Have A Seat With Chris Hansen ft. RagReynolds Discussing The Onision Forums
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Channel: Chris Hansen
Views: 491,134
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Keywords: have a seat with chris hansen, chris hansen, chris hansen onision, onision chris hansen, onision, have a seat, onision forums, onision sarah, onision speaks, onision drama, onision kai, hansen, chris hansen onision regina, chris hansen onision live stream, the onision files, onision is a creep, onision forums medium rare, onision patreon, onision forums archive, onision meltdown, onision grooming, onision shiloh
Id: 4dNaxIbbPRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 19sec (3799 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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Steviewolf said something in the live chat before the stream about not really trusting Rag. Anyone know anything about that?
Da good stuff
RagReynolds seems very well spoken and cautious about what he should say or not regarding the legality of issue in the forum and how Greg may or may have not been involved in some of the controversial aspects of the forum ie. doxxing of Regina when she was 14 or 15 and exchanging nudes in the forum which were desensitised and less called out upon.
Saying that I looked at his channel noticed there were quite a few videos of him thinking countries are not real ie. Australia is not real. Tbh I thought it was terrible if considered to be funny or whatever is. Just it came across he maybe high or just acting for the sake of camera. Not surprised it had lots of dislikes. Just two cents of my observation here.