Have A Seat With Chris Hansen ft. Haylee Discussing Onision

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“Keep crying” holy shit. I loved that.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/SuspiciouslyGenuine 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/screwston_tex 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was one of the best streams yet. Luxy was so confident and really laid out Onision’s pattern of manipulation/luring. I’m honestly disappointed there’s not more attention being drawn to this on the sub. I urge anyone who hasn’t seen this yet to watch.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/dramaheaux 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

Lol I just got banned from the stream because I accidentally said she instead of he.

Fuck those mods on that chat. I wasn’t even saying anything transphobic. I said onision has kids with her.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/_Fuck_The_Poor_ 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2019 🗫︎ replies
good evening everyone Chris Hansen here welcome to have a seat with Chris Hansen as we continue our investigation into the YouTube streamer or neesee i'm going to read jackson along with his wife KY our under investigation for sexual impropriety blooming young women who were viewers followers seducing some of them harassing them in a vicious way conning some as emited coming to their home in washington state and luring others into an online relationship that allegedly involved the transmission of sexually explicit materials which could be categorized as child pornography we've talked to Billy Regina Shiloh and Sarah all victims tonight we have the pleasure of having a young woman named Healy who went through a very similar experience Haley thank you for joining us tonight I appreciate it very much how are you I'm doing okay nervous I'm all right you've been through a lot with this situation how did you first become acquainted with oneisha on YouTube I mean I saw videos with him in it every once in a while I didn't really start watching until KY showed up and what was it about the videos that drew you in as a young woman I honestly don't even know I think just how immature he acted I guess or how immature they acted because as a young viewer you're yourself are also immature so it's kind of cool to see this adult also acting like a child but there wasn't anything in particular that I was like oh I want to continue watching for this specific reason it was entertaining right correct and so many others mm-hmm and how old were you at the time when you first saw ponies oh gosh when I first saw I was probably 13 or 14 you know 14 mm-hmm and what how old were you when you first realized I was soaked I is a year older than me I believe I was 17 because it was shortly after they were married that KY started to like appear in video so I'm guessing I was around 17 18 years old and was there something that made you relate to KY a little bit back then when Kyle was identifying you know as Lanie and not to miss gender but just this was the timeframe of it seemed like a very soft-spoken girl and I also was very soft-spoken in my day-to-day and she just seemed like a cool person and so I kind of became a fan from there and when you say you became a fan did you have contact with her directly did she reach out to you how did she know you even existed so I had bought a Lanie bought t-shirt which was the first youtuber t-shirt that I ever bought it was her merch right correct and I tweeted a picture of myself wearing it I should know at the time I had blue hair and so yeah which Billy also at the time had backup so people probably know this but Billy is the young woman who we had on last week who also lured into a relationship with Kai and correct yes and Billy looks a little bit at least at the time she looked a little bit like you also add blue hair right yeah so I I mean I had wanted to dye my hair blue because I mean long story short had an awful haircut wanted to do it and so a lot of people thought it was like skin walking Billy to like get to Laney's but really I just liked having the blue hair but I think that is what Lainie saw was the blue hair and she or he kai retweeted it and said that he was in love with me and then followed me shortly after but didn't start talking to me until after Billy had gone home second to the last time that they had broken up so Kai had reached out to me after that and messaged me on Twitter so just to clarify for everybody watching tonight kai used to be called Lanie Kai has been a woman but now identifies as a man however is still married as far as we know - Denise Yan who is Greg Jackson correct a lot of names so we'll go with Kai for the purpose of tonight's discussion but how did she reach out to you I mean how did Kyrie chout to you he messaged me on Twitter and just said hi and so then of course I'm starstruck so I say oh hey celebrity reaching out to you correct yeah I mean III idolized Lanie okay I idolized him I I was a huge fan at the time and so it was it was like meeting my idol and how did the conversation the contact how did all this go well started off slow so I mean just a little chitchat and then very soon into the conversation he asked me if I was interested in girls and I at the time was questioning my sexuality I now identify as straight but at the time I was I was questioning and at the time of all this it all seemed very real to me so I said that I thought that I was heteroflexible which means like I prefer men that I like some girls and said that I had a type and then Kai asked if he was my type and I said yes and it just kind of snowballed from there but again kya that time was identifying as a woman yes no no non-binary so Kai reaches out to you to see if there's a possibility of something more than just an online acquaintance correct and how quickly did this move along I got they I gave them my number that night and they texted me the next day they texted you when you say they you mean Chi and Chi did sorry I I was used to using the day them pronouns before so I kind of bounced back and forth but yes he Chi had texted me the next day and what did Chi say to you I mean it just started off as slow conversation mild flirting here and there asking me to come watch movies with him to come cuddle in bed and hang out and told me to come kiss him like you know flirty little conversations like that were you flattered yeah oh yeah yeah at the time I was here you had a YouTube celebrity who is paying attention to Haley in a small town correct yeah did you think you had feelings for kaya at the time I fully believe that I did that I had a really big crush looking back and now that I'm a little bit older I recognize that maybe it was more me being starstruck than actual real romantic feelings but at the time they felt very real to me yes and what was going on in your life at that point that maybe made you a little bit vulnerable to this I was going through some things at home I won't divulge too much into it just because it's very personal but I was going through some very harsh things at home and it felt like an escape not to escape to go live with them or anything like that but just getting to talk to my idol felt like okay this is the one good thing happening to me right now and I just kind of dove headfirst into it looking back did Kai and ultimately Anisha and Greg groom you lure you entices I don't know necessarily that I was groomed I think that I was built up and then tore back down multiple times within a day or two whenever I had backed out by Greg now explain this when you say that they built you up then tore you down when you decided not to go at least in that instance visit them Washington State take me through it step by step so I in the middle of the night kind of had an epiphany and I had decided I don't want a three-way relationship that I wanted monogamy I wanted to be exclusive with somebody and I told Kai that this that's the moment that I realized it and Kai did not text me back but Greg took his phone and did and he went on to say that if he were in my position he wouldn't be saying the same things that I was saying he said that I wasn't attracted to him and I said yeah I'm not attracted to you and that doesn't mean I don't think you're handsome it just means I'm not attracted to you I don't want to be with you like that and I thought it would have ended there he thanked me for my honesty and that was that but he ended up damning me on Twitter again because at the same time that all of this was happening I was tweeting a lot it was just immature but you know I was 21 and going through a lot at home so my tweets kind of got a whole mix together about Greg and Kai and then what was going on at home and of course Greg took all of them as it's about them so he deemed me and he said I'm sorry you're so bummed we are too and I said that you know I was sorry that I hurt Lainey and then it got worse from their conversation tell me what they were pitching to you what did they want you to do he so when I I had told Lainey guys that I did not want to that I was not interested in anybody but him so and they were pitching a three-way relationship yes with you yes I had from what I know yeah I think that Greg does pressure kai into this whole theory relationship thing because when I told Kai that I was only interested in him he seemed very happy about that but the next day Greg messaged me pitching the three-way relationship and saying that more than likely if I come up there and be romantic with his wife he's going to see me romantically too and that that would be all of us in a relationship together loving each other but focusing on Lainey so it was about focusing on Skye Lainey but that we would all be it was very confusing the way that he worded it but I said that I wanted to try for them and then decided I didn't want to do that anymore and what happened when you turned them down um Greg got angry um yeah first it first it started off as it being like it's okay it's not what you want and that's fine and so I thought that that would be the end of it and I respected him a lot for accepting my answer but then it continued of him trying to coerce me back into it he said he started to say things like you seem like such a good fit I'm so bummed it didn't work out I feel like something's broken in your mind and I'm like broken your mind mm-hmm he said and I said that I was sorry and then it's recounting a lot it's fine you're doing great that was he trying to make you feel guilty yes a thousand percent yeah and did you feel guilty oh yeah I've never felt worse about myself than in those conversations tough place at home you were vulnerable you're a bit starstruck because this person these people were celebrities mm-hmm and now they're tearing you down trying to beat you up make you feel even worse I won't go out to Washington State live with them and have a three-way relationship correct and you're feeling even worse because they're because I thought I hurt my idol I thought that I I hurt Kies feeling so bad because that's how Greg made it sound when he was typing it or when he was writing what he was writing to me he said that nothing could fix Lanie now maybe a time machine could he said that I was the only thing keeping Chi from going back to Billy at the time and saying that it was like they were on an island and I had a boat that I wouldn't save them because I kept saying I wasn't the right boat said that he thought I was sexually dormant your mate he could say all this he knew all this just from the conversations online and texting yes he said he thought that I was sexually dormant because of the whole three-way relationship thing which would entail having sex with both of them at the same time and I didn't want to do that did you buy into any of his criticisms did you think he was right at all I started to doubt myself I started to think maybe I was this broken person because I have experienced trauma in the past again that you know I won't really get into but it really started to kind of confirm that for me that maybe I was broken and yeah I did I doubted myself a lot but it wasn't something I was comfortable with and there was no way I was going to force myself to go there and do those things with them how far did they go to try to convince you to go to their home in Washington State he started saying that I could be in videos with Lainey it was in videos with Kai B as well with tai well I don't know necessarily in a celebrity but he was saying I could do videos with Kai and then sent me a video linked to one that Chi had done with I can't remember her name it's probably best I don't say her name anyway but with another girl that they supply um be friends with I don't know that there was any romantic relationship beyond that point with the other girls but he was like hey you can do videos like this and you know he started to pitch me coming down as a friend and seeing where things went but then when I said that I don't think I would change my mind he said well then let's not kid ourselves now if I have this correctly when there was talk about you going out to visit them and for a minute you did consider it they postponed that because there was something going on in their household yes what was Chi reached out to me about two weeks after he had given birth to their youngest so that they wanted so back up so so Chi is pregnant with Greg's baby mm-hmm and this is all going on they're trying to seduce you as she's getting ready to have to give birth no this is that was like very shortly after they had Chi had given birth in so how did that impact there I guess I wanted to make sure they looked good for me for some reason I don't know like wanted to let time pass after the birth of their child so he/she would look good for you when you visited that's what Greg said yes what kind of parenting is that bad really bad parenting flying out a total stranger that you don't know right after you have a kiddin have another one in the home how close did you come here Lea to actually getting on a plane and having them fly you out I went to bed after responding to a message from Greg vet said that will look at flights in December and then woke up the next day basically kind of to him backing out and changing his mind is saying that friendship would be hard saying that I screwed them over really bad that I led Laney on I mean it was it was bad it's whiplash it was back and forth one moment I was a really good person and that I was helping to distract Laney and that I made Lainey really happy - you're really bad person you screwed us over you know you're a snake like it just it flip-flopped so much just in that short period of time that it's hard to keep track of everything to be honest in head Greg or Chi said okay we're cool with just being friends no promises the sexual relationship needed you know we'll give you a demo maybe you can be in one of the videos with Kai would you have gone out there I I had agreed to he had said that that hey you should just come out as a friend and I was like you guys would still want me as a friend even though you're saying that I caused Kai this much pain you'd still want me to come out and be friends and he said yeah and then he would change it to well if you know the likelihood of you changing your mind is over 25% then you can fly out me be friends and see how it goes so he actually put a percentage on it yeah what do you think would happen Haley if you had gone to their home in Washington State I do believe that he would have pressured me into having sex with them and do you think it would have succumbed to that pressure I don't want to believe that I would have I don't think that I would have and I think that that would have made him mad and what kind of damage do you think that could have done to you emotionally perhaps physically I think I would have been heartbroken for not being what they wanted me to be just because I did idolize Lainey so much but yeah I think it would have had a big toll on me I mean just the small experience that did happen still freaks me out and I didn't even go there at the end of the day what was it that kept you from going out there Haley my mom and what did she say to you she said that if I got on a plane and flew out there that she'd be right behind me to drag me back home did you hate her for this at the time no I loved my mom me and my mom have always been best friends and I remember her telling me when I was talking to Kai into the like in the thick of it she said I for sure don't trust Greg but there was something about Kai that is just not right and she begged me not to go did you resent her a little bit for that or you know you took her forward I died yeah I put I would put my whole life in my mom's hands she's family are you as we sit here this evening very I'm very I am I'm very I'm very thankful to have her I think she really steered me in the right direction with it and I was talking to her the whole time that I was talking to Greg and Kai and everything that was going on and of course she was angry and wanting to take my phone and write some words herself to Greg but of course I didn't let her do that but I mean she's been the biggest support that I've had just thrown my whole life so what do you think Billy had to do with all this and the fact that she's looked a little bit like you I think that Gregg and I see a young alternative adorable girl I think they they see someone that they want to take advantage of because if you look at all of us I'm not saying you know we all look exactly alike but we all are very similar in the way that we talk and the way that we act and the way that we look I think they they go after very young girls in general just to to have for variant appropriate reasons I don't think there's any love there's no Trinity that he talks about no family no future it's all about him getting off and kai is along for the ride on it I think that's the point of it all one big ego sectional stroke pretty much do you think that's why they got into this or do you think they got into this to see what the heck is gonna happen they got popular and they morphed into this grooming this sexual impropriety of this enticement I think Greg knows that people his own age won't succumb to him I think he knows that he sounds really smart to young people and he makes himself very easily accessible to young people so I think he uses that too I'm sorry what was the question I think we got into this too enticing young women or do you think they stumbled into a venue that made them famous and yes power for evil yeah I think I think that that's definitely always been kind of his MO I think he wants to I don't think he's ever gonna stop until he's forced to who is great Jackson a monster there's no other word for him he's a monster in who is Kai just like him now they're both monsters and how many other Hailey's Billy's Regina's Shiloh's and Sara's out there besides you guys a Cray that there's not more but I know that there is and I know that there will continue to be if he is not gone you've talked to some of the other girls some of the victims humanity yeah they're like my sisters has it become a bit of a support group have you helped each other get through this in a way yeah I mean we've we've all been friends for a while and Sara and Regina were you know the newest additions to like our chat but I mean we've all talked consistently for a few years now and I mean I I love them they're family at this point and you know I we do talk to each other about the experiences that we had and how we felt but we also talk about things beyond that so I guess if anything good came of having any kind of association with these people it's that I now have lifelong friends and I'm proud to I'm proud to say that but I see them in my life forever what about those kids I fear for them I do because it's not fair it's not fair to them that they have to grow up with their parents doing what they're doing to other people I don't know how I don't know how kai as the one who carried them and birthed them could look into their little faces and allow them to live in that house with him but also now knowing how ky is also a monster it it doesn't surprise me I just I fear for them I do start to finish how long did this go on from the first time you heard from CAI through all the grooming the ups and downs till you decided you didn't want to ever have any contact with them again how long did that take 13 days 13 days 13 days we spoke for 13 days and that's all it took what did they take away from you in those 13 days my security my sense of safety Greg made a 13 minute video about me slandering me lying about me sent all of his followers after me and they found my facebook my last name is not hard to find and you can clearly tell it's me they were commenting on videos that I posted of me and my family my little sister was in those videos I feared for her it's it's not fair that they got to run me and run so many other people off the internet and violence everybody how bad did it get you were telling me yesterday about a website called lol cow oh yeah so before I had spoken out the first time and right after Greg had messaged me for the final time a girl had tweeted at me she said hey messaged me there's something you need to know and I said okay because I'm you know I'm not anybody on Twitter I'm from a small tiny town where nobody knows who I am and I messaged her back and said what's up and she sent me screenshots of a conversation she was having with Greg they weren't real but I believed them and so I started to kind of confide in her and what was going on with Greg and Chi and shortly after a friend Lane sent me link to a forum and she said quit talking to this girl she's posting your conversation I why what what is lol cow is this form set up to just people no it's I mean it's it's a site that is set up I took be honest I really don't know the whole point of it there are some people on there that I will say that are very very supportive and some that aren't so much but it's back when Gregg was a lot bigger than he was there was a forum dedicated to him too kind of hating on him and so when I clicked that link the very first things I saw were all of my tweets the ones about what was going on at home plus what was going on about Lainey and Gregg all compiled on this page people saying that I was ugly people saying that I was annoying yeah I mean kyon odisha all behind this I know the site was dedicated to hating them and because I had no idea that people even knew that I was talking to Kai I had no idea people even knew and so suddenly I click this link and it's countless people saying just the most horrible things about me and this girl ended up convincing me to go on there and basically tell my side of things and that's when Gregg made the video so reg actually makes a 13-minute video dedicated to you because we would not succumb to their enticement because I spoke out about it and but during what did he say they called me a snake he called me a liar yeah called me a liar umm he to be honest I haven't watched it and so long I it gives me anxiety to even think about watching it again so I don't remember everything that he said but if I remember at the time feeling very scared once the video dropped because I had gone to bed and woke up the next day to over 2000 follow a request and that's when people were finding my facebook finding my YouTube and all that so he not only went after your social media your facebook but he figured out you had said I don't think he directly figured that out chi nu Kai knew that I had two younger siblings I'm the oldest of three and one of them is late dad when you wouldn't do what they wanted I don't know if they I I think that he purposely sent people after me knowing that it was dangerous but I don't think he did it for the purpose of trying to hurt my family I think he was just doing it for the purpose of trying to hurt me because I spoke out how afraid that make you I was terrified I shut down we seem to avoid Hey so you were pretty afraid during this period of time yeah terrified I shut everything down I wouldn't tweet for a really long time I changed my twitter handle I changed my Facebook to be completely where even if you clicked on my page you could not see where I lived you could not see who I was friends with it was just a blank page with my profile picture I changed my YouTube I deleted the family videos that I posted I yeah I got rid of everything because I was scared it was scary do you think there are girls out there that are still following Kai and Greg yes still today after everything we know yes what kind of a girl would still follow they don't believe us they don't you guys know they think this is all drama they don't believe that any of this is real that we have real lives that but they don't I don't know why but I I do to an extent because when I was a fan I understood wanting to stick up for Kai I understood wanting to stand up for your idol because you don't want to believe that those things are true and that they're really happening but the fact of the matter is that it is and it's happening to multiple girls more girls than I even know and it's it's evil what do you think should happen to Greg and Kai at the very least they need to be taken off the internet at the most there needs to be some kind of criminal charges pressed against them for what they have done there is some breaking news Haley tonight I know you're aware of this that patreon platform that Craig and Kai have been using to broadcast their content D platformed Greg today apparently mm-hmm it was a place where you could get donations people would support pay a subscription to see his and Kai's material how did you first learn that he was deep lat farm done on patreon I saw it on Twitter first I saw screenshots of patreon but then the web page said this page does not exist and everyone was like tell me this is true tell me this is true and then I saw the verge had posted an article and then I mean been Vince had texted me and I mean it's that's crazy it's big vincent our moderator is that they did this finally oh yeah oh yeah because that's how they're getting most of their the girls that they talk to is through their patreon through YouTube through any kind of online source so having that taken down I mean could have saved a few young girls and even if it's saved just one I'm so thankful that it happened yet he's still able to broadcast on YouTube just like we are tonight it doesn't make sense to me given everything we know everything that's happened every report we've done on have a seat here on this show and before that on the previous channel does it make any sense to you and what do you say to YouTube I say shame on you there are girls being hurt by somebody on your platform and you're not doing a damn thing about it and it's your fault you're not helping you're not doing anything now to be fair YouTube is a massive social platform with millions and millions of streamers and users and you know like any other very active social arena it is very hard to police it is but they should learn how to and if they've got enough people reporting which I know YouTube has heard YouTube has heard the voices of those who are who are coming at them and asking them to do something it's not that they haven't heard they know but they they don't want to deal with it and this is gonna sound self-serving and I'm not going to dwell on it but does it make any sense to you that that YouTube channel is allowed to be up and to take in revenue and others including this one have been sanctioned because apparently we trigger some sort of algorithm that YouTube has refused to explain nor does it make any sense talk about no it doesn't make any sense at all I mean we're gonna keep on this story mm-hmm that's how I'm saying it I don't care if we make a penny on it we're in for the long haul in this because it just needs to be exposed if you could look into the camera and say anything to Kai right now what would you say I looked up to you I really did and I don't know why you're a monster just like your husband keep crying that's what I would say Greg put out a video crying or fake crying it didn't look like it was really fine but he was making himself it appeared to look like the victim in all this and oh my god I'm gonna go on hiatus what do you say to grey I say I think you're beyond help at this point but if there's even a small part of you that wants to get it go get it if not for yourself if not for anyone else do it at least for your children they don't deserve this they don't deserve to have you as a father like this and stay away from girls I mean it's really hard to know how many other potential victims are out there it is I don't like to think about it and you think there's a likelihood that young women are still following them mm-hmm watching believing perhaps being groomed enticed getting involved in relationships young ones especially yeah or freshly 18 now they're you know they're on high alert right now so I doubt that they're going to try to bring anybody in any time soon but every time something happens where someone speaks out or whatever Greg and Chi say that they're never gonna bring somebody else into their relationship again and they've been saying that since the very first breakup with Billie back in 2015 early 2016 it hasn't stopped and there's been multiple multiple girls since then so I just I do not I don't believe for a second but it's gonna stop unless something like I said unless he's forced to do you think this is a cult in some ways yeah he has a very cult-like mentality with the way he talks the way he pitched the whole three-way relationship thing to me it's just looking back and rereading it it's it's gross just the way and not that polyamory is gross in itself but the way that he describes it and what he says is disgusting it's very warped take me through that step by step because I want people to understand and I want other young women who may be watching tonight to beware of how this went down how did they incrementally introduce the idea both Chi and Greg I've been involved in a relationship with take me from the contact with hi-ho rest and then how it involved Greg soaked I never talked about it at all I didn't talk about three-way relationships or three ways or anything like that that was all Greg Chi and I were talking normally and it was fine and then when I told Chi that I was only interested in him that's when Greg messaged me talking about the three relationship saying that if I were to come up and be romantic with his spouse that he would more than likely see me in a romantic way too and that we would all be in a three-way relationship together and then that's when I said I wanted to try there was really no more talk of the three-way relationship until I backed out after that so once I backed out is when he started to dig into my sexuality and dig into my brain saying again that he thought that my mind was broken saying he said that if Lainey was worth it to me I would do it said if then this is a direct quote because I went by Elena at the time if Elena is worth it to you you would do it because that's what being worth it means and I said that I you know it wasn't that Laney wasn't worth it it was just not what I wanted and he said you know we'll let's stop kidding ourselves pretty much so then I finally said okay fine Lanie's not worth it to me and if you look back around that time kai had tweeted I guess I'm not worth it guys and a bunch of people started tweeting at him not knowing the context of that tweet saying oh you're so worth it you're so worth it it's like you didn't even know what that was about and everybody jumped on the bandwagon was not doing with it yeah they did the same thing on the video he made about me they all were pissed at me because I ruined their chances of ever getting to be in a relationship or be friends with kai because in the video Greg states that I cannot trust people on the internet anymore always all because of me because of my 13 days and my post on a form that most people don't even know about yeah did you ever think that this could happen to a small Midwestern town girl who comes from a city of 9,000 people nope never never never in my wildest dreams nightmares I don't know what I should say there never did I ever think this would happen what's the lesson here what do you tell other young women who are checking out various sites on YouTube or other social media platforms you may come across something who is a bit of an idol mm-hmm a celebrity who has a message that resonates because we hear over and over again from the other victims that they were going through something in their life adolescence angst some sort of depression just so you know really what is this something all analyzers go through right land ideas and he's got a message they can relate to and this oh yeah he understands me mm-hmm and he might be older but he looks young and he gets it what do you anybody who may see you know Greg doing this or anybody else for that matter because I'm guessing he's far from the only one oh oh I'm sure I'm sure there's the thing is I understand idolizing or being a fan of somebody on the Internet you know we we are now in an age where internet celebrities are all over the place that's what most young people know are internet celebrities and not like movie actors but you have to understand you have to realize you're only seeing somebody on a screen you don't know them you don't know them behind the screen and that's what's that's what's really scary it's hard to separate when you're that young you can't separate that in your brain you can't you know say that the person that you're watching on YouTube isn't the same person when the cameras turned off but it's true they're not and I'm not saying every youtuber every internet celebrity out there is bad but especially if you're young you have to stay safe you have to keep yourself safe and guarded because there's monsters everywhere the Greg and kaya are not the only monsters on YouTube they're not the only monsters on the Internet I think parents need to be watching a lot more to what their kids are watching on YouTube you fear that Greg and I may come after you for being on the show tonight I I don't I think though if he does the only thing he's gonna say is that I'm cloud chasing or that I'm you know oh I never met her and you know whatever to be honest I'm not scared of them anymore they don't scare me in the slightest and if he wants to say something I say go for it he apparently tried to go after Billy after she appeared last week which I find wholly offensive yeah potentially illegal and a harassment sort of way yeah he did he a thousand percent did Greg doesn't have my phone number so I'm I've you know thank God on that but I yeah I'm disgusted that he did that to her and put her through that I need to prevent other young women like yourself from coming forward and talking to me on this program and Cheryl yeah people yeah he does he what he likes to do is um and he hasn't done this to me but he's done this to my friends as he'll make videos with skits that involve things that happen in his real life with these girls and he'll like post these videos almost as a way of saying you know if you come out or you say anything I'm gonna talk about this or I'm gonna do this and it is very intimidating and very scary so yeah I fully believe that he does it as a way to blackmail or try to silence the other girls so he revitalizes the victim yeah thousand percent Wow and if girls are following him now what do you tell them watch the streams listen to the stories keep yourself safe please I can't I can't stress it enough what my friends have to live with for the rest of their lives is so heartbreaking please do not let yourself go through it - he is not the person you think he is sky is not the person you think he is please stay safe - you what is the most heartbreaking part of this that my friends have to live with us forever they spent a lot of their teen years on these two adults who should have known better and should have been role models and should have been like lacera bringing her and under the guise of guardianship only to turn it into something gross like shame on you shame on them it's it it breaks my heart he shaved young women's heads yeah he did he shave Shiloh's I don't know did he do in two there was one other there was one other I don't know I didn't know about the other one I do know about what he did to Shiloh to those things are things they're gonna have to live with forever he took a video of shallow having a seizure mm-hmm broadcasted on the Internet mm-hmm how did he and Kai get away with this for so long no one was listening until now that's how no one was taking it seriously people look at oniisan and don't want to touch on the subject they just think he's an internet troll oh he's just obnoxious no one really wants to talk about oh and he's down cuz he's controversial he's problematic it went on for way too long because no one took what was happening behind the scenes seriously we have seen and worked on stories about Harvey Weinstein hmm Hollywood mogul accused of widespread sexual impropriety and in seconds home we've covered the Jeffrey Epstein case the same where does only she on Greg and Kahn fit in with this are they at the same level here given that they're operating at this level with the ability to use technology and reach out to potentially thousands if not millions of young women in a sense yeah I think that they are on the same level in the way that they they do make themselves so easily accessible which is why I think they have so many young fans because they believe that they'll all get their chance to get it to get to talk to them and get to have some kind of personal relationship with them so I do think he's on that same level because he can he can reach that far if he wants to and he has if the FBI were to reach out to you as part of an investigation would you cooperate a thousand percent and what do you say the federal investigators who may have jurisdiction here either in a enticement case child porn case or perhaps even human trafficking I mean they were paying for women to come out there and I would say to please don't let this happen to anybody else don't let this happen to any other girls I mean that's all I really can say is I know that they'll do what's just and what's right and I just pray that it results in them being where they they cannot speak they cannot talk to any more young girls should they be allowed on any digital platform whatsoever no absolutely not done done apparently and there's some evidence and we were talking about this earlier today that that Craig Venetian is already trying to launch another platform it is professing that easy way on hiatus to recover from all the stress that he's under really it won't last long hopefully I think more and more people are starting to see but it's it's the young it's the young women that I'm mostly fearful for because if they want to continue being a fan of him now that his fan base is dwindling he now has a way to talk to way more people than he was able to before so well I don't know what to make of it what would be a fit punishment for great Prison Prison prison you brought in a sixteen-year-old girl into your home under guise of being foster parents and you manipulated the situation to sleep with her chi got pictures from Sara and Regina when they were underage they're disgusting prison rightfully prison if the laws were broken properly then yes prison and what about [ __ ] prison you exchanged nudes with minors you are a parent you are a mother and now a father I don't know what you refer to yourself as being a parent now but regardless you are a parent you carried those children and you're inside of you and now you are hurting more children you want it to be a child counselor that's disgusting to me how can you how can you do that tomorrow is Thanksgiving your family is downstairs already starting the celebration think about yourself as traumatic as all this was when you think about the other girls Billie Regina Shiloh Sarah what do you all have to be thankful for this Thanksgiving oh gosh I would say we're thankful for each other for sure thankful for us all being safe I'm think I'm know for sure I am thankful of my friends being in safe places now how about your mother saying you are not going to very thankful for my mom yes and two other women out there who may not have a mom to say that what do you tell them I say that even without my mom telling me there was there was a part of my gut that said no this is wrong if there's a part of you that says that something isn't right you have to listen to it because that's the strongest voice that you have is that little one in your gut you have to listen to it because I mean you can end up in a really really dangerous situation if you don't is there anything else Haley you want people to know a lot of folks are watching tonight what do you want them to I want them to know you know again this isn't internet drama this is all real life and even if it's not Greg and Kai just stay safe on the Internet you don't know who you're truly talking to out there and yeah that's what I would say has this changed you yeah is in the aftermath yeah in what way I'm not as trusting I don't really I'm a fan of youtubers still but I think if they messaged me or reached out I'd be skeptical of speaking with them now I'm a lot more guarded with myself and my feelings and what I talk to people about and well here's what I'm thankful for among other things this Thanksgiving Haley is that you Regina Shiloh and Sara Billy all have come forward and without all of you we could not do this investigation we could not expose these allegations we cannot hold people accountable and this would have just slid bond different than the epstein or the Weinstein investigations are Kelly or the other ones that I'm currently working on that haven't gone public yet and so I'm thankful to you and I think there are a couple things that need to be said and I realize we're talking about this earlier and throughout the weeks of doing this investigation is it's not your fault it's not Billy's fault it's not Regina's fault it's not Shiloh's fault it's not Sarah's fault it's not the fault of any single young woman out there who fell prey to these people it's not you shouldn't feel guilty you shouldn't feel dumb you were manipulated in a cult-like environment victimized by groomers used a very powerful tool to satisfy themselves in the ultimate and most selfish way and using the worst sort of manipulation for vulnerable people and so I thank you and and everybody else and we're gonna stay in contact there's much more to come there are many more people to interview I want to update you and the rest of the folks out there tonight that we have again been in contact with the FBI I heard back from YouTube today and I've been promised to have an updated status on a lot of different things related to what YouTube does to police predators streamers and users on its social platform I will hold them to that promise that's my promise to you and I will have answers for you next week when I see you on Wednesday I also hope they have an update from the FBI by then right you we'll keep you up to date on what's happening with Onishi on as we said earlier his patreon was shut down and I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I will see in a week Vincent thank you for moderating as always where some people out there who have been very very helpful to us and passing along the message and I'll be thanking them and social media messages in the next few days I want to thank stream yard for being our sponsors stream yard is the technology we use to broadcast this show you can use it to check it out at stream yard comm so thank you everyone thank you Vincent Thank You Haley thank you for being a part of this and all the other moderators out there tonight and thank you all for tuning in and we're gonna stay on it so have a wonderful night and a tremendous Thanksgiving night all
Channel: Chris Hansen
Views: 569,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chris, Hansen, Onision, Chris hansen onision, Chris hansen onision billie, Chris hansen onision highlights, Chris hansen onision shiloh, Chris hansen onision live stream, Chris hansen onision repzion, Chris hansen onision blaire white, Chris hansen onision interview, Chris hansen onision fbi, Chris hansen onision regina, Vincent Nicotra, Haylee
Id: gdbkLLzxbMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 28sec (3328 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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