Harry Potter Students Vs. Professors Bloopers

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kids working with adults can either go horribly wrong or really well the child cast of harry potter proved to be a great bunch let's get a look at some of the students and professors funniest bloopers during their time behind the scenes number one we'd like to think daniel radcliffe had all the best training for harry potter [Music] we guess all the dance training in the world couldn't save him in this scene it is just a rehearsal according to him though it was just him really embodying the character because harry's not very good doesn't matter anyways he's a champion through and through i'm actually attempting number two one two three professor mcgonagall on the other hand can dance like a pro put your hand on my your right hand on my waist on my waist we knew she wanted to make rupert grant squirm in front of his classmates and it definitely worked now you will have to lead eventually understood number three kids during long film shoots can get pretty bored very quickly hello here and a bunch of ten-year-olds all cooped up together means a lot of pent-up energy the adults on set were super cool about it though even joining in on the fun themselves this is david given a lesson in slaps number four sometimes working with kids can get a little frustrating especially for the adult co-stars they just kept to themselves while the crew wrangle up a massive crowd of energized kids and then this one boy on the gryffindor table comes around and goes we think the only professor on cue for keeping to himself was snape he could have at least number five still rolling hold your head up poor dan just had a really hard time holding his head up and this just kept on happening same problem different day dan remember to announce it keep your head up couldn't the director just give him a break he's got a pretty heavy horcrux scar that's just gotta hurt all the time [Music] number six accidents can happen even to the best of the best alan rickman wasn't known for having many accidents on set and this hit was pretty hard considering it broke the camera and his wand there is no one more powerful everyone got a good laugh out of it at alan's expense number seven rupert was notorious for his laughing fits during scenes you just saw your mouth yeah ronald weasley just couldn't help but chuckle even in the serious moments rupert you shouldn't be laughing at the end when you find out that dan's gonna potentially be killed by say these cracks were attempted to be concealed by grint but it never seemed to work rupert will start giggling and you pretend he isn't giggling what a goofball number eight now it's time for another take on the set goofball this time the professor edition [Music] no surprise here that robbie coltrane gave the actors and crew an absolute wild time between scenes number nine poor ron just really takes things to a whole new level [Music] you can see the fear in emma's eyes as rupert barrels towards her and the best part ron thinks he's the victim of all this she can take it though but the others were not going to let ron down from this blunder number 10 michael gambin loved fooling around behind the scenes and now he had a partner in crime completely our own world you know all they wanted to do was embarrass radcliffe in front of his crush really really funny and for you and um and let's not forget that the director really didn't have time to waste so this was a verified essential prank to get a chuckle out of snape [Music] it's completely our own world and number 11 siblings fight a lot but fred and george were simply not selling an entertaining brawl [Applause] that's when director mike newell stepped in to show him exactly how it's done noel whipped the boys back into shape but probably regretted it afterwards he was hobbling around for about four days afterwards number 12. isn't it wonderful seeing the professors getting along yes maggie smith and emil de stanton were on-screen enemies but definitely never ever goofed between takes [Music] disloyalty oh hey we'll take whatever preparation is needed even when it makes dolores switch up her lines a bunch things are far worse than my feet than i'd imagined then i feared number 13 we are now witnessing the early concept of a harry potter musical in the making my name is gary my name is gary rupert and dan were just occupying themselves on a chaotic set and casually directing the cameraman you've got to switch from him to me okay they're definitely on key with this moment number 14 the music making doesn't end with the kids and picks up with one of the jokester professors that's the great michael gambon sharing a musical moment with the chosen one though they've got plans to take their talents elsewhere they're my god they're gonna go busking in column garden in our costumes guess the actors paychecks were a little too light that week number 15 ratcliffe really had a rough time hitting his marks on set [Music] we've actually figured out the reason why he's still not looking up [Music] missing your marks may cause an angry crew-like atmosphere and potentially a hand injury number 16 you really don't want to mess with the most powerful wizard even if you're the chosen one sorry dumbledore really just couldn't get a break in the half-blood prince but now his robe gets stepped on we see what you're doing daniel time to get payback number 17 a first kiss can either go one of two ways [Music] or something this experience for them was probably a little awkward but absolutely adorable to us it's cool now they seem to nail it on the first take but why not make them snog just a few more times well i'll kiss you enough today we've done it now it's done there we go number 18 alan rickman was so into his snape performance that it really scared the students already was so fantastic i was freaked and rupert was scared he actually brought the snape out of rickman when he drew a lovely portrait of him during potions class the picture wasn't nice either i think i exaggerated a few of his features as funny as it would have been for alan to scold the young artist he instead was so amazed by his talent and even kept it i have it in my possession and i'm very fond of it number 19. oh this one's got to hurt but i am close i'm kidding okay sorry you're laughing because you hit me so hard emma really does go all out to sell his stun even if it means doing it for real quite a lot number 20. brendan gleason made mad eye moody into quite the drill sergeant at hogwarts constant vigilance constant vigilance but deep down he was just another goofy professor he brought up all the moods of the students and still managed to scare them on camera gleason makes me laugh so much number 21. ladies and gentlemen maybe this one was just a little too tmi for harry potter fans bill look away i'm idiots you think it was awkward for us try telling that to poor ratcliffe who really had to make it real fantastic in women's globe imagine changing in front of all the crew but honestly that wasn't the worst part for him dance hit the gym to prepare man number 22 mad eyes back with another blooper too funny to pass up on gleason got more of a laugh from this one than his younger co-stars and who wouldn't be laughing watching a fake ferret at the end of a pole dance around there's a lot that went into the harry potter film franchise and to help with all the stress of putting together so many actors fun and games who would have thought the most serious characters weren't at all serious behind the scenes what pranks would you have pulled off if you were passing time on the harry potter set leave a comment below [Music]
Channel: TheThings
Views: 1,360,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HP Fandom, Harry potter bloopers, Hogwarts behind the scenes, Professors at hogwarts
Id: P6mJTbyN9vI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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