Why THESE modeling rules are so important!

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okay let's talk about the most important rules of hard surface modeling now I swear some of these rules I'm about to show you you can't even find information for online and believe it or not this info is quite limited some of it you can find and some of it you can but this is what is going to make or break your 3D work so in today's video I'm going to give you the inside scoop into what you need to focus on in 2023 to take your work to the next level let's go all right the first one I want to start with is one of my favorites and it's called the rule of 70 30 or just the 70 30 Rule and it's the one that's going to have the most profound effect on your designs simply put the 70 30 rule is when you want to concentrate details in this way thirty percent of your mess should be clusters of detail while 70 should be empty space now you don't have to follow this rule to a t generally it'll just be eyeballing the percentages but more or less this is how your design should be 30 clusters of detail 70 empty space as you can see some of the most talented hard surface artists are using this exact principle to create amazing designs so that is the first rule I want you to begin focusing on in 2023 and obviously forever and as you begin to use it more the more intuitive your detail placement will become now the next role we have is called echoing and echoing is exactly what it sounds like repeat angles and shapes that already exist on your mesh here's a simple structure that I designed as you can see I have a repeated use of these 45 degree chamfers on the mesh all at varying lengths one of the most effective ways to utilize echoing is to find a shape or an angle in your model and repeat it at a different length I personally use this rule all the time in my designs especially if I get stuck and can't think of anything else to add this rule basically gives you the answer to what you're looking for when you get stuck now next on the list we have detail concentration and this rule kind of goes hand in hand with the 70 30 rule basically when you follow the 70 30 rule you're going to end up with areas of these concentrated details and this is exactly what you want the clusters of detail are going to bring emphasis to your design and give the viewer an immediate location to look at while the empty space is going to allow the viewer to rest on the design while continuing to travel around and observe the rest of it now on a subconscious level this all happens within milliseconds but it is incredibly powerful in order to communicate form power and function to your model and next up on the list we have proportion and scale now this is something that a lot of people don't use but it is an easy way to communicate more about your model take this render that I made a few months ago now take away the human from it when we do this it's hard to tell exactly how large this model is maybe it's massive or maybe it's a toy adding a human element and adjusting the size immediately tells the viewer how large the ship actually is and this is a powerful and subconscious method of communication that you can basically tell your viewer you know how big your design is now keep in mind you don't always have to do this for example a model of a watch would be pretty contextual as with a model of a shoe we pretty much already have an idea of how large these objects would be in these cases isn't always necessary to follow this rule but when you do need it using proportion and scale is an incredibly powerful technique to demonstrate size shape form and of course many other things but when you need it using proportion and scale is an incredibly powerful technique next on the list we have blockouts now blockouts really make it easy to ensure correct proportions and to define the body language of your model here's a progressive blockout of a Mech design by starting with simple primitive shapes we're able to define the overall proportions and form before we start adding additional detail this is why blackouts are so powerful because they give you a base to start from now for the second to last topic we have colors colors are a fantastic way to emphasize the smaller more minute details on your model personally what I like to do is use color to bring contrast to different elements of my designs you're probably familiar with primary secondary and tertiary shapes and what you can actually do is make these different elements different colors it'll look a lot less Bland compared if the entire mesh was just one solid color so use colors to emphasize the smaller details while having a primary color for the main base of the shade and finally the most important one by far is lighting and composition now I put these two together because they go hand in hand if your lighting sucks expect to get little to no results on your work period lighting is crucial why do you think these big Instagram influencers have amazing photos and follower counts it is because they use lighting to make their lives and features more enhanced and exciting than they really are say what you want about it that's just the way it is and if you refuse to use lighting to properly Empower your designs you're doing it wrong so spend some time learning lighting how it works and how to use it to your advantage if you want some good videos on lighting here are three good ones which I'll link in the description you can also pick up our rendering University course if you want something a bit more step by step that will save you the time researching and learning I'll link that in the description as well and I'll even throw in a 25 off discount to get the year started on the right path and to wrap it up with the composition portion you need to understand how to frame your images render them and demonstrate that power and awe and you can do this simply by adjusting your camera focal length Framing and the overall positioning of your model if you're familiar with photography the rule of thirds is a great way to position your models also give your models a bit of breathing space don't cramp it up against the frame I see this problem a lot and please do not put your models in the center of every single render there are situations where centering your objects is ideal but most people including myself when I got started think centering their models in the middle of the frame is a good thing it's really not sometimes it can be but oftentimes it hurts your overall composition and that is it my friends we've covered all the main topics of visual design in 3D and the rules of proper hard surface designs so if you can work on improving these every single day you will begin to see a difference in your work and that I promise I'll even throw in some of my old renders on the screen now as you can see they're pretty awful but after just a few months and a few years of learning you'll be able to start develop up in much better portfolios and projects just following the rules in this video and finally to end this off what I want you to do now is grab our free hard surface jumpstart course over on our website it covers all the essentials from modeling and design to rendering a composition and much more and like I said it's totally free and I'll link that in the description as well so that's all for now really hope this video helped you out and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Josh Gambrell
Views: 30,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender tutorial, blender modeling rules, hard surface modeling blender, blender hard surface modeling, hard surface, hard ops tutorial, boxcutter tutorial, hard ops blender, boxcutter blender, blender 3d modeling, blender hard surface, 3d modeling, josh gambrell, ponte ryuurui, masterxeon1001, blender bros, visual design in 3d, blender ai, why these modeling rules are so important, decal machine, mesh machine, blender
Id: JZ5_vME_2iI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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