Peter Hitchens' Half Hour: “There Is No Obligation For A Nation To Take In 7 Million People”

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Peter is here very good morning good morning and you wrote a great piece about it in the mail on Sunday on Sunday basically saying you couldn't find the passage in the Bible he was referring I can find it but it doesn't say what he seems to think it says and actually it's much Sterner uh than he he appears to things because it it's actually the point at which Christ says that at the at the day of judgment you will confront people and he'll say you you uh I was hungry and you didn't feed me I was thirsty you didn't give me anything to drink I was and I was Without Shelter and you didn't take me in and they will say Well when did we do this he said well in so much as you did this answer the least of anybody you ever met you did it unto me to pass into Eternal punishment I don't not sure that Justin Welby believes in his General punishment it's not a very fashionable view among uh among the hierarchy of the Church of England or most other churches these days but the thing is it's all to do with personal conduct do you actually when you see somebody in Placebo circumstances do you help them or do you not and this is quite different from a national policy and if you read and I recommend everybody to do this if you read The House of the Lord's debate in which Archbishop Welby took part last week it's absolutely fascinating there are several contributions notably from Lord green of Tennessee yes who used to be head of migration work uh and also Peter Lilly uh coming out with figures and what Lord green points out is that in the past 20 years the population of this country has increased by seven million yes that is absolutely colossal it's an extraordinary way it's Way Beyond nothing's ever happened before it's an enormous social economic change about which nobody was consulted and it's continuing and the government of this government which is making great faster about the about the people in boats crossing the channel is not doing anything to stop it the population is going up enough this isn't what Jesus was referring to when he said you didn't take me in right we don't there is no obligation for a country to take in seven million people no from other countries and that's just well it's not being done for that purpose either it's not being under save them no many of them may well end up I I don't know it's not who's done the who's done the work many of them they will end up destitute yeah when they get here I don't know that's a different question but the fact is governments have encouraged them to come here partly because they've decided to turn this country into a low wage cheap labor economy which wasn't which nobody can explain because no matter how many times you get two emps on to say why is the story government pursuing this policy they can't explain it they can't say well it's because we want to pursue it or because it's happening by accident they don't seem to have a valid explanation this seems to me to be the only one that works there is there is no doubt that our economy has changed we used to have many many more highly paid skilled jobs for people and now we don't we know their economy increasingly is is a low-wage unskilled economy of which you need large numbers of people who are paying tax they hope who can support the enormous welfare state and and other Provisions which we have but of course they don't support them as well as as well as they used to because the strain on social services to Health Service to Transport Systems the schools from this increased population is enormous it is especially because it's largely concentrated is in the Midlands and the southeast of England and therefore in all those areas it's very heavy and it's also it's felt as as mass migration is always felt mainly by the poor because it's in poor areas that migrants usually settle yes so it's not it doesn't trouble the uh it doesn't throw the ice machine Canterbury uh though I think to his credit at one point he did take a family in to Lambeth Palace it doesn't trouble but it's quite a bit of room in Lambeth yeah sure but I mean I don't it's it's the personal action is is is what the Christian religion is about it's not about telling other people what to do it's about what you do yourself and I'm not judging people whether they take people illness to me and say you should be ashamed of yourself for opposing this uh then I I do take issue with them if they don't themselves make personal efforts if they do make personal notes then obviously they have they have a standpoint from which they can if they wish criticize others so again well I well I also pointed out is the Bible is very much against in this particular Parable uh of the of of the the the the the man who just simply goes into into the temple and says forgive me I'm a miserable Sinner and the noisy Pharisee who goes about making a great fast I give tithes of my income to everybody I'm terribly generous I'm good and makes a public show of his charity and and he he benefits in no way from this as far as the Christian religion is concerned it's a noisy charity noisy do-gooding and not Christian no privately but also it's one thing to say you know it's the right thing to do it's the Christian thing to do to give suckers to somebody who needs it to give shelter and all of that that's fine but it's not government policy neither should it be also an awful lot of the people who are coming illegally on the small boats are not coming here to seek shelter because they had shelter where they were well there is a deadline too but I can't I've got to keep making this point the people who are coming here in Bristol it's very alarming that we can't control our own front door uh they're a very small proportion of the number of people coming here yes and that that but it all adds up the other point in Peter Lilly's speech which he makes is that is the the whole issue of Asylum many European countries uh rejects far more yes this is a very good point we do yeah and and yet although the uh the the it seems to me to be fairly obvious looking at our system that our system is pretty gullible when it comes to claims prove it how can you somebody tells a story about how he's being persecuted thousands of miles away in a country we can't investigate what do you do but there it is uh we we tend to give in in the end uh my colleagues who read on the on the Daily Mail has done a lot of work on them she's been to the Asylum courts and seen how how the process works in other countries uh the the the authorities say no actually we're not accepting this claim away with you and the funny thing is that you don't hear any of the uh generally pro-eu liberals who say that we're too we're too tough complain that the other EU countries which do this are actually too yeah but it's an interesting point and the numbers specifically are very are very um sort of um telling about the way that the the attitude in this country is because the main reason I've led to believe that so many people get accepted for Asylum here is because it takes so long that by the time they've actually reached the point of no return if you like um they are just given Asylum or some places they've been here so long once the once the documents have been destroyed yeah it's incredibly difficult to return them to their country origin yeah they we don't even know what that country necessarily is in the country will say well if you can't prove they came from here why should we take them back yeah right so there we are we're starting with them and it is this is one of the things about it that makes you think lie on a minute again where did it say in the Bible uh blessed are the Q jumpers yeah uh if people want to come into uh somebody else's country then they should expect to go to to get there by lawful routes and if they don't do it by lawful Roots then applaud as you will their Enterprise and their energy and all the rest who who cannot uh they've made a lot to get here but it's it's not a virtuous thing no well that's a bit like congratulating the burglar for managing to pick your lock in a way that I think a burglar is a more malicious person than than somebody who wants to migrate to a country where he'll be better off I'm not sure that that applies to all of them though I think some of them are coming maybe some of them are some of them and this is some of them are undoubtedly Saints this is a bit that makes Welby such a hypocrite because he knows that there are some people coming over as part of a criminal Enterprise he knows that some of them are coming uh to be enslaved in in brothels and sex slave work and all of that he knows that some of them are going to be brought here to be um involved in illegal drug dealing he knows all of that and yet he says we should still let them in well he's he's been more subtle than that he has discussed in the efforts to try and reduce the the people arriving in my boats he's not he's not wholly against any efforts at all he's opposing this this particular government bill but I wouldn't write him off as as a complete and utter uh let everybody in person but what I object to in his behavior is is his invocation of the scriptures and trying to say that if you don't agree with him you're not Christian yeah I mean he may be right on the other hand I think his interpretation of what it says in the Bible is that there's the very least questionable yes I think you should be careful about doing that because there are Christian people who who take a different view yes [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: TalkTV
Views: 105,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: debate, free speech, freedom of expression, live, live news, news, politics, talk radio, talk radio live, talk radio tv, talk tv, talk tv live, talkTV, talkradio, talkradio tv, talkradiotv, talktv live, uk, peter hitchens, mike graham, uk migration bill, migration, archbishop of canterbury, justin welby
Id: DqEHLCxnUxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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