HARDEST Halo Achievements from EVERY Halo Game

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over the years halo and Xbox have kind of gone together like peanut butter and jelly and back when the xbox360 came out achievements were introduced to the world of Xbox and over the years halo has provided some really challenging goals that not only kept the replayability of the Halo franchise more alive than ever but sometimes really pushed our patients and with halo finally coming to the PC sometime later this year we decided it would be fun to take a look back at some of the most challenging Halo achievements of all time let's get into it before we get into each individual Halo game we're gonna look at the Master Chief collection as a whole and just acknowledge the lasso master achievement which is definitely one of the hardest achievements we've ever seen in Halo history if you didn't know lasso stands for legendary all skulls on which means you have to play through every single Halo game on legendary difficulty with every single skull activated which means the game is going to be about 10 times harder than if you just played through it on the hardest difficulty completing just one of these four achievements is hard enough then let alone having to complete all of them to get the last out Master Achievement is just the icing on top of the cake but if you're skilled enough to get through the lasso master achievement you definitely have accomplished something huge in the Halo universe and even if you have just a couple of the games lassos under your belt kudos to you the other recurring achievement that are in all of the Halo games in the Master Chief collection are definitely the speed running legendary achievements we have to complete the entire campaign a legendary difficulty in under three hours these achievements are hard just because it's a very short amount of time to complete some of these levels and you definitely have to trim some time off of the earlier levels to make room for time in the later levels fortunately you can do it co-op which makes it a little bit easier on games like Halo 3 ODST and 4 but not as helpful in Halo 1 or halo 2 with this achievement it takes your best time from each individual level so fortunately if you take too long on one level you can always go back and try to improve your time but this achievement is such a challenge or the older Halo games specifically halo 2 we're getting the monopolized achievement which where you speedrun halo 2 in under 3 hours is the rarest achievement in the entire Master Chief collection and that's mostly because a legendary difficulty of one person dies everyone is considered dead automatically just like the iron skull and while ODST might be a little bit easier for this just because the campaign is so much shorter the achievements associated with halo 1 3 and 4 are still also really really hard if you're trying to beat them in under 3 hours but now that we got those general ones out of the way we're gonna go ahead and go through the Halo games mostly in chronological order as far as the in-game timeline is concerned so first up we're looking at Halo Reach and the if they came to hear me beg achievement this one's pretty difficult because you have to assassinate and elite to save yourself from what would have been a deadly fall now there's really just one spot where you can get this achievement easily at the beginning of the final level of the game and honestly it's a lot of luck just to get this achievement I remember spending a ton of time just hurtling my body over the edge thinking I was about to get the achievement to realize I assassinated a grunt instead of an elite took me a really long time it was a really difficult achievement but a lot of you guys probably remember going for this achievement too it was really satisfying once you've completed it Halo Reach also had a monument to all your sins where you have to complete the entire campaign on legendary difficulty by yourself solo and this one is really just a matter of patience and coming up with a strategy on how to approach things and ammo management for sure but I remember playing through this one and the tip of the spear at the beginning of the level with the shade turrets took me so long to finally get past but once I finally got through that I felt like I was a better halo player and finally one day was able to get this achievement and while it's definitely not a walk in the park it's one of the more challenging achievements from Halo and finally we have the don't touch that achievement from Halo Reach which is on a defiant map don't let the other team touch the flag in a matchmaking game this is really really just luck based as you have to just be lucky enough to have a good enough team who's focused on defense and this achievement really just comes down to whether or not something kind of unusual happened where didn't push in that in particular game and you're able to defend the flag there weren't a lot of game types that let you just pick to play a defiant map and get to play like a flag defense game or something so this achievement really was unclaimed by a lot of people who played halo just because you really had to get lucky with first getting a map and game type that allowed you to get this achievement and then actually pulling it off and defending the flag shifting gears to halo 1 we have the that just happened achievement which is where you have to play through the library with no deaths on heroic difficulty which is pretty challenging just because the library has a lot of random things that can jump up and kill you especially the rocket launcher flood and there's also an achievement called speed reader which is where you complete the same level on legendary difficulty in under 30 minutes which is a pretty big challenge in itself and one of the really only speedrun achievements that we have on this list outside of the overall speedrun achievements we talked about already to get this achievement you definitely have to manipulate the spawns of the flood and look up some guides on how to get around some of the parts that you have to hold out and even then it's a very challenging achievement next we also have achievements that are associated with the level 2 betrayals which one of them is called look out for the little guys which is where you have to play through this long level on heroic difficulty without letting a single grunt die it's a lot harder than you think just because the difficulty being at heroic or higher makes you sometimes want to lob a grenade or kind of just hipfire to make sure you're killing the elites at around one grunt accidentally gets caught in the middle of the fire it's all over for you alternatively there's also the achievement called leave it where it lay which is where you played through this whole level on legendary without any weapon pickups this is definitely once again one of the longer levels of the game so you're gonna have to get creative with vehicles and figuring out how to get through this level without picking up a single weapon next up we're taking a look at Halo 2 and the first achievement we wanted to point out was a legendary anniversary which is just completing halo 2 on legendary we're gonna talked about this earlier but halo 2 is definitely one of the hardest Halo campaigns across the board and playing this game on legendary isn't as easy as playing through other Halo games a legendary like we said earlier if you do co-op it's like you have the iron skull on so one person dies you both Atty so it's definitely gonna take a lot longer to play through halo 2 and legendary than other Halo games and outside of the monopolized achievement we thought that this one deserve to be on the list as well next we're looking at the achievement the return of Meg which is actually a little Easter Egg achievement but it's still a pretty difficult achievement to pull off to get this Easter Egg an achievement you have to be the level Cairo station in Halo 2 on legendary difficulty with the thunderstorm skull on and you cannot get hit by a single enemy bullet if you do you have to either revert to last checkpoint or die and continue on fortunately you can play around with the other skulls that are in the game like the scarab skull so you can make it a little bit easier but still just one bullet hitting you makes you have to go back and finally we're looking at the ninja achievement from a halo 2 Vista back when it was released on the PC which is where in a non team game you have to kill five people by melee from behind essentially you have to assassinate five people which is pretty challenging to do in a multiplayer game in just one around jumping forward to Halo 3 we're looking at video and this was one of the achievements that could lead you on your way to get the Recon helmet legitimately back in the day to complete this achievement you had to beat the final level of Halo 3 on legendary with the iron skull on and all players have to be in a ghost we've already talked about the iron skull bit but if one player dies they're all considered dead and you have to go back to the last checkpoint and while fighting your way through the flood it's challenging in itself at the beginning of the level the second half of the level where everyone is in ghosts is extremely difficult on legendary difficulty the course kind of is slightly different than on lower difficulties and there's more enemies shooting at you that can alter the path that you're driving in and potentially cause your vehicle to flip over with that as you guys are all driving through the course the level actually deteriorates based on where the first player is whoever's furthest ahead of the pack which means that all drivers essentially have to stay really close together where the people who are just a little bit further back like the third or fourth player might fall off the map quicker than where the first or second player are it takes serious coordination and a lot of trial and error learning the exact route to drive and a lot of hope that you don't randomly get killed by a sentinel or your vehicle doesn't randomly flip causing you to fall off the map to make it even better this achievement was worth a whole zero gamer score back in Halo 3 however they did change it when they included this achievement in the Master Chief collection and you can get some gamer score for it now outside of that halo 3 didn't have a lot of campaign focused achievements that were very hard to get there are a lot of fun ones like getting the skulls and whatnot however in the Master Chief collection they did introduce the who needs them achievement where you have to beat the level the arc on legendary without getting in a vehicle and while if you do this level co-op with a couple of friends it's a little bit easier it's still a hustle to move from one end of this huge level to the other on foot while there's a ton of heavy enemies that have very powerful weapons or vehicles and are ready to take you out with that the original Halo 3 also had a ton of multiplayer achievements that were also kind of luck based similar to what we saw in Halo Reach we won't go into all of them in this video but one of the big notable ones was Mongoose modown we're in a ranked free-for-all game you had to splatter someone in a mongoose and who's just a pretty challenging achievement it was kind of funny whenever you play ranked free-for-all you'd always see someone driving around in a mongoose trying to get that splatter kill to finally get that 5 gamerscore achievement next we have halo 3 ODST which continued the vid master achievements making them a little bit harder than even the ones in Halo 3 but if you wanted that recon helmet you had to get these achievements vid master injure is definitely one of the most challenging achievements it not only just Halo 3 ODST but halo as a whole may be outside of the lasso and speedrun achievements we would say vid master endure is definitely up there but essentially on any fire fight map you had to survive past the fourth set which is equivalent to the 12th round and a 60th wave of ODST firefight and honestly this was back when fire fight was a little bit more strict in what you could change and customize unlike reach you only started off with seven live as a team so dying was a pretty big deal because you just have a shared life pool and once you're out of lives it's game over you can't earn some back in bonus rounds but even those are scarce combine that with the fact that this achievement can take up to two and a half hours definitely shows that this is challenging and even with that if you make it two and a half hours into this achievement you can still lose it all at the very end which happened to me twice in my attempts of trying to get this achievement where we died in the final wave of enemies just because the last wave is extremely difficult this will probably forever be on one of those achievements that I've tried multiple times over the years and never got and probably will never get but kudos to those who finally got vid master challenge in der and got that recon helmet back in the day but even then ODST had other challenging achievements too vid master deja vu took the same idea of the vid master annual achievement from Halo 3 and made you complete the final level of the game in Halo 3 ODST with four players on heroic difficulty with the iron skull on except you weren't allowed to get an award hog or a tank which made this level really difficult because if one person dies everyone's dead and you really only have mongooses and rocket launchers and you can maybe hijack a ghost later but other than that you were really really up for a difficult challenge especially in the later half when there's a bunch of Wraith tanks shooting at you and ghosts everywhere and it's just it's definitely a very complicated level to get through then there is also achievements for scoring a certain amount of points on each individual firefight level and firefight chasm 10 is definitely one of the more difficult levels just because it's a wide-open space the drones spawn in quite frequently and there's not a lot of safe spots to really hold out and kill off the enemies and the drones are kind of glitchy sometimes and they'll just hide and you can't find them anywhere and you can fall off the map in the process of trying to find them and this is one of the harder firefight achievements on the list of Halo 3 ODST moving up to Halo 4 we're looking at the achievement lone wolf legend just like the Halo Reach achievement you have to complete the and your campaign on legendary solo this one's also on the list because we're in Halo Reach a lot of the times you have allies throughout the missions in Halo 4 you're kind of by yourself quite a bit so it's really up to you to figure out how you're gonna defeat all the enemies and with the new Prometheans being introduced it was a little bit harder with the newer enemy class especially because grenades aren't as useful as an item with all the watchers that are around then we're gonna look at bros 2 the clothes which is where you have to complete mission 4 without one preventable marine death on heroic difficulty which is pretty difficult just because mission 4 is kind of a lengthy one and there's a lot of Marines kind of running around and they can be pretty dumb at times so keeping them all alive is definitely a struggle and if one dies and you miss it you have to do the whole level over again and then finally we're looking at the achievement motored um which is where you have to on mission 5 steal a wraith and then use that wraith to take out four other rates now hijacking a wraith isn't that hard in Halo games but on heroic difficulty the accuracies of the other rates are definitely a lot higher and just one or two hits of a wraith can completely obliterate your race so this achievement is definitely really tricky to have and you really have to learn how this map works and how to move around this level while dodging Wraith shots and other enemies to completely kill for other rates before you lose the Wraith now we're almost at the end as we look to Halo 5 but the first achievement we wanted to point out was the Harbinger achievement which is we have to complete the last level on legendary difficulty without anyone dying on your team there was something different about Halo 5 they really worked on improving the AI skills from the previous Halo games and legendary difficulty in Halo 5 is actually a lot harder than legendary on say Halo 3 or Halo 4 and with all the crazy things that go on in this last level of Halo 5 definitely completing it without one of your teammates dying is a struggle and challenge and you have to really work together and stay on top of everything next we're looking at the worms don't surf achievement which is where you have to knock two hunters off the ledge into the water and this achievement unlike this similar achievement that's found in Halo four is a lot harder due to that a I change that 343 implemented in Halo 5 for some reason when you are attacking the hunters they decide to run away which makes it much harder for you to get the achievement because they flee and then they're not near the ledge that you need to knock them off of fortunately if you activate the tough luck skull you can make it so that the hunters don't flee but even then getting to knock them off the edge is really really annoying and it's a lot of luck and you got to get them both to knock down however some people have gotten it and have gone for it but it's definitely one of the more challenging achievements found in halo 5 guardians and finally we're looking at the achievement Prison Break which is where you have to kill two enemy wardens in the breaking on heroic difficulty at least same exact time this achievement is really really hard to do solo but if you work with a friend it might be a little bit easier to do but essentially you have to work together and coordinate killing individual enemies at the same exact time now wardens are the newer introduced Promethean enemies and they're really strong and difficult to beat on their own let alone timing out how you're going to defeat them is challenging enough but pretty much you just have to get down to it get a checkpoint and try to kill these two enemies at the same time and keep reverting the last checkpoint until you finally get it but those are our picks for the most challenging Halo achievements over the years did we miss one that you thought was extra challenging that you wanted to see on this list let us know in the comments section down below also if you're trying to get some of these achievements definitely check out the Halo completionist as he has some really good guides where he's gone through some of these achievements including the lasso achievements there will be a link in the description to that anyways guys if you like these types of videos and all things Xbox achievements and more be sure to subscribe as notifications on we'll see you all next time with a brand new video you [Music]
Channel: Rocket Sloth
Views: 660,292
Rating: 4.8815913 out of 5
Keywords: rocket sloth, halo, halo mcc, halo achievements, halo 1, halo ce, halo 2, halo 3, halo 4, halo 5, halo reach, hardest halo achievements, halo reach hardest achievement, most difficult halo, halo achievement hunter, halo 3 achievements, halo mcc achievement, halo laso master, halo 3 odst vidmaster endure, halo 3 odst vidmaster deja vu, halo 3 vidmaster annual, hardest halo 5 achievements, halo 4 achievements, top 10 hardest halo achievements, halo mcc laso
Id: 1eNHIPfe4Bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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