Maya Plugins for Modeling

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today we're going to talk about 17 of the best plugins and scripts for modeling that you can use it to save time and take your modeling to the next level some of these tools are used for quick and simple tasks and others are really going to change the way you model in Maya we are going to start the countdown with number 17 a quick pipe quick pipe is a curved edge based path creation tool for Maya with its selection based formula quick pipe lets you create simple shapes like tubes pipes and more complex meshes like tunnels caves floaters floating bevels welding and many more this tool comes with the basic shapes that you can choose from to help you define the look of the pipes quick pipe seems to have a limited practical usage but I think if you are creative enough you will use it to speed up the modeling process and do cool stuff with it number 16 super bricks with super bricks tool you can procedurally create complex and organic looking brick walls within a matter of seconds or minutes depending on the final result you want to end up with even though the practical use of this tool can be limited I would say it can be a nice time and energy saver when it comes to creating bricks just define your custom based wall shapes using there's mesh and you can use lots of parameters to have high degree of control over the look and design of your wall number 15 cable cable is a script for Maya that will help you to easily create and edit cables it's also really quick and you can generate tons of cables in a short period of time this script can be really effective time and energy wise when you are working on the scene that it requires tons of cables like building electricity cables streets also can have tons of cables and you can also use this tool for any creative project that it requires this type of geometry creation number 14 kotor this is a simple script that eases the calls rig apology workflow it will take care of all redundant tasks that you can encounter when you are trying to have a nice and clean match from a scan garment or from marvelous designer florian the creator of this had a brief beta version for the toolset but now the tool is available for all and for free florian created an introduction to the script that shows everything from installation and how tools work and what to look out for when doing with apology for clothes and four characters number thirteen Voronoi math generator Voronoi main generator is a Voronoi tool for creating intricate organic patterns which is available for Maya it is a script that lets you create for meshes from any object generally speaking more annoyed patterns are great basis for shattering cracking effects or just abstract organic looking shapes the script offers a simple panel that allows you to control cell density and smoothness the result or a seamless polygon mesh it also allows artists to create Vernal meshes based on any arbitrary mesh shape as input number twelve briquette briquette will allow you to build quickly and easily logo models in my am using procedural methods you can create any type of mesh whether it be a character a vehicle or a spaceship briquette comes with ready to use pieces that will be the building blocks for the models you will work on from the first look at it it does not seem like it can do much but when you start looking at what artists can do with this tool you will be amazed I think that this tool for Maya is fun to use it also allows you to be creative in a different way number eleven easy terrain with easy terrain you can make landscapes in a short period of time with Autodesk Maya it comes with a real-world height map which means if you want to make a landscape of a particular country you can use the real world data and make exactly the same terrain that you see in the real world currently it is limited to some areas but the developers are planning to cover as much of the earth as possible in easy terrain you can use any shape whether it's a simple sphere or person or maybe an island this means you can get creative and use this tool for other purposes than the purpose it was originally intended for easy terrain texturing is a simple and easy way to texture the landscapes you generated and you don't need to be an X to make the terrain look beautiful number 10 our nitrix it is an artist friendly grooming tool for non-destructive hair pipeline this tool is used by a lot of studios to work on a lot of popular shows and video games RNA tricks can be used to grow any type of object besides hair or fur also it allows you to quickly change parameters such as a strength twisting you can even turn the mesh back into guides if you like number nine kettles kettles is bullying toolkit and collection of scripts intended to improve current bullying workflow in Maya the tool set will allow you to more easily and directly in the viewport manipulate objects after you make boolean operation and move rotate or scale then edit on components level and even use modeling tools like bevel multi cut extrude and so on while at the same time still keeping boolean operation active cattles has also a lot of other tools that will most likely save you time like selecting hard edges only then apply bevel to them and dissolve edges to help you clean the mesh number eight koalas koalas is a maya plugin that takes polygon mesh as input then those input meshes are triangle ade internally for dynamic cloth simulation qualities being widely used for production of 3d feature animations and visual effects for digital doubles in movies some famous feature animations from world top-class animation studios are using koalas for cloth simulation though it is not aimed for real-time applications like video games koala has been used for numerous game cinematics number seven Maya structures this is Maya plugin for creating procedural buildings and generating cities in a very short period of time using Maya you can use ready to use building blocks or any other custom model you prefer for the project at hand structures is a Python script for generating procedural structures buildings machines or any other thing in Maya it works in Maya 2013 and up and it is not compatible with my also some of the measures that come with the demo version are provided with textures number six Marit Marit will support and speed up your hard surface workflow with the automation of simple and repetitive tasks like primitive creation duplicate merge and so on this modeling tool for Maya is going to save you a lot of time with the different ways it can shortcut the modeling process for instance you can use it to add small and repetitive pieces such as screws nuts bolts or any other type of geometry that needs to be inserted with the mesh you originally created you can also create splines or paths you create to be followed by a repetitive pattern of small pieces of geometries such as a necklace a chain or anything like that number 5 speed gun speed cut is a modeling tool set for speeding up boolean operation in Maya some of its features are non-destructive workflow easy to readjust shape easy to bake cutter and restore speed cut is similar to the other modeling tools on this list because it allows you to create complex hard surface models like mechanical machines robots weapons or any other complex and highly detailed complex hard surface geometry number four plug it plug it is a script for Maya that will help you to detail your hard surface models in few clicks you can add pre-built plugs into your mesh you can also have control of the scale rotation connection and so on it works both on flat and curvature shapes I think tools like plugin are some of the best modeling tools especially for hard surface artists who create complex robots spaceships weapons and so on because this type of work involves creating so many small pieces and plug it can be really handy from the first look at it you can realize that this tool does in three minutes what you will probably need three hours to do or to accomplish effectively and I personally think that this is where the future of modeling is headed number three quad romesha exercise quad remeasure is an automatically meshing tool available for Maya from what we can see what we measure is very good at change in the topology of any type of mesh whether it be a simple 3d text or a complex model that has millions of polygons with specific workflows RIT apology becomes extremely important yet it is pretty time-consuming when you're dealing with a lot of objects in the scene there are some Rita poly tools out there that help the process and quad remeasure is one of those reat apology tools that will make the process easier and faster the tool processes the source mesh is composed of triangles or a mixture of polygon types and convert them to evenly spaced quads suitable for animation quadri measure automatically converts source geometry and to clean all quad meshes with a user-friendly target polygon count also the tool can be set to generate evenly sized quads or set quad size to vary with the surface curvature you can control quad size manually by painting vertex colors as well number two a TN modeler ad and modeler tools is a smart model is great for maya that comes with multiple useful tools ranging from simple scripts to highly complex tools that completely redefine your workflow ADN malware can help you speed up the modeling process in maya by saving you time when it comes to the modeling tasks that are less fun and more tedious when you use a TN modeling tool settings become way easier and much more fun i think 3d software are simply not yet equipped with the necessary tools that will make the complex hard surface modeling process and this is one tools such as ADN tools come to place you can use the boolean and chamfer to pretty much do everything needed for the complex hard surface tasks number one hard mesh hard mass is ideal for hard surface modeling its primary use is to create complex objects starting from simple shapes but it can also be used to add details to any hard surface model with hard mesh you can blend together any kind of mesh and by just concentrating on the creative process of modeling anakata modeling operation can also be done with the input meshes from moving vertices to splitting or deleting faces also there is a rich set of operations that gives you freedom to blend your meshes in many ways you can always switch among the operations from a union operation to a new panel operation I hope you found this list of maya modeling plugins useful if you have something to add please leave it in the comment section below also you can check some of our previous videos thank you very much and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: InspirationTuts
Views: 178,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Plugins, 3D, 3D Software, Software, 3D modeling, Maya Plugins, Maya, Best Maya Plugins, 3D modeling tools in maya, Maya Modeling tools, Maya Modeling scripts, Maya Scripts, Maya Sculpting plugins, hard mesh, ADN Modeler, Quad Remesher, Plugit, Speedcut, Modit, Maya structures, Qualoth, KTools, Ornatrix, Easy Terrain, BrickIt, Voronoi mesh generator, couture, cable, super bricks, Quick pipe, Maya modeling plugins, Maya plugins for architecture, Maya Plugins for Modeling
Id: Vz4d2ykd3Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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