Have A Seat With Chris Hansen ft. RagReynolds Discussing The Onision Forums

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Steviewolf said something in the live chat before the stream about not really trusting Rag. Anyone know anything about that?

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Potato_snaked 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/PHUNkH0U53 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

RagReynolds seems very well spoken and cautious about what he should say or not regarding the legality of issue in the forum and how Greg may or may have not been involved in some of the controversial aspects of the forum ie. doxxing of Regina when she was 14 or 15 and exchanging nudes in the forum which were desensitised and less called out upon.

Saying that I looked at his channel noticed there were quite a few videos of him thinking countries are not real ie. Australia is not real. Tbh I thought it was terrible if considered to be funny or whatever is. Just it came across he maybe high or just acting for the sake of camera. Not surprised it had lots of dislikes. Just two cents of my observation here.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/ttan3165 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2019 🗫︎ replies
King have a seat with Chris Hanson live here thanks for joining us as you know that's in Dakota my web producers with us when we have a very special guest tonight Ryan Reynolds aka medium-rare you probably know from his involvement in the oniisan story and his own web show called medium-rare over the last few weeks we have had a number of alleged victims of Onishi on Gregory Jackson very compelling very important stories talking about grooming talking about enticement talking about sexual misconduct talking about abuse talking about harassment all kinds of very very ugly allegations all pretty much laid out on video by Gregory Jackson easy on himself also about the transmission of child pornography essentially both by him allegedly and by his wife con so after hearing from those victims which i think is very very important and we're going to hear from more as we continue our investigation into Gregory Jackson Louisiana hi I did want to tonight have with us someone who was inside the forums and you know exactly what I'm talking about these are the areas where people are having these discussions where there are allegations that inappropriate pictures potentially illegal pictures of underage kids were swamped the approaches were made all kinds of things are going on involving followers of Gregory Jaczko these young and potentially Gregory Jackson himself before we get into the interview with Ryan Randall Rennell take a rag and medium rare I should also tell you that we've got some developments from the FBI tonight I'll get into that of them later in the show also a statement from YouTube who have been which I have been trying to get a comment out of officially in an interview with for some time having to do with all this and you know the the drama that so many YouTube streamers have been going through tripping this algorithm where you say too many of the wrong words and you get sanctioned whereas a guy like oniisan who is accused of all kinds of illegal activity is allowed to stay on so there was always these negative questions about how that was possible in the fire they they sanctioning other people for really no great cause and nobody YouTube has been able to explain that to me or to my knowledge anybody else we've reached out to the CEO Susan Wojcicki media department and today a statement involving all this which I'll get into as well but first of all Ryan Reynolds rag thank you very much for being with us tonight all the way from Scotland in the UK how are you tonight I am wonderful although a bit tired well you staying up late with the time change there so I appreciate you coming on tell me Ryan how did you first become aware of initiative Gregory Jackson well I first became aware of when he's stealing back and either 2009 or 2010 and 2010 is when I joined his forums but I discovered him on YouTube a couple of his comedy videos I came across and at that age I found it to be quite amusing it was just a guy making a filler of himself on the Internet and I'm used to be there just a kid at the time what are you 13 40 I was 13 years old in 2010 alright so you're sitting in Scotland you're 13 years old you're you come across an easy on what was it that attracted you to it what was what made you watch him well initially as I said it was the the comedy in the first place and then from there I checked out his other channels he used to have a youtube channel called only see on speaks he still has that channel and on there he would give his opinions about subjects she would give people advice and stuff like that and that's how I then discovered his forums because he used to have people on his forums contact him with like a question so say it was someone who said oh I want to come out of the closet but my parents are hardcore Christians what should I do so only Sam would then go to his forums and he would make a video responding to whatever the question was on the forum so when I first joined up that was my intention as it was a lot other people it was ok only soon to notice me less right a little contact on easy on message and see if he responds to in a video got it in did you ever think back at the time as a young teenager that you would see Onishi and Greg Jackson accused everything he's accused of today involved in this kind of online behavior that is so bizarre at that point definitely not definitely no I mean when when you're 13 years old you're not even thinking about that kind of thing I mean as I grew up that's not something that ever crossed my mind ever maybe maybe when I was 19 20 21 years old maybe era and those times I thought oh maybe it's a possibility but prior to that I never had a single inclination to think something like that how long did you follow him until you got involved in this deeply involved in this whole life on the forum and take me inside these forums and tell me hey Leon there I mean your kid you're 1415 years old but what lured you into this and and what was happening there all right well as I said I first joined I was 13 years old and it was initially because I'm trying to get only C on detention as are a lot other people people joining these forums they're joining because they're only see on fans they think oh I'll get only seance attention and if not I will communicate with other only say own fans and as everyone knows only sends fan bases mainly young people it's mainly young teens so I was right in that demographic I spent from 2010 until 2016 being very very active in this community I was nno in 2017 but 2017 onwards I was gone I was a moderator in 2015 but get to that in a bit but as I was a kid when I was 13 years old I joined these forums and I was always someone a bit of a loner and school and all that sort of thing I had a few friends but didn't have that many friends this is a new social activity basically yes that's what I'm getting to so me and many other people on these forums this was our social life we were growing up this was our social life these were our friends we made friends on the internet because maybe we had weird interests or we just didn't get on very well with people at school or whatever so you would have hundreds of people come into these forums who are then making online friends or making Internet friends and that's not something exclusive to only sales community that happens all over the internet but this is my experience on specifically only SEOs forums obviously so all these people are growing up from me specifically I spent six seven years where I was just on there all the time I lived and breathed those forums so I would get up I would check the forums before I go to school I would go to school be thinking about what I wanted to say on the forums and talk to my friends about when I got back home and then I've come home from school and set there the rest of the night so like 2 a.m. pretending I was sleeping so my mom wouldn't take my iPod or my iPad her was wherever it would be at the time off of me because I'd be on the forums very late night talking to these friends of MIT so I think that's very important to establish because that's something that you can get very very sucked into and for me the forum's were very very influential and developing my sort of mentality in personality moving forward looking back with it was this unhealthy were you exposed a thing you shouldn't have been exposed to as young to him 100% and that's what was going to get to know because I wanted to make that clear that I spend all this time from 13 to 18 19 years old and obviously that's a time when someone you're going through very formative teenage years so you're very influenced by the things going around you especially if there's adults or whatever who are engaging in certain activities or the people around you so you suddenly become desensitized to a lot of things so you see someone being dogs and the first time you think oh well this person's information was released that's horrible but by the time you've seen it three times you start thinking oh well it's actually not that bad it happens all the time what's the worst that could happen and it seems many other kids rag do you think we're out there thousands millions on only seance forms specifically I mean there were thousands of users they weren't all super active I mean a lot of people would come on and they would leave a couple of days later or a week later there were some people who would stick around much longer me being one of them I know many others who did stick around for a long time so that there is a bit varied but there these people were all growing up with a lot of very toxic behaviors around them such as harassment online bullying Docs and going on you're very desensitized to that and obviously step below what we're going to discuss now which is obviously these undesirables as I'd call them since we can't use a certain word but uh these are people yeah yeah these people would I've you the forums as a catalog for these undesirables and adults would come on here they would make friends with people who were underage people 18 plus would be on there being friends with people much much younger than them and that was the norm I would say maybe 75% of the active user base were under the age of 18 on these forums when I was there for the sector seven years that I was engaged there reg can yourself had a relationship while you're underage with nobody who was an adult yes I did I had a relationship with someone who was 28 21 years old when I was 15 16 years old huh and that went on stretch though or in the course of a year and that's something that at the time I viewed is very normal I had seen other people in the community who had been involved with similar sort of arrangements had seen friends who had been 15 with someone who's 25 or had seen in friends who had been 14 in someone's 20 or whatever so when it happened with me I just thought it was normal as well and no one really said anything so that's something that not until the last actual couple of years I mean we're talking this was back in 2013 and it's not been until the last couple of years I've actually realized maybe there was something going on there I feel like in my head I've repressed a lot of experiences that I've had I mean that that's just something I experienced I've I've had lots of other like women for example who have been had children even who when I was 15 16 years old on these forums had said things like you're the only person younger than me that I would have sex with and that's a very bizarre statement obviously to make to someone so young when you were your mid-twenties there years old will you talk about a relationship what happened was there an exchange of sexually explicit photographs was there yes no chance relationship precisely it's an online distant relationship and I know many other people who were involved in similar things but from my experience and from friends have told me in their sort relationships 'its is very much romantic and sexual conversations along with this solicitation of nude images as well back and forth on both parties that is kind of the thing that always happens in these situations I mean that's specific relationships that can name countless examples of instances where people may others on the forums and it was just some play one picture exchanged there was no relationship it was just a picture sent over or a picture sent back and that was that there's probably more of those than there were actual relationships that were formed so this was pretty standard behavior activity on these forms that were related to Anisha ins YouTube channel is that correct well yeah so this whole what I want to say is that this whole thing is obviously it was only see on branded these aren't just a random YouTube forum this isn't just a random forum this is only see on dotnet or nice they encode the URL used to change all the time these were only see on branded forums and with that obviously comes responsibility on an issue as part of this as my name I think is well lunacy on knows that his fan base are largely very young people young impressionable people so at first glance I would say I'm not sure how much responsibility only Seon has for the things that maybe go on there and so long as they're happening off it like these nude images were never to my knowledge exchange actually on the forums but people would meet on the forums in the talks that community was there and then they would exchange on snapchat or something like that did I remember what it was related to Anisha and officially sanctioned by a [ __ ] and were they known for the exchange of sexually explicit pictures of underage boys and girls well that yes there have been people who were underage and they sent their images to other people who were adults and but it never happened to my knowledge actually on the forums but one the point I'm trying to make is that even though it didn't happen on the forums I think oniisan still bears a responsibility of knowing for a fact that he has young audience and if you've got a young audience why on earth would you create an internet forum for such a young audience I mean that's essentially creating a social media for 13 year olds it's like creating Facebook for only children that's essentially what I view that is and it's very strange I mean it would be different for example if creator who's demographics were people in their theories to then go create an internet forum because people are going to engage and have conversations and stuff but there is something a bit strange when only seoeon who knows his fanbase are 11 12 13 14 15 years old creating a platform for these people to then go into there's something about off about that and I think that's something to keep in mind so you believe that Onishi n bears responsibility for creating a forum that was essentially you know hangout for young teens and it was known by adults looking to meet and exchange explicit sexually explicit material with young teens that they could meet them there and perhaps take him out of the forum and conduct this illegal potentially illicit activity well yeah I mean I don't know how much people predict I can't say that word undesirables outside of the forum's knew about what was going on there but I'm sure I mean I've heard some individuals comment or make comments like oh we know that I've heard that that's the place these people go because they know that only certain has a young fan base so they will specifically target that place and I I've known people as young as being 11 or 12 years old who have been on these forums but well I think the most important thing a touch on here is obviously it's not it's not the biggest deal in the world to have a lot of toxic behavior going on so long as it's being moderated and people are being banned and the community is completely against it but the only see on forums Harvard a very toxic community where things were normalized and people were desensitized from things and for example the relationship I had with someone older than me their relationships my friends have had with people older than them was something that was never demonized it was something that most people looked at and thought oh I'll just ignore that I'll be a bystander that's just what it is maybe one or two people would come out of the Woodworks and they'd see a thing or two they'd say oh I don't like that but nothing ever came of those things so yes some people stood up and said no that's wrong but they never took enough of a stand for anything to actually be done about it how old is Arnie's hanwen these formats these forums oh I don't know a mine or what she's had forum since about 2006 or something so he's been on this sort of thing since 1314 years ago so I don't know how old yet I can't remember how old is what was he 32 or something I didn't remember ladies right now so you would have I think he would have been in his early twenties when he first started up with forums or whatever old enough to know what was going on yeah yeah that's definitely I think I'm maybe not back then but certainly in the future I mean that's something that even if you start off doing the forums you can always correct your behavior later and decide okay well that didn't work out so well there were clearly undesirable people on there that is a toxic community so let's not do that again yeah only see on would actually recreate his forums every three or four months every few months there would be a new forum put up it would change its URL be every go from Onision net to nice and cool and then it would go from oh nice and cool to only sung calm and then go from a nice and calm back to only see on net so these were constantly being remade so you can't even use the excusive oh nice Leon made the website and then forgot it exists it or anything like that he was visibly reading a new forum every few months and so not only was he actively creating it but he was benefiting from it right well yeah he had ads and stuff on the website so when people are clucking on there he's going to get some ad revenue from people watch watching those ads and seeing those clicks on the pages and whatever so yeah he would be getting money from that he also got video content as I said earlier he had a contact when he say on page where people could go on the forum and leave a message and hopefully he would respond to in a video and and a video he often dead so he also used it to try and get content for his YouTube channel so he would lure these this content in well yeah and I think it's pretty obvious that the people who want oniisan to notice them are going to be the younger people I mean I can't imagine a grown a grown man or a grown woman who's almost there years old oh you know what I'm really excited to get a comment from an EC and I really want an easy on to notice right so it that's not something that people that age tend to do that's something that preteens do that something that young girls are young boys tend to well that's that's what I did I was 13 years old and that's the majority of what these posters were they were very very young people that would come on there to try and get when he see ones attention however old he was at the time he was old enough not to be attracting teens into this sort of activity is that Ferguson oh definitely yeah he was he was definitely over 18 at the time whenever he started do you think he was taking advantage of kids in vulnerable ages in vulnerable situations using these forms I can't comment on that I honestly have no idea not to my knowledge I do not believe he had any interaction with kids or anything to my knowledge other than maybe like responding to their advice like he's there asking for advice and he may have left a comment under their post or something but to my knowledge he doesn't really have any sort of connections or one-on-one conversations with anyone on the website and that that included everyone the only people to my knowledge he ever actually communicated with one-on-one were me and also another moderator called Erica and she was a moderator for a very long time from 2009 onwards maybe before that he spoke to other people but and my time he spoke to me when I was a moderator in 2015 he's booked to me via email I could email him any time he'd respond and also Erica could get one-on-one correspondence with him but to my knowledge no one else spoke to him one-on-one given all the allegations about you know him allegedly grooming enticing fans in their teens and then in some cases luring them into relationships both in person and online kai allegedly and there's some pretty strong evidence indicating that that activity took place with her as well does that can't suspicion over this whole forum knowing what we know today I'm not sure I mean I think there's definitely suspicion there and I know for example that Kai was a member on there I know that Shiloh was a member on there one so I know that many of evolutions exes or people is with no were on his forums at one point I to my knowledge I mean I'm not completely read up on the whole ins and outs of their relationship but I to my knowledge guy started out on the only see on forums trying to get when he seemed to notice her well sorry him it's it's just to be clear I think most people know that Chi is a woman he's transitioning in as a transgender into Internet how did you become a moderator in this form okay so obviously I was there from thirteen years old when I was 16 I was banned from the forums that was in 2013 I was banned for a little bit of time I was banned for basically I wasn't a very good forum member I was just posting things I shouldn't have been posting causing up some trouble as as I did back in the day I started my own forums at that point but maybe six months later so I rejoined the forum's and shortly after that then I was on there for a while and in 2015 I became a moderator and I became a moderator because I became friends with Erica who was the head moderator before me so what happened was Erica used to choose moderators to run the website and by the time 2015 came around Erica wasn't really too much involved in the community anymore so she was kind of taking a step back and I had become quite good friends with Erica so she decided to tell NEC on to make me a moderator of equal status to her and at that point she kind of stepped back and you had conversations via email with with Onishi on and during all this what what how did he strike you what did you guys communicate about just was a business good yeah it was business I mean just to clarify as well I've seen a lot of people asking or were you paid to moderate were you paid to do this and no no one was ever paid to moderate just to make that clear it was a very much a volunteer thing and the reason for that was we enjoyed being part of the community and we wanted to help out people wanted to feel that they had a bit of authority in this community have a bit of a see how things go so it was entirely a pleasurable enjoyable thing for us to do but I end my correspondence with oniisan it was mainly about the sir-sir that almost said discord there sorry the forums so I would speak to him about the forum saying oh well we've got this issue or we've got that assure here's a suggestion we could improve the forums here we could tighten up security there we that sort of thing I found him to be very distant didn't really respond very well I could write him three paragraphs he would respond saying okay so it was very I found it to be very hard to communicate with him at can it I got a very bad opinion of him trying to talk to him on email how did he treat you aside from that do you remember any instances of any well dad long he always he always gave off the impression that he liked me because he had responded to a few of my forum posts saying you found me to be funny he liked my sense of humor I've done other live streams with only on in the past as well where I've truly more made a few jokes or whatever and just kind of had a bit of fun there so he's always seemed to quite enjoy my sense of humor in the past although there was a couple of times where he had a falling-out with me I was banned from his forms another point because I disagreed with him on politics that was something that happened on the forums quite regularly where he would this he was very distant from the forums he would known mainly he would just look at this contact when he seen on section' I spoke about earlier but every so often he was come on to the forums and bring down his authoritarian hammer and decide well today all meat-eaters are banned because I'm a vegetarian and if you're not then you're a horrible person and everyone would get banned or there was another time where he says will today there is no longer like to be any meal moderators because I do not trust men or another day he'd come on and say well today you're not allowed to have this opinion if you disagree with me you're banned so that that sort of thing was quite common and that turned a lot of the only see on forums user base actually against only on the regular user base the most active people on the only see on websites the majority of them were not only seen fans they either feel indifferent to him or they didn't like him and it was because of the way he acted did you as a moderator ever see any adults preying on people on rage I did once well more than once but one very specific instance was with a guy called Robert Ripley Robert Cassio who as a convicted child you know what he he is convicted and we discovered him me and my friends discovered this guy lurking around on the web sites and this was when only soon had just created a brand new form so the last one had been shut down this was say a few months later and he posted this new form and when that happened this was when me and Erica were the only two moderators but we hadn't been set up with the correct permissions on the website so we didn't actually have the power to ban anyone and we hadn't realized that so what happened was we discovered that this guy that Robert guy who was a convicted you know what was on these web was on this web site and that was very very concerning to me prior to this point as I say I had been very desensitized by many other things I had seen the exchange of nude images from minors to adults and whatever that had been completely normalized to me so I never thought anything of that neither did many other people but when it came to someone who was actually a convicted person for that that that was a complete shock to me so I had never seen anything like that so I was annoyed desensitized to that so immediately I emailed only see on I emailed him right away and I said I did not have permissions to ban this guy this guy who's on your forums I said I'm a link to the guy's criminal record saying here it is can you please give me the permissions to ban this guy because we need to get him off of there I have the correspondence of that initial email but I do not have any other emails I couldn't find them I had to look through a couple of weeks ago to try and find any other correspondence so I do not believe sorry I do not remember how we only see one responded to this I do not remember ever being spoken about again I think it was sort of a okay I'll deal with that tape response I don't think there was ever any sort of closure that I I never felt like the whole thing was closed I just felt like okay I've sent it to him and okay he's gonna do something about it but I never really heard anything back tell me about how Lanisha Ann used to rate women's bodies okay so that was actually that was after I was a moderator but I know about this so I stopped being a moderator probably mid 2016 or something around there maybe early 2016 and I think it was at the end of 2016 he started up another forum I think it was only some XYZ and this was a forum at this point all of their regular users that I knew from the past left they had all gone they had given up on the community they had all moved on with their lives most people were gone and what what you had left was basically all these super only see on fangirls and fanboys who were very very young and impressionable those were the people left over back in my day back in the day of me and my friends we used to we used to be quite mean there was like a lot of clicks there was a lot of little clicks going around and we used to basically we didn't want their annoying only ceiling fans to be around so someone would come into the chat quoting only son saying I'm a banana and the chat room and we'd say well go away we don't care so a lot of these actual really really young people who are 11 12 13 years old a lot of them we actually used to push away so it wasn't there wasn't quite as many of them there still were there but there weren't quite as many of them back in that day so there weren't as many only ceiling fans but by the time the sonne see under XYZ site came along in 2016 2017 these people had all gone so now these people would come in all these young people and they were basically allowed free reign because there me and my friends so they weren't there to build them away I mean that's a horrible phrase it but you know I know what I mean we're not pressuring them away they're allowed to see it and do what they want and this is when oniisan says okay I'm not doing my contact only see on for advice anymore instead I've got a new format on my oral channel which is where he reacts to images and things so on here instead of having contact on this Leone has submerges so you go into this thing and it's submit your facial piercings or submit a picture of your body to rate it one to ten rate your teeth rate this and people would go in and they would post a picture and then only say merge react to these pictures in his videos and sometimes that was rating girl's body 1 a 10 and some of these girls were under the age of 18 and it was made clear on the forums there there was other posts on the forums where it was like hey push your age here in the parish midsi hi I'm a 14 year old girl named Suzie and I'm from this country and then a few minutes later she's in the read my poetry 4head posting a picture of her in a swimsuit and then only see ons got that on his channel reading the body so that's the kind of thing that happened on there I was not a moderate or at that point I saw some of the activity from the outside I wasn't really there for it I made maybe a handful of posts on the website across months and months but yeah I wasn't really part of that but that's what was going on there what does that say about Onishi and he was soliciting underage girls for pictures and then raiding their bodies well there is something just really bizarre about that I don't know how to actually explain how that makes me feel there's just something about it that I just think wow like why would you do that I don't quite understand I mean he says that late later on he did add a thing that said 18 plus only that was later on that wasn't until people started criticizing him he did add 18 plus only but people who were under 18 but still access that's like right now he's going through a thing where he says my patrons on patreon were not like before it was deleted obviously are not allowed to be under 18 or people in my discord are not allowed to be under 18 there are people following me on Twitter or not like to be under 18 if I find you I will ban you yeah there are still hundreds and there are thousands of these people in his community because he's seeing it as a disclaimer type thing is he's seeing no wonder if teens as a way to try and defer their responsibility it's not a way it's not because he actually means it it's not because he knows he's gonna enforce it is because he knows that can try and get a few people off his back why did you stop moderating I stop moderating simply because one of the websites shut down as they all was dead so I was moderating for me but I can't remember the exact time for him I want to see between six and nine months on a website only see uncool it was at the time I think it started about March 2015 and it ran till about the end of the year so for I think the majority of that year I was moderating there but when that website shut down I then was never made moderator on the next website he started up the next website months later but he never gave me that same moderator power back so I was kind of just left a bit out of it and that's just kind of how I started slowly backing off as well at that point as well a lot of people that I knew like a lot of the active community and that people had made friends with they were starting to back off as well so the community slowly stopped moving forward to the next generations of the websites and I don't know if that's just cuz people were growing up or whatever but that's what happened what bothered you most about what you saw in these forums the worst thing I ever specifically saw the worst instance I remember from the forums was the thing that happened to Regina and obviously that's been covered but I'll tell my version of events I remember Jeana I think everybody knows who's watching tonight is you know one of the victims who was groomed in in this whole ordeal and there's allegations essentially impropriety online and between Kai and Greg and Regina Regina appeared on the show a few weeks ago but go ahead how did you come across so it was 2012 I specifically remember it was near the end of 2012 and obviously I had met Regina on the oniisan forums I had been kind of friends we were never close friends or anything we had spoken a few times and whatever so I was well aware of her Regina was nothing I had nothing against her I wasn't friends per se with her either I was also involved with another large group of people on the forums who were very very toxic at the time they were involved in a lot of dogs and they were involved and a lot of things that should not have been going on and I was very desensitized to at the time one of these people was the person that I ended up dating when I was underage and whatever so anyway so what happened was there was a forum moderator and he was a grown man and he was speaking to Regina well Regina was underage and he was well aware that Regina sent him nude images of herself which he then for whatever reason passed on to someone else who then passed them on to a friend mein the person I was dating at the time or just after that I think I was I was dating them and they passed it on to a friend of theirs and the friend of theirs was someone who did not like Regina and the reason they gave for not liking Regina was that Regina lied about her age or their age I think Regina uses their pronouns or whatever but they said Regina lied about their age and that's why they didn't like Regina because Regina was saying that they were 18 or 19 years old when and then as a matter of fact Regina was 1415 years old so they said Regina was going to deserve what they were now doing so what they did was they hacked into Regina's Facebook account other social networks went to 4chan other message boards online and posted these nude images all over the Internet including on Regina's Facebook page that had thousands of followers on it as well and they did this because they said Regina deserved it for lying about Regina's age and a people do this very bad people like besides being illegal yeah yeah I'm revitalisation and that's not even the worst part of it I mean that's obviously so horrible but though I think the worst part was the reaction to this because the people involved were never ostracized from our community the people involved were never banned from him in any way upset the people involved remained part of these web sites for years to come maybe one or two of them faded off in the darkness and we never heard from them again but equally as many people still stuck around as if nothing had happened maybe a couple of people spoke out and said that was wrong but a couple of months later everyone was back to normal thinking okay that's what's going on and it's and moved on and it horrifies me to think that that actually happened and that I was friends with the people who did that as well I mean that's that's how bad things were I mean to me that that obviously no it's thinking about us so horrible and at the time I thought it was off as well but I was I don't know 15 years old and after a couple of years of being around this talk the community I thought okay well it's not the worst thing I've ever seen whereas now look back in it's like I can't believe they did that or that I saw that happen what does that say about the toxicity of this form that's that's exactly my point because I don't think is I think the whole toxicity is because the question is why do people allow these things to happen because anyone you could ask anyone is this right or is this wrong and I'm sure every single person you ask that question to would say that was categorically wrong it should not have happened I think everyone would agree on that but the question is then why did everyone stand back and not say anything about it I mean maybe they said things but why did no one take a stand why did no one demand this person has to be kicked out of our community why did people stay friends with these people that's the that's the question that I have and I mean that's something it's very complex obviously that's the human psyche is a very peculiar thing I'm no expert but I think a lot of that has to do with the desensitization that I've spoken about already the toxicity on these forums I mean you start off and it's people send and miss just each of their single kill yourself or it's people saying oh I hate units maybe harassment or cyberbullying or whatever at first and then that goes from there and it's a little step up to dachshund and it's like oh well no have released your home address and it's always a little step above and the first time you experience that you think okay that's wrong but after it happens a couple of times you think okay well that's just normal and especially when you're young is it for doing this or old when right when you're 13 14 15 and you're seeing these things and it's adults who are doing it that suddenly makes you think okay well it can't be that bad ultimately who's responsible for what was going on in these forms it's I think at the end of the day it comes down to the man who owned the forms it was their only own branded form I don't specifically blame only see on for every single little action that happened I understand and appreciate the fact that obviously he can't control what every single person is saying on this website but at the end of the day he is the one who created this website knowing that he had such a young impressionable fan base he knew as I already said his demographics were young teens young people and these are the people he was making a website for he knew that so I think at the end of the day the responsibility does fall on him you could also make an argument it falls in some of the moderators some of the moderators more so than others I mean for example I'll take some of the blame up that I've come oh I've made a video already about this in depth but without anyone seeing anything I came out on my own accord and said well I've been a bystander at some of these things in the past I would I would maybe excused some of that by saying I was very young when I joined I was 13 years old and by the time I actually had any power to do anything I was suing doctor and so desensitized everything I didn't think there was anything wrong with what was going on at the time it's not until no emotive that community I realized how bad it was but um yeah other moderators like the one who for example was helped leek Regina's nude images they don't have the same excuse they were maybe mid-twenties up to 30 years old so they're they're not got the same excusive oh I was desensitized as a kid to all this on the forums and suddenly I think that's okay as you don't have the same excuse there being a bystander when you're considerably older I don't think but I do think that in the end it falls back to a Luciano bezler this has had a significant impact on Regina as a victim she's gonna live with this of course yeah and it's happened to many other people as well and that's that's what's horrible I mean Regina is the most I said Regina is probably the worst example I can give you to my knowledge that is the worst thing I ever saw I don't know if it's because maybe it maybe something else happened to someone else I wasn't friends with her didn't know so maybe I maybe there was something worse I don't know about but the thing I know about that was worst was the thing that happened to Regina I mean I'll give you another example of something that happened that people didn't really care about and basically there was this girl who was 14 maybe 15 years old and there were three guys all of him over the age of 18 all three of them sent and or received nude images to this girl on snapchat one of them left the community afterwards after it was exposed that this happened the other two just kind of stuck around and that was it people give them a bit of a hard time but they stuck around and that's basically the the point of it there is these people were not authorized they were maybe maybe given a hard time for a little bit maybe people still had it in the back of their heads but they were still allowed to be around and I think that's what's important to note there what do you think motivates Bernice young Mary Jo I think it's a combination of two things I think Eagle and money and maybe a little bit of a sexual desire underneath that as well but I think it's men like eagle and it's money probably ties into ego so probably Eagle is the main thing when when you're someone I'm sure you've seen examples of this being an television business whatever yourself I mean people who get is the fame or get a little bit of attention they start craving it is almost like a drug people say I've heard stories about that all the time so when his heads go up and he posts a video reacting terribly like he dead when his patreon was banned that whole freakout video suddenly his numbers show up well he thinks oh my numbers just went up a hundred times what they were last week so he'll do it again because he wants to continue that sort of high of getting that drug which is the attention and I think that's what which fuels someone like only on when you hear the stories about the young women Regina Sarah Shiloh or Billy Haley there are others more speaking out passing week is this a cult that developed I would yeah I think I would say I'm not sure what the exact definition of a cult is but it certainly seems oh yeah yes it certainly cult-like they're certainly cult-like behaviors going on there there are certainly significant similarities to something like an actual cult I'm not I'm not sure if that's the correct word or not but there certainly are similarities to be drawn there he's demanding that some of these young women shave their heads get yeah that's that's wrongful and horrific that is abuse that's manipulation and abuse that's horrible I mean you're talking about a guy who's made a lot of money mm-hmm like damaging women threatening harassing bullying sexually luring enticing exchanging what very likely are illegal images mm-hmm yeah this guy's not away with this for so long my under if I had to make a guess as to why he's going away with a personal one I mean people have been talking about him for so long people have been making exposed videos on him for so long and I think what happens is when someone has non-stop scandals suddenly the scandals are no longer scandalous and you're normal so when only Seon does or says something horrendous everyone immediately thought oh my god that's horrible but then it happens again and it's the desensitized thing again back to what I experienced on the forums so what happens after that is another scandal comes out and people think oh no it's horrible again but less people think that then it happens again and less people think again and then it happens again and less people think again and people suddenly become desensitized to the fact that this guy is doing it suddenly it just becomes accepted that this is a toxic man it just people say okay avoid him he's a POS he's a piece of crap so people just suddenly get desensitized they decide okay it's not worth the time because he just does it over and over again and gets away with it and I think the reason he gets away with that is because anything illegal that has happened has never been put on record I would wear I would have said up until now up until maybe the last year so to my knowledge nothing explicitly criminal has been put on record in fact and I think that's something very important to look at as well because like for example when he had an abuse history of abusing his exes and whatever a lot of them are very silent about what's going on I mean Shilo hadn't told her story until she came on to your show so that's years and years later so that wasn't out there for people to look at and start with some sort of criminal investigation there so I think that's a big part of it I think he skirts on the side of the law he's always kind of I've always viewed him as a guy who's can all on the fancy it's almost like he reads up on the laws he reads up on the lawn thanks okay well that's illegal but I can just tone it down a little bit and then it's not illegal or I can go this day and it's not legal pattern of this with the interviews that we've done where you know he researches the law is legal for him to go see shiloh and in you know Pennsylvania when she's on tour is it in what age can he have Sarah come live with him and kind and can they make her their their ward essentially you know it mm-hmm that that was the most concerning thing I think I've seen her and then you see this video the poor Shiloh her head shaved and he's licking her head yeah it's disturbing don't you think Bray Oh 100% I mean I I don't know how anyone could do that at this it's just unthinkable to me to treat another human being like that every level yeah it's reprehensible now looking back you were a kid essentially when some of this was going on do you feel that it damaged you in any way that it scarred you uh I would definitely say so I mean I'm not sure I'd blame when you say I'm specifically for any damage I've been caused but um yeah that the experiences I've had on the forums like being desensitized and being exposed to so much toxic behavior and the relationship I was in with someone older than me and my friends around me who I was very close to also suffering and these sort of relationships that's something that definitely has stuck with me especially recently when I've actually started to think about it I mean I think I've had a lot of repressed emotions repressed feelings about this that's something I've just kind of when I left deforms I just kind of said okay well the forms are gone no that's it was what it was and it's not been until maybe the last year or two that I've actually thought back on things of reflected and actually thought wait a minute that that wasn't good that's something that is still in my mind and I've maybe got issues in my life that I'm no maybe thinking oh well that kind of relates to what happened back here and I've had other friends who have said similar things to that effect to me as well where people have said that I've got issues now because of some sort of thing that happened to me back then do you still talk to Regina at all I've been talking to her pretty much every day the last couple of weeks on Twitter I hadn't actually spoken to earn quite a while and a number of years until recently I actually I think it was around the time when she was just coming in the show when when this whole only see on investigation started was when she kind of popped back up in my Twitter and I thought oh wait a minute hey I remember Regina from back in the day I wonder how she's getting on at the moment type thing so that was how Regina can have popped back up on my radar but so I've been speaking to her about recently input how was it for you to see her speak out I mean I think all these victims are very brave and I think it's important that they get their story out there and that's why we're doing this I mean I look back at the Jeffrey Epstein case that were done that a little bit but the reason why hopefully there was some justice there was because the Miami Herald went out and interviewed the victims told their stories and kept added and it added and as a journalist unless I learned there is no remorse on this it's important to hear the voice of the victims button let keep at it persistence they won't face justice they won't the victims won't get justice a guy like Winnie see on on that face justice what do you think justice would be for somebody like Regina or any of the other boys justice well I think it varies from obviously victim - victim it varies depending on what happened I would like for people who were directly involved with sumiso and I would see to see him punished to the fullest extent of the law is gonna be justice in their minds to see him punished for whatever crimes he has actually broken that would be the ultimate justice for them when was the last time you had any communication with Indiana I was looking through my emails just before we go on I was speaking to you as I did that I got a few messages on patreon back and forth but I think most of those were masked messages he would send out he used to send them out to pretty much everyone I mean I I never actually paid for his patreon I just kind of clicked a follow button to see what he was up to on there and I got added to this list so I was getting the messages from him as well but prior to that their last email exchange I can actually find with them as I run the end of 2018 and what was that exchange it was the drama about some other youtuber who was that I've had issues with well in the past not gonna mention his name but it was just something related to that it was nothing to not no friendliness really or anything going on I was just we were just exchanging a couple of links relating to this guy if you could say anything to Onishi on tonight as we have you on live what would you say - I would say hello I thought oh I would actually say time I don't I don't have any any words that I would say specifically to only stay on I think everything that I've had to say has been said and I don't think I need to address when he's known directly what do you think of it what do you think happened to him did make him act this way behave this way target these people harass these people I mean you see the videos I mean he comes right out mm-hmm aggressively goes after some of these people who have spoken out against him in a very vicious menacing way I mean you talk about evidence he's given everybody all the evidence they need to label him exactly what he is I think he's I think it's an ego thing I think he feels as always and touchable I mean it's back to the desensitization thing I talked about earlier where after there's been five tight I mean people have said this is the end of only soon we're canceling see unfurl it the last 10 years I mean this has been an ongoing thing so to heaven it's just a a new cycle of news and now it's you who's at the sort of the spearhead of this part now this part of the investigation but to end his head is nothing he hasn't seen before it's nothing he hasn't recovered from before he's here to keep aired only see ones being canceled he's heard it's the end of when he's done a million times before so to him he's not worried because it's the same thing again I mean as a bit more severe this time there is a lot more attention on this there is a lot more severe accusations and severe criminal charges being looked into here but in principle he has been through this similar thing before he was deep platformed at patreon you know how bad you have to be deep platform debater I don't believe you actually have to be that bad to get the platform and picture and I was it seems like they've got a strange policy over there at patreon sometimes they'll do platform one person first something very minor whereas another time it may take a lot to get someone deep platform dumb I'm not I'm not entirely sure how they enforce the rules but I've seen some shady sort of bannings being done there and if seen oh they're very good ones done so III don't know how much I can speak to the effect of how bad he has acted to be banned there because I'm not sure that had the severity it was really what happened there it's like Twitter for example he was Daxing belly on Twitter and that's why it was banned from patreon Twitter in comparison the they only handed it like a 10-hour suspension or something so they abandoned for 10 hours so I think that that shows you that patreon or maybe more strict than Twitter when it comes to something like dachshund he's still on YouTube yeah he is making money that's what does that say to you it says to me that the people in the high places obviously they don't care or they don't think that there's a ban there to be made you don't think it's justifiable I mean what I would say is look at their policies I don't know if there's anything specifically and there policies that they can ban him for or not that's not saying that whether you should be on the platform or not but I'm sure there's has to be a policy on there that he has broken I mean just the amount of things he's been through I've I've not looked through their policy I mean currently they've got this new harassment policy right that should have been introduced so I would say that a lot of his videos certainly go against this harassment policy so I would say there there's a reason for example to maybe take him off it depends how they're enforcing this policy I don't know I'm not sure about the fill ins and outs but well just today you saw the new release that came out today from YouTube right I did yeah so just today and I don't know whether it's coincidental or not but it comes on the heels of me dogging YouTube and a lot of other people doggie YouTube pretty aggressively on this specific issue and I've been in touch with the CEO via email Susan Wojcicki the media of the department and back and forth and in discussing the potential of an interview talking about this and and what YouTube is doing to prevent you know predatory behavior on its on its platform and today Matt Alperin who's the head of trust and safety a vice president at YouTube came out the statement saying basically they're gonna do more try harder stronger stance against threats and personal attacks let me just read this to you get your react we've always removed videos that explicitly threatened someone reveal confidential personal information or encourage people to harass someone else moving forward our policies will go a step further it not only prohibit explicit threats but also veiled or implied threats now lee seon has done this on YouTube we've seen it so is this an empty well I mean it depends how soon these policies are actually gonna be fully in fact I saw today that some people are having their videos taken down already without strikes old videos are not constitute Lee if you've already made a video in the past they break these rules you're not being banned for that those videos may be taken down but they won't ban you for that so it seems to me that it's going to be videos in the future know that they're going to apply that policy to the Steven also says we will no longer allow content that maliciously insults someone based on protected attributes such as race gender expression or sexual orientation applying to private individuals or YouTube creators now I mean the central orientation in the easy on allegations would obviously be that these are young women against but the other thing that oniisan has done is go after other creators who have criticized him using his material and then claiming that he should get a portion of their ad revenue right yeah he's done that to me I mean anyone who's made a video underneath a on I'm sure has had this done to them so you do something pointing out his shady atrocious bullying behavior and he profits from your video theoretically pretty much and if you don't want them to profit then it's a whole lengthy process to try and fight that it'll take you a whole month or whatever to try and get that process done maybe even longer bed time the whole thing goes back and forth a million times so wait a minute you're exposing other people are exposing his behavior bullying harassment things threats attacks against people who have spoken out against him and yet he can profit from those yeah it is does that make any sense to you at all it makes absolutely no sense I mean this is something I've seen very often I mean lots of YouTube creators abuse the copyright system it's a very easy system to abuse and it's certainly something I feel needs to be addressed I mean I've had other creators other than only Seon who have falsely claimed my videos falsely stroking them down and I've seen many instances of it happening to other people as well so it's certainly something that I think needs to be revised the whole the way that copyright claims and whatever work is there anything else rag that you want people to know about your experience in the forum's the victims and oh nice part why would say as everything I've spoken about today I dead detail went into other details for more context on my youtube channel medium-rare I've made an hour-long video diving into that but the the main thing I would want to touch on as the idea of how responsible and easy on is here and whether or not this constitutes criminal activity on his part or not and what I would say is that I'm not sure I'm I'm no lawyer I'm the legal expert I don't know if he can get in legal trouble for the things that have happened on his form in the past I don't know but what I would say so I don't know if that would help build a case against a tie or be a critical criminal conviction but what I would say is that it helps establish a pattern of behavior the forums being around and the people who used his forums the whole toxicity on there as something that only helps add to the case I think because you look at everything else around them toxicity here he's got this X is saying this about him we've got this X thing that's about him he's got X fancying this he's got forum user saying that and suddenly he's also got this whole community where all this stuff's also going on this is a product of him it was his fans originally so there's obviously something to do with him his energy is flowing through this forum that's what something's happening over here so this all adds together to create a very big picture and I'm you know I've always been very very up on the whole expression that you would say and this isn't word for word but people often say oh well what what's what's the matter why is everyone always accusing me of these things why my am I always getting crap for this and I think there comes a time where you have to think well maybe the problems you the problem isn't everyone else the problem isn't the ten thousand people saying that you're a bad person the problem isn't the million people saying you're a bad person the problems you when something happens over and over again there is a clear pattern there and I think when each one has to recognize that the problem is him and I think the forums help to show that all right what do you hope happens here what do you hope happens to the victims to the other people who have been impacted by oneisha and to unleash on himself I hope the victims can get closure I think closure is the most important thing for anyone who's going through any sort of situation and whatever sort of victim you mean I think closure would be important and obviously that leads on to what happens to only sooner what happens to other people who've caused harm or whatever and what I'd say there is I would like to see these people face the fill extent of the law they should face ffs it is found that they have commit crimes then they should be punished by that if that means they say of jail time is there of jail time and I would like to see that be looked into and I would like that to be Sarah all right Ryan Reynolds thank you so much for joining me tonight very very informative very insightful all the way back to your teen years in these forums and staying up late in Scotland and I thank you so much and we'll stay in touch on this and I'm sure some of the stories along the way I do want to mention a couple of things as we wrap up tonight obviously that statement from YouTube came out today we're still trying to set up an interview with YouTube I'd like to get that done I'm a little surprised that you know given some of the other interviews the CEO has done that she wouldn't want to appear in the show to talk about all the things they're trying to do they should do they will do they have done oniisan actually has been reaching out to Vincent Nicotra web producer and it's just amazing to me that he thinks he can push us around like he is pushed around some of his young victims and it's just not gonna work we're gonna stay on the story we're gonna see it through no matter how long it takes and I do have some updated information from the FBI it turns out that the the the bureau had Tony Hsieh on its radar for some time and the fact that we have brought these victims forward is only giving it more urgency in terms of an investigation and I will have a lot more information that I'm able to to talk about next week in the week after that comes to them but I want to tell you one other thing we have teamed up with pro streams not live which you can see on our fancy new graphic that that's helped put together so you can check us out there if you want at any time we also have stream yard obviously stream 9.com which helps us than support them and help devise this this format that we have this venue and upon which we can broadcast and you can too on multiple platforms at the same time so anyway I want to thank Brian for being on we will continue next week investigating this story as you know we've talked to a number of victims we mentioned them tonight we have another one coming up next week who has another horrific story to share with us and we're gonna keep at it so thank you for joining us we appreciate it very much for visiting Kotra I'm Chris Hansen this is have a seat with Chris Hanson and we'll see you very soon if not on the TV beforehand alright take care have a good night from New York
Channel: Chris Hansen
Views: 491,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: have a seat with chris hansen, chris hansen, chris hansen onision, onision chris hansen, onision, have a seat, onision forums, onision sarah, onision speaks, onision drama, onision kai, hansen, chris hansen onision regina, chris hansen onision live stream, the onision files, onision is a creep, onision forums medium rare, onision patreon, onision forums archive, onision meltdown, onision grooming, onision shiloh
Id: 4dNaxIbbPRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 19sec (3799 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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