Has Runway ML's Motion Brush Killed After Effects?

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several months ago we produced a tutorial on how you could take a generated image from the likes of mid Journey or Dal and then use after effects to animate the image as if we have a living and breathing scene and the results were pretty great now in true AI fashion runway ml who we have featured on the channel numerous times has a new feature called motion brush which by all accounts allows you to animate similar properties that we introduced with After Effects so let's take a look and if the two can be compared all right guys I am on the runway ml dashboard and if you open up the tools panel and try to look for motion brush you're not going to find it and even if you we go here and type in motion brush wow if I can type type in motion brush no not there even if we type in Brush and it's because it's a function within the text to video image to video generation tool doesn't exist as its own tool tool at least at the moment so we have this popup panel and we can upload a file I'm going to bring one in from my uploaded assets already and I thought it would probably be a pretty good test to compare the Anime Studio gibli style landscape that we had in the after effects tutorial and try to see you know how much better we can do with the motion brush so let's activate this and then we're going to select motion brush here so this is the user interface incredibly simple if we compare it to the likes of After Effects we have five brushes that we can Implement uh then we have the directional motion parameters so we can move left to right up and down Z AIS is forward and backwards and then we have ambient noise which kind of introduces a little bit of a wiggle without any movement so let's go ahead with brush one selected let's try to replicate at what was done in After Effects so I had the sky moving some of the grass blowing in the wind and there was also um a push in that had a little bit of a parallax to it which is important for displaying depth on a still image uh that tutorial will be linked in if you want to go and have a look and compare so I could have probably done this a little bit neater but that's all right all right so here now I've got these elements over here which have been covered due to my poor Line work so let's click the Eraser button and make sure that there's no mountains caught up in the brush stroke itself looks okay it doesn't have to be perfect you know but the general sentiment is you kind of just want to not overlap anything that looks okay so now I'm going to introduce some movement I want the cloud to be blowing right so with the horizontal parameter I'm going to push it right quite like after effects sometimes you know less is more if we ramp it up to 10 the velocity of that push is going to be quite significant and it might not look too great so I'm going to keep it about 1.8 let's select brush two and we're going to add some motion here to uh the plants or the the trees I should say but look at what happens when I click nothing and it's because in Brush one the last thing that we did was select the Eraser tool so when we go over to brush two that's still selected that caught me up a number of times I think I would prefer it if when we selected the brush it reverted back to paint automatically so I think the brush stroke here is a little bit too thick so using this slider we can decrease the brush stroke and kind of get it a little bit more refined okay that is looking fancy and here I don't want these to move so to speak I just want some wind so we're going to introduce a slight Touch of ambient noise and here I'm going to go to brush fre and do the same with the uh should have done that do the same with the grass at the Forefront the the bit of grass is in the shade okay looks fine ambient noise probably rot that up to one press save now I'm going to go into camera motion and I'm just going to zoom in ever so slightly click save again and now I'm going to hit generate the generation time is a few minutes you know it's perhaps not as fast as After Effects depending on how long your composition is in After Effects but generally it's going to take a few minutes so I will catch you guys in a moment all right we are back my favorite part let's see how alive this scene feels you know what that is great we've got the sky moving very fluidly in the background got some more clouds being generated over to the left and it's moving across the image with none of the mountain peaks being touched if we look over to the right of the sequence here we can see those trees are sort of blowing in the wind and at the very start before the push in we do have some it's quite quick so we can't really see it especially with this video player but I can see that the grass is moving to of the wind and what I find really interesting is in that after effects tutorial we had to prep the scene first by generating three different layers we had the layer of the foreground the midr including the mountains and then the sky itself and then with the camera pushing or I think we we did a tilt up we was able to create that depth perception from uh The Parallax movement and this is doing it with no prep um as we move forward we should see beyond the Rock and Runway ml is generating more Meadows and Fields I think it has messed up a little bit on the Hue uh by the but overall you know it's pretty decent we do get that um typical sort of AI introduction where like the elements of the scene are kind of moving if we look at that rock it's sort of the rock is alive um we do have these plants by here sort of change Hue but you know one could rope that down to the fact that the sun has come out more cuz it does look like that so I'm not going to be too critical but it does sort of lose that that detail at the very start where the lines are so fine and you can tell the individual elements of the the sequence as we push forward that is lost so that is a detriment when you compare it to animating in After Effects but yeah I'm uh this is great you know for what it is 30 to 60 seconds worth of work first about half an hour to 45 minutes in After Effects it's hard to complain against these type of results of course the dependent on what your end goal is now runr MML when they did introduce the brush tool they were using some characters and in the trailer uh there was a lot of people asking well how do you actually do this so let me give you an example on how to use the motion brush with characters all right so I've got this cute little looking pix out a bunny it's important for this to select image and description ion so let's click motion brush again now if you did watch the after effects animated uh tutorial the section regarding the character the Cyber Punk um man it was all about breaking the individual components down of his body so you had his shoulder to arm arm to forearm wrist and then the gun itself because they're all individual elements that move and you kind of got to do the same here when it comes to these sort of characters so for brush one I'm just going to do the eyes and I'm going to have them you know every so slightly just some movement it's it's next to nothing but there is going to be some movement for brush two let's do these ears very poor painting today that's why I'm an After Effects artist and not an actual painter and for these uh we're just going to add a little bit of a wiggle for brush three let's do his nose again a little bit of a wiggle and then for brush four we're going to try to avoid overlapping those other areas but we're going to have his entire face now covered okay oh let's just delete that and we're going to move this uh slightly left as well with that saved then go here and we're just going to put um bunny is happy and laughing or bun is happy and talking I should say generate 4 seconds once again I'll catch you guys in a few minutes all right let's take a look at our little bunny moving so you know this is um this is pretty decent I do like it um it has introduced some movement into his arms and body which I guess is going to happen when his head moves uh not necessarily the level of movement that we wanted but you know it's it's brought this to life and there's been no level of Animation input from myself other than just selecting The Strokes and telling Runway ml where I want it to go uh what are we going to do with this I'm not too sure the level of manipulation of course does not come anywhere near the likes of 3D applications or uh composite software but this has done a decent result so I've been Lewis with Fido what do you think do you think the likes of Runway ML and as it's getting increasingly more advanced it's going to kill off the likes of after effects in the future or do you think that ultimately having control over every aspect of your animation will always be Supreme let us know in the comments catch you guys next week
Channel: Videvo
Views: 2,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai animation, runwayml, after effects, artificial intelligence after effects, ai compositing, runway video, making animated ai, ai illustrations, after effects killer, will after effects ever die, making ai images animated, animation for ai, runway ml, motion brush, runway motion brush, compositing ai, ai tricks
Id: WmSCs0M1im4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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