Hard Surface Practice // Creating Assets in Maya

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hey what is going on guys I'm Mario and welcome to another tutorial so what we gonna do today is recreate this part here on the right and in case you missed it this was a part of my kid wash library giveaway so I'm gonna leave a link in the description down below so make sure I mean if you wish you can download it and can use these parts in any way you wish so what are we gonna do today is just focus more on topology more to more complex topology challenges and how to approach specific let's say designs or objects and also as a small note and if in case you would like to create your own parts where you could search for inspiration is I I'd search for lots concept car designs more cycles more bikes and in this case like general just running bikes where you can find a lot of interesting shapes so basically the process is that I try to not keep this as a hundred percent reference that I keep on a side but more just a small review of what I like and then try to take something of my own along the way so basically I just review what I like so for example I like the cylindrical part because it can be useful I like this area in the middle and basically I just shut it down until I'm done because I don't like to be let's say hundred percent sticking to the original design because it's I don't know something get lost in the middle I like I like to use it simply as an inspirational part and then add some my own interpretation along the way and that can be a lot of interesting happy accidents or for potential may be other ideas for improvement and so on and so forth so it's just it's more or less like an inspirational guide so without any more of introduction well let's just straight to jump into it alright so let's begin with the simple cube and what we gonna do here is try to make a simple shape it's okay so I'm gonna actually explain what I'm gonna do and let me just like this invert selection also this is not going to be super a step-by-step tutorial I am NOT going to use so much voiceover over the operations that I'm using I'm going to mention what now and then if it's important but at this point I kind of just assume that we are all familiar with let's say some of the basic tool sets so it doesn't have to be that my eye can be basically any any software because this is I just want to focus more on the workflow itself and how to optimize let's say a workflow to create some things faster and just not to not do to lose too much times let's say on tweaking and someone is one so basically what are we trying to do here is we need to add a cylinder to the lower part and what we need to do is so maybe it's better that I'd show you I don't know today I'm guessing talking is hard so before when we talked about sunders I always talked about that we should start with decent amount of segments so that we don't have plot problems later in case you want to have details the problem is here we're not starting with a cylinder simply because too many sides in this case can causes problems so if I now extrude this and let's say try to match this shape it will see if I turn on the wireframe it is easier to manipulate this lower edge shape than the cylinder with a lot of segments so if I now need to match the shape I would need to push a lot of vertices just to get this shape and as you can notice this we create it's really really fast so how to then attach cylinder to this and when to attach it should we focus on everything detail first and then just attach thunder in the end well we can do it immediately right away so what we can do is go to cylinder and set up 24 or something big I'm just gonna go with eight simply because it's going to be small enough in count so basically if I come here and select this and I can just let's say delete this and actually I need I don't need symmetry so maybe I can just delete this part here it's maybe gonna be easier to demonstrate and yeah I wanted to reset this so as you can notice that now what we can do is we can attach the cylinder to this object on top and the only thing now that we need to do is match one two three edges basically this point here we can connect to this one and this point here we can connect this one and then we just need to match three edges if you would have more edges here of course then we would need to match more of them so what we can do now is select this top and one two three here and basically there we are we just now need to match the edge count so now we have one point we'll go here one point will go here one here one here and then one finally here so this is the point of it all so now I just want to bring back symmetry for sack because I did added these edges here and maybe I want to top is here rearrange this a bit so that I have more of a smooth curve so something like this it will it will be fine I don't want to tweak it too much so we're not losing too much time and yeah so basically now what we need to do is attach this cylinder to here also maybe as an alternative what we could have done as I just push this down I don't know maybe extrude this down we could have selected this mid loop and maybe try circulars components that will also do I would say but I just want to show you this way just in case because it might be interesting so what we can do now is just match either the middle points or outer point depends where you want to match it and depends really where you want to connect it do you want to connect it on an angle because right now it is on an angle it can be cool but just for the sake of keeping it simple let's just even this out as well maybe push it down and what we can to go in one of the views and basically here I would need not bottom back view hit F and maybe turn x-ray on and turn wireframe on as well so just as I can see so basically now what we need to do is match this any uh here what I want to do is this object and then cut in the middle and I just want to delete it for now so that we can just focus on one side again it's just matter of making doing simple and push this like so alright so now what we need to do is organize the points like that so just that we can push them together and that we can see that it's going to work and now it's just a matter connecting the points but in order to connect the points first we need to do two things and I'm just gonna show you the mistake and then you will see what we need to do so first if I would now need to go to connect the points I could not because this needs to be one object so we're gonna go and combine this the second thing it will be the problem from try not to connect this points like so we're using we're losing the integrity of a circle so what we need to do first is just adds more supportive edge loop like this and this will just give us enough space so if we would let's say decides to connect in the circle to the main object we would not lose that perfect circle look but in case we would sacrifice our outer look but in this case I think I want to have more of a this version and also what we can do actually here is scale this inside and do I want to delete it now I just just just leave it like this all right now that we have that set up maybe you can bring the mirror back also when you're talking about mirroring I just want to mention one thing before is that if you want to have your mirror settings always set to default you can reset the settings and this is what I do I go to cut geometry off I'm always trying to make my symmetry on z-axis so that's like I know that it's always Z even if it's not I just need to change this value and merge border versus a set of custom and the number is zero point one so that it's usually enough so every time I'm using mirror I don't have to worry about having the proper settings all right I think this should maybe be fine we can maybe reorganize some of the shapes here maybe scale it down make sure just too much proportions too bit better well again I haven't used symmetry for this so maybe I should so let's choose symmetry scale so basically I think that will do maybe a bit more up like that all right let's say that we'll do it I don't want to really to waste too much time because it might take some time for all of it so all right so let's say that this is our beginning this is our original setup so now what we need to do is we need to add thickness so we can do it a couple of ways obvious way would be just adding extrude and then adding thickness we can also add local translate like so and basically administration's that will be just fine in case you want to have more control you can also use scale so scale with a shift and then clone it inside the problem is gonna be is that you will need to use the scale in a way that you will need to match the shape like that and that can also cause this circle not to be a clean circle anymore so in some situations you can use scale also what you could have done then is let's say in route selection and then we can like what I wanted to do extract faces and then you scale only on this part like so and then connect this part later so this is one way would you give down a third way is if you use duplicate face and local translate basically more or less the same as extrude except this time what you would have is a piece on the inside but you can control on its own so if you need to change something if you have overlapping faces this can be very useful the only thing is we need to do now is reverse faces so like this and basically it's the same thing as mesh display reverse or a mesh display reverse in space so it's really the same thing and yeah so what we could do now as a final thing is just again we need to combine these two and select all the outer faces and simply bridge them together and yeah there we are maybe a bit more and I don't need the grid and what I can do is just maybe even this out of it and here's a small problem and maybe here but in general I think it's fine all right so here I see also maybe small problem we can push it outside of it okay so now that that is set up what we can now start thinking is our smooth mesh so we cannot just add it yet because if I now select everything and go to smooth faces it will be too smooth so basically I just want to mention one thing and that is let me just maybe adds new material here delete the history focus on blend that preset and I think that will do so just won't focus on one thing so what I said if you would do smooth faces now it would look exactly like our currently smooth preview so what we can do is we can just manipulate some of the edges that we would like to have a bit sharper so let's say these I just here or maybe it would say but this one here and this one here and if I now went to smooth face we would get that same shape but this more geometry but we would maintain the shape with the edges that we wanted to have so now that we know this we can prepare a bit better so meaning that we can now select everything that we want to have smooth so here let's booth that we need just sharper corner so basically that this here and now this not but this on the inside and one way with one three would select all we can simply do battle and I think you can leave it on a default value and in case we have any problems we can go to uniform and center this usually fixes some of the surface deformation and once we have that then I can add this on the top here but space may be like this and what I would like to have is here something at the bottom and maybe one that it's more closer and let me see absolute offset maybe it will work better like that and maybe one loop here in the middle and maybe here also and let me try to see added edge flow will it's yeah maybe I will need to do it better manually so like this and like that and maybe one and should appear in the middle we wanted to appear in the middle actually here we would need one edge loop and then I would like to have one as you loop here and then here in the middle so basically I would like to have this area as a separate detail but before doing that maybe I want to push this a bit more here and this more in the middle just some last-minute tweaking and same thing on the backside so basically this and then we can use extrude and just extra like excuse with a small offset or your dinner if you're in cinema 4d and then what we could do is just select these parts and bridge them together to get this look but this is looking too plain so usually what I like to do is just select the inside and depending on the situation you can use again small offset but sometimes what will happen is that you will see that this offset will kind of distort this geometry in the middle so instead what you can do is just add cut in the middle and the news bevel instead and for bevel we can go to uniform and center because center you will notice from auto it will try to give you more even spread which is really cool if you're doing panel effects so just something to keep in mind and then I would select this and then just scale it on the inside maybe push it aside like so and yeah I think that will do a push this on the outside and here if you notice the strange shading this will just come from your phone and I usually go to soften Harden and set it at 45 hit apply and then that should that should fix it so now that we have this set up I want to do one more detail here and we can use actually yeah I need back to so we can use an offset but the problem here now this is not not a super big deal but in case you wish some to have some buffer zone you can have one more edge loop here in the middle just so that's there are not too many edges sharing one single point because it will just give you I don't know a bit more room to breathe if necessary for specific details so just something to keep in mind so again maybe I just explained this bad so if I now do here extrude any with an offset we will have one two three four five six sessions in one point it's I don't know depending on the situation you want to keep it to five so in case you want to do that you will see if a result looks kind of weird then you can add this small aisle edge loop in the middle so sort of like a buffer in between the details but you will notice if the surface is kind of freaking out then you can just add this little detail and then we can just circulate components here and twists radial offset maybe you want to push it a bit more to the top and they'll eat more or less and what I'm gonna do here is just remove this part of the surface so we can focus on the other side because I would like to leave this as well so one problem here that may happen I'm just go quickly merits back is a zoomin notice this area is in an angle so if you would have here a cylinder so let me go ahead and add a cylinder and push it here and maybe we can see it here better you will see that these two are not aligned basically they need to be aligned in order for this to to to work so what happens is that what you would then need to do is either bullion so basically undo extrusion like this count how many edges you have and that many edges then you would create a cylinder and then you would need a bullion or I just want to show you a quicker way maybe how you can do it without using boolean sore counting so what we can do is just extrude this on the inside and basically connect it on the other side and one important thing is that this extrusion would need to be on a world coordinate system so meaning oil needs to be on we need to scale this like so so basically that we have this surface aligned with our world coordinate system and that's one thing and also will create interesting looking detail and then we can do the extrude on the other side and then this is just a matter of matching the points so I will just push it here like so and later we can scale it but for now I just want to match the points and then you can just weld tubes weld these points together like so and ups and maybe just scale it down so that it's and now if you check now you would have a perfect area here and then yeah if it's too big maybe just reposition a little bit and then we can just add a small bevel here uniform and Center so Center will just give it maybe bit more evenly distributed edge I'll keep the center for now and I just want to add here also a couple of edge loops and maybe delete these two in the middle and create only one in the middle so like so [Music] and just add one here and add one here so we have something like this oops okay so we have a connection the rope and I think a relative offset here would be better yeah so all right so let's move on so I'm gonna just quickly delete this as well and maybe what we can do quickly here is skill this outside and had thickness and we can also bridge this together so like that and then we can easily manipulate it if you want to play with the size but I think now we can bring the other side back and we can also turn the symmetry and maybe add here a couple of edges alright so as you can notice even with this little number of polygons edges we managed to come quite far and now I think we are fine so before actually using smooth surface I just want to create a clone just in case and then I just want to hide it in case that something here goes wrong and not in the direction that we planned we can always go back so what we can do now is select everything and let me just see one more thing so here actually I want one here I want one and I will put one in the middle I can easily fix that later and now we can select all smooth face and there we are so now we have enough geometry if you want to have additional details we have enough geometry that it's supporting the shape and the only thing I like to do is just remove the edges that we do not need because this rule creates a lot of edges and in specific situations you will have already enough so here is our mayonnaise and we just need to have two around and so I think that we can safely remove this one and same as here so we just need three in some situations one is also enough and so here we also added something and we can delete these two and maybe put just one in the middle one in the middle like that and the grid can also go and yeah so here maybe we don't need this here maybe we don't need this but maybe put this closer and maybe here I would like to have a bit tighter area so here here okay here and here [Music] something like this I don't know I think maybe it was even good before with more or less rounded so yeah that would be the process and again here for example we have some areas so here I can remove this one here in the middle I think it's fine and here I can remove just I would go around the model and see if there was really something that's it's extra and not necessary then I can remove that as well so and then here what we can do just an additional thing is maybe find situations for potential even more detail so let's say something like this and we can also reuse now the same edge so we use this edge up to here and also what we can do is maybe redistribute some of this edges a bit more up because no reason that they should be so condensed and from here to here I can actually use this on the inside and maybe use this inside as well and then we have maybe something like this so it's always I mean if we do have I just condensed like this we can maybe repurpose them that they and actually do something for our object and also here so for example I can add small offset and circulars components small twist and then we can do maybe small detail one more time here and so we'll just add two small age groups and yeah so just something small and I think also here what we can do is remove this and making this closer and connect this here to here add some thickness and actually what I could have done as small offset and then thickness like that okay and I can just slide this slightest in this direction and add just a couple of edge loops and yeah there we are so more or less I think this was the process behind it all and finally if you wish we can add another cylinder actually this time we can add more segments so 24 and range here like so we can also apply it same material so it was blend and maybe just that it's small bevel quickly here and yeah there we are so we can close this but yeah more or less this was the process behind it all so I try to okay maybe we can also rotate it like this and it's none more it's it's looking more than it's closer to the example that I originally showed so yeah I try to really focus more here on a workflow that it's not slowing us down and so I didn't focus so much on the operations that we are using but I still hope that it was clear enough and again if it's not I don't know feel free to ask anything in the comment section down below I'll try to answer if I can and yeah I would also like to be interested if you like format like this where it's more about the workflow and not so much about what we are clicking and what extrude does or something like that but again if in case you would like to have more of a beginner oriented tutorials again I would like to know that as well so we can maybe make some of those and again if you have any questions feel free to ask and then I will see you in next video
Channel: Elementza
Views: 40,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d modeling, 3d modelig in maya
Id: 0WZ8zfKOTr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 14sec (1994 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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