- I finished the level. No, I didn't. I didn't finish the level. - I'm too good at this game.
- (Crash) Whoa! - Okay. - You're so cute!! ♪ (upbeat video game music) ♪ - Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy. Did I say that correct? (laughing) Okay. I've never heard of this. - Is it the same one that I played
a while ago but updated? - (FBE) Yep.
- Oh, that's gonna be sick. - I've played Crash Bandicoot
on my little old Game Boy SP that was red, and I loved that. Oh, I have not played the PS4 version yet, and I'm real excited about this. - (FBE) This is Crash Bandicoot
N. Sane Trilogy, which is an HD remake of the first
three Crash Bandicoot games. So you got the original Crash,
you got Cortex Strikes Back, and then you got Warped. - So it's the exact game
but just in HD. What? - It looks great.
I saw the people play it. I played the original
with you guys. That was fun. - I don't know if they're gonna
try to build on top of this, but it's cool to bring it
to new-generation consoles. - (FBE) So since this is
a three-in-one game, we're gonna have you play a level
from the beginning of each game and see how you do.
- Oh, I'm excited. I feel like I might do great, or I'm gonna do so badly
and make a huge joke out of myself. - All right, boys and girls.
Where are we going? Starting here? - "N. Sanity Beach." (ploip!)
The sound effects are the same. - Oh, it looks so good now. - Whew! Look at those HD graphics. I can see the water on his fur. - First of all, there's moving water
that looks super cool. And Crash Bandicoot himself
is like this 3D thing now. - Oh. Oh snap. All right. Are you bad? - (Crash) Whoa!
♪ (angelic sounds) ♪ Did I die? Okay. That was
kind of a peaceful die though. - Uh-oh. - (Crash) Whoa!
(thud) - I didn't know how far the gap was,
so, like, you know... I'm just feeling out
the controls at this point. - Avoid the pits. Sweet. Got a mask. - I remember the tiki dude.
He gives you the extra life. - (intrigued) Oh. - (strained) I don't want
to touch the crab. - I want to break all the boxes, 'cause I didn't do that last time. And then they drop
all the boxes on your head. - Yes. Sweet. Get the mask.
(tiki babbles) - It's pretty similar from what I remember the original game was like. - It's almost easier to see
where you're supposed to jump now that the graphics are better. - Everything just doesn't look the same. Like, it's not the same feel, honestly. Like... oh, checkpoint. (tiki babbles)
Okay, what did I just do? - (FBE) You're invincible right now.
- Oh, I can hit-- - (Crash) Whoa!
- Oh, I'm not invincible. Oh my god. (chuckles)
- (FBE) Not that invincible. - Not that invincible. - Yee... yee... Wait, how invincible am I? Like-- - (Crash) Whoa! - I'm not invincible.
That's like click bait, bro. (tiki babbles) - Oh wait, see?
Yeah, I'm jumping too late. - (Crash) Whoa! - (mutters, growls) Okay, so you still get
the frustration. That's clear. - Bye-bye. Oh. I didn't know you could
shoot 'em at each other. That was sick. - If you hold down Jump,
do you jump higher? Okay. (grunts) - Cool. Get these little fruits. Uh-- ooh, I have to choose. - Ooh, which way?
Left or right? I think left. - I know I went left last time
when I played this. So I'm gonna go right
just for the sake of... difference. Oh whoa. What the heck? - What? (twirling) Be careful. Be careful. Be careful.
Be careful. Be careful. - And suck it! ♪ Ba-da, ba-da ♪ I don't remember being here. - Okay, well, it all leads
to the same way. Better jump yourself across. - Aw, I didn't get full points.
I needed 49. Why? Yay, we made it though. - I beat the level. That one was-- I mean,
it's the very first level. So it's-- yeah, okay, drop-- I get it. Ow, wow, I missed a lot. - I'm annoyed. I don't get the nostalgia I want, but I get the frustration I did not want. I need them to go together. - (FBE) All right. For the next level, you're gonna head
to the portal on your right. - Oh, Snow Go. Cool, we get to go
in this little portal thing. - Snow Go. - "Discover and finish the secret
route for a special gem." No, I'm not doing all that.
I'm just trying to live. - Whoa, we're moving now. Oh cool. - What am I doing here? - Snow Go. Ni--
(explosion) I just walked into a box of nitro, which I thought would, you know, give me a speed boost or something.
But instead, I went to Bandicoot heaven. - I feel like I'm just gonna slide. Oh look, the little penguins! Ha! Wait, they spin back. - Eeh. Oh. (tiki babbles) - (Crash) Whoa!
♪ (angelic chime) ♪ - Bro, I hit him. Penguins, they look so harmless. And then they just
fling their little flippers. ♪ (angelic chime) ♪ Why?! They look so cute,
and then they just kill you. - And boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. All right. Waahhrr. No! - Ooh, there's ice. Oh, you can ice-skate now. That's so cool. - I actually remember
playing this old level. And it's just weird playing it now,
'cause it looks so different. - Oh my god. (chuckles)
This is gonna take so long. - Oh, these are seals. I feel like I need to spin them. Okay, they knocked
each other out. How helpful. - (sucks air through teeth, grunts) Oh, you can jump on them.
That's kinda sad. - Jukes. Jukes. Oh nice. It just-- Oh no! - Why is there so much nitro?
It's like it wants me to get it. - I'm on a roll. I'm on a roll. No-- (scoffs) I finished the level. No, I didn't. I didn't finish the level. - Checkpoints! Sweet. Awesome. So now we won't start
all the way from the beginning. - So in this level, it's almost
like different stages and parts of the level.
Whereas the last game, it was just, you run through one course. - I'm too good at this game. - (Crash) Whoa!
(controller drops) - Okay. There-- I wasn't looking. I got cocky. - Cool. The, like-- whoa! I didn't see that one coming. (gasps)
(tiki babbles) I didn't go far enough. (laughs) (seals bark) - Oh, they spin too. Okay. So you can't--
(smash!) I-- I-- You see, I thought that was a trap. All right, we're gonna wait for that now, 'cause I don't want to get smashed. Does it not go until you go?
You gotta juke it out? Yep. Okay. You're not getting me twice. Oh, okay. It almost got me twice. - We're gonna make this jump. Sweet. Yes. - Oh.
(smash!) I went through it!
What are you talking about? Oh my-- I was right next
to another checkpoint too. - They're cute and all, but they're not-- - (Crash) Whoa! (seal barking) (breathes out) Okay. - Bibbly. Speed run. (smash!) (penguin squeaking) Maybe not speed run. - I need to go, like, dead in the middle. Otherwise it's gonna call it a death. Okay. (relieved sigh) Oh, that's scary. Okay. Go. Yes! Awesome. - Hey, I can spin, too, peng-- Oh, not the nitro. Okay, jump it. Nice. (chomping in game) - Oh, I thought I died.
I was about to be PISSED. - We found the bonus. Go, go, go. So many fruit. - Moral of the story is,
jump off strange cliffs. ♪ (happy-go-lucky music) ♪ - Hwah. Almost missed that. (boxes smash) Bro, easy. 10 out of 10 boxes? Like, come on. - Aren't you the bouncy one? Ohh. - What's this? (gasps) Oh. (boxes smash)
Is it-- Oh man. I can't get 'em all. Okay, sweet. Give me the fruit. Die! - Hwah. What?! Dude, how did I get the first one but I miss the second one? Oh my god. I want to go back. Whoa. I bet no one-- I'm a god. - Checkpoint. Cool. Die, Happy Feet. - What's this little thing? ♪ (angelic chime) ♪
(gasps) Oh, I remember that noise too. And these are the little crystal things. I can't remember what they do though. But I feel like it was like,
if you collect them, then you get cool things. - Oh! Oh dude, I don't... Crash is going wild right now. (seal barks) - Oh, okay. It's like a happy little step. Whew. - Okay. Whew! (boxes smash) - (gasps) Yay. Damn it! How many was I short? Oh, I needed 74, and I only got 49.
That is so frustrating. (swoosh and warble) Did I do it? Cool! That one was harder. But I got through it somewhat alive. - (chuckles and claps) Okay. That took way longer
than it needed to. - It was deceivingly hard,
but it was long. - I forgot about how adorable
all of the animals are. And just the whole scenery of it. It all looks so great on the PS4. - (FBE) So the last level of the day
is in Crash Warped. - All right. Ooh, this one looks a little futuristic. - "Orient Express." Okay. Let's go. (whump) (swoosh)
(gasps) (warble)
Wait, did I change as a different charac-- (gasps) I forgot what her name was, but I'm the girl character this time?
- (FBE) Coco. - Coco. Oh my god, I'm Coco? - Oh, whoa. This level's sick. Yo, the Great Wall of China. - Okay, I'm gonna just, like,
casually walk past ya. (wacky sound)
Oh. We're riding the tiger. (falling whistle)
Oh. I saw the directions. (laughs) - Oh, you're so cute. (tiger meows) (wacky sound)
You're so cute!!! - I'm just on him? I thought
I was gonna have to kill him! Oh my god. This is-- No, please, I was really enjoying this. Nooo! Cool, I get to do it again. Oh, I wanted all the boxes. Ugh. The controls are still
a little wonky, where it's like, if you move right,
you move way to the right. (ting)
- Oh my god. You have to keep moving. Aah, lost the tiger! (birds twittering) Oh, there she is. (tiger roars) - Boom. Oh wait. Oh, I missed it. I can't stop! What? I can't stop. I just realized that. - Oh my god. Oh my god.
Don't kill my tiger. Whoa! - Avoid the dragon! (gasps) Checkpoint. Awesome. - This is, like, such a cool level idea, running on the Great Wall
of China on a tiger. (fruit getting collected) (whump)
(birds twittering) - Don't-- dude, she almost
fell off the Great Wall of China. It needs to slow down
so I can scope out the level first. - Jump! Jump! Left! Here we go. Checkpoint, checkpoint! - Oh, another checkpoint. Thank you. I don't ever-- Oh, I need to duck, not jump. - (gasps deeply) Oh God, I almost didn't see that jump. (ting)
- Man, get-- Why'd he just spun his stick
and didn't do nothing? (chuckles) All trying to look all intimidating. - Jump! That's-- I want to jump there. ♪ (angelic chime) ♪
Got a crystal. - Ooh, a crystal. All right,
probably have to get that. Nice. So they kept the crystal thing
going in the third game. Another checkpoint. Don't... Was that you? Did you push that at me? - Move that way. Move this way. I'm gonna move my head with it,
see if that works out. (gasps) No! (sproing!)
I am awesome! (ting)
Agh. Ahh. When is this level OVER? - I feel like this one
has more checkpoints, 'cause it's much harder. Aah. (gasps) Wah! (slide whistle noise)
- Holy frijoles! What just happened? - Oh my god, we're gonna make it. Yes, girl. (electricity buzzing) (warping sound)
- Oh, that was it? Oh, okay. Woo. - That was awesome. I didn't know you could ride stuff
in that game. That's so cool. - I think that one was my favorite one. I got to play as Coco and ride a tiger.
That was amazing. - It was insane. ♪ (drum beat) ♪
(tiki babbles) - A lot of games now are just so complex with all the different tricks
you have to remember and just the story line.
"What am I doing?" This one is just like, "Objective, go." - I knew I was really gonna like
the remastered version. I've been meaning to buy it. But the fact that I got
to play it right now and just validate every feeling
I had towards it feels amazing. 'Cause it was so fun,
and it looks beautiful now. And it makes my 10-year-old
heart really happy. - Thanks for watching us play
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy on the React channel. - What games should we play next?
Let us know in the comments. - Peace out, everybody! - Hey, guys! Zach, producer
at the React channel. Thank you so much for watching, and make sure you subscribe
for all the games. I don't know how Crash
does this. I'm very dizzy. ♪ (upbeat video game music) ♪
God that show...
It's refreshing to see people play this game way worse than I do.
Oh please, I've seen harder (Super Meat Boy, Battle Kid, Lv1 Castlevania Order of Ecclesia with no starting equipment, probably more.)
I sympathize with how Brooklin treats her controller after she dies.
Put it down nice and gentle, and give it a little pet. These things are expensive.