Harry Potter Actors Recall Their Very First Filming Day | OSSA Movies

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how an allergy helped daniel radcliffe nail his very first scene what advice did alan rickman give rupert grin to stop him giggling on set what did tom felton lie about in his audition to get the part and why on earth did jk rowling turn down the role of lily potter hi i'm clive let's get nostalgic harry's teary-eyed secret thanks hackwood these were the very first words that daniel radcliffe said on camera on the set of the sorcerer's stone yes they shot the final scene with harry and hagrid's farewell first which was pretty challenging for the boy especially taking into account that he didn't have a lot of acting experience yet there was even more pressure for daniel on his first day there were hundreds of extras and the whole set was huge starting to understand how daniel felt then i was terrified but as we all know the young actor nailed the scene and delivered a heartwarming performance after harry hugs hagrid you can see that the boy's eyes are wet and puffy as if he is about to cry he probably was pure acting talent right um not really let me tell you a secret about daniel's watery eyes in that scene according to the movie's producer david heyman on the first day daniel was wearing contact lenses to make his eyes green and fit the book's description of harry though it soon became clear that daniel had an allergic reaction to them they were irritating his eyes so much that the filmmakers had no choice but to take the lenses out the camera rolled soon after capturing daniel's pained expression which was quite appropriate for the scene yeah harry potter's eyes were never green in the movies but at least the acting was perfect hermione's fake teeth my name is emma watson playing the past miami granger and i'm having a teeth test teeth test keith's test if you read the books then you should know hermione wasn't a pretty girl on the pages she had those big teeth and messy hair which the sorcerer's stone movie tried to recreate but failed immediately on the very first day of filming why because according to the movie's director chris columbus it was extremely hard for emma watson to perform with fake teeth in her mouth if you pay attention to the final scene of the movie you'll notice that hermione is actually wearing those fake teeth the editors tried to cut the scene properly so it wouldn't be too obvious despite emma's makeup preparations and hundreds of extras on the set the young girl felt no pressure on her first filming day here see for yourself miss watson it's your first day how does it feel it feels absolutely fantastic i told you emma had zero filming experience before harry potter but she became a professional actress the moment she got on set as a child i loved being on stage i loved singing i loved the lights i loved the adrenaline i even loved learning lines i was completely obsessive she even sounded like hermione right but how is it possible to make a movie with inexperienced actors there were definitely lots of moments where the director believed things would be very complicated we'll give you one example wait what does action mean again on the third shooting day they filmed the scene with the broom flying lesson in the hogwarts courtyard all the kids had a simple task to raise their hands over the broom and say up what could be hard about that right here's how the director described the painful process i remember saying action and half of the kids started performing the other half of the kids are staring into space we had to stop and i said you know action means we start shooting that's probably why the filming took drum roll please 169 days wow luckily the young actors were working with a very experienced director who had previously made great family movies like home alone one and two and mrs doubtfire so this man already knew how to handle kids on set for example do you remember how neville's broomstick went out of control look at his face he's truly terrified here how did the director get the inexperienced matthew lewis to perform such a hard scene so well oh it's easy he just put the poor kid in the air for real have stunt department put you in a harness and struck you to a broomstick and then you're flying around on this roller coaster type thing right and they call it work it was it was brilliant indeed it was matthew isn't that cool to fly on a broomstick on your first filming day ever the interesting thing is that it wasn't only the kid actors who were frightened on the harry potter set some of the adults were too he had no choice but to play hagrid walking onto a big film set is a scary thing if you're expected to do something when they shout go now as an adult it doesn't get any less scary really the first day this is behind the scenes footage of robbie coltrane performing hagrid in his first days but besides being scared he was also super excited because coltrane dreamt of being in such a film wouldn't it have been fantastic to have been in this and to know your children and grandchildren will watch it that's how i feel about hagrid it's like being the lion in the wizard of oz which is an awesome comparison isn't it fun fact robin williams wanted the part of hagrid he was even ready to work for free but as the film crew decided to cast british actors and actresses only williams didn't get the part coltrane was picked by jk personally and the actor had no choice but to accept the role otherwise his kids would have killed him can you imagine me refusing oh they've offered me hagrid but i'm not doing it children large scottish actor found at the bottom of a loch the actor joked but do you know who wasn't so excited about his part alan rickman let's talk about that alan rickman knew the secret believe it or not but the actor initially rejected the role of snape despite the fact that there were three people trying to convince him the director the producer and jk herself the reason for the rejection was simple rickman had already played similar villain roles and he didn't want to be stuck in them forever but luckily two days after the actor rejected snape's parts he came back and accepted the role i don't think i had much choice in the matter lots of good children and nephews and nieces where i'm not only excited i think insistent and the kids truly enjoyed working with rickman there was something about his acting that made the little daredevils behave on the set just completely having to remind myself that it was certainly a film it's only a film it's only a film nothing's real the only exception was rupert grint this dude giggled constantly during the filming and even rickman's sternness couldn't help grint calm down i remember alan rickman the first one told me to relax my face and just not not think of anything didn't really work to be honest well that happens here's the interesting thing about why alan rickman believes snape's part was a really great one before filming started jk told him the biggest secret of the character about his love connection with lily potter yes at that time only four books had been published and nobody in the world knew snape's secret story arc except for jk and rickman it helped me think that he was more complicated and that the story was not going to be as straight down the line as everybody thought jk even shared with rickman what was hidden behind the most heartbreaking word in the harry potter books always after all this time always did you cry while watching this scene don't answer that we know you did tom felton lied during his audition and got caught now this guy was the most experienced young actor on the set yes before harry potter he did some other movies too and the truth is he went to the audition not because he dreamt of being a part of the wizarding world but because his agent told him to i was probably the only child in the country who auditioned not having a clue what harry potter was hmm how did he get the part then there's a funny story that tom recalled a couple of years ago one of the first things they asked at the interview is what is your favorite scene in the book and there was a row of us about seven of us and of course i haven't read it so i just the guy next to me said oh gringotts i love the trolls so i just said yeah same as this guy i love the trails they're brilliant nice try tom do you know what the director did after he heard this outrageous lie he burst out laughing we'll never know for sure but we think chris columbus found something malfoy-ish about that lie cause admit it draco would do exactly the same thing in tom's place it was clear that mr columbus had a perfect eye for casting the right actors and actresses he created an unforgettable atmosphere on set and raised an army of inexperienced artists but there was one person who didn't believe in her acting skills at all no matter how hard columbus pushed her to star in the movie it was the genius jk rowling yes they asked her to play harry potter's mother lily which could have been the greatest cameo of all in the history of cinema cause jk is indeed potter's mother but the author was very adamant and she rejected the part saying i really am not cut out to be an actress even one who just has to stand there and wave i would have messed it up somehow oh come on jk that was the easiest part of all though there are people who are super uncomfortable with being in front of the camera for the hardcore harry potter fans we have more videos to discover check them out on our channel thanks for watching and take care
Channel: OSSA Movies
Views: 750,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harry Potter, Harry Potter cast, harry potter first day of filming, Harry Potter series, Harry Potter actors, Harry Potter cast secrets, Harry Potter movies, Harry Potter bloopers, Harry Potter funny moments, Harry Potter cast interview, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Tom Felton, Emma Watson, emma watson, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, behind the scenes, ossa movies harry potter, ossa movies, 20th Anniversary, Return to Hogwarts, cast reunion
Id: jH1z892PDjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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