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oh my god Oh Tom Cruise spent a lot of weird stuff happening lately noises strange occurrences so I'm setting up this camera is see if I can catch it holy [ __ ] did you [ __ ] hear that that's what I'm talking about it's time it's time for a hunt mode the day has finally come we must feed hunt mode to defeat the angry spirits that are haunting my house I don't know which character to pick right now I don't know which character to pick so let's just do a random let's leave it up to the gods or the ghosts Lazarus I'm down let's go what makes me smaller even harder to hit all right then curse the blind oh good caffeine pill magic 8-ball click both Steve PJ's growth hormones okay so there's some decent stuff in there justice card that was pretty clutch in here what we got pay to play sure anti-gravity yeah wouldn't it'll oh okay okay Robo baby robo-baby again and prayer card okay I think it might be screwed although I can set hot traps with my anti grab so that's not all that bad oh yeah we could do this you could totally do this I'm not I'm gonna push the button cuz the buttons for [ __ ] a few moments later I'm having fun how do you what are you guys doing hey guys have fun I'm having a lot of fun a lot of fun today so much fun today Oh puh-leeze dodges oh oh my goodness super fun super fun fun day Fonfon day nice nice nice man easy stuff easy stuff over back in haha oh that damage boost though magic mush I like that the feature enemies of magic all right so like not that I can't handle it let's just let's just try to push the button every time let's just see what happens when you push the button every time just for funsies you know I think one at a time isn't gonna be too bad when we get two at a time we're gonna be in trouble he's a cake tech five I mean read explosions okay able hype I guess scissors not so good not so bad I guess I just put it up here at the top oh yeah oh I forgot to push the button I forgot the [ __ ] push the button goddammit triple hush fight ain't nothing that ain't nothing it's super easy if I can keep all group together oh hey hey yeah oh my god we're almost dead I just I can't runway four nope Mayday Mayday captain that damage boost though that damage boost though but now when I push the button I'm down to have a heart yeah no good good good good good good definitely possible [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Tec X ah might actually be possible with tech X all the other [ __ ] is pretty garbage though might be possible you gotta push the button Oh champion haunts oh come on and it goes right through me what is he a ghost now pushing the button I don't need to tech X piercing I can tell oh my god I might be able to actually handle all of them because these guys are dying real quick with tech X Oh Tech clutch clutch ax good time ain't no thang like I said with the piercing who cares how can I know ever mean amount of haunts right uh-oh I forgot it was that one hahaha forgot it was that hot I'm rethinking my strategy a little bit here kill them before they shoot lasers at all please good Lord good Lord good Lord good Lord all perfect dodging four of them ain't no thing with my cheery cards [ __ ] haha do we Yolo it or save our money I think we gotta save our money honestly well you know we're gonna die so that's the OL oh it man meat actually pretty good yeah not sure why I said that like President Obama my daughter Malia loves to play only one for the first boss fight oh you better beat him five at me right now - come on you guys really the boss fights are even easier than the original if I fly up in there to fly me to the moon let's fight for the deal of the devil we have three empty red hearts here that we could be using on something good let's see what they're gonna throw at me six-six hunts I wish I saved my chariot work on my dodge skills didn't get hit once there though whoo I just launched a few things out there look at the dodges what it is Oh what what that's fantastic Oh straight Yolo man I'm not using these red hearts anyways demon baby sucks a big one and sister Maggie haha ah [ __ ] fly me to the moon Polyphemus Oh Polyphemus tekken 21 damage Tech X ghosts boobies I don't even care you fit the bill man the ghosts are working for me now Oh 22 damage 22 damage yeah baby baby baby fire rate is abysmal but we can work on that we can work on that with six boss room items in every single ray item room yeah no I think I think we get some DPS upgrades and a deed okay but there okay you guys d20 is here and we could probably break the game with a d20 let's let's try not doing it this time I don't want to hear that [ __ ] like you're cheating because you did really well ooh also I could totally cheat hack with the shovel too but I'm not gonna do that either let's go let's test out this twenty damage I'm not I'm not pushing the button I'm not even gonna push the button that's how confident I feel right now Oh one shot er it's done it's done already with tech Expo e-famous that's what I'm talking about it's ah okay we're still getting hurt though with old bandage though we have a chance to drop health when we take damage which is a very good thing officially not a challenge that was a very very lucky roll so don't get don't sit here until like wow that's so good no I got lucky I got lucky all absolutely admit to that but if this goes far too well I'm thinking about doing like a YouTube stream where we redo this and then test our luck once again right because if it's just like I luck out in the first you know 30 minutes of playing this I literally did hush mode the second video for five hours so now watch I get pinking shears on the next floor or something like that that would be a big praise balls yeah oh just beautiful next floor menswear oh we almost got pinking shears we got the scissors which is like a much shittier version and we're gonna get spun right plus for damage - to fire right oh yeah here goes nothing I wish I could steal that glitch where you spawn every single wave at once that used to be a thing that if you paused it right when you push the button every single wave would spawn and it was a amazing I implore you guys to try this out as well there's always a link to the mods that I'm using in the description down below and a link to the music for that matter unless it's a YouTube music then not so much but try it out let me know how it goes let me know how many times it took you to do it including restarts alright this was on my like sixth ago I think although depending on how many haunts are in the last fight unless there's no haunts we could still be screwed here god I hate it when they teleport through your face [ __ ] cheap man 2 of diamonds that's what I'm talking about popper algae's then and leave with 2a diamonds baby crickets body doesn't do anything I don't think - one fire rate sure this was a magician card is like super rib or bring it on baby it's hard to tell where the little haunts are where the little shits are because I've got so many myself get so many followers here man Tower card could be interesting go Tower oh my god how am I still alive oh my god Oh Tom Cruise oh wow okay okay okay okay I see how it is I see how it is there we go piece of cake I'm sorry this supposed to be difficult forty-nine cents good enough to use my two diamonds right now ninety-eight cents let's do it you guys you should have saved it for a blight cart now pass pass please d4 no no thank you D 100 still no 20/20 haha double laser balls let me laser your double balls oh yes and Serpent's kiss which I not sure if it totally works but who cares at this point alright it's a random it's a random thing we could definitely get in trouble but we just got a magic mush we took out a magic March 4 plus 16 damage so I'm not really feeling like we're gonna be in trouble oh we got gemonese our Scrooge tack it works oh oh yes I wouldn't even mind tech 2 right now honestly and you know a box of friends let's go let's do it sacrificial dagger I like it now I can double dagger and block more [ __ ] scatter bombs and cursed I I don't think that matters i if we start teleporting out of the rooms though that'd be super rip all right not feeling too bad not feeling too bad honestly I like taking on the champions better because they only have one little taunt bro guy with them BFF is extra large sack bag oh sweet Martha oh sweet Martha hahahaha oh just shoot from the bottom with a lump of coal they all just melt oh yeah all right down the go to the last floor I'm gonna see how many sack bags I can get I want to see how many sack bags before ultra greed passes away alright here we are there's no aunts okay there's no lawns totally fine totally found the bed briefs act eggs I can't even run into the people anymore there we go bomb me please why would somebody kill me it's like literally like we're like impenetrable unless I headbutt ultra greed himself we're up to four sack bags so pretty good so far five sack bags why aren't they doubling any more the box isn't doubling them I didn't know it capped out of four that's news to me we don't get any more friends mom maybe there's like a limit to how many you can have out news to me man all right well [ __ ] this then if I can't get you more sack bags there's no point living that's all I want it the only thing all right pretty good stuff you guys I had a lot of fun playing this hope you guys enjoyed watching this as much as I enjoyed playing it and as always wait I will see you you you in the next one
Channel: Hutts
Views: 640,225
Rating: 4.9231429 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, haunt, haunt mode, Afterbirth, easter eggs, greed mode, greed, Rebirth, isaac rebirth, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, binding of isaac basics, hutts, play, fail, win, mods, brimstone, mom's heart, modding, beat the game, indie, tarot cards, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, moms knife, polyphemus, mod, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: QIvduprl2is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2016
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