Hard Surface for Beginners - Blender tutorial with HardOPS and Boxcutter

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hi guys ryu here and this video is going to be aimed at anyone who starts with blender but they also are interested in add-on workflow for hard surface okay so the focus on this video is going to be creating something really simple and proving the point that you don't need anything complicated to create a really nice render we're gonna be taking a very simple cube and creating some you know cool shape out of it some container cypher container and we're gonna put it in a very simple scene and render it and i will show you how little you need to create really compelling renders now what you need to understand that modeling and designing and detailing all that texturing is important but if you do not know how to render you will never have a really nice portfolio and portfolio is what you're gonna be judged by you know um clients or potential employers etc okay um and if you want to sell your stuff if you want to actually start making money with 3d you do need that portfolio because that's your business card okay so today we're going to design something really simple if you're an absolute beginner in blender i mean you don't even know how to move a cube i would highly recommend you watch my other video a series which is specifically tailored for you know beginners blender but if you do know the basics i think you're gonna be fine you will need hard ups and box cutter and machine tools to follow this video because i'm going to be using all three add-ons machine tools are free and box cutter and hard ups are paid if you don't have them there's a link in the video description so hop on them and grab them they are arguably the best add-ons for creating hard surface and i couldn't live without them they speeding my work immensely and saving me a enough time okay time is money so you know get them now we're going to design something really simple and i mean really simple and i want to show you you know how little you really need to create something really cool okay so we're going to grab a cube shift i and let's add a cube all right if you want to learn basics of hard ups and box cutter i also have a video on that it's kind of like a 20 minutes crash course on that add-on in terms of settings very easy all you need to do is go here once you install hard ups to that menu enable this auto t panel box colonification and q menu sequential and the q menu prefixes and that's it okay just simply enable these and in box cutter all i do is i go here and go to input and i enable this right mouse button to cancel hang on that you know these are my settings for both add-ons in terms of shortcuts we're gonna be talking about it a bit later if you need them but in terms of machine tools i will show you which menus i'll be using in this video okay so here we're gonna be using uh smartwatch smart face cleanup and i don't really need focus here and just enable all these we're not gonna be using them but you know these are the menus i'm using when i'm using machine tools so you can copy that and also disable this garbage okay this turning off curvature and cavity in you know when you switch modes and save preferences and you're done okay then go to alt v menu enable cavity so we're going to be able to read the shape a bit better you see that it just reads a bit better and we're good to go all right so with that cupidness scene we're going to scale it all right so sx i'm going to scale it a little bit uh that's a bit too much we're going to skip it on z axis so as z and maybe make it a little bit wider so sx and now i'm going to add a loop here so go to edit mode and with machine tools you do it really quickly guys you press tab and this is your mode spy okay so you go to vertex face edge or object and you can switch between object and edit mode and you can do this very quickly once you remember the position of you know of these elements so for example if i go to vert i'm going to press tab move my mouse and release okay if i want to go to edge i'm going to press tab move to edge and release if i want to switch to object motors and we're going to go top okay so it's really quickly to switch and you can switch from object mode to face mode with one swipe of the mouse you don't have to go to tab and press one two three like in vanilla blender okay it's just much quicker so i'm going to be using basically you know mainly this pie for um for machine tools it's really handy and i honestly couldn't live without it so um there you go let's go to edge mode and we're gonna drop a loop in here okay so we're gonna press ctrl r and drop a loop and now when you click you can actually move that loop left and right okay and then when you position it where you want it just simply click again if you want to move it again you can just go gg and move it on and you're going to slide it on these edges or gy and you know move it on the y-axis okay now let's go to face mode and scale it so as x skeleton's face and we're going to scale this face a little bit too sx scale it a little bit like that and i think we cool all right awesome so now what we're going to do is we're going to apply scale now scale is something really important in blender and whenever you scale something in object mode which we did right you would notice that when you go to t panel and item with this object selected you will see here scale by default this scale should be one by one by one so when i'm going to add a new cube here shifter and the cube you'll see my scale is uniform whenever i start to scaling something on either of the axes you see that the scale is going to become a non-uniform and that's only in object mode in edit mode you can do whatever the hell you want and scale is going to remain untouched but in object mode it's going to be a problem and this will affect the way you will be running bevels or you know cutting or arraying solidifying so many operations in blender will be affected by scale so for example if i select this object go to edit mode i'm going to select an edge and i'm going to start beveling this without applying scale you'll notice that this bevel is actually not really uniform okay it just kind of goes you know it's sort of biased to the right side right but when i'm going to apply scale so i'm going to press ctrl a and i'm going to apply scale this gives schedule with reset and when i'm gonna go back to edge mode and start beveling now you see that the bevel is kind of round and even okay so applying scale is a really important thing to do cool so we applied scale let's select these edges so so let's just alt click here to select this loop uh let's shift click here and shift click here okay and we're going to bevel this ctrl b right and we're going to scroll the mouse and on the bottom here you can see segments now i advise you to get into the habit of choosing an even number of segments okay and i'll show you in a minute why let's go with i would say you know uh maybe maybe eight is fine something like this and apply okay cool now the reason why i said that even number of segments should be your kind of a habit is because when you're going to be creating game assets in the future and you want to create a low poly out of high poly which means you want to reduce the amount of geometry on the item the easiest way to go about it is by you know reducing the bevel sizes or bevel density okay so here if i wanted to select every single edge in the middle okay of that bevel i can do that because i have an uneven number of edges and even number of segments these two outer edges okay these two are supporting edges that support flatness of both faces you do not want to move them or you know sort of um remove them all right you want to alter only whatever is inside of the bevel so if i grab these edges and x and dissolve them right let me just do this again and let's just select all these and dissolve edges see that my bevel resolution is going to get cut in half okay so it's going to be half as dense and you can keep going you know until you completely dissolve this bevel and you're going to become a chamfer okay even number of segments is a key to creating you know your hard surface models all right so now what we're gonna do we're gonna slice this box uh here i cannot really use my words to you know sort of change the shape of it so i couldn't i could drop these words down but you can see what happens it just you know deforms the entire face because of this bevel here and because there is a bevel in here but what i can do instead i can actually slice it okay with box cutter so i'm going to go to d menu and change from box to and gone and we're gonna run an end gun here like this then before we do that we need to switch the way our boolean behaves let me explain box cutter will allow you to align to an object which means for example here i could choose this face and in any orientation of my view on my camera i could start drawing an angle on this face it's going to align itself to that face you see that right it's angled now what we want here is you want to actually draw in view mode so you need to press shift v you switch from object orientation to view orientation okay and then when you're going to draw that you know you're going to be drawing in view mode okay so here here and press b for bevel and when you scroll your mouse you can see how many bevel segments you currently have let's go with six now bevel if you move your mouse to the left you can reset it and create a chamfer you can reset it again to the left and then right to create the bevel so bevel chamfer bevel chamfer we want a bevel so let's just create a bevel and slice it boom now what you do not want is you do not want these two bevels to overlap it's going to be a shading problem so let's go to settings and let's turn on the wireframe and see how we're looking we could be looking a bit better okay so what we're gonna do is gonna move that cutter so q and we're gonna recall it f scroll and with every scroll you can scroll through all cutters on the mesh we only have one cutter so no biggie we're gonna click to activate it gy and we're gonna move it on y axis a bit deeper so these two bevels are not overlapping okay it's just gonna save us a bit of a headache shift two and hide that q settings turn off wireframe pg another thing we're gonna do we're gonna mirror this to the other side okay so select the object alt text with hard ops and you will see a menu on the top that menu is a mirror menu and when you press tab you can access you know advanced options and when you press d you can actually see that menu here under your cool source so it's the same menu just simply kind of you know under your course or whatever cursor is okay the same with tab gonna be a detailed menu okay so by default heart ops mirror will apply modifier which means mirror modifier to that mesh okay so we want a mirror on x-axis which means we need to click here to mirror from right to left on x-axis which is a red axis right it's x y and z okay so click here and boom and you got mirrored to the other side all right so we got some shading problems here no no big deal so now we're gonna add a bevel so press q and bevel and automatically hard up is gonna add three segmented bevel we're gonna make it smaller so it's you know kind of really nice and tight awesome and on top of this we're gonna add weighted normals so q and alt click on sharpen which will add weighted normal modifier at the bottom of the stack heart ops automatically sorts all the modifiers okay if you go to control tilde menu you will see that here you're gonna have auto sort modifiers you can turn off turn them off and on you can decide which ones you want to be sorted but basically when you add bullions mirror bevels etc they're gonna be sorted automatically in the correct position so you don't have to deal with you know any additional mess now i'll show you how to create an inset boolean we're going to run an angular cut from here and then down and then here and press b for bevel click and move your mouse like that so hold the middle mouse button and rotate your scene press e cut it through and x three times and you'll see instant building press t to adjust solidification right so we can adjust it and click okay and it's going to create an insert boolean which is really cool awesome so now we're going to we're going to cut the handle here so we're going to press d and we're going to run a box and we're going to cut it in here like this and press b and let's reduce this so press tab and then press b again and we're going to move my mou move the mouse to the left to reduce this uh kind of a curvature of this bevel a little bit up to here and we're going to cut it through but we're going to press x to slice it okay and apply it this is going to apply slash meaning it's going to be you know separate geometry now what i want to do is i want to create one more cut here in the front like sort of like a vent all right so let's cut this here with the box and we're going to rotate it like this and press v and x and you can see that this will array our cutter but it arrays it on the incorrect axis right so so let's just do it again i'm going to do it differently so we're going to draw a cutter here right r to rotate it so it's going to actually match this angle here right and we're positioning somewhere here somewhere here is fine actually and we're going to shift click which will cut this mesh but also shift this boolean to life we're going to apply rotation so ctrl a apply rotation and now we're going to be able to apply array and press x to change axes there you go and let's select i don't know maybe five of them like this so now what i want to do is i want to scale that so since we apply notation okay we cannot anymore scale it on the local axis so s z z will not work right because normally when you have an object okay let's say cube and you want to scale it on local axis when the object is rotated right on x axis for example so when you press s z is going to be global but z z is going to be local axis okay see that's a local axis because the object was rotated so the local axis got rotated too but here the problem is that we applied rotation so rotation is you know scaled down to zero which means we need to use a custom orientation so let's go to face mode select the face on the top here and let's go to global and let's click on the plus this will create a custom orientation and then gz and we can scale it down a bit you see create something a bit more like that go to array and hold shift and we're going to squash it down a bit less create something a bit more you know a bit more appealing and drop it lower to the bottom and then we're going to press q and i'm going to click on shift bull what this will do it will shift the boolean from cut to slash okay shift it to remove that and we're good to go we're gonna apply this boolean here so operations smart apply i'm gonna go to edit mode and select everything with a and now what i want to do is i want to scale these scale them down but you can see this is one object and it will not scale properly so i need to separate them first okay i'm going to press p and i'm going to separate them by loose parts okay so each of them now is a separate object go to object mode and they're all selected but they all share one one origin point which is here that's the original point they sure you see now i want to assign original point to each of them so press shift as with machine tools and origin to geo and this origin point is going to get assigned to each of them we're going to change transform point to individual origins and we're going to scale them like this okay and manually move them in here like that and it's going to create a really cool you know sort of like a pattern design okay awesome let's grab this handle because you know we need to work with that a little bit so now before we do anything i want to create a chamfer on top here so i can select both of these so this one and this one but before we do that let's apply booleans okay so let's go here to operations and smart apply we're gonna select this one and this one go to edit mode and we're going to select this edge here so click here shift click here shift click here ctrl click ctrl click ctrl click shift click shift click and ctrl click and then we can ctrl b that and scroll down to create a chamfer not too big just kind of like that and you can see that our loops are being slid a bit so we're gonna do is go here and turn off loop sliding this will help a little bit with the sliding of the loops here and create a bit more even sort of a bevel all right cool now here you can see that we have a bit of a problem because our bevel is gone and the reason for that is simply because bevel uh by default runs on angle and the angle is 30 degrees so if any edge is of a lesser angle than 30 degrees you will lose the bevel so if i hold shift and start dropping this value down there you go you see it's 29 degrees we get the bevel back so in this case it works perfectly and we're good to go now you can do the same thing with hard ups you can simply click on the mesh press q press bevel press a and now watch this 30 degrees in the middle i'm going to warm up to the right you see i can move my mouse and change the angle so i can set 29 degrees and click so it's the same thing okay in any case if you you know need to see additional menu always press h and you can display additional menu for hard ups a box cut okay so we got that and um now we need to fix this handle here so let's uh go to edit mode select this one and ctrl click up to here and gz and let's move it up and don't forget to switch here from local back to global because otherwise it will not work and let's let you know move it a little bit higher and what i want to do is want to create kind of like a handle here but now if i want to cut this through and i want to maintain the even thickness it's going to be a bit difficult because you see that this one is tapering so we're going to use a really cool trick with um with hard ups alignment tool okay we're going to select this face right and we're going to align to it by going to cue st3 mesh tools and align to view and then you can hold shift and scroll mouse hold ctrl scroll your mouse hold out and scroll your mouse okay this is really handy tool guys and i want to align it in a way that i'm going to be perfectly annoying to this face and this side face here is going to be sort of perpendicular to my view okay so like this and click then go to object mode press d for engine and we're gonna cut it here like this with an end gun okay one more time right all the way here and now when i'm gonna move my mouse up you see the dot now when the dot turns into a color dot that means the line on top is flat press space to cut and you're good to go and then we're going to add x and we're going to mirror this with hard ups and you got the perfect cut going like this through this tapered mesh nice little trick uh here we could create some kind of an opening so d and could create some kind of a cut here you know like a long one like this press b and slice awesome cool beans then you know this cutter is still live so we could do is for example go to every scroll scroll the mouse till we get the cutter and we could for example scale it to make this you know handle a bit thinner which i think is going to look a little bit better okay maybe that's a bit too thin something like this yeah that will do now in the front here we're going to also cut some kind of like a you know i don't know terminal or something we could do it in here which it could be interesting so let's go to the top view and we're going to cut this with a with a with an end gun so we could go from actually could go from here this could be interesting go from here um like this and all the way here and outside like that and here and here and then press b for bevel make it a bit smaller and we're gonna cut it through so grab the dot and move down like this and press t for solidification and you can adjust it with shift and all right this will do i think and click we're gonna have to mirror this to the other side so select this main shape alt x and mare so it's actually merit and you know consistent right now if we're going to apply this shape in the middle so we're going to grab this and you know let's apply that so oppressions multiply we could grab this shape in the middle here so go to edit mode select that press l to select this solidified piece in the middle p and we're going to create a selection out of it go to object mode and select this piece shift s and we're going to move this original point to the geometry because at the moment these two pieces share the same origin point shift s and to geometry okay and then we're going to go to edit mode select this edge here with shift and create a bit of a you know beveled interest here with let's say it's eight segments is okay kind of something like this it's gonna look pretty cool here we can create some wedge cuts so the d menu and select that you could create a really deep wedge cut but in object orientation so shift v switch to object and from local change to nearest edge this will align you to this edge hopefully uh there you go and we're gonna cut it in and press w for wedge hold control to create perfect wedge and click and this will work and we're gonna alt text and mirror to the other side and that looks really really cool all right awesome so that's that now here is gonna be an interesting thing we're gonna do we're gonna grab that cutter which is not applied yet so let's have a scroll this not this one the other one so have a scroll grab this cutter here there we go and we're going to we're going to shift it to yeah we're going to shift shift ball to a slice and i'm going to go to back view and i'm going to slice the top top part off so let's just go to um boxcart and let's just slice this bit off here like that okay so we're gonna be left with this bottom part here we're gonna apply this so operations multiply select these two edges here okay and ctrl b them right so let's go to local view and see what's happening here that's better and create something like this it's gonna look really cool there we go awesome so this cutter here this one we could actually either slash it or sx and scale it and gx and move it out here so it's not gonna be super deep it's gonna be just going a little bit inside okay so gx let me create something like this okay right or you could go across here through that mesh and this one could be cut shorter so this cutter here we could slash from the back so we could just cut it with a box like this and we're gonna get a really nice design here shift to perfect here in the bottom we're gonna it's not a tool we're gonna select it in edit mode okay and we're going to shift click on curve extract to create something like this right maybe it's a bit too thick so let's go to modifiers and sort of define hold shift and scale it down a bit right cool and we're going to cut it with an n gone right in the view mode so shift v and view okay and we're going to cut it somewhere here right this and press b make it smaller and cut it we're gonna get this kind of an interesting shape now here in the back we could grab a box and shift v switch from view to object and we're going to draw a cut here in the back like that b for bevel t for solidification and x for slush and what it does what it will do it will create three cuts okay i mean two cuts one in the middle and one outside this one in the middle and we need to rebattle so make this bevel smaller and we're going to increase the solidification so have a scroll go to the cutter and solidify and increase the solidification okay to something like this and we're going to also increase the amount of bevel to let's say i don't know maybe maybe 12 okay shift two and we're going to drop that okay in so select it it's multiply gy and move it inside here and this bit here we're going to apply this boolean so operations multiply i'm going to select this uh this face here right press l p selection and then object mode shift s and two geometry and we're gonna move it outside okay a little bit and we're going to you know inset it so press i to insert it a bit extrude it and scale it extrude it and then ask to scale it okay a little bit create kind of a you know back part here we could create some kind of a plug or port or whatnot switch to circle so here with uh with a circle what we could do is enable the snapping dots so when you hold ctrl in object orientation you can actually precisely determine where you want these circles to be drawn what i want to do is i want to actually draw a line across here so i'm going to symmetrize it down so alt x and press d symmetry and i'm going to symmetrize it down so i'm going to have a line in the middle here and i'm going to connect these two with a j as well and draw another cut here it's alt r and i'm going to be able to draw a circle here in the middle so ctrl hold ctrl and then draw a circle you can increase or decrease the amount of verts which are on top holding shift so hold shift and scroll up let's make it 38 and then e extruded in and shift t to taper it right press one to mirror to the other side and click you got these kind of like a ports that's some problem here so let's i'll click on sharpen to introduce weighted normals here too this could be some kind of a screen here but quite frankly i like the empty space screen could be somewhere here in the top we could have some buttons here what not we actually have some buttons here so we could just simply grab a cutter an object and run a cut here like that b and e extruded and let's just move it on x axis also y axis to the other side here this is mirrored press t for solidification and simply click let's just apply that so operations smart apply let's grab these two and gz and move them up ctrl b to you know bevel them let's use eight segments is enough and you got two buttons on top i think it looks uh pretty cool awesome so that will do and i think we're done so now we're going to texture this so let's go to look def here i'm going to switch this hdri to my personal favorite which is abandoned slip where you can get it on polyheaven.com and if you want to upload your you know in you know your custom hdri here click that cog wheel and you simply install from file you download it mine is abundant slip away 4k as your ik and then save prefs so you can then choose here custom measurized for your lookdev and we're going to apply a mod here's alt m with hard ops and click and i want to make sure that this mod you know kind of makes sense for me so don't want it to be metallic i want to do a plastic i want it to be rougher i wanted to have some clear coat because it will create a really nice kind of like a reflective surface on top of it like a glossy one so it looks like a glossy plastic and i want it to be quite bright okay so you know quite bright right so now with this selected i could control i to invert selection shift select this one and simply copy mud to all these other items but then i could click this button here which will create a copy of that mod so when i'm going to change now the color i'm going to be changing color unloaded multi copy okay so i want to create the the interior on it to have white brighter and the exterior i want to have darker so this one i wanna darker this one a bit brighter okay so let's just make it brighter and this one let's make it a bit darker right not too dark though i'm not sure if this should be white or should be darker i think this looks a little bit better personally the buttons could also be darker so you could you know select the buttons and simply ctrl l and then p selection then select the buttons select shift select this one and copy and this will look really cool i think the part in the middle here should be darker too um that will do right okay cool so we have a really simple design guys and we're going to add a scene to it okay so shift a add a plane and we're going to scale it by three so s3 actually a little bit more and drop it down so side view and gz and drop it down here and we're going to move it a little bit higher so jay z and we're going to solidify it down so solidified down and we're going to add some mod to its art m and just add black but and for now we're going to leave that but i don't want it to be metallic and i want to be i want it to be a bit rougher and probably a bit darker than this container but we will see maybe this will do maybe let's uh add some clear coat and clear roughness there we go and now let's add camera with machine tools so press page down and if you click that you will add camera to view if you click again we can change the focal length let's go with 135 is gonna be quite um quite compressed press n to collapse this panel here let's zoom in so we can fill this screen with the camera page down and let's lock it to view now when you move your camera you will move you know move in camera view with the camera so you can zoom out zoom in whatever you want i think we're gonna go vertical on this one okay so we're going to create a vertical render and uh let's just go with one four full zero by let's go with two of 45 okay i sorry 248 and then page down and unlock all right let's just zoom out a little bit so you can see that lock the view again and let's zoom in and let's just sort of hold shift and set it in so what i'm doing here is i'm trying to render this in a way that i can see more or less the model okay like a bit of a top a bit of a front i can see here i can see almost the entire model right so i'm selling the whole image the whole idea with literally one one render right granted i don't see the back uh back um you know the back of this model but this will show you quite a lot if you shoot from a lower angle like this for example it's gonna be a bit more aggressive right um this looks really cool but i don't think in this case it's a container we need to do that this will you know do just nicely so you can see a hint of the top and you give it a bit more bottom so you give it a bit more ground in the top it's really nicely zoomed in there's some room here for some logo maybe some signature here or here so it's really nicely well balanced okay page down and let's just unlock it now i'm going to adjust the bottom so now the background needs to be adjusted so rz hold ctrl and let's align it to the camera right and sx x and scale it on x axis you don't want this environment to be bigger than the camera there's no point so grab this edge gg and move it in right because the more background you are having in your scene the more light you're going to obstruct remember light is bouncing from all over the place so if you have more elements in your scene the less light is going to be visible i see this is a very common mistake when people render they have these massive backgrounds that do nothing absolutely nothing because the outside the camera view gyy and let's move it in here we're going to create infinite background so easy drop it up gy moving all that so this angle is going to create a nice reflection of light we're going to control b that with a lot of battles okay um let's go with 36 it's gonna be nice and smooth and sharpen it click on the camera control zero and we're gonna have to scale it up out a bit so sxx scale it down a bit and again we don't need this so select that with ctrl x and delete faces right and this is all you need in terms of background guys okay now we're going to be rendering not in a v but we're going to be rendering in cycles i'm in cycles here but in order to actually adjust the environment and adjust the lighting i will be using ev for the time being we're going to rotate the environment so we're going to go here we need to open the shader editor menu so we're going to create another window let's just drag it with mouse to click and drag and we're going to go to shader editor switch here to world and now if you do not see these um these nodes you simply click on this and ctrl t now if these three nodes will not pop what you need to do is go here to preferences now the add-ons installed node wrangler okay because no drag layer is an add-on that does that you know it simply allows you to use shortcuts for renders now let's just collapse it a little bit let's move this one up a bit this one down all i need from this shader editor okay is two things all right i need to be able to see the strength and the rotation on z-axis because that will allow me to rotate these hdri around my image to select correct lighting so now i need to load my hdri and i'm going to select this abundant slip away which is 16k let me just use names there we go boom and all i need to do now is rotate it but i'm going to be rotated as an eevee because it's faster on z axis to change the angle of light okay and if you want to turn off the visibility of your hdr in your viewport you go to film on the render and you turn that off right you see that now when i'm going to be rotating my image i'm rotating the lighting and lighting actually comes from over there so comes from over there it bounces back to the camera at 90 degrees it's a really good lighting situation okay it's a bit dark so we could go with one and a half here okay and we could switch back to cycles and we could you know manipulate a little bit with this flooring here because it's a little bit kind of glossy so let's go to the mat and see what we can do here could increase the roughness on this one a little bit all right i could maybe make it a bit darker so this one stands out a bit more or brighter you know it could go the other way around make it clinical right but i think super white doesn't work here you could make it colored it could also be interesting slightly blue that's a really nice kind of a just like a medical device okay so you could you know you could do a lot of stuff with your renders guys sorry and this is a super simple you know super simple way of rendering now we could cast a bit more light from the other side on this darker side here we could add a reflector so grab a plane g x move it in here r x r y y and 90 degrees and r z and rotate it and we could scale it like this and skeleton z so s z and s x x or s y skill it and make it larger and add just a regular mod here okay so just a regular mod and you will see that if i'm going to now rotate this plane see a light's gonna reflect back from it onto this object look what happens when i'm going to turn it on and off see what i mean so you could create some really interesting renders using reflectors conversely you could make it darker and flag it to create more shadow more drama you could add some color to it for example warm color or you know cold color it's up to you what you want to do right so in our case i wouldn't mix it with colors i would probably open it up a bit so it's really bright but not super bright okay something like that and this will do this could be a bit more yellowish to be honest it would be actually quite interesting a little bit yellowish it's gonna stand out really nice against this blue okay so just tiny of a yellow color and and this kind of you know kind of suggests sort of a medical device like a medical container some kind of a cooler now here i think maybe we need to make this a little bit more rough now we could have metallic floor to be honest would be also interesting we could increase the roughness even more and increase the clear coat roughness just a tiny bit to reduce the reflections here and i think this is good good enough this could be a bit brighter it's a bit more you know it's kind of cheerful right all right that's good now we can render it so let's see now in terms of render settings okay what i'm using is i'm using compositor because it just renders me stuff faster right so in terms of sampling i'm using 250 samples i don't even know why we have 256 here but 250 will do right and i don't use the noise um light paths well these are okay but you could go lower than that you could do eight six six six six six right and uh we don't need the volume because we have no volumetrics turn this on for sure and then on the performance mine is set to 2048 but you do need to check it with your machine so it's just system specific you could start with 256 here this is going to be basically determining how many frames at the same at once your machine is going to be rendering and then of course you need to be in gpu compute here under under device and here in compositing all right you need to have enabled the noise let me just turn it off with control and right mouse button to remove that you need to have the noise enabled now in in order to see these nodes you need to turn use nodes here and you will see that node and this node connected from image to image you need to then press shift a and find the noise right and add it to the equation and connect then normal to normal and albedo to albedo to be able to see these two you need to go to here okay this tab under noise in data and enable it otherwise you'll not be able to see that and that's your rendered basic is set okay and you're going to go to render or layout and we can basically render this so i just go to camera view control 0 and if you want to save a bit of vram um i would suggest you switch from rendered view which is 4.8 gigs to regular view which is 2.9 it's going to be easier on the machine to render it so i would suggest switching back so let's try it guys let's go here and render the image and see what we're going to get save images and let's just save it here on our desktop let's go to photoshop and see how we're looking okay guys we look pretty good out of the box we can give it a bit more oomph so i'm going to be using some add-ons for photoshop one of them is going to be infinite color i really like it it's very quick i don't allows me to create very quick toning for my images boom that looks much better already and then i'm going to be stacking it with some other stuff so let's go to ctrl j let's go to filter nic collection which is another add-on fantastic color effects pro filter from nik collection is brilliant i'm using a lot of them especially let me just install the new version especially the pro contrast which is just fantastic and uh see i can create some really nice contrast images here that is looking pretty pretty good i think we're gonna inject it before the infinite color kicks in so let's see what's gonna be the result of it um i don't like this i'm going to actually do this after so let's uh click here shift ctrl alt and e and ctrl f to rerun the filter which we're going to rerun this latest filter we applied which is a pro contrast okay that's pretty punchy so let's see what we can do with this that's really punchy we can do an interesting stuff here at the mask here and running gradient from top to bottom so switch the colors from black to white with x and hold shift here and run it down like this and this will create a um brighter top and darker bottom let me see that now that's pretty interesting and we can reduce the uh opacity of this entire entire render here there we go so it's a little bit darker on the bottom a bit more punch here which is going to be cool contrast to a text on the top and i'm going to simply drop some text here let's drop this png here our logo and just gonna put it somewhere here make it a bit smaller or we could make it bigger across the whole image this could also be interesting but i'm gonna make it small you know drop it's over here and what we can do is we can control click that we can go to curves disable this image and simply make it brighter like this just to cut out it's going to be very subtle very nice effect and there you go really simple no decals very simple design a very simple image the right hand side is a bit bright it could be a bit darker so we could do is we could darken darken down the right hand side of the image so let's shift ctrl alt and e and we're going to you know go to we're going to go to filter and camera raw we're going to darken down the left hand side so let's drop till exposure just a little bit and we're gonna drop the highlights and we're gonna rub the whites and expose it just a little bit too and uh there we go and click ok and we're going to run a gradient tool from to the other side so mask gradient tool and run it like this right so it's going to be brighter on this side than on the other side so something like that see what i mean and then we can remove it from darker tones so double click here and move this slider over here hold out split it this will remove it from darker tones it will only affect brighter tones meaning this brighter spots cannot be affected mainly so that it's really cool trick so let's just split it a bit more there we go and now the balance has shifted to the front we can reduce the opacity a little bit to kind of balance it a bit more a little bit more there you go and that's it guys very simple render and you could drop it on your portfolio and you know start start building your your business card with really simple renders so you can keep training and keep exercising keep learning hard ups box cutter and all these items in blender and hard surface and you know keep designing some really cool stuff and populating your portfolio and then simply replacing older images that you think are not so good anymore in your eyes with something better but you know you at least have something over there and people can very quickly understand what your level what you can do uh what kind of design you're into and make sure that your portfolio is going to be kind of focused so for example if you like sculpting stick to sculpting if you like hard surface sci-fi stick to it if you're designing cars that's even better because you know it's very very niche portfolio right there's a really great focus on it and it will sort of bring a very concentrated attention to your to your portfolio it's posting everything it's not the best idea because then you you know you check of all trades and not really good at anything so i would suggest focusing on something that you really really like and pushing that to your folio alright guys thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next video if you would like to learn a bit more about hard ups and box cutter and push your skills much further like i said before we are offering we have in a membership offer on our website blendthebust.com hop on the links in the video description it's a great package with a lot of perks so read about it and if it's for you then it's going to be great to have you in that community thanks so much for watching and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Ponte Ryuurui
Views: 7,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, blender tutorial, hard surface, scifi, 3d modeling, blender hard surface, hardops, boxcutter, rendering, cycles, photoshop, beginners tutorial, hard surface modeling in blender, scifi tutorial
Id: zUgaPzoARo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 25sec (3085 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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