Haywire: Autoimmune Disorders in Women

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So my name is Rebecca Manno, and I'm a rheumatologist at Johns Hopkins. So first I'd like to thank the organizers for the invitation to be here, and to talk about a very big, but very relevant topic, which is autoimmunity. So, as I mentioned, I'm a rheumatologist. I'm not an immunologist, I'm a clinician. I take care of patients, and the research that I do is clinical research, so I don't have mice with arthritis. I don't work in a lab, but I work with people. And I work with people with autoimmune diseases. And I see this every single day. And I see how devastating they can be. But I've also been doing this for long enough that I see how far we have come. And it's a great time to be a rheumatologist. And I always tell medical students and residents who are thinking about, maybe what are some of the more glamorous fields, cardiology and surgery. And maybe they haven't thought about rheumatology before. But it's a great time to be a rheumatologist. Because we understand more about the immune system and more about the clinical phenotypes that occur because of dysregulation of the immune system than we ever understood before. And most importantly, we actually have treatments now, whereas even 20, 30, 50 years ago, we didn't have anything to offer our patients. We now have FDA approved treatments. We have treatments in the pipeline and a lot of discovery for how to manage some of these very rare and not so rare diseases. So, once again, thank you for the invitation to speak about autoimmunity. Autoimmunity is important, why is it important? There's a whole lot more of it now than there was. And if you look at the data in terms of the epidemiologic studies that are looking at autoimmune disease and the incidence and the prevalence, almost universally there's an increase. There's some discrepancy as to how much that increase is, if it's 3% or 5%, but universally there has been an increase. And the reason for that, why is there an increase, there's a lot of discussion in the field. Maybe it's because we're living longer, that may have something to do with it. Just as you were hearing about the increase incidents of cancers with age. Some of that may have to do with all the autoimmune d as well. Some of it has to do with the ability to detect autoimmune diseases. We're understanding more about what our patients look like so we can identify them clinically. We have better biomarkers, and I'm gonna talk a little bit about those serum biomarkers that help us in diagnostics and in following our patients. But even if we take that bias out of the picture, the fact that we understand these diseases better, we're recognizing them better, the incidence is still increasing. And without a doubt, almost universally, whatever autoimmune disease that you wanna talk about, these disproportionately affect women, almost every single one, with very, very few exceptions. So these are incredibly important for women to be aware of, to understand something about these toxic diseases. And that we start thinking about in the future how to tailor our treatments specifically towards women as well. So, before we talk about autoimmunity we have to talk a little bit about the immune system, what is it, what does it do? Obviously, we all need one. The goal of your immune system is to protect you from the big and bad environment. And specifically, the microbes in the environment that want to do you harm. So there's two big parts of the immune system, so this is very basic immunology. There's the innate immune system, this is your prehistoric immune system. It's been around for a really really long time. It comes after things with a sledgehammer. And then there's your adaptive immune system. And this is made of different populations of cells, t-cells and b-cells. And this is a really sophisticated part of your immune system. And it has come up with a whole repertoire of cells that can recognize foreign antigens. Antigens are anything that triggers an immune response. And the goal of this part of the immune system, is if it finds a cell that's infected with something, it notices it, and it destroys it. There's also another part of this adaptive immune system that can secrete things that are called antibodies or proteins. And if it sees a foreigner in the milieu of the host, these immune cells can secrete these antibodies. The antibodies can attach on to the bacteria or the virus, tell the rest of the immune system, get this bug, and they destroy it. I'm making it sound very simple, it's not. It's very sophisticated, but it works. And most of the time it works really well. And it protects us from all of the microbes that are trying to do us harm in the environment. While your immune system is developing, it becomes smart. And some of these sophisticated t-cells and b-cells develop something that's called tolerance, which is it recognizes you as you. And it says, that's not something that I want to destroy or that I wanna mess with. And so when your cells develop tolerance, then they're not going to cause problems with your own body's tissues. So what is autoimmunity? Autoimmunity is a misdirected immune response. Where all of a sudden, or gradually over time these t-cells, b-cells become reactive to yourself, become reactive to self-host antigens. There's a breakdown in the sophisticated system of tolerance. And now, your immune system targets certain parts of you. One of the manifestations of this may be the generation of autoantibodies. Now you've probably all had the experience or known somebody who said I had the lupus test or the rheumatoid arthritis test. And it's a blood test, and so does that blood test tell you about an autoimmune disease? And the blood tests are, most of the time, the blood tests that we're looking at, are these autoantibodies. They're proteins that are made by the immune system. And what we've learned about them over the years, and as we're discovering more and more, they help us understand where the dysregulation in the immune system is occurring. From a clinician's standpoint, they can be an incredible powerful marker of dysregulation in the immune system, and cue me in to potential problems down the road. Well, what we also know about autoantibodies, and you've probably heard of a few of them, ANA, double-stranded DNA, anti-Ro, anti-La. I can go down a whole list of them, and we're constantly discovering more and more. What we know is that most of the autoantibodies do not equal an autoimmune disease. But they're telling us something, and we're finally starting to listen, and we're starting to understand what they're trying to tell us. They're telling us there's a marker for the immune system being dysregulated. And as we start to follow large groups of individuals over time, and large groups of individuals over time who have or don't have these antibodies. We can start to subset what our patients with with autoimmune diseases, what their clinical phenotypes are. And we can start to understand what the natural history of their autoimmune disease may be. And most importantly, how a particular therapy may or may not be effective based on those autoantibodies. So, autoantibodies and those blood tests that people order all the time and they think about when they think about rheumatologists, are more than just a marker. They're really telling us about the pathophysiology of the disease. So, why does the immune system become dysregulated? So, what happens? Well, we know that there's multiple hits. So there isn't just one thing that has to happen for the immune system to go awry. And what has become very, very clear is there is absolutely a genetic component, but that's not sufficient. Something else has to happen as well. So there's lots and lots of data about the genetic component. And one of the best examples of this is in rheumatoid arthritis. So there's a genetic marker, which has been discovered in rheumatoid arthritis, and it's something that's called the shared epitope. And so we know that individuals who have this genetic marker added an increased risk compared to the general population for rheumatoid arthritis. And that was a really big breakthrough in the world of rheumatoid arthritis, but we also know is that it's not sufficient. So everyone with a genetic marker does not go on to develop the disease. And we see this repeated time and time and time again, whatever autoimmune disease that you're talking about. There has to be a second hit. So what are some potential second hits? So, the environment, toxins. There's certainly some toxins that we know have been linked very, very strongly to autoimmune disease, silica being one of them. We know that medications can do it. We can see this in drug reactions, where a medication is introduced into a person, into the host environment. The immune system reacts to it in a very pathogenic way, and we see the development of an autoimmune disease. Those diseases are usually very nice to take care of cuz you get rid of the drug and things get better. What are other potential triggers? UV light, so the sunlight can be a trigger in the right host for the development of autoimmune diseases. And then there's the world of infections, this world of microbes that we're constantly in battle with. And remember that's what the job of the immune system, part of the job of the immune system is to protect us from those microbes. And there are some infections, specifically chronic infections that we know are constantly stimulating the immune system. Infections like hepatitis C, hepatitis B, HIV, that EBV as well. That are very closely linked with very discrete immunologic phenotypes. So how does the immune system become disregulated? And it's highly variable, but we know that you have to have those two hits. We also know that there's a delay. So when an event happens it may be months, years before the patient presents clinically. And we've learned this through these auto antibody markers. So there's some very nice work which has been done, it's been a few decades now Where serum was collected in individuals who didn't have any evidence of autoimmune disease. And they looked for autoantibodies and they found these people over time and said who develops autoimmune disease? And we saw these beautiful graphs that panned out, that showed us there can be a big lag between the development of the autoantibody and the clinical phenotype. And that's telling us that there's this quiescent period and what's so exciting about that is that it's an opportunity in the future to intervene. And if we can understand what's happening in that quiescent period between the immune system being activated, the generation of autoantibodies and then the presentation of the clinical phenotype of the patient, we really can make a difference. We can do more than just slow down these diseases, we can solve them. Getting back to the example of rheumatoid arthritis, I think it's a nice example once again, can have the genetics but you have to have something else. So I told you about the shared epitope in rheumatoid arthritis which was a very big discovery. We also have auto-antibodies now for rheumatoid arthritis. Anti-CCP antibody, which is very specific for rheumatoid arthritis. But what we also have learned is more about the environment and the environmental influences on the immune system. An enlarged epidemiologic studies when they look to say, whose got the shared appetite, whose got this auto antibody and what really increases your risk of developing an auto immune disease if you have two those things, smoking. The risk associated with smoking for developing rheumatoid arthritis, I don't think anybody could predict. We all know smoking is bad for lots and lots of reasons but this really spoke to us as saying there's something very unique about the environment that that changed the risk ten-fold for the development of rheumatoid arthritis. So how does the immune system becomes disregulated, and the analogy I like to use when I'm explaining it to my patients is what I call the campfire analogy. So if you want to build a camp fire, you have to have wood, right? So you make the pile of wood, okay? And you can soak that pile of wood in gasoline, but you're still not gonna have a campfire, you need to have a spark. So something has to light it, and you can think of the wooden self as being the genes that you were born with. You can think of the gasoline that maybe you pour on the fire as something in the environment that sets the stage, but then you have to have the spark. And maybe that's an infection, and maybe that's a drug, we're not sure but now you've got the campfire. But also remember with many of our auto immune diseases these are not a self limited process these become chronic diseases. So something has to continue to feed that fire. Cuz otherwise it will burn out, and now you have gotta rebuild the camp fire. But something is a continuous source of antigen to stimulate the immune system on and on and on. And so maybe that is a chronic infection, maybe that is a chronic exposure, maybe that is the target tissue of whatever the immune system is responding to that is the fuel that continues to feed the fire. So, why are these autoimmune diseases increasing? Why are we seeing more of them? And as I mentioned before, I don't think anyone is really sure. No one can say, this is exactly it. And that's probably because it's complicated, and there's multiple influences. But there's a lot of interesting thought so certainly the aging population, many of our auto-immune diseases do occur in older individuals. Certainly we see autoimmunity in children as well but it's rare compared to adults. And many of our diseases, if we look at the age distribution, it's shifted towards fifty and older, there's some variability there. There's a really interesting body of literature that's continuing to grow called the hygiene hypothesis, which you've probably heard about or read about and it's all over the popular press. Which is maybe we're being too sterile, maybe we aren't exposing ourselves and our children to enough of the microbes in the environment. Because we know when we look at mice, and there's a lot of differences between mice and humans. But if we look at mice and we keep them in a sterile environment, there's actually higher risks of certain types of autoimmune diseases. And interesting, there's a whole growing body of literature in terms of parasites that in individuals where parasites like hookworms are very, very common there's a lower incidence of autoimmune diseases. So there's something about this interaction between the immune system and microbes that we don't understand yet. The microbiome In terms of all of the bugs that is in your GI tract in particular is a very hot area of research and investigation. And I'll tell you how how interesting it has become at the American College of Rheumatology annual meeting last year they had an entire two hour session just dedicated to the microbiome and how to sequence out bacteria in stool and how different it is in different populations. It's different in people who have Crohn's disease compared to people who have lupus compared to people who don't have autoimmune diseases. There's something to it. We don't understand enough about it but the more that we are able to have sophistication measuring techniques, such as we were just hearing about, with gene sequencing, now we're able to actually look at these microscopic particles and try to understand what the patterns are. And maybe this is going to be a key to why we see a difference between women and men in auto immunity and I think that there's a growing body of evidence that suggests that may be the case. Cuz certainly, hormones have something to do with it. But if that was all that it took in terms of that differential between men and women, then we would never see any autoimmune disease in men and that's not the case, it's just less common. But maybe it's the interaction between our microbiome and the hormones and other environmental triggers. But you're starting to see the layers of complexity when you're dealing with the immune system. So autoimmunity and cancer, Dr. Nelson touched on this, and it's something as a rheumatologist I think about all of the time. We've known about the relationship between the immune system and cancer for decades and decades. There's certain autoimmune diseases where this became very, very obvious. So dermatomyositis is an autoimmune condition that can affect the skin and it can effect the muscles and it's driven by the immune system causing weakness in the muscles and it can cause a skin rash. And what became very clear, this is well described even back when the disease was first described, was that people with this autoimmune condition had a markedly increased risk of cancer. As we started to follow individuals over time, we saw that the risk of cancer increased around that five year time frame when individuals are diagnosed. And this gets back to this idea that your immune system, yes it's designed to protect you from viruses and bacteria and the external world. But it's also trying to protect you from cancers. We all make cancer cells every day, but your immune system gets rid of it, notices those genetic defects and gets rid of those cells. But a cancer can also stimulate the immune system and sometimes maybe the cancer grows, stimulates the immune system, the immune system's successful, It eradicates the cancer but the autoimmunity continues to propagate. And so this observation in dermatomyositis of the proximity between the development of cancer and an autoimmune disease then started investigators looking at other autoimmune diseases and said well why would that happen? And in scleroderma was some really amazing breakthrough research. It actually, from our division, that found that the antigen in certain tumors,there was an autoantibody that was targeted specifically against that antigen. And so the link between scleroderma and particular autoantibodies, remember those serum tests I was telling you about before being a marker for the development of a malignancy, has now been confirmed. And so this link between the immune system and cancers is a close one. And I think you're gonna continue to hear more and more about it cuz once again it gives us another opportunity to solve these diseases. The immunotherapy to treat cancer, as Dr Nelson was just talking about, is a very interesting and very, very, exciting world. And from a rheumatology perspective, it's interesting in a couple of ways. And one way, it gives us an insight into the immune system because with some of these medications that are being used to successfully treat cancers by harnessing the immune system and targeting that cancer, some of the casualties of that can be the development of autoimmune phenomenon. And as we start to understand that relationship closer, it may give us some insight then into our other autoimmune diseases. So what does autoimmunity look like? So what does it look like? And there's a whole host of autoimmune diseases. You can go through every single organ system in the body and I can come up with a autoimmune disease. In the skin, we have psoriasis. In the liver we have autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cirrhosis. In the gastrointestinal system we have Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. The musculoskeletal system, we have rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma myositis. And what they all share, although they all look very different, is this disregulation in the immune system. But although we've grouped each one of these diseases as their own disease, I think we're going to start to see more similarities between them as we understand more about the genetics. And as we understand more about this feed forward loop as we learn about the triggers for autoimmunity. So how do we treat these diseases? So in 2016 right now, how do we treat these diseases? I told you that it's a great time to be a rheumatologist because we have treatments. So the easiest way to treat them is if we know what the trigger is, if we know what has sparked the campfire. If it is a known infection we can treat the infection, and we have wonderful treatments now for hepatitis C. We've gotten very good treatments for HIV and hepatitis B and that can really turn off the immune response and you can solve the disease. If we know what the toxin is, we can get rid of it. And many times that'll take care of the autoimmune disease. The problem is that for many of the diseases, we don't know what is driving that feed forwardly. But what we do know is the pattern in which the immune system is responding. And if it is responding with certain cytokines, which are proteins made by the immune system, and we now have therapies which are called biologic therapies. You see them advertised on TV all of the time, yes. But what's unique about these therapies, as compared to our previous approach to many autoimmune diseases, which was shut the immune system down. Hit it with a sledgehammer. But now we're trying to target particular pathways. And we have a whole host of biologic agents that block IL-6, that block TNF-alpha, that deplete B cells, that JAK-STAT inhibitors, all these different pathways. What's interesting is that you'll see many of these different pathways may be used to target a particular disease, which once again tells you about the layers of complexity. But what's exciting is that by blocking these pathways, by developing molecules that target those pathways, we can make our patients better, so much better. And we can change the course of the disease, and that is really the objective, is to obtain disease modifying therapies. Not just to quiet it, not just to make someone feel better, we want that, too. But we wanna change the course of the disease. We wanna prevent damage from the immune system that's continuing to propagate. And with some of the new therapies we think that we can actually do that. We're not so brave as to say that any of these therapies are what we call rheumotocytal, the rheumatostatic that they can stop the disease. But they can change the course of the disease. So in summary, the immune system really is your friend. You want your immune system. You want it to be healthy and happy, and do all the things that it's supposed to do. But it certainly can go awry. There's some things that you can change, and a whole lot of things you can't change. You can't change your genetic makeup. The things that we all can do in terms of, that we can change, avoiding the toxins, no smoking, having a healthy lifestyle, having a healthy nutrition, those are the things that we can change. And then, of course, being a part of the medical community as we continue to learn about these diseases and learn about immune disregulation. Thank you for your attention. >> [APPLAUSE]
Channel: Johns Hopkins Medicine
Views: 69,947
Rating: 4.7333331 out of 5
Keywords: Johns Hopkins, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Promise of Medicine, Baltimore (City/Town/Village), Maryland (US State), A Woman's Journey, concussions, brain injuries, Baltimore, autoimmune diseases, autoimmune, rheumatology, adaptive immune system, what is an antigen, what is autoimmunity, video
Id: stwo0kDz0qQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 49sec (1549 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2016
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