Hard Surface Basics | ZBrush Tutorial

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if you're a fan of guns ships sci-fi stuff Halo Star Wars Cen the Blade Chronicles maybe then heart surface is one of those things that you're going to have to do and learn to do as an artist sebras has amazing tools to do hard surface today I'm going to be showing you the basics of what I believe are the four main pillars for heart surface modeling the first of them is of course the formers we're going to go over poly groups we're going to go over SE modeler and we're going to go over live Vols we're going to be using all of the techniques and several little workflows that I'm going to be showing you so that we can get to a result like the one that you're seeing right here so let's go very well my friends so the first thing that we need to cover for any of the hard surface stuff are deformers I think these are one of the most basic things that we can use to generate more interesting shapes in our elements now before we continue I just want to remind you that this interface is my custom interface it's available on our project files or the shared files that are inside of our Discord so make sure to check it out if we press w e or R we're going to go into the Gizmo and the Gizmo is going to allow us to create a lot of different things right now I'm starting with this very basic Cube and the first thing I want to do is I want to create a little bit of a taper for the cube I want to be able to generate like a slightly different shape so I'm going to change the dynamic options here I'm going to turn it off I'm going to go to go to the little guest mod right here and all of these things are the deformations that we can use based on the transforms and there's one called taper so if I go into taper mode U by the way we need to delete the geometry here so delete lower on the on the subdivisions if we go to the little icon right here and we go to taper mode we're going to get this elements the the arrows or the yeah the little orange arrows are going to be the deformers based on which direction you want to do the taper so for instance if I want to do the taper towards the front I'm going to be using this one right here and I can change how much taper I want we can also change the exponent of the taper as you can see so how round or how like straight we want this thing to be and yeah I think something like this is perfectly fine once you're happy make sure to apply to hit accept on this thing so that you go back to the origin now I'm going to of course scale this down so that we get a a more like interesting shape right here and this is the shape that I'm going to be using to start modifying some of the elements one of the reasons why I like to start with this cube is because it has a single poly group and you guys are going to see why poly groups are very important as we move forward now the next thing I want to show you is how to use a the knife curve the knife curve is one of the most amazing tools that c brush added a couple of years ago and it's super super useful for hard shift stuff so how do you use this very simple control shift if you go control shift you're going to go into your selection options which by default is the select W in my case I'm going to change this to knife curve I believe knife curve was in in cers 2021 so if you don't have that version or a new version you might not have this tool I'm going to press control shift and I'm going to draw this you don't need to hold control shift very common mistake that people make you don't need to hold it once you draw your line it's there and you can just modify it as use of it you can press a space bar to move it around as well to position it in a different angle uh you can press again control shift and we got the angles right there I believe you can press shift to snap the angle so if you want a specific angle like 135 um you can just press shift and snap it and again just move it around so what's going to happen with this one is anything that is on the gradient side of this line is going to be cut from the object like so just like that like no there there's no special or or like interesting things that you need to do you just do oh just do the cut wherever you want and that's going to be applied everywhere I'm going press X to make sure that this is symmetrical but if you don't have symmetry don't worry I'm going to show you in just a second how to fix it so let's do a cut right around there that's a little bit too aggressive let's go uh right there roughly at the middle and once we have that I can go to my options right here and I have this option called Mirror I'm going to mirror to the x-axis and then I'm going to mirror and the weld to the other side and I'm going to change the mirror and the weld to Y axis so that we go from the top to the bottom you can see that we get this elevation thing thing in this case I I don't mind so I'm just going to hit yes and this is what we get so as you can see we've now created this sort of like octagonal looking shape for our element which is going to be the basis for our main element now I don't like the super thin edges on the on the top so what I'm going to go or do here is again I'm just going to cut a line down the middle and I'm going to cut a line down the side so you can see that's going to give me another cut right there and we're going to mirror first on the x-axis yes well that's the y- axis that's fine and now we're going to change to the x-axis and we're going to mirror as well oh actually first mirror and then mirror well there we go so now we have a a straight line going across our whole El this as you can see gives us a very very nice like start for our whole little um like a met kit path right here the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to use live booleans and live booleans are another amazing thing that we have here inside of cush it's actually very funny because Maya sort of copied the live booleans workflow from C brush so that they could implement it in Maya 2023 where the life where the Boolean is no not applied uh like permanently it's it's a live Boolean thing so you can modify the elements and it works as follows I'm going to append a new let's say cube right here there we go and I'm going to use this Cube and I'm going to make it smaller I'm going to set this there's three options that you can do with volan you can do addition you can do subtraction and you can do intersection I'm going to do substraction and when we do that and we position the cube right there if I hit the light buum button the cube is now going to be removing mass as you can see from our Med kit so I want this one to be again roughly around the center line right around there and going probably around there just to generate you know how you can sometimes like press the things and they just like pop open or something like that well that's kind of like the effect that we're going for in this particular case and again I'm just going to mirror this to the x-axis did not work it's very weird it should have worked right there oh I did the y axis there we go x-axis perfect and by doing that we get both cuts on both of the elements now let's say we wanted to add another cut so I'm going to append another little um like Cube and this cube is going to be on the top section and it's going to be on the top top outer section so instead of being there it's going to like cut through the through the wall of this thing and again I'm just going to remove and as you can see we get this very very interesting effect right there now with this one I'm going to mirror but this one's going to be on the y- axis hit okay and there we go we have it on the bottom part right there so very easily we're just like thinking about and generating something interesting without the need to worry about topology we're going to be talking about topology probably in another video let me know in the comments if you want me to cover that right now I just want to focus on these sculpting now let's say we want to add something else like a little I don't know like bumper or something on this area maybe that's the thing that you press and it clicks and I don't know it does like weird stuff I'm going to hit aend and I'm going to add a new Cube and then what I'm going to say is I want to start a new Boolean stack what does that mean what does a Boolean stack mean well right now if I just change the operation here or even just by living this thing right here what I'm telling cers is that this Cube this new cube is part of the whole um stack of elements that are being calculated if I don't want that I need to click on this little arrow to make it a new like Boolean stack so this shape is not being combined with these upper shapes it's going to be its own little shape let's have it right around there I'm going to try to get the pivot point right there on the center perfect and then I'm going to appen another Cube let's go right here in this Cube I'm going to say subtraction as you can see this is only subtracting from the second Cube that we added it's not subtracting from any of the other elements which is great because it allows me to generate something a little bit more interesting I'm going to pend another thing I'm going to pend a cylinder now be very careful with cylinders if you choose to pend the cylinder by default what's going to happen is that you're going to get all of the sides like visually on your element you can try subdividing this and the hiding the borders or if not you're going to go have to go to C modeler and bevel the edges so you don't get any weird like behaviors but this one's going to I'm going to rotate this 90° and it's going to go right there around there let's scw this out and perfect so here what we're doing is we're generating again three stacks of um of different polygons that are generating this shape right here the cool thing also is I can go to this Cube you can see got enough subdivision so I should be able to like cut a couple of elements if I want to if I want to like bevel the whole thing right there that looks very very nice and that's it we get a very basic Bas like idea of how our medkit is going to be looking I do think that I want to add some like extra little things right here similar to the cylinder I feel like that's uh that's a good idea but I'm going to be adding them a little bit later this is again just a very basic introduction of these two tools live volans the clip brush or the the knife brush sorry and now we're going to go into beel pro beel pro is a very cool tool that we're going to be able to use with this things right here which is going to allow us to as the name suggests get some interesting bubbles because heart surface is all about bubbles right like getting this very nice ni smooth Corners is very very important for the heart surface process so the first thing we need to do is we need to convert this live Boolean thing into a permanent mesh and to do that I'm going to go to the Boolean option and say make Boolean mesh as you can see there's a couple of warnings but the operation did succeed so this is what we're going to get we're going to get two elements right here we're going to have this U mesh right here and this um mesh right here let's focus on this one first on on the box and you can see that we got a little bit of a problem with the Boolean there it did manage to do it like nicely over there and everywhere else so to solve that issue since we do have a nice side over here it's just a matter of mirror and Welding we mirror and weld as you can see we get this and aulan it it does a very ugly thing with uh with geometry but again we're not really caring about geometry it just triangulates the borders and merges both surfaces as you can see right here now this division of poly grrs is amazing because this is going to allow us to generate something very cool with Vel Pro Vel Pro was again introduced not too long ago and it's a way way in which we can create a Vel on all of the borders that have a poly group attached to it the way this works is very easy you just go all the way down here to Geometry you look for bevel Pro where is it sorry it's in the subtool palet there we go so in the subtool pal we got bevel Pro and I'm going to click bevel Pro it says this Feer requires a watertight mesh which means that we have holes somewhere which is really weird I don't see any holes to be honest if you get that warning one of the things that we can do is we can go to Geometry and go to mesh integrity and either fix mesh or in modified topology just close holes that should have closed the holes let's try bevel Pro again so we go back to sub tool we go bevel Pro and we hit bevel Pro there we go so bevel Pro is going to open another little software this is actually another software apart from Cur that's using uh Bolan so you need to have a graphics card for this to work or at least a relatively new graphics cards for this to work and as you can see we are going to be able to change the bevel amount and it's it's looking for the poly groups so it goes to every single poly group and it generates a mesh it's pretty much like a live volan thing but it does it here and it generates a mesh that allows us to control how much or how little we want this bble to be looking we can change the polygroup angle for instance we can change the bevel smoothness depending on how we want the bevel to look and you can um just go over here we can change this to a chamfer instead of a bevel I actually want a bevel I'm going to lower the resolution let me try going a little bit higher that looks good I'm a little bit worried about that part because it's an empty area but I can see that it's working over here so that tells me that if I need to uh like mirror it I'm going to be able to mirror it and yeah in general it looks good so once we got this I can click on this option it says Auto apply and look at that we get this very nice bevel all around our element there are a couple of areas that I don't like you can see those Corners right there so let's not Auto apply let's try to clean this up a little bit more let's remove the bubble smoothness there we go let's try the auto apply ah looks a little bit better not perfect but a little bit better I really like the ones on the handles and on this bottom Parts some of this Corners are a little bit wonky this is probably the cleanest corner right here now the thing is I'm not too worried about it because I know that if one corner is good then we're going to be able to to do it on all of the corners so I do want to do a little bit more bble to be honest just a little bit more try auto apply and even if we have some of those I'm going to show you some brushes that we can use to clean that up a little bit so let's say we're happy with this I'm just going to hit okay and what's going to happen is we're now going to get this mesh right here which again is not looking bad it's getting us a nice or interesting result yes there are a couple points and this is because of the the complex surfaces or complex Corners that we get right there but this is where we're going to jump into dynames so I'm going to go over here to to dynames and of course if we dynames we're going to lose a lot of that very pretty stuff but if we increase the resolution of dynames and we hit polish when we do dynames it should give us a way way nicer effect as you can see here and a lot of those like horrible areas are getting fixed a little bit and what tools can we use here there's a couple of brushes I personally like the trim Dynamic brush so I'm just going to use a little bit of trim Dynamic there to clean this and generate a better flow on that particular corner and again once we have one corner clear up we can also use the BH which is the hard polish brush it's going to give us a way way tighter one there we go and once we have that corner like in in this case it's the it seems it's like the left corner we can do again a mirror and Weld and now it's on here as well and we can change this to Y and mirror and weld actually we need to mirror first on the y axis there we go so the corners are clean up there and then we mirror them well hit yes and there we go with that done as you can see the corners on all of our element right here are very very nicely B if we go to this one right here we can do the same thing we can select the guy go to bble Pro this one should be a little bit easier you can see that we're not getting all of the edges and the reason why we're not getting all of the edges is because as I've mentioned before this thing uses the poly groups to find what edges it should bevel so since this original Cube was made out of all the same edges we're getting the same sort of bevel if we want those edges we need to go back so I'm going to hit cancel and we need to go to the polygroups and find a way to make sure that all of these faces have the same poly Group which is fairly easy we just press control shift switch this to select rect we're going to height this faces and this back faces invert the selection and then hide all of this ones right here actually let's go to the top view there we go so I'm going to hide all of this ones right here including my God including these little Corners right there there we go so as you can see we get all of this oh careful there I'm missing just one little corner and we press control W and then I'm going to hide the sides and I'm going to press control W again so that way we're going to have multiple poly groups everywhere and again if we go to Bevel Pro now bbel Pro is going to detect those poly groups and we're going to get the bevel everywhere we going to make the bble a little bit bigger oh oh it crashed okay let's try this again so bubble Pro that's one of the cool things that since it's not C brush if it crashes you just change it there we go oh again now I did it okay cool did it auto apply and we say okay perfect so look at that we get some very very nice clean bubbles going around our element so this is the second part we've already have a base shape we've now given it a veles it's now time to start adding some details to the whole whole thing to make this thing really really nice so let's go now here comes this is would be like when when I'm working on characters this will be like the primary forms like the just just the basic shape that you're going to see on the hall or on the ground or on the plane or something that the character is going to be holding I want to add a little bit more V viability so I'm going to add a couple of details that are going to make this thing look a little bit better I'm going to grab this thing right here and I'm going to duplicate it and this is a a very like cool concept that I talk about frequently which is work smart not hard so I'm just going to duplicate this thing around and what I'm going to do is I'm going to remove with my knife brush all of the back parts right there so now this looks like a little backpack that's actually going to be opening or something and giving us whatever like tools we need to be uh for us to be finding in the battlefield right now if you want of course you can like scale this a little bit and it's going to give us a a nice interesting border which doesn't look that bad but I'm going to leave it like this and I really like this sort of like seam line that get we get on the on the center let's say we want to make the this a little bit thicker so I'm just going to Center the pill Point make this a little bit thicker and that way it makes sense that this thing is going to be holding like very precious again medicines and things like that so that's the first thing now I want to have a handle I think like a nice handle here on the top might be a good idea it's also going to give us a nicer interesting silhouette and this is where not everything has to be bullant not everything has to be sculpted you can just use you can use just basic tools to create a shape here inside of the hard surface things so I'm going to append in this a cylinder I'm going to bring the cylinder up make it smaller go right over here there we go this one's going to be on the back part that's why we needed this like back part because this is the the thing that's going to be holding it otherwise the lid is not going to be able to open I don't know maybe the lid I think the lid might open like the other way around makes a little bit more sense so this one's going to be right around there let's make it a little bit thinner and that's it now of course if we uh subdivide this we're going to get a very ugly effect on the Caps actually that's not that bad I was expecting something a little bit worse than that so let's just do a mirror on the x- axis and there you go that's going to be the those are going to be like the insertion points for the handles let's Center the pill point so that the scale works a little bit better there we go and now we need to create of course uh the basic uh the basic handle very well so for this next part we're going to go through some basic poly modeling techniques which we normally use when we're doing C modeler we do this inside of Maya C brush blender any software I I personally don't love the tools to be honest but they're cool and they can get you out of the out of a tricky situation every now and then so the first thing I need to do is I need to generate a very basic Cube I'm going to select this poly mesh option right here and all the way down here on the initialize tab I'm going to remove or bring this all the way down to one and hit key Cube so that we get a one-sided Cube which is what we're going to be using to generate um all of the effects now once we have this we just make this a poly 3D you can see we're going to have them right there go back to our tool and say aent right here and we're going to append a very basic uh cube right here we select the cube and this is our tool that we're going to be using to build a lot of stuff so first let's do the handle very simple one I'm going to I'm going to have a sort of like straight handle on the on the side and then this sers right here I'm going to show you a little trick that we can use to to make things just a little bit more interesting but let's start with the handle the handle is just going to be a very basic Square handle we're going to start right here let's go to C Model turn on um the polyframe so that we can see what's going on turn on Symmetry and we're just going to extrude this thing out then we're going to extrude out again like this like right around where it starts with the with the element and then out again there we go now I want to modify this elements right here so I'm going to go not to cshh I'm going to go to inser I'm going to inser the poly group all what this will do as you can see poly group um no let's not do so let's do qesh let's try qesh qesh poly group all oh is it the different poly group that's really interesting I thought it was the same color that's fine so if you have multiple poly groups the easiest way is just go into Edge and go to polygroup poly loop as you can see that's going to give you the same Edge right there I actually want to polygroup all of the things right here now we can C mesh all of this and as you can see we can make them a little bit smaller to generate a little bit of an interesting effect right there let's polygroup this guys right here let's Q mesh this uh let's first polygroup this face to a different color you can press um shift to change colors oh it's a CH control I always forget about that one alt it's alt you can change alt to get a different color there we go so it's easier to to see and now we're going to Q mesh poly group all there we go again when you're Q meshing you PR press alt to get a different poly group and now that we have this again this poly or Q meure poly group all I can make a little bit smaller as well perfect perfect now if we go to a geometry we can go to Dynamic subdiv and we can turn on Dynamic subdiv and as you can see we're going to get an interesting handle right there it's just a a very basic way to to change uh the forms of our elements and and generate something a little bit more more cool now that we have this what I'm going to do is I'm going to press shift d to get out of this thing and I do want to bble so I'm going to go into bble mode and if we bubble this line right here there we go we should be able to Bubble the whole thing I'm going to the top part and the bottom part you can click and you're going to get the same bubel as you did on the top right ideally so if we press D you can see that this looks a lot more interesting than just a simple um simple Square it looks a little bit weird though and one of the things I want to do is I actually want to bend this thing I'm going to show you how to do that in just a second but before that I do want to add a couple of extra support edges because it looks very smooth in certain areas so shift d again and we can bble that area right there bble that one right there let's bevel that one and that one that one and that one there we go and now when we press d as you can see this is going to hold a lot lot better so how do we Bend this very easy w we go into a little gizmore right here and in the same way as we use the the taper we can use this bent Arc rotation and rotate this thing on this one right here there we go I'm just going to bend it slightly I don't want to bend it like too much CU it's going to look a little bit weird so just kind of like keep it a little bit ergonomical right and that's going to be it I do feel like it's a little bit like big so let's hit apply right here or accept I'm going to make it a little bit smaller there we go kind of want to just like have it there I was thinking about like adding or or changing the the forms of the uh of the supports right there but I feel like this one actually looks quite quite nice so yeah there we go now let's add the little like panels or elements that I was mentioning on this areas right here I'm going to go to sub tool append and we're going to append another cube right here bring it to this area right there oh not that one this one let's bring it to the side turn around polyframe and we're going to start playing around with with the little element that we want to insert right here of course you could do this with booleans again this is one of those things that if you if you know the tools you can just like mix and match and use whatever like works best for you on each particular situation so with this one right here I'm going to go to insert we're going to insert multiple Edge Loops eight seems like a like a good idea so I'm just going to click and drag and as you can see we get that very nice effect that looks good and now Q mesh poly group and we just like get this guys in we press the letter d and if we subdivis a couple of times extrude up we're going to be able to have a very very nice effect right there let's go back because I know that that's going to work so what I want to have is I want to have a little bit of harder Edge right so I'm going to again go into our turn on polyframe and I'm going to Bubble this Ed right here there we go now another thing that we can do is we can use an insert uh Edge loop again so insert Edge Loop but we're going to do single edge Loop let's isolate this real quick and I want to insulate or insert some Edge Loops right here on the center that we get a a nicer like sharper effect same thing here I'm going to insert one right there and one right there so when we press d as you can see that gives us a nicer effect we definitely need one more shift d then one more insert Edge loop on the top here and another one on the bottom that's looking better and all of this guys I definitely want a bevel so we're going to go this guy this way bevel and we're going to go there and just since it's the same bevel I'm just going to click on them they should respect the same amount of bble that we have on all of them it's a very very fast and easy way to build up shapes complex shapes that are going to make our whole thing way more interesting now if we subdivide as you can see that looks very very nice you might get this uh on certain like Productions like the more curvature you have the the trickier it gets so that curvature on the inside can be a little bit tricky to to retopologize because you need to have maybe one or two extra lines to to Really hold that effect but you can see that looks really really nice so I'm just going to mirror this to the other side and you can see how our medkit is looking very very like interesting um yeah now let's go and talk about we're going to be talking about the next thing which is some of the details that we can add and um how to repurpose certain elements to again generate more visual interest so here we go now of course one of the most important things that we need is the cross right like the Red Cross on the center the tell say that this is supposed to be a medkit and a couple of little extra artifacts that we can add as sort of like a indent or things to to make the whole thing more interesting so one of the things that I see here is a lock a lock would be very cool and this is where repurposing assets is very very important there's a lot of key bashing involved with hard surface for instance I can grab this handle right here and just make it smaller as you can see right there let's enter the Pivot Point make it flatter yes it's going to look a little bit deform and stuff but it should be more than enough to to pass as one of the the locks here on the bottom part of the El another thing is contrast if we already have one one line or one like padlock that's looking up let's change this one and make it look down so when you press this thing down or something this element over here is going to open and allow you to access the medicines instead of the of the element not a lot of people are going to see it because it's down there on the on the bottom but again it's one of those things that really helps like sell the the idea of how complex this thing can be the next one that I'm going to show you it's a little bit interesting because it requires again for us to go back into into the Boolean options to add a little bit more detail and you can see that when you press the letter when you press the letter B on your on your keyboard and you see all of the brushes there's one specific brush called IMM industrial parts and IMM Army curves we also have another one that is specifically for booleans let me find right here I can even press can I say Boolean I don't see I can see it but there's one that's specifically made out of heart surface things that we can use for Bullion let's start with insert multi mesh which has to do with this thing that we're talking about the kit bashing so I'm going to append a sphere this is a placeholder sphere you can place this sphere wherever you want I usually like to make it really small and have it inside of the model and if we go V and then we go IMM you're going to see this IMM industrial Parts IMM machine parts IMM steam gear so there's a lot of things that we can use there we go here's the one that I was mentioning IMM Boolean brushes which we're going to be talking about right now so this ones right here are things that we can add to the element that are going to be used as a Boolean mesh I'm going to grab this guy right here and on the options I'm going to going to bring it all the way down so that the Boolean stack starts all the way up here and then on this uh sphere right here I can grab any of this ones like this panel latch for instance and if I just drag and drop this panel latch right here and turn this on into substraction you can see that this thing is going to add a very like nice interesting effect to the whole element right there something that will be a little bit complicated not super complicated but a little bit tricky to sculpt or add um by ourselves we can very very easily add it with this Boolean mees so for instance that line right there so it's just a little detail right like a little extra detail those are the kind of details that you're not going to be retopologizing by hand like they're going to be there they're going to allow you to get like some interesting shapes but you're not going to be doing it as much we can change it to this indent for instance or like this one where is it there we go you can see it right there so we can grab another indent for instance right there rotate a little bit so that we can see it from the front push it right around there perfect um another thing like um like these sort of elements are very common for hard surface stuff we can do like this bolt right there go like this Frame I feel like I don't know that might be a little bit too much uh power power detail I like this one let's do two power detail one power detail right around here and I know again I'm going to get some comments on the uh what's the word on the on the video being like Oh but you could definitely add those as like alphas and hype map information later on in the in the texturing things and yes that's perfectly balanced but what if you wanted to 3D print this for cosplay or something you can't 3D print the texture right so you need to have the model ready for you this is again a lot of um things that I've learned throughout the years like there are multiple processes and multiple ways to get to the same result but it always depend on what the the final like element or the final thing that you're going for is going to be because otherwise it like there's just so many options so let's do like another one right there and that's it I like this one so once we have this we can just mirror this to the other side and as you can see that adds a bunch of different details to our element now let me show you one final thing which is going to be for the for the main cross that we're going to have here on the center because other than that I think I think we're good I do want kind of like bring this down so let me bring this down after the the mesh or the layer stack and I do feel like adding something here on the side might be interesting like this s of like panel right there let's go over here one there we go and I'm just going to push it out let me I see it there but I don't see it close and that's weird let me do it again there we go so technically since this one is uh adding let's push this up layer stack should be working there we go this layer stack should be working now we can use this part to just add a little bit of an extra visual interest there make sure that's align there and let me add just for the sake of it both extra bols here there we go so now that we have that uh we can again just mirror this to the other side it's going to be the exact same thing this is again working as a Boolean mesh and we got this right here now let's go for the cross now for the cross I'm going to turn off light Boolean for just a second so that we can focus on the on the poly groups a little bit better um and let's append again the little like Square thing that we have right here the little Cube that we've been using so all of the details are going to be gone for for just a second but don't worry too much about it we're going to make this a little bit smaller something like that and what I want to do is I want to create a a cross made out of four elements so it's not going to be like a full cross I'm going to grab the bottom part of this face and I'm going to poly mesh or poly group this little guy right here oh poly group let's say single poly there we go we're just going to drag this down something like that and then what we can do is we can mask this poly mask this poly like this control click invert and then with r we can scale this in to generate this sort of like shape hopefully you guys can see where where this is going so we can it's kind of like the like the buttons on a on a controller right like on a PlayStation controller or something like that so that's that's what I want to do here and there we go we got this very very cool shape right here uh I'm going to contrl d a couple of times actually let's bble it first so bble Edge Li complete there we go that's right around what I want and I'm just going to start adding some support edges so I'm we're going to go to insert we're going to insert one right there one right there another one and another one perfect and then one on the top make sure symmetry is turn on that we insert one on both sides this again very traditional like subdivision surface subdivision surface things that we do here that's weird that then we're not getting the move on the other side it's no big deal because again we can use the tried and true trick of uh just like merging or mirroring well to the other side that's one of the secrets that I tell people and if you've been watching until this point Thank You by the way um but there's always so many ways to get to the same result so so don't worry if you if you need to like improvise and do things like that there we go so control D and you can see that we get this very nice clean line right there um there's a little bit of a of a weird pinch right there I'm not sure if oh it's because of the skill uh that's a little bit bad but here's how we're going to solve it I'm going to give this a couple of subdivisions I'm going to turn this sub resolution up I'm going to polish this and dynamesh I'm not going to freeze sub divisions there we go it's not great but it's quite nice actually like the sort of soft effect and then with the knife curve I'm just going to just going to do a cut here on the top and a cut on the bottom or in the back it's going to give me a super straight effect right there now we're going to position it right around there we're going to move its pivot to around there and if we Control Alt control alt and drag ah I I wish we could rotate here that's fine I'm just going to um duplicate rotate this 90° duplicate rotate this 90° duplicate rotate this 90° and then go to this one right here and just merge down we're going to start merging down so merge merch down okay merch down okay merge down okay and that that is it got our little like element healing path thing now we can turn on our elements right here turn on live volan this is right now set to add it's under the stack we can even like tell it to start a new stack so it doesn't interfere with the with the previous ones and there we go that's looking quite quite nice I kind of want to add I'm actually going to do this I'm going to remove the the Stark stack I'm going to duplicate this the first one oh my God sorry the first one is going to be like removing elements and then this second one is going to be a little bit smaller there we go see that so we get this sort of like uh interpolation between both elements this is the kind of stuff that again you would not like retopologize by hand you would just um try to try to generate a sort of uh a bake from the from the element that one looks really really interesting and uh yeah finally the last part that we need to do is if we want we can damage this thing a little bit so I'm going to go to this element right here to the top part and I'm going to use my trim Dynamic to break a little bit of the Symmetry as you can see we don't have symmetry enabled and I'm just going to start like damaging doing a little bit of uh like etge wear on certain areas of the element I'm going to use like my clay Builder we got like half a million polygon so so this is more than enough to to add this sort of like again hits dents scratches things like that we can go di in standard let's add I know this is making it look a little bit more stylized than maybe it should all of this of course can be added to uh in the texturing Department as well but I I always like to to break things up a little bit to make them a little bit more perfect some people get worried about this part and like oh but the the topology is going to be a pain because now it's asymmetrical n it's not that bad of an option as long as the silhouette doesn't change that much you're going to be fine and there was there's this amazing artist if you guys haven't seen him he's really good this actually one of the artists that I learned from back in the day his name is Ryan Kings Leon and he follows a a method where he's like if you make sure that your high poly is as nice as possible then it doesn't matter if there's extra work on the on the rate topology it's going to be worth it so it's it's way way better to have a a like it's a good problem to have when you need to make sure that you capture all the details from your amazing High poly rather than having a very easy High poly to work with but then it it just looks like me like garbage right so always always go the extra mile when you can especially for your portfolio pieces which by the way we're going to have very very soon next week on November 17 I think it's our next portfolio review so if you haven't submitted make sure to go to our Discord Channel and that is it my friends this is it this is our final kit right here ready to be going into the uh into the games production pipeline which is of course the um retopology UV texturing and all that stuff let me know in the comments if you want me to go through it I might not be able to do it this week but we can add this to the to the list of videos that I'm going to be producing in the next couple of weeks and I'll be happy to show you some of the stuff but I also want to mention that we already have the game production P available in one of our premium courses which is the blender axe for blender uh sorry the blender axe the lava ax for blender so if you want to check it out it's going to be in the description and um yeah that's pretty much it my friends thank you very much for being here until the very end and I hope to see you back on the next one bye-bye
Channel: Abe Leal 3D
Views: 24,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ZBrush, Hard Surface, 3D Modeling, ZBrush Tutorial, Digital Sculpting, Hard Surface Modeling, ZBrush 2023, Pixologic, Sculpting Techniques, ZModeler, Game Art, CG Art, 3D Design, Concept Art, 3D Sculpting, ZBrush Artists, Poly Modeling, Texture Art, Game Design, 3D Assets, Digital Art, VFX, Prop Design, ArtStation, CGSociety, ZBrushCentral, ZBrushWorkshop, abraham leal, abe leal, abe leal 3d
Id: 8NuBEM8vBcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 19sec (2299 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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