for better or worse, Mr Brock. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ| I'M GONNA BE FIRED. ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™€๏ธ| Vlog 502

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compromising position yeah you're so cute your heads are too big for those little holes ew that's car not nice cop you got there thanks if my husband does not divorce me by the end of the day it's gonna be a miracle [Music] good morning it is thanksgiving weekend here in canada uh today is saturday uh we do have a thanksgiving tomorrow and monday with mark's family so today i am mark's assistant uh jess did come home last night but we're letting her sleep i'm sure her her nightly social life doesn't have anything to do with how tired she is she assures us it's just schoolwork we're actually getting ready for corn mark is not giving up on the 60 acres of beans but we're not waiting ground is too wet to even think about beans or planting wheat for the next week and we still have some scattered showers coming so i think he said we're going to take whatever days we can muster because the corn is a bit more forgiving with this weather so we're just uh working away at cleaning out a bin and moving it over to another bin i think it's gonna be dusty i think it's gonna be loud and i'm not really sure what i need for like protective gear so i'm gonna go get my orders wow ah lucy that's gonna be a two-day job little lady give me a treat come on loose [Music] that's a bit of a queen my little princess that's impressive [Music] what are we doing wow so so i think that noise means uh someone's getting a little antsy i bet you he's gonna nose into some corn yet today which is kind of exciting [Music] [Music] and she's up [Music] i've never really actually seen her swim there she goes she's swimming good girl loose good girl you get to leave good good girl good lucy oh does that feel good i feel good [Music] bye this is poison ivy for those that wanted to know what it looked like you said there's some over here on the ground right it's relief is it dying oh it's deciduous so it's all please oh there's the vine right there yeah that's i'm not touching it that's the poison ivy vine right there there's one on this tree as well oh yeah we're probably right standing in a lovely [Music] good morning we are in the shop we will eventually be over in the barn we want to if you remember last week we had an axle issue it ended up being a bearing so we were lucky we got it in when we did so we have to put this dual back on this morning duels scare me so mark typically does the maneuvering and then i just help with jacking up the tractor and handing nuts and bolts and the such typically he does not let me touch it if he is doing the balancing because you can just really lose it and it can fall and do a lot of damage so i let him do that we're gonna do that first thing and then i think we may try to nose into corn but we got polluted with rain again this weekend so uh yesterday was thanksgiving day so i did get some footage we went back to the bush and it's beautiful back there right now and lucy had a little swim that's how much rain we've had we have areas that don't have that much water in it unless it's a spring thaw so we're literally looking a lot like spring right now [Applause] [Music] how are you pretty good thanks yeah is that good enough and then just get these shots oh ow ow [Music] try it on this end right [Music] uh [Music] yeah it looks like we'll have to go up just here so get a bar yeah [Music] i don't know if this one will work [Music] [Music] oh [Music] we are going to shell some corn by hand is that what we're doing is that what that's called shuck some corn shuck some corn oh shucks do a moisture test on it just to see where we're at um it's not that we can't do the corn we can't get into the fields it's just so saturated this is a gravelly farm though yeah it'd be the first one we could get on if we could ken get on and we feel like we didn't get as much rain down the road it's crazy i don't know what's going on this year it's frustrating this looks like it's growing off yeah but it's like it's mucky underneath hmm what's but we're on the knoll right my nightmares are made of this just so you know that's a nice cop you got there thanks size matters it does it does some corn yeah see it's not even tip back too bad oh time to get at it yeah so that's what'll happen moles well it's not bad but i don't yeah everywhere this humidity has been tough on things no kidding yeah i'm not getting any dirt in my yeah it's not too bad but your tracks are going to pick that up brother you're gonna pick it up no matter what now yes our barley is coming up she's a little wet but well that's that trash oh yeah that's the track to the back field it should come in it yay that's not the tail you need a pail it's rather than cover crop yeah this room cleaned up yeah oh tennis elbow i can't break the top [Music] 25 so you usually have to add two points to hand shell okay [Applause] so my 25 would be 27 well if you're saying 25 on this then it's probably 27 in the field okay whoa that was way off so 30. so it's 30 it's still pretty wet [Music] the one good thing about filming all the time is uh it reminds me of things that i perhaps might have forgotten to do and what i forgot is because this mom was an accidental pregnancy like it was one that uh she she was scanned open she ended up being pregnant had a beautiful little black lamb here um what i forgot that i was gonna have to do because she wasn't vaccinated because she was open i'm gonna actually have to give the antitoxin to this lamb as well as the the u that had uh the set of twins in the latest group that land so i just wanna you're so cute so we're gonna do that right now the clostridial vaccine i give to mom four to six weeks before they before they lamb and it goes through her milk and then the lamb would technically get the protection through mom but because that mom wasn't in that group she didn't get vaccinated and she should have because she was pregnant so this is kind of a plan b and uh it's an anti-toxin now this is the one that i give my bottle lambs and if you remember last time the two took an allergic reaction so the good thing is i have things to to combat that if i see one of these one of these lamps go down but it doesn't happen very often all right now i gotta catch it you get your head caught guys your heads are too big for those little holes there you go okay okay okay i was able to catch it and give it some and it looks okay goodness gracious so i gotta look for the ones down there there's mama 79. oh there's one green 79. oh there's both of them okay what's going on there a little sinky boo there we go good i think mark's getting wagons ready i think that means we are going to actually attempt to do some corn maybe we were wondering if this was mud and mark said it's all dead slugs from the soybean residue ew that's carnage escarnot you're so romantic taking me for some escarnaut that's disgusting yeah that's how it is yeah we may regret this because uh we just took the radar and yet another band blew up so there's a gray sky right to the west of us right now so we may just get down the road and have to turn around and come back this has been just such a frustrating few weeks but we're gonna try and it might a lot of these systems have been just kind of sweeping by us and going straight north uh we've been hit by a couple showers today but nothing too crazy so we're gonna we're gonna try to dodge dodge these little showers but i don't know you guys looks pretty gray pretty ominous i am running wagons again this is the track we fixed the tire i think on this morning i think so it was on the air cedar we just dropped it for a bit we're gonna run some wagons with this tractor and the fen and uh that way i don't get off and keep unhooking and hooking uh just to keep me moving basically and we'll be using the pit this time at home which is awesome and quick i just have to remember how to do everything which makes me a bit nervous lucy go god she gets right under our vehicles that's the thing about getting getting a pup with a bit of beagle in her she gets that nose down she doesn't pay attention to her surroundings so we have to mark up the uh header redone this fall and i think he's just doing some last minute adjustments it's all the heading like the header height is all automatic and it's all based on sensors and stuff so i think he's just he's just over there doing some playing around with that head so i'm assuming he's just making sure it's okay [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] if my husband does not divorce me by the end of the day it's going to be a miracle a whole bunch of stuff has gone wrong in like the last half hour brought the first load of corn home the legs plugged on me we wondered we saw a few wheat sprouts go through and we thought we had them out flushed out and apparently i don't think we did so the leg totally plugged hard he said he's never seen it plugged this bad and then uh monty took me back to get the last set of wagons because it started to rain so they got rained out if the tractor wouldn't start the battery was dead so we just unhooked the fence took it back charged charged the big john deere got it home i've still got it running and now i've got the telehandler to clean the uh mess that i guess i made this has just not been a good season and we've only just barely started let's go [Music] uh [Music] what's that bad news it's still plugged so we have to climb it's gonna totally fire me poor mark climbed the bin and um this was the problem wheat sprouts so that was from wheat harvest that was not from me so i think we live to see another day of marriage smell good i thought i'd better do one little one little check on those uh lambs i vaccinated today to make sure they didn't have a reaction i checked them about 20 minutes after i gave them the needle and they were fine i thought this is a few hours later i would just make sure they're all up it's eating here it is hi buddy are you doing all right you are i see your mom thank you all right now for number what number were they 79 [Music] there's mama there's one and number two behind her so those two are good too excellent [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at those tails [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Sandi Brock
Views: 183,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hVunKBIb15M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 0sec (1440 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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