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time everything on my end is good what up chat fool he wanted to 1v1 me no chance what up chat how we all doing today we all feeling loose we all feeling good we all happy maroon thank you for the 300 bits why is the notification going off do i have it off maybe i do have it off oh where's my stream labels oh come here like there he is there's my dog how are you buddy ready to win yeah yeah what really wow what great news that is one behind buddy chat i'm so nervous i want to throw up [Music] i just want to throw up and feel better the nervousness it's real maroon thank you for the sub girl welcome to welcome back patreon for community for nine months so thank you so much for the good stuff why is this not notifications aren't going off and i don't really know why that's not it can i refresh chat notifications aren't working flop or fowler think about three months they even a tier three jesus christ thank you i deserve that much thank you thank you molly thank you for the 15 months why are the alerts not going off that's the mute button what do you do filters i haven't touched this chat why why it no work explain yourself to me game [Music] we might have to live without notifications today chad i'm sorry [Music] uh more unexplained problems chat i just wanted to relax today get in the mood for mcc i'm so like this is the most nervous i think i've ever been for an mcc i'm not relaxed i'm not at all yo you guys are popping off too thank you guys harley thank you for the prime annika thank you for the 200 make is thank you for the the three months dirt potato you for the host and bigelow thank you for 15 months incubus thank you for the four months jessica thank you for the eight months otto thank you for the five months miles thank you for 100 bits ah chat i can't explain i don't know why i just want to go throw up and then i'll be like i feel better now but i'm not gonna go make myself throw up i haven't eaten anything weird i just like you you feel the nerves and like the kind of pit of your stomach like that that's where it is right now for me and i just wanted to get out of me joe thank you for the four months oh chad thank you for the level 4 hype train jesus what a way to start thank you guys oh good luck hmm thank you i think part of the nerves that have been getting to me is also like my internet like having issues the past like two weeks three weeks and i'm really praying that it doesn't happen today i'm really praying i'm gonna feel so bad if my internet just goes out or like it doesn't just go out it just like hiccups for like a minute and then my stream starts struggling and then i'm like freaking out because my internet's struggling and also like i'm letting my teammates down there's just so much so much also internet guy is coming in monday tuesday one of the other there's something wrong on the pole chat someone's been stripping on the pole outside and just ruining the internet for me most of the time it's good but there's like just like a 10 minute hiccup every once in a while and it's annoying it's so annoying scarlett thank you for the hundred bits fairly lou thank you for the three months oh nero thank you for the 100 bits chad have you ever heard about twitch prime because a lot of you appear to have been hearing about it from somewhere or another chanted ellie thank you for the 14 months thank you for that twitch prime mo hd thank you for the three months i don't know why things aren't being notified i apologize i think if we're having any day for it not to be notified would be today but i did not do that on purpose i want the notification so i don't have to read tiger lily thank you for the 13 months oh my phone no messages ali thank you for the five gifted subs stop thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you i also don't think my stream labels is updating either dude what a scuff stream what a scuffed stream i'm garbage chat i'm actually garbage oh tiger lily thank you for the 13 months snow dog thank you for the 100 bits ellie once again thank you for the five gifted subs that's insane thank you thank you would you rather eat water or drink water yes why not both you're a fabulous tin man inaccurate renee thank you for the gifted sub sugar cookie welcome home ninety four community i'll be doing something the most fast thank you for 300 bits how do you guys like my skin i look cute i think this was ross's skin a bunch of people made me uh tin man one i don't remember which one i ended up choosing to be honest i feel bad now you're about pete yeah i saw pete's not gonna be an mcc his power's just out feels bad man feels bad kim thank you for the 200 bits and bugs thank you for the 300 bits another person with anxiety here yeah uh tommy's gonna try hard as mcc it says on his stream we'll see about that we gotta lay the beat down on him gotta beat him up chat what is your skin i'm a tin man we're all the characters from wizard of oz shelby's dorothy whips the lot the lion and what's the fourth one chat the scarecrow scott's the scarecrow face got it thank you for 100 bits for some reason i kept thinking of a witch and i'm like oh i should have been the witch but i guess i'll be the tin man no pete yeah no pete today sylvia took the place of pete i want to throw up dude i just want to throw up chat just how i just just just i want to be like yeah how do i make myself throw up but don't tell me how to do it here's a whisper no it's just nerves it's not like i'm actually sick i just i just have this feeling in the pit of my stomach i don't know why it feels like mcc-8 again mcc-8 i had so much nerves on me i didn't really relax in mcc uh 8 until bingo was played once bingo was picked i just went full like uh this game's easy yo ally thank you for the tier one welcome welcome stargaze thanks for the 100 bits thank you guys get bananas in sprite no i don't drink pop i also don't want to eat anything right now what happened to pete pizza power's been out since last night which is brutal timing i don't know if he was streaming in his power whenever what happened uh jackie thank you for the gifted sub catherine welcome to h19427 we've gotten like 15 subs already today jesus christ thank you guys thank you thank you i feel bad for pete yeah i did too feels bad man the good news is sylvia gets to play so there's always some good news and some bad news but feels bad for pete he can't even like he can't even like play minecraft this mcc his power's out jazzy thank you for the gifted stop wang puppy me welcome to 1994 welcome back for three months ben thank you for the nine months happy birth thank you thank you cara made sp or cara cara made pizza i saw her tweet i felt real bad dude i just need to like do good on the first two games and then i'm gonna relax i just need to we're one percent away from the level five hype train thank you guys no power in these times i know he can't even charge his phone so he could watch mcc feels bad man feels batman how do you think lime is going to do being replaced for replacing you with lord dreams i think they're going to do good i don't think they're going to win but i think they're going to do good mainly because i'm going to be targeting them this entire time that's my game plan target limes more specifically target green he took my my blue bats from me he's gotta be punished chat you know how i like to punish them no one gets away without an h-bomb punishment yo thank you guys for the level five hype train thank you thank you that was a great way to start the stream sam thank you for the 145 bits you'll do great before the pandemic i did theater the show must go on you're right winners pov go and kill it i i we're gonna do really good it's just i need to get like out of my own head i'm so beyond nervous right now and i can't explain why oh chat by the way if you're supporting blue black cats my team change your twitch color to blue i don't know what what's the exact command to do it why am i failing that jump vip redeemed oh god how do i spell your name slash vip hang on before i say anything says be mr mug there we go thank you for the support dude i appreciate that says mr mug thank you so much i appreciate that what what's the amount of uh channel points you have to give for vip it's not like 100k thank you thank you for all the watching i appreciate the continuing support color blue yeah you guys know what you're doing i don't i wanna throw up speedrun mode there's one that i specifically need to practice before we get into this i'm really hoping parkour is the first game picked parkour is like the worst thing for anxiety especially when you're feeling nervous but i i just want it out of the way so it's gonna be both good and bad for me age don't throw up don't tell what to do let's get it i'm only at 135k i'll do it dude keep watching you'll get to the freaking 420 0.69 hoopa matrix thank you for the tier one guardian ghost thank you for the uh the pride oh thank you guys so many new subs you're better under pressure yeah but i'm better when i actually have the pressure on me the anxiety building up doesn't make me feel good when my team needs me that's when i perform better than most when i put all the pressure on myself yes but beforehand where i feel just like oh how am i gonna do during this i feel so bad blue support hell yeah just for fun age i can't think like that though if i think like that i'm going to do bad and i don't want to do bad i want my team to pop off this is the jump that i need to practice it's that jump over there if i get to this part of the map on parkour which i probably should i don't want to just get completely stuck here okay we could do this chat the rest of them are easy who's on your team uh strawberry kids thank you for the tier one in three months cora thank you for the 10 months in that twitch prime thank you thank you have you teamed with whip the most now probably uh my team is flip uh shelby and scott and me i've been on i've been teamed with three times now i don't think i've been on someone's team more than twice other than flip i've been with pete twice i've been with shelby either two or three times now i think this is our second time together i've been with quick a few times maybe i've been with quick three times actually yeah i think i've been with quick three times quick has been over three i think it's been three mcc two i don't remember my team for mcc one mcc two mcc a i feel like mcc four or maybe three [Music] i was with them mcc one that's been four times i've been with quick so yeah quick has been the one that i tame with the most what color are you h blue where blue black cats team bbc baby [Music] that's my dog euro shelby mcc one yeah i was with em i was a shelby mcc one i don't think i was on a team with her again until this one every 10 mccs me and shelby are together that's the rule uh liam where is your irl costume i don't have one i'm a bad boy chat i need to be punished oh god charizard onesie dude i'm not putting on a onesie right now yo nubs thank you for the tier one welcome back for two months i don't know why notifications ain't going off today like i said if any day notifications were gonna be bugged mcc is a good day to have that issue [Music] because i'm not gonna be able to read during the uh actual event everyone follow this dude yeah do it you fools get me to 200k [Music] liam i expect you to pop off i expect that of myself too ah yo panda lover thank you for the seven months i give that twitch prime yo somebody primes today thank you guys but yeah guys if my internet does go down i'm going to keep recording and worst case scenario i will be uploading the vod to twitch uh and i will send you guys over to one of my teammates and i'll still be in the call and then once my internet's back to stable i'll start streaming again so that's just a heads up if that happens [Music] i'm praying that it doesn't that's also what's getting me a bit anxious is i don't want my internet messing up [Music] it's almost time chat eight minutes i gotta practice movement a little bit more i just got a black cat prize in the game let's go that means we win right blue black cats are lucky right black cats aren't but blue black cats on the other hand that's the way you do it you play the guitar on the mtv is this the last mcc no i think we'd be aware if it was all the best stage thank you all right one last flawless run of this and then we're going to the mcc server actually i should just go and practice rockets please yeah it's like my only time to be able to practice rocket split maybe i should just go over there too far oh oh chat by the way i need your help this is my first time ever using optifine i need help with the settings is there anything specifically i have to do for optifine they had uh settings that they had to fix on every year uh that they had me fix on the mcc thing but other than that i don't see anything that i was like i gotta fix that is there anything that like would help like the game run a little bit smoother [Music] zoom zoom is c but i'm i'm not touching that to be honest let's get on the server before i forget turn off internal shaders i think i did i don't have any shaders on a new version of java not now [Music] shaders yeah just off i have none installed so i'm assuming that it's just this is correct right chat internal shade is off this is good jump into a call with whip i'm in the call everyone's muted i'll mute myself no one else is on me though he's a lion boy i gotta turn off the lo-fi wait didn't turn off shut your mouth i don't want to hear you exit that i wanna make sure i have the least amount of things running right now dyslectic attack thank you so much for subscribing oh you're a cat girl wait what wait wait wait wait wait wait actually hang on i i was just a tin man on mine right you guys saw me be a tin man on there okay scott skin isn't updated either how do i update my skin i'm gonna re-log i guess on the other server i was a tin man you should see i'll check it out later hopefully since everyone's gonna be in costumes that gives me a little bit of an advantage hopefully dude i want to throw up shall we dorothy yeah scott's the oh god i always the scarecrow scott's the scarecrow what the hell shelby's dorothy and no one's on muting on here ah quick quick where's quick i want to join him really quick oh i don't see his team i just want to ask if he can see my skin i don't even see his team where's his team there's a hbo quick wait wait can you guys see my skin really quick hello uh where are you i'm like right in the middle at the beginning part am i blind i don't see you am i a tin man or am i a cat you're a teenager oh you're a 10 man you're tin man what are you so good on you are you trying to be a cat i'm a cat mate for me i can't get it off of here all right i'll let you guys know you're a cat you have a cat you're a blue black pet yeah but i'm in theme with my team but my skin's not updating on here hey should you blow it really reload your minecraft i did i did i'll talk to you guys later good luck bye i didn't want to stay there talking to them because i felt bad because they might be trying to do their own things all right we're relogging again hot what am i supposed to do i think scott's having the same issue as me and no one on my team's on muting i need to talk to you fools i need adult supervision someone talk to me restart launcher i deed i was literally a tin man on the other server wait single player new world survival what the hell am i on here i'm a tin man i'm a cat girl what am i supposed to do sylvie get out of my face if everyone else can see you know maybe this is a good thing maybe this is a good thing everyone else kids see me as a tin man me scott i'm having issues with wall my well for other people i'm the tin man but for myself i keep being like the cat girl uh you're still the cat girl for me two seconds um on my single player i'm a tin man on the server i'm cat girl oh there's shelby and her dorothea kit wait wait do you see me as oh you're not just terrified there you go oh i'm okay yes okay thank you scott thank you for asking someone to fix me i needed to fix him you just yeah they'd say it in the discord if you'd read like if there was an issue just let them know oh yeah i'm dressed up in real life as well i have to pull this up then hang on skin resets me include sudden scott's goodness if anyone tries to like teachers get they're going to turn into me oh that dude that's like that's like sick promotion for you yeah oh my god james charles is in a muggle's character i'm dead scott i love the makeup thank you you look so good i will probably start taking things off as these get in the way korean and that skins are horrifying this fadesies are terrifying they're surrounding me like some weird cult at the moment i'm not quite sure what's going to happen wait wait are they dressed up like irl too or no oh my god no just look yeah look and scheme literally just they're right in front of us i don't quite know what's happening dude uh fruit looks like a teenage mutant ninja turtle they're just surrounding me but looking at me with their massive eyes it's kind of are they kind of creepy they're addressing you i think they're summoning me or animating me i'm not quite sure it's i'm a scarecrow though shelby i'm a scarecrow oh wait one week are you dressed up on your stream i want to look yeah look are you dressed up shelby i had a dorothy costume but it was so absolutely awful so now i'm just in a cosplay of dorothy instead that works i mean mine is a flannel mine is a flannel with some straw and i did some face paint and have a hat oh cute i had a ribbon in my hair but i thought it was ugly so i took it i had a full-blown cop no one tell them it's so itchy if they ask i'm in costume oh you look so cute i love you thank you not you it's just face painting i did it like like 20 minutes ago i was like oh crap the events tonight we should go it looks so good also where is flip i need all of us together for a cute picture at the top of the stairs of the decision do we want to do that can we find something like spooky theme i guess that is spooky theme now nevermind that was why i was saying at the top of the thing oh already up there oh perfect he was waiting oh dear let me get up he knows hello hello hello what get back up here you were all ready to go where are you oh you're oh i didn't even see you guys up there oh look at that look at us we're so chill wait do you need to let shelby next in between me and you because why can't you move yeah get out of my spot it's like she meets me first then h and um oh yeah wilbur's got a great spot here i i appreciate it can you kick him out for a minute all right everyone everyone move uh up into three seconds everyone move back go go go go go go okay just keep going down and then we'll just over and hold back in a second okay get ready you stay back here yeah you stay back you stay back you stay but all you start going back and you'll follow me just go back get i can do it quick page get ready okay just wait i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm gone [Laughter] okay go okay cancel wilbur wait is he those eyes backwards oh my god oh my god stop thrusting i hate this i hate this i hate everything about it oh his skin's backward that's terrified there we go quick we gotta fall careful no everyone else needs to get out he came right back oh his skin's backwards oh they picked i love that they put tommy in their feet if he didn't show up with a halloween skin you got a sheet ghost in there there we go go go go go go there we go i'm taking all my photos so funny oh i kind of look at charmaine ghost why do i love his skin that's creepy we specifically made the technology to be able to force skins on people if they didn't show up with one oh is that why the skins weren't updating mm-hmm oh okay funny oh this is cute i kind of want wait oh they're all fundy skins the same thing it's backwards i think tommy might have had his backwards too but we kind of assumed that it was not changed no tommy can't change his skin he messaged me saying that he's forgotten his um information that happened to me for multiple months well isn't it one of them like what's the first school you went to so when he just says current school be fine yeah that's true he's a child he's in the same school whip is savage today he's ready to go i like it i'm ready to go man i got caffeine in me dude everybody better watch out i've been shooting aliens in space all day i'm ready to go man have you seen the tentacle things how creepy are they i know they're kind of scaring me dude the mouths wait what were you playing that you're shooting aliens in space outer world just released on steam oh you weren't practicing minecraft and try harding flipping no no not at all i love the difference in skins of like kevin sparkles just has werewolf ears so he's just a werewolf like the rest of his skin's the same and then you have like us who like cpk and that have just put like up pumpkins on their heads and then like we've went as like a theme like we've went as the wizard of oz cass like where the what is what did uh james charles changes do oh he's down here it's been a little while since i played among us oh this is all the captain did he's in the middle area i couldn't even tell that he changed his skin it took me a minute of studying him little effort let's beat him up in-game is that the whole crew up there is everyone here oh god i'm not i'm not he's got um his ears yeah and i think he's wearing something like that it's so cute all right uh yeah they all dressed up as theirs oh is that what it was yeah that's so cute what's dreamskin i think he's got the slytherin one right i love oh carl's so cute oh so cute okay all the mummies the mummy team just dressed up as mummies unique okay i love it i like them where wait where are you guys seeing the harry potter nerds they're in the they're in the decision dome we could get to these they're not anymore not in the decision the uh championship the winners thing oh our have you seen the little custom pumpkins they're so cute i think tommy left the game and joined to try and get it to get rid of his skit yeah imagine showing up is what your team actually is that's lame [Laughter] call them out like that scott beat them up this is all white for me is this all wait for all you oh yeah it is okay only when i look in the mirror well you are white that was the joke by the way i think the music for this is very good oh i gotta what's the music setting in the it has our music no it literally has one called music well is it regular minecraft music yeah background music yeah that's okay because i don't i don't want regular minecraft music oh i'm ready oh there's piles of candy around the map yeah we got to do trick-or-treating between rounds oh i'm so excited now shelby did you not watch the video sure we didn't watch the video no i didn't watch the video shelby i forgot oh wait fennel left the game why i forgot because i got a minute let's go it's mcc time i'm ready oh everyone everyone i'm nervous i learned that's nervous everybody [Music] oh by the way guys i was informed by knox crew in the last mcc that we have to go to like the middle area and dance alongside of them oh okay but i want to watch the decision dom yeah oh come down here and do that and then we go back up there down where like in the middle like where you started oh just everybody's just crouching is this yeah you go along with them it's like a middle school dance all over again where everybody's just like awkwardly far apart they're like yeah look at them right down up and down put the music up [Music] i don't think they're spooky i love the halloween theme it's so cool oh wait wait oh no oh it's like a thriller oh my god this is great i love this [Applause] oh how good is this it's like 8-bit thriller i love it oh it makes me happy oh i'm so ready i'm going in i'm going in into the mouth go go go go oh it's so loud you cannot stop me i'm going to the left oh the elevators are taken over by tentacles what do we do while we wait i mean there's going to be the it's going to be the hunt remember it's fcc time i wasn't ready to go so plan of action we need to get look at tommy's sheet ghost that is so fun oh imagine being a sh imagine being imagine tommy you're the only person you kidding me oh sounds of time bingo i won parker water on here i wanted to go first real bad oh yeah yeah it's gotta be one of the last two please or three please oh no oh no oh no please no no no no so what we should do is throw two at the beginning you need to page you need to move back now because you've thrown move back so you don't get yeah don't block me so we might you h your chicken does not want to do sky battle that's fine oh mine does not [Music] this goes really well or really poorly for me so it'll be great i love the difference in like some people are just in random skins like they're doesn't matter what their team was and then some teams will come in like actual team orientated skins i think i love the fact that everest is we're all different but we're still a part of the same thing yeah yeah we're all looking at minnie mook over there being a pumpkin yeah no i think it's actually meant to be oozies it makes sense because they're orange juices things maybe like an ooze on their head oh that's actually clever it makes more sense but it looks like a problem i love the fact that puffy has come as what her skin is technically an iron door with dreams face on it that's what puffy has decided to come as it's an iron door the only thing more terrifying could have she could have dressed up as was green i was going to say the dream slayer himself well there's one more oh where pg i can't make certain jokes about the noisies of the hole in the wall scratching the rpg dang yeah i don't know scott after the practice stream on thursday i we've pretty much broken the barrier yeah yeah how am i how am i yeah the uterus jumps guys remember oh my goodness i can't say it sounds like a uterus not again okay so guys huge tip for this one i found in the jumps that are like one block high where it's like that awkward in between thing if you go in at like a certain like a little bit of an angle rather than straight forward it helps the jump a lot it helps you line up the timing perfectly okay okay uh do we want to call colors or we won't call it directions colors colors and colors [Music] directions means nothing to my brain uh purple oh the slime's a different color yeah it's orange if you watched the video you'd know someone when i found that already connor i need to change my fov let's go wrong purple again wow lots of purple again okay i love purple here it's not purple this time krazy go out green yellow yellow yellow oh wait what happened to not being able to see your body oh i see you when you go near people yeah yeah yeah oh yellow again yellow yellow yellow yellow purple purple oh dear oh dear that one scared me that was a good idea yellow yellow nice easy yellow again a nice easy one again don't say that because one of the times you call it easy i'm gonna fall yellow again another nice easy one hey stop trying to curse our own team just just shelby just shelby cursed blue blue blue blue was so confident i was like there's three walls here does she know i knew blue right in the middle right in the middle whoa double jump sorry purple again purple again purple again and again i'm sorry i will all right yeah green is that's the weird one you like through yeah you shift through the half slab oh that was bad i'm done oh that killed a lot blue blue all right i'm a god yellow yellow yellow oh blue blue i jumped off how did you let's go flip you're killing us oh my god let's go shelby carrie shelby yellow guys i think we might have been one of the last full teams oh should we just phase these through them shelby's like you know what screw these my character oh no oh my god she's a gorge she's popping up let's go i like this do all the work for me oh my god i don't know how to do that when i'm done your time to see if you could carry a team yeah so you know this was supposed to be you showing off today [Music] guys it's fine guys the rest straws have come off it's saying i mean no it's not fair this is the first game i know we're just getting rid of the nerves right now this is it right now good job i'm winning survived a little longer keep this energy shut up [Laughter] okay oh no it might not be yes purple okay okay yeah i didn't know the screen going people that jumped over and they don't need to stress me out like see when you see people i jump when i don't need to again whip that was you blue and blue jumped where it was unnecessary i like that i will 100 own that i was also changing my f of evil there's no yellow oh no nope green green green yellow yellow yellow whoa okay yellow again yellow oh that got a lot of people it's a hell yellow again no no no no no no no no no no no purple purple okay i made that double purple purple all across the sky oh i like the reference swap no no no no that reference killed me the game did not appreciate the reference the game did not like the reference oh my god we're loving purple tonight my pinky is cramping purple again [Music] blue my fingers now oh how do you do this one dude i'm i just glitched it but i didn't i'm very excited i didn't say that i glitched one and then hit the wall uh top ten though top two yeah good job everybody good job as a team we're doing awesome for the first time and i like the fact that there's different people many muka just coming through look at minnie out here look at him this man cannot be stopped in the ghost the ghost sheet himself is killing it everyone everyone thought it was going to be crazy was the caddy turns out i don't know nobody [Laughter] oh no no one's talking about tommy everyone's talking about minnie oh i'm winning this one guys okay all right do it we're down to fifth but we can make the comeback here dude it's [Music] jumped over that into the void was far too high i know i was like i just watched so many feet just jump into the middle jimmy was one of them and i'm very happy about that blue purple purple blue blue blue oh no purple purple purple i commit to one yeah i'm in the same chubby i'm like no i've decided you to as purple if i'm wrong i'm going down with this wall oh we're gonna kill it right yellow green not yellow where is it oh no how dare it disobey me that was scary that was oh my gosh i love when you go i love when you're job i love when you jump on the slime and just get a little extra bounce i know it's like a boo-boo yeah that's why i like jumping instead of yeah walking through it's more fun yeah yeah but i always liked it blue again just stay in the middle yeah oh i'm good we're covered in green green green green you were as if you were in the middle and then moved and i was like what is he doing i did i couldn't see it the wrong way another green i just saw the opening off to the side and started to go for it but i survived purple whoa another purple okay we're no come on yeah yellow yeah again it hurt you shell babe it's like okay yellow again you want i love yellow no no no no no no no purple purple purple purple that's a close one oh nice save scott what is it oh no green green green green oh oh i got it okay yeah that was a hard one did we all get it yeah yeah oh oh i didn't chance like rebound it just like hit me yeah no no no yeah it's fine though first game we're actually we're going to accept first game is pretty good yeah multipliers yeah we can come back if this is [Music] australian penguin love to see you proud of her dude yellow mini movie uh pearl shelby this hat i have right now i feel like it's something you could just wear like in a normal like without like it's a tiny kind of fake witch hat but like no oh wait i thought minnie was yellow i was wrong next time i come over oh it is so cute wow killing it guys carry me harder i did really bad my back just hurts it's okay i'll i'll keep i was gonna keep beating it up but i won't beat it up anymore i'm gonna win the next one we're gonna need you for parkour to carry us yeah well it's not in the game so it might just not ever be picked it might we can hold it let's hope i think we need to i think what we need to do is if it gets to the fifth game oh wait it's heightened it's getting so tell us if you find one like where they are you just go up and right click it everyone can trick or treat them so share the information oh there's one on the bench at the hall of fame there is [Music] yeah on the right hand side is like right close to like the the ocean area or the water okay and you said hall of fame right i love that noise yeah there's one by the mountains like going up to the mountain yeah did someone say in the hall of fame there were some that was me being there's one one by the parkour warrior or a parkour [Music] right next to you scott right next to you behind you dude right by that rock oh okay same oh what have i done i have she always got stuck on slime you have four i got four well just popping off by parkour unhealthy food calls to me i found dan oh there's another one here is it the one yes the one over there next to the tentacle h yeah yeah yeah and then there's one like on your way back to the tentacles wait where's the other one each where on the buy the tentacle they'll be not in the parkour like next to the parkour crush pixel gave me a spikey sweet wait where'd you guys find the first ones you said i got three seconds no no not like this i did bad oh okay so i have a i have some spices throw this i have a vampire which will transform it to a bat a sticky sweet which will stick something to the ground in a space well light while you hit a blaze i'm a knight shelby [Applause] sky battle i can clone it nice what do we not want oh mine just wandered immediately out i i think it's gonna be [Music] three chickens in sky battle but i did so who's our best speed bridger h your best feed bridger okay okay i will go up um i will go up grab the iron above us h if you want to pick the island we're going to in speed bridge to it shelby if you want to grab the iron in the middle and make some armor and then flip if you want to go with h i'm going to go into the middle as soon as possible i need you guys to be behind like crafting the armor so we're ready to fight yeah you guys will be loading this stuff yeah flip you go with h to his first building and grab the iron on that island that he goes to as well is that like mining something or is it all on it yeah wait your island it's 18 iron so make like uh what is it what what is the common thing it's like no iron juice everyone has yeah everyone has a chess play oh sweet okay um i'm nervous i think maybe focus on so five ten me do i get my rounds two helmets make two helmets and two boots and that's for both of you and then we'll all have a chest helmet and boots okay okay i just tuned in yeah shelby you're going to want to break this iron and then make two helmets and two rooms you wear one you give me one flip when you go to the island you make helmet and bits for you and leave which are we h which wherever we go i'm going to the right right on the right the right all right we gotta uh we got right or the left orange is over there gorgeous over to the right we'll go left we'll go left left is quack [Music] they're going far they're going the other side you're fine so one of the iron blocks is straight up vanished it not in your inventory no i it's not anywhere i don't know why oh it couldn't have even did something did you pick it up i do not have someone might have i mean okay um this is unfortunate it literally just vanished no i have two helmets scott come take these right behind you let's go okay on the right well i will make one helmet in one boot okay um it couldn't have even i'm going into the middle if you want to come in yeah you guys can jump across there we got others i was jumping midair and he got over there tommy and crew are here okay should we go across yeah yeah come over so we can we're not wanting to really fight them but just come across so we can get away get the potions and get ready if anyone charges in on you um yeah be careful in the middle yeah i think so shelby all right someone's dead they've got people over there [Music] you got you gotta stay with them you gotta stay with them oh man i got scared i got shot at while i'm bridging okay are you okay though watch almost there almost there almost i'm there okay we need to go into the middle go into the middle yep go go shelby up i'm going in okay that's fine he's behind you coming yeah yeah he's yeah i'm coming i'm coming if you can knock him off do it behind you behind you good job okay you guys are in just scott back if you could drop a creeper egg on them or something that'd be huge right now i had none yeah i died okay i think if you can not die as quick we'll be good look i i jumped to the mid and uh dave got me my hair oh okay yeah we need you i think we need to just be careful of that like don't bridge unless your shirt safe no i wasn't bridging though that's the thing i was done bridging and i backed off and then i went back to like jump to the middle and right mid-air he got wow it was just a good shot by him i wasn't playing at risk or anything like that because i was being super cautious that's fine well first right now oh wait hey still live oh you want to block yourself in to be honest yeah yeah oh no wait watch the thing the borders right next to you just be careful dream's right behind you he's following you around so just keep running if you have like anything just keep dragging and you're heading towards me yeah just keep running behind your watch oh nice um you're gonna need to be careful because off the yeah yeah honestly if you could block yourself and that'd be huge he just has to just move to the middle and do it yep cover yourself and blocks those people above you watch your back you don't want to go too high you might want to honestly get lower because the barber oh oh man i tried you did it yeah the issue is is all the points are in kills for this so like we thumb kills i that's what i was trying to that's why i ran back up to like just hit somebody and see if i could get something ooh tap's got a creeper right behind him look at that oh oh oh wow right there yeah yeah of course there is there a border on make sense that makes sense makes sense above still okay so it's just the point of not surviving yeah that's why you need to play for like not height where am i going okay so hopefully the thing doesn't glitch out this time i'm gonna stand behind it it couldn't have even gone off the map because it's too far from the edge i don't even know yeah yellow that's all right h i'm going with you we're going to the quakes to the right go to the yellow go to the i think still quick quick is good but i think they'll hopefully go the other way because of you yeah they're going far they're going far okay that's fine i got them yeah they're going away they're going away you're good eight you're good just keep going sweet two boots perfect who am i giving boots and helmets um yes please i'm being shot at again that's from orange just from dave again right behind you do you have arrows arrow please uh there's armor in there for you h take it okay we just wish there were more arrows but they're simply not okay hey oh god if we can get in go go you're good you're good you're clean go go go clean i'm gonna grab the health pots oh watch i'm getting shot by fen fins here there's an arrow in here in the chest watch crazy i got them off i got oh i didn't that's right we need to be careful we're clear behind us at least okay i think we maybe want to start trying to get into the middle yeah yeah go for it i'll keep them off watch out for shots flip save myself there's the yellow team way far away we don't have to worry about them it's just yellow and far i'm just gonna okay orange super their orange are going for the safe speed bridge be careful of fen be careful of finn oh they're trying oh actually no you're fine they're thrown i'm like trying to bait fenn's crossbow oh i got a shot there you guys got a pretty safe one to come all the way over here yellows staying far away nice yeah they're far make sure you're eating make sure you're eating oh oh there's okay oh why is that green oh that's james charles look i see someone's shooting all right we got clearance middle we got three points i killed him yeah we got a truck oh man he's gonna say that's homophobic little h so get ready to attack on the left and left watch out on the left yeah you're fine i think we maybe want to go back down by yourself by yourself what yeah i heard you don't fall watch out age watch out yeah yeah yeah yeah hey i got minnie with lava that's two kills off of the lava nice let's go does anyone have arrows no no i have zero oh god the board in the border in the border yeah everyone hungry gotta keep moving in we gotta keep moving in yep yep yeah oh there's a creeper somewhere up on top up on top there's a bunch of them like just keep going yeah we have to keep going i'm at half a heart jesus that borders a lot they're not even they're not exploding so it's fine who's there's lava coming but we need to keep going quickly yeah yeah yeah make sure you eat i'm trying to i can't see where the border is i'm just stuck in shelby's side no we had to hug him that border did way more damage than i remember it doing it got me down so fast yeah you were losing almost a heart at a time it looked like yeah all of a sudden i was like above you oh that's tommy yeah i'm so sad though i didn't get the kills but i was still hollering around i managed to kill like techno and puffy just by breaking the floor from under them this round i wish you could push the tnt away but [Music] yeah i thought it was cyan they're coming towards us they're coming this way they're coming oh they backed up no they're still going we're closer we're closer we can beat it out thanks again this is baloney go go lava on them on them dude there's a glitch oh no we're fine i threw a snowball and scared them good job they're stuck they're way stuck out here they don't have any arrows or snowballs right or they might have snowballs [Music] they're still coming back this way i got martin i got nice ah fundy's up there [Music] i think we could go for them yeah just knock them yeah catherine's low catherine's super low super low gonna come i think i think we just have to try yeah maybe just oh no i thought there's a block behind me oh i thought it was safe oh dear dude i'm doing so bad i got i got jimmy good job get those kills uh violet are waiting for you down start bridging start bridging yeah scott's tommy's following me go okay i got your back flip wilbur's above you you guys are good you guys are good go go you got to rush in good job scott that was really good all right place you're on block i'm sorry you're fine i'm just yeah oh what the oh george showed me i was like what uh i mean lava i am in lava oh can you call i mean kell h or wilbur all right i think he's just getting out of there he's gotta go oh i got two kills we got the kills on glenn jimmy i'm glad we did yeah i got jimmy we did well i got wilbur we did well getting the kills that we did on par aquarius yeah it was like tommy's much better at speed bridging than majority of the people on here they got there faster than me tommy currently is so lucky to be alive oh george is going in green green the aggressor the dream slayer oh he just died of tnt oh for it's gonna know if it's gonna die oh first dead yeah that's great i think pink are gonna get you one here dan tdm the last alive but you died oh dream got to the middle really fast it's tommy is that it tommy on the name yeah yeah you're doing good being oh dream just three three four throwing yeah oh i wish tommy got that kill oh george is just going fine four times george is having none of it oh but they didn't even get that kill because he didn't fall all the way down wow i can't read fuchsia right there fuchsia destroyed it yeah that was this was their type of game like that's really yeah this was i'm glad so what he was saying like last event what he did was basically just go like he would go for things because he thought he could get the kill and then it would mess up and i think this time he's been playing a lot safer like not just chasing for the sake of it but i said there's no multiplier yeah okay candies let me just make sure we're using them i'm going to can we go to the same ones that we've been told yeah uh yeah okay i'm going to the right someone should go oh there's one right next to the pill there's one right next to the pillow thank you sir trick-or-treating oh there's one at the top of the book it's leaf arena there's a corn maze and i really want to go in to the right like past the corn maze there's a guy behind the big billboard oh thank you i'll come back make sure you can you guys keep calling out at the beginning tell you that much over by like the beginning of parkour there's a guy like in between parkour and the uh the golf thing thank you like right in between parkour and golf yeah like on the right side there's one there is one at the there's none in the corn maze but there is one at the top of the park i can't find any by the volcano oh god i chose a really bad rap just go out let's go do the rocket spliff thing yeah let me go to some rockets leaf oh there's one and uh yeah i think there's maybe no one has one of it uh you said in between golf and parkour was inside that building right here right got it oh okay there's one other one in the building yeah so go ahead and turn right into that building do you see him in there yeah in uh behind the starting zone like or right where we start in the like the van area behind there's one right there okay we only have 30 seconds so down the road okay i'm not gonna make it for another one where by the pool is the game uh right outside the entrance of the pillar oh okay i have a clown vampire and two spices why don't i see him yeah i'm not gonna be able to make it up there oh that's finster wait when you say something like i got one yeah no wrong person wait what do you mean sorry what do you mean by entrance what do you mean by entrance literally at the start of the pool on the right hand side literally there's little steps and a guy right next to it all right i got four okay what are we aiming for wait what is the pool houston a vampire i thought your pumpkin came i thought the pool was like the middle area wait i got four oh my bad all right what do we want i want bingo i want to relax i want bingo no bingo is a good one for us i don't think we should i was killed regardless that's fine what are we aiming for i think rocket sleep i kinda want rockets please okay i've thrown a suite at nothing somebody making chicken totally failed can i use a sweet on trouble try oh i missed oh wait does trouble count his points because if he does he's stuck in the wrong thing oh maybe actually poor double ban him i think he only counts at one point he does oh no wait this has got the spooky map and i hate it the mouth sheldon you never watched it so you'll get to see where all those tentacles come from in a minute um what you know the tentacles look right like that it's a giant crowd i hate it i kind of love it that's so cool it's disgustingly cool looking cool all right everybody i can't move my face from being facing downward i'm stuck it's fine we do well at movement-based games and team-based games i mean we did well and hole in the wall we're going to like i think we'll get we should be fine i'm very good at killing people in rock sleep not staying alive for very long but i can't yes got buffed kelsey yeah so i can take people out with me i just won't live for very long i hate the fact that we're slowly descending into the mouth mm-hmm i hate it so much i can help it that's in the very middle yeah it's like the little euphula oh ooh i hate these words you're using recently scott is that what is it you is you feel all the things yeah yeah yeah yeah okay this one's not you know too many words scott he knows two words many too many big words too many u words you got to take them out of your vocabulary no more use okay so tip that i picked up from pete on this one is keep spamming spacebar whenever you hit the bottom and the leg from being on a server will keep your elytra going and can launch it also the other thing is when you're flying if you keep your uh crosshair at the kind of line where the sky kind of changes color that keeps you alive the longest i just need to make sure i don't go too far out and then die by not looking down yeah where i'm going [Music] oh my gosh there's some major battles happening here already oh dear oh my oh lord oh i messed up pretty bad there okay we're okay i'm not okay oh are we okay now forgot we can just go in remember the rockets go away when tnt drop happens oh oh so use it yeah i haven't used mine yet i haven't needed to oh someone just gave him that up right there never mind i used it now i killed crackity i'm really not doing that hot right now folks i haven't killed anyone yet but you better believe i'm trying i believe it i killed pearl oh i'm like way concentrated right now oh i'm going down i'm dead folks have you not used your have you used your rocket i've used my rocket already i am down yeah i'm i'm out bummer oh man okay i was pretty bad though techno blade not like this not like this no no no no no no when you get stuck underneath this because it's a flat bottom yeah i got really messed up early on and so i had to rock it way too early and i clipped my rocket bring it all the way back up me too i got stuck because of the flat blade i found a re i found a really good little like out the way spot 10 seconds i was looking at you i was just like man whoever that blue guy is oh wait that's us he's just chilling over there a little bit remember use your rocket if you haven't you're the only one left yeah you're the only one so scott i came in like 20th and i got two kills i'll take it i think i've had no problem i had somebody i hit them below they didn't rock it then somebody else hit them as they were falling down so they took the kill i'm so mad above you scott yep is that just on my end like at the very top i've fallen off the job scott you did well you're really good carry on oh yeah all he does is fly with an elytra he knows what he's doing and he's figured out the rocket jump like instantly yeah he's doing well what is phil doing phil was glitching for me he was like shifting he might be dead now i started yeah he's down at the bottom he's like shifting instead of like flying and he's like in the wrong block for me yeah there's a way you can glitch into a block this is lions game look at them they have three people alive they're false fruit and greens the smpers yeah the the survival s p players all they do is i see what you mean about phil he does look like he's in chef animation the whole time yeah he was like instead of being on top of a block he was next to the block for me yeah like he's just walking through the sky for me right now yeah he's just having a walk oh oh oh goodbye filzer no he got he got up what is happening yeah what this map is like nothing left how are people still alive how there's still five of them i don't know how what fellas doing but he's a madman i hate it what is this what is this oh and now he falls i finished eight oh nice seventh man today folks i didn't realize that i've done that well i think because i died and i think i was like the last person to die like no i've fallen it okay i was like i fallen out the map already help like i have started oh okay i'm ready for these old maps now yeah uh nux i said two minutes oh okay he was stuck in flying mode i'm eating oh man hey we're in sixth place good job good job good job good job guys pause five minutes by the way wait who are we pausing for um oh this is not this is not a fusion's game they had their last with like a good margin of points oh my gosh yeah everybody after the last game was like get them out i think one of them would like afk for me or for everyone i don't know what happened don't be a fool yeah this is definitely going to be lame this game good yeah i'm actually kind of glad that if uh lime's having a game josh is good fruit is good or josh's good false is good ren i think is good and green is really good i mean green this is really green and false's game like they always this isn't green's first time playing it which because every event he's been in i don't think it's been played and then false has always been good at this one true any chance we could play hole in the wall again i need to redeem myself i'm i'm so upset with how i did on the first two games that's right because verse two don't matter as much it's true but i still yeah i'm not first of all did not help yeah that's kind of why i wanted bingo i just wanted a game where i knew i would do very well and just be able to relax but we should be playing that last awesome i played it we killed it in bingo yeah oh yeah we could do really good at bingo no no no we are gonna do really good at bingo you're right i studied we will i i have call outs for all of you don't worry oh good i'm really good at being called at i'm getting i don't do under pressure i'm currently just stating it total nightmare fuel like i'm just i've got zoom and then on green's face what does green have on you know shall become light what was great where is it i don't see scott augury in chubby look right behind you oh he's oh my god yeah why he's so happy to see you disturbing look at his eyes oh he went with the his usual face is so cute it's usually so harmless and friendly oh i can see from the inside yep is this terrifying on the inside is that something outside oh why is so sad i wish i had still had my pumpkin king crown in here that's all i'm saying if i can keep that throughout the day yeah if you can win that yeah if you can win that'd be awesome how many sweets are you all at i've got seven so i'm only two behind you okay i have no i idea if i can average five per time i'm good that'll be four or five each and i'll stay in the lead yeah i'm at seven they forgot to add the mute cranials right ravens are not ready what what is happening ravens are the captains they don't get to just take a break they just keep i think they just keep mess clucking they're oh we're going oh we're going we're going to again [Music] oh it's a new map yeah yeah we had all that time flip and you didn't look down once you even looked down no i did i legitimately did not look down at all it's fine though it's really funny this game with my fov is really weird what do you play on 90 now i play lit night five well it's kind of warpy i like i like being able to see a lot more yeah let's kill some people let's go that's the attitude i'm gonna do a murder oops i'm just trying to stay alive i am really not good at this aiming thing for kills i usually am better at killing but this time i'm gonna try and stay alive because it's not working out for me yeah i'm just trying to play a little bit to stay alive oh let me just punch me way high in the sky whoever did that thank you so much that was a real bad round for me are you right okay all good shall we brush it off this one's hard i didn't have anywhere to line this one like the bits get so sparse yeah somebody just landed on me and punched me i should have been ready for that oh oh god i just walked off of edge what am i doing no i can't get out of elyntra oh i've had to use my rocket oh yeah i had to use mine early oh man i am not doing too hot this time folks neither am i every time i land i feel like someone is like there to get me um oh i'm rocking very this time that's good i made it i'm doing better this time all right i've fallen i'm gonna fall oh tnt is coming she be coming around the mountain i died i could try it this i just couldn't like align some of them that time it was weird yeah i was getting somewhere trying to land like my elytra was not disengaging normally good at this game yeah still going strong i'm trying i think i think i prefer being on teams when people are like they're gonna do awful like they're not gonna win this because then i'm like there's no pressure except proving you wrong yeah when people are like oh they might win i'm like no no no no no no no no no no all right let's see is anybody still alive on our twitter feed yeah i am ah i think i just got josh there oh did you have him yeah i think i just got fault i think i just got false unless somebody else i think i hit him there we go i got you dead dang it oh i had that i knocked her off there was jordan korean stella three stolen from me now come on phil's on fundy and oh he went for him green life to spot my hand he's so good at his little sharp turns yeah yeah like green's little flick to land is insane apparently he's really good at landing apparently because i hit fruit i saved him a few extra spaces but i got the kill on him so i think that's more important yeah the points were worth it how many kills you guys have i've hit two people and had them falling down and every single time they've been hit by somebody else as they're on their way to dead yeah dude people are sniping kills out we're still like fifth like we're still doing good we're doing we're a strong middle pack right now yeah middle of the back what's the burger i keep running out of the arena okay so this is better this is layers so this one should actually be quite a good map because there's a lot of area to land yes yes yes all right let's do it let's do it [Music] fenn fell over the map already no way i think he didn't know how to activate his electro how do you not know how to activate your electron minecraft not everyone plays survival or minecraft a lot to be fair hello oh god i'm already down on the cheese layer this is not good i'm on the tomato i was on the bottom but i'm back at the top i am now the best thing yeah and instead of i'll get killed later if i can live long enough i'm on the burger i'm in the cheese i'm on the cheese not the cheese people are starting to reveal the bottom bun not the bottom bun the bottom bud i just touched it he's trying to punch me now he's running away because i punched him back harder i'm panicking too much i'm a scared young man if you do the thing that on this map it's easier to do things people said about spamming your space bar because there's a lot of like surface area i'm back up oh i'm back to top bun we're good i'm back to the top one level here everybody oh no oh eight five so sorry that was you you you got him you've got to be kidding me i'm falling slowly there you go shovel was eliminated by carl no i don't even know how that happened he must have just been the last one that hit me that pushed me too far away to be able to get back on fourteen seconds until you have to use sorry i just murdered you use your rocket nine seconds until you have to okay i'm using it now oh i just got launched use it this one just is not my game everyone's got their not their games games i know you know what that's all right oh someone just gave me a lot of hype dude i'm proud of the three of you right now you're doing great oh no i'm just doing so bad tonight in this one i think because we haven't played images i'm just not we should get points for our own dance yeah if i manage to avoid everybody i should get points i eliminated my mind the entire time i should get points oh what what what what someone had did oh that was awesome flip's just swimming in the air yes what just keep swimming just keep just keep swimming animation but no one else does i don't know if he can survive in our 20 seconds he's golden how is he swimming i don't know how much mentioned miss fundy that was really weird just go for survival let's point what just go for his fire yeah i just died dude you're doing awesome 15 seconds you got this no i think he's going to lose it just oh yeah he's floating just keep trying surviving i'm trying to keep track [Music] oh that was so good that was literally like the skin of your teeth like oh my god i was cbk was coming to kill you from behind yeah so you think he was hunting you like he was firing and trying to punish you oh my god he was seeking blood hey she can't he does this one there we go oh my god my voice [Music] so wait what's the pool literally when you spawn in there's a swimming pool to your right has he never seen this oh it's literally the main thing here so when you said pool i thought you meant like the middle like gigantic like pool no i guess that's normal that's not a pool h sorry okay [Laughter] okay where's the parkour do you every time i see tommy i just kind of chuckled to myself when you see his ghost yeah all right i got one candy why can't i sprint i see like i don't think there's anything else to the right i think it's just that one guy yeah oh man everything okay there's one out by the camper vans in the front two actually like when we spawn like behind what is it yeah we're like right behind where we spawn there's one out there oh three there's three out there okay oh i'm going that way camper camp yeah where was the other one there's one in the car and then keep following the road you'll just keep what do you mean the car there's one inside of one of the camper vans okay oh i see him yeah we're by jimmy and all them i see everyone running this was there any by rocket split or anything like that or corn maze i do not see any go to the left go to the left go to the left there's no in corn maze there is another one in one of the camper vans oh yeah there's two in the camp so there's four out here i got five candies oh oh behind it looks like behind uh the hall of fame oh my god i'll be on the rock on the rock what time do we have 15. yeah there's still over 10 seconds i got six candies i got five i don't know how many i don't know of any other ones i'm going up the volcano what if there's nothing up there yeah i was trying to go up there i have sex okay so i have clonings today i'm still i'm still in first oh yeah i like that attitude get rid of them oh no think it looks like everyone's going ace race all right well i'm gonna throw mine i'm gonna clone i'm just using all my cloning sweets we have to use all our candies right i need you guys to get out of the way so i can throw candies if you haven't yep i'm out i think people want h oh no i just stickied h i mean i wanted the feeling sorry shelby stop making him sticky hey let's go oh so i think the cloning suites only work for a little bit so you're better saving them until the last minute and then throwing them because there's not as many chickens as there was interesting i needed again tentacley tentacley this is cool technically it's tentacley did they i mean they had to rebuild all of these i'm the humor on the team i feel like there's a lot of games that are all about tentacles right now yeah it's a technical monster has anyone ever told you that you laugh like peter griffin no why would you do that from shelby shelby if i'm saying i'm just gonna lose no i'm more i'm more confused no no if anything is gonna drive me because nothing can hurt me more than how i've been doing in the last three games keep keep bashing me okay keep bashing me bully me all three of you guys we thought we thought we were bringing you guys we can't bring carrios but turns out we're having the caddy heaven it's just dead yeah yeah hey isn't here so it's actually possible over somebody else to win so can you just get first place please yeah no you got to be rougher than that yell at me guys guys guys first uh little go around you could go to the right or left like literally go around the jumps like get your spot yeah like you see the rocks on the left side with no with all the grass oh yeah yeah yeah i got you do that one both of them uh it used to be both of them i don't know if it still is but it looks like it's definitely still the first one and which because i'm just gonna do the middle thing so i don't mind doing the jump okay okay that's fine i got i learned some good shortcuts in this one yeah the first waterfall once you do the first electro bit the waterfall you can take on the legs oh yeah i didn't mind doing that jump either oh so sad oh come on all right okay oh we going we're going we're going no oh i didn't make it okay we're good i hate seeing all right scott don't glitch it out this time okay i'm trying i'm trying [Music] can i go from down here oh thank god remember your trident can basically get you up onto any platform [Music] i'm in second he's like a mile in front of me whoa i just glitched way out here back like 30 blocks no i very nearly like overshot the trident tunnel like just straight into the hole it was terrifying this sounds terrifying [Music] i'm just buying fruit berries and i don't like it just because this character is in my way i'm behind wilbur and i don't like how he's looking at me while we go [Laughter] i just see his own face looking at me while he moves forward no i messed up so now i'm not fine that's important [Music] yeah i've got that now with funding i don't like it i don't like it it's disturbing yeah i actually hate it you're right i don't like that he's looking at me right something something wrong i'm messing this up real bad here folks dude you're doing fantastic do not worry you're doing great as long as you finish i'm proud of you that's the thing we need if you don't finish i have been so bad yeah if you don't oh man oh my gosh oh i didn't like the trident um i think i'm playing on too high of an fov that's just messing me up oh tournament wait i think i'm glitched how do i understand this i didn't i'm dude [Music] techno's got me by 10 seconds jesus techno oh catherine just passed me that's no good oh i fixed it i don't know what that was oh okay i'm intense let's go nice i'm not even looking oh no no no no no no no no oh josh caught up to me my elytra didn't go off that put me back yeah i've had a few weird things happening here definitely as like as she's haunted jesus because it's halloween we're haunting yeah i'm honestly like not used to the new aesthetics of the map so i keep looking for things that don't exist like jump like i was looking for flowers instead of skulls right [Music] all right shelby i'm right behind you we got this we can come back we got this you're doing amazing sweetie i almost messed that up we're doing amazing snap said so i believe in you both daddy you're carl jacobs you killed me before nobody kills shoe blades over here that's right [Music] i love the bouncy skull so much i could just [Music] somewhat sparkles he's in trident form so i was like how am i in 11th i don't see anyone then realize they just rolled under me oh my goodness just go down don't be shy so it keeps putting me back i know no that happened before my sprint also is not activating so that's fun i had that problem and it was worse but then i got a speed boost and it fixed it yeah i i sometimes i have no sprint it just looks like it because i'm so used to speed bursting i got second oh second yeah wow he wasn't talking that whole time i i was yeah i suppose he was right when he said be mean to him so we just need to abuse h and then he'll win okay i i techno didn't make any flaws at all like he got off to a huge i wasn't second for everything but like one moment well let's go nice i made one hiccup and that's because my elytra didn't go off and then uh fruit and dream caught up to me and i went on full like try hard no talking mode i was like no that's one of the games where you can do that because obviously this is like what you're like you're doing your own thing yeah like i could talk to you guys and give you tips but i think we all know like all the tips that we can do here the only thing that i had that you guys might not have known about was the beginning part yeah i'm trying to stand on a green yo alexa thank you for that i'm trying so hard 13 months water circle thank you for the eight months amorous thank you for the two minutes lauren thank you for the 10 months rocky thank you for tuning in we'll get [Music] yo okay well i'm going back to 70 fov because everything else is driving me insane that was so bad i was finishing first guys let's go oh look at that come back wait a minute nikki still needs to finish so i okay guys i had one hiccup guess how much techno beat me by 20 seconds 32 seconds wow how ridiculous is that i thought it'd be like 0.5 seconds no i i like i saw him at the beginning and then i just lost complete track of him i feel so bad for quackity connor and james because this is one of those games that you cannot practice like yeah no we all know the map as well like the mc they need to learn the mechanics and the map like there's no way they weren't finishing in the bottom same with like nikki oh catherine has never played this either and nikki's kevin's played not this one yeah this map yeah no i've been on a team with her when we've done this oh okay so captain's put it once dan as well which and literally everyone who is not finisher people but who i would have expected not to have finished like they've still got three minutes but what i mean is it makes total sense for these people yeah and the thing is i think this is quite a big thing to make a new map so like it's difficult too yeah so in that beginning you can skip the first two little areas you fall down like the sweet berries in that first little rock i fell down there so many times yeah oh i should have i should have thought about that just bro go to go mess around with that it'll help you out a lot it saves quite a bit you still do it right now oh you can yeah i'm running through the whole map right now because you can't oh that's cool you can just keep practicing you can skip all three of them what oh my god i'm doing that in the future wait skip three what the very beginning all over again the very beginning i don't know where the beginning is oh yeah yeah that actually probably works pretty well oh oh i okay i know what you're saying actually all right i saw everyone it's helpful during the later rounds too but it's i commonly don't do it just because i kind of get afraid but the first round you definitely should be doing that it'll help a lot my thing is i'm trying to learn i'm trying to learn how to do the trick i are still doing it because the music is on but it's only got two minutes yeah i know it gets to make it much more intense that little section after the water tubes is always what slows me down oh there's an elytra off to the left it's very risky it screwed me over one time stay right and just wait there's a second jump paddle like three seconds faster but it's not worth it if you die yeah yeah it's like if you can perfect that jump it's very good but it's also just very scary and probably not worth it like i failed it like three times in a row i feel like they changed the rock structures inside the inside the elytra flying cave like one of those i just hit like right in the middle hmm i don't know did i know so many shortcuts for next time now i know oh wait there's so many shortcuts when you actually like fly around the map and look okay so go to the start and then fly through the first electro a bit and then round to the lake bet and i'm going to show you where the best short guys so go past the demon um go past the demon yeah and then there's there's something under that yeah yeah he got the three fastest laps oh my goodness oh my god and then quick right behind him geez dude let's go yep let's go guys i'll take it 33 seconds behind is second place oh my god i guess that's what happens when you get the fastest three laps he flawless them like i i had one hiccup that's it and he beat me by i feel like that's going through and taking the time to like watch the vods for it and get like familiar with the map i don't know if there's going to be break time i don't know if there's going to be trigger trading okay so remember remember this is the you vote for the game you don't want i like it a lot more i am unfortunately down to 23rd right now [Laughter] we got the worst games out of the way i i i have um i have one suite i had a techno blade for the pumpkin crown though so i'll take that dude what can i go in here at me dream is still all right i'll be right back while we're on break okay yeah i'm gonna mute pro a second two oh chat the first three games got to me that was so much anxiety i hated it i actually hated it like i'm glad like that that's why i was saying i wanted bingo i needed a game to help me relax and ace race kinda did that for me but the first three games were rough it was actually i was in like 30th i wasn't like 23rd the last one helped out a lot i needed that it hurts bingo is winning now let me take a look at this i have no idea what to vote for who i thought it was quackity that just undress right in front of me i actually thought it was quackity just undressing in front of me uh audience blockout okay so which one do we not want the most chat the least votes so we want to vote for i'm going to say to get to the other side i'd like to get to get the other side out of the way first chat go vote for that go vote for to get the other side build mart yeah build mart's not getting chosen that's fine it's down to these three to get to either side is probably our weakest point out of these three teams or these three games wait does that mean i don't yeah no we want to vote for it we want to vote for it stan signs up time should stay on the right ah bingo is getting picked dang carl build mart yeah there's no chance that big sales at build mart is uh is losing this one is winning for sure vote bingo to not play come on they redid bingo and everything we really gonna do it like that it's confusing you we want to vote for the game out of these three games which one we want the the least big sale of bills bill maher's not getting picked that's already confirmed by this basically it's pretty much sands of timer to get the other side i'm fine to get together so i'm actually pretty good at taking the other side but as a team i think that's our weakest weakest out of these four wolf i think techno or dream just said go vote bingo but fast just breathe chat just breathe uh it looks like we're playing together he's chasing me oh god we're playing to get to the other side it looks like it no okay now that i put my fob down in normal i feel like i'm like way zoomed in it feels weird i need everything there's a setting that might help you for what you need uh no it's just that i was not used to it i play on normal typically i know you're talking about that accessibility one oh wow yeah no mine got turned up to a hundred percent in like one point sixteen point three there's new settings to like get rid of the yeah the accessibility oh is it exciting okay i was gonna say the distortion and the fov ones you could change up i put distortion to like 10 percent yeah they're at their 100 their 116.2 did it and i just um oh you realize i didn't install 1163 today you realize you're one point ahead of second and third for sweets like i know yeah i'm kind of terrified also i am also in that group i have 13 as well but obviously it's alphabetical i think techno second place wait no i just said i had 15 and they had 14. where am i going crazy scott your face i mean look at look at me with my crown up here though i can just say look look at me first place and look at technoblade in second place all i'm saying is that's all we that's that's just what we got to remember here shelby what were you saying you have your face game the same place does everyone in your chat telling you to move it so they read the chat yeah no they're not getting to reach out oh but that's how they got to see how we did in the games being like oh my goodness move it for among us and now they're like oh my goodness move it back and it's like you can't have everything i'm gonna move it just fine i'll just move it i'm moving it yeah i'm trying this new green screen thing out here because that new nvidia stuff they can do an artificial green screen and so i'm like my whole self is in front of chat that's really nice i wasn't gonna do it if everyone kept spamming order in the chat they should be able to see chat yeah let me just i couldn't do it earlier because it just takes a really long time for me to move it because it goes so slowly um honestly i'm so i can't even see my eyes with this pumpkin crown on what looking at team placement right now kind of where i thought everyone would be the only ones i'm kind of surprised that is violet but violet was very much uh if tommy decided to play for fun or play to win like if him and funny were playing for fun they were losing if they were playing to win they were doing well so it makes sense that they've decided to try harder yeah red i'm surprised aren't doing as well but honestly i think we're the biggest surprise but that's because we got the games that were not the hottest dead out of the way it just comes down to if we don't get parkour warriors i think we're going to be up there for sure yeah i think i don't i don't think it will be a dodgeball competitor what games are i think we can still get top four no no literally five six seven and eight game that count like the first four really don't mean anything yeah flip we're getting into dodgeball i don't give up that easily h you just can't possibly not get to dodgeball something in the code of mcc means you get the dog yeah so we're playing together right uh oh yeah we don't get to choose here what are the games that are going to be coming in parkour warrior battle box and survival games that's it is there any more is that it there should be another one i can't remember what to all be oh no look at them someone watching might have their skin in there oh no wait it's big sails oh to get her aside oh yeah it's delicious i have a strat for this yeah that that pull hurt my brain a little bit yeah that my brain does not work like that i strut shelby shot for those last name was just follow titan blade i came in second and third last time in this game because i just followed techno the whole time yeah no apollo dream and you're good and she's castle so it's literally randomized right it's not the same route as last time yeah okay my favorite was everyone when it got released they're like oh like fall guys i was like we did it before of all guys we copied together we did it before guys man i hate the water one the water one kills me if anybody finds a route through the water i think through the middle kind of looking like there was some but there i think you can go through every place it's just some will have bigger holes than others yeah no i got told last time i did that i got totally trapped and i had to re-go to the start and move around that's nice there's a chance for it to get real bad okay yeah if you get it through it call it out yeah remember in this game when they originally had it you could fall to the void if you feel that slime jump and it was awful i don't know this map we've done that before it's been a while all right where's techno where's techno techno's going to the left shelby we got to follow him he's on the left listen i came in second overall in this game i'm not going to follow my team okay this one i mean there's no actual building there's no building block so it's just luck what i'm gonna do is when there is a bridging i'm gonna follow techno and knock everybody else off who is also following him you you are his bodyguard so you can finish right behind that's how you come in second he's on the right if that makes you feel better oh he moved he moved he moved i was on the left with him he knows he knows the strat well it doesn't matter because this one's not a building one woo i guessed right look at me oh my gosh i totally biffed that slime jump can we punch teammates to move them forward uh second to right one okay um oh there's a little hole here oh my gosh i can't see it i'm right behind you yeah i can't see anything it's not far [Music] yeah i go third i got nine get to a fan 14 first damn yeah let's go let's go first team nice job everybody nice guys our stuff movement oh my god i hate this that you see everybody i know it's the point of hitting that but my face was inside people's heads the entire time you just need to not be in people's head just be first and then you don't have that just me dude i tried and then i feel a little slime you all know how i do on slime jumps we just we partnered with you behind them back oh my [Music] i love i think they all learned my strat from last time because i did it and i kept winning it's fine i'm gonna punch them all because i'm gonna be behind the crowd of the people behind techno oh i saved myself dude pro oh no oh i'm stuck in the webs sometimes it's easier just to go for the water like i am so upset oh i'm so far behind right now i'm so stuck here no i'm back in the flesh meanwhile we're fighting this is the worst day of my life i'm doing really bad uh everything's blocking me off i hate it i got so stuck because i fell in a web [Music] oh no come on you're fine you're fine i just blocked pearl oh somebody just blocked our team to finish i i got covered by so many blocks there shall we just go up oh yeah shelby go up straight from there will be no tell me i just wanted oh my god that was so bad literally she'll be like punched two people and then just fell down a hole i fell down the only hole yeah literally a one block hole oh oh birds back there wow he must have fallen off the map or something king byron was near me [Music] that was the worst round ever that's fine i struggled there no you should have seen what happened to me oh i watched the shelby oh you mean everywhere before that it was the worst thing ever the whole oh not this one oh i can do this one this one yeah this one's other hitter mess for me depends on if i hit anybody uh if you get past the giant wall and you fail the jumps just go backwards yeah reset [Music] ah you fools dude i can't i hate this i can't even launch at all here we go oh i'm all the way back at the start oh geez can i make this jump i can i did it i just have to use your triceps i got 14. i guess oh lame was the first one to finish beautiful flip beautiful use your electrolytes nice good job okay there we go jeez oh my gosh i was almost second i clipped on the dang ice i clipped on the farthest block of ice and i just it really comes down to first full team finishes like that's the points yeah it's like 200 extra points it's big yeah i'm not playing well today folks i'm so frustrated the one time you get to team with me you decide to throw i know scott he mourns every time about me not putting him on his teeth my team and then i do and he does like this i just wanted to have an excuse to hang out with you for a few hours that's all that would be happening again if you play like mickey connor sylvie didn't finish yeah i was looking at who wasn't finishing oh sonic didn't finish sonic was not fast i don't understand why it's not equipped in the first place okay throw people off a little bit catch people oh where's techno [Music] oh my goodness can i place below inside me everybody just goes off i love it everyone's going all the way up all right i'm going for this tower right here i got rain i think yeah i did i got eight i'm done i got intense i got 13 15. yeah first team team let's go we're doing something good [Music] [Applause] i genuinely so i stopped and punched him off because i knew it was getting points and then i finished oh that's so my bm worked yeah and he's not even finished yet you know he's trying to punch fenn but finn's like blocking him we did oh that was good moves by finn jesus yeah finn's actually good at the game please minecraft quite a lot he died again wilbur's going to sabnam finished 37th that's good that's really oh no who just died who just fell off oh james no quackety wilson james charleston can be my friend all these towers i forgot there's death messages for like got and looked into dracula's castle oh wilbur shouldn't have looked at the painting in the attic i love that one oh that's cool oh [Music] no see you guys are saying oh no i'm like all this stuff for us because they're doing really well so we want fuchsia to do that oh no get rid of this one no i shoot this one i hate it that was the og map that they showed me when they were explaining this game to me like when they were going through before the event started and it was just all made out of like one block and i remember being like this kind of weird but i like it and this was one of the test maps and it's funny this is stayed in from the very start i can't see anything i can't see oh i know i'm just going third person mode here so i can at least like look up i missed the jump because i couldn't see where people were that's nice i knocked callum off i know it's cpk off which is great oh my goodness someone just punched me but saved me oh i need it i got a little thing i got 12 come [Music] which meant they were the first hey team in first place we're in first place i i couldn't see anything and i just missed the ladder yeah honestly i punished tommy and cpk off but i needed to get cpk because he's only 29 points behind me so i need to create a deficit here [Laughter] yeah i'm so sad though if we had got like if if joel had been knocked off at all we would have got the extra points for team first there but it's like look at catherine she's just stopping queen yes i have a bet with you like i can't make it i'm gonna stop you all for making it what's your favorite fun day uh it's that he doesn't finish first individually oh yeah oh oh this is my first time doing this one so you want to jump down and then bounce back and then you're going to jump off the target block okay wait what i think [Music] it's just rocket jumping oh jeez ah no i didn't make it no somebody just ah jeez i hate this i made it okay i just missed it oh my god i hate that i made a first i just hate the recharge thing i got knocked down but i'm waiting for my oh my gosh oh yeah my recharge all right all right oh you suck yes wait i didn't bounce up high enough this is the worst oh you're i'm never gonna make it past this first part [Music] my issue right now is just the oh my god there we go oh it i'm 10 12 12. do i have to i didn't know where to go no uh there's not gonna be a lot of people finishing this we're fighting oh he's so cool [Music] i wasn't even halfway through the dang thing this one is pretty hard this one is very very hard i got a third hey let's go scott yeah nice job dude movement games are my games movement games games are my days my team's doing so good yeah for never having played one of these before that was rough also the fact that we're landing in the mouth of a witch is a little weird it's not what oh no that's that's not a witch yeah yeah i saw the little antenna afterwards i was like nope oh go to the right of the winner's podium and then there's go back a little bit oh oh by the way oh is that is this the one you were talking about not in the podium okay i see nothing up there where's the one by the pool oh i see him never faster than you is there anything out front in the uh oh chant no bleed has more sweets than you whoa not like this oh yeah more more like that more like that i like that i found nothing behind i found absolutely anything oh there's one behind like minivan minivan there's one like right when you go down the path dude i love that i called it minivan and then everyone called it minivan it's like a cs go call out right at the beginning not even minivans at all there's one over on the far side of the mini golf course by the tentacle in the water there's like a little pool like neater the parkour i don't know yeah uh go towards the parkour then take a hard right before you start it uh the giant billboard there's one dude right there is that what you're talking about no it's farther it's past it's far side this one right here yeah the right one right there i see what you're talking about okay i'm right behind you scott i'm just fine [Music] i'm gonna have six candies six candies no i see nothing by parkour oh he's way far on the right you're hard right before you get to the court yes okay ah i still haven't read [Music] i'm burning everything that goes into parkour um wait and see what other people are doing i think we want bengal did you guys get nag no me neither not yet maybe they stop somebody crashed oh voting begins in six seconds i don't know that just threw me off my bed i'm thinking bengal bingo we want to like make sure we get bingo at all get rid of parker everyone else is going parker i think we're going to need to do parker water okay that's fine yeah we'll just do our best throwing baby oh someone someone used the sweet on i got the mega chicken with a spicy i don't want to do parkour i don't care wait it might be bingo it might be bingo whoa this is not spread out parkour's got a lot oh wait some chickens yeah somewhere oh no it's going to be old oh it's going to be building look at that let's go actually okay who wants to be the far end traveler um okay do you want me shelby to do better teach and you go and be the runner i i'm really good at builds like that is actually what i'm really really strong at i i prefer to build i'll do a run i'll run okay you'll run you guys can if you guys want to build i'll run so shelby she'll be she'll be stuck the first build with me i think and then when er i'll go for this of mine and then shelby just start collecting bits from everything yeah we give call-outs like anything in colors like the glass the terracotta anything like that we need shelby to grab you go and get colors that's you want to get your favorite color okay so right at the start i go for colors and also yeah big things we'll delay the first build a lot later that'll be quick so big thing chat you are our fifth person every single one of our chat you are writing down what we need to get you are going to be our fifth person cheating no no yeah i mean people used to take screenshots of this and that was determined okay i mean it was it wasn't encouraged but there's no way for us to basically with yeah they're what we just stop it so it's one of those that like by saying it's against the rules we'll just get chats toxic so we decided not to yeah i've never looked at mine because i but because tommy takes all of his stuff out in his chat and doesn't send it to anything oh yeah you know what everyone kind of does something to remove so yeah if you ever are forgetting something i'll go far left yeah i'll get the right i'll get farmers i'll get middle i'll get middle oh clog oakwood spruce cobble and then i just crush a spur and then some iron all right so i'm getting colors immediately yeah i need orange concrete shell because y'all all need wood you don't want spruce wood i'm going to get no paint uh what do you think what i got middle i can do myself that's super easy shelby i orange concrete is my thing i need i need orange orange red and yellow glass shelby okay orange red and yellow should i get more than that or just start with that yeah just grab extra i just need one of each but grab extra just in case it doesn't hurt yeah i hate using the shopping cart in the first bit because there's just so many people so glitchy with other people i need all right i know what i need i know what i need quick get the heck out of here okay i'm going i'm picking up none of the wood this is unfortunate i hate to see it all right we're good we're good i literally almost went like i got out of my shopping cart as it fell into the void like i watched it happen i'm grabbing extra some of this too let me know when you're back to your build oh my gosh people are taking all the spruce wood shelby i'm going to be getting back to my belt in a second where would where would cole be i got 10 i got pen spruce good course and no it's not a norris i think it's oh wait yeah it says i'll grab call i'll grab call i'll grab it i'll grab it i'm fine no okay i'm literally in here okay okay i just need like if i need any stones i'm in stones right now no i don't think so and shelby you got my glass i got your glass thank you red orange i'm getting extra of all the other colors that i could manage to get through if you get back fast i could finish mine i think all right i'm coming back i just need scots uh coal and i should be good i think mine was just not gonna fall not today yeah i hate my issue is i just i just hate the collision with other players yeah it's rough that's like right hey hitch here's nicole they are just like thank you um okay oh my gosh hello hello thank you shelby you're welcome nobody can you pick my pumpkins thank you place them yeah just place them oh i didn't pick trying not to waste anything all right i did it okay um hold onto these i'm going back out i'm going to put them in the chest put them in the chair oh i need you coming back i'm going to put them in i'm putting them in the middle chest everything okay i've just realized i need flowers let me grab them uh just orange tulips i like running it's a little stressful but it is a lot of fun i found my calling yeah uh you wait what did i forget no what outdoor just orange is there anything inside foot oh i forgot the stair on the front i'm dumb there we go marine i need smooth stone and i need um ladders so sticks which i can do i've got some if you want them i i need four ladders if you can't all right i need prismarine brick and i need smooth stone shelby are you ready to hear mine uh i was placing scott's flowers uh i'll go look at mine oh my gosh quack look at mine really quick it was like uh orange something like the basketball yeah and then white glass white glass got a smelt stone to get smooth stone we'll be good there oh are you doing that why am i moving so uh yeah i i'm doing smooth stone for myself can you grab extra for me too please uh how much do you need uh like i think like six slabs okay yeah if anyone is in stone and can grab me just plain stone at any point that'd be good yeah i could do that how much do you need i got it i need a lot of smooth stuff to make buttons like for so many buttons how many like i i could grab give me a number like 20. okay i'm gonna go back to your build h actually i'm just gonna go back drop the chest in there if you want to there's orange concrete in the chest back at the thing thank you did you get ride i'm getting red now i'm coming back now right there thank you and thank you class guys white stone celebs orange i got you thank you boss is it a place these mine carts are not one uh candle well today i'm right behind you dude speed run okay i'm getting better at using it from oh using it more uh scott i grabbed you stone slabs and you're smelting things i don't need i'm smelting or not stone slips i'm in stone it's in the chest okay i dropped 20 in there they may have the ladders uh i could make ladders what they're doing i got them i got them i got them i'm gonna place your thing thank you yeah you got it in the correct spot thank you you're welcome thank you my gosh come on um i'm gonna just toss you the glass [Music] not just regular stone right i haven't done a page okay okay h i got three furnaces going with some of it over here okay i'm almost done with mine so don't take it yet speed running wait i think i'm good yeah shelby so it's black terror i'm just trying to focus on mine right now because i was the first one to the crown which means i'm the furthest the head on that belt so if i can keep ahead of that we get a lot of points for those yep you're right all right then i'm coming back right now with your black terracotta concrete does anybody have lime concrete did we get any there is some in the chest okay i just need four do you think there's that much yeah if anybody's back right now and they can check that for me i'd love that or basketball bruce spruce all right what color tulip was that wait do you have a sport red tulip thank you thank you oh wait i need a red tulip i need a red cabbage i have a red pull up i'll get two i'll get two and pots and pots if you could bring that back facially how do you get pots uh clay break the flowers you break the flower pot we have some pots here in the chest in the center wait thank you perfect [Music] i need spruce i think i have that sorry tubbo also good job my chat i'm assuming everyone's chat's doing really good right now but my chat's like yelling at me whenever i mess up this is a team this is a team player i need red concrete uh oak fence and how much oak fence do you need i have 14 o'clocks on me i think there's red concrete left over but i'm gonna get it i will have it i don't i don't have any over here there is literally the exact amount i need then i'm coming back i got the lime green for the other one anyone else i need a key shell does anyone have how much lime green do we have back at the base right now three i don't i just left wood sorry scott i didn't grab acacia i can go buy wood i have the one did anyone grab me the red tulip i did i did oh it's on the ground by me thank you what kind of wood acacia i need a flip you said you have a whole i'm guessing something i'm missing something what kind of wood did you need i don't remember i needed a yeah i have i love it okay that's what it was got it scott come grab it it's by the skype table i'll just throw it on the ground wait wait wait wait wait can someone come over here and tell me what i'm missing what there's a lot of fences does this need to be like [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yellow red blue white yellow red blue okay your tree is done oh thank you mine's a lot of fun i'll get you the rest of that here's scott here's something i mean what am i missing i i'm going with you because that's all i need so i'm just gonna head out there okay um we need a lot of red i'll just go back and get it's there's four red concrete i can come back with it if you need to it's red concrete and shelby you put that down and i'm gonna go in there there we go i got it uh do we have a glass terracotta do we have any glacier cottages here uh what color do you need okay i need lime i need purple i need yellow and i need light blue okay chat get it uh scott do you still have acacia uh yeah it's on one of the chests just grab it okay acacia oak i need i also need a block of iron if anybody's headed to minerals there is there's iron in one of my chests just go and grab it all right oh sweet thank you hey guys yep yeah look at the scorpion keep pushing it we're killing it all right thank you chad for spamming the materials i need lots of i don't need that much of it lime blue white yeah you guys get your concrete i'm getting flipped terra cotta i'm gonna need an orange juice though i don't think i need orange i don't think i need orange light blue does anybody need help while i'm well shelby he's grabbing that glaze terracotta that's all i need him for this one that's right in the builds and chase and see if you can add anything that we may be missed i'm coming back the shelby's on our way so i'm on my way all right i'm just filling my chest with a bunch of stuff so there's a lot of different types of woods and stones in there where's white i think where's white terracotta what about it i can't find it oh so oh it's all i just left terracotta whoever has the bars i just got your green lime terracotta in there all right what else do we need scotch you need i just dropped you oh do you need the red oh chubby you put it just i think just out or no i did never mind you're right i was like you're dang right you have your red nice first one parkour we're good oh yeah i need a bunch more iron bars i need blue concrete i need red concrete and i need jungle slabs first i'm going to have blue blue they may buy blue so you just get two concrete over there i got you i got you i got you right here right on me oh there's two blue concrete just toss it do we have any more red concrete i know a lot of people grab something perfect perfect i'm just standing out in the middle of the mart for materials and then i need a go chubby if you're not doing anything do you want to come back and help me just build or are you grabbing oh yeah i'm doing nothing right now because you guys already had the materials from the previous builds yeah yeah no you did an awesome job getting everything thank you in a campfire make oh wait i need purple concrete does anyone have purple concrete no uh no shelby we don't have time just help me build as much as we can of this okay who needs uh do we have any sand or anything i've got iron shelby i've got iron just go make a campfire i don't know i have no spruce all right h i'll get your screw stairs i'll get your stairs okay you got it yeah yeah you got to do everything you got to prep their ass it's like right here no we don't have any coal uh uh that's it okay i got some in there for you i got something that was good that was so oh my oh my god that was so good guys let's go that way it's gonna be so good guys jeez hey we are we here from the sixth to first one i am so proud of my first place oh my god oh my god dude we're about to get ages fourth win i want to know how many i don't know 14 we got 14 builds 14 too many scott i got something you have the best builders on this all right now's the real game for me this is where i can actually win candy candy candy call out the candy possessions oh yeah we're probably going to each hope that you're parking news that's got the bad news uh there there is going to be no new players for all stars after this mcc oh why because because we're winning what's we're about oh yeah okay oh there's two right there's two right by the front everybody two right by the front one by the standing pillars and then there's one by the winner's podium or the winner guys we're you all three are tight are in first on the leaderboard it's all three of you oh yay i'm and seventh overall by the way i'm in 19th which i'll take i'm in 16th i'm bringing it back yeah we're climbing up you said there was i'm trying to wait i'm not just trying there's one by the winner's podium then it head towards the water back towards me i see what you receive i see nothing in many vans i see absolutely nothing there's another yeah there's one there's one there's two in minivans there's the lime lime green one right next to the bridge to get across the river there's another one in there there's two towards the winner podium like on the right side one's down by the water i hope you realize uh flip if you get the crown at the end of this we're counting it as a team crown [Laughter] you all keep telling me where they are keep calling them out i'm headed towards corn maze parkour right now do you think there's one down here flip i don't know if you got this one where oh to your left wait where did you go there is one and the mini golf there's two in the mini golf where i see one i see one by the palm tree okay i got that oh that's the other one i'm following you to that one oh i'm sorry i just took it from you oh i think he's gonna be taking it back in a second though yeah i'm telling them where all they are so yeah where are they scott where's that second one in the mini golf you'll see them yeah there's two in the mini golf am i blind am i blind i don't i think you might not know i was right in front of me oh scott had it down you wait what do we get if we get the crown is it just it's just a crime it's just they look you know what you know what scott at least it stayed on our team so thank you i think we need to be quick with this like because all right i'm gonna go pee i will be right back okay do we i'm just throwing my candies oh yeah just seeing if they land anywhere who knows i'm throwing them at jimmy what happened to h he's smoking is that just ah jeffy on fire i can't believe what are we looking at what's winning it looks like parkour warrior might be winning or survival games maybe battle box battle box is pretty good connor's putting things out of battle box right now he's killing the chickens it's another parkour warrior or survival park okay ah leave yeah you better be back it's fine guys we're gonna do the best we can i'm gonna i'm actually excited for parkour because i can relax because i'm not the challenge excuse me huh look at all the tnt is it gonna explode i have no idea oh they've moved the ladder to the very middle the first jump just everyone is where you can see that it's literally in the center okay oh wait i can move yeah oh only one in the middle okay this is one we take our time yeah this one hey each time and uh oh look at the thing on the side there's barrier so you can only you have to go left and right on those at the side i'm not going to get to that but hey to the very start the very very first jump there is now the ladders are just in the middle there's only ones that ladders and it's right in the middle all right tips try grunting each time you jump like in tennis it really helps all right i'm gonna grunt better not explode because that's just cruel to the people who aren't great at parkour what is that thing on the right this is where i'm getting the ace i mean i'm not gonna see the ace i'm not gonna worry about that i dude i'm not gonna make it past the green face everyone i'm gonna i'm gonna keep reminding you shortest jump is the easiest jump just if you're struggling on any point just stop look for a second and figure out what you're doing wrong and figure it out it's like a kind of like a puzzle yeah i'd rather you take two speed run i'd rather you take two extra seconds to make a perfect jump rather than speed run and possibly fail and have to redo the entire thing yeah cool wait are you surprised you're why am i back here you're going to give your big points here i'm gonna do my best kill it kill it dude you gotta take your time you got this [Music] your best is good enough no it's not oh my god i messed up same there we go okay okay yeah i'm just taking my time i'm not i think the tnt is just supposed to make everyone nervous if it starts blowing up that's really awful for the slow people unless it goes up after i'm in second i'm behind uh someone online oh probably for it haven't someone in limits for i'm okay now i'm falling like a way far behind why oh i just messed up it i don't like the tnt it's in the way yeah oh my goodness oh i can't believe i actually just did that yeah but i died like around the same spot you did okay i really can't wait for everyone to stop being in my face and then yeah now i can keep changing those iron trap doors so i just keep falling the pink ones hey guys oh yeah oh there's the missing one on the pink oh god really we're in second and now we're falling down but this should boost us up in a second there we go oh weird oh the glass uh jump is backwards it's like to the left instead of to the right it's it's i think it's actually easier right now okay no no no no no no no no no h take your time take your time take your time do this correctly okay you got it h yes there we go i'm using the the tnt to help me forwards it's great yeah i've got three jumps for that still oh that's i don't know i have to not punch i have to knock no okay okay yeah that actually you're right h that slime jump is easier yeah it's just different oh i made it oh that's good that's huge everyone's stuck here on the wall take my time i'm on holy moly let's go everyone else i just beat it yeah there we go good nice oh i keep getting to the last hole in the like the holy moly that like the last one if you're getting there i literally couldn't finish this than the hour that we did practice on thursday so you'll get it this time never mind remember shortest jump is the easiest jump figure out where that is line yourself up oh they changed this i'm scared now is it the sliding butt shall we yeah it's actually here like okay cool it actually felt like it after my first failed attempt oops i made it to the fourth one okay i'll get it the holy only one's not easier though oh okay they made the slime blocks after that a little bit more difficult okay the fact that everybody is literally stuck on holy moly is so frustrating i need it i just go good job yeah completed move that further down oh just no no no no no it's not possible i was going to say it was like we've been playing holy moly i learned from h he taught me how to do it to mold the hole i'm going to mold what that's a holy moly the ladder wasn't pushing out there for me a second that was weird oh i don't need to shift is what h told me so i'm not gonna yeah you don't chef it doesn't help you to shift okay i've done glass panes i'm onto ladders let's go i'm on fish bones h you'd be so proud of me right now i'm i already i just third i did not expect to get past this part i'm so thrilled if you're gonna do this past fishbones adjusting fish bones i will never make it past but you know what that'll be fine i'll try this honestly the thing that hates told me that helped is just don't move your mouse a lot um yeah it's really it's am i there's holes i keep like jumping i keep trying to aim for like far corner and it's just not working i don't know how to do this much harder okay i'm at the slimes oh you're the worst i hate this now what do you mean me i didn't do it not you not you i'm blaming scott for this i might not make it past this part but it will it's actually you it took me a few times but i got it shelby there we go okay all right all right okay i can do this i'm on fresh ones where i have a feeling i may stay for the next four minutes they made this one a whole lot harder what one uh i think it's like five three is it the ladders okay it's no it's after that the one after that it's like the normally it's like a neo glass they made it so that it's like bump bumping your head jumps oh they've made fish bones harder which i do not understand yeah my first ones was already harder i can't i okay i got it my child like he's a master of the uterus stop [Laughter] joey's like i am uncomfy please uncomfy honestly this might be where green like lime loses points because green has just finished pink or yeah it's just finished section two dream finish is that what just happened oh okay someone in my chat made me confused yeah they made this one oh i missed that i know what i did on it i just keep falling i know how to do this first jump at least this is not the last game like we've still got one game after this which i hope is a time yeah we do so we would do so good sun's a timer bengal three minutes three minutes hey what is happening why is this not working anymore there we go all right i want to find the fish bones and then destroy it if i could go to creators i would i made it slimes yeah i can do i know how to do these ladders i fell but i know how to do them easy peasy why am i still feeling you know i'm already farther than i was last time so i'll take it let's go wait this one's really rough on me i don't like the head bumping ones oh there we go okay is the ladder gem the same as last time you just oh it is okay cool it's a little different on the second but i have to go fast but okay i can do it you've still got two minutes shall we like holy cow i did it there we go now welcome to fishbone hill oh no i haven't yeah i did i did i did it the last ladder was confusing i'm so i'm on six one i can't do that last little whoops i actually almost made it through this in practice so who knows maybe i can do it i believe in you shall we i'd have to do them on the left oops well i can't well maybe i'll try it i have to kneel on the left which is weird no i can't do a lift that's on sale everyone's like why don't you try the right i'm like no i'm better off oh i was yeah everyone's failing in this jump they made a 6-2 the one where you're like leaping around like a maniac um a little bit more difficult by adding in a tough little uh iron trap door jumper that i keep doing apparently he's on chain fight he's completed chain right he did complete it first player to complete oh my god all right i'm taking my time on this one i think this is where i will get stuff yeah i think i'm gonna have to like bend that perfectly i it's so hard i think i'm gonna make my bed here and just sleep in it oh yeah epic landlord joined parker warrior um excuse me dream just finished it oh he's excuse me wait what do you mean landlord stop oh [Music] does that mean i can just afk here i'm still stuck i'm still stuck on this wait was he saying no far dream finished don't do fireworks that's that close to tnt uh oh you're kidding me ah i did it i finally did it let's go oh my god i finished fishbone oh my goodness shelby go try and speed through anchors if you can you'll get an extra point oh my god i just finished mine too oh no i can't speed run that i just got the six three i got one shot at this i believe i've fallen i have not got any shots dude i am actually doing anchor faster than i am confused what do you mean wait trouble saying do it okay that's fine i want to see what's happening what landlord stop go towards the tower i think oh it's all blown up thank god get rid of it get it out of here get it out of here oh my god it's literally all blowing up you love me thank god shelby's coming in the back it's coming from the back to the start yeah it's at the blue stage now go to yellow you'll see it okay yeah yeah i'm having ketchup get it out of here whoa what if someone was blowing it all up i won't say this is just i will say this is just uh an example of how good our servers are they can handle all of this yeah yeah that's kind of crazy no lag at all oh look at the tower it's gonna go oh bye tower we hated you so back up thanks oh that felt good oh my god you guys did really good like you guys got so much fish i got one stage further than i did in practice i go further than i did last time so can i tell you i was one second and one leap away from finishing the anchor too oh you could tell me you almost made it to the next section can i you could tell me that i think i i think i could have gotten the glass i think i could have got glass panes if i had another attempt or two on them trick or treat trick or treat i'm going behind i'm going behind i'm going behind oh just got it right by the way two there's yeah two right when you enter minivan's flip eye questions taking it i'm on scott are you on the right side of the show okay i see yeah there's no one on the left side i think it's just those okay i'm leaving the minion shelby where did you get yours minivans there's the two on the way in that's the only time i've gotten right at the beginning spawn like one area there's two right there i'm gonna go left out i'm gonna go right now all right as well there's one to the if you go left after coming back towards minivan up on the hill oh yeah by the rocks where there was one earlier okay right behind you actually oh watch this we're gonna go oh oh oh wait we're gonna go back and forth right right at the beginning when you turn right there's a uh uh avondale just sitting there on a rock like right next to the water oh there's one right down here look at your tail oh wait don't get it there's one right next to parkour as well where's that one that you're talking about to the right um there's like an avondale just sitting there chilling like on the rock next to the water oh i see her thank you and then keep going on the water like right next to the parkour you'll see one i didn't see anything in uh the mini golf there's one next to parkour right yeah um by the water like before you enter it go to the right it's by the water he's down here the two on the right side are by the water where are the ones on the left gonna say shall we let me get and then i'll get the crown then you can have it back i'm sorry i'm speed running i don't think i see any others is there anything in mini golf no but eternity nothing i didn't see anything i'm not positive but i kept looking for name tags it's on nothing oh okay i actually thought yeah shelby we're pulled over here there's none four seconds no i see him no yeah we're still in far oh my god guys i'm at 31. look at the points for the exact same points as fusion oh my gosh i'm on the 20th now oh wait i went down oh my heart is racing or either one of them i'm okay with yeah i'm up for anything at this point now do we want to do bingo last i don't think we'll get i can go so i think we need to okay we need to go center time sit back once you're done can you guys sit back a lot of things to throw i'm sorry i'm tossing my candies okay all right i tossed everything my candies yep same oh there's so many chickens dying in sands right now oh it's kind of i didn't get survival games i think or i hope it's not no i would rather battle box no that's really close [Music] this is too close i don't think you guys can group up i think we got to go for volleyball okay yeah okay okay i'm okay we only celebrated we just would go down last game okay leave everything in the middle everything in the middle leave to me the only thing we grab is don't touch anything okay yeah get keys you can pick up your arrows but leave everything else to me everyone listen to me really quick call out where you're going i'm going underneath us right now underneath the nether portal flip the first thing you should do is go underneath the uh the sand the sand i'm gonna do the little flippy thingies and get some sand so i can keep the timer up and then i'll cap it out and then go underneath there's like a minute cooldown where the tiger won't touch so you have two minutes so go below yeah i know there's an area to go about you can't see the timer it's not deadly in the middle right yeah yeah yeah dead in the middle okay where are you going okay yeah okay okay let me pick up this coin scott was on the right and shelby was on the left me pick up those coins right there let me get the natural stuff so let me go yeah you get the arrows i'll get the coins i'm going to grab some arrows and flip if you can remember where we went shelby went right scott went left i went underneath just remember that so if we get if we get like lost we need to come back and get us like you don't have to come all the way through just like try and point us in the right direction yeah yeah use your body for us to locate also if you finish a temple or something make sure to like use your marker use your carpet as a marker so you don't get lost that's what i found like just put it down as you're going but if you come to a dead end just mark it in a line yeah i like all right if i i'm going to call sand timer if i have no sand and it's in the lower half of yellow as a heads up you are going to be making call outs on sand like every like 30 seconds yeah uh every time it's towards yellow i'll give you all a headache and if if whip ever talks we we need to be quiet we need to hear flip like that's the important thing shut up we just need to make it all powerful here i will be the group leader thank you very much i'm so ready i'm so ready we've got this guy so unrelated question is there any more trick or treating or am i a pumpkin queen afraid i think you might be pumpkin queen we're all tied [Music] has a blue vault key so if we find a blue vault all right i'm going there's a parkour on the right i don't mind giving the key to somebody else too if we need to parkour yeah but what i mean is it's good for you to have it know what this is this is dangerous yeah if you see a bulkhead just hanging over the floor oh there's an iron trap door down here or an iron door and i really don't want to walk into it oh yeah don't walk into it don't walk into it iron trap doors or iron anything just stay away from it ain't working wait i thought that i thought the center was safe there's vexes down here oh yeah you know what you're going to come back out stop don't come back out yes no if you panic just come back out we just need you not to die oh i picked up iron sword though you should give it to one of us when we come back yeah but you shouldn't be anywhere near that yeah they said originally originally i don't know how to get out i think the iron door is my way out and i don't know it has a water bubble elevator behind it the iron door i haven't there's a whole thing over here okay there's a whole little mini game with levers down there too we need you to come out yeah no more looking i'm out i'm out okay here i'm throwing three sand ins you're doing mini games yeah i threw three stand in flip keep an eye on that i'm scared you're on the siren sword oh yes please that'd be great thank you boss you got a man you've got to be kidding me oh i've let them blazes loose don't worry about it oh yeah i like some blazes list apparently i think no thank you i'm just ignoring you i have a billion gold chest plates so there's a room with tnt a lot of money on the end do i make a run for it uh if you feel confident with it oh there's a trap uh tripwire at the end tripwire hook oh at the very end oh yeah don't do it then don't do it that just pulls you up are you sure yeah okay um oh hi creeper what if i didn't trip it uh shelby it's literally when you get literally i've watched dreams thing of dying to it i mean you could park more from the uh tnt but i just still wouldn't trust it all right we have to make sure we don't throw if you saw a vault key at the end yes it'd be worth it but if you just see coins no just saw money don't worry about it it didn't work okay um how's the timer all right sand in the middle i think got reduced it's at 90 right now do you have any stand in the middle really got cut down i'm running around and doing some more sand stuff but a lot of the spawns are not here okay just if you if you need any just let us know we have to come back yeah i have four sand on me okay i only have one sand do you guys have any i have seven i have five my way was like quite big mine hasn't had much time all right i'm i i'm filling up the sand thing and i'll have uh two left how much time is that gonna be it's it's full full it's 120. so two minutes should we come back with some if anyone can go back that has a lot of sense she'll be i think you said you didn't i can go back yeah i have one sand on me right now i'm running i'm sprinting i'm following my little blue markers i'm glad i put them down thank you scott for making that point you're welcome oh i have danger oh dear jesus my way of going back is through a butt ton of blazes so look look me open the vault we have the blue king we have the green key we've just not found the vault yeah children i need i might need some help going back i'm dealing with a bunch of mobs over here i'm trying to not die because shelby can you go back yeah i'm going to i need somebody to come back with sand i have one here we have 60 seconds here i'm right here i'm on the other side there okay here you can just me you just talk to me okay [Music] there's so much danger for myself flip here i'm coming around i'm coming around there you go there's like oh there's more sand over here should i pick this up yeah all right yeah i'm still kind of i'm still making my rounds around the top sorry i was just out all right dude you're out and bound doing stuff here take this i threw it on your body thank you that's oh we're waiting we got on sand i need to come back are we good [Music] green vault is near spawn people are saying green vault near spawn everyone's saying the thing was the mobs were blazes and yeah you're too ignored i almost died how are we doing oh you know what i wish you got points for kill timer oh i'm going right now it's i'm sorry i was leaving timer really low there killing some mobs yeah no don't do that oh yeah we need you no that was my bad it was just a zombie uh timer's capped out i have 11 sand okay okay that relaxed me chat's yelling at me over here they're like what are you doing i find this fault is the vault down the center maybe it's going to be near center yeah it's near center somewhere just keep poking your head in some places i have to go back oh apparently it's near me h head back to the center yeah what the heck was that all right yeah we gotta find this green vault everyone so far i think has got one okay you went straight in that like first place and it wasn't in there uh what do you mean i went underneath the portal yeah okay yeah i was just looking around and i didn't see anything i found the green ball pending involved come back i'm coming back to the middle do we have blue yet do we have blue no we've not found it yet if anybody has sand and you're running through middle please drop up to me wait oh geez come to middle who's got the green key shall we i do yeah i'm coming i just blew purple orange i had to find the way out it's got did you have any sand on you i'm gonna bring you some how much of my hair i'm right behind you center where i am there and then i'm gonna grab it i'll pick it up i'll pick it up i'm in the middle i'm coming back she'll be over here she'll be over here do you see it do you see where i am shall we in there you want to go in there i know i'm headed up there next i say that for towards the end okay that one's being done if there's a flip over by me there's eight more sand right there right here yep got it got it got it i see you dude i'm loaded all right i have 11 sand i have 1950 gold oh i have a 700 600 down here i'll take that because they only only had two thank you no that's great that's fine all right i'm doing my one lava jump of the day oh my god my dad's going insane i have to go different way all right green vault done now everything that i do from this point forward will be wait do you know which way someone's not been and i i can send you somewhere where if you're a fake if you're here middle go underneath in the middle nobody's really done that yet i found vexes down there and i had to back off okay okay i'm going underneath the middle i'm bottom right left all right i have 11 sand i still have the blue vault key and i also have a wooden key rusty key oh blue vault blue vault oh if you see someone come back to middle give them the rusty key yep oh no i don't want to do that anymore actually how much time do we have whip color puzzle i'm not touching that it's full let's pull we're fine okay i have i've i'll have 10 sand on me after i fill okay good oh you'll fill it and then still have 10 sand yes okay nine sand nine sand i'm trying to be so careful now as then you've still got names yeah i have nine stand yes okay that's good and it's full a lot of spawners in there i'm i'm out of things to do here in the center so if anybody finds things that needs a quick problem yeah there's only one later goodbye seven sand what is this potion of harming okay this way is a dead end now so i can start coming um if i had any arrows oh i do i have ten now sick i'll leave him down there oh i think i want to go this way four sand four sand and it's full four sanders i have no there's four sand in here right now i have no way of refilling after these i only have one sand remaining and the timer is full okay okay that's still two minutes which is good and this is clear on this side i have no more sand timer this way page how much sun do you have it's parkour i have none i have none of those are you getting there's a sand right there yeah don't don't safely grab it there's don't risk anything just be nice and safe i think we should come back okay it is above water i've got to be signed i'm just going to shove it in the timer good yep do it do it uh um no i didn't even get that one oh okay the same time okay good job there's another one no i use torches oh that's fine i have 600 coins on me so i don't really have too much right now rusty key i i got all the levers all the levers i've double checked do you want to i'm trying to decide if we do the thing under the middle or not i did it there was nothing else we only oh we have 90 seconds yeah much time okay i'm coming out i'm gonna just want to call it go out yeah that's dead end scott got on okay i'm double checking any area that's nearby really quick i'll stay towards the front and just kind of call out when it gets a little lower but i got i probably don't have time to do anything because you guys went out enough we have 5 000 as a team that's really really good yeah uh 80 70 seconds okay i'm just double checking the dispense even though you said you already did i have nothing else to do we might as well use our time wisely okay yeah six yeah 60. i think we said we've got one we have 5 000 coins but that's pretty good as a team we killed him no we did really good you guys ready to go in are you ready we're going yeah i'm saying we didn't find the red vault key yeah let's throw tomatoes at the people who didn't go yeah did people get knocked out oh some people lost oh that's good all right oh awesome you just took it one gives you three throws i got bad news as well the captain didn't win this time double and the captain were not the dream team everybody thought it can't be the captain though if anyone was gonna win but us i wanted to be the captain oh does anyone need anyone need a tomato i have a few i'm okay turn around oh [Music] everybody that was the last game well yeah this is going to be game we'll see us finding out if we're dodgeball or not i guess and i am really proud of us we had a nice lead maybe maybe the first thing literally we were literally tied with yeah so good in that belt like guys i've we got seven uh seven the game was parkour and we're still competing at the top that's that's amazing yeah that's pretty um fuchsia and who else was near the top was violent all right i'm gonna go pee real fast before we get in there i'll be here back that's a great time for that i should do that but i'm not gonna yeah that's exactly the same way i kind of need to pee but i'm just gonna hold up right when we got dunked i was like it's time time to go urinate it's time dude we did so good and we look at the best and we're the pumpkin kings yeah we dominated pumpkin game like they did passing between the three of us in the last few rounds it's alarming how many teams are still in there kind of just that they're in there doesn't mean that they're getting more points than us yeah you're right for like 60 seconds as well the direction i went underneath there had a lot of coins but i just wasn't getting any sand yeah i wasn't getting sand either it feels like sand was a little bit nerved i got monsters i mean the better we get after the harder they're gonna make it like i'm hoping dream follows his usual pattern and gets locked out someone just said fuchsia has 4 300 which means we passed them as of right now oh as of right now yeah that's pretty good because we only need to be all right oh my god let's go [Music] about to cast some spells it's fuchsia so it sounds versus pink i'm afraid oh my gosh dreams carl jacobs george's tap now we're gonna do this wait are we sure we're first overall again no it's yeah yeah you're right either way we won on points again and that's twice in a row um the last three that i played and i've won in points you said you do best at taking down boss mobs right so this is the boss oh my god i think they're going to target oh my goodness yeah i have 31 sweets they're going to target h same absolutely by 60 points oh man good job everybody we brought it back i am ricardi for our team you're welcome scott scott thank you scott thank you thank you now uh thank you remember telling me uh on thursday that you don't miss shots in dodgeball let's keep that up okay yeah okay i'm so nervous oh man it's a it's kind of a win-win because if we win we do well if they win three new people win for the first time like no there's our team was fair and balanced okay our team was yeah we were pretty bad point-wise we weren't the highest points guys remember cast spells as you're doing it i've had a cadaver them i'll pretend like i'm so nervous i'll be honest i'm not going to remember to do this god i'll try my best i'm not no bills while doing it we will get in the montage come on shelby for the girls and the games for the girls in the gays oh and i agreed for for the chat that we add in the end b's too and what what nbs non-binaries oh okay oh no i said yeah and b it's cute [Music] shelby and scott whenever you're on the corners i need you to watch who's got the arrow on their team okay can you take q-tick first yeah i'll take the first one just make a call he's probably going for it be careful dream's probably going to take good i would say dreams happen george are good carol should be okay like he's not bad and we're all right let's do it all right which one of them is gonna get it dream i think is going for it no one has it no one has no one has no one has they want both yeah they do but if you can get it h take your time just breathe they've kevin bolstein dream has both h oh jesus that's what okay i don't like that they gave him both that's just not fun for the team i talked about this before i don't like it but if it's what the team wants to do it's fine scott i need you to take your time that one hit fast one though i know that wasn't even that fast it was just oh come on right freedom oh geez they're gonna he missed one he's targeting down point looks like right now oh you're doing it nice guys nice nice not a sweet sweet team out next round yeah i went to dreams he turned away he's turned away oh george has one george has one oh they're gonna aim at the same time a bit if they do that that's good for us ah good try all right all right all right everybody round one yeah we're doing good we need the first round out of the way yeah we need to let we need to get dream he's always been practicing dodgeball yeah yeah yeah yeah george is glitched into explanation oh yeah he's glitched george's bow is glitched they're doing the same thing again i'm getting drained george is so glitched out take as long they're trying to body block dream like he's running in and around them i mean it's smart they're not rude good good good i just want to get a kill out of the way i'll be honest with you i was watching dreaming oh james got my number you guys got this let's do this all right i got one you guys got you guys both of you have both you have kind of thrown i messed up missed my bad i was trying oh good try i want i'm just having a lot of fun with these fails honestly this is so cool she's got a 1v2 why not add a 1v3 to the record eh yeah don't put pressure let her do what she does you have both so there's no pressure right now there's nothing you need to do yeah like this is your time to relax and this is their time to be so the longer you take the better to be honest we're not in kansas anymore you got both take your time take your time they cross each other again i'm gonna get one of them yes shelby let's go got it you got it oh he's got two he's got two you're okay is i'm okay you're doing amazing you did better than we did so you're doing great shelby the hard carry let's go oh no if i would've you just killed two of them let's go that's so good [Music] they don't have it so take your time move up a little bit towards the front take an easier shot yes dude she's feeling herself right now i'm feeling it he wants to be dead now wait one sec he's aiming at you i dodged one i did what i could do but yeah okay do you want shall we you take this one if you want are you sure my team believes in me all right all right oh come on that's okay okay they both crossed over at the perfect time you need to try and take it from the back like be as far back as you can because yeah it gives the other thing to fly they've still got the other one ah okay good job all right take your time i think you should try reading dreads movement yeah take so long okay i'm thinking i'm going to go soon you go yeah i got them scott major oh let's go guys it's okay dude i love this mc i'm getting hard carried it's just so fun this was a really fun one yeah i have they have both niches holding it and i refuse to stand still for too long do not he can't be doing the glitch could he no probably not if he is that's that'd be it's just that he's trying fast he's aiming he's aiming i'm hit he's got both wow we did so good we did amazing guys we popped off there we go we did we won points yeah we won points we won pause we got one day we'll get that crown again you know what we won the halloween event of it yes we did let's go look at the podium that matters yeah we can't win everything that matters yeah that's right over here that matters i can't believe that shot did not hit dream in that second round oh man as i said i'm happy that there's three first-time winners now yeah i'm always happy for that yeah that was actually awesome that was so fun it was woo i had a blast guys we went from one the fact that we went from sixth to first and one build mark like insane shovel hard carry man i tried i tried on build mart that was all shelby dude scott and seventh right here too i know i haven't been on first on my team in so long scott you just had to beat me i had to carry you oh you need to carry you i'm 10 so i'm an extrovert man i need to let my heart rate drop down year and not be a tier two the hell are you right we both got we've won in points both times and mean show we've been in two dodgeballs in a row like we may not have been in five total we've won twice i've been in more dodge balls than than like more than half the mcc's i've played it and i've been in dodgeball i'm pretty happy about that that's insane oh that was my third dodgeball i played in five of them the only thing i'm upset about is we didn't get to play bingo oh yeah another bingo would have been fun all right guys look because wait i don't know why but shelby has the podium outside in first but then in the sweets collected head it's mine no you're in first and oh wait you both are in there like all three of us are in there no that would make no sense no look at the outside one yeah no we're throwing all three of us in here yeah we all are there but i mean the shelby's at like the top podium and here no no like we're all smashed on top of each other h do you see that like i see yeah yeah i see like the mix of all of our skins together yeah whoa so we are working oh dude wait it says 33 suites on the inside that's not right right i thought i had 15 after one and then i came back and it showed 14. so i don't know what was up with it yeah scotland sweets collected says 33 but outside we're all tied at 31. so that's odd joel said scott in first and third right dude that was so fun guys we did amazing we did i wanted to play bingo i'm upset that we didn't get to play bingo i studied at bingo i studied that freaking map so hard last night last night in this morning i was just taking notes to be fair the fact that we didn't clean their bingo was probably one of the better options solely because with it being the nether it's so unpredictable like oh i had it i would have trusted to even still know what exactly to do oh i had like all of the designs laid out i had i've made a call out like on my notebook like someone has to go get striders i know that there's going to be something to do with striders and if we could kill all of them near the near the bank uh no one was going to try to drop blue they dropped string i'm glad we got um [Music] what'd you call it i'm also now holding the the tower this is mine [Laughter] oh the next one's the house mcc 12. scott you got to put me on a team again i need the hard carry scott next one cc12 it's the one with the podium of the house what do you mean the podium of the house the winner's podium it's got the houses oh like downstairs yeah oh let's go look at those i need wait what are you doing all the things are themed if you go downstairs inside the podium foot oh yeah yeah yeah i suck at building that halloween one looks legit though over here over here oh it's not crazy is this so cute i want it i hope they came back i'm wondering how this one is going to work actually i know the texture pack later it could be really weird i don't know if we're going to keep that those blocks by depends what they've used now here's the winners that count the other winner that counts me nobody oh one more mcc and i'm moving down to the second floor yeah i'm on the bottom floor and shelby's wednesday and we're about to move down another floor yeah maybe maybe that's why you guys are b tier players you just haven't won for a while [Laughter] but i tried to cater to you as hard as i could tonight but i just couldn't manage yeah i i missed every shot in dodgeball actually shouldn't be talking yeah hello oh man i can't believe i didn't hit him it like went between his legs dude back-to-back for most points yeah i killed him as well i was like i did that in the last one right i've killed dream a bunch of times now it's not any special anymore yeah they will die eventually we lost dodgeball just because dream did really really good like we had a dream barely missed shots in there he was he was going for a high percentage shot wins dude my accuracy must go up now you wonder what's great i can now say to all the stands they can never have the dream team again wow yeah that's it oh carl what is first one i'm upset i was supposed to give him a hundred bucks if he got first individually i was like there's no way you're getting that dream that like dream got first this event which is what he's been wanting for ages so yep he keeps standing behind like quake or techno right yeah to be fair do you not think it's so insane to think how different this could have all went if pete hadn't had a power outage i know pete was here this would have been a different tournament which is so crazy to think i wanted to cut those power lines like wait was he supposed to be on that team you're supposed to be on green green oh oh oh yeah he's supposed to be instead of oh that's philbin yeah yeah poor builder yeah but he did i would have made that team really balanced too yeah yeah that team would have done not had a good first mcc mm-hmm wait would you say like connor like oh connor carl joins the funding uh fundy and for when first time playing yep i wonder how he did it individually oh yeah you can't tell at the moment but seventh like hello is you were somewhere like around seventh last time yeah i was in the top 10 last night let me have a look back at the points i'm 15. last time i was 16th i'm climbing i'm gonna i have to leave to pee and then i'm actually continuing man i was 500 i was 400 points before getting 10th place so i had a while to climb yeah seventh last famous i'm gonna i think i got ninth in the last one i played in but this one i got eighteenth i i started 20 yeah i'll take top 20. it's good but i i had so many issues on this shelby was like was she 15th i think she said my prediction was all of us would get top 15 but maybe one and my prediction was to get like one of us getting 17th but then i was like no no no wait cpk i'll get 17th i have no idea i don't know who got 17th but i was like 17. because i want to see all right guys i am going to mute for a minute and go talk to my chat i'll be if you guys are still on the call i'll join back in like five minutes yeah i'll probably end and then probably move into a different call for the walls but do it all right gg guys i'm so proud of you guys oh well i'm so proud yo there was some big gifted subs there uh i can't mute buttons so i have to literally leave so i wasn't able to call out joyce thank you for 200 bits liz thank you for the 300 bits joyce thank you for the 500 bits joyce thank you for the 200 bits emo unicorn hoodie thank you for the twitch prime amris thank you for gifting us up to chis miles thank you for the quarter sofia thank you for the quarter monkey teal thank you for 100 bits is a bear thank you for 200 bits matt king thank you for the 100 bits scarlet fire thank you for 100 bits oh my god thank you guys jesus christ bats thank you for the five gifted subs that french oboe thank you for the 600 bits oh my god thank you thank you oh scarlet fire thank you bubble b thank you for the full year base cannon thank you for the 300 bits jesus you guys popped off thank you thank you holy crap oh chat mayday thank you for the tier three that one juliet like for the the six months that's thank you for the five gifted subs well he's i think for the three saw the three months dude the first three games i i was talking about it before mcc started i don't know why but my anxiety was getting to me like i legit wanted just to throw up i wanted to throw up i was not feeling myself this mcc and i don't really know why i i genuinely i think it was because i felt more pressure on this one than ever and i just i don't know why i genuinely don't know why every single mcc i've been on such a strong team and i know that we can win but this mcc like i was having like me and pete talked yesterday i was having like nightmares about just doing bad and i did do bad like i actually think that i should be like way up there i shouldn't have been eighth i should have been up there like second or third there was just the first like three games to get to the other side i struggled on there was just i'm not happy with how i performed to be honest i you did great i did fine i didn't do great after holding the wall holding the walls of my game i don't i don't know it like it got in my head with hole in the wall especially too because hole in the wall is literally my game that i'm really good at and i placed 30th i just constantly didn't feel like my reflexes were there i'm a boomer that's it my reflexes are gone huh there was just jumps that i'm like i don't fail these that i was failing and i don't know why i didn't change up any of my settings i was practicing like the last few days and just holding the wall wasn't for me if i came in like 10th and hole in the wall i would have been way up higher talk to lime which seems lime oh the lime glitches my nemesis i don't want to talk to someone right now to be honest i want to just like a break for myself to be for a minute that was rough that was really rough a dream popped off in dodgeball they're like i'm i'm not beating myself about it but dodgeball i think i took two shots and i hit one of them did i only take two shots i might have taken three something like that we take it though we did super good as a team the team games we absolutely nailed we knew that was gonna happen like there wasn't a doubt in my mind that we were gonna struggle on anything team related even survival games we would have done really good at but i didn't get picked i'm kind of glad i didn't get picked parkour warrior was the seventh game and we still got first as a team that was rough parkour warrior i feel like i did my best on parkour warrior i feel i'm like proud of myself i'm parker warrior maybe i could have gotten one stage up higher but a lot of those new jumps were difficult and most of them i nailed the only time i got stuck was the head bumping ones which are stupid hard and then the [Music] uh one with the new trap door the jumpy jumpy side side side that like six one he did so good thank you guys i appreciate it thank you for the love and support i'm just beating myself up for a minute i need to no thank you for the 50 bits joyce thank you for the tuner bits listening for the 300 bits ugh you smashed in build mart yeah there was like no hiccups on building the only thing that got me confused was the door i don't know how i misplaced the door the door part was weird and it hurt my brain oh hey hfundeo is your money true big true i don't know what a dress he was talking about i could just say it really quick if you want uh yeah i'm just going right now yeah go for it go ahead read your address five one seven two five six seven seven seven i am sending you a piece of phone number the difference between a dress and a phone number i was going to say i was going to say how many flights is this hotel that you live in that's a lot of room yo sure i think with a thousand bits fundy bet yeah funny but what happened to x life i'm gonna get back on it tomorrow tomorrow the day after i think dream targeted you that was rough yeah but we knew he was gonna do that going and do it like i 100 knew he was going to target me there's no reason why he wouldn't be like i i am known as a threatened dodge bolt and i don't 100 know why [Laughter] what up minnie dude you guys killed it at the beginning i kind of fell off watching other teams after the beginning where'd you guys finish you guys at seventh he did super well you guys beat aqua red ravens green goblins let's go oh dude i'm i'm exhausted i think it was the first two games that got me like literally hole in the wall i came in 30th individually and then freaking sky battle the first round of sky battle i just got sniped by dave like right off the bat it was brutal i'm actually like really disappointed like how i played the first two games i don't remember what the third game was i'm trying to like remember i think third game i did fine ace race i did perfect like i had one hiccup but i don't think that was on my end i think that was more uh just lag issues like my elytra didn't pop off and that was it i'm gonna look back at my aces and i'm gonna be very proud of that like like watching it like techno beat me by 30 seconds and i have i have to go watch how well he did on that third was rs rocket split rocket swift i did fine i didn't do good i didn't do bad it was one of those games i haven't played in a while the more i get to play a game the better i do if we played hole in the wall later i think i would have done so much better because hole in the wall is actually my game time to watch vods not right now i need a break dude you killed acercia ace race was kind of the pick me up that i needed i went like full try hard no talking mode and i needed that green destroyed rocket spliff who came in first individually was it green i saw him at the end later on but i don't know if he was getting kills or not i predicted this to be technoblades mcc what place do they come in cyan came in sixth what happened parkour i'm assuming they did good on did they butcher like sands of time they didn't come in like uh six by a lot like they didn't like lose to like they they were out of third place by like a thousand something bad luck in sands of time and then there you go science of time was the big one well so well violet did they did very well i think there was like uh the only like issue i think they had was the fact that it was quackies first time that's nothing on quackity that's just when it's your first mcc everything is new to you and it's just really difficult it was uh i wonder how did carl do individually like where did he place because he he this was his first mcc and he won 34th he came in 34th and that team still got second place jesus christ dream sapnap oh we know dream came in first i didn't see where sapnap and george finished sapnap 10th so that means george probably finished like 11th or something like that i i think this was just dreams mcc 3600 second place one hundred dream got a thousand yeah a thousand and five points higher than me most event wins i'm still at third with pete we got three three new winners for the all-star event george got 20th dude dream has to be nerfed after this dream has to be nerfed if george is getting false 13th place let's go if dream's getting first place and his team's getting 34th 18th and 10th holy crap oh i wonder if the games were in his favor like last time cc he said he was uh like going through code and practicing super super hard i wonder if he did that with this mcc as well time he got fifth because he tried for once he has he's tried before in mcc it's just the last few he's been doing uh more fun stuff which is fine mcc is meant to be a 4-1 event we get no reward other than like a little coin parkour oh we completed parkour i wonder how much that boosted him up parkour i don't know where i finished at i don't know like what place i came individually on there dream sky battle was insane i do remember seeing him all the way at the end sky battle and rocket spleef i want to get out or not rocket speed and sand hole on the wall and sky battle i want to get out of my head i want them gone i am gonna be the fact that i turned them turned around my event after those two uh games makes me very proud of myself but i know i could have just done so much better check techno twitter parker will be different next time hopefully let me turn on music soundtrack by twitch i said they especially since the fact that they had quackity and he was not that crazy he's bad but that was his first event is huge same thing with uh fuchsia the fact that it was carl's first uh event and they popped off and came in second and then standings they won but yeah you know what i mean it got blown up new map it might just get rid of parkour warrior how did pink get first uh depending it all comes on the game order and dream got 3 600. put that in perspective that's a thousand points higher than me without the multipliers what a biker welcome dude [Music] so wow [Music] why [Music] it's dream as a teletubby teletubby is it teletubby or teletubby [Music] it's beautiful where chad i'm dead fifth time in dodgeball in a row fifth mcc that i've been in in a row first individually as a team our first team first whatever it means [Music] this dodgeball we got stomped it was dream's event it was literally a dream's event he deserved it if anyone deserves to win its dream 3 600 coins oh well i favorited the wrong one but i'll take that i'm never against favoriting a run tweet he is too powerful chat this is like the first like dodgeball in a while that i could just not think about that i'm kind of happy like i don't actually feel like there's much i could have done during that dodgeball i missed one shot i hit one shot i just got hit scrolling past fruit street i was just looking at pictures to be honest oh hey [Music] he only beat techno by 27 points this is almost like super close for dream fruit zest here how long has any debates about it anymore chat why is someone tagging me october 15th though i won't go hang out on the dream smp to be honest i i just need to go to a place and relax somehow [Music] take a rescue sometime i'm not really tired i'm like i'm at that like weird point where i put all my energy in but i'm not exhausted like i still have an adrenaline rush going skeptically for the tier one i appreciate that thank you thank you i have an adrenaline rush so i'm not just gonna like pass out or anything like that this song isn't relaxing it kinda is to me [Music] [Music] thank you continued stream maybe we'll see i don't have the dream smp-ip on here yeah well getting off uh optifine techno bomb well now that i finished seven or eight individually i could be team with someone good right pearl got eleven pearl got eleven let's go she's gotten so much better dream got eleven kills in sky battle oh dude he deserved the win that that's all it was literally dreams smp day you guys want to watch a bit of it actually i'm not against going back and watching some vods that sounds like fun i'm actually really happy for pearl i'm sad that she didn't get top ten one more place up and she would have been there watch techno's acres i do want to watch techno's acers i want to see what the hell was going on there we have to watch techno's ace race dreams sky battle dream parkour warrior dude i'm so proud of my team i actually just am like i like anytime i think about like the team games i just immediately think about build martin how we absolutely dominated like every time we were finishing like a build it was always like first place every time we finished first place as well drops the points of every other team how the hell did you guys get 4k points in build battle we communicated very well shelby was the perfect uh grabber the fetching girl you match the castle true oh when we play hide and seek it's time it's game over for these nerds it's my game let's do a chat let's watch some vods stream streamed on youtube right and techno streamed on youtube too violet got 5k points in signs of time damn wait we got 5k points do they get just like underneath us or something like that uh dream chet how would i find dreams uh was he on twitch was he on twitch or youtube like i know how to find technoblade's uh broadcast but i don't know where to find dreams ally think of the five gifted subs there's no notifications going off for some reason i'm sorry if i missed anything thank you so much that's so nice of you mark think about the 300 bits check this chord all right well a little bit uh scottish thank you for the tier one mall thank you for the hundred bits pomo thank you for the 100 bits liz thank you for the 200 bits thank you guys youtube like i'm on you okay he did stream on youtube how do i find uh i i don't know how to find his uh most recent like broadcast once he ends the stream it's unlisted [Music] uh mods can you do me a favor can you go into if someone's got the link can you put in the discord and mods can you click on it and make sure it's okay for me and we'll go check out dreams we're live we are live you can't put the link in the chat chat it just subscribe to trump everyone always says that trump is a hearthstone streamer it's a card game streamer and youtuber it's not donald trump his name is just trump he has nothing to do with donald whatever like it's always on the left side too because i watch him quite a bit hey guys let's see yeah he's like always right here these two guys are hearthstone streamers these are the guys i watch on youtube kind of only oh ross got me the thing thank you ross i thought that was dream's lap but it was knox crew that threw me off for a second okay we can get rid of that one now dog dog i'm surprised i don't want to think about holding the wall down i'm being careful yeah we're going to the left we're going to left who's on the left oh yeah let's go oh oh check ratify those guys in dream steam i am going to lie back and i'm gonna enjoy this and no more stress yep ah what other hearthstone streamers do you watch uh there you go oh god i can't find your name you guys take it i should have taken the water bucket honestly all right there's a guy there's i can't think of it right now my brain is literally right under me why can't i guys i'm i'm pushing that oh shoot green team green they're on me down me down me down me down right now could you guys not die immediately i'm not there yet yeah tap on the floor okay there you go give you armor you thank you thank you i'm gonna go i'm gonna run back i have an iron sword how do we like that decision he made an iron sword rather than iron sword and iron axe rather than making boots or other armor for his team i think we know this team's strong suit is definitely pvp i don't mind the axe making he has one iron remaining so i would have liked giving another axe to uh tapple for someone i don't know if he's got a plan or not but i think that's what i would have preferred doing apple give me some potions here's an iron forget that the potion's in the middle yeah you're here obviously like the other potion whenever i'm talking about other players like this i'm not saying like oh yeah he should have done this i'm kind of just thinking in my head what might have been smarter for me or anything like that i'm not bashing him this is all like immediate decisions that they have to make one of us takes two my potion got picked up by someone i need a potion thanks wilbur that was homophobic thank you yeah he's good with a sword not an axe okay oh yeah i hit someone off nice or you did team t back off pull back back off i don't like that second tnt oh i'm dying i'm done easy kills easy kills all right does anyone have like a crossbow and arrows i could have or just a crossbow i have four arrows when people die they don't drop loot in sky battle right like no one dropped like an iron helmet for apple correct if i have a regular boat in the middle i have a crossbow all right i'll take the ball i guess he's just going to take our bridge i haven't really paid attention i i don't know if they drop anything or not cpk killed quigg oh shooting all right you could see the difference it and uh in sky battle if you have someone that can speed bridge it's night and day it's night and day it was so nice having to apple just go immediate across without any worries that was like a skype battle for us and mcc night we had josh just they dropped okay careful oh my god oh my god hold on josh i'm a little upset with you oh i'm good oh fruit berry dude i'm killing i'm killing lime let's get lime okay let's go let's go let's go yeah go for lime do it shoot oh oh oh that's a lot man no i got hit off oh the dream killer explosion oh i'm dead i'm dead i got four kills it's all right that's that's good that's good that's good that's good all right it's up to you very good now just go go for easy kills if you see him well yeah but be careful there because pink team's getting ready to clean up i like the job by falls i think killing purple would be good you just gotta go sicko mode man farm the free kills down harvey you're getting way too high it's gonna come down faster than you think yeah he's fine some height is good gives you the element of surprise yeah i think he's in the best spot right now actually like obviously he's by himself but i think what temple is perfect third party because pink team's going to win this fight so there's a creeper behind you table creeper behind you oh they got lava they're just loving each other oh my god that's interesting i couldn't even why couldn't i jump for it oh it was because it was did he take damage and then it like ruined his jump is that what happened oh they got lava they're just loving each other oh my god that's interesting i couldn't even why couldn't i jump for it oh it was because the it was because it was the border damage yeah it didn't look like it from this angle but it might it might have been more apparent from his uh uh point of view of that it hit me down that's kind of cringe damn gets saved oh oh the chest right there warmer um i have nothing there's no sticks armor question mark oh oh okay i got splashed hold on come here here here take these potions take potions take potions i'll take one i'll take one i need one jesus and then myself a stump sword they're they're gonna they're uh trying to get a red sword for you he's got two iron just chilling oh i'm surprised i didn't make two please please what are they doing they're trying to tnt us away wasting things just wasting things is what i'm saying are we gonna bridge over i'm just gonna splash harm in these guys all right their own get them yeah okay that actually summarized it yeah they're owned nice nice nice all right techno gets no kills from that oh here i picked it up for carl uh i put the pants i'm making another iron sword someone can take this if they want okay i got it me i got one from them i still have this don't worry about that i won't give tabs i think you'll probably shoot minnie off he's literally just standing there i have no arrows i have it i can do it okay i'm so bad that wasn't even close i wasn't going to say anything over here we have to start bridging yeah we gotta go i hit let me know if they're gone chad i gotta admit something to you guys i hate sky battle it's it's gotta be fun to watch like the good players go at pvp but jesus christ it's so anxiety driven carl what's up thank you for the raid i appreciate that welcome raiders my name is hbom 94. i hope your mcc went well i hope you guys did yeah you had fun i know you guys came forth by not that much but welcome everyone welcome welcome welcome i have so much stress and anxiety sixth for some reason i thought you came in fourth my bad did you prefer skyblock no i hated skyblocker even more but sky battle just the first two games oh oh just hated them hated them hated them him i wanted more battle box battlebox at least i thought would have been fun purple popped off which team is purple is purple violet the games chosen were terrible for us yeah the pvp teams kind of get uh the pvp teams get screwed a little bit more because usually the pvp games are early because teams like us like uh blue want to get them out asap so like you guys will probably get pvp games but they're super early and usually for like our teams without a really good uh team chemistry games like sansa time and build more we get them late so we kind of get to do uh we got the advantage on that who got skipped this time true oh it doesn't load survival games and battle box weren't picked purple is right in front of us free kill oh they're pointing at us we're here over here dude having tackle on your team has to be nice with the speed bridging how many teams i was designated the bridger and i hated every second of it oh how about how about we let them run let them run away okay so much tension none of us could speed bridge it put us at such a disadvantage you want to clean that you want to clean that technology you clean me clean good crit on cpk oh my god this is not a good place to be minnie has to be dead oh be careful nice nice nice nice nice minnie mook uh uh got or flip yoink that kill on minnie oh i'm getting hit oh yeah yeah porter's coming in we got a bridge we got a bridge i take it blue team's over here i'm gonna be able to drop on them or maybe we should go for pink team honestly we should bridge over i hated this i hated this so much everything about that sucks what's going on i hated it that was me down there i'll just jump over here want that lava back the border did so much more damage than usual oh my god tommy just got his clip wait i have t five t there you go primed it go up oh yeah oh yeah who's left we just go over here i have i'm more detailed i have more tnt i can pull up oh just below us he's mine in the blocks was that kill what just happened though i don't think scott's getting points for that but i think he's just like straight up knocking him off oh we got scammed we actually got scammed scott just got like two or three kills right there he got no kills for it ah clutch i have to clutch oh that's a good tnt just get tommy [Music] you know not rockets believe i don't want to watch rockets please oh yeah i don't know i don't watch rockets oh for the shortcut so guys in ace race i came in second i had one hiccup that was it the hiccup was my elytra didn't come off of my back or whatever like i didn't fly off the elytra and techno beat me by 33 seconds this was i i he got the three fastest laps he just rolled i have to see what he did i made no mistakes during mine let's do this maybe the the elytra hiccup cost me like 10 seconds or something like that oh my god even then it's just like so by the way i just want to point this out me and josh were on the right we did the little like uh instead of worrying about doing the jumps we went to the right you could see josh is just barely in the lead going to the right into the left is better at the beginning at least maybe towards the end uh you don't have to jump and also you don't have to risk possibly falling into soul sand or soul soil or anything like that oh i'm still stuck on people i landed in the minecart one of them yep i failed it the first time and i nailed it the second two times that also cost me like a few seconds but that wasn't a big deal what that's so weird so many people right now he's beaming by four seconds boost off the water yeah mine just fell straight through that's the strategy you know i've never thought about where i'm supposed to land on here landing in the middle of the little dropper bit here is better i always go for like the edge up here it's better because you get more space on where you can fit your trident through so the further you are back the easier it is for you to aim in towards the hole rather than in the front if i'm not at the correct height i just get stuck for like a second i never thought about that what he did here was perfect i just fell straight through oh my god my speed thing didn't go until like late oh oh i had to figure out how he timed that that was that was the boost oh choke tech no blade he shouldn't be jumping while he's got the speed at least i don't think so i cannot see a damn thing there's so many bodies remember your train so the strategy for this one uh if there's any other mcc or something like in your head you could make it towards this red thing with the elytra and that's faster but often times whenever you land on the red your game like lags a little bit and you kind of get stuck in the animation in between it's better to land back here and just walk it adds like another like half a second to your time but it's the it's the way to do it like land back here and then get on the red thing and just manually do it so many bodies where he landed was absolutely perfect he got the far distance out yes yes yes i remember it but everybody's in the way perfect move friends he's landing on the perfect spots too i don't think he's gonna make that what yeah i didn't think he was gonna make that you don't have to go through those holes not many people know that like during my entire event i was going towards the top you don't have to go through those holes to get the speed boost that was good he's got me by 14 seconds right now this is the one shortcut i'm trying out this time what minecart saved come on people in the way perfect keep getting i've never been hit by so many other players so when i was doing this i was constantly aiming for this but he did the smarter thing and went to the left so he got more room i kind of went for this would block just to make myself know that i have a backboard but what he was doing was sneakier during the actual event i wasn't thinking about it i was thinking about safety so many other players or like been bounced by other players you can do it guys i believe that's not that was everything he's done has been like absolutely perfect therefore good things will happen believe in the me that believes in you oh see this is what i was talking about it's much harder to get the correct angle when you're closer to it oh so like right there you're like ah crap and then you gotta line yourself up missed it my gosh that'll be a few seconds right there that's where i kept landing i never thought about it but yeah i should try backing up a little bit what the heck what um i can't uh try it out of the waterfall the shortcut just doesn't let me come on really really really oh he's already laughing he's already laughing not like this looks like he's not like this it's not a costume it's a strat wilbur's just secretly a sweaty nerd epic pvp or wilbur soot trying to like focus on my jumps and he's just staring at me like i said you can go over them over the top of ain't stick at the speed boost i just don't think he knew that chat believe in me believe in me just the wrong way oops perfect or almost perfect at least this i wasn't beating this i'm very okay with second place on here fruit finished uh lap two before me see that's where i would aim my gosh scowl so far behind me at all top ten top nine let's go oh my god that was not why did i take me all the way back that was perfect oh there we go that's what you like to see chad that's what you like to see i don't like to see that oh i'm floating i hate it it's honestly a shortcut that i i wanted to try but i'm in first so i'm not going to do it why am i why am i forever a torpedo stop stop stop i'm shorter now i'm tiny man it's okay you short king you do this you finish this race it's time to skip many oh my god this must be how it feels to be pizza hut true this must be how pizza hut feels big drew number one baby yeah i love you back so much i i cannot try it out with me nice dude how far behind is everyone second oh yeah if you if you mess up like twice and it's your screw that's what happened to me also like the speed pads don't have like have been delayed for me for some reason that was so good to get the top 10. that was very good good job what the heck and i don't get any points for destroying them i'm sad well i mean i got the 12 points over h i have to beat the captain i have to beat the captain yes he got ruined so badly right there oh my god i just got damn it i just skipped three people i just skipped three people right there oh second place pepe hands if techno just messed up a few times like three or four times i might have had first i might have had first gross i hate it at all does anything else we need to watch from tech no what other games i don't know who did number one and to get to the other side dodgeball practice stream is he's actually past me and stats is the most pushed me off again oh my god dream fruit came in first fruit berry fruit berries videos when was it played like fifth yeah it was fifth because it was the the game that was oh there it is do quack at his rocket spleef glitch i don't remember seeing quackity glitching i remember seeing phil's uh glitching out guys this team did much better than i thought they were going to do there's i don't think there's a reason to follow them no that's not right lime did very very good like if it it it depends like oh the people that are like i haven't played don't start lagging on me i'm just i want to see which door is correct uh this one ah that's probably smart i don't see it oh i thought oh i hit the corner i'm upset i didn't oh no i'm right i'm right behind you all right i'm gonna oh got it oh you go oh you swim sorry spaghetti what is this how does this work oh i remember this one fit through the little holes underwater just follow everybody that was absolutely perfect right here oh man soul sand for real ah ah oh this one no way oh my god gringo first place green got first you're so good you're literally so good boom baby yes korean let's go my boy let's my friend how do you play this my friend i love ryan my chat better be a bunch of run sims be quick because i sure as hell am yeah i'm right behind you you're doing well all right go in the water and i'm just going to build up the wall here i'm getting guardians all right go up oh you want to go we're all together i'm not used to this map oh there's credence oh man i didn't realize you gotta go oh i'm so sorry false i keep getting hit above you okay i got it uh i got 10th okay i'm bad that got 10th that that's crazy that performance that josh has put on got 10th what where is it i came like 20th something i think that's it it's just because there's like a million pits i kept getting stuck underneath uh blocks which might have been freaking josh's fault to be honest well 50 40 44 points i'm not familiar with like how high it's going to go mess you know it's the gong baby chad gone i'm definitely gonna i like that worked really well that i was able to follow you yeah for that first bit yeah we got over i was over there first but then i didn't realize that we probably shouldn't have been in the middle right yeah yeah it's like if you're first on the edge it's better but i wonder what happened to beerus the thing is fruity builds faster than anybody in this tournament so yeah he gets the bridges up yeah everyone who did well must have gotten to the cobweb strat see this one i think i have to do that i did it one time and it did really well but it's just like i'm kind of afraid of getting knocked out to be honest this one is just trident this is the worst okay you just need to get your own space because if you yeah it's about not colliding with someone just sucked oh my god what's happening i didn't know there was one down there i don't want to collide with someone i collided with someone oh this is so troublesome i can't stop colliding with people what the heck it's a good way of putting it lyme is doing so well man you should be able to jump that there you go fifth pretty sick we intend nice in the first team we took the lead back got it quality what's happening to you oh it's the techniques of going upwards fast you just build straight up just make sure no one like quality quality give me just 720. yep got it there we go i like the techniques of going upwards fast you just build straight up just make sure no one like wants you and then once you get really high you might be able to you can just fly to the end i'm pretty sure i think quiggs placement was the best oh no i i might have did it no i'm gonna yeah land okay i got first oh ren yeah just go straight down just go straight down so you can reset i finished the eighth i missed it oh no all right you've got it you got it green there you go go go go yeah oh there you go oh man that was rough that was this is actually the worst yep i did a technique and i am in the front hopefully i don't get punched i can't see i couldn't see where do i oh i'm going to be lost him in dreams he's punching you i'm going to try and get more i couldn't see a thing oh i almost punched stream off the map oh yeah second all right nice let's go baby i really think people should be invisible for stuff like this cool i mean it's pvp this one's on purpose it's just chad is this anyone's favorite map up to get to either side this is one fun to watch i this is my least favorite last place now it's fun to watch the people struggling oh my god that was crazy people are still fighting back they wanted to run the thing so again i just barely missed out on this one rocket launched yourself off a wall basically yeah direction backwards that's your i've haven't done it before you need to drop down at this point why is there so many people in the way oh i didn't i was okay now i understand oh josh's movements are so good okay well i just keep any hit back down yep this is exactly what happened to me i can't get up yeah there we go okay yeah without having played this before yeah it's really hard what do we do where am i supposed to get back oh man we have to backtrack i don't know i had to double jump here i got stuck right here backtrack you can go up there's a disadvantage on this one guys okay right made it what is happening this one's so chaotic i'm actually doing really good somehow okay i got six that is really hard right this one's for the side green oh my goodness you start all the way at the beginning okay there's one in the left right in front of the stage yeah really easy well we're doing well why is techno traumatized by you and wanted you to lose dodgeball uh mcc seven i 1v2 his team and he was not happy about that he was not a happy camper about that uh dream i don't want to watch hole in the wall i don't want to watch hole in war sky battle you guys can keep telling me he got so many kills in skype but i don't wanna watch it i don't wanna watch it i don't wanna watch it ptsd i don't wanna see it i don't wanna see it what happened to him during rockets please oh just no audio he was afk for what reason wait why'd he go personal issues oh okay unknown okay so we just don't know i didn't know it was actually like audio issues or something like that it was family issues that's much much different oh they got dunked why am i not flying oh he i guess he was just muted the entire time all right well what games are going to get next that's the real question good game's neck it's minecraft oh whoa what [Music] oh no i can't see see this is where i hate it i can't see oh honk i honked up he did really well there oh i don't know why i did that yeah okay no get out of here carl's doing really well on her too carl's killing it hey calm down george the person i punched their name was gay not found i practiced this with carl this morning he's eating the cable stop stop george it's game time throw the camera george just throw him out oh my gosh throw him in the trash what oh in a video game it's smart to get away from other players noted oh my god get out of my face get out of the get out of the way okay oh my god oh god just fall down just fall down yeah guys please stop blocking me i got fourth i got four what the i have eighth again you want to aim as high not bad well he's doing well you gotta this one's actually super hard the fact that you recovered was really good but i have your lecture put it on everyone okay okay [Music] ow oh my god oh my god oh my god how high do i have to go i knew that was gonna happen i tried to build me a little wall yeah no i'm oh i just get my camera oh someone just punched me off he's like completely failed is he going for the hell of a copper why'd you about to punch me off he's targeting technoblades right technology got revenge from last time so i thought technology it punched me off again next time deck no punch off again see what happens dry angry isn't terrible hbo miss trista i wouldn't hear it suggest so we need wouldn't be that angry good movement i literally can't see anything me and fruit have a little truce fruit don't betray me i can't see anything oh fruit you tried to betray me you tried to betray me fruit not cool we all know dre would have done the same oh my god the other rockets are just yeah i was gonna say he's using them too much come on pg of course not bad he did really good during that it was josh that came in first place individually right what's going on okay was it sapnap or carl's in another drop five thank you scott came in third individually i didn't see that just yeah just try and try and hurry carl trying to hurry hurry up 700 dream just behind him carl we'll tell him to pause oh dang tackle just wiggle just try and hurry carl okay oh like everything right next to you i have to hear other teams react to us dominating build market it's it's the opposite offense you put you put sticks on the outside and the thing in the middle i have to it's it's i can't help it okay i have to i'm sorry george come on come on 20 seconds i don't know drop me the jungle then drop it make sure everything else is right no no oh my gosh i saved the day there bro how are we how are we eighth how are we eighth what are we doing wrong i feel like you're not the blue black cats you're not the blue black cats that's the issue wow we just dropped down wait early how did we do so how we did like everything we just did too good we completed nine builds how many bills do they complain it's okay i don't know that's crazy i feel like that is just terrible i don't know how we did so bad didn't someone ask blue bats how many yeah we did 14. they did nine because we've like doubled our builds and what 14 that's not even like that anymore because they were doing them first yeah we did five more builds and every time we got a build done we were first so we got more points than anyone that completed them afterwards too five builds in build mart is a lot that's like each like little plot we almost did two more than them every single plot that that's a lot that's actually a lot parkour yeah we're going one section i can't be though one sec do that one change it changed oh crap i was i was not playing i was looking at the next change already why do i do this every time i end up failing like right at the beginning because of some dumb change if you're ready oh my gosh how long did go did it start not that long ago there's only one ladder now oh god you gotta use the tnt wait they changed this a little bit yeah it's changed a little bit i parked the dnt it didn't do anything this one i kept missing the first jump okay he did too thank god oh wow come on that first jump was longer than like i think everyone expected it to be usually the first jump is easy here we go nice strap stop them keep it solid this is so much different oh no oh shoot a stupid leaf dude that lead there always gets me oh no i'm just take your time carl dang i can't throw now okay why is that hard oh they changed where you jump in from here this makes it weird i nailed it i don't know who i'm with i should have been trying to do two jumps i think but i was doing three hey i failed it like three times i think that jump okay this one i think i did on my second attempt it's this i got through super early and i was really happy here we go hey they change it to the right oh my gosh it is so much harder oh no all right come on winning right now by the way just keep it up oh i keep i'm failing here i'm choking root berries is that stage four one oh i can't i can't see because george is there oh so wee no i failed the last jump [Music] wait what oh my gosh there's a jump at this part now oh my gosh the whole thing is different all right nice he's got that one down to an art we're blue that's aqua or cyan oh god okay here we go yeah that was a further jump that i think everyone expected i'm gonna cry guys just calm down calm down call down it's fine call we have oh no i just completed stage three am i on the same jump or is the stage what stage is this oh is this three or four too far all right they made this this part's hard no that's me right there okay yeah we're at the same spot well it's hard to get i saw my blue little booties i'm shaking i'm shaking i'm scared all right it's okay dude all right i wasn't the first you're okay you're there were you the first who won uh fuchsia fuchsia one were you the first of this section or no is that not we came in second we came in first in team points second in dodgeball five two all right nice why can't i get through this [Music] oh okay okay okay the whole thing is so much different oh he did he just like he just does the jumps i think he did that jump just because he didn't want to be behind zap now [Music] he did the same thing i did but he nailed it much better than i did jesus christ fruit or enough fruit dream [Music] i did the iron door thing first try the iron door is that the holy moly nice nice oh my god they still have that bed that i can't do dream oh dang okay oh he's doing much better than i did this one got me i hated that one oh that one just got me for like a full like i think at least two minutes this jump also got me for as many points as we can because this is a multiplier okay he didn't do the jump with the run jump that might have been it lag oh yeah it's kind of hard ep hiccuping [Music] yeah it should be stable though there's a lot of hard parts before it oh my gosh no lego bird yeah i'm really joking that might have to be it for my stream today chat it lasted past mcc though we didn't lag during mcc chat four hours the first hiccup pretty good now i'm watching it it it does this thing yeah it just keeps going back and forth for it four hours first hiccup we take those we take those chat let's see is it gonna keep going um [Music] i think we okay i didn't even get like a chance to do this during my parkour i just finished the one that he got passed like the last one and i just like kind of walked up on this one and got like one attempt at it i'm happy with how i didn't bargain this parkour really hard yeah they changed a lot of it up it was difficult the uh the glass pane one is different yeah after the adventure [Music] all right okay wait who was that i couldn't i can't read the name um maroon thank you for the 300 bits thank you thank you h isn't it for mcc we got blessed att is coming out monday or tuesday oh god what is this what is this oh no oh this part i don't know if i'm gonna finish we'll see this part looks very intimidating but i don't think it'd be that bad for me i'm good with neos i'm actually good with neos so i might i wasn't gonna get to this part let me be clear about that but i might be okay with this this just looks terrifying oh flaggy i see it took dream like 10 tries he's got four minutes and he completes the map with time remaining all right frick all right shh quiet sorry what is this jump dot dots in chat focus time good save oh no he's struggling with the left to right but left to right he's got down this feels a lot like the uh i i haven't tried this before so i don't know how well i would do it to be honest but i feel like i'd do fine you knew this part before doing all of them in one attempt might be something different but this would feel like the latter neos uh i think this took the spot of the ladder no no this one's before this took the double jumps out this was the original like ice double jumps no oh gosh that's no simple jump i just missed oh i'm i'm missing something that i perfected yes finally yes okay nice whoa why is the this part's different the one that you just hold space [Music] this these jumps kind of like look like they're about the same i wonder how different they are nice i just first tried the hard part like i'm really good at the ladder neos so like when i was like looking at that i was feeling like they'd be roughly about the same which bit but they probably aren't to be honest i don't know the difference between like i don't think you have to anyway the glass panes [Music] how do i do this this is the dumbest change they changed eight one so you had to go left to right what oh my god this part's literally impossible [Music] epic landlord thank god you tnt this you've got to change eight one and eight two and eight three up more than anything else you've gotta make them harder you gotta make them harder like i'm looking at this it looks exactly the same just like oh there's less trap doors than that kind of stuff the only person getting here is gonna be dream that's it i can't do that maybe pete but pete wasn't in this event the last two events like they they actually made this one easier a2 became easier with the updates jumping too early double jump yep nice dang dang he's an animal dude he's just built are you finished epic landlord's just walking over there he's staring hmm i almost missed that let's go that was hard that was hard that was hard dream watch me now and help me oh my gosh oh my god that was that aboard oh i did it that was hard oh god look at the points he got for fuchsia look at first compared to second look at first compared to second jesus christ scott said parkour is no more i hope so give me dropper i want dropper chat live stream drop i'm not even like good at dropper i just like dropper droppers fine oh it's blowing up the whole thing is blowing up oh no oh no one got behind you what the t i didn't realize they were doing this before the time ended it's [Music] the horse is gone parkour warrior is exploded it's over that's what i like that's what i like so to be honest when the tnt was announced i kind of thought they were gonna blow up parkour warrior before we did parkour warrior i kind of like was under the assumption that hey we're gonna like the the the preview the update video had literally no changes visible other than the tnt so i assume that they didn't touch the map and it looked exactly the same and then while we're doing the preview like in the sky beforehand it was just going to blow up and then something new was going to come in i didn't expect it to be once we were done it was parkour escape room and said maybe okay you watch for a second i gotta pee i gotta feel [Music] we're the parkour kings let's go what are the odds of that so now the thing is don't we probably don't want survival games now we want battle box yeah battle box could be good battle box basketball box battle box i can't believe i got stuck they blew up the parkour how dare you how dare you how dare you that's all i said good riddance effort said thank you pog champ they're all happy it's exploded let's go let's go and we got on a 2.5 multiplier oh that's such a capital d colony i didn't think i was gonna dude they added one bit you're gonna see it in the on the server i don't know actually i don't know if you will but did i see it was it oh yeah you must have seen it oh no it was like the neos with the with the fences trick-or-treat trick-or-treat this one's very important to try out very important guys everybody stick together because if we find one person if you find one everybody tell them where to go okay there's one guy there's one there's one straight towards where the parkour practice is on the other side hey there's one literally right next to us it's uh 258 is that where i just was behind a tree oh no okay 258 258 that's what i'm heading over there i was kind of disappointed there was no battle boxing i'm going where yeah yeah go straight that way yeah 34th i didn't mean i meant on the parkour not individually he got to 4-2 which one's 4-2 the slam bonds one oh okay okay did you see techno's yeah we watched it earlier oh dude this mcc it was something special i wish the dodge bolt went a little bit longer let's go watch dreams dodgeball like i i put no fault of my own in dodgeball normally i'm very critical of myself but in dodgeball i can't do anything if if there's another player just popping off on the other team and that's what dream did and he targeted me first which was the smart thing to do he played it absolutely perfectly davin chens thank you for the twitch prime welcome h194 coming to eats let's see this like i think i took two shots and hit one if you told me going into dodgeball i'd have a 50 accuracy i'd be very happy because that's actually really good i'm not going for the air in the middle i'm just going to dodge for now so oh my god he should have had someone on his team take the arrow and just hold on to it we're wizards we're literally oh yeah this is destiny it's meant to be it's meant to be it's literally meant to be this is the dream team this is the team everybody always wanted not hvac everybody always wanted not hvac before i do a tweet calling out carl i do have to tweet out to my uh team i kind of got all in my head after mcc and didn't tweet anything oh i kind of forgot about that to be honest normally i do a tweet right afterwards oh check give me a good tweet carl is too cocky carl's not too cocky he's just having fun doesn't mean i'm happy with him i'm kind of angry at him now but it's okay no one was an mcc discord anymore this was one of my uh i wouldn't say my one of the most that's accurate the only thing i didn't like about this mcc was the fact that we got 3-0 in dodgeball that's kind of it and i had i just had so much anxiety at the beginning that's kind of been me the last few mcc's that's my own fault that's the one that's supposed to move my iron so ready for the 13 months i have to call out carl i hate you too carl chat tweet him that clip of him saying that or clip me reacting to that and send it to him in the i want to say like in the which bolt you're right is which bolt my bad which bolt i'm just not i'm just i'm just not a uh i'm just not a uh a wizard i'm sorry chat uh uh i want to go to alphabetical order flip when picking pl to go in order i just go by alphabetical as there's meant to be no order uh shovel scott wait wait is it's major it's major on there so it'd be shovel first shelby yeah be shubble first and where's the a and at major it was dang that's a long name that would have been it in both the event and which bolt oh uh hurt you as well at knox crew i should give a shout out to knox i too but max crew's like part of him i'm just a mere muggle and dodgeball or witchbolt true big true did i make any mistakes i should have had you guys proofread that also go like and favorite that i'm spamming in the chat boost my ego and like and favorite or like and retweet that did anyone clip that for me i i guys guys everybody always wanted not hvac this is the team everybody always wanted not hvac you hear how much distaste he has in his mouth he has pure hatred for me chat we need to squash this beef whatever's happening i haven't been in drama in a very long time time to take it out chat it's time to take it out cancel him get him out of here i'll let you hear it one more time this is the team everybody always wanted not hvac do you hear how angry he is do you hear how angry he is chat he's on the dream team or the dream team smp voice chat no he's not he might be on the uh the team speak i don't have uh admin or anything on there so i can't really see them in there didn't your age you know i think he's still streaming now that's guys for me to no i'm not going through there no one go for the arrow just talk all right i don't like the arrow the the thought of no one go for the arrow it's kind of weird it kind of let me line up the shots more even though i missed but it still like gave me time to do it more well someone has to get it no no we don't we'll get it after the shoot that's a bad idea i had no patience yeah my movements weren't even bad do we have all of them do we have both okay let's go dream movements weren't even bad just he took a shot and hit it i don't know like the thought process of him knowing to go behind me because very rarely do i ever do that he just hit it i unlucky for me i guess carl tweeted i saw it on my phone where's twitter drama drama drama drama which one is this right here there it is thank you serenity i'll grab it really quick hang on this is the dream team this is the team everybody always wanted not hvac everybody always wanted not hvac beat him up chat dodge and weave just keep dodging and keep weaving wait this weave the dirt they missed missed they missed me they missed me they missed me now they've got to kiss you they missed me they missed me now they've got to get this all right feed the beast feed the beast oh that missed that was a bad try you're good you're good you didn't even want that one anyway get him has balls of steel for going for that shot actual balls of steel yeah babies ouch ouch in this round wait do you have both of them maybe we give them dream dream maybe okay you ready all right you want to leave him left i'll eat him right okay count it in three two one go let's go we're gonna win um oh my god what is the best of three oh first of three okay close to three are they shooting or what's going on he's just waiting hey is the strat to just should i stand in front of a dream no no no no okay i kept trying to get an angle on dream and just never got it i think i think i just saw carl and was like carl was an easy hit to be honest i got the arrow don't he's aiming at you just don't be careful can you drop the airplane at you i'll pop him do i pop him here so i just went straight after carl i want two for two here good shot good hit good hit i want to look at my movements there go and go i want two for two here nice i don't hate i don't hate good hit good hitch okay okay well you just need one here at least you got it jim you got this nice okay nice start stop okay well you just need one here at least you got it jim you got this he's just hitting everything come on shovely i love anyone in this inventory leave me [Music] alone they're aiming at a dream they're aiming at a dream come on what's up nap i believe now sapnap nope dream they're gonna go for this oh okay we're good we're good you're both there dodge nice step not want to shoot why what happened with sapnap why didn't you want to shoot they had an order of command oh i don't like that i don't like that at all so my theory like you're a team you can make the decisions but if you're on my team we got there as a team together we take shots together in dodgeball like that that's that's it i don't like the hierarchy stuff it's been on before with like techno as well is it smart sure but you don't get there by just one person you don't get there by just one person you're a team let everyone take shots you guys got this right here it's happening right here when i saw sapna pass the arrow over i thought like sapnap was like afraid or something like that or like having anxiety or something like that that's why i was curious i'm on the left three two one techno said your strat sucks i'm not saying it's the smartest thing i'm saying i'd rather win as a team than win by an individual in dodgeball we got there to dodgebolt by a team i'd rather just lose as a team than rather me win by myself like if i took all the arrows i don't want that oh good you're good it's all good it wouldn't feel like a victory for me be a regular you guys are masters at irregularity i'm once again i'm not saying it's dumb or smart prove you're weird i'm saying i don't like move your weirdos prove you're a bunch of weirdos okay it's okay george nice george you got destroyed you got this george yes gog clutch it up let's go george let's go george [Applause] i'm teasing them by the way go go go one more round okay here we go calm down i hate my friends just calm down what the heck wait all right my first dodge was really good like i baited out that i was gonna i'm not willing or i'm not afraid to go over the line i get closer to you the second jump i made it too obvious that i was gonna go back i should have done the same exact date i didn't think he'd shoot immediately again to be honest that's a good trade that's a good trade i'm down for the 50 50. that's pretty good h-bomb for carl i mean no offense carl but i'll take that trade any night all right i'm done why though i don't know he's weird that's kind of weird it's a bad trade they literally are scared oh they just missed me they missed me oh my [Music] oh dude next time you guys get the arrows it's game over right here watch this just get out of me stop now get out of me it's fine just dodge they're both aiming for your dream oh that's okay that's okay you guys got this oh my god all right george go on you got this george second string do a costume right here george yeah do a blindfolded george do a blindfold if anyone wore a costume to mcc they get a 10 out of 10 from me i'm just kidding because dream was kidding come on george okay i'm joking i'm not gonna do it i'm not gonna do it i know canon sparkles you're right i gotta go see him okay take a deep breath george you got this hey you're gonna take the winning shot here george nice let's go let's go let's go let's go with you i even said don't jump off oh wait who jumped off oh sap now who's green [Music] [Music] he gets t feed back up there there are four cara i don't remember who won first mc cara and dave won mcc one i don't remember who else was on that team fruit and fundy won their first mcc so that's six and now carl won his first mcc that's seven seven players have won their first mcc they participated in i think i could be off baby the good news about this one is there are three new players to join or get their first win george sapnap and carla got their first wins that feels good oh that feels so good i feel so good and minnie was minnie not an mcc one you did it they kiss eg we had technical issues but it's all good and we won we balled it out why did we have we had so many times we had a lot of technical issues we missed rounds and we still pulled it off that's called a pog moment dream got first i got 10 we did it i go to donations if you win you have to kiss dream i don't think that's true i don't know george look at me george okay i'll do it again come on i i need new friends dude i need new friends i need new friends wait for chad there's not more there's not more i refuse i absolutely refuse there's more kissing i don't make me tweet it don't make me tweet it i don't want to tweet it don't make me tweet i'm not i'm not i'm not i refuse i refuse no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no there's more yeah yeah i i i believe you i believe you i believe that you know there's more that doesn't mean h-bomb wants to watch it that's that's where it's just um gotta go no more i'm done with this who's strumming actually i don't think i've rated shelby in a very long time she was streaming a second where is she there she is eddie was pretty close behind him not pg um oh chad are you ready for non-pg stuff chat thank you guys for being here if you have a job to follow yet be sure to drop a follow i had a blast one of my favorite mcc's i've been in five straight mcc that i've been in i wasn't in the last time cc mcc six mc set mcc 7 8 9 and 11 my team has placed number one as a team five straight five straight dodge bolts five straight dodge bolts all right is she a murderer no she's not go show her some love chat go drop her some follows drop me a follow drop her a follow do all those things thank you guys for all the subs today uh we got roughly like 50 subs today thank you guys we're almost up to a thousand again we're at 986 pog 14 away i'll probably be back to streaming i'm gonna take tomorrow off to be honest i i need tomorrow off so i'll probably be back to streaming monday or tuesday i'll see you guys soon sound like a plan hope you guys had a great mcc get out of here you're knuckleheads
Views: 17,095
Rating: 4.888268 out of 5
Keywords: HBomb94, HBomb94 VODS, HBomb94 Stream, Minecraft HBomb94, HBomb94 Minecraft, HBomb94 LiveStream, HBomb94 Live Stream
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 300min 30sec (18030 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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