Advanced Google Forms

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[Music] welcome GCSE teachers thank you for navigating here and whether you navigate here as part of the mini course or as part of the larger through our professional development course I welcome you and hopefully you find the information on Google Forms useful and find ways to further integrate Google Forms into your classroom just a quick review before I begin and I like to do this with all the Google Docs suite of apps and that is to talk about the cloud you may have heard the term cloud based computing used before that can be confusing to some people but really the clouds just the Internet what it does is it allows us to create a document on any device and it allows us to save that document onto the internet so that it's not physically saved on your hard drive or on a flash drive if it is saved on the Internet and then you can access it on any device and you can edit it and modify and change it so that if I create a document on my computer I can save it onto the internet on into the cloud I can then access it from my iOS device it is my iPad or from my phone if I have an Android operating device I can use any of those three operating devices it looks very similar I don't have any issues with compatibility and works on all the devices I can share with anybody who has any of any of those devices or and others this is really what makes Google Docs unique when Google Docs first came onto the scene about 910 years ago they were really the leaders and really but the only people that allowed this sort of collaboration others have since jumped on board but Google Docs is really still the leader this is why we push Google Docs because right now we have windows-based laptops for teachers and the students have iOS slapped iOS iPads obviously not laptops iOS iPads however if we change devices in the future anything that you create on Google Docs will be accessible from all of those and future devices that we have not yet been created or established so that's the advantage of Google Docs over something say like word or pages which don't have that level of compatibility Google Docs has that those other products do not the term cool Docs itself can be a little confusing for some people because Google Docs for first two things that refers to the entire suite of apps that includes forms which we'll talk about today obviously drawing slides Docs and sheets the confusion obviously comes from Docs right here which is the word processing application and that is also called Google Docs so you have Google Docs which is a word processing application nested within a larger suite of products called Google Docs which includes all five of the productivity apps today we're going to be discussing forms obviously which is one of the productivity apps but it is very unique and again other people have since tried to catch up but Google was certainly the leader in creating an online form system that was free and easy to use for people who had Google accounts though Google Forms is one product I really think that it has two very divergent and different paths I'm one of those is to gather input and collect data and the other is to create a quiz because these are so different I would like to separate these out in the video today and talk about them separately and I will give examples of how to create each one and talk about that and in a separate section of the video really the kind of the original purpose of Google Forms was this but so many features jumped on board and started using it for quizzes that Google actually now realize that and started catering to the education market and has an entire way that you can set up a Google Form as a quiz so I will talk about these two paths because I think they are different enough and divergent enough in their interests and their goals that we should do that there are four parts to today's video actually five if you count this introductory presentation before they cover the specific use of Google Forms so the first one is simply going to be a review a little bit and an overview of Google Forms I will talk about things like settings each question type how to insert an image how to insert a video how to insert a section how to add collaborators and how to share your form with those who you would like to respond that's kind of the first basic introductory overview part is part one part two levels talked specifically about how to create a form that is used for survey or for gathering data and in part three I will talk about the specifics for creating a quiz so those two again will be delineating out because I think they are different enough part four I'll talk about managing responses so whether you have people respond to your quiz or to your survey the response and the way you manage them are similar enough that I'm going to talk about that together but I do think that for in terms of creation they are different enough that we should talk about those separately in parts two and three one last slide here on the introduction of Google Forms and that is a really Google Forms really has an uncounted number of applications in education as I mentioned it was not necessarily created for education but google start to see how many teachers we're using it in their class and that now really has a whole aspect of it that is catered to education in general like all members of the Google Apps suite it is device agnostic as I talked about when I talk about the cloud meaning that no matter what device we ever have or use Google Forms will be accessible and will be usable so you don't worry about creating something in Google Forms and then not having it accessible because it will be made to be accessible with any device that we would ever have and as you are aware if you complete a mini course you get a mini badge placed outside of your room it will look like this if you complete the three-hour professional development course you'll get the full-size badge and it will have all of the Google Docs suite of apps as opposed to just the forms logo here in the corner so in order to get the mini course badge of course you must take the quiz that is linked in the description section down below in this YouTube video if you're doing the three-hour professional development course obviously everything is laid out in canvas for you there and you can continue on and there will be some projects and some assessments you have taken order to earn your badge at that point okay at this point I'm going to wrap up the presentation and I will start the next section and jump into some real-life demonstration and some practice for how to go about creating a basic forms [Music] welcome to the first section covering the actual use of Google Forms hopefully you learned a little bit in the introduction that will be useful to you and now I'd like to give you some real-world practices that how to set up your forum if you've already set up forms in the past that's great but Google has recently revamped the entire forms application so I feel that it is important to cover a lot of these basic things that you may have done before but now looks slightly different or often found in different locations as always if you want to start a forum there are two ways you can go - simply go to your Google Drive go to new and go to more and then go to Google Forms it will create a form there if you want to create a blank form that is really kind of your own mold however you want to mold the form that's the way to go certainly if you want to create a blank form and you want to customize it and you want to mold it however you want I would create one from there you can also go to Forms Google com I know mine says but if you typed form stock it will automatically reroute you here and often in the other video you've heard me talk about how the fact that I like to start from Drive because I believe that Drive allows me to better organize things and put them in hierarchy and I really like things to be organized in folders but that's really a personal preference of mine however from four forms I do believe this the form stock is probably the better way to start if you want a premade template and how to start from and how to start and use that and fill that in simply using a premade template it's a great way to use Google Forms and if you want one of those this is definitely a better way to start this has you know pre-designed course evaluations exit tickets assessments worksheets there are their personal things selecting contact information to RSVP party invites they're also work-related things for time off requests all that but if you want the education related things which is really what Google has started to customize forms toward those options are available here and if you want a blank quiz you can click here if you just want a blank document you can click here whereas if I go to Google Forms I'm going to get the blank Google Form every time when I create that so if you rather go automatically into quiz mode once I've shown you how to do that you could certainly do that from from here I'm gonna start with just the blank slate because I want to show you all the options and not have those things pre-made as are done here but once you understand the six and you know how to go about using Google Forms you may in fact want to start from here and use the templates and simply edit the templates that Google has available for you for demonstration purposes and how to show you everything from the very beginning I'm simply going to create a blank Google Form and I'm going to do that by going to new and then more and then Google Forms of course I get the option do I want to create a shared folder I do want to do that even though I'm sure that folder with anyone at this time but as we talked about in the Google Drive and Google Docs overview it will automatically default that because Greencastle schools as a Google school has a setting set up so that folders default to sharing that anyone with the email address can access that okay so I have my new form the first thing I want to I want to show you obviously is it defaults to a kind of purple screen again we've set that up as a default because the fact that we have schools purple as our school color and we are at Google application school so we thought that was a good fit if you don't like that purple which is perfectly fine if you don't you can simply click on the color palette right here you have a number of color options so if I want to have this really odd green there I could do that and if I click on a color it's obviously going to change that if I'd rather have what is called a theme I can go down to the bottom right here I can click on the theme and it's going to take me to the section here where I can choose from pre-made themes so if I want an illustration I can do that if I want obviously here's work in school if I can choose something there I can do that obviously if you know some of these things are we're not going to use but if you wanted to use them for like a wedding RSVP or you have how to cut a party you want to plan on a personal level and a personal gmail account you can you can use all these things as well so all these things are available to you and they are there there these can be used in places like an evite Google is trying to get capture that market as well so I think Google's doing some really unique and good things here I'm just gonna stick with work in school I'm gonna find one that works for me here I like the purple it's not such a bland purple it's just the plain purple background but still has our school colors and has a little bit of design to it common question I get can I I like this background but I'd rather it be the blue can I just go up here and click on the blue no as you see that's going to take it back just to blue see right now as it stands you cannot edit the themes at Google how so if I pick a pic if I choose a picture I simply have to go with that the color that Google gives me with that picture I cannot change the individual color of that theme okay of course with all Google Docs you want to name that so I'm just gonna call this my example form and you can do that by clicking up here in the upper left hand corner and naming that just as you've done with other Google Docs I'm sure I want to cover the settings after we now if we novel form as a name and we haven't chosen our background theme I'm going to go to settings which were found on the gear here you will notice there are three tabs there's the general tab the presentation tab and the quizzes tab some of these are new Google as I mentioned Google Forms is completely revamped within the last few months and some of these tabs are new and I want to run through all the options that are here so under general you have collect email addresses and that does exactly what it says if you click that it will collect the email address of everyone who responds to your form if you would like to send the people who respond your former receipt you can click the option here and then you have the option if the respondent requested or always so this comes in handy for things like a quiz if a student takes it you can you select always then that student is going to get an email and you can verify that they have in fact turn their quiz in you know if they say well I don't think I submitted that have them check their email they should have obviously a receipt there so you can turn the collect email addresses on you can turn the receipt request on that's however you would like to do that when you set up your forum you have a couple of options here about requiring to sign in you can restrict it to GCSE users which I would highly recommend because you're gonna be sharing your forum online however when you share online the old people will be able to access if you have this selected or those of us in GCSE if you are doing something obviously on your own for personal use you could you could uncheck that option you would not have that option actually on your personal Gmail you can limit to one response I often found this useful in the classroom because students would they would submit it and if i didn't go they hit submit again and sometimes you would get two or three responses from the same student and you would have to sort those out in terms of their quiz so I like to have that turned on but again it's a personal preference there are options here so after it is submitted respondents can actually edit their submission so that comes in handy if you're collecting data or if you're gathering information not so handy for a quiz unless you're maybe doing a mastery quiz or something but if you're gathering data and somebody and they want to know the time they can meet and their schedule changes obviously they want to be able to go back and edit that you can select the edit after submit button this is see summary charts and text responses that allows everyone when they hit the submit button and they and they turn their information and they will see a summary so that if you again if you asked for a meeting time and you want AM or PM and they're gonna see that 55 for some people prefer the a.m. meeting as opposed to p.m. meeting they're not gonna necessarily see everyone's individual responses but they're gonna see a summary of what have been submitted and if you have open-ended text responses they are going to see a snapshot of those so they will see some of the things that people type directly in terms of their open-ended text responses so again those options are entire laps you under general there's several things there that are useful some that are not as useful but I think it's important to know all of those before you start in on your first forum presentation is the second tab we have several options here as well show the progress bar and what that will do if this is selected at the bottom of the screen it will show how far along in the process students are or individuals are that are completing your forum or completing your quiz that comes in useful if you have only one question per page or if you have multiple pages it will show them how far along they are if you just have everything on one page that is a moot point because it will not show the bar at all because everything is on one page shuffle the question order does just what it says it shuffles the questions so that question one and if you have five question quiz they're gonna be all jumbled up and you're not gonna know who's in what order that comes in obviously handy for a quiz not as handy if you're gathering data if you want people to submit more than one response you can show a link they can click on that and it will just take them back and it will show them a link to submit the next response that came I use that a lot when I was teaching middle school science for lab reports and things you know if you were gathering data and you had to gather data every 30 seconds and I wanted students to input it into the form then they would have submit another response I did use that quite a bit when I was doing something like that obviously if we're doing a quiz probably wouldn't want to do that our test would one do that but that option is available to you to show the link to submit another response the confirmation message is what students or whoever is completing your forum will see once they've hit the submit button I usually I like to customize this but if you don't customize it it will simply say your response has been recorded and that way they will know they have turned in their their form and their submission the final tab are quizzes and you will notice right away this is a little bit different because everything is grayed out because in order to turn a Google Form into a quiz you have to select the option right here that allows you to make that a quiz if you don't click that button right there Google is going to assume that you don't want this to be a quiz you just want to be a general information gathering sort of forum so by clicking this you are making it a quiz and by doing that you are automatically assigning a point total and auto grading to every question every question that is not a name or or period something like that you could you can turn the point value to zero if you want but there will be a point value assigned every question and there will be Auto grading for every question as well once you've turned on the quiz option you can choose the option of whether you would like to release the grade immediately to the students or if you would like to after manual submission that will turn on the email collection so that after you have manually reviewed everything you can email the grades the students so you don't have to have the collect email address on or to email them later and you have options here allow the response to see the questions they missed allow them to see the correct answers allow them to see the point value and as you can see there's a little if you getting in these options there's a question mark bubble here that will tell you click on that hold your mouse over it I'm gonna say there will tell you what that is describing and so you can turn on the point values so that respondent can see that or the correct answers those are entirely up to you obviously as you as you customize and create your own quizzes you're going to find out which of those options are important and which are not I'm going to trim them make it this quiz option offer right now when I get to the 3rd section where I talk specifically about quizzes I will dive more into that those options then so for now I'm simply going to hit save I didn't really change anything there I'm just went through them and I'm going to go back to the main form now you will notice right here this is my example form that I'm going to use so in my form description right here I can type a description of what I want people to know this could be the description of the directions of how I want them to complete it and it defaults and this gives me one question notice that there is a drop down here I have multiple types of questions that I can use and I'm going to go through each one of these and kind of describe them someone will take a couple of seconds someone will take a little bit longer notice I can turn on the question make it the question required I can duplicate the question if I want I can also click here and that allows me to shuffle the option order within so if I want to have a B and C and I want those to be individually shuffled then I can select that so I can shuffle both the question order and the options within the question and I can also show a description if this question has a very specific set of instructions I can show a description for that or I can turn that off and I can also go to a section based on answer I will talk more about that as we get a little bit more into the Advanced section I believe it's 3 or 4 okay so for right now I'm gonna start with the most basic type of question which is course a multiple-choice question this allows you just like it says to add choice a choice B and if I click add option I can type in here choice C so I have three choices there and this multiple choice question obviously it gives me a radio button the person who is completing the forum will be able to to choose the one they want notice I have the option right here to click on picture' I can insert a picture for any of the options that I would like so if I want choice a to have a picture towards B have a picture choice II don't picture I simply flip on the picture here and I can upload that I can also insert a video by clicking the add video option right here so if I wanted to put a video in I could put a YouTube video in and then I could have a question based on that YouTube video so I could I could drive with a YouTube video in I'll put one in here and I get playing Greencastle okay if I want to put this video in here and then I could drag that video up and then I could ask a question based on that video so I could have you know change this to video question and now I have choices a B and C after I've watched the video in this case I would probably want to turn on the description and say be sure to watch the video above before answering this question okay so that's a quick overview I could obviously title this question one video okay so it's quick overview of some of the basic options for a multiple choice question along with some of the options you'll see for all the other questions but I'm not necessarily going to go through all those since we now know how to do them such as in sorts of video or insert the picture I want to add another question I'm going to click the plus button here to add a question and this time I'm going to make a checkbox option and notice that it's put it in in the wrong place and put it in between my video my picture so I'm simply going to drag that by the six dots there and I'm going to drag it down below this is the select all that apply question and so again if I have multiple choices but this time it's going to allow me to select as many as I want so if I can select a B and C I will be able to select a B and C again I can add a picture or video as needed if I wanted to do that again I can make the question required if I want to duplicate the question so that I know I want to ask same question again but I simply want to add say a choice D I could duplicate that question and it is going to duplicate the question and it is now going to I could add choice D I don't want to do that right now because I just want to show you septic questions so I can delete here and it will delete that entire question notice I can undo that if I choose to until I go on to the next command so I have the option if I accidentally delete something I can undo that until I go on to the next command so I'm going to add a question in here and this time instead of a multiple-choice or a check box I'm going to do a drop down this is very similar to the check box I'm sorry to the multiple choice question except for this time the options will appear as they drop down to the students instead of a radio button so you still only have one correct answer that you can choose from but you have them as appears to drop down as opposed to a click button so essentially the same thing the advantages obviously limits the choices that are visible there but you can but you can do basically the same thing again you can make it required you can duplicate it you can delete it you can have a description you can shuffle the order all those apply to every question add a picture as well sorry you cannot have a picture on the drop-down my apologies not a picture on the drop-down okay the next question I am going to do is a short answer this is just as it says it allows a very brief text alt is going to show the students is this little area of the box right here so this is designed for one two-word answer sort of questions and I can I can do data validation here so let's say that I wanted students to be able to enter a number I can click on the number and it has to be within you know say the number has to be greater than 5 and so that way if someone enters you know anything less than that I can say sorry your answer must be larger than 5 if I wanted to make it a text again I can I can do this this case a little bit for here but I can if I want to have if it has to contain certain words I can I can put those in there as well so there is some data validation in terms of using short answers this comes in handy for say a math class or some sort of formula to have to be putting in or some number it's a little bit for here with actual written answers but you can attempt to work with that on the text ok the next type of question are the paragraph questions these are your typical long response questions and this is where may come in handy to have a description because obviously again you may want to describe what as you want people to answer here with longer text and you could also put that in the actual question itself that will be up to you how you want to set that up you can again do data validation here this gets a little bit trickier because it's a long response the students will see or the respondent whoever it will be sees an entire box of text that they have here not just one line so I typically don't like the data validation for the longer responses because it's more of a free response more of a qualitative response where they're putting their thoughts down they're describing all of those those options or those thoughts they have they go along with the question okay the next type of question that I want to cover is a linear scale linear scales what we call a linear scale or a Likert scale I don't think this is a true Likert scale because you can't label everything so notice you only have one in five so if one is strongly agree and five is strongly disagreed you have to assume that the person is going to know the three is neutral the two is agree and that four is disagree you can't label everything on the individual scale so I personally don't like the linear scale I wish they gave you the option to label what one through five is you can do anywhere up to one through ten but I'm not a huge fan of this question type on Google Forms honestly because of that you may find it useful and that's that's great if you do it's not one that I use very often because I don't like the fact that it doesn't differentiate between well it doesn't really tell you what two and five are it and to me it's not a true linear scale because of that sorry I guess my stats professor in college would be proud that I that I went on that field but I just don't like it because of that okay I'm gonna add a question here and the next question is a multiple choice grid this is one that I do find very useful for the most part and there are some drawbacks to this of course just like anything but I can have real one so let's say I wanted to have Monday and then Tuesday and then Wednesday and I want to be for school like let's say I wanted to set up a club meeting or after school I can have the students respond if I want to make allow them to respond one time for a row in fact if I want to require them to respond one time per row I can click that option now for a meeting time that might not be the best cuz maybe they don't they can't meet on Tuesday at all so they don't want to reply anytime for Tuesday but maybe they can meet Monday before school and Wednesday after school they can select those options you could put a can't meet at all that day and then you could turn on the require one response per row but there are ways to play around with that and again the options here are to limit to one response per column the next type of question I'm going to add is the date and what that literally allows you to do is to input a date and the other similar question is to input the time and that allows you just as I said to to input the time and you can also change that to duration so if you wanted it to be you know two hours or three hours or whatever as opposed to it one specific time then you can do that as well I forgot to share the options for date and year which are simply just to include the time so you can combine date and time I'll change the time those are the basic question types and just real quick before I go on I want to show you how to preview your form so she knows what you know what it looks like so I'm gonna go to preview right here and that takes me to the website so in this case I have the example form I have the description in the directions here remember I had the question in one video there was the multiple choice so in this one I could select one of the radio buttons this is to select all that apply option so I could select which one of those I want drop-down allows me to choose one of the options available the short answer notice is just a very small response area here the law this is a larger response area and in fact as you type here and you go on each line will add of the line so you see a much larger response area there the linear scale which is the one that I didn't like very well because it only showed me one in five but you can choose one of the options here the multiple choice grid know that I noticed that i can choose Monday before school Tuesday after school Wednesday after school so it allows me to select multiple times and inputs I did not choose the option here you can choose the option though to turn on so the one response is required for row date simply gives me a calendar and allows me to choose a date that I think is going to be important or needed and in the time it's going to allow me to input the time and then I want to hit submit obviously my form will be responsibly recorded I'm not going to do that right now so we're not ready for that but that's just a quick overview of all the question types and what they would look like and how you would access the preview in order to go back and edit you're going to click on the pencil right here I am going to leave this because I don't want to make the changes it's going to take me back to the original form I've covered all the basic questions and how to input video on how to input pictures I do want to show you a few things here which are how to insert a section this allows for really really in my opinion interesting and detailed forms or if you input a section so this is the add a section right here so I can add a new section and to my form and what that's going to do notice that it now has two sections so I have section 1 and section 2 I probably didn't put that in the best place though let's say that I don't like that as well I can go merge with above so now I have my two sections that are merged into one section let's go ahead and try to add a section again here but now I'm going to add it at the bottom ok so I can do several things with this I'm gonna call this my second section um what I can do I can let's say on my multiple choice question I want to be able to if somebody enters choice C I want them to skip directly to the second section so I go to choice C here and I go go to second section and then anyone taking the survey or the quiz or the forum however have it laid out if they answer choice C there will automatically skip the rest of the questions and they will go down here to the second section and I can then have an entirely new question here and yeah Google automatically recognizes some questions and will actually give you the options for them sometimes we'll do that for true/false questions as well so I now have two sections and that if I click on choice C above it will take me to this section of the quiz and I can do the same thing again so I went out a third section I could do that as well and I can also if they say no I can have them or if they say no or maybe it will go automatically to submit the form and I can have them continue the next section in this case don't have a next section so what everybody would go to submit the form as well so in this case let's look at the preview again and let's say that I'm going to select I believe those choice C here and if I hit next notice it's going to take me not to the end of the forum but it's going to take me to the second section so that I can then choose the option that I want so basically this section is a page it allows me to put in multiple pages in my forum and it allows me to link various questions to various other questions so you can have yes no yes goes one place no goes another place I mean I've seen forms that have 10 12 15 sections easily that you can have those based on the responses it gets a little tricky to manage but it's a lot of fun to have that situation in that scenario where you can guide students to different locations or respond to different locations based on the answer that they provide if I have a section that I don't like like let's say I look at this and I just think yeah this is not really a section that I want I can go back and edit this for I'm gonna leave there okay let's say that I don't like the second section I decide I don't need any more ice click here can I go to delete section and section is deleted there's a lot you can do with sections that really is just scratching the surface like I said you can link them you can have responses go back and forth based on answers it gets it gets a little tricky sometimes if you get a lot of sections but I think it can be really useful and have some applications just to wrap up this basic overview the last thing I will say is that you can add a collaborator now do not get confused adding a collaborator is in a Google Form is not the people who you want to view your form and submit answers these are people who you want to edit and help create so you are going to click add collaborators and if I wanted to have another teacher work on this with me I would share this link with him they would not be the person who I want to input the data they would be the person who I want to help edit the form with me so that's a distinction I've had some last questions about that that I really wanted to make clear make sure if you add a collaborator you know that someone you want to edit with not someone you want to respond with okay that wraps up the basic information about the new Google Forms and in the next section I will be covering how to create a survey if you have any questions let me know otherwise talk to you the next section about how to complete a survey [Music] welcome back Google Form students hopefully in the last section you learn some of the basics about Google Forms in this section I'm going to complete a very simple survey and show you some of the steps that you would go through to combine the information in the last portion video in order to create an example survey remember the surveys are very different from how they're set up than the quizzes so I do want to break those down into two different sections you may remember last time I mentioned the virtue of going to forum so cool calm and that is a great way to start your forum if you want to have a template that allows you to simply go and tweak and edit what others have done in terms of their examples and what Google has done here for their forms however for this one I want one that is a blank slate that I can mold in the way I want so in order to do that I'm going to start from and I'm going to go to new and then more and then Google Forms yes I want to create it in a shared folder the first thing I want to do is I want to give them my form a name I can do that one of two ways by clicking here or by clicking here should automatically update either way but if I click up here we call it an example survey and once I click it changes the name at the bottom again if I want to give some description here so so that my respondents know exactly what they are I'm going to complete I can do that remember of course if I go to the Settings button which is the gear I have numerous options here I am going to restrict sticker Greencastle Community School Corporation users and I am going to not collect email addresses I am NOT going to love people to edit after they submit and I am on presentation I am going to change a couple of things here I'm going to show the link to submit another response I'm going to do that because I'll make my demonstration easier so that I can do two or three responses and show you how it works I'm going to edit the confirmation message and I'm going to say thank you for completing this survey and sistene with our fundraiser in my example here it's gonna be a time that people could work for a fundraiser okay I'm gonna save that now this will be a very simple survey what I'm going to have is one question sorry two questions name and whether they can work or not and if they can work or not that'll take me to a second section where they will choose an AM or PM session so it'll show us sections it'll show us how to add a question how to make it required how to go to a section based on the answer of a previous question okay so the first question is going to be simply the name of the person who is submitting the response I want to make that a short answer clearly not a multiple-choice I am going to make that required by clicking the button there I don't need to add any extra descriptions or data validation for that I'm going at another question and this is going to be can you work that's a fundraiser on Saturday notice again Google wants to auto populate by yes/no and maybe I don't want yes I'm sorry I do want yes I do want to know I do not want maybe so I could do one I could add all and then I could delete maybe or I could simply type yes/no in on my own so I'm gonna leave yes and no right there I'm gonna make this question requires well obviously people were completing my survey I want them to be able to answer that question now what I want to know is though if people answer yes what time can they work and they work the am session or can they work the p.m. session so I would need to know that if they're if the answer is no that's great they just submit their form and they go on with life and they don't help with our fundraiser and that's fine so I'm gonna add a section here and in this section I'm going to call this give it a name and call - yes section and again I've I can add a description if I want so I will just for demonstration purposes this section is for those people or able to volunteer okay I'm gonna add a question here and this question is going to be for the people who answered yes what session best fits your schedule and I'm gonna give up some morning option here and then I'm gonna have an afternoon option and I probably wanna put some times with that so we'll call this you know 9:00 to noon and this will be free okay I do need to add I'm gonna make that required as well however I want to go back here and I want to add an option now that I have that in place I'm going to click the three dots here I'm going to choose the option go to section based on answer so people answer yes I've them to go to the yes section if they answer no I want them to take go directly at the point where they submit the form because obviously they would not need to see the yes section and you could make this much more complicated obviously have many sections but I just want to give you a quick example of how to jump between sections and how to see the form a and display it in two different sections okay so now I have a form it's ready to go I'm gonna go through the responses and show you some some of how that would look before I do that I want to do one of the thing I'm gonna go back to settings here and I am going to choose the option under a presentation that shows the progress bar just because we haven't looked at that yet and that will show you how far along in the survey you are and how many pages you have to complete so now I have my survey it's ready to go and in order to view the website version of that I'm going to click the preview button here which is the looks like the eye and that takes me to the website version for future reference if you want to share that you simply left-click and you copy the address here and then you paste that in to wherever you want the link to be so it could be an email it could be in a QR code if you want to take students there it could be in your canvas page can be any number of ways but that's how you actually share the survey or the quiz both for the people who you want to have respond to the question so if I wanted to email us out to a group of parents I could simply take that web address I can go to my gmail copy that address and there have them click on the link and it will take them there so in this example I'm just going to put my first is my name is test1 and notice here is the progress bar tells me I'm on page one or two so test one cannot work on the fundraiser so if I've done this correctly I should automatically be taken to the page to submit the form when I get next and you can see that I am and it tells me I'm on page 2 of 2 and I hit submit and now I'm going it's another response just to simply make life easy on myself and I'll have to go back and retype all that in or copy and paste the web address so this is going to be test2 the name of this person and yes this person can work on Saturday notice again the progress bar is here I'm going to hit next and this person can work on the morning session which then should take me to the submit form and I will hit submit response and just so like I want to verify in fact that all three of my up of the possible outcomes and options work I'm going to choose yes that I can work again and this time I'm going to choose the afternoon session and I'll hit submit and now when I go back to my form I'm to send another response but when I go back to my form oops wrong spot I'm sorry when I go back to my form right here I should notice that there are three responses and if I click there we'll talk more about this in response section but they are there and they are able to be viewed so I know that the people have completed my survey as I wanted them to so that's kind of a quick and brief overview of how to create a very basic survey if you have any questions let me know in the next section I will cover some of the same ideas but except this time put them in quiz form [Music] welcome back Google Forms students in this section I'm going to complete a very simple quiz and show you the steps that would be necessary in order for you to put the information in the general overview section together in order to create a quiz again I've talked a couple times in this video about the virtues of forms Google com certainly that's a good option probably when you have a little bit more under your belt and you know exactly what you want to do in terms of editing a quiz that has already been created for you for now I'm going to create the one that allows me to mold that and put it where I want and also I can share sorry save that and I'm sure that save that in the location where I want in terms of folders so I'm going to create a new Google Form as I've done before in the video a couple times except for this time is instead of an example survey or just an example it is going to be an example quiz and I'm going to name that I'm going to click on the gear option right here and I am going to make sure that I go to quizzes first of all and I'm going to make this a quiz and I will release grades immediately after submission I would want to do later after manual review if I had a some type of long open-ended response which require me to grade that because the computer will not grade that it will grade multiple-choice questions it will grade check box questions that sort of thing it will not however obviously grade a lengthy question that you would need to manually review yourself so I'm gonna just do it first for simplicity sake I'm going to do just a multiple choice question keeping in mind that you would need to experiment with the manual review and open-ended questions if you were going to do that I'm going to allow response to see all the point values correct answers miss questions and such so I'm going to leave that and I am going to instead of a confirmation message your response has been recorded I'm going to put thank you for taking the quiz or completing the quiz more correctly I guess and I am NOT going to collect email addresses though that can't be beneficial for a quiz especially with students if they forget to put their name on something or even if they put you know if it have been something silly for their name you could automatically collect their email address so I'm not going to for demonstration purposes but you could do that I would like to limit to one response though because I don't want students to be able to answer more than one time and I am going to save that and now doesn't look look like much has changed but I will show there are a number of options that have in fact changed within the quiz itself so in the description I'm going to put just a quick summary of the quiz and the directions really so this will just be a spot again where you type your directions obviously it could be as detailed or not that you need of Em's in this case reverse they're very simplistic I'm going to create a course our questions already been created for me it is a multiple-choice question clearly in this one I want to demonstrate how to use the picture feature so I'm going to make this a visual question which of these is the flag of the United States and so for my options instead of having an option for text obviously I'm going to click on the picture and I'm just going to do a search and I'm going to search for the American flag so say like the picture one the best actually let's go the drawing I like that one okay those are all in the public domain so I don't need to worry about that and I can I can insert text here if I want it so in this case you know that it probably would be good since it doesn't have it just as option one I couldn't leave it as a or leave it as B or C so I'm just going to call it a and add an option here and I'm gonna put a picture in and so again I'll do a search and this time let's do Canadian flag and to keep it similar I'll choose a drawing instead of actual picture okay and I need a third option just for sake here and let's go with the Brazilian flag like a Brazil and there we go okay and I'm gonna call that joy see okay so the students will see you know which of these is the flag of the United States they'll have a B or C they'll be able to choose based on the visual option I'm gonna make that question required but doesn't want every student to answer that question now notice if I click the three dots here I still have to go to section option which I could do I can still do that for quizzes I can shuffle the option order so if I don't want all students to see the flags in the correct order I can do that so I'm going to choose that so they see the flags in different order and I could show the description if I want to have specific instructions for that question I'm going to click on the answer key I'm gonna make this question worth one point and obviously a it's going to be the correct answer and now I can add feedback so for incorrect answers I'm gonna say sorry that is incorrect and for correct answers okay so just a little feedback the students notice I can't include a link which is nice if I wanted to I could include a link to a website and have text to display so if I want to say like if I wanted to go to say an entry on the American flag from the US government site or Wikipedia site or something I could paste the link there and then I could have click here for the right answer and the students would click there and get a little a bit of brief overview about the flag I'm not gonna do that but it is there for you to use okay so that's question one notice it shows me the feedback and if I want to edit that question I would need to click right here in order to edit that question in the second question I'm just gonna create three questions here for the quiz and in this one what year the Chicago Cubs last win the World Series okay my choices are a 1908 1945 and 2016 okay so I'm not gonna put any pictures here I'm gonna make this a required question as well I'm gonna choose the answer key which of course as of the time we were speaking right now is 1908 I'm gonna make that at one point I'm going to add my answer feedback and I'm going to say incorrect it for the correct answers I'm going to say correct but I hope by the time you view this answer the correct answer will be 2016 okay and oops I forgot to put for the incorrect question I don't put anything here if I don't want to I simply I simply would not choose that option and again let's just I'll show you the link here very quickly just to see that so enter feedback incorrect sorry that answer is incorrect hopefully didn't jinx the Cubs by putting that on there so let's just go let's just say I want to find some more information with the 1908 World Series so I'm going to go to Wikipedia and I'm going to copy that link here and find a little bit more information about that so I'm going to click the link here and text a display click here to read more okay and so now if they answer that incorrectly they will have the the option to select the link to read more about the answer I'm going to add one more question pretty there okay and so if I wanted to do pictures of those three I could I'm gonna make a required question I'm gonna choose my answer key that correct answer for that is igneous I'm gonna make that worth one point I can make those worth any point total but I want to didn't say that earlier but I can do that and I am going to this I'm gonna leave that blank just just because sure you don't necessarily need to do that you may notice there is one thing that is missing from this quiz and that is obviously a spot for my name so if I want to let's say I've forgotten that I want to go back and I'm gonna drag this question back up the top right below the example I'm gonna change it to a short answer and I'm going to have the students with their name there again you wouldn't even necessarily have a student have to have the students put their name there if you chose the silt to collect their email address obviously I want to make this question required so that every student has to answer that I I'm gonna make a word zero point so I don't even answer key there and let's say I want to add one more question I want to have them put period number on there and let's say that I want this to be a drop-down I can make this first second third fourth okay well these sort of questions come in handy obviously you know you wouldn't need these the elementary level but at the secondary level these come in handy because you can then filter the options based on periods so when we talk about responses in the next section I'll talk about that a little bit okay so here's my three question quiz I have the correct answer selected in this last one I did not edit the feedback however what I am going to do I'm gonna edit the question and I am going to jumble the option so that I won't see the option in the correct order every time in order to make life simple here you probably would normally not do this for a quiz I would not think but I am going to go back to my settings and I am going to allow myself to I'm gonna turn off limit one response and I'm going to show a link to submit another response just so I can show you in the demonstration what it would look like again you probably wouldn't do that the quiz but just for demonstration purposes okay gonna preview the quiz and again remember if you want students to share that she would copy this address you could put in canvas you could email it to them you could put in a QR code you could have them type it in I wouldn't recommend that but you can do any of those options in terms of sharing that with students okay so here's my question with my first period okay this time I'll answer everything correctly and see what happens and the next time I will and I can go to view my score and will show me that I got a 3 out of 3 in which ones I got correct okay and I'm gonna go back here and with submit another response that I'm gonna call it test to bump with some incorrect answers and we'll see what happens there I've done everything correctly in terms of setting up the quiz it should allow me to verify which answers were incorrect and I should also see some feedback in terms of each question so if I go to view my score okay and so see it shows me my feedback and trust me whether the answers were correct or incorrect and what in fact are the correct answers so that is kind of an overview of the quiz and it shows me my point total here fairly simple to set up I will do one more here just for demonstration purposes so we have three for each when we look at the responses in the next section and again didn't do very well that time but it shows me what were the correct answers okay so that's just a quick overview of the feet of the quiz feature if you have any questions please let me know and in the fourth and final section I will show you how to take the responses and turn those into meaningful data if data for yourself welcome back Google Form students to the last section of this video in this section I'm going to show you how to manage the responses for the forum and the survey that you have created obviously the first thing you would need to do is you would need to locate the forum that you have created in this case I'm looking for my example quiz in my example survey as I mentioned a couple of times I like the fact that Drive allows you to organize those as you create them whereas if you did it through forms like Google com they are probably just in the main portion of your drive however in my drive I know they're in my tech integration folder and then there are my professional development courses and then there are my mini courses probably see why I like the folders now and so I have here the example quiz and I have the example survey now in preparation for the video I will already went ahead and open both of those but I would need to locate those and I would need to open them that's how that would be the first step in managing the responses for the answers that you got for both so looking at the example survey and the example quiz I can see that I have responses for both of them for for the quiz 3 for the survey the first thing I would want to do for either one of these in order to view my responses I'm going to click here and I would want to make sure that the accepting responses button is turned on if I click that it is going to turn off and it's not going to accept a response so that students or any individual who had access to that site in order to answer the question on the forum or on the quiz will no longer be able to do that so that's the very important thing is to make sure you have the accepting responses on or off depending on if you if you no longer want to accept responses so it's the same one it's the same on the quiz as it is on the forum but I will leave the accepting response response on for both of those just for demonstration purposes you always have the option of doing two different things with every survey with every forum you can look at the responses in the forum itself by clicking on responses and then you can see a summary of them so if you have summary selected right here you can see a summary of them and it will tell you you know test1 test2 test3 the order they took them in how many people could or could not work the fundraiser and whether people were more likely to work in the morning or the afternoon if you remember I did that one for demonstration purposes and I did just to see every option so it should come out 50/50 and 2/3 and 1/3 here I can look at the individual responses and I can scroll through those so I can say okay well person wand said they couldn't work so we can get them in person to says they can and they can work in the morning and I can print those I could delete a response if I wanted to and I can I can look at every individual response or I can look at the summary of responses and the same is going to be true of the quizzes here it gives me a summary a little bit different summary certainly than what the survey looks like because it gives me some very useful data in terms of average in terms of median in terms of range what question are students missing what period are they from you know this is this kind of information really comes in helpful with formative assessments and that sort of thing that those were how I use Google Forms Google Form quizzes a lot when I was in the classroom where was just quick interim assessments formative assessments things like that that I thought were very useful okay and I'll tell you know what percentage the responses were correct all that sort of thing I can also look at individual responses here and I can take a look at test one and see what they got and I can obviously go through and I can look at everyone's individual response and that's certainly a valid way to analyze everything as well some people's both back to summary the other option of course is that you can put these into a spreadsheet which has numerous benefits to more too many to elaborate on here that you can filter data you can sort you can do all kinds of things whether you can really manipulate the data the way you want there will be a for those of you doing the full three-hour professional development course there will be a section upcoming on Google sheets in fact you may have already done that depending on what order you worked in I have several options here before I show you that real quick I should guess I should backtrack before I get on the spreadsheet so I want to do one cup of this very quickly you can get an email notification for new responses I forgot to mention that so if I want to get an email notification every time somebody submits a response I can I can choose that option right there I could also download them as what's called a CSV file I could nap load them to excel I could delete all responses so if I if I didn't like my quiz and I want to start over with responses but I wanted to keep most the questions and change one or two I could delete the responses give the quiz again I could also select a response destination which is going to create a new spreadsheet which I'll show you in just a minute so well known about the main thing I want to show you there was get an email notification for new responses okay sorry I get a little off of track there but a circle back around the spreadsheet I can go course crazy spreadsheet and when I do that I can create a new spreadsheet or I can select an existing spreadsheet so if I wanted to create a new spreadsheet with all this information I'm simply going to enter that what I want to call it here so in this case example survey responses and then I would click create if I want to put it in an existing spreadsheet it would show up as a tab or a sheet within the larger spreadsheet and either way it's fine I tend like to keep them separated so I'm gonna click create a new spreadsheet here and so now notice that I have a spreadsheet of all of my answers and they are they are now linked so if somewhat if a fourth person goes in it's gonna pop up here on my spreadsheet if a fifth person pops in and go here on my spreadsheet and so on and so forth I can also here set up the option to notification rule I can notify me any time someone submits a form or I can do it what's called a daily digest so at the end of the day it will send me an update of who all has submitted a form I tend to like that a little bit better than just the option over here to notify me because if you get an email notification for every person that turns in your form that can get really obnoxious can really blew your inbox if you just do a daily digest quick summary and I can look at it when I come in first thing that's what to do for my professional development classes so I know you know if somebody signs up every day I get an email if who signed up super easy super helpful to do that I like linking the spreadsheet before I do the notification rules but again that's personal preference some people liked it to know all those individual examples are coming in to their to their inbox so that that comes in helpful too if you like that and so I can certainly do the same thing with a quiz and for my quiz I'll do it from here which is the same idea select response destination and I'm going in fact if I choose select an existing spreadsheet gonna take me to my Google Drive I'm gonna select a spreadsheet that I want to put on so let's just say I want to put it in the spreadsheet here and then I will open that spreadsheet and now notice that I have form 1 and form 2 responses so they're in the same sheet they're just on different tabs here and this again allows me it shows me the score shows me a student name so if I wanted enter this into skyward right there are two columns super easy just go down put the names if you had 150 kids in here for those of you like that middle school or high school you could sort them by time you could you could turn on your filter form you could go to data you could put on a filter and you could filter by time you could sort ascending or you could sort descending you could sort by period number so let me do that right here sorry that's turn on the filter here so if I just wanted to see students from first period I can uncheck those options and so I first period selected and now I'm gonna hit OK and there I just have the scores from first period if I want from that filter off I can go to select all and then I got to realize that my OK button is off the screen there and there we go and then I can hit OK so and I now have my responses in one spreadsheet this can this can be helpful if you had you know if you had like a pre and post-test and you want to compare them that would be very useful you could look at the scores within the same sheet not toggle back and forth you can still set the notification rules from each individual sheet so you could get notification rules for one or both of the sheets depending on how you wanted to set that up but those are the options that allow you to edit the data look at the data manipulate it see how you see how you want to analyze that data see what what it can do for you that's really the kind of backside of where everything goes and those spreadsheets should all show up in the same folder where your quiz was Chris who knows here's my example quiz and there's my example survey responses and remember I it within that one I put the example quiz responses as well and so I have the responses that are linked here so in the future I wouldn't need to go to the forum I could just go directly to the sheet right here and I can then click on the different tabs and various tabs and manipulate those as needed so that's kind of the back side of what it does to really get more about this you're going to watch the spreadsheet portion of the either the mini-course these watch the mini-course on spreadsheets or watch the or continue on in the three-hour professional development course and cover the section on sheets so if you any questions let me know otherwise good luck and thanks for learning some more about forms I know this video was a little bit longer than normal but I think forms is one of the really unique things that makes Google a great product for us [Music]
Channel: C.J. Shields
Views: 84,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Greencastle Community School Corporation, GCSC Technology Integration, G Suite for Education, Google Forms for Teachers, Create Surveys or Quizzes for Students, Google Forms, Google Forms PG
Id: mqa9Ouoecp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 49sec (3769 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2019
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