Has Britain Lost Its Greatness? | Good Morning Britain

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I respect Peter Hitchens a lot, and his absolute morality. And a lot of his good views do come from his Christian faith, but I can't help but think it holds him back sometimes. He doesn't really want to change anything, he's happy to sit on the side with his column and his books and commentate on the deterioration of the country and western society in general without doing anything but saying "I told you so". To him, the next life is so much more important and so long as he maintains that way of life it's all good for him. If everyone thought that way then at least we'd all be respectable people, but it's a bit blackpilled or even accelerationist to just live and let live. I feel the same way listening to Rees-Mogg's interviews where he discusses his views on abortion or gay marriage but how he really sees no hope of the laws being reversed, and has resigned himself to that fact and that simply so long as he isn't committing those grave "sins", then all is well.

We criticise progressives for living in the present too much and never looking ahead, but looking ahead only to a place not of this world is equally short sighted. At these they're both fathers, I suppose.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 12 2018 🗫︎ replies
Peter why as Britain gone to hell a Hank Oh Britain committed suicide in 1914 by joining the first world war what you never needed to do and then rapidly became bankrupt lost its naval supremacy and shortly after lost its empire that's evident and once you've lost all those things all kinds of other things follow see we seem to be thriving right now if we ended it all in 1914 well what do you mean by thriving we have we have a gigantic public debt a gigantic private debt we import far more than we export well that's that that's an extraordinary thing to say but it whether it's it's also not a question of whether it we're more prosperous than we've ever been is whether we're more prosperous than we would have been if we hadn't engaged well one of the sentence here anyone's ever gonna finish your book of the con facia disgusting no I mean give me a bit we can at least start one thing if Britain is so in the cards why are we still one of the six largest economies in the world well presumably because it's because private debt or some other thing must be added into the size of the economy we're only big because we have such enormous debts we're on the on the brink of a serious economic crash though West is and when it happens I think people will realize just what a fantasy I supposed power and and full and so on you want to argue about that if you like this book is about far more than that if it isn't really about that at all it's about that the foolish choices we'd be making over the past half century in which we've picked the wrong future a disastrous criminal justice system one of the worst education systems in the modern world the trashing of our own culture so nobody knows it anymore one knows any of their history the the general the general the organized neglect of children who now turn up at school not knowing how to go to the lavatory that's what we've achieved my congratulations peers but you're not perhaps typical of modern British life everyday good congratulations again but I don't think that's that that's this is too much information read what to read what teachers say I definitely said the deranged ravings of a mad nostalgic man I think they are the fever dreams of someone who believes that the past was a wonderful place and let me take the past wasn't ready you simply have not read it if you think that ok well have not really a book it doesn't say that it's not interrupting join in it's my book where he gets on TV all the time over a hundred years ago start the First World War when you were born you had a life surgery as a man of 48 years old you if you survived the myriad of childhood diseases you would go and you would work in a place where you were far more likely than today to be killed or seriously harmed in the workplace and if you survived until retirement around like you would spend a few years of bone crushing poverty going to the toilet in a hole winning your backyard women don't even start me on women women had a terrible living me what has this to do with my book well absolutely nothing two parts two parts of nothing at all it has nothing to do with what I'm saying I am not calling for the return of the past I'm not enough cell just I did not enjoy the 50s which I lived in and you didn't I have seen no desire to go back to the 50s I don't think the 50s were a golden age I don't think the past was a built-in age I think we have spent the past 50 or 60 years making the wrong choice choices and choosing the wrong future do you accept this argument first of all I published this but in 19 years ago and was targeted with geezers of slime of this kind from people who hadn't read yet and yet the book still survives in print 19 years later and thousands and thousands people buy a beater because they understand like impeded me do you accept that this country like most parts of the world is now safe for statistically place to live fewer people are being killed that actually it's healthier we're living longer and we're healthy and who ever been before trying any of this you were more prosperous than we've ever been before there are positive about the state of visit and there are other things as the material and I'm not I'm not I'm not arguing about any of those things particularly others prosperity based on debts to me to be slightly a slightly poor ground with vampires assembled with the largest state ever embarked 8 projects take their ever embarked we were at that time we were expanding not not not not shrinking and we were exporting not importing and and we didn't have a gigantic deficit we haven't wheels the main debt that we have you want us to do I want I've written this I've written I've written this book so that future civilizations looking at ours will understand how a prosperous free and an extremely well governed country trashed its constitution trashed its culture and threw itself you like anything about this country I love this country but I would you like I've done while I fit what I like about now what's left I love that I love that I love the countryside I love I love what I love I love Shakespeare I love all those things which that which the Cultural Revolution has yet to destroy but if you want if you want me to make a program for you about all the things I love about this country I will be a list of things which are under threat and they will be things that would be fairly nostalgic no no nostalgia to return to the past what which I did which I don't have the past is dead it could not be brought back in if I wanted to what I'm concerned about is the future as anybody actually has to be even particularly if they have children who are going to live in it but my problem with this is that I've been warning against the destruct the self-destruction of this country for a very long time urging specific remedies to which nobody pays any attention to I've given up I was only making myself unhappy trying to persuade people to completely misunderstand the point when I wrote this book when I wrote this book Tony Blair was popular everyone said how wonderful he was what a great prime minister list no he's not there is a you're an idiot how can you possibly say that well opinions change too late now everybody understands the Blair area was a disaster I knew it at the time I'm telling it at the time things are bad I think writing like this is not just arranged but it's actually dangerous because it gives you Raymond babe what should I listen to you if you say deranged you didn't I use this term very relaxed it provides the intellectual underpinning of trumpism because if you destroy if you try to do chittim eyes the modern world and everything we've achieved you are saying what we need is someone like from Mussolini onwards a strongman of Trump and early on it mostly who can carry a Putin who can come and return us to some purified book he's dangerous and the modern world's got problems at what we need to improve on it not abandoned now that is a purist tribe Donald Trump is the fault of people like you complacent complacent isolated to to well off and through privilege to know how bad life is how bad life is for most people well of course it is the fault of what I called in 1999 the liberal elites a term which is now coming to common use and wasn't then they ignored all these things they wouldn't listen to the to the unhappiness of the millions of people who saw their lives being trashed by them and as a result they ended up with Trump and it's not my fault if people had listened to what I was saying we wouldn't have got things do you think it's time pity you ran for high office I think it's not possible there is all the greatness that it's not possible no no no where's your political party and the political parties in this country are the filters which which stand between between anybody anybody in Parliament none of them would ever ever give me a seat possible any what you may think no sir that's a travesty you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 789,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, piers morgan, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic, good morning britain debate, debate, dan snow, peter hitchens, great britain, has britain lost its greatness, the abolition of britain, the abolition of britain peter hitchens, the abolition of britain audiobook, the abolition of britain 2018, the abolition of britain hitchens
Id: Z2LIsBbYt94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 05 2018
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