's billboard yeah um it's just because uh like again i think the one of the biggest things that's been played so late recently that it's just like it's like if it was played first or secondly like i would i still would dislike it i still would dislike it and be like really upset i feel like it's just such good because like i feel like it's been like it's determined i genuinely think build mart has determined like the la like most the events like in terms of like who gets to get to the finals of the last like five events it's like determined like three of them or something and it's like that's just so whatever or it's knocked out teams and like a bunch of them and so it's just like eh i don't know it's just it's frustrating when it's later on because the games that are later on it's just like so i don't want to like late on like after i've had such an amazing mcc it's not even like we were doing amazing we were doing good but we just it was right after santa times like we weren't even like we were in sixth place before build mart so i wasn't even like oh we're doing so amazing and then it shatters our hopes it was just like we're doing you know we're doing bad but then we play build more and it's just like wow after like i've had so much fun this time now my phone's just like killed and that's it i get excited i think people like we go on strike we're like build mart no yo i'm down any people are gonna be mad at me because we didn't kill each other in survival games but i was just like i'm not killing like why if i could it was the smart play it's just if you if you play survival games sub with you because i'm going to get up by that team like i'm going to i thought you were beating me to kill me so i i was like so careful i could have killed you so many times but i was like no i could have killed you too i i don't know it's just the right play like i would have been down to just straight up team with you and fight them because like that's my best shot if it was um like if this was online travel games like that's exactly what i would do if i was like on a solo team against teams of four and there's like another solo guy and i see him i'm not gonna actively kill him i might not message him and say like team but sometimes i would if i'm like hey it makes sense like why you would definitely want to like in that position me and you are both the only people on our team and there's a whole ass team running at us why would we not work together to kill that team like we should i thought about teaming with ant frost because it was just me and him and we just kept going back and forth but the entire time i was thinking about the people in red are gonna be like that's against the rules or something business no like there's no rules it's the best play like the same thing with funding like when people were mad at fundy there was no rules set up that you can't go look at your teammates screen and even then like back in uh build mart i don't know if you guys were around uh like before mcc six i don't know solo thing but for build mart we would literally take screenshots of the builds and then go get our stuff basically the same thing there's no just like full on like you can't do this you can't do that unless like knox crew says it in which we've we've never been told that you can't team in i just feel like there's like i don't think it should i don't think it should be real either like it's dumb like cause if you're teaming with somebody like it makes you everything's different like your teams are teaming and making a day or something ridiculous with that but teaming up with someone when you're you have no one else and they have no one else like it just makes sense in a real life hunger games it would happen oh yeah and it does like not in real life it's an actual hunger games and in the actual hunger games that happens but um but yeah i think i think i think it's i think it's fine i think it'd be dumb to ban it because it's just like oh ban this smart like this smart strategy that you that you could potentially implement i'm sure it's happened a bunch before probably just not as outright as like literally like it's just the same as like we didn't even like team like i literally just avoided you the thing is like i thought we weren't teaming the entire time until i was and then i ran i was actively trying to help you i was shooting at them while they were running at you i ran by you i like ran by you one time and you didn't kill me i was like okay and then when i was getting like when the the team before was like coming at us i just like ran i saw you in front of me i was like like i was like oh my god like he's like he could have killed me right now so i was like why would i why would i kill him it's like the smart play to just run and get away from them otherwise we're both just dead well i was i was wanting us to literally like fight them together but i thought i think i think honestly if i thought that you i thought if i thought that you um that you were genuinely like telling me to team like i probably would have done it i would have just i would have i think i i could see us winning that fight because like i was just afraid you were gonna like crit me no i wasn't i wasn't i was down because i was like even after we kill that team i still probably would want a team with you because there were so many teams alive i mean if we're being honest and i was teaming with like anne frost and then we killed a team i would have 100 kill dan frost after like if he was weak i was i was killed oh i guess i guess like i i don't think i would have just because like there's so it gives us the end yeah it feels the end yeah then yeah but we weren't we weren't well yeah but you're like i guess like i don't know i feel like me dream could 2 before a lot of teams so i was i was down to just teaming up were you going to sound as bad at pvp snap now say it to my face you son of a say something that i've been saying this entire time i believe i can't believe pink didn't win that that's oh it was so much i was like okay i was just screaming i was like oh it's fruit and alumina that's right dude i was so proud of him that was so good i was like what the that's one of the best endings to mcc ever the 1v30 for green to get his first win it couldn't have been scripted any better it makes me happy i dream you're saying before this that pink had no shot you thought that yeah i i i thought you know i think they still wouldn't have if we didn't troll sans at times like it it would have been us i'm pretty sure it would have been i don't know it well not because because orange got so many points from bill maher i guess like one of us just they got like the perfect they got like the perfect game order for them like they did i just like january i think perfect games actually like because like to me in my mind like if we if you replace build mart with parkour tag and you and you and santa time yeah one they don't get in with that first of all and second of all if you were playing and then second of all if we don't if like the two two of the other top teams don't throw in trolls then then they get like they literally finish like eighth or something like legitimately like i think that they i don't know i think that i think that that was like basically closed everyone has a chance on the day everyone has a chance and we're like saying this you guys are coming up like what if what ifs i think the what-ifs are perfect for mcc because like if we had it that we knew was gonna win every single time it wouldn't be fun well i don't like that i don't like that the what if comes down to like a single game being played like it's different like a what if like yeah what if we troll and stand the time and die that's fine but like what if bill mark gets played and it's just like over like i don't know i mean you could i don't i don't like because she was like even let's say let's say let's say like you're you're saying this whole like if bill martin was played he'd be out if we got parkour tagged we would have been out we even had no shot like every team has got that like that's not true like you could you can't get in i don't know no how you guys are that bad apart yes yes i i i'm none of us would have done good during parkour tag yeah i think everyone has like i was just i wasn't saying that i was just saying that i was just saying that i think not the only game order i think it was generally the only game like list that if they would have gotten that they would have gone to dodgeball and they got bill maher at the end bro yeah that was kind of i mean that's back how their why does the pvp games everyone everyone's just a big old bro they just don't want to play the pvp games they always make them play in the beginning or they don't play them and then they want to play like build more at the end yeah trust me because that's what we're better at that's what we need we want to win two sap now are all a bunch of like old people who are bad at pvp yeah so we need to play build mart you're a bunch of young people that don't know how to communicate so you play freaking battle box there's a there's every team and every player has their favorite things and that's what makes mcc good it's like the towards the end there's always games that are always going to be played it's sans of time ace race occasionally build mark ii i think billboard's one of the up there ones as well but you have to expect that so you got to practice those games or get used to them a little bit better if i don't have to practice parkour tag i'm much happier i don't know you don't like you don't like movement games or pvp games no i like movement games just not parkour you said just not parkour tag yeah pvp games i avoid if i get someone good like pvp i was just most excited to see the new map like i just wanted to i don't know i was just looking forward to it i love that i love the new the new maps changed like i just oh yeah and i wanted to play the battle box that battle box map looked good too that's at this point they added like two of the big new changes they didn't get played in favor of billboard which has been the same for like a flipping century and got played last like that is so dumb they just need i feel like even this this is this is the perfect solution even if they don't remove bill mart here's the perfect solution they do the suggestion i suggested like eight months ago they make it so they pick the eight games that are going to be played and we pick the game order like in with eggs or whatever like the same way we do so the only difference is that there's not two games that can't get played because then you know what to practice you know what to expect you know what if you should play you shouldn't play if you want to play you know you know the teams can be better balanced based on what games are going to be played you know like i think it's there's like literally not a downside to it other than that oh you know there's the one game it's more surprising because there's still rng because the game order i mean that's like the point of mcc is rng so every team can win so i don't think it's a good thing or a bad thing i think it's just all right some people are going to feel bad afterwards some people are going to feel good afterwards that's how every mcc has been there's going to be there's always going to be those what-ifs and like i think i think it's the exact same with the game order i think this is the exact same with the game order like i think if they the game like leaving the game order in is fine like you know what i mean are you they can just leave okay watch my screen for a second watch my screen for a second did you guys know this as well or like how this works because like literally i just shoot randomly a fireball like not at anything and it boosts me up like i didn't understand what was going on during this i can hit the side i'm pretty sure i i know that map is so annoying yeah what did i say i said it's like idiot bill because like you always just get hit by other people's stuff that one i know this one i didn't get hit by too many people but it was still i don't like that i got hit so much dude i say that i didn't and apparently i did because i'm getting knocked off every single time by someone else well it's so annoying it's like holy i was so confused when this came up i don't think i've ever done this before it used to be like the oh i almost cheesed that um the one where you like just jump and build across yeah i like that one better yeah there's two of them there's this one and then there's the other one oh i must apparently like the other one better but yeah i just don't like the rocket spliff thing or whatever i was kind of happy that terra swoop force wasn't in this to be honest i like a break from that every once in a while yeah turns through force is all right no i like it but i want breaks from it i like the other maps i was so pissed off when the sixth game came up the uh the punch the really really punch one oh it's so crazy yeah yeah that one's so like yeah i was in the lead like the whole time and then i got knocked off by like quagga like this rng one is pretty fun i don't know why i like it oh i love this one i got first on this one i'm pretty sure i think i got like oh no no i know i didn't i no i didn't i hit a fake wall i went through that one too hmm i was like oh it's not here stop copying my strats so many people i always go for that one can you hit people on this one appreciate it there i go that's uh luckily i didn't get hit off i didn't hit off in any of them but punching dude that tilts me so hard when someone punches me off no holy yeah it's good and bad i'm like there's no game that i'm genuinely upset with i think i was so happy because they literally took my idea for the grid runner's scoring i think the greater underscoring is it's great the greater score is so much better like that i think it was just perfectly good runners are my favorite games i said that last time i thought i was like maybe it could be and then this gate this time as well like my teams did goods like that could affect it as well but like generally it was just like it was it was a lot of fun it was a lot of fun there's chances for you to come back like even if you're like towards the end you could still get major points by just coming back and doing really well at the end so like if you're in ninth the entire time or tenth the entire time you still have something to look forward to at the end rather than just being demotivated the entire time yeah i like that all right boys i gotta go get food i'm starving go watch football peace thanks for the giant raid uh dream i really do appreciate it thank you thank you yeah no problem bye everyone drop a follow for age bye dork oh h-bomb needs food you could see my reaction right when i saw that it was this one this one is horrible where you've got to like bounce watch my face they're going to do the tridents with the ice wall that's a oh reaction in my mind i was actually pissed at someone at knox crew for freaking bringing this stupid map back i i went like full of karen mode i'm like i want to talk to one of you give me the number of who did this i hate them was it epic landlord i need to have a word with him who are we raining ladies and gentlemen who needs er i haven't seen eric's streaming a little bit i know link it's your dinner time earth's over on the dream smp slash rate i know i know we got a f-e-e-d and w-a-l-k-u thank you guys for being here if you haven't followed you be sure to do so i hope you guys enjoyed your time i hope you guys enjoyed mcc i had so much fun i loved my team everything i i really did enjoy about it there's always like nitpicks and stuff you could do about the games but mcc in general i think is it can't be better run than it is knox crew is actually insane there's always some things that you could nitpick here and there that are better but name somebody that could do a better job than the whole knox crew uh group they're the best go show aaron some love i need to hang out with her i haven't seen him in a bit all right get out of here you knuckleheads i will be streaming tomorrow i don't know how long because tomorrow's nfl day but i will be streaming some vod reviews tomorrow i want to watch sands of time all right go show them love bye chat burp
Channel: Minecraft Championship Season 2 VODs
Views: 3,403
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 335min 52sec (20152 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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