How to Use Jiu Jitsu, Life Or Death, When You're Outnumbered (Jocko Willink)

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this is just a little bit of what you missed from jocko underground if you want to hear the rest of the conversation and more go to um how do you adapt jiu jitsu when outnumbered and in something more serious than a playground or bar fight yeah um so outnumbered what are you gonna do well first of all we avoid getting in fights where we're outnumbered and you avoid it at all freaking costs because the chances of you winning a fight while you're outnumbered is very small now availability bias will tell you if you watch youtube of boxer knocks out three people or whatever you can think you're gonna pull that off you're not you are not you can you have a one percent chance of doing that even if you're freaking skilled you know can you come up against three guys or four guys that are drunk or stupid or untrained yes you can um actually i saw i saw a meme i saw a meme and it said how i think i'm going to win a street fight and it was like a pie chart yeah and there was a little tiny sliver that was like three percent of the pine that said you know i train on a regular basis and the other giant part of the pie was something something along the lines of quote you don't know me bro when i see red i get wild and i'm gonna get nuts and no one's gonna be able to hold me back or something like that which is which is still the truth even even in today's world of mma and all that stuff yeah because you got to remember now everybody knows a little bit of mma so it's not like now if you're a guy that watches ufc and you think you know a little bit from watching ufc and you're going to get nuts and that's how you're going to win well everyone else knows a little bit of ufc too everybody so that get nuts thing first of all it was never real but now just because you're going to get nuts and you have a little bit of ufc watching on tv like it's not going to work out so okay so so we are going to avoid getting in strikes with a bunch of people getting in fights with a bunch of people if we can't avoid it yes jiu-jitsu is not your first option like hey i'm gonna grab this guy and and start to grapple with this guy while three other guys are hitting me in the head with beer bottles or or with you know because he's talking about something more serious than a playground or a bar fight whatever they're going to hit you with or stab you right you're going to you're going to not want to engage you want to hit people and get away you still want to get away your goal is still to get away and then the next thing he is it's something like a time for dirty judo or or the sykes fair burn which is this is stuff that they taunt world war ii the commandos taught it and it's just basically big gross motor movements to disable your opponent as quickly as possible and theoretically it's it's like okay that's a good theoretical thing to think about yeah realistically it's not as it's it's it's it's a good theory that's gonna work sometimes and it's also not going to work a bunch of the time so you know um for instance a groin strike a groin strike that's something that'll come you know you knee to the groin or a shin kick to the groin that's great can it be you know a shock if you're in a fight with somebody and and you nail them sure but guess what it's not going to end the fight it's real it's actually not going to end very well let me rephrase that there's a one percent chance that it ends the fight what if you go for an eye gouge because that's like super hostile right it seems like oh well once i gouge their eyes i win the fight it's not true i've had people try to gouge my eyes before and it is not an effective method for stopping someone i did not stop so even though those things sound like well i'll just do this or i'll remember we uh had a guy at victory got into a street fight and the dude got crazy and bit his ear off or bit a big chunk out of his ear and even though the guy our fighter lost part of his ear he still won the fight and could have killed the other person had he wanted to so even biting off someone's ear or what you think is going to be this big shocking thing it's not it doesn't stop small joint manipulation this is an interesting one if i break your fingers like if we are in a if you and i are if you and i are training and i grab one of your fingers and break it you're going to be like bro we're going to stop right because i just broke your finger yeah if i'm trying to kill you and i break your finger you don't give a you're going to keep coming if i fish hook you right if i fish hook you and we're training well you're going to move your head and you're going to kind of comply with my fishhook if we're fighting to the death you're going to bite my finger off um here's another one if you decide you're going to grab my hair which i don't have any for obvious reasons if someone grabs your hair like that's that's a legit thing where they get control over you so you got to be careful that when we don't really grab hair a lot in training so would you grab hair in a fight yeah that's a really good takedown too like if you if you've ever grabbed someone by the hair and shocked their balance you can really take someone down quite easily just by grabbing their hair unless they're a good wrestler and then all of a sudden you're kind of instilled you're almost like in a judo fight right you just happen to use their hair as a ghee um so so the idea that hey here's what it boils down to if you and i are gonna fight and now we're fighting to the death and you've trained jiu jitsu and i've not you are gonna destroy me and i might scratch your eyes i might i might scratch near one of your eyes for a half a second before you arm lock me or before you choke me or before you get the mountain and punch me in the head 17 times or elbow me in the face you might be able to get a little bit of damage on me but you're your attempt to kick me in the groin your attempt to throat punch me all those things are going to fall short i'm going to take or sorry this is when you train jitsu and i don't if i try and throat punch you or i try and poke your eyes or i try and kick you in the groin all those things there's a .001 chance that i nail the perfect groin shot or i actually stick one of my fingers i'm not going to get both my fingers in your eyes i might get one in and guess what you can still see how the other one you're going to freaking now you're going to do a double leg you're going to take me down you're going to kill me so what's the deal here train jiu jitsu train boxing train muay thai train wrestling and then if you want to start looking at some of the old school hey where are some vulnerable areas that's fine you know what they are already you occasionally incorporate some of them sure you want to if you're training a female in some level of self-defense should they be thinking about how they could do some of these strikes sure but if you think that a female is gonna give a guy a kick to the groin followed by an uh what do they call that like a palm strike to the face and that's gonna stop a 220 pound guy it is not going to it is not going to there's a much better chance that she's able to um sort of pretend to be weak and allow the dude to get into a certain position before she springs a freaking triangle choke or uh or uh you know escapes to the back and gets a rear naked or something like that way infinitely better chance if you think that you're gonna if you think you're gonna incapacitate somebody with one strike and that's what you're counting on you're wrong can it happen yes is it going to happen not likely train jiu jitsu train muay thai train boxing train wrestling if you want to take a look at some old school uh hyper aggressive gross motor skills to incapacitate people sure look at them but you cannot rely on it you know what you can rely on if you're hyper aggressive with one of those and someone's not expecting it sure it'll work you know like someone comes up and gets in your face and you've just freaking you know you strike first fast and hard you can get the upper hand you can definitely get the upper hand if they're ready to fight then none of that works yeah yeah if they're ready to fight that's a big one up yeah i think sometimes jiu-jitsu gets like almost like this unfair thing where it's almost like a straw man argument where and they'll do funny videos about it where it's like oh yeah did you tune a street fight then the guy will be like hey you want to go you want to go and the guy will like pull guard or something like that yeah and yeah that's not you don't that's not how you employed you just doing a in a real life scenario jiu-jitsu this is what i wrote about in disciplinary field manual you learn to grapple because if you if you echo charles we're in the street and you want to fight me and you square up to me i'm gonna run away if you try and kick me you don't have control of me i'm gonna run away if you try and punch me you don't have control of me i'm gonna run away if you if you square off and push me cool you just push me away i'm running away so if i'm to get i'm not going to get you i don't need to fight i can get away from you and i don't want to fight because i don't know where your friends are if you have a blade in your back pocket or if you have a pistol with you i don't want to get arrested i don't want to get sued all these things so my goal is to not fight so if you try and push me kick me strike me i'm going to get away from you the minute you grab me i don't have that option anymore i need to earn that option i need to grapple i need to counter your grappling to get away from you hopefully i can do it while you're while we're standing hopefully my wrestling and my standing jiu jitsu and my judo is enough for me to break whatever grip you have and get away from you that's what my goal is and then i get away from you if i can't do that and you get control of me now i need to work even harder now you get me to the ground what good are my strikes on the ground they're not any good at all i need to know jujitsu i need to know how to get up and get away from you that's what jiu jitsu is for in the street so train as much as you can keep an open mind and avoid getting in situations like this because if you're outnumbered the again the 99.9 chances you're about to get beat down yeah outnumbered best thing is to leave for sure
Channel: Jocko Podcast
Views: 674,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jocko willink, podcast, discipline, defcor, fredom, leadership, extreme ownership, author, navy seal, usa, military, echelon front, dichotomy of leadership, jiu jitsu, bjj, mma, jocko, victory, echo charles, flixpoint
Id: n4k3LNWbVLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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