Zbrush tutorial for absolute beginners

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today I'm going to show you how I do stuff in ZBrush when I try it for the first time it was really weird complicated and I want you to avoid that kind of stuff and I want to show you how I do my stuff since some people ask me that so let's just do this thing okay so this is how ZBrush looks and at first you'll see some kind of simple brush option here you will see some some kind of brush that you can click on right now and if you tried to do anything here you'll just just get this kind of mess and you probably freak out like I have and I mean I I still don't know what this thing is it's some kind of 2d option but I wasn't paying attention when people read explain what this thing is and at this point you really don't need to know that you can see that there are some load tool options there's an import option and I'm gonna quickly show you this one because that was also one of the first things that you try because import is kind of familiar thing so for example if you click on any kind of object you will see that this whole data object is shown here but still not nothing here and if I just click and oh there's something great I'm gonna try to fill it straight okay so what now I'm gonna do what other people have done I'm gonna try to draw something on it and open another one so you know it's gonna get weird and you won't know what to do if you import any kind of objects into your scene first you just click and drag it press shift so you can just snap in place and before you do anything else click on this edit button when you clean this thing now you're safe too - beer stuff on on the model you can rotate it if you click in empty space and just drag around this is like quick mess what every single person is probably doing with ZBrush and now I'm gonna show you my approach how I'm doing stuff I really want to keep this story very short so we're just gonna jump into ZBrush again first thing that I do I just hope this lightbox usually when you start the brush it opens by the default usually I start with dynamesh sphere so just I'm just gonna double click on it now I'm gonna choose one of the brushes that you have a lot of options here and mostly I'm using those default ones that you can hit and see here you can load your own brushes you can make your own brushes you can download someone else's there are a lot of stuff on the internet but for this tutorial we'll just going to use the simple ones and you can see that there are two dots here right now so if I just start making something it's gonna reflect on the other side that means that symmetry is turned on we can we can turn it off by pressing X on the keyboard so right now I can just do stuff like this and if you want to turn it back on I can just press X again and symmetry is back on if you press alt on each of these brushes you will get some other feature for example if I start making something with standard brush it's gonna look like this but if you press Alt it's gonna do it the other way same thing for a bunch of other like I said if I choose my Sadie's claybuildup and I start adding stuff it's gonna add more and more stuff but if I press alt it's gonna go the other way around it's gonna remove the clay another cool feature if you press shift you will see that cursor is now blue that means that you can smooth out the areas really quickly and really nice if you release it is gonna go back to the brush that you've picked before that and one other thing is if you click on control and now you have this yellow cursor you can draw some kind of mask if you try to move that it's not gonna work because when you mask something that part will be locked you won't be able to change it so if I want to to to move this part I just selected that just masked I need to invert my mask to do that I need to click on control again I just click somewhere in the empty space and it's gonna invert the mask and now I could just move oops now I could just move this thing wherever I want by the way moving tool scaling rotation everything is is up here and also you can quickly switch between those by just pressing Q W er really handy when you're doing a lot of quick changes also I can go quickly to this deformation option and there are options that I can use here on the listing for example inflate or deflate if you if I go into - I'm gonna switch - to my move tool it's right here by the way for example if I want to to pick an on pinch tool I can just press P and it's going to eliminate every other tool that it's not starting with letter P so now I can easily locate it much much bigger eyes it's right here if I want some other tool lets say something with tea I can just press it again and they're gonna be here really a nice way of filtering stuff if you press s you will have your brunch size that you also have here and now you have a lot of different options you have intensity so if we just lower it down and start doing something it's gonna be like this but if I crank up intensity it's gonna be much stronger right now I'm gonna pick this move move tool and I'm quickly gonna just bring back symmetry and I'm quickly gonna just move this thing around like so for the rotation just click and hold somewhere outside your model and if you drag it in one of the sides you will get the rotation but if you press shift after that it's gonna start locking every 45 degrees which really comes in handy sometimes I'm not not gonna do the whole model I'm just gonna show you how I begin with this thing we good because some models can take hours and I really want to keep this tutorial short so this is some kind of let's say basic shape now I'm gonna use this clay buildup and I'm gonna hold alt to remove clay by the way for the for moving around at the scene just click on alt and just move around if you want to zoom in for example it's it's slightly different so I'm gonna press alt I'm gonna start moving but then I'm gonna release alt and now I'm gonna go back and forth and I'm just gonna wait so I'm doing a lot of stuff with only one key I'm using it for removing stuff or inverting whatever brush I picked I'm also using it if I want to move my objects actin right or if I want to zoom in so alt click just release alt and then you can zoom zoomy make basic shape of the skull like that then I'm gonna just click on shift for some reason I need to look what I'm doing and I'm gonna smooth out this part now I'm gonna quickly add eyes I click on this sub tool and then I'm gonna click on insert and then sphere that will add another sphere you can see now I have two objects and now I'm gonna move it so I can just click here I can scale it down by holding this middle part or stretching it if I'm gonna grab this little handles but I'm making a nice so this should be more or less okay and I'm gonna I'm gonna mirror this to the other side so plug-in subtool master if it's not turn on and then mirror now you can see that I have few options here it's it's showing me visually what I want to do just so I don't make mistakes oh and if I want to duplicate my eye here I'm gonna choose this option but no I I need this one and also though this is showing me if I pick this top option is gonna merge both of this objects way when it does the mirroring into one sub tool but if I choose this one then it's gonna divide them and keep both of them separate I'm usually merging those two the reason why I do stuff like that and I could have easily made eyes on this object so if I quickly if I quickly do eyes here yes I can do that things been done but if I need to to change something to change the shape of my head then the eyes are gonna get affected as well so it's really not the right way to do stuff unless you are so great what you do so you don't need to fix stuff I do this way I can just you know just do quick changes and it's gonna work great as you can see this this faces is right now low-poly i can add more more polygons more details by just going into geometry and clicking divide or control-d and it's gonna make all the difference for example if I just press divide one two times if I start doing something here you you'll see that everything is basically everything looks terrible but if I divide my model more it's gonna get better and better I'm just gonna quickly draw basic shape and now I can just move them out so visually they'll be outside they look like eyebrows but again I want to do them separate it just like the eyes and in the to do that I'm gonna go to sub tool and I'm gonna click on this extract and you can see that it's me that's like separate object but as soon as you move like you want to see it from the other angle is going to appear because this is just a preview so if I'm okay with this eyebrows I'm gonna just press accept and now there are additional two here it still has selection on two to remove that selection to remove that mask you just need to click on control and make some kind of shape like square shape outside of the model and that's it now I can smooth this thing out by you know just pressing shift and going to the edges over I can go to the formation and I can choose for example this relaxed option you can see how it's making everything smoother now I can additionally spoon it out but it has still a lot of points and it's really rough and want to I want to fix that so I'm gonna go to geometry and I'm gonna choose this g3 measure but by lowering this polygon count all the way down and you can see that it's much smoother now so I'm just gonna do it one more time you can do it a few times if you want until you're really satisfied with the shape and now again I can just divide it to add more more details and I can do a lot of custom stuff now I can just go to let's say inflate and now if I just start slowly drawing over it it's gonna get thicker and thicker which is really nice because it's getting thicker on both sides and in that way I'm sure that my model is not gonna get disconnected everything will be connected together because my eyebrows right now are going inside the model so later when I stitch it together there will be no holes between objects also now you can see that I can add Zuma because I don't have any empty area where I could just grab it in and do that so there are a few options I can just click here and zoom out or since I've made the mess I can just press F and it's gonna move the object is gonna fill it into the frame another street option we're gonna move fast forward through this whole things so in the same way I did the mouth and I've adjusted everything else with move tool I've added another sub tool for the years and it took me around two hours to finish all that okay so so now we have this thing and it's it's still not done I'm going to spend probably a lot of time figure out how I'm going to finish it but I I wanted to conclude this tutorial I wanted to show you how you can combine all of these into one object and prepare it for let's say 3d printing we can just go to merge and we can go to merge down and then it's gonna merge every single layer one by one or we can just click merge visible so everything that's now visible that has this eye it's gonna get merged into one object and it will be placed here so if I just click merge visible you will see that the merged Joker five object here if I try to smooth out this connection all obviously it's it's very sharp if I try to smooth out you will see that it's not acting correctly it's it still looks separate which which can be also problem when you're trying to 3d print something that you made maybe printer will print everything just fine but sometimes I if I don't merchant if I don't do it properly I will get some kind of holes and saucer will try to fix it on its own and it can get messy so to to avoid something like that what you can do you can go to geometry and then click on dynamesh we're going to crank up this resolution I think this is more than fine and then I'm gonna click on dynamesh you can see the progress here and now after that is done you can see that everything is now connected we'll show you see how high is disconnected and now everything is fused together this part also now if you want to smooth it out I can still do it and it's gonna look nice now more or less it's it's ready for 3d printer accepted it has a lot of polygons a lot of active points tend to reduce that we need to go to Z plugin and then this summation master and pre-process current so now it's gonna analyze the mesh and figure out the way how to reduce the polygon count after it's done with reordering and everything you need to click on the plug-in again and then go to decimate current so we can we can do it one more time it's gonna try to figure out where he can cut more and this time this processing thing we is gonna go much faster less polygons you have faster it goes and now it's 154,000 which is really really good and now I can just click on export and save it as obj final thing you should save your work so you should go to save as and you can save it as a tool or you can go to file and click Save As and it's gonna save the project I really hope you guys like this kind of video if you did please hit that like button if you think that you have someone who why this kind of video please share it with with them also if you haven't subscribed already please do that and hit that Bell next is you can get every I'm releasing new video thank you guys and I really hope I'm going to see you next time bye
Channel: Wekster's Geeky Stuff
Views: 555,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zbrush tutorial, how to, digital sculpting, zbrush for beginners, 3d modeling, zbrush sculpting, zbrush basics, zbrush sculpting tutorial, learning zbrush, zbrush beginner tutorial, 3d sculpting, character sculpting, scuplting basics, anycubic photon, fusion 360, hot wheels, 3d printing, 3d printed, 3d print, joker, batman, dc, noobs, joker movie, zbrush tutorial for beginners 2018, zbrush tutorial basic, how to draw, sculpting tutorial zbrush, dc universe
Id: 8qJGX_o6-qU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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