Have You Ever Had a Spiritual Experience? | PKA

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okay I don't know go ahead comedy yeah I've got another AMA question by the way if you come a ten dollar patreon not only to get access to pkn well you also get to ask these questions from us have any of you ever had what a religious person might call a spiritual experience like a crazy coincidence that might delude someone I like your language buddy you this gun's policital standpoint into believing in something supernatural or just a powerful meaningful experience that somehow shaped how you view the world he's been a fan since he's 14 years old he's 22 now love you guys you like the way yes that hey idiots have you ever been tricked [Laughter] yeah I think I think the thing would be that like I've been in a lot of like close calls and it just seemed like nothing ever hurt me and so after a while I started believing maybe not in an actual God who's like a guy with a great beard watching over me but maybe in fate maybe that like I just think that I'm not saying I'm meant for something greater I'm not gonna be the John Connor of the future but maybe I'm just not supposed to die like this or it would have happened this just seems so stupid what just happened I'm not a storm at stuff that I filmed about life stupid I you know there's a reason that I I was so quick to start doing stupid stuff on the Internet I've been doing that stuff my whole life you know just just real dangerous dangerous stupid things out in a field or a pasture on a you know getting on top of moving vehicles on the highway like climbing out the passenger side window and just surfing on top of the car or you know jumping on top of a bull's back that when I had no training to do such a thing or you know lots of gun stuff that was just it wasn't that I was necessarily being unsafe but it was just an unsafe situation lots of ATV accidents I've been in like where I got concussions and got thrown and but I never died you know I I hit a I hate a piece of wire once on an ATV going as fast as it would go I don't know how fast that is and the wire caught me right in the throat to the point and it just pulled me right off I just got up I don't know I just so after a while maybe it's ridiculous to think this way I was like maybe I'm just not supposed to die some kind of stupid thing maybe I'm supposed to die old in a bed or maybe I'm supposed to die in some other stupid way that just hasn't happened yet yeah that's more likely ya really [ __ ] Jujubee for me I really think that spec gaming spiritual kind of like moment but it's two things that come to mind does it be more life changing moments I actually like was drinking a lot in my late teens like a shitload like I get blind drunk drive home pretty much three four nights a week and I was just like you know I'm like almost untouchable you know like as she was saying and then I got done for drink-driving and I hope you thought it was a lot more drunk than I was when I got pulled up and I didn't blow my cheerio but I only lost my license for six months which was awesome compared to what it could have been and after that I she had a very big change in how I perceived my health and everything else it was a bit of a wake-up call like they're like you wake up like [ __ ] that was stupid it what I was doing um and I could have heard someone never really never drink drove it's actually stupid as [ __ ] that was one thing where I changed my actual health it's sort of things I don't really drink much anymore you saw me ever be before this but and with my wine down from the stream and then a few years ago about five years ago one of my grandmother's friends was at house and I was talking to her about about life which was kind of a weird topic but she was telling me about how no I said to her um you know did you ever really want to travel or anything like that because you seemed like a really happy person and she goes I've never traveled outside of Australia oh my god she did that bother you she like yes doesn't she run is massive like almost like a tangent Preet chuckles she was really upset that she'd never lived her life how she wanted to live it her parents told her she had to get married have kids all that kind of stuff and from end and I was like that's you know really upsetting I don't want to live my life like that where I'm living it to someone else's expectation and she died soon after that and that's kind of resonated with me a lot so that's not the reason why I want to do I want to live life how I want to live it there was definitely a major contributing factors and now I don't like that's what got out of the army it was the main reason I got out it's like I'm sick of doing things on someone else's schedule I want to go to Europe I'm gonna go to here if I want to jump out a plane I'm gonna jump out a plane and if I want to take a day off today I'm gonna take a [ __ ] day off yeah I had a similar thing like like my dad told me the story of when my uncle was dying of cancer they were very close and and and as he's in the hospital bad bad and dad's talking to it my uncle said you know if I get out of here let's travel let's let's do this and that and dad's like if you get out of here we're gonna buy a quarter-million-dollar RV and we're gonna see every state we're going to this and we're going to that well you know I died a year later but I was really happy that like I got to do a lot of traveling like I've been to most of the states like all the way up both coat like I drove from Georgia all the way up to Seattle and then back and then Georgia all the way up past New York and you know I've been like 40 States or something like that so I'm I'm glad I did a lot of that I plan to do more of that lately it's one of those things I don't know if you guys heard Shaq talking recently about Kobe Bryant dying the video is huge right now 15 million views in a day or something like that it's really heartfelt isn't it yeah it's probably the NBA in you know the NBA but I strongly suggest anybody out there that's interested at all like it doesn't matter if you're interested in Kobe Bryant or basketball or Shaq it's just it's it's sort of a life lesson of him regretting not spending more time with Kobe and really not spending more time telling him how he felt about him and and so sorry you know people that have lost people like that I think all of us sort of try to do that like I try to tell everybody that I care about that I care about them I guess you too will notice you know you know you don't hear that too much from me take a hand that's attention but it's important I'll of you guys I really do you get you guys big part of my life I love both of you I really do from the heart really really it's a love love you guys I wish the best for you all the time I really do even though you're misguided and you don't want to have those kids and you [Laughter] like three months ago we're talking about this in Kyle goes god Taylor [ __ ] I hope you're sterile I feel like what's the best for you when he says that this is exactly how what jihadists best friend feels as he sees his friend go farther and farther into like more and more radical parts of the religion he starts hanging around with a bunch of now he's growing the beard out like and he used to drink with us and now he's preaching to us about about this and that and he's he's really anti-american all of a sudden and his he came he came home the other night he had one of those his face was all black because some suit had went off and he said he was just cleaning a chimney but I think it was testing explosives I feel like you're slowly becoming a jihadi is that goat blood or your penis again closer and closer into into being a terrorist and there's nothing it's exactly that because you know you're committing reproductive suicide suicide by reproduction is the opposite of woodies suicide the by reproduction yeah yeah reproduction in suicides seem like opposite things no no cows made lots of salient points but then again I'm only using the pullout method of safety so who knows could be any time sterile sterile sterile big money no whammies I've been looking up all sorts of Blackmagic sterilized you turned out the radium radium is the best way radium really yeah yeah I mean if I can't have kids I'm not adopting all the money I makes just gonna be for me doing fun things the rest of my life then right I can save some make sure that I go to a really fun to old folks home cuz I don't want like mean old okay home cuz you know those horrible stories you hear about in old folks homes yeah it's like oh this [ __ ] 78 year old woman like this caretaker got impatient and just started smacking folks home with the highest sexually transmitted disease rate that's how good one party they're like they're like we're all just really fright afraid of that one orderly just don't don't make eye contact also here's the clap oh that must be a fun thing to do it like getting the doctor check up you're 83 years old frail and you're doing a lot of [ __ ] they're like mr. Johnson you have chlamydia again he's like don't even bother fixing it who [ __ ] cares oh it's gonna hurt me when I'm 88 I'm not making it that long [ __ ] I can read my chart that kind of [ __ ] oh speaking of I don't know some of the STD test men we think of it my DNA test should be back like tomorrow so my next week's show I'll have like not only all of my genealogy or whatever you call it like what parts of the world my ancestors reign from but also like the chances that I'll develop cancer or what's a bunch of Alzheimer's yeah I couldn't couldn't remember what that thing that makes you forget being an [ __ ] it's not punishing you no no the other one the one that's real yeah Alzheimer's I'll find out actually I'm gonna double-check that it hasn't come in now because they're at the point where they're like calculating data or something now how's it coming but would you get it online yeah I pictured a pack yeah I see yeah as soon as as soon as like I just like I use 23andme I'm gonna log in and like just point out to the audience that if PK a promise made another PK a promise kept as per typically yeah I think yeah I was gonna be mostly white mostly the light from the 1/2 dab that's what that is yeah first I was registered than my stuff arrived at the lab that was prepped extracted genotype reviewed and now they were computing the results and that is the but the final step so they said I'll know that was yesterday and it says one to two days so I would imagine tomorrow I'll know so next year I'll be able to show up in full Native American headdress or maybe like some sort of Rastafarian thing I'm taking advantage of this yeah whatever you are I hope you get good results yeah yeah me too I hope I get some [ __ ] crazy results I'm a little worried that I'm like going to get cancer and that this is gonna be like oh yeah hundred percent you've probably got it now at your age well guys bad news I'm gonna get cancer of the colon but I can say the n-word [Laughter] I want to know that stuff like the disease stuff I paid a hundred extra just know that like they offered it to me after they've gotten all my after I registered the kit and everything they're like hey for 100 extra would you like to know your odds of getting this and that and whether you have a version - cilantro like some people cilantro tastes like soap to them now obviously I know that I'm not one of those people but it gives you so much data like that things that are genetically related pardon do you think you'll become paranoid about certain things that you know I I i belong to i thought i don't know i roll away account yeah I just don't care like when we used to play Call of Duty we'd make these new accounts just to run through the first four your 50 levels and I in a week or so and it's like oh yeah okay now I'm done throw it away not renewing that account that's that's the way everyone should live their lives because those are the most fun accounts I think I'm the only one to do the question but I don't have a good answer no spiritual experiences for me I can't think of anything oh the spiritual what he wanted really are you serious right now you tried to kill yourself and the rope broke yeah it was everything is so easily explained though my attachment point was weak and the Rope didn't break the I don't know if people are gonna know what this is but on a skylight you like have this thing on a bar that you turn and you hook it and it's just threaded on there and it's weak and the hook aim off the skylight fair enough thank God Hank Hill wasn't there with you prepping that hand you got a countersink it now you're never gonna get quite the snap if you don't countersink it yeah I just feel like all this stuff it like oh yeah well that was obviously too weak to do this oh right this happens and I don't like you I've been hurt plenty of times I someone asked me how many bones I broke and I wasn't sure I also like to make a lot of bad decisions but I seem to pay for him so yeah anyway no nothing that I write off to a like a divine intervention yeah any spiritual stuff for you miss Tilly not really spiritual but definitely law changing my to just like I said before about you know my grandmother's friend who just pushed me about she hated the fact that she lived her life all you know how her parents told her to live it and wish she traveled and done all the things she wanted to say yeah she was really upset about it and you could tell I don't you know like when you're looking at it like someone who's like you know a lot older and they're telling you something because you know you're actually telling you it it's like I was like [ __ ] I don't be like that see yeah look at that yeah everything's working out
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 27,375
Rating: 4.9133334 out of 5
Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, clips, highlights, FPS Russia, Woodysgamertag, Taylor Murkah, Dr Chiz, pka podcast, podcast, pka 476, pka 476 clips, pka 476 highlights, pka pestily, PKA 476 Pestily - Come For the Cure, Pestily Army Stories, Spiritual Experiences, pestily pka, escape from tarkov, pestily escape from tarkov, ama, pka ama
Id: mCbjLTZrEc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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