Video Editing's Biggest Rivalry: Premiere Pro VS Capcut

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Adobe Premiere Pro the video editing giant  and industry leader for the last decade   has got some competition and who would that be  Capcut has recently reached 200 million active   users that's almost the population of Brazil in  comparison to the 9 million users that Premiere   Pro has but this is for the mobile app that has  become the most popular editing app out there but   with the recent launch of Capcut desktop which  is way more powerful than the browser version   Premiere Pro has some serious competition so in  this video I'm going to edit with both programs   to figure out how close the competition actually  is with that being said so here is the plan I was   recently teaching a young filmmaker how to shoot  cars and I got to shoot this beautiful Ferrari   so I'm going to make a simple car edit with both  softwares but here are the rules we have to use   the same music we have to use the same footage the  final video must be 15 seconds long we can't use   anything outside the software that means no after  effects on Premiere Pro which actually might make   this a little bit hard but five we both only  get 45 minutes to edit the video because if   you saw my beginner versus pro video I did 50  minutes and you remember how that turned out   all right team Capcut team Premiere Pro  timers start now I'm gonna get the music   in come on just add the beats oh wait  there's a whole AI thing let's do that I mean the AI did a pretty good job to be fair I  just saved me some time oh what's actually kind   of cool is that if you want to get a selection you  just simply drag it from left to right like this I   can then drag this down and it's already pre-cut  whereas in Premiere Pro I have to double click it   put in and out and then drag it in you see what I  mean I gotta literally double click here then go   through it I do like the selection process more  in Capcut I can't lie I want this to be speed   ramp look at that so easy how do you reverse  dude well there's literally a reverse button   right here okay so about to reverse something here  if you didn't even know you could speed ramp in   reverse on Premiere Pro I teach this in my speed  ramp in masterclass which you can check out link   down below okay we've got 30 minutes left I've  only got three clips down because I'm trying to   figure out everything let's look at this nice oh  you can adjust the speed ramps just like this oh   my days more shots more shots so this I want to  keep it in the center however I can't use After   Effects I'm going to have to manually track it  oh that looks rough okay we've got 16 minutes   left I am not even halfway why is this taking so  long man cropping is is so easy what the hell oh why do I do this to myself the panic begins bro  what effects I even add because I can't use it   after if it's not that hard it's not that hard you  know what I'm gonna do some Mass transitions uh   oh my gosh look how easy it is to add  these shakes you just go to animation   you find a shake you click the clip boom  and then previews it for you so easy I only have time to do like color transitions dude   oh yeah we can add my glow effect  from that one tutorial make it red we got three minutes bro I swear time  constraints just stress me out [Music]   let's do some random effects bro yeah boy let's  add motion blocks on my days I know this is gonna   work I can't think of anything else to add I'm  just throwing everything I think that's it I'm   just gonna drink my coffee for the last 10 seconds  bro that was hard Jesus this is what it looks like I've been using Premiere Pro for about eight years  now I can pretty much use the software completely   blindfolded however the speed ramps on Capcut  was so much easier to do even though I know how   to use Premiere Pro I have all the shortcuts it  still took me pretty much just as long as using   Capcut when I had to figure things out myself in  Premiere Pro if you want to reverse something you   just right click speed duration reverse whereas  on Capcut you just press a button it reverses it   and then you can just throw in any speed ramp  you want and then you confront any effects if   I was much more proficient at Capcut and I knew  how to use it properly I could edit much faster   but the crazy part is inside Capcut you get a  lot of features that in Premiere Pro you have   to either get a plugin for or leave to go to  after effects for example rotoscoping motion   tracking shake effect look at all of these  pre-made effects for you that on Premiere   Pro would take ages to make there were loads  more presets for effects that I could just use   straight out the bat whereas on Premiere Pro I  just don't have that many to be honest I usually   do all of that stuff in After Effects then again  Premiere Pro has a lot of plugins that you can   add on such as story blocks uploading  directly to YouTube and hundreds of thousands   of plugins that have been made by the creator  community which Capcut seems to not really have   so maybe there's something that Kafka can add in  the future I don't know I don't know I'm just a   messenger something that we need to really talk  about is pricing now Capcut is actually free to   use anywhere however there are some Pro features  and pro facts that you have to pay for which   at the time of this video is not very expensive  around ten dollars per month which in comparison   to Premiere Pro's pricing of 2099 for just the  software or for the whole Suite being something   like 600 a year but then again you know Premiere  Pro is targeted at professional video editors in   the in big Industries whereas Capcut is really  just for people that want to create for social   media that want to do maybe ads for Facebook and  TikTok which to be honest that is where the world   is moving right now as an agency or no most  of my client come from just doing social media   videos and that's mostly what I do so whether you  agree or not you gotta agree that Capcut has come   a long way from just being a mobile app by the  way if you want to learn how to do some really   cool cap cut effects you can check out this video  here for Premiere Pro users you're going to learn   how to make some cool Premiere Pro videos you  can check out this video right here thank you   so much for watching this video please hit the  subscribe button I'm so close to 100K I really   want to get there this year so please help me  what I've said I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Camilo Castañeda
Views: 291,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camicees, camilo castaneda, camiceestuts, roadmantuts, premiere pro vs capcut, premiere pro vs, best editing softwware, what editing software is better, capcut desktop
Id: afAp9kSy2Mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 15sec (435 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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