Hannity: Biden 'dazed and confused' in first press conference

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all right welcome to hannity news breaking all over the place this thursday night it was like watching a train wreck in slow motion now despite weeks of preparation even fake news cnn admits it cheat sheets uh with point font and of course a compliant media mob lobbing one softball question after another it uh still was not enough for joe biden the frail the weak the cognitively struggling clearly commander in chief or is he did not do well today to say the least his long rambling answers his confusion at points making no sense whatsoever at other times he became dazed and confused he just stopped mid-sentence just stopped mid-sentence stared into space stared into the distance yeah this is your president and the other thing we're doing i might add am i giving you too long an answer because if you don't want the detail no no but i mean i i don't know how much detail you want about immigration maybe i'll stop there infinity i believe we should go back to a position of the filibuster that existed just when i came to the united states senate 120 years ago so the best way to get something done if you if it holds near and dear to you that you like to be able to anyway i'm we're going to get a lot done it is the most pernicious thing this makes jim crow look like jim eagle i mean this is gigantic what they're trying to do my predecessor oh god i miss it i know it's probably meant to be a joke but it kind of seems like joe's been in the senate 120 years ago and by the way who's jim eagle what was that about and playing the race card keep in mind on almost every question biden referenced what appeared to be numerous cheat sheets sprawled out on the podium in front of him at times reading directly from his note cards now i've been doing radio since 1987 here on the fox news channel since 1996. never in my lifetime have i ever seen anything like this before take a look it used to be required for the filibuster and i i had a card on this i was going to give you the statistics but you probably know them uh that it used to be that uh that from between 1917 and 1971 the filibuster existed there were a total of 58 motions to break a filibuster all the things that relate to infrastructure we have somewhere i i asked the staff to write it down for me and they did not for this but for a longer discussion we have somewhere in terms of infrastructure we have we rank 13th globally in infrastructure our enemies are watching this is embarrassing have you ever seen an american president rely on a book of cheat sheets before to ever answer a simple question at a press conference it is pathetic it's embarrassing and let's be clear here the compliant media mob was not exactly throwing joe any any tough curveballs they were incredibly polite and kind and well we'll let you decide how far are you willing to go to achieve those promises that you made to the american people the perception of you that got you elected as a moral decent man is the reason why a lot of immigrants are coming to this country and entrusting you with unaccompanied minors republican legislatures across the country are working to pass bills that would restrict voting particularly democrats fear impacting minority voters and young voters the very people who helped to get you elected in november at john lewis's funeral president barack obama said he believed the filibuster was a relic of the jim crow era do you agree of course joe didn't take any questions from our own peter ducey not a shock there naturally none of the other reporters even dared to ask about the wind knocking joe biden down three times climbing up air force one the stairs there the wind knocked him over nobody asked him about his struggles cognitively or the bizarre scandal swirling around zero experience hunter biden involving an illegally obtained firearm and potential cover-up using biden's secret service detail connections we'll have more on that in a moment and of course there were plenty of questions about ending the filibuster so the left can ram through their radical agenda biden responding by calling the filibuster racist oh we'll tell you in a minute how many times democrats used it take a look president barack obama said he believed the filibuster was a relic of the jim crow era do you agree yes if not why not abolish it if it's a relic of the jim crow era successful electoral politics is the art of the possible let's figure out how we can get this now democrats joe's party joe's pals joe's friends they used the filibuster over 250 times last year uh so joe was it racist when democrats were using it by the way the same joe biden that partnered with the former klansmen to stop the integration of public schools really joe i guess biden was just following al sharpton's lead because al sharpton recently accused oh the two senators that said they believe in keeping the filibuster mansion and cinema of racism if they don't kill off the filibuster that joe is now calling racist well they used it 250 times joe are you calling your fellow democrats racist we need answers and meanwhile during a few softball questions about the crisis on the southern border biden of course took no responsibility and just blamed donald trump and in doing so he told one lie after another lie after another lie everything we're watching unfolding at the southern border can all be traced back to his decisions he ended the stay in mexico policy he stopped border wall construction he's the one that brought back catch and release he's building the new cages the plastic cages for kids that are on top of each other and now infecting 1500 people take a look 28 increase in children to the border in my administration 31 in the last year of in 2019 before the pandemic in the trump administration it happens every single solitary year there is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of january february march that happens every year so we're building back up the capacity that should have been maintained and built upon that trump dismantled it's going to take time just like the lie that the wind caused joe biden to trip three times going up the stairs to air force one what he just said is a lie no joe this does not happen every year no it's not seasonal as you are claiming last month border patrol they intercepted over a hundred thousand individual that is triple what it was in february of last year triple in the middle of a pandemic now americans are getting covered from undocumented illegal immigrants entering the country if they die joe who do you blame thousands of migrants have tested positive for coven 19. many are then released into the united states they haven't even been tested at all a record number of unaccompanied migrants are expected at the border this year they're expecting a 20-year record and it's all because joe biden dismantled the policies of donald trump that were working on the border and of course he urged the migrants to come in mass to seek asylum did it on the campaign trail one of the few times he spoke but of course these weren't the only lies from biden he also lied about regular talks with senate republicans that's a lie he lied about trump's tax plan another lie he lied about china and by the way that was embarrassing with his own secretary of state getting lectured and then apologizing to the communist chinese on the issue of human rights uh like the genocide that's going on there that they should have confronted and we can go on and on but really is anybody surprised this is a guy known for plagiarizing speeches and just making stuff up and this is why it's so important that the media gain access to yes what are overcrowded immigration facilities the new cages built for kids and it's now at a breaking point with real human beings stacked on top of each other in plastic cages but according to joe there will only be transparency when he's good and ready not now when he's good and ready take a look will you commit to allowing journalists to have access to the facilities that are overcrowded moving forward i will commit when my plan very shortly is underway to let you have access to not just them but other facilities as well be able to have access to the facilities we've obviously been allowed to be inside one but we haven't seen the facilities in which children are packed together to really give the american people a chance to see that will you commit to transparency on this i will commit to transparency and as soon as i am in a position to be able to implement what we're doing right now you'll have full access to everything once we get this thing moving just to be clear how soon will that be mr president i don't know to be clear let's be clear let me tell you what this means a gag order on people that work on the border they're not allowed to talk to the press you have to go through washington and literally the media it's a blackout the no access whatsoever to translate we'll let you in the facilities when the crisis is over that is not transparency that's called a cover-up when one reporter politely challenged biden on the ongoing crisis yeah as typical with this guy come on man well come on man you take cocaine before this interview come on are you a junkie come on man you got very agitated take a look is what's happening inside acceptable to you and when is this going to be fixed that's a serious question right is it acceptable to me come on come on man here's the deal at least he didn't ask her if she was a junkie meanwhile biden became so agitated when a reporter asked him a simple question about whether he plans to run for re-election watch this my plan is to run for re-election that's my expectation you also just made some news by saying that you are going to run for re-election i said that is my expectation so is that a yes that you are running for re-election look i i don't know where you guys come from man i've never been able to travel i'm a great respecter of fate i've never been able to plan four and a half three and a half years ahead for certain and if you do if you do run will vice president harris be on your ticket i would fully expect that to be the case she's doing a great job she's a great partner she's a great partner and do you believe you'll be running against former president trump oh come on i don't even think about i don't i have no idea okay there you have it he won't even commit to a second term i don't know is he going to make it through the first term less than three months into the job and it appears he's already looking for a way out by the way who can blame him joe biden sad to say is obviously not up for this job just the facts now even fake news cnn admitted yeah he's been prepping for a single press conference and he has at most one item let's see all friday saturday sunday no events off monday no events one event tuesday meet with a sports team wednesday practice practice practice look at the cnn reporter this report quote biden has been getting ready for days to face the white house press corps according to multiple people a competent president should not need to prep for days on end to answer simple questions this is the hardest job in the world a commanding 24 7 job ask yourself is joe biden in your view the american people up to the job to perform well even in a press conference after practicing for days what is he capable of doing anything because honestly we now need to ask who's really running the show at 1600 pennsylvania avenue is it vice president harris is it chief of staff ron klain is it schumer is it pelosi is it barack obama uh is it susan rice because it's certainly not the frail the weak and the cognitively struggling guy that we all witness today if joe biden's not capable of doing the job he shouldn't be in the job so much is at stake our enemies are watching
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Keywords: fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news voices, hannity, hannity monologue, hannity monologue tonight, hannity tonight, sean hannity, sean hannity monologue, sean hannity monologue tonight, sean hannity reacts, sean hannity show, sean hannity tonight, biden press briefing, biden presser, fox news biden, fox news joe biden, fox news press conference, joe biden, joe biden press conference, joe biden presser, president biden, press conference
Id: I5aQdy0DXa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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