Bringing Home the New Case IH 500 Rowtrac Quad and 2160 Bean Planter Episode 54

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey youtube monday morning got some good news and bad news good news all the trucks that we have here at the moment all five of them which doesn't count the peak because it's at the doctor uh are up and running hauling corn and everything's good and everything we fix is working from last week that we know of so uh hopefully that continues bad news a little bit of a mess so start off the week clean this place up a little bit hello foreign so [Music] so so [Music] took a bear part a day but that looks much better [Music] got the shop clean now i'm working on the truck parking as long as they'll run out of battery it's getting low it takes a while to charge this thing well i'll go till i get it clean or the battery dies i'll tell you about this little thing i'm driving here which is awesome show for sweeper a little bit here we call it the s10 made by tenant uh electric all does plug in and charges pretty simple does have this side one side brush here so you can get a little closer to the edges got a hopper here [Music] that you can just that the brush just sweeps right into take that off dump it got a filter to kind of keep it clean and kick kick it off it uh hits a knocker on to try and keep it cleaner but you still gotta take it off and blow it out of course sweet gig it's a cleaner than you can with a brush and it doesn't put the dust in the air because it catches it all okay one of the things on agenda for today we've got several fuel tanks here we've got big offroad a big on road and a small on road and a gas tank here at the farm where they bring in the tanker trucks to fill them up be a lot easier for them if the fill up instead of being on this side of the tank was on that side of the tank so we're going to switch those around make it easier for the truck driver things i do for andrew's oil let me tell you [Music] all right that little job's done on to the next thing [Music] so it's a time to make it official that you're a retired farmer now retired now at least at least for a little bit taking a sabbatical four-year sabbatical four-year sabbatical yep going to boot camp marine corps united states marine right there oh yeah future future laws you don't fail sworn in sworn in just haven't been gassed yet that's right and whatever else they do run to death a lot of stuff yeah wrong push-ups announcing today join the marines and announcing about cory leaving today yeah today's corey's last day too today's last sad day losing everybody me and gordy's still here though that's right he's got to carry the torch around lifers [Laughter] oh yeah yeah he's not he's not going anywhere either yeah he's not going nowhere yeah it's a sad day today today is cory's last day i haven't had tears running down my cheeks for ages cory's leaving us three years and he's gone going out going out on his own adventure be more on that later down the road didn't work we're gonna miss him [Music] [Music] getting closer boys just a little trim left and start finishing the top half wednesday beautiful 55 degree eight day outside think it might get 60. been town got my cdl physical went by and checked on the blue pete the death system is fixed but there's still a fuel issue so they're working on that while it's getting some air in it and uh went by farm cred this business there now i'm back at the farm i'm going to continue to service the quad got the oil change started changing the hub oil there yesterday so keep doing that till that's done [Music] it's a very big significant day right now it's the first day in 2021 in the shop working with the door open that's right old men are in the shop i'm sorry the bosses are in the shop you guys been asking for uh a farm history or some of you have thought it'd be cool and uh maybe we'll go in there now and just have them tell you the story they're the ones that should do it hey youtube it's thursday just me here today kind of lonely down a guy for a week or two and then uh everybody else is in a truck and morse is at the uh doctor appointment so uh still servicing this uh quad among other things just got done doing a few things in the office but more show or george showed you his uh winning design he decided to go here with here um but then i loaded up on the editor last night after i got home and saw uh that something happened it didn't record so i guess i better walk you through it so you're not wondering anyways this is what we decided to go with just some simple hydraulic hoses into the plug after we run it up onto the blocks we have not released the tension on the tracks like a lot of people said asked maybe we should but like this middle one here getting on the blocks takes everything completely off of that one and then for these sides that still have a little tension on them just a good size u-bolt [Music] into these little bogey wheels fits in there just right and a pry bar lets you uh hook it when it's up and turn it to the down position [Music] same way on this one so this works pretty great on these small ones yeah i better go this way but the big ones can't really turn if he had track if we had four big old jacks which we don't have we could do that and just run them all in the right spot i think like someone suggested but we don't so for the big ones we just run them around to where they're facing down we unplug it real quick and plug them in i really wish case ih had two plugs on these or even at the bottoms of the hubs instead on the cup side glasses this is what we have to work with and since there's only one it doesn't really drain real fast because you know venting it would be nice for the second plug so what we do instead or what we have been doing see we're draining to our drain here that will later blow out to use oil or on the inside once i'll even catch it down this one so the gravity works a little better we didn't have a pit this wouldn't work of course but what i'll do to get it uh drained let's take my air hose hopefully there's on it is let's put a little pressure with the system here you need a rag to keep the air from coming straight back out let's blow air and i'll get drained pretty good that's that well that's draining i can get the others rotating the right spot get the plug off and switch them around start filling up all that so we got a few more filters changed clean out the inside of the cab and that thing will be done all right got the last of the uh small bogeys filling up with oil let them give them a little bit of time for the oil run through the bearings also clean out the cab while we're doing this and uh carpet's a little dirty so i'm letting those last ones fill up with the oil i'm gonna take this out wash it off and also uh kick on the bend we got the the hundred thousand bushel been pulling out of the center now we're gonna kick it on so the hopper will be full when the guys get back later this afternoon fill up with a yellow corn for tomorrow so oh i decided to run town get something to eat for lunch beautiful 60 degree weather t-shirt weather give you spring fever so i decided to come and look at the only crop that we got growing right now which is the cover crop some rye reason we're here on chevy hill last year's first cover crop we tried thought worked okay so i'd do it again so this is the only field that we got it at but it's a good size one um for those of you who don't know it's really hilly field planting it planted in the spring by fs spreading it on top of the ground and we worked it in and it grew hopefully it'll stop some washes the main reason we like to use it i know there's some other advantages but that's the main thing we're looking for but not very big but it's giving us a little cover all winter help keep the washing down and it gives quite a bit more now it's warming up they'll start growing more and that'll uh hopefully hold the washes if we get any big goalie washers here for long which spring is notorious for doing friday it's friday it is friday right going to meeting to learn how to run the 1200 screens the new ones in the case just speak up i am speaking up it's just loud and then after we go to the meeting i'm going to drive the new 500 road truck home road track home and the what's the number of the pointer 12.65 maybe no i got new numbers now anyway it's not a db 60. no it's a 47 row 15 planner on tracks i'll take it home we're scouting out the road here and reese is going to his first school board function yep there's some mini i guess yep do what you can where you can while you can the best you can i've been a good campaign logo but slogan but damn everybody running against me so we're pretty sure he's gonna get elected if he don't it's bad news yeah it's bad if you get beat by right in it's not running which has happened yeah it's happened so we'll go learn the new screen and then uh take one of them home with a new screen right so you should be able to make two screens because you got to have the old screen to run the new planner because the new planner can't run on the new screen that we're learning how to run got done with the class over the pro 1200 don't near know it as good as i'm gonna need to but uh just got a decent idea now so i'm heading to miami different meeting dad's gonna head off bring the new uh rogue crop 500 with a new bean planter home okay today is friday march 6. we're getting ready to bring home our first case new piece of equipment we've got the uh 500 grill crop got them tacked up for the new road because they're sticky when they're new got our new 47 2160 47 row 15 inch track planner we're going to drive this down the road take her home got them tacked up this would be a good test to see if our roads get if our tracks get hot on the platter going down the road which i don't think they will because they're not a drove track but you can see these are up in the row up hydraulically every other row that you left when you plant corn they lift up for transport these two's got to lift up to get over top the tracks this will be where they're at in planting position also this is very nice hydraulically if you need to work on them got this up here away from that one get underneath there and work on these everything's together she's looking good new 500 road track i like the looks of it hydraulics went to this which i like all this color coating for your outlets 21-inch tracks i believe 500 horsepower nice toolbox looks good okay there she goes pulling out of jl headed to more kernel [Applause] all the electronics in here two screens for the tractor three screens plus we'll have an ipad up here for field view we're going to have her full then we go to side dress and we'll be taking this one out putting in the john deere for its rake well made it to the town of patton everything's going good i'm going to see if anything's hot and maybe i'm going to put it on time lapse to go rest away home find somewhere to stick it see how the tracks are man those tracks are nice and cool cool very cool all right now let's check out the planter tracks i've been warning about them how they will do that's warm these are pretty hot not hot hot but not bad fairly i thought they would be for as four as we went not bad at all especially for new tracks are broken yet rubber is still sticky that's why you use the tap to start with divert some of the heat [Music] [Music] [Music] well we made it home i hope it had it on time lapse my camera don't go around check the heat on everything these tracks on this tractor are good and cool real good first thing you have to do is you get some home put fuel in it because i barely made it all the little dashes shows how much fuel you got they was all gone there couldn't be much fuel in it but we'll get her now see how much heat's here this is good all good i've been uh really worried about the tracks ever since order them how hot they would be they look a little yeah it's hot but it's not very hot that bogey's hot probably just needs a little more talc and stuff to keep them cool for a little bit but they're not bad at all for all the weight that's hanging on this puppy see how heavy a machine this is i think it's forty seven thousand pounds or something this planter is well that's why we got the tracks instead of tires so it would hold up when you get it stay up on the ground wouldn't get in the mud and not want to come back out it's bad like the tar ones does with all this weight this track feels just like the other one staring back here i just used it one time to try it going around the corner stayed good didn't have to worry about it moving see now all this is built here hanging off the back i had trouble with another planter wasn't this color breaking off back here once the last and the newest one we had no trouble with it though just the older models this looks like it'll stay on here not too worried about it it's got to hold this on the back of this frame because there's nothing to support all this weight all the sensors are flashing you ever have to worry about breaking a cylinder very heavy rolls are all numbered from the factory here and up here where it comes out so you know what is what if something would happen to plug off or something it's like you could set a pro box right up on top of here to clean this out real nice let this lid kind of angle down into it a little bit of advantage man that's way up in the air when that sucker's all the way up road position see how our fuel situation is doing i think i hold about 500 gallon take a little bit to run that in there [Applause] electronic gauge that's kind of nice [Applause] good adventures yeah it works well that took a lot longer i thought i was going to but it was good learned a lot saw a lot things we need to fix work on all that stuff but in the meantime look who made it home oh dad look nice you
Channel: Ivers Farms
Views: 65,293
Rating: 4.9370952 out of 5
Id: _8Iu-5OdiD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 23sec (1703 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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