If You Don't Like To Fight, This is Why You Should Do Jiu Jitsu - Jocko Willink and Echo Charles

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yeah chuckle many times he said that liking a fight or liking to fight should be a part of every man's personality could you expand on that I've always been interested in martial arts but I have always been reluctant to fight and I would do anything not to does that make me less of a man so obviously this is a pretty fitting question for the situation yeah so this is obviously a good question and a fitting question talking about being a man I don't know if I said liking to fight you should be a part of everybody's every man's personality or if I said that it is part of every man's personality and I think I said is part of their personality and if I said that what I think I should have said as most right most men have in their personality some level of interest of fighting right we wrestle we box we scrap as kids look at the UFC right why is the UFC so popular right now because it's fighting and we have that that's a I read the other that's a seven billion dollar organization that's a there's a lot of people watching those fights mm-hmm a lot of people want to watch those fights we have boxing we have wrestling we have jiu-jitsu we have Judah we have Muay Thai we got all kinds of martial arts schools so while I don't think the desire to fight is inherent in all men right I'm sure there's men out there that have not into it at all but I think it's definitely a pretty strong part of many men now for this individual particular do do I think that being reluctant to fight makes you less of a man no actually I think it's fine you should be reluctant to fight I think everyone should be reluctant there's a lot of bad things that can happen in a fight a lot of bad things you know first of all you get hurt right that's bad mmm you can get seriously hurt you can get killed you can get killed you can get punched one time fall down hit a curb and die you can think you're gonna get in a fair fight with someone they can stab you in the neck and kill you right these things can happen even if it's not that bad you can hurt someone else now you're getting lawsuit now you're getting put in prison right so there's all kinds of bad things so being reluctant to fight is actually a good thing and it's something that men should have and actually the more you know about fighting the more reluctant you will be I was way the less I knew in my life about fighting the more or sorry the more I actually knew about fighting the more reluctant I became to fight because I realized all the risks that are involved part that was maturity sure but the reality is you look at someone you go I don't know who that person is well a they they might be training I'm over here thinking I've betrayed you just super for eight months I'm ready to kick this guy's ass meanwhile you don't know that guy is a purple belt guess what's gonna happen to you you're getting crushed or that guy wrestled in high school he's about to double like you and slam you on a curb you're gonna die so you should be reluctant to fight that's a good thing now that being said I do recommend that you are prepared to fight I definitely recommend that and there's gonna be a big dichotomy here I'm gonna get to but you should know some basics right you should understand threats you should not have contend with other people you should you know you should know some box and you should know some wrestling you should know some more tights you know some jujitsu for sure because here's the dichotomy this is the this is a big dichotomy and think about it it's a hundred percent true if this this individual says he would do anything not to fight would do anything not to fight let me tell you the best thing you can do as a human so that you don't have to fight is actually learn how to fight that is the best way to not have to fight as if you know how to fight if you know how to fight people are gonna want to fight you you didn't have to say anything they can tell you can tell when you meet somebody you can tell if that person oh if you if you're ready to fight people don't wanna fight you the more eager you are to fight the less people want to fight you if you don't know how to fight and and bullies because that's what we're talking about bullies see that you don't want to fight guess who they're coming after you now guess what now you have to fight but if you know how to fight and you have that confidence and you have that understanding and you learn simple things like avoidance and you learned you have better situational awareness you become a threat to the people that want to fight you if you become a threat to them just by just by your knowledge alone mmm so no you're not less of a man because you're elected to fight you actually should be reluctant to fight but you should learn how to fight because the best way to avoid fighting them more equipped and prepared to fight you are the less you will have to fight the less you will be put in positions where you have to fight and the better the outcome will be if it does happen to occur yeah interestingly like a lot of the people that you meet in jujitsu are just like this where I'm interested in martial arts but I'm not interested in fighting nobody sure you know for sure and then they learn and I get oh well there's a strong component of nerds in jujitsu right strong component oh yeah really strong of of you know people I'm saying it jokingly but there's just a studious type yes students protect people that aren't super physical they're more cerebral than they are physical yeah there's a ton of people like that and you know what they'll do choke you out yeah they'll end up being real good yeah they wind up being real good because they're like oh I understand this there's a this is a game that I can learn and then I can crush yeah and that's good and now I have more confidence I don't worry about it anymore again it's interesting how that third or that that additional element that they're not really used to like how you say nerds and you know we'll just say like people who are more cerebral within physical you know it's that maybe they play high school sports right yeah cuz they were working on a computer right cool right on yeah they were playing music right yeah whatever yeah and then now they get into this highly physical situation cuz dudes - let's face it that's physical that's your whole body it is physical and but you get in it and you're just finding success just by learning it it's not like football where it's like sure I know how to catch I can't run fast though and I can't am not big and strong or whatever so I'm just getting smashed you know I can but it's kind of like the more you know the better you are kind of thing ensure physical attributes help you for sure but it is much yeah there's there's you being stronger is great yeah you know Dean was talking about this today on the map the stronger guys not always gonna win the more athletic guys not always gonna win sometimes they do there's various categories that will bring you a victory one of the strongest categories that you can have well the distraught be strongest category is your technique if none what to do is no one what to do and so you you're smart people your cerebral people that come in and go oh I can apply I can apply this knowledge the same way I apply my skills in accounting James Nielson world's toughest accountant he's an accountant so that's just the reality and yeah and that's why so now they're in that's why people get addicted to because it's like this element of physicality like a physical fighting mark fighting sport by the way combat sport yeah and now they're in the end they're good at yeah they're good at something physical for the first time and they're still smart as smart can be you know like they always were so now they got that and that additional like pay off you know let's really get additional power yeah I recognize that with kids that come to jiu-jitsu the often times and it's not an always oftentimes the kids that get really into jiu-jitsu our kids that are smart and but they haven't done a lot of other sports yet and it's exactly what you're saying you it's very noticeable of kids yeah the kid that played baseball his whole life and he comes in there he actually doesn't like it at first and maybe doesn't even want to do it because he's getting choked by someone that seems all nerdy to him you know and he knows I could throw a baseball farther than this guy and so it makes him mad and he doesn't want to trade yeah but often times it's the kids that come in that really haven't done too much athletically and you know they're due thing I picked on we got we've had a lot of bullies come to my jiu-jitsu kids program the reason they're there is because they got bullied and once they start training six months they're not getting bullied anymore and a year later they're a different person yeah they're a different kid confident assure themselves not backing down not being jerks not being bullies themselves which is confident mm-hmm so yeah
Channel: Jocko Podcast
Views: 114,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leadership, discipline, freedom, defcor, jocko, jocko podcast, echelon front, self improvement, military, navy seal, jiu jitsu, martial arts, non violence, peace, passive, brazilian jiu jitsu, smart, jiu jitsu nerd, echo charles, echo charles bjj
Id: g3iTNbunGlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 03 2018
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