Harlequin: The Waiting Game - Full Movie

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[Music] [Music] we're going to open in a week we'll never make it I want it to be right I just I have to make this right [Music] [Music] perfect great okay that works looks good to me but what do I know Bravo Ricardo magnifico that's it hello you're back oh I missed you that's good because I missed you too mrs. Fuentes Senor Kincaid you never fail to make my day Matthew ball and this congratulations does this just speak so you mmm no Ricardo it doesn't speak to me no it sings which is a gracias in your voice which says good eyes yes how was Mexico it was muggy and dirty and noisy and wonderful did my parcel come here a parcel you remember I told you I was shipping some artifacts from Mexico home and you said to ship them through the gallery yeah if I see it it should be here by now Amy has anything arrived from Mexico a wooden box about this big no nothing from Mexico well maybe it's stuck in customs I could check would you do that listen I better be going wait you're just gonna hear I haven't seen you for a month I haven't even been home yet you can go home later I need a break come on okay lunch you won't be alone hey don't take your time I'm gonna head back to the office bye see ya know anything for uncle Lou he's been away he wants to see her don't take it personally no come on Amy it happens every time it's like I'm a piece of furniture he's jealous right no really come on you know law he always has to be the center of attention and now you come along mmm the handsome young man is going to take her away so I'm a threat the man takes that's classy and she's the only family he's got so what do you think what do you really think like crazy they don't laugh me out of town tell me I haven't lost my mind it's too late now isn't it Thanks a little Montezuma's Revenge baby sorry you're not eating and you're cranky Wow your uncle's getting old my sweet and old people tend to get cranky so what were you doing in Mexico for a month visiting friends reliving my youth that sounds awfully sentimental maybe you are getting old well I am a retired serpent much more boring and sensible than you give me credit for and speaking of boring and sensible how's our young Matthew hello well not usually this disorganized who's the artist wallah Ricardo Montera your work yeah it's fabulous thank you Thank You Senor cross Spencer gave me Fuentes sorry Amy I'll see you later great this is Matt Colby Matt Colby Colby mcdougal that'd be me I was told if I wanted to buy real estate you're the man to talk to well what did you have in mind he is the best thing that's ever happened to me do you love him I want a simple life someone to love who will love me back I don't want to spend the rest of my life alone like me I know he loves you and it's a was fool so let's just cut to the chase I'm authorized to buy up all this old warehouse land along the waterfront have you had a look around it's not exactly picturesque actually it's really ugly heir to dream guys the potential is there it's just waiting to be exploited we're gonna turn this town into Carmel East and I was hoping we could scout around you give me an idea about what's available how many pounds of flesh it's got cost me I'll get the car take a little drive see what you have in mind now talk to Matt I mean if you two are gonna get married you might want to be there oh you like him let's say I didn't like him I just said he was sensible how come when you say sensible it sounds like a terrible insult when was the last time you had to check up your stop nagging I'm not nagging them worrying they do the only uncle role of God I'm fine I do the cha-cha have a nice day call customs what my parcel from Mexico call customs okay okay [Music] [Music] well mostly people in putting in restaurants craft galleries condominiums is a whole other kettle of fish but I don't see why not now mondo Latino is not a craft gallery let's start out that way but Sarah is determined to turn it into something more sophisticated mm-hmm Sarah Oh Sarah Fraser my fiancee yeah Wow congratulations thank you I found her the place did the legal is on the lease and put a few bucks in myself so good investment the best day ever me I hope uh what's the history you two high school sweethearts yeah she's from Delaware uh-huh how'd you come here well her dad died when she was a kid and her mom died a few years ago she's got an uncle up here with a place so she moved here and I got to meet her thanks to uncle Lowell right little Fraser that sounds familiar no Kincaid Lowell Kincaid used to be some sort of diplomat so I guess they're close huh Oh Barry so I think he's a little jealous it ah okay it's okay I understand so condos mm-hmm the mall it's a good idea there may be some problem with the zoning but I think I know who I can talk to [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa turn to Gabriel from Jehovah 3 the covenant I have some new artifacts I'd love to show you the sooner the better or maybe not at all please trust me contact me [Music] [Applause] this guy is talking about a huge complex from one end of the pier to the other and he just walks into the gallery looking for you no no oh I know but listen I called his references he checks out it all seems to be on the left I'm really happy for you but for us so I thought maybe tomorrow night Orvis dinner for us oh he and Amy really hit it off I'm just not sure where to take him though yes you are and I'll do mindful of salmon joining me help she already said yes would you mind if I asked uncle law why no it wasn't right today he seemed almost lonely didn't you think he looked tired no I thought he looked his age sir this is a business dinner for me I want to press the socks off this guy and your uncle makes me nervous he's always got to be the main attraction that's not true it's just that people like him he's an interesting guy Sarah please another time tomorrow night I got to be confident you have my best okay uncle [Music] [Music] bon voyage Mon Ami [Music] [Music] fight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alcohol [Music] the law [Music] my father has somebody who are you well I could ask you the same question who are you how did you get in he was in the bird house in the front line in Mexico City it was a bogan Velia Bush I think he must have seen that in the movie when he was a kid or something you didn't answer my question who are you all right Tim Jenkins TJ software I'm a computer geek from Washington I helped set up the computer system for law when he was stationed at the Embassy there has my fees on my MasterCard my Amex my health club he called me told me his computer system kept shutting down so I came and told him I'd help him with a hard drive how many people know about this place well your computer geeks know everything these days it's a sign of the times when did he call you this is a trick question you didn't call me he emailed me we can look through his email file if you have his password do I look dangerous to you well you're a total stranger in my uncle's house and here's meal by myself pardon me if I'm a little weary son of the times your uncle Laurel yeah my mother's brother he never mentioned you ditto well it's a pleasure I had no idea I'm sure he's in town shopping or something here's a town I presume I would have seen him on the way out I'm sure I'll be back soon well I was looking in that fridge for something to eat cause I'm starving there's got to be something in there well why don't you try the seafood place back up on the highway it's not bad okay I'll go with you oh okay where's your car this is parked up there about those letters of transit [Music] how soon will I see you if at all anxiously Jade [Music] come on that is surprising but I guess he got me first boy are you suspicious why don't I take my own car I don't follow you Amy what is that I don't know it's from Mexico ah must be Louis that's tacky leave it leave yeah ricardo el mundo it's me your box is here back from where beerus what in God's name are you doing in Paris well right now I'm sitting in the two-layer garden munching a baguette waiting for a friend don't ask I'm innocent of all charges was a matter of fact she's on her way to your place why she wanted to see how you were call her at the house tell her I'm fine and and listen put the put the box somewhere where no one will trip over it valuable stuff [Music] [Music] Gabriel are you there please acknowledge Jehovah [Music] so who's the artist Ricardo Montero he's Costa Rican he's very bold he does these oversized people like Patera very much these incredible colors and settings funniest entertaining art that entertains us a critic might hear you know people's tastes are pretty conventional here oh no how they react well if they feel that they're being patronized I'm sure they won't like it but if they can find something that connects to their own lives why wouldn't they like no making me feel very good and I've got a suspicion you're doing it on purpose there you go again why would I do that I don't know but you're not like any computer geek I've met for starters where's your pen case no no no nerds wear those I'm a geek so you're from Washington interrogation resumed yes I'm from Washington Matt cleared these burners so family their family where Washington no no what about you are you are you married yes well congratulations Thanks he's a lawyer real estate mostly else you know the basics no I don't mean he's boring he's one of those guys you can kill him dependable what's wrong that include a damn thing I mean it what a damn penny well maybe we should get the bill yeah listen why don't you wanna take care of that for me I'll be right back [Music] well I explained to you I don't know where he is I know that but he left his car at the airport so I figured he skipped I told you he dopey I was locked in the car I'm sure he'll be back soon speak of the devil hello uncle oh hi Paris when did he go to Paris did he say what her name was did he mention a friend would come to fix his computer Tim Jenkins are you sure a me soon dinner um I forgot I'm on my way okay Paris he didn't say anything about you other things on his mind I guess I guess good for him listen I have to run I'm suppose to be giving a dinner party tonight no I'm sure he'll just be a couple of days house wait here sure a couple of decent hotels in town I said I'll wait here oh I'd rather you didn't I understand [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my kids you get everything Sam every woman's duty shelter asparagus baby carrots wild rice Amy it's perfect we were you Lois Oh blows in Paris I know you believe it so what were you doing waiting for him I didn't know where it was for guys so lonely at least giving you a call Matt sorry I'm you should have called you're right I'm sorry now go away so I can work that's what happened nothing nothing nothing all afternoon come on Sara throw me a bone Amy that's me Amy yeah nothing who's Tim Jenkins access denied okay here we go I am in your house where are you Gabriel [Music] I'm nearby the phones are not secure meet me tonight in town an art gallery el mondo Latino after dark I don't take orders from you don't trust please believe me other old friends are also nearby old friends be careful I'll explain when I see you is Sarah Frazier she knows nothing don't let anything happen to [Music] he was so cool so relaxed it's like he does it all the time does what explain himself put people at ease get control of situations I started telling them about that yeah well Matt's your fiancee I don't see anything wrong with that defending myself justifying our relationship to a total stranger you know there's something you're not telling me like what does he look like he looks like trouble that's what he looks like yeah just your type of guy uh-huh I've had my share their charming irresistible wonderful lovers lousy friends I'd never get married they turn words like dependable and sensible into insults I make the good men of this world like Matt look dull and naive and they always leave you out of the cold they hurt I've got the scars to prove it Tuesday might be my lucky night [Music] [Music] he sounds very eccentric this uncle of yours why would he fly an old friend up from Washington and then take off MIMO to Paris Oh Frank it was a message on fun there wasn't a message there was a guy there when I got to the house waiting for uncle oh well good Timothy Jenkins he designed software he said uncle invited him for the weekend then he was in the house yeah doesn't your uncle lock up before he goes away he had a key I mean he knew where the key was he obviously knew also you just spent the entire day with a total stranger who just showed up in Lois house you say he was an old man no I didn't he's 35 boarding home well anyway I think uncle's losing his mind tell that box he was fussing about the one with the famous Mexican artifacts it arrived it's the ugliest worst collection of Latino kids you can imagine anyway rolls on the phone from Paris saying put it somewhere safe like it's Aztec gold what's wrong with him here's to uncle Owen his Aztec gold [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] stuff you stole huh we want it back it's not here somebody here [Music] [Music] [Music] hello what when would they take all right calm down I'll be right there just gonna break in at the gallery [Music] do you think it's weird someone breaks into the gallery every stolen I guess Ricardo scared them off I'll help with the dishes I'll finish them in the morning uh-huh really tired it's been a crazy day you know you're not supposed to get married if you don't want to it's not like paying taxes you know I look ha [Music] [Music] it wasn't there it wasn't there where is it well if I knew that I wouldn't be here would I this isn't Mexico little you're not my commander chief anymore who is it Tim Jenkins [Applause] any word from law No damn what's wrong well I booked into the hotel and found out that I was sleeping next to an alternative Celtic punk rock fiddle band from Cape Breton who alternatively drank jamming fought with each other so I figured a little small it's time to go and I booked out of the hotel I booked a flight ahead to the airport flights canceled so now I've got no place to stay and I thought I'd come here Geri Scotch think so I prefer single malt but anything with alcohol will do that is the worst story I've ever heard well the part about the fiddle ban was true I think you better leave sorry I don't know how to say this oh just come out and say it no I think it's best if you just no I realize that you're engaged and that I am here in a day pass and I know you think I'm a shady character at best but I I wanted to see you you know even if I didn't do something I I might not get a chance I'm not gonna stay long I just want to talk just go please there's nothing I can do to change your mind look um Tim you seem like a nice person I am but I don't know you from a hole in the ground and it's light and I have a lot of work to do tomorrow so uh good night it would be in your best interest to treat me with respect I know about the box and those kitschy artifacts that's what Amy called them you know I mean she's a little firecracker isn't she you think she'd like Mexico I had dinner with her tonight and Matt and Sarah you know Sarah the beautiful nice you never told us about her [Music] [Music] hey that's three times you scared the hell out of me today I went in the wrong door so are you looking for me I was just gonna say if if you have nowhere else to go you can you can sleep on the couch if you want one night [Music] here's the towel and a blanket bathrooms there if you want to wash up Thanks I guess uncle Lola's forgiving how by me isn't good night good night Tim can I talk to you yeah what is it tuck alone I mean he's always been unpredictable but lately he's been acting strange he was obsessed about this box of artifacts he had shipped from Mexico he was really anxious to get it an angel took off to Paris yeah my box arrives that's junk stuff that uncle ol would normally sneer at I'm tonight there was a break-in at the gallery and the box got stolen no nothing was stolen Ricardo had it in his room why would anybody want to steal a box of junk unless this is ridiculous I always had the suspicion of but uncle that he wasn't really a diplomat he was actually um some kind of spy did you ever think that you know Matt says Lal just loves to put this exotic spin on things no like suddenly taking off for Paris well it's not just the disappearing acts we spend so much time together and talk so much but the truth is I don't really know much about him there's something so solitary about him not lonely just solitary oh what's the difference when we can be by yourself and not be lonely I think so I love being by myself but you're engaged you think I'm getting married to avoid loneliness no I didn't say that maybe maybe Lowell didn't set out to be solitary probably chose a path in life and that choice had consequences and and maybe sometimes he does get lonely but he he deals where the best he can you're from the same breed aren't you I think that we could probably contact wall in Paris to get to the bottom of this [Music] no lolz not so solitary it's got you just lucky can I [Music] right [Music] so long [Music] where's the box you see girl I do have things you need [Music] come on talk to me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what was that me I have no I thought that was a bathroom I open my eyes I saw naked time go to sleep would you prefer to sign for this hey cash get out of here well you're very welcome would that be all then don't forget the laundry pit we forgot to run the galleries a bit of a mess from last night well that's probably just scared he needs a crutch he needs a mother don't we all so can I just tag along I'd love to see the gallery sure Ricardo we can't just put this stuff here it's junk these look I know these junks are okay I know but it's like the guy outside the Museo you know selling the postcards of Mona Lisa well it sets a stage it makes the gallery and you look silly oh poor flower you're not listening you mind the shop like a clam no I want your work to shine through yeah what doesn't need anything around it but it doesn't need a show it is the show oh you read that somewhere and maybe you heard it on Oprah maybe I really meant it maybe a practical problem you're not considering you know if you put the bad stuff out people might want to buy it and stir the good stuff which is your work it's beautiful alright alright was just an idea one more Amy okay get for you do absolutamente why don't they at home Oh Oh Sammy I think it's over for that [Music] let's go let's go now you're making me nervous why because I I didn't ask you to drive me home and you're driving too fast well I'm just not used to these peppy before cylinders I Drive a bigger car [Music] [Music] you know whose car that is you know you're half a block away Tim this is fine right here Tim [Music] [Applause] [Music] what are you doing Tim where are we going stop the car I want to get out [Music] [Music] that's dangerous don't do then where are you taking me sir I know what this looks like but I'm not gonna hurt you good I was worried there for a minute let go of my arm and keep away from the wheel [Music] I really need to know what's in that box wait kidnapping me I'm concerned about your safety my safety what does have to do with uncle Lowell I don't know like hell you don't stop lying to me it is best that you know as little as possible [Applause] okay we're gonna get out of the car and we're gonna go in the house now and you're gonna go with me okay [Music] you have to find out what's in that box you understand me [Music] bet you didn't know about this where is he I don't know it's the truth what the hell are these things God's spirits thank you where they mean anything they tell a story you pray to them for health and prosperity sexual potency children my wrist is sore I don't have time to go chasing you around in the woods well do you know where she is yeah she said she was gonna do some shopping get some things for the gallery Amy where is she she was gonna drop off that box of balls at us was she with someone that Tim guy yeah I think so when did they leave thank you there yeah it's looking for you and Sara I want to thank you for a great evening you're lucky man okay you look pip not fine Sara's inside no I don't know where she is she's with that computer man Tim where'd they go I don't know this is him [Music] I didn't see him what Amy did we need to talk it's a very dangerous man be sure our little friend Ricardo put everything in this box yes I have to go to the bathroom I'm gonna stay in here with me bill when I get that email from Lowell I hadn't seen her spoken him for six years Oh since he left Mexico why would he ask you to come here and then take off for Paris he's not in Paris it was Lowell that broke into the gallery he's looking for this box but there's nothing in this damn box not that I can find could you please tell me what's going on this is Tim his real name is Adrian Saville we all worked for the company what company CIA Lowell was chief of covert operations he was like God Almighty and we were his two Archangels Adrian went bad he crossed over framed Lowell drummed him out of the service balls been trying to get the goods on him ever since the proof he needs has got to be in that box from Mexico and Adrian will do anything he can to get to it first this is nuts I don't believe any of the math you you don't have a choice Sara's life depends on it Thanks oh you're a good cook for an arrogant lying cinema [ __ ] so uh trust no one is that the track which means no wife no lover no children never be vulnerable I couldn't live like that I could never marry somebody I didn't love so there you go we all have our arrangements with ourselves don't we did I say I didn't love him did I say I was lost and lonely yeah I think you were trying to last night I guess we're just made for each other he's a good man honest trustworthy not like me unless you are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Sara Sara Sara you'd be able to stupid and you could possibly imagine trust me I know how to fire a gun and I'll show you if you don't do what I say you can start anytime the more you know the more you're at risk I'm already at risk at least tell me why Tim that guy Karl that's real-estate tycoon Karl Spencer what about him he's not here to buy real estate he's here to get your uncle he's after the box why your uncle was a head of covert operations for the CIA in Mexico he recruited Karl Spencer and I we worked for him he framed us six years ago your uncle was accused of drug peddling and extortion an investigation was launched and he resigned in disgrace before an official report was tabled was he guilty I tried to investigate it on my own but he had me kicked out of Mexico his last official duty I haven't seen or spoken to him since until I got the email Sara what is supposed to be in that bomb I don't know something that exonerates him and then obviously incriminate Scarl because Karl left the company a year after your uncle he's a very rich man today he's got your uncle prisoner he wants the box and he'll kill him if he gets shot Sara where are you going the police no no they can't do a thing it'll be too late Sara if Europe if Karl gets that box of kill your uncle listen to me Sara [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Amy its Tim I thought she was with you she took off that guy Carl was looking for you Brucie we didn't look too pleased where'd they go [Music] [Music] [Music] my god Sarah you're alright I think the walls in serious trouble we need to call the police but we can't tell Karl about this do you understand don't talk to Karl don't talk to Karl about wine what's he doing here honey Karl's not a developer he's with the CIA it's not what Adrian told you is it who's Adrian Tim real name is Adrian Saville he's here to kill your uncle [Music] mr. Seville framed Lowell he made it look like he was taking money from the drug cartel I believe the proof is in that box canceled checks documents bank transfers something Lola wants Karl to have the box where is it Sarah we took it to levels Tim Adrian whatever his name is he examined every single thing in that box he couldn't find anything he's lying no there really was nothing he couldn't believe it either you freaked that's what I knew he was lying so I ran you ran he just let you go I took his car so where's the box back at Lowe's I guess you are Lois knees aren't you [Music] run Matt knowing what you know now do you honestly think I wouldn't kill you to get what I want where's the box in the car very good you keep making the right choices you might live through this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm sorry I have to do this a shack at the pier it's our hold this against you say you know Sarah was right you're good man yes we need an ambulance a man's been shot [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you didn't hurt him right everything I am I owe danke wall it's like a father to me persuade him to tell me what I need to know and I'll spare his oh I'm so sorry he's fine Rachel Lowell this is my associate mr. do Zack Bobby this is Miss Frazer it seems that Adrian is in the vicinity one step behind as usual it's my fault which means I don't have all day and you have very few options left Lowell [Music] [Music] she gets out of here alive [Music] if you tell me what's in the box you know what's in the box yes where it seems that even mr. Seville couldn't find it we're the packing papers what the statues are wrapped in packing papers where the packing papers they're not here which of the statues under the box we must have put them back without the paper it's in the garbage they picked up tonight we'll be back it's okay sir it's okay he still needs me alive goodbye law as always in a slice [Music] you know you're a stupid man we'll be rolling in dough right now did anything you wanted yeah we're headed for the gallery it's the packing papers go [Music] [Music] girl let her go she'd know better than that Adrienne Twitter go he's gonna kill mold she's very smart tell her what to do Adriene do what he says sir it's not gonna kill though very good nothing that Lowell Kincaid does is of any interest to the company he's a drug peddler and a crook who many people little girl when the bottles on core drop the gun drop it [Music] I should have done this years ago [Music] Oh oh my god sir I'm sorry Matt I found him I called an ambulance you okay we got to call the cops well what are we gonna tell him well you got your ID yeah I'm a retired diplomat I screwed them over in Mexico this guy was sent to settle the score you were tipped off you rescued us okay it's got no ID we got to call the gallery you got to get her out of here you're right Sara I don't want you mixed up in this you don't want me saying the wrong thing you mean can't help your uncle by sticking around Sara Sara tell them whatever you want where are you going to the hospital get rid of the gun kind of like old times I need rien that's good to see you again long it's hands up [Music] well right but we'll make wedding plans as soon as you're out here [Music] I think we'll do better as friends [Music] I'm so sorry Matt me too [Music] there's the proof and it's in Carl's own handwriting not even in code straight out dear mr. Spencer it's amazing why would he write it all down that's a survival instinct paper trail to the big shots a way to protect his ass I taught him well how did you get that they're trying to clean house for real this time I had to pay for it but it was almost reasonable so now what well I know I want my file restored and let her exoneration from the director why did you let me think you were guilty I didn't want you going after him Carl is tough and he's mean he would have had you for lunch and dinner you were like a father to me you should have trusted me I just wanted someone to get out clean why would she get Sarah mixed up in this because I'm old and stupid and lazy in the gallery was an easy cover well you nearly got her killed you're in love with her she doesn't want me [Music] I'm alright alright ladies and gentlemen I [Music] told you he's a star congratulations can you forgive me please only if you buy something was there anything left a couple of less-than-stellar pieces done how's Matt anyway we broke off our engagement you okay yeah he's a good friend he always will be we're speaking of healing uh how about a weekend in the country just the two of us when all this is over please ain't love grand is she talked about nope [Music] oh cool [Music] alcohol he's not here you have to stop doing this to me this time it's not my fault let me guess no uncle ole no uncle ole no milk no card no cryptic clues his car's gone - what are you doing here I was invited for the weekend he didn't tell you I was gonna be here no can you tell you I handed in my resignation no what are you gonna do well I thought I might go into computer repair seems to be the only thing I'm good at but I'm willing to learn learn what whatever you want to teach me long as it doesn't involve handcuffs [Music] [Music] Paris first class all the way lucky you unfortunately I've been evicted from my home I'm sorry sir oh don't be sorry it's all in a good cause now help you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: FilmRise Movies
Views: 213,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Harlequin, Drama, Romance, New England, Art, Drugs, CIA, Mystery, Free Movies, Full Movies
Id: AlaLpJxQ-Bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 14sec (5414 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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