Hard Surface Model A Spaceship No Add-Ons Required! Blender Tutorial

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hello and welcome to another exciting blender tutorial today we're going to be taking a look at creating a cool drop ship using grebels and lots of modeling techniques and tips so buckle up let's have some fun now just as a reminder this is the abbreviated version of this tutorial the full tutorial is about two hours long it's a live stream that i did a couple weeks ago and you can find the entire live stream uncut on patreon you can also get to it if you become a channel member here on youtube at the all access pass level and higher so that's a great way if you want more content from c bailey film check it out there that's how you can get a hold of it um hard service modeling is a lot of fun once you start to get to get a get a hang of it and get your mind wrapped around it um it can be tricky at first to get used to but it's uh it's pretty cool what i'm gonna do is uh i'm just gonna kind of improvise a design here and uh talk about what i'm doing as i do it so feel free to follow along at home okay i want this ship to be symmetrical um so i'm going to start off with the mirror modifier so i'm going to go into edit mode and i'm going to hit ctrl r and that brings up my loop cut and slide tool now if you click with the loop cut and slide tool and just hit escape without moving your mouse it'll automatically place that loop cut right in the dead center of whatever it is that you've made or whatever you've got that you're doing it on blue cuts are great they're really really useful and you'll see we'll use them a lot but they need to have four-sided faces in order to work if i had a five-sided face this this loop cut wouldn't work it would kind of hit that five-sided base and then it wouldn't know where to go but a four-sided face enables blender the opportunity to calculate a continuous flow that's why polygons which are four-sided faces are really useful in blender in 3d why we're always trying to have four-sided faces when we do hard surface modeling i'm gonna switch to my front view i'm using my number keypad to jump around in those views if you don't have a number keypad like if you're on a laptop or something you can just click up here these little handles will jump you around the same way now i'm going to go into transparent mode because i want to delete all the vertices on one side so if i hit b to go into box selection mode and then drag a box around this side you can see i've selected those two points but i've also selected the ones behind them and that's because i've got this transparent selection or transparent x-ray view mode turned on if this was turned off i would only select the vertices that i can see basically so if anything's blocked you can't see it anyways i'm going to delete those vertices i'm going to cover it in my modifiers tab and i'm going to add a mirror modifier just to kick things off and i'm going to make sure i set my mirror axis to be the y so that it mirrors along the y turn the x off and i'll make sure merge is turned on that will merge the vertices at the center and that's pretty good i'm also going to add in a bevel modifier and i'm going to set this to limit the angle limit method to angle yep that's cool oh it's automatically set to that now that's nice and i'll increase the angle up to 45 for now i might need to take that higher later but the idea is it's only going to create a bevel um if the angle is greater than 45 degrees so these are 90 degree angles these faces here so that's how i'm getting this bevel and i can change the amount i'm just gonna bring it down a little bit i might increase the segments up to two the other thing i'm going to do that's also really really good for whenever you're doing hard surface modeling is i'm going to come down to the little data symbol here the green triangle and open up normals and i'm going to take auto smooth and i'm also going to right click because this won't do anything if you just tick it you also have to right click on your object not an edit mode just an object right click and shade smooth and what that does is with this turned off basically um shading smooth it's basically whenever you have a hard edge or an edge that's over four to thirty degrees um so like our 90 degree edges that we have here it's going to shade it hard but if it's a you know less than 30 degrees it's going to shade smooth so it's it's nice it works really well another thing that can be really good to help clean up that look is to come over and add the weighted normal so you can see how it kind of cleaned it up look at that if i turn it off it kind of it's got this gradual fade off to the corners it doesn't look quite right turn this on it suddenly snaps still looking really good what this is doing is it's taking the weighted normal so it takes like what's the majority i think the way it works is what's the the majority normals where are they facing on this this part of the object and then it kind of unifies those normals a little bit just helps create better transitions between things so that's what you need so this these these things the bevel modifier and the weighted normals modifier those two together with auto smooth on that can actually help you not have to use a subdivision surface all the time and you can save a lot of geometry and things can look good all right now um i'm gonna start creating my ship now um whenever you're creating any kind of thing you need to think about the basic shape first and you kind of move into tighter detail as you go so i'm going to select these front points and i'm going to scale them on the z kind of bring it down a little bit and then i'll grab these double tap i had to deselect everything i'll grab these back points and i'm going to extrude them out so and all of our modifiers are just going to continue to work they're going to continue to chug away in the background while we create all this stuff i'm going to pull this right back and create a loot cup so ctrl r right in here i'll scale this on the zed bring it up a touch like this let's come over here i'm going to go into face mode and i'll select this face you can see i'm just using the same tools at the moment i'm going to get rid of this camera dudes in the way oops how to edit mode camera and the light now cool way to work too is when you're doing modeling um if you come over here and switch to matcap and then pick one of these i like this one because it makes me feel like i'm in zed brush and then you can turn on a bunch of cool settings so we can do cavity and shadow um sometimes this can not be helpful because you're getting more sense of definition than that's really then then really exists in your model but i'm not going to worry about that just yet i'm getting this weird shadow down the middle and i'm just wondering yeah it's from weighted normals so we might need to um once we apply our mirror modifier oh i keep it off for now i'm going to take this section here i'm going to hit i to inset inset is a great tool it's the same as if you hit e to extrude and then s to scale just saves you a couple of key presses e to extrude grab it on the y bring it out like this is going to be my sort of wing modules let me look at it from the top switch to vertex mode turn on x-ray again double tap a to deselect everything grab all these guys and grab them on the y and pull it out like this i don't think i will actually bring these guys out taper them in a little bit um come up here to this front edge i'm going to hit control b to bevel and bevel just splits an edge but it also does a lot of other cool things you can roll your mouse button and we'll increase the number of edges it creates you can see you get these really nice rounded sections so i'm going to do this i'm going to i don't want to do too many rounded sections just yet i'll grab this one now this is going to be interesting because you see how it splits here on the side so we may need to um make some changes to that in a minute grab both of those and pull them in like this okay you can see that pinching so when you hit a big group of vertices that are all moving together into one point you get this pinched look um and that can cause issues so we're going to clean that up i'm going to select all of them here and hit ctrl b to bevel all right i kind of like this i think this is going to be a good foundation for me some like intersections here i'm going to hit eye to inset and i'll bring this group in like so and then i will hit e to extrude and i'll grab this on the x and bring this group in bring it out just a little bit and i'm going to put some jets in there i think here i'm going to grab this face hit e to extrude and i will uh grab it on the x and bring it in now i'm going to get this extra face which i don't want just select that face and delete face delete face now i'm going to scale it up but i don't want it to be scaling into the y because of the the mirror modifier so i'm going to hit s shift y and the shift basically turns off the y axis i'm also going to turn on proportional editing up here s shift y see what this looks like a little bit all right now i'm going to clean up this section here so i'm going to come up here and i'm going to just grab these faces um or even better i'll just grab these faces directly and i will hit delete faces uh come here i'm just gonna delete i'm gonna delete this face right here let's face the space this is just going to delete all these guys for now i'm going to select one face from this wing thing hit l that will select linked now this is kind of like a separate object i'm going to keep it in this the geometry but i'm going to treat it as a separate separate thing so i'm just going to grab this on the y bring it in a little bit and then i will select by holding alt select that loop there e to extrude and then scale that in all right let's get some interesting shape now um i'm going to come in here and i'm going to grab these guys actually i'll grab this whole top section okay so except for that and i'm gonna hit control b to bevel i'm gonna see what this does all right i like what it's doing there at the front this one i'm not so sure about some weird stuff happening there so i think what i need to do is i'm gonna select all i'm gonna hit m to merge i'm gonna merge by distance yeah removed okay so i had some doubled up vertices there that weren't connected so if you ever have something weird going on just select all and emerge by distance and that'll really help because often there's like two vertices right on top of each other and you need to get rid of them uh and have it just be one for things to work so all right so now let's see i'll select this guy again i'll deselect that and i'm gonna go ctrl b to bevel and now they should all yeah they all work together now so i'm going to pull this in right about to here i think let's take this edge this edge and then this edge here let's also bevel these guys but i'm going to roll my my mouse wheel so it's just one loop and then i'm going to hit e to extrude and i will grab let's see i'll scale it but not on the x so i'm going to shift x my scale so just going to scale on the y and the z and then we'll just bring it down okay i feel like this bit let's select this this group here and ctrl b to bevel this all right now let's see let's do the same kind of thing let's grab this loop here and then maybe this loop here and we'll ctrl b to bevel those guys roll my mouse wheel to just do one group and then i'll hit e to extrude and i'm just going to grab it on the y pull it in and then i will scale it down a little bit i think i will do something similar here i need to create the the um the cockpit kind of area do this script ctrl b pull them out e and then scale down a little bit of weirdness here i might grab these faces that are hiding on the inside like this and grab z just bring them down a bit just to clean that up all right let's see i'm going to grab this edge loop here and we'll do the same thing ctrl b e and then scale all right now i feel like this back section we need to pull this forward a bit so pull this forward bring it in now let's select these guys i'm going to hit shift d to duplicate i'll hit e to extrude and i'll grab it on the x grab on the z just to create like this kind of visor thing and also recalculate my normals because i think they're going to be a little weird that there so i might just go object uh sorry come over here i need to go is it face or is it mesh mesh there we go recalculate outside that fixes up that shading issue i also feel like i like this shape better than this back shape so i think i'm going to grab this and i'll grab it on the zed with a proportional editing turned on i'll just bring it up a bit like that yeah it looks better i'm going to shift a i'm going to create a cylinder just grab it up a little bit rotate on the y 90 degrees go into edit mode let's select this back face and delete it and i'll select the front face and delete it i'll hold down alt click that edge i'll scale it up turn on proportional editing grab the back edge scale it down like so i'll select all and i'll hit e to extrude and i'll scale it up just to give it some thickness i'll grab it back on the x a little bit as well i think get my loop cut tool and i'm going to roll my mouse wheel to increase the number of cuts i'm going to escape that i'm going to hit control b to bevel and i'll pull this like this and let e to extrude and then i'll scale this thing up there we go i'm also going to come over here turn on auto smooth right click shade smooth you can see it working really well there and then i'm going to come here and add in the bevel modifier and i'll change the angle limit to 45 which i think it looks right maybe a bit higher maybe 75 this edge here i'm gonna eat extrude scale it in some weird weirdness going on there all right let's just just double check i'll hit m merge by distance no try it again and merge by distance oh 32 vertices river there we go there was some extra stuff going on there extrude that bring this in e and grab this on x bring it in like that e scale that down grab it on the x e scale it down i'm gonna grab one of these edge loops and ctrl b to bevel that and then e to extrude that and scale it up grab it on the y pull it out touch looks good i might do a couple of those this over bring this over and then i'm going to scale this right down grab it on the x y there we go i'm going to use an array modifier and i'll set it to go along the y and zero on that and grab it on the y just position it here and the reason why i'm using an array modifier is just so that if i make any edits to this it'll just translate straight over i can also just link the data that's perfectly fine as well maybe we should do another array and array this one down like that maybe scale the whole thing now we can do is we're going to do another array modifier and increase this up until it's roughly in the same spot now i can shift d grab on the x i feel like there would be one right in the middle as well so i'm going to duplicate it and get rid of all the arrays do that so i'm going to go ahead now and i'm going to create uh let's see mesh cube just move it over here to the side go into edit mode scale it on the z and just going to make some panels and things so i'm going to grab grab these edges here and i'll hit ctrl b to bevel just round those out grab this top bit and i'll hit i to inset i'll bring it in and then e and then grab it down like so and then i might let's see go for some loot cuts along the side here bevel those drop them down so they're just one face and then e and scale shift y so just scaling on the x and the z i might grab them up as well there we go might do the same on the other side as well so ctrl r but maybe not is uh i might do four on this side control b let me make these bigger e scale shift y um and then grab this hatch area i'll hit eye to inset uh that's like good i will uh what i want to do with this i will scaling it in actually looks kind of cool yeah that's nice and then i'll insert it just a little bit and then scale it that should do it yeah there we go now e to extrude grab it down scale in and then i might try let's see what two sphere gives us two sphere is a great way to round out objects so it looks pretty cool all right i might just go into x-ray mode go into vertex mode and select everything along the bottom here bring it up a bit there's one grebel now let's make another all right let's see i will um make some let's do something a little different this time make like a i don't know i'll bevel this guy and maybe let's do two loop cuts three loop cuts here scale it up y and let's grab one of these dudes um switch to x-ray mode grab all that rotate zed 90 degrees grab x grab y x grab y i might then select this loop and if i hit double tap g it's going to slide the vertexes along the edges so i can get that to work pretty cool bring that back down i might grab the top here actually hit e to extrude and let's scale it on the y grab it on the y scale it on the x give it a z pretty good i duplicate it and slide it out what does that look like i'm going to come over here and turn auto smooth on for this one and then i might do it for this one as well auto smooth you can see how much it makes it look nice without having to add tons of geometry and then let's create another cube set actually go into edit mode instagram set i think this will be the last one i make i'm going to let's see i will grab this top face and ctrl b to bevel it and then i'm going to shift s like cursor to select it and then shift a in edit mode uv sphere that will create a sphere within the object and just let me grab this x i think it looks better when it's the same object again using l to select connected there shift d grab it on the x i'll just put these side by side and then i'll select the base let's scale it on the x go down the x there we go and maybe take the face and hit e to extrude and grab it down a little bit scale it in touch maybe if i click shade smooth and auto smooth i'm going to alt click the top actually i'm going to brush select the top because it's not actually those are all three-sided faces so i can't do a loop cut there and i'll hit i to inset both of these and then e and grab zed bring them down maybe scale actually on the scale might inset again e again and grab z bring them up just like that and then maybe i'll come over here i'll grab this edge this edge something like this right e and scale i'm gonna do my uh individual origins as the um as the pivot point and that will now scale like the individual origins from the origin of each of these selected faces as opposed to you can see it was scaling from like the center point of both of them okay all right so we got three grables so i'm going to save my project and uh i'll go ahead and name these just so i don't get confused all right so now we've created some grabbles we're going to take these guys and we're going to turn on snapping and we're going to set the snapping mode to face and snap with center and align rotation to target okay now if i duplicate any of these guys i can bring them over and i can just place them across the surface of my object and just decide you know make some cool little patterns with these guys maybe scale this down [Music] wow everybody [Music] wow i could select all these guys like so and i could shift d scale y negative one and then grab them on the y just turn off snapping actually no turn on snap i could just grab that whole panel bring it over all right i'm pretty happy with this all right now after you've done all that let's uh let's switch over to rendered view and uh i'm just going to select everything and i'm going to copy material to selected so we've got the same material across all these objects i'm going to create a sun lamp rotate it on the x rotate on the z or the y like this i'm going to take the angle all the way down to zero and i'm going to bring the brightness all the way up and i'm going to take my background and make it black because in space you usually have this like one hard edge that really smacks your object and then everything else falls off into black i'm going to go into edit mode and i will select the faces that are my sort of front um viewport area i'm going to click plus to create a new material click new click assign these guys we're going to make them very very reflective go to edit mode and might go for like that you know that gold color that you get a lot on spaceships saturation is a little too intense so i'll pull that back well have a fantastic day wherever you are enjoy your evening or your morning or whatever you got ahead of you and stay safe hope you're doing well i will catch you in the next tutorial until then see you later thanks again for watching this tutorial i hope you had a good time hope you learned a few cool things about modeling and you're ready to go to create your own drop ship make yours look better than mine i'd love to see it share it with me over on the discord find the link in the description below and uh also please uh consider subscribing to the channel and hitting that like button and don't forget to check out the amazing stuff we've got on the blender market and on gumroad all those links are in the description thank you for all the support hope you enjoy these tutorials i'll catch you in the next one see you later bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: CBaileyFilm
Views: 46,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender turorial, blender beginner tutorial, scifi, create a short film, create a fan film
Id: erhh-q1BTm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 49sec (1669 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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