Having a DIREWOLF LIFE in Minecraft!

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all right we're going to start our die of life oh yeah I'm going to become the alpha over all of you like to see you try really you and you wouldn't be Alpha even if we were all dead all right let's get this started come on let's go good luck with your best life and now it's finally time to see which one of us is the best o hey I'm tiny oh I'm so cute look at me AR you always short oh stop it you wait you're actually taller than me and I've Got The High Ground yeah I can step up here too plus you're just as short as me I'm definitely taller oh great look there's he yeah you know I don't like being this small but I got my own Island just make sure you stare over there right and we all have our own Island let's see um we have a nice little den and there's a nice Moon Z oh I bet you that I grow faster than you what bring it man bring it man what dad what are you doing here my mom's here too I'm all right on my own I don't need you guys here I mean okay let's see oh mutton wait did you get a mutton too wait did anyone else hungry just suddenly go down mine it half already wait why do they have hearts above their heads now a cuz they love us what the heck oh a give the button to your mom she gives you a power wait wait really let me see uh the money just just click it on Mom here you go wait a second I have to feed my parents before I feed myself yeah that doesn't seem right what's up to you if you don't want the power wait oo I did get a I got a bark power I got it too I'm going to try it on Ian H let see what ooh there's a big bark oh that's so cool this is awesome wao wait w w oh no I did I didn't think that was going to happen we got to be careful with our powers I guess our bark is worse than our B now we're aren't connected anymore that's true you want them to be connected you know I mean I kind of want them to be next to you babe o okay look new powers are great and all but I'm still hungry yeah my tummy's still rumbly me too how about we eat Zane hey wait ask you shall receive what is this sheep Oo we can eat these cuz we're Wolves yeah food food food time to eat time to eat time to eat tasty sheep okay what the wait what the wait we're all wolves look at your eyes W I got a wolf face oo let's see what happens oh we can turn back to normal and now we can get some sheep this is going to be so fun all right sheep come here oh okay all right let's get the Sheep hey watch you're hitting sheep sorry get away some food um what you're in the way that's fine all right was that it only got two pieces of raw mutton this should be able to help a see okay uh how do we cook this stuff wait I'm not sure if I can use anything just yet mom can you cook this please it's not chicken nugget or french fries but can you cook it please oh did she eat it oh she does cook it for me that's so cool okay let's see uh huh oo guys guys eat the cooked mutton and you can grow up check it out and Aon looks like you're not in first anymore what okay hey Dad cook this for me come on I cook the mutton already Aaron look how tiny you are and shut up I'm growing up too oh I see now that's why a well balanced breakfast is important it helped us grow up yeah yeah didn't seem very well balanced I mean hey my H is fixed so I'm all right yeah see eron you're just mad because I was taller than you for a second shut up I think this means we can go on hunts now especially that we hunted down those sheep before you know oh we can keep growing and getting more powerful sure dude yeah whatever you say all right Mom Dad how do we hunt I don't think they're going to help you what do you mean are you like an expert in hunting now yeah always have been don't you know I'm a wolf at heart well then Mr expert what are we going to do for food well dummy there's no animals so we're going to have to fish instead wow actually that's pretty smart wao wait what uhoh finally work I'm going to be the best student ever what is wrong with you two why do you want to go there dad why you come at me like that no no no you can't make me okay I guess I guess you can make me actually I don't want to learn I was being so good though I don't want to do math I don't want to do wolf I want to do wolf things hey guys stupid dad found me well of course you wouldn't be excited I don't need to be here I already know everything it might be boring here yeah super boring what what do wolves have to do inside buildings I don't know there doesn't seem to be a teacher wa we're going to learn oh a whistle oh no not a dog whistle what do you guys think it does it's going to hurt our hearing that's what it's going to do maybe I can use the ultrasonic sound of the whistle to control everyone dude that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard he's got bad intentions keep away from the block how do you even know what that word me I want to fight it stop it stop it why can't you just listen for two seconds you big dummy follow instructions great look now there's a weird room with all these pressure plates on it whatever I can't make me do anything is that a TV whatever Ian whatever happens in here I'm blaming you for it Weir o it's said to follow instructions but what is that mean I don't know but wait wait pop quiz quiz first day oh yeah I'm ready baby what the test seems a little unfair at this point in time first day test what the heck stay we've already been staying what do you okay stay is that a pink platform I can't really see pink pink go we got have the pink pressure plate oh do we have to stay at the pink Square pressure plates came ow ow fine what happened there I got hit it's it's fine this is your test dude you better not failing all right let's see come on test hurry up I want to get out of school test Bring It On yeah let's see what it says oh this is dumb get ready bch Apple app oh wait see we got to fetch Apple see anything let's check everything fet an apple oh Apple guys I found an apple sticks books I got it looks like we're the best in the class cheater fin exam ooh we're almost done passing final already last one yeah um do do even eat apples don't question it don't question it okay fine PA plus button red button looks like red PA and red button red red button let's see okay you got to hit the button let's go okay it gave me a bone yeah it gave me a bone too I got one too I also got a bone yeah but uh what do they do they're not just any bones they're actually chew bones wait does that mean to chew them then I'm trying to write click but nothing's really happening wait wait maybe we have to use them outside the school oh see that's why we go to school to learn not to chew things and the the over already o let's see if we can use these outside I didn't learn enough this way come on I want to see if these work right behind you okay we're outside um all right let's see what happens if we try to click it yeah that what these bones are for who knows what they're for I'm trying to eat and click and nothing's happening huh maybe we have to bury it under dirt you know like dogs bury bones oo that's a good idea let me see if I can actually find a place um oh yeah kind of hard to find a place come on let's see maybe if we come over here um wait maybe we we look for more actually well we got to use them for something right they can't be worthless not having much luck around here actually D wi me nothing on my roof yeah nothing over here either H what the wait guys there's another block oh well give us some bones wait what is that oh a stinky fire hyd oh yeah why is it stinky fire hydr it's mine my PE on end well you know I'm going to not again why does every weird block has something to do with you I don't want whatever's coming out of um I don't think anybody does whatever it is it better not be S where are we oh my gosh Mark your territory e gross yeah what does that even mean oh oh wait wait it put us down the BL BL W watch it don't do anything you push me off I fell Ian stop stepping on mine okay we got to stay alive staying alive staying alive no he was staying alive oh hey babe how you doing oh is they still going yeah I I have no idea how wait did I already win I think you actually did Z I have no idea how I won die already and there he goes it went to his head wait hey I got five Che Bones from that why did I only get one oh I got some two I got two I got a whole bun o o we're back now that we got more bones maybe we can bury them we click them click cck working nothing this isn't working not even burying them wait wait wait now that we have more maybe we give them to our parents ooh that's a smart you have really good smarts today Aaron I mean it just makes sense right oh oh let me see mom mom mommy mama I got a Sak honey I got a Sak for please me too I'm going to eat it see and ah I'm older Aaron you got to eat the steak I'm full nice now I'm taller a no fear you got bigger than me look at us stronger by the day Kim did you grow it up too hold on where are you I'm making my grand entrance adult kimy oh nice check it out taller woo yay y you T come on a if anything you're about the same height as you always are so does that mean we can move out I don't think so we still got a lot more dirolf things to do okay uh Aon Aon oh hey what's up F how's everything going for you it's about as horrible who would expect having annoying parents what do you mean annoying they're kind of NPCs you know why they keep trying to pick me up and throw me in different places I'm about the same size as them now they they shouldn't be able to control me like that attention everyone no what huh I would like to make it known that now that I'm grown up I am taking the mantle of alpha around here what what okay just ignore him guys being dumb yeah we're just not going to listen to you oh you think you can be Alpha oh what what you don't think they'd want me as a leader no I I don't think anyone in the world would ever want you as their leader come on I want to what the I'll prove it with this with spaghetti spaghetti spaghetti block someone say spaghetti yeah the spaghetti tears I'm back in now that there's spaghetti wait s you like spaghetti I was spaghetti too fine fine at least it's food get spaghetti as Alpha I say let us have spaghetti not alha plus we don't need a leader in order for us to break the spaghetti block wait wo are we in the spaghetti clear your plate to finish your date date we want a date we want a date oh my gosh wa dat oh hello Sylvie my mom not no what it all right let's just have our date you know just go go go Ian can't win I don't want I'm winning this date is going to be awesome the sooner we clean this up the faster we can get off this date hurry up Z it's tight oh this is so much get got to eat eat eat eat eat eat keep eating what are you doing hey I'm eating as fast as I can in fact I'm eating way more than you mister but no I'm eating plenty of SP you keep telling yourself that after out I need your mom to eat more hey she can eat whatever she wants she can make her own twice if she's her own independent lady yeah dude it's kind of weird man yeah very weird yeah you don't going tell my mom what to do I'll come over there and tell you what to do I mean hey uh nothing wrong with a woman who can eat yeah I don't think she's eating she's an NPC you know what oh come on I have to do this myself yeah my dad's going to come kick your butt find out is there so much clicking come on see faster faster faster okay let's see got to eat the spaghetti eat the spaghetti oh going to get a tummy a from all the spaghetti come on almost there eat more eat more just got to clear the plate got clear the plate do we clear the plate are we clearing the plate no I'm doing a horrible job over here I'm sorry oh we have the plate done nice come on come on there's so much food oh I'm getting full come on see can we do a too box maybe a little doggy bag wait is that it are we done oh nice how did you guys do did all right but someone didn't carry their own weight excuse me I ate half of this whole plate on my own yes sure sure I have a rose what's the rose oh wait yeah wait wa me too um let's right click it and wait what wait adults we're back to normal I've lived my life thank you a mouse mom yeah dud that's gross hey gross hey hey get away from my mom this is my mom not your mom can we throw Ian off the world now please about time our dens look a little bit different too wait yeah yeah yeah right yeah they're nicer they see nice um I love it it looks much bigger and more roomy it's part of me all I guess okay let's see perfect this is all done all right made some nice changes to my house oh look at your house it's pretty nice oh nice job Aaron love it I knew my skills a Rob off on you someday another block more wolves more wolves oh puppies oh wait wait wait wait no is that a minion block what no dude it's a puppy block maybe it's like a pack block or something or that yeah there a lot more wolves here let's see what happens when get the puppies get the puppies get the find out yeah let's do it where the okay then where are they I'm not sure protect your pack there's a puppy what does that mean I told you there were going to be puppies and No One Believes Me they all over at our houses that's really cool they're adorable oh they're so cute oh it's a little family block all right little ones listen up uh you belong to me and are going to do uh all my chores for me so um those are your pups leave them alone okay no they're no they're not minions they're too small to do any good work anyway really get the boat you bonee head big bad wolf what the big bad wolf see a monster wolf he has to face another big wolf how big we talking oh that's big we screwed up how are we going to do this oh a he's going to your house guys oh we're bigger wolves we our wolf forms yeah we can transform ask come on we got to protect your pupp get away from my pack let's take again fck get out of the way Sor sorry Zane my bad back off B wolf here we go and got him take that W nice we got rid of the bad wolf he's dead let's make sure everyone else is fine looks like my mom's good nice nice everything's going on my side too Mom you're out here and look all the puppies are here nice all right come on let's go see GMA let's go see see how mimo's doing mom Mom okay Mom Mom I you to watch the puppies you can't what what the wait they're gone Mom Dad where did my parents go oh no guys did your parents leave too I'm free I'm free I'm finally free yeah same here we're independent and that's a good thing that means my parents can't pick me up anymore no one's going to make my me and [Music] cheese wait maybe I just H in their honor all right fine what is this wait is it ch what well no maybe you should eat itate no NP uh forbid food chocolate think about this guys come on it's chocolate that might be the death block no Ian no no no you full you'll Dum myself no don't eat it Ian we can't eat chocolate because it's a death block for us dogs we can't have chocolate death block wait what do you mean wait oh everything is chocolate no oh I regret this oh come on come on seriously my items they're all chocolate that's also chocolate that's also chocolate everything's chocolate so you guys were just uh trying to trick me that chocolate isn't poisonous to wolves right it's poisonous a dog s grapes raisins and all those kinds of things of course it's poisonous yeah dude that's why I wanted you to eat it can't e maybe we should try to rebuild with what babe oh man this is going to be nuts is everything chocolate wait does everything break in one hit we got to get more chocolate guys oh the Torches look fine maybe but no no they're also chocolate fix this all even the ground all the stove be some kind of sick joke we can't get anything back there's no normal blocks guys we ate all of the chocolate everywhere it's only chocolate everything we do and love is God hunger's really low and I don't have any options to eat anything it's okay F I'll join you I can't take it anymore you know what guys we respawn anyway so um I want to eatat this chocolate all right an sure you go first he did the yeah it might be best to reset this one chocolate yeah maybe it'll reset the server let's see what happens all right redo oh well when in R um yeah no oh there we go
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 2,264,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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