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how's it going dazzlers welcome back to daz games and we're back with another horror game the developer of the gamer suite 776 if you remember that game on my channel did very well he's made another game he got in touch and said i'm working on a new game here's a code go play it it's called depth six very excited to play this game it all takes place in a in a caving system taking it it there's a lot of different depths you go down to now as i have done caving i know that this is terrifying i'm already very uncomfortable about having to go through a caving simulator and i know it's all gonna go to [ __ ] and it's gonna be creepy all sorts down there but you know here we are let's play the game all right here we are depth six enter oh all right i broke a light that's why i don't touch things okay i left my supplies at depth one locker room last week in preparation to descend to mines today why would you do that why you're not cinder descent especially however has not stopped some from finding a way in an attempt to descend it's just a mine my man there's been nothing down there but like dirt and [ __ ] unfortunately many have lost their lives attempted to descend to the moon and nobody knows how absolutely no one because it's a mine and it's closed down god people in horror films are stupid there's a little information of the mine online so i hope this information today let's do this okay [Music] you're not coming back out you're not gonna be able to update that that wiki page i'm afraid because you're gonna die oh here we are look at this oh look woods okay it's gonna make me go into the cave isn't it all right we've got a little sprint button ah rolling credits well this game looks great as i mentioned guys this was the um from the developer who made a suite was it 776. forgot the name of it now and um oh okay a few additional controls have fun i'm gonna i'm gonna have some fun we're gonna have fun here i like that it's brightly lit that's what i do like most caves in horror you know you have to have a flashlight and find batteries but no oh god it begins already doesn't it all right let's go down a pointless mine shaft why would this all be operational confused menswear i know nothing about minecarting all right yep there he goes that makes it obvious what's this can i duck no yeah depth one so we can't crouch or anything there's no real controls i guess this is just going to be a walkthrough experience i love those i mean you know it could be a little bit more depth oh look a single tree ah look at it me and all my friends okay bye train there are two directions to go well there's only one so let's go what's with all the tree roots and branches what what's going on here so far good atmosphere oh god it's going down oh that's steep okay who put all the lights here that's why that's what i'd be asking i don't think i could ever do this as a career like mine shaft and stuff like i've been caving before hello it's not too late to turn back all right here's the locker room yeah i've been caving before and it was it was one of the most horrific experiences i've ever ever encountered and i will never do it again oh yeah look a helmet that'll help me oh i'd access your inventory i have to toggle your flashlight oh we can take that selfie oh the camera is equipped with a very spacious sensor that detects energies nearby why depth in the earth don't forget where we are here is my goal to capture as many pictures as possible if it's alive and it moves i'm going to capture it okay this was not this was not um spoken about during the briefing why are we capturing [ __ ] again oh there we go i got a glow stick i got a lot pic ah this man knows more than i do this man knows more than i do okay [ __ ] it's another outlast situation isn't it all right so i guess i'm going back up then because there's nothing down here i've got a lock pick now so maybe i can get through that gate so when people do this type of ship and then you hear that they've died but i mean call me cold but i'm kind of like well you deserve it why would you do it why ah that's why you don't do [ __ ] you don't leave the house guards stupid all right is this it do we go from here oh okay i took a picture of it there we go good atmosphere so far not getting all the trees there we go all right i guess we're going down to depth 2 is that where we're going now oh yeah i can't wait what i want to know is why has he brought a camera to detect to detect energy and [ __ ] that doesn't sound fun i said take pictures anyway so we should oh look leave here [Music] i feel like i should not be seeing daylight right now hard hat all right something's going on unknown force you're damn right who was that oh this is gonna be one of those stupid cave troll things isn't it [ __ ] was okay not not a fan stop i i know right i know believe me i know oh fantastic this doesn't look ominous at all this definitely looks like something i should just walk into oh look parkour okay [Music] valid captures what does that mean okay oh wait yeah we're gonna need that flashlight okay glad i got a flashlight see now it's becoming the game that i dread i'm in a cave with a flashlight and a camera like some weird pervert okay so i'll go down here and i'm not gonna be able to go back remember there's no save there's no saves in it i don't get i don't get why the trees and how they live down here this is not possible they're just it's not really important dads just shut up oh my god [Music] all right let's logan paul this [ __ ] there we go done it oh oh oh if you move if you move i apologize for what you're seeing you're welcome never have i thought things would come to this point testing trapped in the cage has broken me i'm too nervous so okay walk away to put that yeah whatever oh a tape oh i have to read it okay whatever if you guys want to read that it's there right what what what what what why am i getting a migraine oh god oh okay this elevator is broken what was the key for oh look look at that narrow passage love it absolutely love it what what oh it told me to take pictures i don't know oh look someone's built a little house that's nice isn't that nice isn't that nice oh look another body wow they like storing them down here don't they [ __ ] is what's this oh the handle yay we can go down into another depth door is locked of course it is oh stop it stop it let's get the hell out of here i've got the handle got what i came for don't need anything else i need now is to get down to the elevator stupid stupid idea hey hello if you could not that would be great thank you [Music] oh god this is what the other game the the sweet um game had it it wasn't like technically the most impressive game but his atmosphere it's something under my skin my mind oh really this is step three how how deep is debt free nothing's worth this like no no amount of precious materials nothing yeah i know debt free i can count okay oh we got a little um will behind there all right okay call what is this looks like an old bomb oh what am i doing oh all right well at least it opens this way that's cool i haven't seen the other way yet so i don't really know what i'm doing no no there could be no trees we've talked about this oh my god there's so many so many ways to go look on the other side all right resident evil resident evil invented that whole thing of being locked from the other side they did that well whoever laid all the planks for me i'm very grateful um oh this is a maze this is i'm not really sure which way i'm supposed to go i'm gonna find it oh there's another cassette here um what else we got all right bolt cutters that'll get rid of that padlock door i guess i right another cassette which doesn't actually play my anxiety's getting real this freaks me out yeah all right we get it random person i mean this game is set in 2007 why are there cassettes oh well that can't be good oh no no these weren't here before were they they weren't i'm not mad am i like they weren't here i i wanna leave stop saying hello to me really not really not interested in meeting anyone down here what's this read bottom level operations are normal the population remains out of control blah blah blah please continue allow avengers into the minor report back to me and do not okay as always do not forget to burn all the documents oh received been covering [ __ ] up [Music] locked tight i'm gonna need a lot of keys okay enough people are missing that we're beginning to look suspicious okay all right whatever i get i get there i get it everyone's going missing these mines are not just normal mines heard it all before not not enjoying the crosses i could do without that if i'm honest and that noise okay no no no no come on stop it now are you laughing at [ __ ] my fault has just been open i don't think i can open any more can i that's not from the other side [ __ ] i mean you you'd go wouldn't you you just go back you wouldn't go further that's stupid all right we've reached ground water i don't like this unknown forced [ __ ] it doesn't go well with me i'll don't go ridiculously slow it's only two foot of water come on move okay all right [Music] okay so we've reached a little station i guess all right i got some gas cool i like gas have a good look around all right got what we came for here we got some gas i don't know what that does but we're gonna find out no valley captures one oh all right all right i'm gonna walk towards you gonna disappear because i've got nowhere to go all right that's a very nice i [ __ ] myself [Music] but don't descend anymore then [ __ ] no it's not the air pressure air pressure doesn't make you see naked zombies all right am i dead well i never wake up again i don't know i don't have the answers the one answer i have is don't go down into a mine shaft on your own with nothing but a helmet dumbass hello oh oh okay was i just standing unconsciously looking at a tree yeah yeah you are all right now we've got a bit of wood all right that'll help a plank that's what we needed gold coin tnt oh all right now we're talking let's blow [ __ ] up let's blow some [ __ ] up there's a note they are turning us into [ __ ] monsters help no i'm not helping you i'm out of here i've got some tnt i'm done i'm out oh i got two valid captures so at least i'm a good ghost hunter terrible miner oh oh well that's what the plank's for okay makes sense it's me thinking how did i put that in my pocket this is sketchy this is really sketchy why am i not dead why why did they just put me at the bottom of a shaft why why didn't they like you know oh will you stop hanging things oh it's him again okay all right well we're not going through there again aren't we so let's just go back please don't stop it how did you even put the crosses in the ground this is solid stone that's what i want to know that's what we all want to know why am i here why do i do this to myself okay well we didn't look in this big room that nearly killed me what even is that i don't even know okay all right that one really got me oh okay oh wait there's something around here glowing what's that oh that's a generator looks like a butt plug all right i guess we're going down we're going down down in an early around sugar we're going down swinging i'll be your number one with the bullet lonely god complex [ __ ] and menswear [Music] 500 meters you know five okay time to panic this is when um you [ __ ] weirdo samantha with you why are sure where am i now i'm in a void it's not even a cave anymore i'm in the center of the bloody earth if i keep going i'm going to be at the mariana trench what is this oh thank you but now i really don't like it i didn't like it before no i really don't oh thanks for leaving me a cassette oh all that is left to do is go down i was not shot when i oh shut up just shut up i've had enough of these cassettes all right it's just step four that's calm down see when you go caving and you're down this far there is no natural light source so it's like when you close your eyes in a really dark room and that's what it's like when your eyes are open and if your torch fails that's it you can't see you're dead and it's the most terrifying feeling and that's why i'm not getting on with this game so far it's giving me the back shivers all that is left to do why is that stuck in my mind i'm gonna go left all right oh god we've got a bloody maze now oh oh now we got a detonator not enough tnt to blast through okay three sticks required schedule detonation april 27th oh yes sir i've got one stick and a detonator so now all i need [Music] is a few more sticks to blast through and then i mean i i'm not gonna lie i know i've got a helmet but putting dynamite together down here not not the best idea that i've had could have done something else i don't know how there's trees down this is one thing that's bugging me why and how are there trees down here oh look glow stick get a rave going [Music] no now come on let's be realistic come on the trees are are you just putting them in here to bug me is this just to piss me off what i'm finding goals at least might actually be worth coming down here take them back up to the surface and sell them i know i'm talking rabbit i'm i am talking absolute [ __ ] i'm sorry i just can't you know it's how i get through these things if i just talk all right don't judge me you you lot get to go down in the comments and hide i don't i gotta live this [ __ ] play through it let's go through here all right no no don't start don't start and that's enough for the stop it that's very effective stop it ah oh god i found the other lever door should be open if i've gone the right sodding way which i've not i've not gone the right way because i'm an idiot if i go back everything looks the same down here like i got no map what would you expect there we are right there's the room right the door's open picture is proof hopefully you don't just show up in a cave and stroke my face [Music] jaw ah he touched my face he stroked my face heard of consent we have a theme park no what's this [ __ ] i'm lo i've lost my mind haven't i all right i need a code mars uranus moon earth mars uranus moon earth that's gonna mean something isn't it i'm just not i'm not a fan of people coming up behind me and stroking me i don't like it call me mad okay just someone going mad and recording it can i go through here yep of course absolutely we knew that was gonna happen do we apparently i gotta find more gold coins so i'll get some tnt because that that's how it works in the cave i've lost my mind i've gone insane very nice jeans so look at you fabulous that's it working yes yes i'm going to get the key off you that you appear to be holding all right oh he's got no lower jaw [ __ ] i usually avoid people like this okay just give me that slowly grab from the hand [Music] please though so just give me the key we will go about our day let's go 100 he's going to slap me all right then you have a nice time bye can i go past him i'm gonna try oh god [Music] oh so unfortunate all right mate bye wait we're going down to depth five already well i don't know what that dynamite room was then but it's nice to meet a nice ghost you know that doesn't want to harm you they all just stood still like that i'd be fine all right oh we're down at the wet level it's the best kind of level isn't it so you know that you're really really deep now if there are any creatures crawling around that's where why would i put that in my head shut up dazzy shut up be positive yep step five now the game is called depth five so i'm assuming there are no more depths i'm hoping there's no more depths i guess that little device i picked up measures the toxicity in the air and right now it's at 62 percent if this was chernobyl i'd be dead it's too quiet it's way too quiet yep that would have broken my shin oh this takes me back this really does take me back what do not enter say no more say no but unfortunately i have a 60 foot drop that i just fell down and i have no way of not going in here i would always listen to a door that had that written on it always okay now you're just taking the piss i'm not turning around i don't care what it is [ __ ] god it went right up my neck open the door [ __ ] open the door behind i know i know so i'm trying to get away from you see how i just didn't turn around didn't even want to look at it not not interested come on come on oh [ __ ] me oh god all right now now it's just unproductive this is just unnecessary oh okay thank you thank you jesus oh that really that really got my back all tense that did i could feel it behind me why does it say i'm still walking in water no no you're on your own i'm on my own no one's helping me hear anyone helping me i don't [ __ ] get an electrician now [ __ ] damn it can't you just buy like energy efficient light bulbs like don't do that things are starting to get out of control no [ __ ] and and don't please don't come at me with um please read the notes because it is it's the same generic [ __ ] it's like oh i've sick of tnt ah we might be blowing [ __ ] up after all if you're still with me thank you you're glad to continue man i just want to go beyond and see what goes further well you're all idiots and as far as i'm concerned you deserve to be down here i would have if anyone said oh hey daz that you know what you're doing this weekend oh you know not much you know just you know might watch some netflix see what's on tv why what are you suggesting oh um there's this haunted cave shaft you know with a naked man walking around i think we go like taunt him no i'm good thanks i'm gonna stay at home catch up on some sleep you know come down to this [ __ ] oh all right naught 8 16 if this was levels of horror naughts would be the least right that's what i'm gonna do oh it's a parkour challenge jesus christ if i die mind you that won't be the worst who built thing who had time for this someone's got a lot of free time on their hands [Music] because first of all you gotta get all the wood down here anyone build it oh wait i'm gonna go my god [Music] another note the good old walk of death i don't feel bad about all this i mean it'd be okay all right get a job okay whoever built this get a job you got too much time oh you're going good you're good no wonder they keep hanging you [ __ ] it's becoming a joke now it really is oh look another oh do you know i don't care i don't care wait you're joking no the game's called deck five not keep going is [Music] of course step six was always gonna be the worst [Music] ah oh this is blood raised thousands of people yeah i don't care mate you sound like you're trapped in a washing machine shut up we get it you got a tree big fancy tree oh look at me i got a tree i'm not listening you're gonna join me shut down i don't [Music] i took a picture of your tree i'm showing everyone who's gonna go to the circle what it was not supposed to be this way yeah no kidding i can feel my body responding heavily to whatever i've been inhaling this whole time coal i can feel all of it but i can't control any of it i have lost everything everything someone has cemented all the secrets this man carries will be lost forever it's good it's probably a good thing it's very good thing so this tragedy perhaps it is better this way yeah 100 get on with your life grab a nine till five like we're all good uh so there are three possible endings [Music] ugh oh god [Music] wow okay bravo bravo it's a very good game thank you so much to the to the developer for um sending me this game got sweaty hands so your job is complete you did a good job like love quest my channel and i'll see you in the next video stay dazzling
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 1,544,220
Rating: 4.9724092 out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, DEPTH 5, HORROR, SCARY, DAZ GAMES, FUNNY, LAUGH, COMEDY
Id: bOvBVG_R-w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 29sec (2549 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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