Harry Potter: Everything You Didn't Know About the Franchise

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studies show that the average millennial thinks about the Harry Potter film franchise at least six times every hour I say those are rookie numbers because what else would you even think about it's been almost 20 years since the first film premiered and fans still can't get enough but did you know that many of the characters and creatures almost looked completely different some of them are described differently in the books but others were designed in ways that totally conflict with what we saw on screen so let's dive in and look at all the designs we almost got for our favorite Harry Potter characters I'll be fascinated to hear what you have to say what are the characters that hardcore Potterheads complain about the most is the look of he-who-must-not-be-named snoo is fold a lot so yes you might as well use it pretty sure that if we actually say his name we got demonetised Wizarding YouTube don't play in the movie he looks pretty cool he's creepy pale white and has those weird nose slits fans of the movies were a bit weirded out by his look at first needless to say everyone got used to it over time now he's one of the most iconic movie villains ever if we had to rank him he's probably sandwiched somewhere between Darth Vader and Sauron his creepy pale snake Mans style probably has a lot to do with that that being said book fans are still not quite over it in the books he's described as even more snake-like in appearance more importantly the character is supposed to have crazy red eyes maybe the movie people were just afraid he'd look too much like Christopher Lloyd from Who Framed Roger Rabbit I mean can you blame him after tonight no one will ever again question my powers now this is probably the biggest complaint book fans have about the entire movie series in the books Harry's eyes are probably described almost as much as his scara's he's supposed to have the sloppy dark hair of his father and the emerald green eyes of his mother it's almost a running joke throughout the series father every single character who knew Lily Potter seems obsessed with telling him he has his mother's eyes what's the problem well Daniel Radcliffe has blue eyes they tried to give him green ones but he didn't like the contacts it's also weird that they couldn't have just fixed that with CGI you're telling me that they could make a CGI troll Gringotts and a living chess set but blue eyes - Green was a little too much you could do that in Microsoft Paint luckily the actress who plays adult Lily has blue eyes so no problem right wrong when Snape gave hairiest memories were introduced to the young Lily Potter this actress has dark eyes Snape's literal last words that he gave only a few minutes earlier were that Harry had his mom's eyes what's worse is that she's introduced with a hard close-up on her face so if there was any doubt about whether or not she had blue eyes it was cleared up really quickly after having to deal with detail crazy Potter heads for years you'd think they would have known better you couldn't have cast a blue eyed actress the budget for these movies were only about six trillion a piece Mad Eye has one of the weirder looks in the Harry Potter films he looks like a pirate who's trying too hard to pull off his glass eye the look grows on you but fans were super fond of it at first he was supposed to be a lot more scarred up and his fake eye was supposed to be more natural also some concept art showed him missing a big chunk of his nose not everybody can pull off that red skull noseless look so that was probably a good choice it's a good thing that brendan gleeson was pretty perfect as the world's grumpiest armor end of story goodbye the end if only we could get a spin-off movie about him taking on evil wizards like the grizzled magic cop he is Tonks is one of the most beloved minor characters in the series she's got a lot more style and attitude than most of the other B players do you might not know that if you watch the movies because she's got about minutes of screen time she also is lacking a lot of her style from the books ideally she should look like she just stepped out or whatever the Diagon Alley equivalent of Hot Topic is every day her hair is supposed to be a lot more vibrant and interesting as well her a lot of story with Lupin her child and everything else about her character was toned down as well honestly it's almost surprising that they didn't cut her out entirely it's kind of sad that what could have been one of the most vibrant big-screen characters ended up being one of the most forgettable seriously the actress had a better time in one episode of the mandalorian than she did in the entire movie franchise even her forgettable part in Game of Thrones looked impressive compared to the sparse few seconds she was in the franchise what's weird is that she's still remembered primarily as tonks no matter what else she does well it looks like Tonks is so cool that even a few scenes is enough to make her memorable The Death Eaters went through a lot of changes over the years their first appearance in the film series was not subtle they had pointed hoods and skull masks the look was a half step away from looking like it belonged in Django Unchained the look in the subsequent movies was a big improvement they were these cool personalized bad guy masks well unless they were one of the main baddies licious wasn't big on hiding those golden locks of his though I have to wonder who made all of these weird masks is there some sort of multiversal bad guy mask designer that makes them for everybody does he have pictures of Darth Vader Bane and Michael Myers on his wall the concept art designs actually looked much cooler than both they looked sort of like if the eyes wide shut masquerade people were having a gothic Alice in Wonderland party actually there's no way that lucius malfoy wasn't throwing those parties every single weekend now that I think about it there are a lot of cool CGI creatures in Harry Potter then there are some creatures that don't look that great the Giants are unfortunately some of the most disappointing creatures especially the scenes with grop something about the animations just never looked real some of the concept art looked much more interesting the look was something like a caveman Geralt of Rivia neither worked quite as well as the Giants from Game of Thrones did but at least Harry Potter managed to stick the ending it's kind of surprising that the designers didn't make it work for the Giants they created some of the most iconic creatures in movie her history tell me you aren't still terrified that basilisk is real so it seems strange that one of the creatures that tripped them up was just a giant version of a person could they not have just called the rock looking back on it could any other actress have ever played Bellatrix Lestrange Helena Bonham Carter is perfect as Voldemort psycho second-in-command and maybe girlfriend she's basically the Harley Quinn to his Joker she definitely needs a birds-of-prey style solo movie - if you think that Voldemort and Bellatrix are just creepy friends I have some bad news for you you see there was this little play called Harry Potter and the cursed child in it we find out about this chick named Delphine II who's actually Voldemort and Bellatrix's daughter so yeah just take a second to absorb all of the horrifying implications there that pitch you feel in your stomach right now that never goes away but back to Bellatrix a lot of the movie characters style and personality comes from Carter's charismatic Lee crazy performance the book Bellatrix was plenty mad but didn't have quite as much style she was your standard dark haired femme fatale who was a lot more concerned with her superior blood status some of the concept art even has her looking a lot more like Narcis of Malfoy this is pretty hard to even imagine it's kind of like how the original plan for Captain Jack Sparrow was for him to be a pretty normal pirate like who would these characters even be without their quirky craziness I'm not really sure who made the decision that lestranges hair should look like a dirty bird's nest that detail definitely was not in the books like if a crow randomly flew out of her hair it wouldn't be surprising at all okay before we even start let's just clear something up Emma Watson is amazing she's a great actress a great activist and seems like a pretty great person all-around lazy she was awesome as her Miami but her look never quite matched the one from the books the Hermione from the books is described as frizzy-haired and having big front teeth they started the movie version with crazy hair but backed off on that in the third movie she never had big teeth which is a real shame the seamer Hermione's her own teeth because she was getting bullied would have been great on the big screen to be completely honest the frizzy hair in the books doesn't actually make a lot of sense magic can fix everything from cracked glasses to regrowing bones you'd think it could do the work of a hair straightener even if it couldn't Hermione comes from the muggle world she would have potentially had a hair straightener the movies made the right call also the book Hermione wasn't likely as stunning as Emma Watson who is though Rupert Grint is the perfect Ron Weasley in fact all of the Weasleys are considered pitch perfect casting choices they all have that iconic red hair and those over-the-top attitudes that being said there is one thing that the Weasleys are severely lacking where are the freckles if there are two things that everyone knows about the Weasleys is that they have red hair and are eaten up with freckles the movie versions of the characters are strangely freckle free perhaps the CGI technology to freckle oh five faces just wasn't up to par while they were making the Harry Potter movies those are thousands of freckles you have to keep up through every single frame of film this is actually a much wider spread problem than just Harry Potter across all film mediums our film characters are severely lacking in beautifully freckled faces free the freckles Hollywood 3 the freckles now if you only watched the movies you're probably thinking whose friend Rhea gray bag well he's that creepy looking guy who burned down the Weasleys house you might not have realized this but that dude's a werewolf it's understandable if he didn't pick that up because the movies didn't really bother with it one of the easiest ways to fix that would have been to actually make him turn into a wolf there's a scene where he's attacking the Weasley home in the middle of the night that would have been an easy way to let those non book readers know what was up they wrote the scene for the film anyway so why not his human look in the movies is okay he doesn't really look like a monster so much as he does a really really creepy dude a creepy dude who goes to the same cheap tailor as the original Sabretooth the same dentist - now that I think about it grey Beck was originally going to look much scarier looking he was going to have sunken in yellow eyes Oh long mane of hair and a lot of scars so you know like a werewolf they decided to go in a slightly subtler way with the character it's hard to believe that the same designers worked on gray back and Bellatrix they went in two completely different directions there they decided to go iconic with one and make the other look like a reject from the underworld franchise that's not fair at least in that franchise they actually got to be werewolves if you saw the Little Mermaid you were probably a bit disappointed and how the merpeople looked in Harry Potter it was a bit less a whole new world and a bit more terrifying as freaky looking as the underwater creatures were they were actually walked back a little from the original look the concept art shows creatures so inhuman that they would make the dude from the shape of water seemed like a Hemsworth brother still would it have been so hard to have friendly looking more people they didn't even sing one song we know they have good singing voices too because they recorded an album in a dragon egg we're dropping a challenge right now come up with a perfect album name for the Harry Potter murder people in the comment section I'll start with Black Lake Blues too on-the-nose one of the most shocking things to happen in both the movies in the books is the scene where Nagini explodes out of that lady needless to say that's a pretty surprising development most people don't expect to see snakes randomly jettisoning out of old lady faces if you do there's probably a hotline or something that you should call what's crazy is that the original version of the scene was supposed to be even crazier she was going to slowly pull herself out of the old lady's mouth at some point along the way they clearly remembered that kids watch these movies though that film did start with Nagini literally eating a lady so maybe they didn't care about it so much it's kind of strange that it's almost never mentioned that she used to be a human circus performer in France nor was it mentioned that she was also allied with the other evil wizard Grindelwald you'd think that would have come up at some point we could almost think that JK Rowling made some of these details up as she went mad that couldn't possibly be true okay so there's nothing in this world more terrifying than two Mentors they're floating monsters that literally feed on your happiness and suck your soul right out of your face it really doesn't get much more terrifying than that turns out it actually does the movie Dementors basically looked like floating CGI ring wraiths the original concept art showed them looking a lot more skeletal we would have actually seen more of what they looked like underneath those cgi roads you don't get to see much just a little glimpses of their white corpse like skin not to mention their sunken black eyes and their freakishly long fingers yeah nope nope nope I don't need that in my life I'm happy with fake-looking Dementors thank you very much and just to wipe that from our minds let's take a few seconds to look at the NIF ler from fantastic beasts get out cutie looks all he wants is as many coins as he carry excuse little things in the whole world okay that's better moving on bill Weasley is kind of a contradictory character in many ways he's the best Weasley he's the one that's supposed to be the most charismatic and heroic of the bunch somehow though he's the most forgettable Weasley of them all though you do have to admit that he rocks that hair seriously if there's such a thing as wizard shampoo commercials yet now he's end them swishing that back and forth not everybody can pull off long hair ginger but bill Weasley definitely can the one thing everyone remembers about him is that he was horribly disfigured by Fenrir Greyback well unless you've watched the movies in that he's just kind of scarred up a little bit apparently the scarring in the books was just a little bit much for the big screen of course this was the movie where Dobby gets a knife in a chest so who knows it's kind of like how kylo Ren was hideously disfigured in the force awakens but had teeny tiny little scratches in the last Jedi speaking of Star Wars both the movies and the books leave out the part where bill joins an evil space empire that seems like an oversight honestly it seems more like something Percy would do Neville Longbottom is one of the most surprising characters and the franchise he spends most of the series as a lovable clumsy doofus he's basically the cherry from parks and recreation of the Wizarding World then he surprises everybody by acting as a big hero in the very last book the dude he uses the Sword of Gryffindor to destroy a Nagini like the Braveheart style hero he always was there's a big difference between book novel and movie novel that is that book novel never becomes the hottest dude in Hogwarts seriously the movie Nevel got so attractive in the last movie that the term neville longbottom dw-- us invented that's when you go from normal-looking to freakishly attractive for those that don't use tumblr the guy went from being Harry's weird friend to a young Clive Owen you know what that prophecy was onto something Neville Longbottom might actually be the real hero of this story it's been a long time since we've said goodbye to the Harry Potter movie franchise but its legacy lives on Emma Watson Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint grew up with their characters but the cast wasn't allowed to let loose they had to follow certain rules in order to not be expelling Armus right out of there let's take a look you may think that as fans of the books would have already known what was going to happen there wasn't really a risk of spoilers however the Harry Potter movies reached an entirely new audience often inspiring viewers to pick up the books once the movies proved popular it was down to the cast and crew to keep their mouths shut about upcoming plots everything from shooting locations to twists and turns have to be kept completely under wraps that can be difficult when reporters try and grill you about the storylines and press interviews but that's show business pretty much every movie that's ever been or will be requires a little bit of teasing after all if we do the entire plot we'd never go see it in theaters now would we the magical world of Harry Potter is no different as time moved on JK Rowling was still writing the book series so would often confide in cast members about what was going to happen next they must have been an overwhelming amount of trust between all parties involved that's a huge risk to take with a multi-million dollar baby when the movies first started filming the main cast members were young and innocent Daniel Radcliffe was plucked from obscurity at the tender age of 11 to dawn Harry's famous glasses Rupert Grint and Emma Watson were also in grade school at that point in their lives all they had to worry about was whether they had enough pocket money however as the film series moved on the cast grew up kids have a nasty half doing that for the last few years of shooting the main three characters were of legal drinking age and enjoyed the odd night out there was a strict call for professionalism but unfortunately it didn't always go to plan like any typical young man Radcliff sometimes turned up for work looking worse for wear imagine doing those action scenes when you're sporting one heck of a hangover Mel thanks it's not unusual for actors to get pan for turning up pie-eyed but you can't exactly on cast Harry Potter after a decade now Kenya luckily for Daniel he would have had to have done something akin to Voldemort's level of evil to get his butt kicked off the set he just can't have Harry Potter without Harry Potter when the movies first started out no one knew who Daniel Radcliffe Rupert Grint or Emma Watson were there were just some kids that nobody gave a monkey's behind about fast forward to now and their household names okay Emma Watson has arguably the most successful out of the three but they all made an impression on audiences the world over there's no denying that however the franchise did pack some serious star power to Michael Gambon Maggie Smith ray fine Emma Thompson Gary Oldman and Alan Rickman all had important parts to play not only are they physically older than the main three but they've got impressive resumes it goes without saying that there would have been a pecking order on set the older cast helped the younger ones immensely but asked for respect in return you don't just rock up to a set and diss Eleanor Ekman for goodness sake you say yes sir no sir three bags full sir the franchise wouldn't have lasted as long as it did without the relationship between the older and younger cast it was part of the well-oiled machine that made serious bang for the studio there's a lot that goes into being a child actor it's not all sunshine roses and fat checks it's hard work no social life and long hours Ryan Reynolds famously said that he doesn't understand why people want their kids to be actors instead that could just skip the middleman and check them straight into rehab thankfully our favourite trio seems to have stayed on the straight and narrow but it wasn't easy as a rule the kids had to study and keep on top of their homework when they were Shue otherwise they may have found themselves out on the cold couples of Diagon Alley jobless tutors were often on set so when the youngsters had a break between filming they were studying that's an awful lot of work for kids to take on but that's the way the cookie crumbles right Emma Watson went on to get a degree from Brown University in English literature but it took her longer than most instead of four years it took Watson five why her acting schedule was so demanding that she had to take two full semesters off at Lee she could use her already sizeable fortune to pay the fees and isn't up to her eyeballs in debt like the rest of us our relationships in Hollywood aren't they wonderful there's nothing quite like seeing two co-stars hooking up in real life Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt did it and made a good go of it until it's spectacularly crumbled there weren't any strict rules about dating on the HP set but it was discouraged he can't exactly blame the director for wanting to avoid any teen drama while trying to make a masterpiece there were a lot of rumors that Emma Watson hooked up with Daniel or Rupert but it wasn't meant to be Radcliffe called the idea incestuous after filming ended Bonnie right aka Ginny Weasley dated Jamie Campbell Bower who played young Grindelwald the pair ended up separating but it was nice while it lasted for the most part relationships between cast members were successfully avoided Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart could have taken a leaf out of their book now couldn't they it would have saved a whole lot of pain for Twilight fans who had to watch that whole thing play out in the public eye considering how young the cast of Harry Potter was they pretty much grew up like siblings which vetoed any romantic feelings right off the bat it's only natural that the cast and crew would have wanted to take a memento or two after filming ended you don't work on a project for a decade and walk away empty-handed however there were strict rules concerning this what's the harm and taking a robe or a wand you ask well these are part of Warner Bros history but they would also fetch a pretty penny of soul it's not uncommon for crew members to squirrel something away only to pop it up on eBay later if discovered it can greatly damage your reputation in the business and even lead to lawsuits it's best just to keep your hands or ever one can see them to avoid any future trouble of course there are the odd exceptions to the rule most of the cast has something to remember their time by but it was all done by the book and okayed by the big bosses apparently the set was not dismantled by the cash and crew either but by another company this was probably to avoid anything going missing no one was getting out of there with a free Mandrake root these movies weren't Quentin Tarantino works there was no promiscuity no close to the knuckle jokes it was simply good clean Wizarding fun that being said it was important for the cast to uphold that and not be caught out doing anything they shouldn't the series was mainly directed at younger audiences so any whiff of a scandal could have seriously hurt the brand Grint Watson and Radcliffe were all expected to be on their best behavior considering young actors can often go off the rails for looking at you Lindsay Lohan they did an impeccable job there were no public scandals no solicitous pictures everything went as smoothly as Hedwig gliding on the wind may she rest in peace as for the older members of the cast well they were all pretty respectable anyway no one too risque was hired as it simply wouldn't have worked audiences sometimes find it hard to separate the actor from the character the actors were under instructions to be role models and upstanding citizens just like with any job the longer you've been around the more people you know Emma Thompson and Helena Bonham Carter have been in the acting business for decades it's only natural that their paths have crossed before but to say there was bad blood would have been an understatement in the early 90s Thompson was married to actor and director Sir Kenneth Branagh they really British it couple of their time starring in several movies together and basically ruling the red carpet bad all changed when ol Kenny boy met Helena on the set of 1994 Frankenstein and embarks on an affair Thomson and Brannock divorced a year later so it's not hard to see why things were a little producers were rightly concerned that it may be a little awkward on set between the two actresses however both insisted that peace had been made years ago professionalism is of the utmost importance on movie sets no one wants to be worrying about who isn't talking to who when you've got Voldemort to worry about Hermione Granger's hair is an epic battle in itself just like the no drinking rule it was imperative for all cast members to be sober in every sense of the word drugs are a huge no-no especially when you're young and in Hollywood vincent crabbe actor Jamie Whelan was let go after he was arrested for growing substances instead he was replaced by another character from the books Blade Sabini if you want to keep working in the industry especially when you're still new don't get mixed up in that sort of thing it's just not worth it kids whele - faced further legal troubles after being given the boot in 2011 he was charged with theft after stealing from a supermarket during the London riots Slytherin by-name Slytherin by Nature it just goes to show why these things are vetoed one thing leads to another and it's a slippery slope luckily the rest of the cast followed orders and didn't get mixed up in that sort of thing or at the very least they didn't get caught doing it this is more of an anecdote than a steadfast rule but it's too good not to mention while filming the Goblet of Fire Rupert Grint and Matthew Lewis aka Neville Longbottom wore in Alan Rickman's car the two were presumably having lunch when they managed to spill a milkshake all over the interior Rickman was not happy about it so when he got a brand new BMW he banned Grint and Lewis from going anywhere near the vehicle that's totally understandable given the circumstances respecting other people's property is the key to good working relationships given how expensive cars can be nobody wants someone's spilling stuff all over it we can almost smell it through the screen hopefully Grint and Lewis paid for it to be valid at least there wasn't a written ban or anything but this incident probably taught everyone a solid lesson don't horse around when holding milkshakes in an acting ikons car the response will be frosty earth and Uncle Vernon Harry Potter may have finished years ago but the franchise lives on in our hearts and minds and on our screens in the fantastic V saga of course Hogwarts didn't just make Wizards out of their students but stars out of their actors some of the cast were already at the top of their game while others like our main three were unknowns so how did the movies help boost their careers who's earning the most now join us as we count down the highest earning actors ever to graduate from Dumbledore School ray Fiennes is one of Hollywood's finest actors although he isn't one that you see on screen as much as others he started some incredible movies from Schindler's List two in Bruges of course he was also Harry Potter's nemesis He Who Shall Not Be Named but he who kind of always is anyway Voldemort he can't have the franchise without its main antagonist which might explain his thirty million dollar net worth for the most part Fiennes isn't in that's many scenes it's just that his role is so crucial to the overall story that's it literally couldn't be done without him plus that makeup had to take an incredibly long time to do so he had to be compensated for that it's not unusual for some actors to turn down roles that's mean they would need to spend hours in the prep chair so let's give credit where it's due when we think of our high school bullies we have to be thankful they didn't have any magical prowess beyond the flushing of a toilet Draco Malfoy was the worst of the worst but really you can't blame him he was born into a corrupted evil family so is it any wonder that he was a complete terror tom Felton has accrued a fortune of thirty five million dollars which is a worthy sum especially considering he's still pretty young we were lucky to get around to delivering papers for a few bucks a week and there Felton was raking in the dough his character was rich tom Felton himself is rich maybe that's where we're going wrong if we start dressing as millionaires will our bank balances mystically grow overnight tom has had some noteworthy roles since Harry Potter ended including on CW's the flash he's still very much active in the Hollywood world although these days he leaves his broomstick at the door he can't blame him there's so difficult to park these days and janitors keep mistaking them for theirs what's a guy to do he's Commissioner Gordon Dracula and Sirius Black Gary Oldman is the creme de la creme of acting talents from the United Kingdom he's had so many roles that it's difficult to count so when he signed on to Harry Potter it was a win for everyone involved he came at a price though Oldman is supposedly worth fifty million dollars and presumably he is a big fat smile on his face he's an oscar-winning sensation but Potter fans know him simply as Harry's Godfather and protector the actor did an impeccable job of bringing the character to life so much so that it's likely no one else would have ever been able to do serious justice although we know Heath Ledger once asked him why he was so cherished on the set of The Dark Knight sorry just couldn't resist throwing that joke in and I'm sure we won't be the last 50 million might sound like a lot but in the grand scheme of things what his career has gained him is a drop in the ocean compared to his younger contemporaries Emma Thompson and Gary Oldman have crossed paths many times over the years cutting their teeth in the industry in the same era that could explain why both of these veteran actors have similar fortunes Thompson took on the parts of kooky wide-eyed professor Trelawney in many cases she offered light relief in movies that got increasingly serious as they progressed aside from her dodgy predictions one of Trelawney's most recognizable aspects is her aesthetic her unkempt hair love of headscarves and cats all make her a truly lovable character lest we forget when she was sacked by the Ministry of Magic when they started interfering in Hogwarts she was devastated leading most of us to solve along with her Thompson earned every single dime of her astronomical paycheck Bravo Emma Bravo bonus fact Emma was once married to Kenneth Branagh who left her for Helena Bonham Carter after they shot Frankenstein awkward thankfully the three actors seemed to have moved on from their 90s exploits and birds the hatchet with one and and not in one another now we're getting down to the thick of it with our first member of the terrific trio Rupert grints became a firm fan favorites with his depiction of lovable Ron Weasley he plays the part to a tee bringing Ron's humorous often self-deprecating wits to life unlike his co-stars Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe Grint has largely stayed out of the limelight most of his wealth came from the franchise with acting jobs since being few and far between it's important to note that it's not like he's trying and failing to get parts he's just happy being financially secure that doesn't mean he hasn't dipped in and out of the industry to top up his 50 million dollar fortune though in 2017 he starred in and executive Li produced the TV series snatch based on the movie of the same name Grint seems to prefer the small screen over the big ones these days with TV shows often turning into hits bigger than blockbuster movies it's hardly any wonder that this is where some actors are choosing to turn after all it's guaranteed work for a longer period of time than six months Helena Bonham Carter is a force to be reckoned with she's done some stinkers in her time like Kenneth Branagh Frankenstein but will forgive her the actress has starred in some fan favorites like Sweeney Todd the Demon Barber of Fleet Street and Fight Club her talent is limitless and when it came to playing Bellatrix Lestrange she was an interstellar choice no one does darkens more bits quite like her she was married to Tim Burton remember as far as earnings go Carter has raked in 16 million dollars for her efforts on the franchise as well as her body of work outside of it she may have been a villain but audiences still loves to watch her on-screen in fact Helena was so dedicated to her craft that she wants accidentally burst the eardrum of a fellow actor by poking a wand too far in his ear if that's not Wizarding malice then what is her estimated worth as a sum most of us can only dream about while pouring out another shade kids Mickey D's clearly kenneth branagh x' divorce from emma thompson didn't dent his bank balance too much way back when if it did then it soo rebounded thanks to his constant presence in the biz these days Branagh sleeps in a bed of $100 bills well he probably doesn't but we would if we had 60 million dollars heck we would have we had a hundred bucks Branagh has many talents that acting is just one of them as he displayed with his zealous portrayal of Gilderoy Lockhart he's a successful director producer and writer so if he runs out of roles he can simply create one for himself that's not bad going old Kenneth starred in Thor Murder on the Orient Express and Cinderella to name a few of his acting credits given his extensive body of work it's unlikely you'll ever see Branagh searching for pennies down the side of a couch he might be getting a little longer in the tooth but Ken is still a red carpet staple and a happy addition to any project even if two of his ex-lovers are involved out of the three main cast members Emma Watson has arguably been the most successful sorry fellas but this girl is run in the world ads least in Hollywood the Hermoine actress has gone on to win countless awards and starred in movies like The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Disney's Beauty and the Beast emma has landed numerous campaigns with designer labels and has also been advocating for good causes all her work Harry Potter included has kept her 18 million dollars ahead of the curve the star still has her whole life ahead of her to top that sum up - at this rate she'll be one of the richest celebrities on earth by the time she's done through its all Watson has managed to maintain a squeaky-clean image and shied away from scandal maybe Hermione's goody-two-shoes character left a lasting impression you wouldn't find Hogwarts as fine as stumbling in and out of bars at 3 a.m. it's getting caught on camera would you although it has to be said that Emma did a great job of parodying herself in Seth Rogen's venture the end yes he wasn't one of the main stars we can't get around that but Harry Potter did help launch the career of Robert Pattinson Cedric Diggory may have only reared his head in the Goblet of Fire but it was a solid enough acting credit to land Pattinson future gigs before long he was starring next to cross-eyed Kristen Stewart in the Twilight Saga as heartthrob vampire Edward Cullen took him a little while to distance himself from the character he played for several years but now he focuses on dark mature parts he blades the Dauphin of France and Netflix's the King opposite Timothy Chalam at and took over from Ben Affleck as Batman he's a great a superstar with an impressive fanbase which largely explains his $100,000,000 safely tucked away in the kitty Pattinson is still unassuming and quite shy which only goes to boost his profile he's pushed himself further into the Hollywood eight crowd rob hasn't put a foot wrong yet finally at our number 1 spot is Daniel Radcliffe aka Harry Potter himself Danny Boy earned an honest living in his youth as the titular character but his endeavors didn't stop there he has started some questionable movies since like horns and has also branched out to Broadway television and even YouTube he's done well for himself his notoriety post Potter may not be up to Emma Watson's Park but he's a darn sight richer with a net worth of 125 million dollars sure it's not all abouts money but it certainly helps keep the worries at bay doesn't it saying that it's thought that's 90 million dollars of radcliffe's fortune came directly from the JK Rowling movies he's got the Wizarding World to thank for an awful lot like his sprawling mansions and you know lifelong security prepare to be freaked out are you ready because it's been almost 20 years since the first Harry Potter film hit the big screen will give you a few seconds to recover from that shock while the franchise might be close to two decades old it still has some secrets up its sleeve with characters so beloved there's no shame in losing the actor behind them you might not realize it but some of your favorite actors have been hiding in your favorite franchise for quite some time so let's investigate further and see if we can't find out which famous stars you didn't know were in Harry Potter this one is a blink and you miss it kind of deal oh my god there's a brief scene where we see Hermione erase her mother's memories in order to protect her from the Death Eaters the last time you watched it you may have been crying so hard that you didn't catch that it was Michelle Fairley before deathly hallows fairly wasn't really known for much she appeared in several small television roles and a few movies but probably nothing you'd know then came her big break as Hermione's mom for like three seconds of runtime that being said it is very impressive that they were able to make us cry in such a limited amount of time even Pixar can't do it that fast where might you know we're from well a little television show called Game of Thrones ladies fairly played the stark family matriarch Catelyn Stark for several years on the acclaimed series for quite a while she was the heart and soul of the series when spoilers Ned Stark left the show after season one Caitlyn was the only one trying to keep the family together she showed quite a lot of intelligence tenacity and heart and her time as one of the show's leading actresses unfortunately that was all for naught because she was also written out in a bloody fashion it's not all bad though at least she managed to leave the show before it turned into a ridiculous Dragonfire mess seriously if a scorpion managed to take out ragel with no problem how could drogon destroy them all Sorry Sorry still not over it since then she's appeared in several things like 24 live another day but nothing that reaches the heights of her earlier work surely the witcher needs a loving but stern mother figure right every time you think of Robert Pattinson you probably think of Edward Cullen from Twilight this is a fact that even Pattinson is annoyed by despite the fact that the franchise made him famous so it's forgivable if you forgotten that Pattinson actually got his start in a different young adult franchise he broke big with the part of Hufflepuff heartthrob Cedric Diggory it's strange to think the two characters being played by the same actor Edward was pretty dour where Diggory was one of the most charismatic guys in Hogwarts his career took a bit of a hit because of Edward Cullen does anyone actually remember the movie remember me it was truly terrible for a while it seemed like his best work was just going to be those cheesy perfume commercials it's taken a lot of hard work but Pattinson managed to resurrect his career and his back on the a-list get it resurrect you know cuz he played a vampire never mind in 2019 he got quite a lot of attention for his role in the lighthouse opposite Willem Dafoe it was one of the most underrated films of the year with people initially begging the Academy to nominate both stars too bad that didn't happen still it affirms that Pattinson was absolutely more than just Edward Cullen in 2020 he's following that up with the Christopher Nolan spy film at Tennant if it's anything like Inception we're probably in for a wild ride judging from the careers of Tom Hardy and Joseph gordon-levitt he's only going to get more famous from here it's pretty hard to outdo a Nolan film but getting cast as the new Batman is surely a good way to try Pattinson will star in Matt Reeves take on the character so he went from a Batman to the Batman okay that's the last one no more verne troyer is probably not a name you would recognize but you'd likely recognize the actor you definitely would if you were a fan of the Austin Powers movie franchise you might not recognize him for his role in the Harry Potter franchise though he was the first actor to play Griphook in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone it was a small role but certainly a memorable one even though the character returned Troyer wasn't asked to still we can always remember him for his role he's more famous for he played mini-me dr. Evil's clone in the last - Austin Powers movies his performances there earned him quite a bit of Fame it's pretty hard to forget that rap scene with him and Mike Myers and Goldmember they just don't make movies that love to be silly for silly sake like that anymore after that most of his appearances were just as himself unfortunately he passed away in the year 2018 so we won't get to see him reprise either of his most famous roles the name Dom how Gleeson probably doesn't ring much of a bell for you you definitely would know the famous ginger actor if you saw a picture of him he got his big break as bill Weasley in the Harry Potter film franchise his part was seriously cut from what it was in the books but he still made quite the impression on fans from there he starred in several critically acclaimed movies the first was the criminally underrated sci-fi romantic comedy about time if you haven't seen it go watch it now it's really adorable the second was the artificial intelligence thriller ex machina it's considered to be one of the best science fiction movies ever made despite all that the Rolle he would probably recognize him from is his turn as the first orders general Hux he played the role of kylo ren's evil rival throughout all three films of the sequel trilogy though let's be real he never got to outdo that star killer base speech he knew he was only getting one big monologue in this franchise and boy did he take it for all it was worth what's crazy is that he's actually the son of another famous Harry Potter star his father is none other than Brendan Gleeson if you don't know already that's mad-eye moody himself we can only imagine the Gleason family meets up once a year to watch all the movies and share filming secrets do you think Brendan Gleeson could really see through that fake eye these movies did have crazy budgets so it could have happened the younger Gleeson came dangerously close to appearing in a third beloved sci-fi property the rumor was that he was briefly considered for the role of the doctor from Doctor Who that was before the role was awarded to Jodie Whittaker while Whitaker is amazing in the role it's a little sad the doctor always wanted to be ginger so close speaking of the doctor let's talk all about David Tennant it's possible there is no British actor that is quite as beloved as Tennant right now most of that comes from his epic turn as the Tenth Doctor in Doctor Who there have been many different kinds of doctors over the years but none were quite as super heroic as Tennant's was if that wasn't enough he also played one of the best villains in the MCU as the despicable killgrave in Jessica Jones sometimes an actor is just a little too good especially if it's a creepy role he also played the charismatic demon Crowley in the Amazon miniseries Good Omens it's probably the role fans have freaked out about the most ever since he played the doctor with all of these big franchises under his belt you may have missed his beloved and quiet role in broadchurch there he plays an angsty detective opposite the Crown's sophie Turner and thirteenth doctor Jodie Whittaker if you've never seen it give it a shot although fair warning it's very sad with all of these amazing performances behind him it's fun if you've forgotten his repoter role he played Barty Crouch jr. in Goblet of Fire that's right he was the creepy tongue guy wilds right tenant has several more television roles coming up but rumor has it that he has more big franchise work coming up as well some say that he may be the villain of the second Doctor Strange movie or even a cameo in the Batman while all of that is well and good can t at least pop back by Doctor Who and meets the 13th doctor pretty please there's one actor who appeared throughout the Harry Potter franchise who was a bit more famous than you probably know Warwick Davis enchanted us as Professor Flitwick even though he didn't have very many scenes what's really strange is that he had more lines in his second Harry Potter role than his first he replaced Verne Troyer as Griphook for the final two movies in the franchise he has more screen time with this performance than he did with foot wick or Troyer did the first time around perhaps the reason why is that people finally figured out just how famous he was UC Davis got his start as everyone's favorite II walk wicked in Star Wars Return of the Jedi sorry we Chi fans he's just not as cool not only that but if you look hard enough you'll see cameo appearances by him in several others star wars movies he even reappears as an Ewok in rise of Skywalker he followed up Return of the Jedi with a starring role in the fantasy epic willow before Lord of the Rings came out Willow was considered one of the best fantasy movies it's a bit dated now word is he'll be reprising his role in a new willow television series hopefully it's more like Dark Crystal Age of resistance and less the last season of Game of Thrones yes still not over it while most of the characters he plays are heavily made-up characters there's one leading role you maybe haven't seen he starred as a fictional version of himself in Ricky Gervais says criminally underrated life's too short it only got one season but it's quite funny in that cringe humor that your phase excels at so much if you like the BBC version of The Office or extras be sure to check it out he even makes fun of his roles in both Star Wars Harry Potter Voldemort showed up on the big screen during the Goblet of Fire and was instantly one of the best movie villains he stands among other Titans like Darth Vader Thanos and that one guy from Highlander that being said there's no shame if he can't recognize the actor who plays him that's because unlike Voldemort actor Ralph Fiennes actually has a nose or he's never had a nose and every film he has won is fake it's probably the first way Fiennes has had one of the most consistently successful careers in Hollywood he got famous in the 90s due to his performances in the Schindler's List and the English Patient after that he had a famously creepy turn as the serial killer villain in red dragon he's also been in other famous movies like the reader Coriolanus and the grand budapest hotel now he seems to have replaced his need to be an evil wizard for a desire to be a spy he was brought in as the new M to replace Judi Dench in Skyfall since then he's played the character in every James Bond movie he's also slated to play a super spy in the new spike prequel the king's man is like Kingsman but with like an extra space and an S no matter how many movies he does he'll likely never have one is instantly famous as Voldemort though he probably doesn't miss having to act with those stupid dots on his face but sometimes Harry Potter just acts like a dummy it's understandable he didn't discover his Wizarding gifts until the age of 11 just be thankful he didn't turn into an obscurity instead our favorite boy with a lightning scar got into all sorts of adventures the trouble is the only person with any sense in his friend group was Hermione even the Binger can't deny she's witty as can be but all the smarts in the world can't save us from harry's stupid decisions just watch some of these entries will have you wishing for an obliviate straight to the face [Music] when Ron is the voice of reason you know you messed up he told Harry with all his sincerity not to mess with sentient magical objects instead Harry fully engages with a diary created by the world's darkest wizard honnestly name a single good wizard that transferred some of their soul into a journal go ahead we'll wait sure some might argue that Harry's only in a second year a 12 year olds awareness of magic isn't going to properly understand the risk something you wish to tell me it's easy to justify the decision but that doesn't make this one great think about all the good that would have come out of him turning it in the betcha fication would have ended earlier and Hermione might have been spared on top of that Dumbledore might discover the truth about the Horcrux is a bit earlier the only downside is Marta's classmates might start rumors about him being a dork wizard it's the only reason he kept it a secret and we all know it we're not buying the curiosity argument he didn't turn it in because he'd seemed guilty way to go Harry [Music] nope nope we can't do it the moments just too real and the emotions are palpable it's not your fault Harry but it kind of is it feels wrong to say that but when you lay it out there it's sort of right technically Bellatrix is responsible for all the grief we feel talking about that scene she cast the curse and she targeted her own family it's a big reason why she's one of the biggest villains in the series it's essential to acknowledge Harry's decisions that led to the moment though in the books Harry makes the right decision to message Snape and attempt to flu powder to the order's headquarters first neither one works and that's where the mistake happens Harry gives in to his fear it's an obvious flaw given his age but it doesn't change the cold hard facts Sirius went to the Ministry of Magic to save Harry after he fell for an obvious trap if Harry resisted the ploy by Voldemort Sirius would still be there also our emotional health would be better but oh well time for us all to scream out into the unreceptive void Harry should have opened the eggs sooner it's the kind of dumb teenager crap that makes us want to pull our hair out it doesn't seem that maddening in the movies but the books will frustrate you more Cedric tells Harry the big hint about how to hear the clue weeks before the tasks all things over in the hot water Harry's Gryffindor shows a bit too much and his pride gets in the way the whole school liked Cedric except his friends so Harry decides not to use the helm he gets in his own head all his feelings about Cho and Cedric clouds his judgment and forces him to pull an all-nighter thank goodness for Dobby or Neville if you only watch the movies that beautiful little elf is a saint the annoying part is the procrastination we can do that because we'll we're not wizards competing in a deadly tournament when the chips are on the table like that you can't put off help face it here we got a bit too caught up in his pride and almost failed the task you're 12 years old you got school in the morning but your alarm clock fails to go off some elf messed with it to save you from danger as a consequence you missed the bus and you're gonna be late for school what do you do do you a wait for an adult to help fix the situation or do you be steal your parents car and try to drive there yourself if you chose B then Congrats you're Harry Potter and Ron Weasley the decision to toss all care aside and drive to the school makes no sense the fact that the car is still there means mrs. Weasley is still around why not wait for her to help fix this mess instead our heroes risk exposing the entire Wizarding World and damaged school property nice people will argue that Hogwarts location is a secret and the only way to get there is by the train but that's not accurate you're trying to tell us Molly Weasley didn't know how to call Dumbledore and ask for assistance it's an exciting scene but a foolish decision only people in a rush and people without sense buy make up without trying it out first the same rule is true for first-time spell use especially when the creator calls it Sectumsempra it just sounds vicious and evil Harry couldn't have known what the spell was going to do but in that case he didn't need to use it he was acting recklessly which sure Draco Malfoy is a bit of a prick but he didn't deserve an untested spell to the chest you can see the regret in Harry's eyes the minute he uses that magic look at his face it looks like a dog that just got into the trash he would be in so much trouble if he weren't the chosen one his defenders claim the choice makes sense given the heat of battle draco starts the fight in harry was in the right to finish it still there were more options for him to use he had a shot on draco regardless he didn't need to choose an untested spell he decided his makeup without testing it and both situations leave you looking like a clown Harry Potter grabbing random magical objects since 1997 he really never stops to consider the consequences does he after all this is the same kid who stuck his hand into an apparent cursed item it's no shock to watch him grab his prophecy from the shelf like it's no big deal it's the philosopher's stone all over again keep in mind we're here in the Ministry of Magic because of an earlier poor decision which yes Harry is full of them in the order of the Phoenix Hermione Granger the clear voice of reason that sometimes gets ignored warns Harry not to take the magical ball off the shelf Harry hey wizard prone to ignoring good advice takes the magical ball off the shelf look everyone had had his name on it what was he gonna do not grab the thing with his name on it he's just too curious to resist that kind of thing of course the minute he touches it the Death Eaters show up he falls for two traps in a row honestly Harry how did you make it this far for those unaware Voldemort ooh uses a taboo charm on his name the charm associates an effect with a name or phrase in this case it's you know whose name the only people brave enough to say it are members of the resistance the Dark Lord uses the charm as a tracker it reveals their location to him and his army Ron tells Harry not to say the name the book makes that abundantly clear and the movie planned on making that distinct as well the trouble comes in Harry's pride and determination he accidentally says the name Voldemort in the heat of the moment it's at that exact point the snatchers show up and take the three of them to Malfoy Manor honestly you can't make up this level of deafness we usually get a cautious and reserved Harry but the moment sees not stand out more because of it Dobby didn't need to go save them if they managed to avoid the taboo just keep that in the back year mind next time you want to get mad at Harry it's not easy for Harry to meet new people and make friends he's shown to shell himself in often and it takes effort to earn his trust Hermione and Ron are the only two people Harry tells everything within his age group that dynamic proved to be a wrong decision in one big moment for a brief period Harry and Cho become boyfriend and girlfriend it's Harry's first real relationship and given the circumstances he handles it well enough we'd be remiss if we didn't bring up the cringy as two cringe moments from their time together though yes we're talking about that date Harry takes Cho to Madame put a foots right around Valentine's Day the place is crowded with happy couples having a great time however Harry and Joe aren't one of those couples Cho wants to talk about Cedric someone who is close with both her and Harry however the chosen one only talks about that night with his trusted advisors Cho is cut off and Harry shows he can't open up fully it couldn't hurt Harry she was grieving too and she needed a form of closure that you could have provided [Music] wizards and goblins were in a strained relationship during Harry's pursuit of the Horcruxes the two have a history of mistrust so any deal between the two groups would be on shaky ground all that context is essential when considering harry's interaction with Griphook the Gringotts goblins they saved from the manor the Goblin wants a valuable prize for his efforts to help after all breaking into the vault of Bellatrix Lestrange is dangerous and comes with a high risk to balance that out Griphook requests the Sword of Gryffindor in exchange yes the same sword the team needs to destroy the Horcruxes Harry does his best to scam the Goblin he tells him he can have the sword once he's helped them Harry and company think they're being smart by not giving the exact time they need to give up the sword instead the Goblin sees right through a blatant wizard lie he crosses them before they can do the same the end result is a mess of a heist built off the back of a transparent and needless lie [Music] imagine for a moment that harry was not the boy who lived what he have gotten special treatment during the second task in the Triwizard Tournament we think not and some of you may agree regardless he got away with a mistake but that doesn't mean we can't point it out by now we all know Harry isn't perfect that same song Harry took forever to listen to affected his performance in the race his use of gillyweed allowed him to make it to the rescue point faster than anyone once he's there he manages to save ron with relative ease there's a problem though he can only take one he fears the worst and thinks the murder people will eat floors sister if he doesn't act really Harry did he actually think the Wizarding World would be okay with that happening even Ron and Hermione call him out on that after the fact he almost lost everything by taking that too seriously the schools would never risk harm on any wizard not chosen to compete it's not even plausible Voldemort was the most feared Dark Wizard to ever appear in the Wizarding World of the Harry Potter books and movies he accumulated a legion of ruthless followers on a quest for power that spanned generations the man who was Tom Riddle was considered so dangerous that he came to be known as He Who Shall Not Be Named but was Voldemort really the most powerful Wizard of all time he would certainly like to believe he was but power comes in many forms and numerous strong witches and wizards populated the Wizarding World Voldemort was driven by a twisted need to dominate and control yet the power of others was driven from other motivations like bravery love and the desire to protect no matter where their power came from there were quite a few individuals in the Wizarding World whose strength surpassed even Voldemort here are 10 of those witches and wizards ranked from powerful to indestructible oh and just to avoid making things too obvious we're excluding Harry from this one Lily Potter was of course the mother of the Boy Who Lived Harry Potter yet that doesn't tell her whole story Lily was born to muggles but still proved to be an extremely talented witch she excelled as a student at Hogwarts especially in the subject of potions and she was eventually chosen to be head girl when Voldemort started recruiting and manipulating witches and wizards into joining his cause Lily defied him at least three times instead of bowing to Voldemort she and her husband James devoted themselves to the order of the Phoenix and made every effort to thwart him when the couple learn that Voldemort was after their soon-to-be born son Harry they went into hiding when Harry was a year old the Potters friend Peter Pettigrew aka Wormtail betrayed them and gave their location up to the Dark Lord Voldemort swiftly attacked but instead of taking Voldemort's offered to step aside Lily gave her own life to save her son she protected Harry to the horrible end all the while begging for his life it was the love symbolized by Lily sacrifice that protected Harry from the curse Voldemort launched at him a pure magic that Voldemort could never hope to replicate Lily was the first to prove that the indestructible Dark Lord could be defeated Kingsley Shacklebolt isn't given nearly as much attention in the Harry Potter series as many of the other characters mentioned here yet that doesn't make him any less of an asset in the fight against Voldemort Shacklebolt captured dark Wizards as an order for the Ministry of Magic and by all accounts excelled at the job in denial over the return of Voldemort and others were colluding with the Dark Lord shackle bolt realized the danger and became a double agent for the order of the Phoenix he also repeatedly showed that he could more than hold his own when going up against Voldemort's followers he prevailed against multiple dark Wizards at once he also held off Voldemort in a head-to-head duel and later teamed up with Professor McGonagall and Slughorn to take him on a second time [Music] level-headed brave and impressively talented it should come as no surprise that Shacklebolt eventually became the minister of magic throughout the majority of the Harry Potter series Molly Weasley was simply the matriarch of the large unruly Weasley clan she was also the closest thing Harry had to a living mother outside using the spells in various household chores mrs. Weasley's magical abilities were never showcased extensively she was a graduate of Hogwarts and a member of the order of the Phoenix but her most formidable power seemed to be chewing out her difficult sons for their various mishaps it wasn't until she encountered Bellatrix Lestrange during the Battle of Hogwarts that the true extent of her power finally became apparent when Bellatrix came after her daughter Ginny Molly didn't hesitate to jump into the fray Bellatrix was an extremely powerful dark witch who had taken down numerous members of the order of the Phoenix she definitely underestimated what she was dealing with when she went up against mrs. Weasley in the ensuing fight Molly proved to be a fantastic duelist and highly capable of nonverbal magic eventually she hit Bell tricks with a barrage of curses and won the battle mrs. Weasley demonstrated that when it comes to magical prowess you should never judge a book by it's cover like Lily she also proved why you should never mess with a witch by threatening her child Hermione Granger was considered the brightest Witch of her age she may have been born to a pair of muggle dentists but she rose far above her humble beginnings not only was she clever and talented she was also extremely book smart and determined to learn as much as possible about all things magical she demonstrated an impressive set of abilities from an early age and her power continued to grow as she learned and practiced more Hermione was there to assist Harry and his fight against Voldemort every step of the way every time Harry or Ron needed help she was there to keep everyone going without her Harry would likely have met his end several times over she's the best with spells making antidotes and predicting the potential consequences of magic Harry may be the chosen one but Hermione is the one that always manages to hold things together throughout their years at Hogwarts Hermione was instrumental in many battles she also was one of the founders of Dumbledore's Army this was an organization formed when the students realized that they needed to be better prepared to fight against Voldemort while she was an overachiever who was eager to please she was also willing to break the rules when an injustice was done or a friend was in ultimately if harry hadn't taken Voldemort down it's quite possible that Hermione would have found a way to [Music] Alastor mad-eye moody was the best or ever he was given credit for filling half of the cells in Azkaban prison personally all he lost both a leg and an eye in the line of duty and eventually devolved into paranoia his talent for taking down dark wizards was still intact he was so skilled that he was able to drive off one of Voldemort's followers with just the tap of his staff despite his qualms moody became the leader of the order of the Phoenix he cast the protecting Tron's that kept the order's headquarters safe from Voldemort and his minions over the years he was also a formidable duelist and highly skilled at nonverbal spells after Dumbledore Moody was the wizard Voldemort was most concerned about although Moody eventually fell to occurs hurled at him by Voldemort it wouldn't have happened without the cowardly actions of mundungus Fletcher that one moment doesn't diminish Moody's prodigious powers Bellatrix Lestrange was Voldemort right-hand woman she was completely committed to his cause and determined to see his objectives fulfilled for Bellatrix a lot of the attraction to Voldemort's cost seemed to be the ability to cause fear and mayhem wherever she went violent and driven mad by her time in Azkaban Bellatrix was nonetheless an unbelievably accomplished witch and a terrifying opponent she carried out Voldemort's orders with unabashed often lethal enthusiasm she also followed her own desire to get revenge on the members of her family she saw as traitors she gleefully ended her cousin Sirius Black and her niece Nymphadora Tonks in different battles she also defeated multiple orders and took on a trio of powerful witches during the Battle of Hogwarts it was only when she encountered Molly Weasley that she met her match though Voldemort may have been the visionary behind his movement without Bellatrix he wouldn't have gotten far perhaps that's why Voldemort shouted in dismay when Bellatrix fell Gellert Grindelwald is considered one of the most dangerous dark wizards of all times second only to Voldemort yet while Voldemort was highly skilled in certain types of magic he wasn't all-powerful meanwhile in his youth Grindelwald rival Dumbledore in sheer magical Talent as an adult rendell bald escaped from prison and managed to stay under the radar for 20 years while also taking over a great deal of Europe later he stood up to an interrogation under Voldemort he never gave up the location of the Elder Wand the most powerful one known to the Wizarding World yet Grindelwald biggest claim to fame is the duel he almost won against his former friend Albus Dumbledore known as the greatest duel of all time Dumbledore in Grindelwald fought for nearly three hours with each holding their own for much of that time Grindelwald almost won but Dumbledore thankfully emerged victoriously and sent Grindelwald to prison for the rest of his life if not for Dumbledore's heroic intervention Grindelwald would probably have successfully taken over the Wizarding World Minerva McGonagall was an important member of Hogwarts faculty she taught Transfiguration and was head of Gryffindor House Stern but fair and a fierce defender of her students professor McGonigle's depth of magical knowledge made her an incredibly strong witch she was an animagus giving her a rare skill that enabled her to turn herself into a cat an ability she used to do in the dangerous work of spying on Voldemort's followers for information useful to the order of the Phoenix with her calm poise and strict demeanor Professor McGonagall could be intimidating but she was also impossible to not respect although she never chased a fight when one came to her she never shied away and she proved to be a talented duelist on more than one occasion she took on one of Voldemort's followers and one and even fought Severus Snape to a draw she challenged Voldemort alongside her allies Kingsley Shacklebolt and Professor Slughorn it's no wonder that after Voldemort was finally defeated she succeeded Dumbledore to become the headmistress of Hogwarts Severus Snape is hard to root for throughout most of the Harry Potter saga this early potions master and head of the house of Slytherin wasn't exactly an endearing presence plus he clearly held a grudge against Harry for no apparent reason he made the young boy's life more difficult than it had to be for years once we learned Snape's full story though it was hard not to feel some sympathy for the so called half-blood prince he too had an incredibly challenging life a life that would have broken lesser Wizards Snape's magical talents were evident from an early age when he came to Hogwarts as a student he already knew more curses than many more advanced students he invented his own made his own potions and was an impressive duelist but perhaps Nate's greatest gift and curse was his ability to hide his true intentions from everyone around him he acted as a double agent for Dumbledore for years bringing back intelligence for the order of the Phoenix while Voldemort was an extremely talented mind reader Snape eluded even his detection as he carried out his lonely mission the character of Snape is not black or white and couldn't be exactly called heroic but the sacrifices Nate made in service to Dumbledore are Noble without his considerable power which enabled him to deploy magic in all forms Voldemort would likely not have been defeated number one on our list is Albus Dumbledore a choice that won't be much of a surprise to anyone with even a passing familiarity with the Wizarding World Dumbledore was the headmaster of Hogwarts and was widely considered to be one of the most powerful Wizards of all time he was also the only wizard Voldemort truly feared Dumbledore's accomplishments were legendary he discovered 12 uses for dragon's blood he won every award offered by Hogwarts and was published in multiple respected Wizarding journals he also demonstrated skills with magic of all kinds created his own spells invented magical devices and was a master duelist he defeated Gellert Grindelwald in an epic duel even though Grendel possessed the supposedly undefeatable Elder Wand he also took on many of Voldemort's followers and Voldemort himself to protect Harry yet the strengths that made Dumbledore truly powerful was his kind wisdom at one point Dumbledore almost went down the wrong path attracted to power he realized after a family tragedy it would be his downfall so he chose not to continue to amass power instead he decided to stay at Hogwarts and help others a choice that showed his true character Dumbledore was inspirational to his students setting an example of what a good wizard could and should be the students even named their army in his honor an action that showed just how devoted they were to their headmaster and how indestructible Dumbledore's legacy was that's our magical roundup of the wizards and witches that could easily best the Dark Lord are there other members of the Wizarding World that you would include in this list let us know in the comments down below who would be in your ranking of character stronger than he who shall not be named I said his name like 60 times in this video am I gonna be okay and if you enjoyed this video please give it a like and subscribe thanks for watching
Channel: Collider
Views: 1,397,654
Rating: 4.8071694 out of 5
Keywords: thebinger, harry potter, characters, harry potter and the philosopher's stone, harry potter and the chamber of secrets, Hermione Granger, Lord Voldemort, Draco Malfoy, Ron Weasley, Professor Severus Snape, Professor Albus Dumbledore, Rubeus Hagrid
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 12sec (4212 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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