Hannibal at the World Famous Magic Castle in Hollywood, California

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you made my show for sure this this is what I got okay my brother can pick up any musical instrument and and learn it like that he can play it just straight off my sister can take a sheet of paper and a pencil and draw the most beautiful landscape just freehand out of her mind I got this but I was also taught that whatever it is you get you use it to the best of your ability and you take it to the furthest extent you can like a gift you use it you don't let it waste right so why stop there let's take it a step further you the quiet one in the front thank you I love you because you're watching every move and you're really following this and I do appreciate it I'm going to spread the cards out for you I'd like for you to take one out show it to anyone you like except for me okay just well yeah just one no show to everybody if you want just pet take one card and tell me your name please Heather wonderful to meet you take one formula I won't look okay tell me when you got it are you pleased with your choice there how do you feel about the card you took excellent subtle but there it is remember it you can show it around if you'd like okay you don't have to if you don't want to get it when you're done put it back anywhere you'd like in in the deck after the last trick it's not always intuitive would you like to shuffle you're good with it the way it is okay the only thing I know for sure about the card you chose is that I'm fairly certain you didn't take the take a box out of even better you didn't take this one this one I had out of the deck before we started okay I kept it out because I lie sometimes but you've known men before yes there you go I'm gonna ask you what your card was and I want you to lie to me look me right in the eyes and lie to my face and make me believe it like every other woman I'm sorry I didn't mean for that to come out the bitterness sometimes Wells up and he's laughing like it's the funniest thing in the world welcome to the club guy yeah yeah but seriously lie to me what was your car was it indeed King of Hearts yes gentleman how could it be anything else something you have to know about women women will always lie about the hello first if she tells me it's a red card like the King of Hearts our card has to be a black one they will also lie about shape oh no no the vest is very slimming see that man what it is see but if she says it's a heart which is round on top her card is going to be pointed on top so if it's black and pointed on top it's a spade the one thing they won't lie about is gender so she tells me it's a masculine card like the king it's got to be a masculine card so your card will be the jack jack of spades okay this is yes that right excellent any go ahead it's okay any time any questions as pertains to method well she said King of Hearts I counted off ki ng there's its jack jack of spades woman Wow which is okay okay it doesn't always work when he's not watching my show I can't do that trick but better than that the one on the table of course was the King of Hearts because I knew what you'd say when she lied as well and yet the question comes to mind why stop there what is this image that wasn't you certainly was did you hand out like this put your other hand on top of the King like it's a little heart sandwich whatever that means what is this joke of spewed confirm audience jack of spades so they're everywhere so if I take the jack and I change it simply here to the king look at my hand now look at yours now back at mine this is the card your card should be but it's not you have a jack now because they switched any any questions so far and yet the question comes up again why stop there this deck has been where no man has been before can't really say that really yeah yeah it has been shuffled it has been cut cards have been taking cars have been put back cards have jumped from bosom bosom yeah cards have switched places in people's hands given everything that's happened to this deck so far sir what are the odds of me finding your chosen card in that pack right now sir probably pretty good probably pretty good nothing like enthusiasm let me ask you a follow-up question sir have you chosen a card no I am so the odds are actually pretty small I mean you know I'm good but so if I were so far time my wife would tell you the same thing right now um think of a card okay okay no sir no sir yes sir it's Hannibal no it's gonna get worse now that you thought of a card change your mind and think of something else okay that way you're not even thinking of a card you thought you would think of it's psychology your name sir Leonard nice and loud for everyone in the room Leonard name your card picks three words unbelievable can you spell Leonard for me sir Elio and arity le ona rd l e oh and a R D and for most performers that would be good enough stop there but why stop there your name sir Kristin Kristin Kristin Kristin yes like my sister Kristin no my sister loves this trick I'm gonna look away Kristin I want you to cut off a chunk of cards cut off I don't know ten to fifteen you know is small packet hold them behind your back put them in your pocket hi I'm gonna table don't let me see where you put them just put them away good yeah you're scaring me dude are they safe and secure uh-huh okay did you did you count them before you put them up no do you mind if I count them for you I asked you for 10 to 15 10 to 20 Hannibal I'm thinking thinking 8 thinking 8 take them out count them facedown out loud for everyone to hear you please 1 2 3 & 4 most performers that would be good enough but why stop there Kristin pick up those cards and Phantom out in front of yourself like a playing a game of high stakes eight card poker hey sup gorge yourself so you can see the hand you've got okay good you can mix them if you'd like you can shuffle them around if you want to it's fine with me sir clubs hearts spades or diamonds what do you like the best diamonds absolutely and he's gonna look at those cards in his hand he's gonna say tough luck because there are no diamonds in his hand exactly it's not luck you sorry you have no diamonds whatsoever no diamond washed out their clubs hearts or spades let's go let's go clubs count them to yourself silently one two three there are three clubs in your hand sir yes give me the king of clubs please give me give me the six of clubs sir give me the five of clubs sir but why stop there hearts or what's left hearts or space hearts give me the two of hearts sir just the two that leaves the only thing we haven't called out yet is spades he'll give me the ACE he'll give me the ace the ace of space I just peed myself and he'll give me the nine and why stop there because he'll take those two cards he'll so that gentlemen the three of hearts he'll show you the jack of spades and that's very much this is simply what I think I win thank you sir because I certainly his and I'm going to retire it tonight because it's the tool because it's what you use it's the gift you're given and how you use it that makes all the difference you this is yours thank you for your time I've been Hannibal thank you so much these guys are more brittle of
Channel: Hannibal the Magician
Views: 602,086
Rating: 4.9687371 out of 5
Keywords: Hannibal, Magic, Magician, Castle, Hollywood, Inspirational, Inspire, Motivate, Motivational, zen, zen master, why stop there, magic castle
Id: TaFiPiNqKag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2011
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